Invaluable predictions - Journal of Property Management - The Journal of Property Management

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Invaluable predictions - Journal of Property Management - The Journal of Property Management
Journal of Property Management
                        July/August 2021   Vol. 86, No. 4

                        A deep dive
                        into budget

                          › Managing
                          › T
                             okyo prepares to
                            host the Olympics
                          › A
                             preview of the
                            2021 IREM
                            Global Summit
                            in Las Vegas
Invaluable predictions - Journal of Property Management - The Journal of Property Management
For those who manage
                                                                               to make a difference.™

                                                                                                                  Contents                                               July/August 2021

                                                                                                                  06 From struggling
                                                                                                                  to prospering
                                                                                                                  By Regina Mullins, CPM, CCIM

                                                                                                                  12 Invaluable predictions
                                                                                                                  By Salvatore Dragone, CPM, ARM, CCIM

                                                                                                                  18 Rural spotlight
                                                                                                                  By Barbara Jaco, CPM

                                                                                                                  24 Together we thrive:
                                                                                                                  2021 IREM Global Summit
                                                                                                                  By Lucinda Lilley, CPM, CAPS, GRI

Sustainability certification
for your entire portfolio
The IREM® CSP Volume Program allows         Why certify your property?

                                                                                                                                                            28 Global practices
you to certify the environmentally-                                                                               Hotel reuse, tips for retaining talent,
                                            • Get recognized as a sustainable property by IREM.                   and the growth of discount stores
friendly conventional and medical office
buildings, multifamily and senior housing   • Get credit for portfolio-level sustainability                                                                 30 Technology
communities, and shopping centers in          programs and gain access to customized
your portfolio. You can also obtain a         certification materials
                                                                                                                                                            32 IREM Foundation
gap analysis on corporate sustainability    • Enhance external sustainability reporting, such as
programs through the Volume Program           programs like GRESB, CDP, and RobecoSAM CSA,
enrollment process, which results in          for your company or clients                                                                                   34 Committee central
streamlined CSP applications for you and
your team.                                                                                                                                                                                  32

                                                                                                                                                            36 New certifications
    To learn more and enroll, visit
                                                                                                                  Cover image:                                       |   | 1
Invaluable predictions - Journal of Property Management - The Journal of Property Management
President’s letter
                                                                                                                                                    Welcome to the July/August edition      fundamentals remain the same. In the feature on P18, IREM
                                                               July.August 2021 / Vol. 86, No. 4
                                                                                                                                                    of JPM! In this issue, we’re going to   Federal Housing Administration Board Member Barbara
                                                                                                                                                    start off with a quick refresher of     Jaco, CPM, highlights these differences and similarities
                                                                                                                                                    the fundamentals. As professional       as she shares her passion for managing affordable rural
                                   President | W.A. “Chip” Watts IV, CPM, CCIM                                                                      real estate managers, we are driven     housing in the U.S.
                                   President-Elect | Barry Blanton, CPM                                                                             to meet the goals and objectives
                                   Secretary/Treasurer | Renee M. Savage, CPM, CCIM
                                                                                                                                                    of the property owner. That’s Real      One of the advantages of holding IREM certification is the
                                                                                                                                                    Estate Management 101, right?           level of professionalism that the designations signify: There
                                   CEO/Executive Vice President
                                   Denise Leduc-Froemming, CAE, MBA, CPA |                                                      But how do we do it? Throughout         is no way to earn certification without first meeting strict
                                   Vice President, Knowledge Solutions                                                                              this issue, we’ll explore ways that     requirements in the areas of education and experience and
                                   Wendy Becker, J.D. |                                                  Chip Watts, CPM, CCIM
                                                                                                                                                    property managers can meet and          pledging to adhere to a code of professional ethics. This
                                   Vice President, Marketing and Business Development                                     exceed owners’ goals and expectations, as well as identify        unwavering commitment
                                   Donna August |
                                                                                                                          new opportunities to drive value.                                 to professionalism is
                                   Production Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                            supported by IREM’s
                                   Jared Kimball |
                                                                                                                          The theme of this edition is financial management. In             Membership &
                                   Director, Corporate Business Development/Advertising Sales
                                   Brian Lozell, CPM |                                              addition to managing the physical site, one of our primary        Credentialing Committee.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              We can observe
                                                                                                                          responsibilities is to apply financial controls to manage         The committee ensures             an emerging
                                   JPM ®, Journal of Property Management (JPM ® ISSN 0022-3905) is published
                                   bimonthly by the Institute of Real Estate Management, 430 N. Michigan Ave.,
                                                                                                                          funds and accounts. And whether math was our favorite             we remain aligned with            trend of real
                                                                                                                          subject in school, excelling in our profession means being        the times and places
                                   Chicago, IL 60611. Internet: This publication is provided as a
                                   medium for the expression of individual opinion concerning management
                                                                                                                          good with numbers. In fact, we can observe an emerging            in which we’re living
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              estate managers
                                   practices and procedures. The articles and advertisements printed herein
                                   do not necessarily represent the endorsement of the Institute of Real Estate
                                   Management or of the majority of its members excepting such statements that are
                                                                                                                          trend of real estate managers increasingly taking on asset        and managing. In the              increasingly
                                   so designated. The editors exercise only a general supervision of the material and
                                   assume no responsibility for claims made in advertisements or for opinions and
                                                                                                                          management functions, further expanding their toolkits.           Committee Central column          taking on asset
IREM® Skills                       statements expressed in articles.

                                   IREM ®, Certified Property Manager ®, CPM ®, Accredited Residential Manager ®,         With each beautiful summer day that passes, we move
                                                                                                                                                                                            on P34, you can read how
                                                                                                                                                                                            IREM’s Membership &
On-demand Courses
                                   ARM ®, Accredited Management Organization ®, AMO ®, Income/Expense Analysis ®,
                                   Expense Analysis ®, MPSA®, and JPM ® are registered marks of the Institute of          a little closer to everyone’s favorite time of year: budget       Credentialing Committee           functions, further
                                   Real Estate Management.

                                   Reprints: Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form
                                                                                                                          season! All kidding aside, the administrative operation           continues to move our             expanding their
                                   without written permission of the publisher. For volume reprints or e-prints,
                                                                                                                          and maintenance of properties are just a couple of the            organization closer to the
                                                                                                                          many ways we meet the goals and objectives of property            more “normal” end of our
                                   Copyright ©2021 by the Institute of Real Estate Management. All rights
                                   reserved. Periodical postage paid at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional              owners. Successful real estate management involves                new normal.
                                   mailing offices. Subscription rates: $62.95 for one year; single copy $8.53.
                                   Remittances, undeliverable copies, and subscription orders should be sent to           diligently planning a property’s future by developing and
                                   the JPM ® offices.
                                                                                                                          implementing operational and fiscal programs to enhance           Last year we switched gears and entered a whole new world
Build property management          Postmaster: Send address changes to JPM ®, Journal of Property Management,
                                                                                                                          the asset’s value. Join Sal Dragone, CPM, ARM, CCIM, as           of remote gatherings when the 2020 IREM Global Summit
                                   Fifth Floor: 430 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611. Printed in U.S.A.
skills and get up to date on       Institute of Real Estate Management Diversity Statement | IREM practices
                                                                                                                          he takes us on a deep dive into the world of budget               became the 2020 Virtual IREM Summit. This year, we’re
emerging topics in as little as    diversity. We are an inclusive organization that embraces and values differences
                                   and welcomes individuals of all races, genders, creeds, ages, sexual orientations,
                                                                                                                          forecasting on P12.                                               back in person as we head to the desert oasis of Las Vegas
                                   gender identities, and national origins and individuals with disabilities, providing                                                                     for the 2021 IREM Global Summit. Read all the exciting
an hour.                           an equal opportunity environment among its members, vendors, and staff.
                                                                                                                          Bringing to life the untapped potential of a struggling           details for this year’s Summit on P24. I look forward to
                                   Institute of Real Estate Management Sustainability Statement |
                                   The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) is dedicated to supporting              property can also be an exciting and rewarding                    seeing you there!
                                   real estate management strategies that advance an environmentally sustainable
                                   and economically prosperous future.
                                                                                                                          opportunity to drive value. Last summer, IREM launched
                                                                                                                          a new certificate program on how to manage distressed             Until Vegas, I’ll catch up with y’all in the next issue of JPM!
                                                                                                                          properties. In our feature on P6, instructor Regina Mullins,
Visit to learn
                                                                                                                          CPM, CCIM, explores the unique circumstances that go into
more and register today!
                                                                                                                          managing these often-misunderstood assets.

                                                                                                                          Around the world, IREM members manage different types
                                                                                                                          of assets in different geographies. Managing a residential
                                                                                                                          building in a city center may require a different approach
                                   Publication Management                                                                                                                                   W.A. “Chip” Watts IV, CPM, CCIM
                                   847-205-3000 |                                                         than managing a property in a more rural setting, yet the         IREM President

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |          | 3
Invaluable predictions - Journal of Property Management - The Journal of Property Management

       Hotels reimagined                                                                                                                                                             talent                                                                                                                 Strength of

                                                                                                                                                                                     Because of the demands of the                                                                                          the dollar
      An undersupply of housing and high hotel vacancy rates have                                                                                                                    property management profession,
      made multifamily housing an obvious reuse of hotel and motel                                                                                                                   the field is no stranger to                                                                                            While some
      space. According to a recent National Association of Realtors                                                                                                                  employee turnover. According
      (NAR) report reflecting projects that its members were involved                                                                                                                to figures from the National                                                                                           retail chains
                 with, of the 187 hotel or motel conversions                                                                                                                         Apartment Association, the
                     from 2018–2020, 60% were redeveloped                                                                                                                            annual turnover rate of multifamily employees stands at 33%,                                                           continue to
                            as market-rate multifamily housing,                                      Other conversions were
                               workforce housing, housing for                                        for health facilities, such
                                                                                                                                                                                     higher than the average national rate of 22% across all industries.
                                                                                                                                                                                     For employers, turnover can be stressful, time consuming, and
                                veterans, or housing for healthcare                                  as hospitals or quarantine
                                workers. How about the rest of those                                 facilities, retail establishments,
                                                                                                                                                                                     expensive. AppFolio interviewed various real estate experts about
                                                                                                                                                                                     how to make employees happy and retain your best talent.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            discount stores
                               hotels? Around 12% of the conversions
                               were for homeless shelters, 11% were
                                                                                                     industrial use, or, in some
                                                                                                     cases, the structures were even
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Identify what motivates them. Beyond salary and benefits, get to                                                    in the U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                        know your employees individually to see what makes them feel
                              for senior housing or assisted living, and
                            8% were for student housing.
                                                                                                     converted into ranch land or
                                                                                                     other types of developments.
                                                                                                                                                                                        valued and seen, such as praising them publicly or giving them                                                      are thriving.
                                                                                                                                                                                        a few extra hours off work for priorities in their personal life.
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Be a mentor. Take time to get to know about each of your                                                            Nearly half
                                                                                                                                                                                        employees’ career goals, and see what guidance they need from you.
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Adapt to changing expectations. Learn more about generational                                                       of the 3,597
                                                                                                                                                                                        differences. Millennials and Gen Z employees may value different
                                                                                                                                                                                        things than Gen Xers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            large retail

                                                                                                                                                     Image: Garan
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Let them be heard. Prioritize open and effective communication
                                                                                                                                                                                        so that issues are caught early and motivation remains high.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            chain store
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Prevent burnout. Property managers have a never-ending                                                              openings
                                                                                                                                                                                        to-do list. Invest in these employees by offering professional
Source: National Association of Realtors, “Case Studies on Repurposing Hotels/Motels into Multifamily Housing”                                                                          development to help them meet the needs of the day-to-day in                                                        announced
                                                                                                                                                                                        an effective and healthy way.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            this year are
   “As long as retail tenants
                                                                      Sublease slowdown                                                                                              Source: AppFolio, “Five ways to boost employee retention in property management”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for Dollar
     are willing to change                                            Compared to 2020, sublease space is entering                                                                   Securing leases                                                                                                        General, Dollar
                                                                      the office market this year at a much                                                                          In real estate, few topics are more top-of-mind than lease
     and adapt to the                                                 slower rate, according to a new report from                                                                    securitization. For expert advice, IREM's “From the Front Lines“                                                       Tree, and
                                                                                                                                                                                     podcast team talked with Marissa Limsiaco, co-founder and president
     new buying habits of                                             Cushman & Wakefield.                                                                                           of financial services company Otso. The episode covers issues like risk                                                Family Dollar
     Americans, the right                                             About 11.7 million square feet of vacant
                                                                                                                                                                                     and reward in the post-COVID-19 world, how landlords can mitigate
                                                                                                                                                                                     the risks, and maintaining existing tenancies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            stores, the
     retail will not die.                                             sublease space was listed in the first quarter                                                                                                                                                                                        latest figures
                                                                                                                                                                                     “Real estate is pretty simple, right? It’s filling up that
     People want to have                                              of this year. This was a decrease from the
                                                                                                                                                                                       space, and what are you doing to fill up                                                                             from Coresight
                                                                      16.4 million square feet of subleasable space                                                                                                                           Listen
     a shopping           To
                                                                      added in the fourth quarter of 2020, and an
                                                                                                                                                                                       that space? Sometimes I think you get lost             to the                                                        Research show.
     experience.” more of Mindy’s                                     even steeper decrease from the 19.4 million
                                                                                                                                                                                       in the Excel sheet and, at the end of the
                                                                                                                                                                                       day, you forget that the most important
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        whole interview
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        at                                                        Source: CNN, “Nearly 1 in 3 new
      —Mindy Gronbeck, CPM, IREM          insights, visit             square feet in the third quarter.                                                                                                                                 learning/                                                           stores opening in the US is a
      senior vice president               the IREM blog.                                                                                                                               thing is having that tenant occupy that          from-the-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dollar General.”

                                                                      Source:, “The rate of sublease space entering the market is slowing.”                                space,” Limsiaco says during the episode. front-lines.

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               | July.Aug 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |          | 5
Invaluable predictions - Journal of Property Management - The Journal of Property Management
feature | distressed properties

      Property managers
                                     From struggling to
      can stabilize distressed
      properties and turn them
      into high-value assets.
      By Regina Mullins, CPM, CCIM

                                          Managing distressed properties can be rewarding
                                          for a dedicated and professional real estate manager who seeks a challenge. No
                                          one-size-fits-all solution exists, so the manager’s role never becomes stale. Each
                                          asset is unique, and every aspect of that asset’s operations, including marketing,
                                          leasing, staffing, and financing, needs to be reviewed, analyzed, and coordinated
                                          with the owner.

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Invaluable predictions - Journal of Property Management - The Journal of Property Management
feature | distressed properties

                                                                                                                                                     be in a location with poor visibility, or a multifamily        • Accountants
                                                                                                                                                     property may have only studio and one-bedroom units in a       • Appraisers
                                                                                                                                                     multigenerational neighborhood. An asset that was properly     • Brokers
                                                                                                                                                     designed for the market when developed can become              • Vendors
                                                                                                                                                     obsolete as users’ needs and preferences change and new        • Local government officials
                                                                                                                                                     trends and amenities are introduced.                             (economic development offices
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and real estate tax authorities)
                                                                                                                                                      Properties that are neglected and poorly maintained, with     • Local judges
                                                                                                                                                      excessive deferred maintenance, or those where customer       • Developers
                                                                                                                                                      service to their tenants/residents is considered a low
                                                                                                                                                      priority, will lose their ability to compete in the market.   “If a real estate manager or
                                                                                                                                                     “Sometimes owners get in a situation where deferred             management firm wants to get         Properties
                                                                                                                                                      maintenance was much more than anticipated,” Forsyth           involved in managing distressed
                                                                                                                                                      says, “causing the property to become distressed.”             properties, I’d recommend            can become
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     getting in touch with financial      distressed by
                                                                                                                                                     Assets can also become distressed when the property has         institutions, banks, and             being either
                                                                                                                                                     a large debt service and experiences difficulty in making       mortgage lenders,” John Hatton,
                                                                                                                                                     loan payments, with the NOI declining due to drops in           CPM says. “I’d also consider
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          over- or under-
                                                                                                                                                     rental rates and/or unexpected vacancies. “Properties can       attorneys who specialize in          leveraged.
                                                                                                                                                     become distressed by being either over- or under-leveraged,”    distressed real estate.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          —Richard Forsyth,

                                                                                                                                                     Forsyth adds.                                                                                        CPM, CCIM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Owners of distressed
                                                                                                                                                     Potential indicators of difficulties that may signal an        properties
                                                                                                                                                     asset’s decline include job layoffs, plant closings, retail    Distressed properties can have several
                                                                                                                                                     store closings, and a slowdown in the sales of single-         types of owners. They could include
One aspect that all distressed properties have                                                                                                       family homes. From a real estate management viewpoint,         the existing owner of the asset, the
in common is the planning process necessary                                                                                                          indicators may include higher vacancy rates, a slowdown        existing owner and a representative
to turn them around. A distressed property                Some distressed properties have                                                            in rent collections, and unexpected move-outs and/or           of the owner’s lender, just the lender
requires a comprehensive management plan                  inherent flaws in their original                                                           evictions. Construction of new properties may be put           (in the case of either a deed in lieu
that will address all the challenges inherent                                                                                                        on hold or cancelled.                                          of foreclosure or an uncontested
in transforming the property into a viable
                                                          product concepts or designs. A                                                                                                                            foreclosure), court-appointed
investment for its owners and a valued asset              multifamily property may have only                                                         Managing distressed properties                                 receiverships, or investors seeking to
to the community.                                                                                                                                    Regardless of the various reasons that lead to properties      buy distressed properties and turn
                                                          studio and one-bedroom units in a                                                          becoming distressed, qualified real estate managers can be     them around for a profit.
What is a distressed property?                            multigenerational neighborhood.                                                            assigned the responsibility of developing a plan to restore
Distressed properties often result from a                                                                                                            these assets to financial stability.                           Effective and open communication
downturn in the real estate market or an                                                                                                                                                                            is critical for owners of distressed
economic recession. One example is the 2008-                                                                                                         There is opportunity in managing distressed properties.        properties, who can be challenging
2009 financial crisis. “There was an oversupply of product,”    Properties also become distressed when they are developed                            Owners are looking for seasoned real estate management         clients. “Highly leveraged properties
Richard Forsyth, CPM, CCIM, explains. “Leasing activity         in neighborhoods with insufficient demand, the wrong                                 professionals to offer solutions and provide value in the      in a down market are particularly
declined. Developers and investors couldn’t meet their          demographics to support them, or when the property’s                                 midst of challenging circumstances. The professionalism,       difficult,” Forsyth says. “Owners
debt obligations, which led to lender foreclosures—and          design does not meet the needs of the intended users.                                attitude, and education that these property managers           want to reduce operating expenses,
receivership business for property management professionals.”   Developers will often use the land they own to develop                               display may end up being the deciding factors that position    including property management fees,
                                                                buildings because of easy access to financing, rather                                them for success in managing distressed properties.            and defer needed maintenance in
Even when the economy is thriving, there are other reasons      than because of validated demand for the proposed                                                                                                   order to preserve some cash flow.”
that a property can be classified as distressed. Overbuilding   improvements and diligent rental surveys.                                            Experts in managing distressed properties have a large
can still prevent some properties from achieving lease-up                                                                                            network for sources of business opportunities. This network    Creating a plan and identifying
projections, and they may become nonconforming with the         Some distressed properties have inherent flaws in their                              to source management opportunities for distressed              the problem
parameters of their financing agreements. This could result     original product concepts or designs. For example, an                                properties may include                                         First, you need a multidisciplinary
in the buildings becoming distressed properties, with a risk    office building in an up-and-coming neighborhood may                                 • Local real estate attorneys                                  team to address various elements of
of takeover by their lenders.                                   have the wrong size floor plates, a shopping center may                              • Commercial loan officers                                     a property’s construction, operation,

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Invaluable predictions - Journal of Property Management - The Journal of Property Management
feature | distressed properties

                                                           marketing, and overall market              some challenges? How are the amenities and parking at          the results that can be achieved with     per window was 30 minutes. By utilizing
                                                           conditions. This group will also help      the property? Are operational policies and procedures in       such a plan. A 19-story office building   this method versus the traditional window
                                                           define what actions are needed to          place and being followed? Is the staffing adequate—too         built in 1974 was acquired by a large     replacement method, a savings of $5 million
                                                           achieve the owner’s goals. The team        many or too few? Does the property have a leasing plan         institutional company in 2016.            was achieved. Since making the upgrade,
                                                           could involve an internal operations       in place?                                                      The occupancy was 52% with                energy costs have been reduced by $0.60 per
                                                           squad of architects, contractors,                                                                         seven tenants. Very few upgrades          square foot.
                                                           consultants, leasing brokers, and          Once these questions have been answered, it’s time to          had been completed. The property
                                                           mortgage brokers.                          tackle the ownership and financial issues. These can include   had a 550-space garage attached           Restroom and floor elevator lobbies were the
                                                                                                      • Lack of operating capital                                    to the building with elevator             next issue to tackle. The action plan outlined the
                                                           A real estate manager will begin the       • Diversion of cash flow                                       transportation to all levels. Windows     completion of four floors per year. The number
                                                           planning process for the distressed        • Lack of clear directions                                     were the original single-pane glass       of restrooms and lobbies renovated increased
                                                           property by defining the problem.          • High tenant delinquencies                                    installed during construction, which      during the COVID-19 pandemic, as most tenants           The next
                                                           There may be more than one challenge.      • Below-market rent                                            affected the energy efficiency of         were working remotely. The fitness center and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       few years
                                                           It could be that inadequate cash flow      • High operating expenses                                      the property. The roof was 22 years       its equipment have been upgraded. A conference
                                                           might be the result of low occupancy.      • Inadequate cash flow                                         old, and none of the restrooms had        center has been added, along with a tenant              will be huge.
                                                                             Upon further             • Reduced market value of property                             been renovated. The property had          socializing area. The roof was also replaced,           Landlords
                                                                             investigation, the low   • Overpayment for existing asset                               enough cash flow to pay all operating     as major leaks were developing. Even all the            haven’t been
                                                                             occupancy could be       • High interest rate on debt                                   expenses with some money for              elevator cabs have been renovated.
                                         With a forward-                     due to deferred                                                                         distribution to ownership.
                                                                             maintenance that         Once the issues have been identified, prioritization becomes                                             Initial asking rents were $36/sf, while the             rents, so
                                         thinking owner                      has resulted in poor     key to beginning a path back toward meeting the owner’s        An action plan was created, and           market rents were $42/sf. After all the                 there will be
                                         and a team of                       curb appeal or even      goals. It doesn’t make sense to prioritize addressing an       implementation began in earnest           improvements, current asking rents are
                                                                             poor visibility of       issue that will have little or no impact in achieving          in 2017. The garage was updated           $44/sf. Although the COVID-19 pandemic
                                         professionals,                      the property.            financial stability.                                           with paint, signage, new elevator         slowed some of the leasing progress, current            defaults.
                                         much can be                                                                                                                 lobbies, new insulation, and asbestos     occupancy is expected to be at 83% by the end
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       —John Hatton, CPM
                                         accomplished,                     Are the challenges
                                                                           related to physical
                                                                                                      The seasoned professional will concentrate resources—
                                                                                                      money, effort, and time—on those issues that will make
                                                                                                                                                                     abatement. In addition, a new pathway
                                                                                                                                                                     was created to enhance the route into
                                                                                                                                                                                                               of 2021. Turnaround of the distressed property
                                                                                                                                                                                                               is well underway.
                                         and a distressed                  issues? Are they           the biggest impact on the distressed property. Physical        the building.
                                         property can be                   structural or              and operational problems may be the quickest and easiest                                                 With a forward-thinking owner and a team of professionals,
                                                                           design issues?             issues to resolve, provided cash is available for the action   At the same time, the second entry        much can be accomplished, and a distressed property can
                                         turned into a                     Environmental issues       items. However, money must be spent wisely to achieve          from a plaza at the fifth-floor entry     be turned into a viable, stabilized investment. It takes time,
                                         viable, stabilized                such as asbestos or        the greatest return on the investment. Management              was created with pavers, landscaping,     money, patience, and a group of visionaries.
                                                                           mold can cause major       and leasing issues can involve an assessment of the            and outdoor furniture. The following
                                         investment.                       challenges. Is a poor      effectiveness of the staffing in place, marketing programs,    year, the fifth-floor elevator lobby      If you’re up for the challenge, there will always be
                                                                           tenant mix creating        and other areas.                                               was renovated with glass, stone,          opportunities to manage distressed properties. Those
                                                                                                                                                                     and marble flooring. This renovation      opportunities will only grow amidst the long-term recovery
                                                                                                                     Ownership questions are best discussed          eliminated an awkward entry that          from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. “The next few
                                                                                                                     in one-on-one meetings, which can in turn       included stairs and one broken            years will be huge,” Hatton says. “Landlords haven’t been
                                                                                                                     become an opportunity for the manager           door. There is now a revolving door       collecting rents, so there will be mortgage defaults.”
                                                                                                                     to discover previously unknown issues.          with two side entry doors for
                                                                                                                     Financial issues may involve negotiating        handicap entry.                           While the economic circumstances accompanying this
                                                                                                                     with the lender to seek mortgage                                                          category of opportunity are unfortunate, real estate
                                                                                                                     forbearance or a temporary loan adjustment.     Window replacement was of the             managers who excel at communication, work well with a
                                                                                                                     This could allow time for filling vacancies     utmost concern. Ownership did             diversified team, possess the ability to analyze a problem,
                                                                                                                     or increasing property cash flow so that the    not want to inconvenience existing        and make a game plan are in a position to benefit from
Image: De Berti

                                                                                                                     property can meet debt service coverage or      tenants with long-term moves. A           taking on the challenge.
                                                                                                                     any other requirements of the lender.           new product was located that could
                                                                                                                                                                     be installed on the interior without      Regina Mullins, CPM, CCIM, is a director at Cushman & Wakefield,
                                                                                                                     Making the case                                 utilizing scaffolding on the exterior     AMO, in the D.C. metro area and served as IREM president in 2008.
                                                                                                                     The following is an example of a distressed     and without removal of the original       In addition to leading courses as an IREM instructor, she is also a
                                                                                                                     property with an action plan outlined and       windows. Average replacement time         director of the IREM Foundation.

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Invaluable predictions - Journal of Property Management - The Journal of Property Management
feature | budget forecasting

                     Each year, we as real estate
                     managers spend countless hours
                     perfecting our budgets for the coming
                     year. We pour over contracts and
                     leasing projections, trying to estimate
                     material costs and staffing needs.
                     For the most part, the results are
                     straightforward and respectable, but
                     then the inevitable happens: real life.
                                                                    A deep dive into budget forecasting
                                                                    By Salvatore Dragone, CPM, ARM, CCIM

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feature | budget forecasting

                     In 2020, real life became somewhat        based on a variety of factors such as leases in place, future                                                                           method will result in    expenses. Applying a percentage to
                     unreal, and most budgets weren’t          absorption, economic climate, inflation, general services,                                                                              a competent budget,      those expenses for future years isn’t
                     worth the paper they were written on.     taxes, and financing.                                                                               Over the years,                     or at least the          recommended, as the expense likely
                     But not every year is like 2020.                                                                                                              I have estimated                    beginning of one.        won’t reoccur.
                     In other years, a bad winter or hot       “If I had to pick one line item that new managers
                     summer can wreak havoc on any              struggle with when it comes to budget forecasting,”                                                that projects run                    In either situation,    A better option is to look at historical
                     budget. When you encounter such            Wendy Dutenhoeffer, CPM, says, “it‘s understanding                                                 about $0.15/sf.                      I always perform        data based on a grouping of projects
                     a year, as we all did in 2020, you         the revenue line items and how vacancies, concessions,                                                                                  the calculation and     instead of a particular line item. For
                     quickly understand why forecasting—        escalations, other income, and lease renewal dates factor                                          I use this                           then step back to       example, I oversee the management of
                     and reforecasting—your budget              into the correct calculations for budgeted revenue.”                                               information to                       compare the entire      about 15 million square feet of office
                     is an important aspect of any                                                                                                                                                      forecast to prior       space. Over the years, I have estimated
                     well-run property.                        Jay Kacirk, CPM Emeritus, CCAM, with Eugene Burger
                                                                                                                                                                   better gauge                         periods. This is        that projects run about $0.15/sf. I
                                                               Management Corporation, sees new managers struggle                                                  the number of                        how we can see the      use this information to better gauge
                     First, the basics                         with expense considerations. “Areas related to budgeted                                                                                  big picture. Simply     the number of projects that I can
                     We’ll start with the terms.               maintenance are a challenge for many. This usually
                                                                                                                                                                   projects that I                      applying percentage     accomplish in any given year. I also
                                                               improves with time as you get to know a property, but                                               can accomplish                       increases or            know that it represents about 2% of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        decreases may seem      my operating expense budget—a good
                     A forecast is typically associated with
                     the first attempt of predicting income
                                                               a new manager doesn‘t always have that perspective.”
                                                                                                                                                                   in any given year.                   reasonable based        metric to remember. If during the year
                     and expenses based on historical or        Assuming historical information is available, the first                                                                                 on a trend at the       my expenses begin to trend higher or
                     known data of a specific property          steps typically are to look back 12 to 24 months and                                                                                    account level, but      lower, the number of projects can help
                     or budget. A reforecast is typically       begin the process of evaluating past expenses to forecast                                       sometimes when everything is added up, the results are          me bring a budget back in line.
                     associated with updating the forecast      future expenses. This can be done by using methods such                                         skewed. “Budgeting requires both a view from 10,000 feet,
                     for the same specific property or          as percentage trending. With this method, you analyze                                           or big picture, and one from ground level, in the weeds,”       Now that your budget is done, and
                     budget. My experience has been             the year-over-year or period-over-period increases and/                                         Dutenhoeffer says. “If new budget managers fail to look         you have forecast the expenses for
                     that most managers use the term            or decreases in certain expenses. Having identified the                                         from both altitudes, they cannot clearly see where they are     the coming year, your job is done,
                    “forecast” when creating budgets and       “trend” in these changes, you can then apply it as either a                                      going.”                                                         right? Of course not, you’re a property
                    “reforecast” when projecting a budget’s     percentage or whole number to future periods of the same                                                                                                        manager—the job is never done. Over
                     changes over the course of a year or       corresponding length.                                                                           Many repairs and maintenance items are one-time projects        the next few months (typically on a
                     other time period.                                                                                                                         or at least not completed annually. One example is electrical   quarterly basis), you should perform
                                                               Examples of line items where this method is effective                                            infrared testing, which is generally completed every three to   a reforecast of your budget to ensure
                     The first time that a manager may be      include property taxes, landscaping, fire protection, and                                        five years. Your historical expenses may have one-time large    your management efforts are resulting
                     required to forecast is when they’re      other non-occupancy-related expenses. If these expenses                                          projects, such as seal coating a parking lot or renovating a    in income and expenses representative
                     creating a budget for any future          have increased by 2% on average over prior years, then                                           cooling tower. A very snowy winter may also create anomalous    of your original budget.
                     period. While the term “zero-based        it would be reasonable to assume that the trend would
                     budgeting” can sound smart or clean,      continue. You can inflate current-year expenses by 2% to
                     the reality is that almost nothing is     create a future-year budget.
                     zero-based. At a minimum, you’ll
                     have pricing for services in place        If these expenses are related to occupancy, there will be
                     that you’d most surely rely upon.         some variability, and extracting simple trend lines will
                     Still, when creating a budget, you’re     not work. For example, suite cleaning, utilities, and even
                     forecasting income and expenses           management fees involve other factors that will affect
                                                                                    their future values. Simply applying a
                                                                                    percentage increase could result in a
                                                                                    significant under- or over-forecasting
                                                                                    of expenses.
                         If I had to pick one line item that
                         new managers struggle with when                                                                       Image:
                                                                                    In this case, apply a percentage
                         it comes to budget forecasting, it's                       multiplier to base costs, and then
                                                                                    calculate a variable amount related to
                         understanding the revenue line                             occupancy. When taken together with
                         items. —Wendy Dutenhoeffer, CPM                            leasing absorption assumptions, this

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Invaluable predictions - Journal of Property Management - The Journal of Property Management
feature | budget forecasting

                                                                    original budget, it is a beginning, and any results should                                           “Communicate regularly           next year. Most tenants close their
                                                                    be communicated to the ownership as part of your regular                                              with your clients about         books on Dec. 31, and unless they
       Considering that projects                                    updates. No matter what reforecast you’re creating, you’ll                                            these variances, and get        anticipated a year-end reconciliation,
       typically require higher cash                                need to pay particular attention to leasing and occupancy,                                            them to understand the          they will not have accrued for it. When
                                                                    as they will greatly influence many of your expenses,                                                 need to fund important          they get that big bill, they are not too
       needs or capital, planning and                               particularly management fees and utilities, which can make                                            projects. That may mean         happy. In most cases, they will have to
       executing them is critical to                                up as much as 30% of your overall expenses.                                                           capital contributions in        find the money in their current year
                                                                                                                                                                          some cases, which property      budget, taking away from some other
       cash flow projections.                                       Stage 2: Second-quarter reforecast                                                                    managers generally don‘t        planned expenses. Giving your tenants
                                                                    The next milestone, and a very important one, is the second-                                          like to ask for, but it is an   a heads-up may seem hard at first,
                                                                    quarter reforecast. For many, this is the basis of next year’s                                        important aspect of the         but trust me when I tell you, it is a lot
                       We can break this process down into          budget. Unlike the first-quarter go-round, this reforecast         The key is                         job when necessary for          better than surprising them later.
                       four stages.                                 should be considered a “hard“ reforecast.
                                                                                                                                       communication.                     the preservation of the
                                                                                                                                                                          asset or for stabilizing an     Stage 4: Year-end reconciliation
                       Stage 1: First-quarter reforecast            I require my managers to not only reforecast income and all        When emergency                     investment‘s performance        The year-end reconciliation is no
                       I call this the “soft” reforecast, as        expenses, but to submit a full-blown report. Time is set aside     situations or                      over time.”                     longer a forecast or reforecast,
                       it’s early in the year and you have          with ownership to dive deep into the forecasted income and         any unbudgeted                                                     but rather the final stage in your
                       only limited information. “The first-        expenses to ensure we’re on track, make decisions that will                                           Other frequently                forecasting or reforecasting exercise.
                       quarter reforecast is always the most        get us back on track, or simply approve any large variances.
                                                                                                                                       expenses arise,                    overlooked items with           It’s the scorecard for the work that
                       challenging since there is not a lot                                                                            notify your                        great cash-flow                 was done throughout the year, both in
                       of history for the current year,” says        Those large variances can lead to difficult conversations         owner as soon as                   consequences are tenant         operating and adjusting your income
                       Lynne Miller, CPM, RPA, LEED AP               with owners. “Be prepared, do your research, review the                                              improvements and leasing        and expense projections. If you stayed
                       O+M, with Charles Dunn Real Estate            numbers, and consider the effect of alternatives,” Miller says.
                                                                                                                                       possible to avoid                  commissions, specifically       on top of your income and expenses,
                       Services. “In addition, unanticipated        “The key is communication. When emergency situations or            surprises.                         when the latter are             your year-end actuals shouldn’t be
                       increases might occur, but notices of         any unbudgeted expenses arise, notify your owner as soon                                             scheduled to be paid out.       a surprise for your ownership, your
                                                                                                                                       — Lynne Miller, CPM, RPA,
                       the increases might not be provided           as possible to avoid surprises.”                                  LEED AP O+M, Charles Dunn                                          tenants, or yourself.
                       until later in the year.”                                                                                       Real Estate Services             We use the current year
                                                                    Particular attention is given to operating projects and capital                                     budget and second-                In the end, forecasting and
                       The key to the first-quarter reforecast      projects. The second-quarter reforecast is critical in deciding    quarter reforecast as benchmarks for the future budget             reforecasting your budget is a critical
                       is to set yourself up for the remainder      whether remaining projects are still feasible or must be           (for example, 2021 budget vs. 2021 reforecast vs. 2022             part of managing your property, along
                       of the year, allowing you to easily          pushed to the next year. Doing an analysis of whether you          budget). Over the course of the next few months, the               with your stakeholders’ expectations.
                       update the actuals, while reforecasting      can complete projects is frequently overlooked. Projects can       reforecast and the next period’s budget are updated                A diligent process builds confidence in
                       the remaining months of the year.            take time to develop and, in many cases, are delayed due to        simultaneously, ultimately resulting in a new budget and           your relationships with ownership and
                       It’s probably been about six months          outside forces, such as material costs or lack of labor.           the third-quarter reforecast.                                      your tenants, allowing you to make
                       since you created the budget. By now,        Considering that projects typically require higher cash needs                                                                         proactive adjustments rather than
                       although the picture isn’t entirely clear,   or capital, planning and executing them is critical to cash        Stage 3: Third-quarter budget                                      reactive excuses.
                       you should have a better handle on           flow projections.                                                  The third-quarter reforecast and the months following
                       leasing and other income generators.                                                                            it are critical for a few reasons. First, it’s your last chance    Salvatore Dragone, CPM, ARM, CCIM,
                                                                    You may want to make a case with your owner for moving             to make changes before the end of the year. It’s also your         is the senior vice president and director
                       While this exercise may not result in a      forward on some projects, “even when net operating                 last chance to communicate to ownership any anticipated            of property management for Rubenstein
                       reforecast greatly different from your       income is significantly lower than budgeted,” says Kacirk.         variances that may greatly affect cash flow. Finally, it’s         Partners in Philadelphia. In addition to
                                                                                                                                       your last chance to communicate any large variances                serving IREM as both a course instructor
                                                                                                                                       to your commercial tenants in preparation for the                  and webinar presenter, he is on the board of
                                                                                                                                       year-end reconciliation.                                           directors of BOMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Philadelphia and is
                            Areas related to budgeted maintenance are a challenge                                                      For me, the ability to communicate with my commercial              an adjunct instructor
                            for many. This usually improves with time as you get to                                                    tenants any anticipated year-end reconciliation is critical        at Drexel University,
                            know a property, but a new manager doesn‘t always have                                                     in ensuring strong landlord-tenant relationships. There            where he sits on
                                                                                                                                       are not many things worse than having to tell a tenant that        the Real Estate
                            that perspective.                                                                                          they owe a substantial amount of year-end reconciliation           and Development
                            —Jay Kacirk, CPM Emeritus, CCAM, Eugene Burger Management Corporation                                      payments when we’re already two or three months into the           Advisory Board.

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              | July.Aug 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                          |   | 17
feature | rural housing

What’s at

stake for these

across America
By Barbara Jaco, CPM

Social gatherings
can be awkward,
even for extroverts. When I meet
someone new, the topic of what we
each do for a living is the question
that follows the formal introduction.
When asked, I respond with a large
enthusiastic smile: “I manage
affordable housing in rural areas
across the Southeast!” Next comes
the predictable pregnant pause, the
head tilt, and the forced smile.

I am familiar with the preconceived
notions that people have when they
picture affordable housing. While they
usually envision the distinctly urban
housing projects that for many years
represented the public’s idea of what
public affordable housing looked like,
I am proud to educate them on the
wonders of rural affordable housing
and the many unique characteristics
of these homes. Most of my adult
life has been spent developing and
managing these communities, and I
am passionate about the government
programs that make them possible.

Our properties are special and
home to amazing people with
unique life stories. My career has
been dedicated to the management

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feature | rural housing

                      and ownership of such affordable               mortgages made in the 1960s with their expiring terms?               • Transfer ownership (which
                      communities, with a heavy emphasis             An increase in rents and a displacement of residents. In the           then obtains amortized
                      on one housing program: Farmers                1980s, owners of Section 515 loans started prepaying their             financing)
                      Home Administration Section 515,               mortgages, converted their communities to market-rate                • Recapitalize with additional
                      now known as the USDA Office of                housing, and were no longer restricted to the RD rules and             and/or refinanced debt from
                      Rural Development (RD). RD 515                 regulations. By the 1990s and into the 2000s, properties were          a new lender
                      is among the few rental housing                clearly showing their age and needed funds for renovation.           • Foreclosure
                      production programs specific to
                      rural communities. To understand               Realizing the affordable housing crisis was only getting worse,      Past, present, future
                      America’s affordable rural housing             federal agencies including RD contended with owners to               The Housing Assistance Council
                      communities in 2021, we first must             stop mortgage payoffs. Owners fought back through filing             performed a study in 2018 that
                      look at their history.                         lawsuits. While these owners did not have their prepayment           estimated that by the year 2027,
                                                                     rights restored, a 9–0 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court stated       815 properties and 20,000 units
                      Deep roots                                     that Congress had abrogated the contracts that had been              will leave the program due to
                      In 1946, following the effects of The          signed by the government and owners (Franconia Associates v.         maturing mortgages. After
                      Great Depression, the Farmers Home             United States). Owners could sue for damages to seek monies          2027, maturities will continue,
                      Administration (FmHA) was approved             that they could have received if the properties had been sold.       putting another 93,000 units
                      by Congress as a financing tool                Properties with RD 515 mortgages prior to Dec. 15, 1989 were         at risk.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Image: Boyd Management
                      designed to reestablish self-sufficiency.      determined eligible for mortgage prepayment, leaving the
                      The FmHA was renamed several                   existing housing stock at risk of rapid loss.                        While Section 515 has financed
                      times before becoming USDA Rural                                                                                    over 533,000 units across              Woodside — Bishopville, SC
                      Development (RD). In the 1960s, the            Adaptative response                                                  28,000 properties since its
                                   War on Poverty brought            In the late 1980s, stakeholders joined forces to preserve            inception, its current portfolio
                                   about new ideas on how            affordable and subsidized housing for low-income households          has shrunk to just 13,000 properties. Tenants living within         the residents and/or community, the owner then has
                                   to provide housing for            by utilizing available refinancing structures and the Low-           these properties are some of the most vulnerable renters            four options
                                   the poor. This included           Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). The LIHTC has stood               in the nation—67% are disabled or seniors, and the average          • Prepay the loan (subject to RD use restrictions)
                                   moving away from                  the test of time and proven to be a triple-win proposition           household income is $13,600.                                        • Appeal RD’s decision through USDA’s appeals process
                                   government-owned housing          by (i) providing developers with an additional “source” of                                                                               • Keep the property in the RD program
                                   and toward public-private         project financing, (ii) securing for investors a dollar-for-dollar   To begin the process of prepayment, the owner must make             • Offer the property for sale at market rate to a nonprofit
                                   partnership arrangements          reduction on future federal tax liability, and (iii) requiring       a formal request to RD, and the agency in turn notifies the           or public agency, which must in turn keep the property
                                   in which the private sector       that affordability be maintained for upwards of 30 years.            tenants that the owner has applied to remove the property             for low- and very low-income tenants for the property’s
                                   would build and manage                                                                                 from the program. Understandably, tenants often react with            remaining useful life
                                   affordable housing, and in        From a policy perspective, the initiative—spawning out               panic. Some take steps to move even before discussions
                                   the process, crucially, benefit   of President Ronald Reagan’s 1986 tax reform—has been                begin. RD also provides notices to the public and nonprofits        If an owner wishes to keep a property in the RD affordable
To date, we have                   from federal tax incentives.      the most successful and bipartisan affordable rental                 that have asked in advance to receive such notices on its           housing stock but needs to recapitalize or request the
redeveloped and                                                      housing production program in U.S. history, assisting in             Preservation Information Exchange website. If the property          reamortization of existing 515 debt, there are options to
preserved 369                     Section 515 Rural Rental           the development and preservation of nearly 3.5 million               is eligible for prepayment, RD must offer owner incentives          consider. These include Section 538 guaranteed rental
                                  Housing was established            affordable units across America’s vast countryside.                  to remain in the program. These incentives can include              housing loans, Multi-Family Preservation and Revitalization
properties [13,000                in 1963 and has financed                                                                                additional project-based rental assistance, an equity loan,         (MPR) demonstration program financing, the RD
units] across 12                  nearly 28,000 rental               Conversely, industry headwinds are multi-layered and                 permission to obtain a third-party equity loan, and an              Preservation Revolving Loan Fund (PRLF), and additional
states, investing                 properties consisting              troubling. No new USDA-RD direct-financed rental housing             increase of the return on the owners’ investment (which is          project-based rental assistance. Reamortization under
                                  of over 530,000 affordable         has been developed in a decade, and the existing housing             otherwise restricted by the program). If the owner accepts          new rates and terms for the existing 515 loan provides
over $1.6 billion in              units. Also included under         stock is reaching the end of the affordable road. In fact, a         the offer, they must maintain affordability for at least            a significant advantage over replacing the debt because
development costs                 RD’s financing umbrella            whopping 90% of all RD 515-financed properties are now               20 more years.                                                      the RD loan remains in place and the property retains its
with an average of                are general water and              more than 20 years old.                                                                                                                  eligibility for project-based rental assistance. RD is willing
                                  sewer projects as well as                                                                               If the owner rejects RD’s incentive offer, then RD must             to amortize even small loans reaching the end of their
$35,000 per door                  housing for non-farmers            When an RD 515 loan nears maturity or is eligible for                make two determinations: Will minority residents (on the            maturity date.
in hard costs.                    in rural areas.                    prepayment, an owner has several options to choose from              waiting list or in the community) be disproportionately
—Tanya Eastwood,                                                     • Pay off at maturity                                                affected by the loss of the affordable units, and is there          RD has the authority to make deals work, in good faith,
Greystone Affordable              Fast forward a bit: What           • Pursue RD’s prepayment process (resulting in myriad                adequate comparable replacement housing available for               with the objective to move the needle toward longer-term
Development                       happened to those                    outcomes)                                                          current residents? If RD finds there is an adverse impact to        preservation. Therefore, the recent reorganization of RD

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feature | rural housing

                                                                                           owners of RD 515 properties in the country, was faced with         BJ: What was the ultimate goal of RD’s recent                    for thousands of families
                            Sandy Bay —                                                    daunting preservation roadblocks and a large portfolio of          major restructuring?                                             across the country. They
                            Kingstree, SC
                                                                                           RD assets. What began as a happenstance meeting between            NB: The objective was to modernize a program built on            provide activities for
                                                                                           Greystone Bank President Bob Barolak and BMI President             a 1970s servicing model, and to do so in a way that would        children, socialization for
                                                                                           Ken Wheat turned into a long-term partnership of 515               provide agency flexibility to attract capital into our rural     seniors, and a sense of
                                                                                           preservation and good business.                                    markets. With aging owners and maturing mortgages, the           community for everyone.
                                                                                                                                                              agency had to restructure in order to evaluate the portfolio,    For example, when COVID-
                                                                                           I recently caught up with Tanya Eastwood, president and            and then place our focus where needed most.                      19 caused school closures,
                                                                                           CEO of Greystone Affordable Development. Under her                                                                                  many children in our rural
                                                                                           leadership, Greystone helped pioneer the preservation              BJ: What changes will impact management agents                   properties were faced with
                                                                                           of rural affordable housing and has closed more RD                 and owners in the near future?                                   a lack of access to reliable
                                                                                           preservation deals than any other organization in the               NB: Our goal is to streamline and simplify rather than          internet access for online
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Our goal is to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 streamline and
Image: Boyd Management

                                                                                           United States, with no signs of stopping. I asked her about         burden management agents and owners with meaningless            classes. Our properties
                                                                                           the success of this RD partnership and where she sees it            work. This is a federal program, and requirements should        reacted with mobile Wi-Fi,        simplify rather
                                                                                           heading in the near future.                                         be standardized and each have a purpose. We use the             making online school
                                                                                                                                                              “no worse test“ in our decisions, which means if a new           possible for countless
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 than burden
                                                                                           “To date, we have redeveloped and preserved 369 properties          requirement places a burden that is worse than before,          children who may have             management
                                                 has matched those negotiations and         [13,000 units] across 12 states, investing over $1.6 billion in    we won’t do it.                                                 otherwise missed out on           agents and
                                                                                            development costs with an average of $35,000 per door in hard                                                                      an entire year of education.
                                                 loan processing with well-trained,
                                                 experienced RD personnel. Prior to         costs,” Eastwood says. “We have active pipeline transactions in   BJ: The average RD 515 property is only 32 units,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 owners with
                                                 restructuring, negotiations and loan       various stages in 15 states.”                                     which isn’t a typical model for attracting capital.              Among their many other            meaningless work.
                                                 processing resided with RD state                                                                             What ideas are being discussed to energize the                   essential functions, property —Nancie-Ann Bodell, USDA
                                                 and county personnel, who may             Voices from the field                                              flow of preservation capital?                                    managers throughout our           Rural Housing Service
                                                 or may not be equipped to handle          The question for all of us to consider, then, is how do we         NB: We want everyone to know that RD is open for business        rural portfolio are dedicated
                                                 complex transactions. Restructuring       preserve Section 515 rural housing and protect vulnerable          and open to all ideas. RD 515 is the only program dedicated      to the resident experience. Whether
                                                 is designed to eliminate the learning     residents while being fair to owners, investors, and any           solely to rural rental housing, and our mission is to preserve   it’s potluck dinners, holiday parties,
                                                 curve and make all possible servicing     other stakeholders?                                                this very special market of rural affordable housing.            or a simple hello, they treat these
                                                 tools available for preservation. RD                                                                                                                                          properties as more than just apartment
                                                 is making it known, “We are open for      Nancie-Ann Bodell, deputy administrator of Multifamily                                                                              communities; they embrace them
                                                 business. Let’s make a deal!”             Housing at USDA’s Rural Housing Service, has a plan and was        I also spoke with Colleen M. Fisher, who has been the            as homes.
                                                                                           quick to positively respond to my inquiry for an interview.        executive director of the Council for Affordable and Rural
                                                           Businesses have heard the                                                                          Housing (CARH) since 1996. CARH represents the interests         Better understanding
                                                           call, even before the RD        Barbara Jaco: We love the Rural Development 515                    of stakeholders in the building, development, management,         Now when you hear the term
                                                           restructuring. Large and        program and the residents we serve. That said, our                 and ownership of housing in rural America.                       “affordable housing,” do you still think of
                                                           small, property managers        industry is on edge with concern that government                                                                                     your nearest major city’s massive
                                                           and owners alike have           restructuring will gobble up the RD 515 program,                   BJ: Colleen, what can members of our industry                     public housing projects developed
                                                           continually been able to        merging it into—and managing it like— the U.S.                     do that will help wave the flag for preservation?                 back in the ‘60s and ‘70s? Or do you
                                                           identify and capitalize on      Department of Housing and Urban Development                        Colleen M. Fisher: Congress needs to understand                   picture rural neighbors gathering
                                                           the many solid investment       (HUD). Are these concerns merited?                                 the complexities of and fund housing for rural areas.             for a Thanksgiving meal, judging a
                                                           opportunities present           Nancie-Ann Bodell: We recognize RD 515 is a unique                 Preservation is expensive and takes money from both the           Halloween costume contest, or sitting
                                                           in the rural affordable         program, and that is important to preserve. This program           private and public sectors. The best thing our industry can       for a game of backgammon? That is
                                                           housing market.                 will not be merged with HUD. We see a bright line drawn            do is to get members of Congress to visit the RD properties,      what is at risk as we face the many
                         Preservation is                                                   between these two housing programs, and it would be                so they can see firsthand the quality housing and the very        aforementioned challenges. It is
                         expensive and                     One of the most successful      very difficult if not impossible to actually merge them.           special bond between the residents, site managers, and            undoubtedly an uphill battle, but one
                         takes money from                  RD 515 preservation models      However, there are processes that HUD adopted that can             maintenance technicians.                                          worth fighting.
                                                           began as an experiment in       be duplicated to gain efficiencies and solve problems. As
                         both the private                  2006 in a small conference      stakeholders see these implemented, they respond with              Home, safe and sound                                             Barbara “Babbie” Jaco, CPM, is vice
                         and public sectors.               room at Boyd Management,        the merger concerns. One example where we can utilize a            Once we understand the underlying programs that make             president of CAHEC Management, Inc. in
                         —Colleen M. Fisher,               Inc. (BMI) in South Carolina.   HUD practice at RD is through the utilization of third-party       these projects possible and the challenges facing our            Columbia, South Carolina. She also serves
                         Council for Affordable and        WWJ, LLC, an affiliate of       inspectors, whereby the process is more efficient and              industry, it is then most important to recognize what is         as a member of IREM’s Federal Housing
                         Rural Housing                     BMI and one of the largest      cost-effective.                                                    at stake. Our properties provide more than just shelter          Advisory Board.

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feature | Global summit

                                                                                                     O                                                                                                         IREM will
                                                                                                             ne of the foremost benefits of belonging to          While the face time in Las Vegas will

                                                                                                             IREM is the chance to connect with real estate       be invaluable, committee and board
                                                                                                             management professionals who know what you’re        members who are still unable to travel       continue
                                                                                                     dealing with and understand the highs and lows of being      for business, or are uncomfortable           to consult
                                                                                                     a property manager.                                          traveling, will have the option of           with the
                                                                                                                                                                  joining their meetings virtually.
                                                                                                     I have found that being a part of this community is an
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Red Rock
                                                                                                     indispensable part of my IREM experience, lifting me         Note that this virtual option is             Casino

                                     we thrive
                                                                                                     through the most difficult times and leading to growth       available only for committee and             Resort &
                                                                                                     as a real estate manager, leader, and person.                board meetings. Other essential
                                                                                                                                                                  elements of the Summit, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Spa on our
                                                                                                     That’s why coming together live and in person at the 2021    keynote speakers and education               procedures,
                                                                                                     IREM Global Summit at the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa       sessions, will be exclusively in person.     as we all
                                                                                                     in Las Vegas from Oct. 11–14 will be so special.
                                                                                                     2021 IREM President Chip Watts, CPM, CCIM, has rightly       Recovery is coming. According
                                                                                                                                                                                                               know how
 The 2021 IREM Global                                                                                seized on a theme of resiliency through togetherness. He's   to officials, we’ll have made great          quickly
                                                                                                     called on us to realize the importance of our work as real   progress in vaccinations by the time         guidelines
 Summit heads to Las Vegas                                                                           estate managers, which has become even more evident over     we meet in Las Vegas. Your safety and        can evolve.
                                                                                                     the course of the global pandemic.                           well-being are a top priority, and we
 By Lucinda Lilley, CPM, CAPS, GRI                                                                                                                                are committed to putting additional
                                                                                                     The 2021 IREM Global Summit in Las Vegas is our              safety measures in place to ensure a
                                                                                                     opportunity to recapture that sense of togetherness as we    smooth on-site experience.
                                                                                                     lead the organization through an exciting period of rapid
                                                                                                     industry change. The Summit is our chance to thrive.         IREM will continue to consult with
                                                                                                                                                                  the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa on
                                                                                                     Influence                                                    our procedures, as we all know how
                                                                                                     As always, the business of IREM has a prominent place        quickly guidelines can evolve. The
                                                                                                     on the agenda, as all of our committees and boards           resort has a strong commitment
                                                                                                     will convene.                                                to guest safety, with standards and
                                                                                                                                                                  protocols that meet or exceed the
                                                                                                     The Summit helps put IREM on firm footing
                                                                                                     for what lies ahead. Today, the industry is                        Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa

                                                                                                     at a critical point, with so many changes
                                                                                                     rapidly brought about by the pandemic, the
                                                                                                     acceleration of automation technology, and
                                                                                                     other underlying factors. We invite you
                                                                                                     to seize this opportunity to connect with
                                                                                                     like-minded individuals who are passionate
                                                                                                     about real estate management and to take
                                                                                                     the chance to put your best volunteering foot
                                                                                                     forward to help shape the future of IREM and
                                                                                                     the real estate management industry.

                                                                                                     I’m constantly reminded, particularly at
                                                                                                     the Global Summit, that we can extend
                                                                                                     our influence from the local level to
                                                                                                     the national—and all the way to the

                                                                                                     international—level. I get such inspiration
                                                                                                     connecting with my global IREM friends
                                                                                                     as we work together to shape the industry
                                                                                                     around the world.

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