Global Part-Time Executive - MBA - Storyblok

Page created by Kent Morrison
Global Part-Time Executive - MBA - Storyblok

                                                                         Section header   WORLD FUTURE YOU   1
Global Part-Time Executive - MBA - Storyblok
“Doing an EMBA was all about
 growing my network, developing
 new leadership techniques, and

                                       Cover image TBD
 upskilling for a new generation of
 business. The world is advancing at
 a rapid pace, to the point that we
 don’t have a clear understanding
 of the threats and challenges we’ll
 be facing in years to come. A great
 example is COVID-19—it has
 challenged and changed the way
 we live, interact, and conduct
 business. Hult has taught me that
 with the right mindset and skills,
 we can overcome the unexpected.”

 David Castro-Gavino
 Vice President of Data,
 HelloFresh SE
 Class of 2020

 Learn more about our cover
 student, David, on page 86
Global Part-Time Executive - MBA - Storyblok

                   Do an EMBA to

                   make your mark
                   on the future
Section header

                   The world is more interconnected and changing
                   faster than ever before. Business leaders today must
                   be able to see change as possibility, bring together
                   teams of people from across cultures, and have the
                   skills and the mindset to turn ideas into action.
                   An Executive MBA provides those who have
                   significant business experience with a flexible,
                   part-time option that empowers them to achieve so
                   much more. To unlock their leadership potential, to
                   transform their career path, and to use their passion
                   to find solutions to the world’s most pressing
                   problems through business.
                   There are the creatives who see how things can be
                   done differently. The doers who make the vision
                   a reality. The number-lovers who use data to make
                   informed decisions. There are the people-people
                   who keep humanity at the center of it all.
                   And there are the dreamers who imagine a world
                   that doesn’t exist yet and use business to make it
                   a reality.
Global Part-Time Executive - MBA - Storyblok

                   Hult gives you the right skills, mindsets,
                   and experiences that will set you apart
                   from other professionals

                                                                Do you want to

                                                                                                    WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                follow the status
                                                                quo or challenge it?
Section header

                                                                                                    Section header
                                                                If you like being told what to do
                                                                and how to think, Hult probably
                                                                isn’t the right place for you.
                                                                But if skills that employers want
                                                                and a mindset that entrepreneurs
                                                                need is what you’re looking for
                                                                from a business degree...
                                                                ...if you want an education that
                                                                asks you to open your mind, roll
                                                                up your sleeves, and blaze your
                                                                own trail—then you might have
                                                                found your ideal school.
Global Part-Time Executive - MBA - Storyblok


                                                                                              WORLD FUTURE YOU
                   You already recognize that
                   traditional education was built
                   for a more stable time—when
Section header

                                                                                              Section header
                   looking at the past was a reliable
                   way to predict the future.

                   Now, you want a new kind of
                   business education that’s designed
                   for today’s reality.

                                                        Founded by one of Europe’s
                                                        most successful entrepreneurs,
                                                        Bertil Hult, we are a non-profit
                                                        business school run by business
                                                        people for business people.
                                                        Our pioneering approach to
                                                        education is designed to give you
                                                        the entrepreneurial skills needed
                                                        by employers. And the opportunity
                                                        to put these skills into practice
                                                        while gaining real experience.
                                                        Get ready to challenge the status
                                                        quo, and create something better
                                                        than anything that has come before.
Global Part-Time Executive - MBA - Storyblok

                                                                                           Welcome to the
                                                                                           first triple-accredited
                                                                                           US business school
                                                                                           Hult’s pioneering
                                                                                           approach to education is
                                                                                           recognized by the world’s
                                                                                           three most prestigious
                                                                                           accrediting bodies.                                                Join a non-traditional business school ranked
                                                                                                                                                              among the best
                                                                                                                                                              In 2018, Hult joined the top 1% of business schools in
                                                                                           We constantly evolve to meet the needs                             the world to be recognized by business education’s
                                                                                           of students                                                        three most prestigious international accrediting bodies:
                                                                                           Just as the world is constantly evolving, so are we.               AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA. We are the first and only
                                                                                           Every year we update and improve our curriculum as                 US school to achieve this triple-crown status, which is
                                                                                           part of our commitment to provide students with the                complemented by our strong position among the most
                                                                                           world’s most relevant business skills. We analyze                  reputable business school rankings including those of
                                                                                           data from millions of job descriptions worldwide                   The Economist, Bloomberg Business, Financial Times,
                                                                                           and design our programs to deliver the business                    Forbes, and others. We never stop striving to update
                                                                                           knowledge, leadership skills, and technical expertise              and improve ourselves, and we aim to instill the same
    Dr. Stephen Hodges has led Hult since 2006.                                            demanded by employers.                                             growth mindset in our students.
    A businessman for most of his life, his career
    has taken him all over the world—starting
                                                                                           Make an impact through real-world, challenge-
    with McKinsey & Company in London right
    through to Standard Chartered Bank in                                                  based learning
    Hong Kong. With his strong background in                                               Classroom theory is the foundation of all education,
    international business, his entrepreneurial                                            but it can only take you so far. You need practice to
    mindset, and his passion for practical                                                 truly master business skills. That’s why we collaborate            Dr. Stephen Hodges
    education—Dr. Hodges leads by example.                                                 with leading companies and entrepreneurs to                        British
                                                                                           challenge you to tackle real-world problems                        President
                                                                                           throughout your program.                                           Hult International Business School

                                                     “Our entire educational experience
                                                      is designed to take you beyond
                                                      business to learn about the world,
                                                      the future, and yourself.”
                                                                                           The Association to Advance Collegiate        The Association of MBAs (AMBA) is          EQUIS is a global accreditation
                                                                                           Schools of Business (AACSB) is the           the international impartial authority      scheme granted and run by the
                                                                                           world’s largest business education           that represents the highest standard of    European Foundation for Management
                                                                                           alliance and is internationally recognized   achievement in postgraduate business       Development (EFMD), whose mission
                                                                                           as a hallmark of quality reserved for the    education and is earned only by the best   is to raise the standard of management
                                                                                           world’s best business schools.               programs globally.                         education worldwide.
Global Part-Time Executive - MBA - Storyblok

                                                                                                               What’s Inside

                                                                                                               See how you’ll go beyond business
                   Hult’s pioneering approach empowers
                                                                                                               13    Curriculum Guide
                   you with the entrepreneurial skills to
                   make an impact from day one                                                                 World
                                                                                                               Learn to work across cultures
Section header

                                                                                                               64    Diverse Teams
                                                                                                               66    Kashani’s Story

                   Experience                                                                                  68
                                                                                                                     Global Opportunities
                                                                                                                     Gustavo’s Story

                   the World                                64
                                                            We are Hult
                                                                                                                     Global Campus Network
                                                                                                                     Global Campus Rotation
                                                                                                                     Hult London
                                                                                                               80    Hult Boston
                   Globalization has made the world                                                            82    Hult Dubai

                   more interconnected than ever                                                               Life on Campus
                                                                                                               Get a glimpse into life outside the classroom
                                                                          Harness the power
                                                                                                                     David’s Story
                                                                                                                     Student Life

                   Shape                                                  of creativity
                                                                                                               Understand how you can shape the future

                   the Future                                                                                  94
                                                                                                                     Creative Thinking
                                                                                                                     Claudio’s Story
                                                                                                                     Hult Prize
                   Technology is driving change and                                                            100   Abdullah’s Story
                                                                                                               102   Sustainability
                   sustainability is essential                                                                 104   Amira’s Story

                                                                                                               Be empowered to adapt and grow

                   Learn                                                                                       108
                                                                                                                     Leadership & Growth Mindset
                                                                                                                     Fabian’s Story

                   about You                                                                                   114
                                                                                                                     Fabio’s Story
                                                                                                                     Learn by Doing
                                                                                                                     Career Advancement
                   Constantly adapt and grow to stay                                                           120   Employment Stats
                                                                                                                     Alumni Stories
                   relevant throughout your career
                                                                                              Learn by doing

                                                                                                               All you need to know about fees and the
                                                                                                               application process

                                                                                                               126   Events & Visits
                                                                                                               128   Costs & Scholarships
                                                                                                               130   Employer Funding
                                                                                                               132   How to Apply
                                                                                                               134   Other Programs
                                                                                                               136   Program Summary
Global Part-Time Executive - MBA - Storyblok


                                                                     WORLD FUTURE YOU
Curriculum guide

                                                                     Curriculum guide
                   Your Beyond Business
                   This flexible program is a transformative
                   experience that will challenge you to go beyond
                   business to learn about the world, the future,
                   and yourself. Customize a practical curriculum
                   to suit your interests and goals.

                   14   Program Overview
                   16   Built-In Flexibility
                   18   Skills & Mindsets
                   20   Core Program
                   22   Leading with Personal Impact
                   24   Leading Change
                   26   Leading Globally
                   28   Accounting
                   30   Financial Management
                   32   Operations Management
                   34   Project Management
                   36   Marketing
                   38   Data & Decisions
                   40   Global Strategy
                   42   Business in Global Society
                   44   Managerial Economics
                   46   Capstone Experience
                   48   Electives
                   52   Apply Your Learning
                   54   City Seminars
                   56   Dual Degree
                   58   Lifelong Learning
Global Part-Time Executive - MBA - Storyblok
Your Beyond Business
This flexible program is a transformative
experience that will challenge you to go beyond
business to learn about the world, the future,
and yourself. Customize a practical curriculum
to suit your interests and goals.

14   Program Overview
16   Built-In Flexibility
18   Skills & Mindsets
20   Core Program
22   Leading with Personal Impact
24   Leading Change
26   Leading Globally
28   Accounting
30   Financial Management
32   Operations Management
34   Project Management
36   Marketing
38   Data & Decisions
40   Global Strategy
42   Business in Global Society
44   Managerial Economics
46   Capstone Experience
48   Electives
52   Apply Your Learning
54   City Seminars
56   Dual Degree
58   Lifelong Learning
Global Part-Time Executive - MBA - Storyblok

                                                        Section head
                                                                 Overview                                                                                                     Section head

                                                        Your program at a glance

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                                                                                                              Take STEM electives to graduate with
                                                                                                                                                                              a STEM degree.*

                                                        Your innovative curriculum has business at its core,
                                                                                                                                                                                  Accelerated option
                                                        opening up to take you beyond the fundamentals.                                                                           (18 months)
                                                        You’ll graduate with the ability to manage cross-                                                                         Fast-track your degree by taking all
                                                                                                                                                                                  required electives over the summer
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Curriculum Guide
                                                        cultural teams, lead with confidence, and leverage                                                                        to complete in as little as 18 months.
                                                        the technologies shaping the future.

                                                                                                    YEAR ONE
                                                                                                    September to April                                                        May to July
                                                           Flexible start dates
                                                           This diagram shows dates for
                                                           a fall start, but we have two            Core                                                                      Electives
                                                           intakes throughout the year.
                                                           So, you can start the program
                                                           at the time that best suits you.
                                                                                                    You’ll study your core courses                                            Customize your degree with
                                                                                                    at your home campus one                                                   a wide range of electives and
                                                                                                    long, four-day weekend                                                    seminars offered at Hult campus
                                                                                                    per month in either Boston,                                               locations across the globe.
                                                                                                    London, or Dubai.

View the 2020 course catalog at

                                                                 Future                             YEAR TWO
                                                                                                    September to April                                                        May to July                                                      Further study

                                                                  You                               Core                             Capstone                                 Electives                                                        Dual
                                                                                                    Program                          Experience                                                                                                Degree
                                                                                                    Continue your core               The capstone to your core program        Elevate your expertise even                                      Earn a second Hult masters
                                                                                                    courses at your                  delves deep into the techniques and      further throughout your second                                   degree in as little as six
                                                                                                    home campus in                   technology being used to innovate        summer with final electives                                      months’ accelerated full-time
                                                                                                    your second year.                business for the future and pushes you   and seminars.                                                    study. (See p. 56.)
                                                                                                                                     to apply everything you have learned
                                                                                                                                     so far in your capstone challenge.

                                                        Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.                                                                   *STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) degrees are in high demand with employers. EMBA students have the
                                                                                                                                                                                option of stacking all of their electives in STEM subjects (i.e. finance or business analytics) plus one additional elective
                                                                                                                                                                                in STEM, in order to graduate with a STEM degree. The cost of the additional elective is $3,000 USD.

                   Built-In Flexibilty

                   A flexible degree designed
                   by you

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  WORLD FUTURE YOU
                   When you add graduate study to an already busy life,
                   flexibility is a must. Hult’s part-time Executive MBA
                   is designed to help you balance your studies with your
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Curriculum Guide
                   other commitments. The program adapts to your needs             The flexible EMBA program helps you
                   and is flexible enough to change if your life does.             balance competing demands on your
                                                                                   time from other areas of life

                                               “As a working mother pursuing
                                                an EMBA, my life is all about      Weekend classes                                                 Change campuses
                                                                                   Classes take place over one long weekend                        Take electives at any of our summer elective
                                                juggling different things all at   each month, meaning minimal disruption                          locations, and in special circumstances,
                                                the same time and making it        to your work life.                                              change your home campus.
                                                work. It really does help that
                                                the Hult program is flexible
                                                and tailored specifically for      Never fall behind                                               Learn online
                                                working professionals. My own      If you miss a class for any reason, you can                     An online option for core courses is
                                                                                   simply catch up at another time, or even                        available if you are unable to attend a
                                                personal status quo has been       at another campus.*                                             weekend in person.**
                                                challenged—I am definitely
                                                more open to new experiences.”
                                                                                   Study anytime, anywhere                                         Go at your own pace
                                                Tafadzwa Chisango                  Complete your preparation work and                              Students typically complete the program
                                                Zimbabwean                         assignments wherever and whenever it’s                          in two years, but you can accelerate and
                                                Assistant Director,                convenient for you.                                             graduate within 18 months, or even pause
                                                Moody’s Analytics                                                                                  the program and take up to four years
                                                Class of 2018                                                                                      to finish.

                                                                                   Flexible start dates
                                                                                   We have two intakes throughout the year.
                                                                                   So, you can start the program when it suits
                                                                                   you best.

                                                                                   *Subject to class availability and capacity.
                                                                                   **While Hult offers the option to take core courses in an online format, students are advised this is to be used only as an
                                                                                      alternative option for occasional circumstances when in-person attendance cannot be arranged.

                    Skills & Mindsets
                             head                                                                      Section head

                    Be the most skilled professional
                    you can be

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WORLD FUTURE YOU
                    Hult’s Executive MBA has been designed to equip you                                                                                    Learn by doing
                    with the skills and mindset that every business leader
                    wants and every entrepreneur needs. Using big-data                                                                                You can only truly master skills by
                                                                                                                                                      practicing them. This program will
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Curriculum Guide
                    analytics, we’ve identified the abilities that are most in                                                                        push you to apply what you’ve learned
                                                                                                                                                      in class through practical projects,
                    demand across all industries and functions globally and                                                                           simulations, and business challenges.
                    integrated them across the program. So you’ll graduate
                    with a 360° skillset that will continue to grow with you
                    as you progress in your career.

                   Mindsets                                            Core skills                                                 Professional skills*
                                                                        Critical Thinking    Learning through Reflection              Data Visualization        Project Management       Risk Management           Leadership

                                        Global                                                                                        Employee Relations          Team Management        Marketing Management           KPIs
                                                                         Creative Thinking                Collaboration
                                                                                                                                      Financial Management           Change Management        Business Processes

                                                                         Communication                  Leading Others                Financial Analysis        Strategic Thinking   Process


                                                                                                       *These skills have been identified as those most in demand by
                                                                                                         employers across the globe, based on the data analysis of millions
                                                                                                         of job postings by our partner Burning Glass Technologies.

                   Section head
                   Core Program                                                                                                                     Section head

                   Core Program

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WORLD FUTURE YOU
                   As the foundation of your program, you’ll study core
                   courses through fall and winter on your home campus
                   before elevating your learning with electives at any or
                                                                                                                                                    A project team meetup at Hult’s
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Curriculum Guide
                   all of Hult’s global campuses and specialist seminars in                                                                         Ashridge campus, just outside
                                                                                                                                                    London, to discuss the role
                   cities across the world.                                                                                                         of credibility in branding

                   Immersion                                                        Accounting                                                      Project Management                                    Business in Global Society
                   Your program begins with a total immersion                       Examine the framework of accounting                             Gain the project management skills                    Explore the economic, social, and political
                   in Hult’s uniquely practical approach to                         principles as well as the methods and tools                     necessary for a business executive,                   context of global business and identify the
                   education. This is when you’ll be introduced                     for more effective planning, budgeting, and                     manager, consultant, or entrepreneur to               institutional frameworks that shape the wider
                   to the Hult DNA and the mindsets that will                       decision making across departments.                             successfully initiate, plan, and execute              context of business.
                   help every student succeed. You’ll start                                                                                         projects.
                   your first core course and learn more about                      Financial Management                                                                                                  Managerial Economics
                   your program journey, yourself, and your                         Develop the financial acumen and skills                         Marketing                                             Examine economic perspectives, tools, and
                   classmates through intensive workshops,                          needed to analyze and use financial data to                     Evaluate the processes and strategies used            analytic approaches to make better business
                   lectures, and challenges. You’ll also be                         make strategic and operational investment                       in the marketing lifecycle from a managerial          decisions, and understand how economic
                   introduced to your campus support teams,                         decisions.                                                      perspective, focusing on international                policies affect the business environment.
                   professors, career coaches, and mentors who                                                                                      marketing contexts.
                   will guide you through your journey at Hult.                     Operations Management                                                                                                 Capstone Experience
                                                                                    Develop an understanding of operations                          Data & Decisions                                      Delve deep into the techniques and
                   Leading with Personal Impact                                     management in both service and                                  Place yourself at the intersection                    technology being used to innovate business
                   Broaden and strengthen your interpersonal                        manufacturing organizations, with an                            of statistical analysis and business                  for the future and apply everything you have
                   skills to improve your personal leadership                       emphasis on international operations.                           knowledge to make meaningful, impactful               learned so far in your capstone challenge.
                   effectiveness, whatever its current level.                                                                                       contributions to any business.

                   Leading Change                                                                                                                   Global Strategy
                   Develop an understanding of how to initiate,                                                                                     Develop a deep understanding of the key
                   manage, and successfully implement change                                                                                        strategic opportunities and challenges
                   in different business contexts.                                                                                                  business leaders face, and learn how to
                                                                                                                                                    create and sustain competitive advantage
                   Leading Globally                                                                                                                 in a global context.
                   Cultivate the knowledge and abilities to lead
                   multicultural teams and organizations in the                          Take STEM electives to graduate
                   future, wherever in the world they might be.                          with a STEM degree.*

                   *STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) degrees are in high demand with employers. EMBA students have the                Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.
                     option of stacking all of their electives in STEM subjects (i.e. finance or business analytics) plus one additional elective
                     in STEM, in order to graduate with a STEM degree. The cost of the additional elective is $3,000 USD.

                    Core Program                                                                                   Section head

                    Leading with Personal Impact
                                                                                                                   FACULTY PROFILE

                                                                                                                                                                          WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                                                   Amanda Nimon-Peters, PhD
                                                                                                                   Data Science & Leadership Professor

                                                                                                                   Behavioral scientist Amanda started
                    Broaden and strengthen your interpersonal skills to                                            university aged 16 and went on to earn a
                    improve your personal leadership effectiveness, whatever                                       masters and PhD from the University of
                                                                                                                   Cambridge, during which time she spent
                    its current level.You’ll develop greater self-awareness                                        nine months of her research work living
                    and access powerful tools for increasing your personal                                         in a tent in Antarctica. Since then, her
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                          Curriculum Guide
                                                                                                                   extensive corporate career includes 10
                    impact with colleagues, clients, and contacts.You’ll also be                                   years in sales and marketing research at
                    introduced to the Hult DNA, a set of core competencies                                         P&G as well as launching and running her
                                                                                                                   own consultancy whose clients included
                    that is highly valued by the marketplace.                                                      LG, Cisco, HSBC, and Shell. Today, she
                                                                                                                   is a full-time professor and research
                                                                                                                   fellow at Hult. Her current research
                                                                                                                   includes behavioral change techniques
                                                                                                                   for leadership development as well as
                    Sample topics                                                                                  the effects of leaders’ ethical choices.

                    Growth Mindset                                        SAMPLE PROJECT
                    Leadership Effectiveness & Hult DNA
                    Influence & Persuasion                                Peer coaching & PDP
                    Coaching, Trust & Difficult Conversations
                                                                          In groups of three, coach each
                                                                          other on one area you have each
                   “I’m a much better leader                              personally identified as one you
                                                                                                                   Dr. Nimon-Peters says…
                                                                          want to strengthen over the course
                    than I was before, and I’m a                          of the year. Video yourself coaching
                    better sparring partner for                           your peers; the video will then
                                                                                                                  “Knowing is not the same as doing, and there is now
                    people in senior positions                            be randomly assigned to another          widespread acknowledgement that academic success
                                                                          student for their feedback. Using all
                    in my company. I’ve started                           the feedback received in the course,     is not necessarily a predictor of good performance
                    to demand a higher level of                           write a Personal Development Plan        in the workplace. My research explores the steps and
                    excellence, and I’m creating                          (PDP) that prioritizes the specific
                                                                          competencies for your development.       time frames necessary for students to improve their
                    a better bottom line in                                                                        leadership behaviors.”
                    the process.”

                    Tom van der Poel
                    Director (MENA), ScanmarQED
                    Class of 2018

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                    Core Program
                            head                                                                                    Section head

                    Leading Change
                                                                                                                                    FACULTY PROFILE

                                                                                                                                                                               WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                                                                    Rob Anthony, MBA
                                                                                                                                    Management Professor

                                                                                                                                    A Harvard graduate, Rob has years of
                    Develop an understanding of how to initiate, manage,                                                            international consulting experience
                    and successfully implement change in different business                                                         assisting clients in the areas of change
                                                                                                                                    management, strategy innovation, and
                    contexts. Examine your own leadership style and practice                                                        leadership development. He teaches
                    skills that will help you translate ideas into results and                                                      across all Hult’s graduate programs and
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                               Curriculum Guide
                                                                                                                                    four campuses. His courses include
                    overcome organizational inertia and resistance to change.                                                       Leadership and Operations Management.

                                                                                                                                    Prof. Anthony says...

                    Sample topics                                                                                                  “Most business now requires
                    Understanding Complex Systems
                                                                                                                                    global understanding in
                                                                          SAMPLE PROJECT
                    Change Agent Roles
                                                                                                                                    some way. By embracing
                    Adapting to Continual Change                          Effective change                                          the complexity and nuances
                    Initiating Change
                                                                          As a team, select an organization that
                                                                                                                                    of international business,
                                                                          one of you has recently worked in                         students can develop an
                                                                          that underwent significant change.                        advantage that grows
                                                                          Your team must present to the board,
                   “My experiences from the                               which has convened to assess the                          over time. Harnessing
                    program enabled me to                                 success of this recent transformational                   the global diversity of
                                                                          change initiative. Your presentation
                    directly apply my learnings                           should analyze and evaluate:                              the student body and the
                    back at work and make a                               What was the business case for
                                                                                                                                    entrepreneurial culture of
                    real impact.”                                         change? Was the vision effectively
                                                                          communicated? How was it                                  the school is like riding a
                                                                          implemented? What change vehicles
                    Klaus Hofmann                                         and supports were used? Show the
                                                                                                                                    bicycle with the wind at
                    German                                                change process in relation to the                         your back.”
                    General Manager, Safran                               path of the change model and
                    Class of 2019                                         assess its effectiveness. Finally, what
                                                                          recommendations would you make
                                                                          to the board to implement the change
                                                                          more effectively?

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                    Core Program
                            head                                                                                     Section head

                    Leading Globally

                                                                                                                                                                                 WORLD FUTURE YOU
                    Examine the individual and group behavior in                                                     FACULTY PROFILE

                    organizations with a special focus on multicultural                                              Selina Neri, PhD
                    business contexts.You’ll develop the knowledge, abilities,                                       Italian
                    and skills to build and lead organizations in the future,                                        Organizational Behavior & International
                                                                                                                     Marketing Professor
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                 Curriculum Guide
                    wherever in the world they might be.You’ll learn to
                    diagnose complex, multidimensional situations and                                                Prof. Neri has 23 years’ experience in the
                                                                                                                     technology, luxury, and travel industries,
                    decide upon courses of action.                                                                   in C-level and board roles across 12
                                                                                                                     countries. She was included in the 2016
                                                                                                                     “The Female FTSE Board Report: 100
                                                                                                                     Women to Watch,” published by Cranfield
                                                                                                                     School of Management for the UK
                    Sample topics                                                                                    Government. She is a PhD candidate at
                                                                                                                     the British University in Dubai and holds
                    Communicating, Motivating & Negotiating               SAMPLE PROJECT                             an MBA from Clemson University.
                    across Cultures
                    Bias & Decision Making                                Analyzing success
                    Organizing across Borders
                                                                          Select an organization that reflects
                    Innovating Globally
                                                                          your post-graduation ambitions, i.e.
                                                                          startup, NGO, multinational. Draw          Prof. Neri says...
                                                                          on the concepts and tools from
                   “I came away from this course                          the course to produce a concise           “I keep my courses relevant to the current and future
                                                                          management report. You will be
                    with an immense sense of                              required to interview members of
                                                                                                                     challenges businesses are facing. I challenge my
                    pride in what we’d achieved.                          your selected organization and             students to think in a different way, so they develop
                    It amazed me how much we                              use publicly available materials to
                                                                          research. Your report should present
                                                                                                                     transferable skills that can be used across any industry.
                    had learned over a four-day                           a thorough analysis of the firm’s value    My classes aren’t lectures—they’re experiences.”
                    weekend.”                                             proposition and how it is currently
                                                                          structured and run to deliver on
                                                                          that, before making your own
                    Dr. Toby Shephard
                                                                          recommendations on how this
                                                                          could be done more effectively.
                    Senior Medical Director,
                    Takeda Pharmaceutical
                    Class of 2018

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                    Core Program
                            head                                                                                    Section head

                    Accounting                                                                                                      FACULTY PROFILE

                                                                                                                                    Larry Louie, MBA

                                                                                                                                                                                WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                                                                    Finance, Accounting & Entrepreneurship

                                                                                                                                    Prof. Louie has over 25 years’ experience
                    Gain an accelerated introduction to the concepts and                                                            including as COO and founder of Alibris,
                    practices of financial and managerial accounting.You’ll                                                         CEO at Peninsula Advisors, CFO of
                                                                                                                                    Norris, Beggs & Simpson, consultant at
                    examine the recognition, measurement, and reporting of                                                          Bain & Co., and auditor at KPMG. He
                    a firm’s economic transactions within the framework of                                                          holds an MBA from Stanford Graduate
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                Curriculum Guide
                                                                                                                                    School of Business (fellowship recipient)
                    both US and international accounting principles. From                                                           and BA in Finance and Accounting from
                    the managerial perspective, you’ll focus on the use of                                                          the University of California at Berkeley
                                                                                                                                    (Phi Beta Kappa).
                    accounting information to measure, analyze, and report
                    economic events for internal decision-making purposes.

                    Sample topics                                                                                                   Prof. Louie says...

                    Introduction to the Accounting Equation               SAMPLE PROJECT
                                                                                                                                   “With differences across
                    & Financial Statements                                                                                          multiple dimensions—
                    Reporting & Analyzing                                 Buy, sell, or hold?                                       countries of origin, gender,
                    Cost Behavior, Activity Analysis
                    & Cost Estimation                                     As a team, select a publicly traded                       religion, socioeconomic
                                                                          company. Apply your financial                             backgrounds, personality,
                    Analysis & Planning
                                                                          reporting knowledge and financial
                                                                          analysis skills to perform an                             and priorities—it’s the
                   “As a finance undergrad, the                           investment analysis of the company,                       students that make
                    accounting and finance classes                        with a view to presenting to a
                                                                          investment committee to “buy,                             Hult a unique learning
                    served as great refreshers while                      sell, or hold” the stock. Your source
                    also offering new ways of
                                                                                                                                    environment. They
                                                                          information should include the annual
                    considering the social, ethical,                      financial statements, research from                       develop unparalleled
                                                                          business periodicals, industry reports,                   team communication and
                    and environmental issues we                           and financial data sources from the
                    face today. These learnings are                       Hult Digital Library. Your presentation                   conflict resolution.”
                    something that I apply to my                          will need to cover benchmarking,
                                                                          ratio analysis, trend analysis, and
                    role every day.”                                      basic valuation techniques.

                    Nadine Mukanya
                    Audit Manager, Facebook
                    Class of 2019

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                    Core Program
                            head                                                                                    Section head

                    Financial Management
                                                                                                                    FACULTY PROFILE

                                                                                                                                                              WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                                                    Gonzalo Chavez, PhD
                                                                                                                    Finance Professor

                                                                                                                    Dr. Chavez started his education in
                    A primary objective of financial management in the US                                           mechanical engineering before moving
                    is to create and preserve shareholder value or wealth.                                          on to do an MBA and PhD in finance.
                                                                                                                    His research has been included in the
                    That is not the primary objective in many parts of the                                          Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal
                    world. In this course, you’ll develop the knowledge, skills,                                    of Business Ethics, and Global Journal
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                              Curriculum Guide
                                                                                                                    of Emerging Market Economies, among
                    critical-thinking abilities, and behaviors required of any                                      others. He has taught in the US, Latin
                    manager. Although the main focus is on for-profit firms,                                        America, Europe, the Gulf Region, Asia,
                                                                                                                    and Australia. He has been a full-time
                    much of what you’ll learn can be applied to NGOs and                                            professor at the Instituto Tecnologico
                    government sectors as well.                                                                     de Mexico (Mexico), Universidad Adolfo
                                                                                                                    Ibanez (Chile), Instituto de Empresa
                                                                                                                    (Spain), and Babson College (US) before
                                                                                                                    coming to Hult.
                    Sample topics

                    Financial Statement Analysis                          SAMPLE PROJECT
                    Time Value of Money & Interest Rates                                                            Dr. Chavez says…

                    Risk & Rates of Return                                Interpreting ratios
                                                                                                                   “Teaching to people from
                    Investors & Sustainability
                                                                          The ability to interpret ratios on        so many backgrounds
                                                                          financial statements is more valuable
                                                                          than being able to calculate them.
                                                                                                                    constantly challenges us as
                                                                          Your team will be required to produce     professors to better adapt
                   “As an experienced director of                         an analysis of an existing company
                                                                          using ratios generated from the
                                                                                                                    and explain what we teach.
                    operations, I thought my grasp                        financial statements of the firm, and     It’s a challenging, yet
                    of finance and marketing was                          from its competitors for comparison.
                                                                          You will need to provide an evaluation
                                                                                                                    wonderful, opportunity
                    great until I came to Hult. The
                    professors really opened my eyes
                                                                          of the current and future business        to re-learn how to teach!
                                                                          performance based on recent
                    to the big picture of a global                        and planned strategic decisions,          The instructor needs to be
                                                                          investments, and financing decisions.     the most enthusiastic person
                    and complex environment.”                             You must also discuss whether
                                                                          the sustainability programs of the        in the room. If you are not
                    Stephane Akame Zeh                                    company are beneficial, or whether        excited about what you
                    German                                                the company’s strategy as a whole is
                    Country Director, Baker Hughes                        destroying any social benefits.           teach, why would anyone
                    Class of 2018                                                                                   else be?”

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                    Core Program
                            head                                                                                     Section head

                    Operations Management

                                                                                                                                                                                WORLD FUTURE YOU
                    Address the supply of goods and services in a global                                                             FACULTY PROFILE

                    economy. The fundamental focus is on understanding                                                               Omar Romero-Hernandez, PhD
                    the best way to match supply and demand at any                                                                   Mexican
                    organization.You’ll explore the strategic issues and the                                                         Data Analytics & Operations Professor
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                Curriculum Guide
                    analytic tools for decision making including practical,                                                          A Fulbright Scholar, Omar uses his
                    process-based approaches to solving operations problems.                                                         mastery of numbers to transform the
                                                                                                                                     lives of disadvantaged communities via
                    You’ll also explore the role of the manager and how to                                                           renewable energy in his native Mexico.
                    approach processes, cross-functional links, and the use of                                                       He’s led several internationally awarded
                                                                                                                                     projects with sponsors including the
                    information systems and technology.                                                                              UN, Mexico’s Ministry of Environment,
                                                                                                                                     and the stock exchange. In 2010, he
                                                                                                                                     was appointed leader of a national
                    Sample topics                                                                                                    task force on economic growth and
                                                                                                                                     low carbon emissions, which delivers
                    Operations Strategy                                   SAMPLE PROJECT                                             recommendations to the President of
                    Process Analysis                                                                                                 Mexico. He was one of the recipients of
                    Supply Chain Management
                                                                          COVID crisis response                                      the Franz Edelman Award, the world’s
                                                                                                                                     most prestigious award for operations
                    Lean Operations                                       The UK government has approached a                         research and management science.
                                                                          number of manufacturing companies to
                                                                          see if they can switch their production
                                                                          to ventilators. One of those companies
                                                                          is JCB, which makes earth-moving                           Dr. Romero-Hernandez says...
                   “The EMBA taught me how                                equipment. For this assignment, your
                    to be a true business partner                         team takes the position of a consulting                   “I come from a developing
                                                                          firm that has been commissioned to                         country, and I am very
                    and bring value to the whole                          provide advice and guidance to JCB
                    organization, rather than just                        on this new venture. You’ll need to                        conscious of the inequality
                    the legal department.”                                research and then apply your learnings                     that prevails in society.
                                                                          from the course to present what the key
                                                                          challenges are for JCB. You’ll then need                   Through education, we can
                    Mohamad Aldarwish                                     to propose how these challenges can
                                                                                                                                     give a chance to everyone.”
                                                                          (or cannot) be overcome. Finally, you
                    Regional Legal Director,                              should make your recommendation
                    Carrier Corporation                                   on whether or not the company
                    Class of 2019                                         should accept the government’s
                                                                          proposal to switch production.

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                    Core Program
                            head                                                                                       Section head

                    Project Management                                                                                 FACULTY PROFILE

                                                                                                                       Juan David Zuliani, MBA

                                                                                                                                                                                   WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                                                       Project Management & Operations

                                                                                                                       Born in Colombia with Italian ancestry,
                    Gain the project management skills and tools necessary                                             Juan David’s professional and academic
                    for a business executive, manager, consultant, or                                                  careers have developed simultaneously
                                                                                                                       and internationally. His work as information
                    entrepreneur to successfully initiate, plan, execute, and                                          systems coordinator for the British and
                    control projects. Topics include project, program, and                                             Colombian Chamber of Commerce in
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                   Curriculum Guide
                                                                                                                       London helped strengthen the commercial
                    portfolio management; project and product lifecycle                                                and cultural bond between Europe and
                    methodologies; communications and stakeholder                                                      South America by promoting bilateral trade
                                                                                                                       and investment projects. As the director
                    management; and project management tools.                                                          of education programs for Gold Mercury
                                                                                                                       International, a London-based governance
                                                                                                                       and strategic visioning think tank, Juan
                                                                                                                       David worked alongside the CEO on
                                                                                                                       advisory projects with global brands such
                    Sample topics                                                                                      as Coca-Cola. He has also co-created
                                                                                                                       and taught executive education programs,
                    Project Management Methodologies                      SAMPLE PROJECT                               which have been offered in London to
                    Planning & Managing                                                                                top-level management from leading
                                                                          Persuade with plans                          multinational corporations.
                    Cost Control
                    Stakeholder & Communication
                                                                          Design and present a project plan for
                                                                          a project of your choosing that is a)
                                                                          your target post-graduation company,
                                                                          b) your own entrepreneurial venture,         Prof. Zuliani says...
                   “Every course has enriched my                          or c) a project of a friend or colleague.
                    personal growth and taught                            Utilize the concepts of project             “What’s interesting is when your former students later
                                                                          planning and organization, project
                    me new lessons I can use in                           control, project communications,
                                                                                                                       become your colleagues and collaborators. One of my
                    my everyday work. At Hult,                            and project lifecycles to persuade           former students came to my class as a guest speaker to
                    you also have the opportunity                         project leaders that yours is the best
                                                                          course of action. Be sure to include
                                                                                                                       share his expertise about his work and how the course’s
                    to practice essential skills                          a project chart, project-scheduling          topics had helped him in his job. I loved to see that
                    like team dynamics and                                techniques such as WBS, CPM,
                    breakthrough methodologies.”                          Pert, Gantt charts, and resource-            circle—from international student to guest speaker,
                                                                          constrained scheduling, along with a         both of us in a foreign country, addressing a wide and
                                                                          risk assessment.
                    Kiyoshi Jamie Izawa                                                                                diverse audience of business professionals. It was a true
                    British/Japanese                                                                                   Hult moment.”
                    Founder & CEO, Guideman Group
                    Class of 2020

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                    Core Program

                                                                                                                        FACULTY PROFILE

                                                                                                                                                                     WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                                                        David James, PhD
                                                                                                                        Marketing Professor

                                                                                                                        Having worked in advertising for many
                    Examine the processes involved in the creation and                                                  years serving clients such as Canon,
                    delivery of customer value and satisfaction through                                                 Unilever, Mercedes-Benz, Shell, 3M,
                                                                                                                        and Audi, David is also an internationally
                    communication, pricing, and distribution as well as the                                             renowned academic leader. Apart from
                    development of products and services.You’ll explore both                                            designing groundbreaking programs for
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                     Curriculum Guide
                                                                                                                        leading business schools, he has been
                    the theory and practice involved in the marketing process,                                          the academic director for Microsoft’s
                    the key to which is an understanding of business and                                                EMEA Marketing Academy and regularly
                                                                                                                        contributes thought leadership articles
                    consumer markets. Topics are discussed in an international                                          and interviews for the Daily Telegraph,
                    context and you’ll address the unique issues and                                                    Financial Times, Le Monde, BBC,
                                                                                                                        and CNN.
                    opportunities that marketers face in a global market.

                    Sample topics                                                                                       Dr. James says...

                    Market Segmentation & Customer Analysis               SAMPLE PROJECT                               “I always give my students
                    Branding                                                                                            relevant business topics to
                    Digital Marketing & Social Media
                                                                          Penetrating new markets
                                                                                                                        think about, then I show
                    Strategic Marketing                                   As a team, select a product to introduce      them unique ways to look
                                                                          into a new country market. Create a
                                                                          marketing plan proposal to introduce          at challenges and solutions
                                                                          the product to the new market. Your           that textbooks and Google
                   “The Marketing course was an                           marketing plan should include the
                    incredible way to increase the                        essential components covered in               won’t. I love entrepreneurship,
                    depth and span of my capacity                         class, including substantial market           psychology, and strategy, and
                                                                          research to validate your proposal for
                    to analyze businesses and                             the new market, as well as a detailed         I bring that passion and
                    companies.”                                           plan for the product launch to present        enthusiasm to every class.”
                                                                          to the board. Your presentation
                                                                          should include: market and product
                    Simone Rosati
                                                                          selection, marketing objectives, market
                                                                          opportunity analysis, analysis of relevant
                    Consultant, Barrett Values Centre
                                                                          uncontrollable variables, branding
                    Class of 2019
                                                                          and positioning as well as promotion-
                                                                          related decisions such as timing and
                                                                          scheduling, pricing-related decisions,
                                                                          and distribution channels.

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                    Core Program

                    Data & Decisions

                                                                                                                                                                                                WORLD FUTURE YOU
                    Gain perspective on how research, data collection, and                                        FACULTY PROFILE

                    analysis can contribute to the priorities of business                                         Nabanita Talukdar, DBA
                    decision makers.You’ll learn how to conduct original                                          Indian
                    quantitative research and interpret findings accurately                                       Marketing & Data Analytics Professor
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                Curriculum Guide
                    and appropriately.You’ll then practice applying critical                                      Nabanita spent a number of years in
                    quantitative analysis to make better business decisions.                                      business development, conducting
                                                                                                                  quantitative and qualitative analyses for
                                                                                                                  L’Oréal, P&G, Merrill Lynch, and Actelion
                                                                                                                  Pharmaceuticals. She has earned her DBA
                                                                                                                  in Marketing and MS in Finance from
                                                                                                                  Golden Gate University as well as an MBA
                                                                                                                  at Tezpur Central University in India. Her
                    Sample topics                                                                                 classes include Marketing Analytics, Data
                                                                                                                  & Decisions, Introduction to R, and Luxury    Prof. Talukdar says…
                    Quantitative Research in Business                     SAMPLE PROJECT                          Brand Marketing.
                    Testing Hypotheses                                                                                                                         “I always start with a
                    Evaluating Patterns in Data & Relationships           From data to insight                                                                  review that helps students
                    between Variables
                                                                          Generate original data to develop                                                     understand the flow of
                    Predicting Outcomes Using Regression
                                                                          valuable insights for an external                                                     concepts and connect the
                                                                          company, delivered via a presentation
                                                                          and a report. Your team must                                                          dots better. I teach students
                                                                          demonstrate: a) definition and                                                        in an interactive lecture
                   “I’ve become more thorough in                          analysis of the problem, b) how the
                    writing business proposals and                        data can be obtained accurately,                                                      format so students can ask
                                                                          c) design of methodology with                                                         questions and contribute in
                    learned useful techniques such                        specific reference to handling
                    as quantitative analysis.”                            of ethical considerations of data                                                     the middle of the lecture.
                                                                          collection, d) data-based findings
                                                                          and insights, and e) recommendations
                                                                                                                                                                I involve students in
                    Fatima Abdulrahman
                                                                          based on insights.                                                                    content-related activities
                    Chief Human Resources Officer,                                                                                                              so they can directly apply
                    Class of 2017
                                                                                                                                                                what they learn.”

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                    Core Program

                    Global Strategy

                                                                                                                                                                                                  WORLD FUTURE YOU
                    Increasingly, companies expect experienced employees                                                                             FACULTY PROFILE

                    to be able to think and act strategically without losing                                                                         Mark Esposito, PhD
                    their agility. Strengthen your critical-thinking skills and                                                                      Swiss
                    develop the business acumen to be able to assess key                                                                             Strategy & Economics Professor
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Curriculum Guide
                    challenges and opportunities in a global environment.                                                                            Mark has worked and consulted for
                    How do we compete amid significant uncertainty to                                                                                governments, the United Nations, NATO,
                                                                                                                                                     central banks, and EU institutions. He has
                    maximize value while making profits in an ethical and                                                                            collaborated with the World Economic
                    sustainable way?                                                                                                                 Forum since 2014, and is the co-founder
                                                                                                                                                     of global AI company Nexus FrontierTech.
                                                                                                                                                     He has a masters from the University of
                                                                                                                                                     Turin; an Executive DBA from Ecole des
                    Sample topics                                                                                                                    Ponts, ParisTech; and a PhD from the
                                                                                                                      Dr. Esposito says...           International School of Management.
                    The Changing Nature of Strategy                       SAMPLE PROJECT
                    Industry Analysis & Competitive Advantage                                                        “I love the energy in each
                    Strategic Innovation                                  Import attack                               classroom. I find Hult is a
                    Cross-Border Expansion Strategy                                                                   place where ideas become
                                                                          Your team will be provided with
                                                                          disguised information of an actual          actions and possibilities.
                                                                          real-world situation in which a
                   “Hult has given me a deeper                            company is being attacked by low-           It’s like I have a ticket to
                                                                          priced imports. The management              a great adventure—every
                    understanding of the broader                          team totally disagrees internally on
                    aspects of business and taken                         what the best strategic response            single class.”
                    away any mysteries or doubts,                         option is. You’ll deliver a presentation
                                                                          to help the management team select
                    allowing me to become a                               the most appropriate strategic
                    true leader and director of                           option to counter the threat. Teams
                    business strategy.”                                   will present on the last day of class,
                                                                          and the class will be the mock
                                                                          management team that challenges
                    Peter Young                                           the presenting teams.
                    Corporate Services Manager,
                    Mounties Group (Sydney)
                    Class of 2016

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                    Core Program

                    Business in Global Society
                                                                                                                   FACULTY PROFILE

                                                                                                                                                                               WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                                                   Matt Gitsham, PhD
                                                                                                                   Sustainable Development Professor

                                                                                                                   Matt is director of the Ashridge Center
                    Conventional, narrow value chains will increasingly                                            for Business & Sustainability and has led
                    be replaced with value webs that involve multiple                                              numerous research projects on business
                                                                                                                   and sustainable development. He has
                    types of systems, institutions, and stakeholders. These                                        worked closely with the UN Global
                    need to be understood and integrated to create value                                           Compact, Unilever, IBM, HSBC, GSK, and
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                               Curriculum Guide
                                                                                                                   De Beers. Matt’s research has featured
                    for both business and society. You’ll explore how well                                         in The Economist, Financial Times, and
                    organizations navigate and integrate with overlapping                                          the Harvard Business Review. He was
                                                                                                                   awarded a “Rising Star” award as part of
                    systems in these different domains without diminishing                                         the Aspen Institute-Academy of Business
                    the achievement of business goals.                                                             in Society European Faculty Pioneer
                                                                                                                   Awards for demonstrating great vision
                                                                                                                   and outstanding leadership in integrating
                                                                                                                   the principles of sustainable development
                    Sample topics                                                                                  into research, education, student
                                                                                                                   communities, and corporate practice.
                    The Purpose & Role of Business in Society             SAMPLE PROJECT
                    Socioeconomic Systems
                    Global Trade & Foreign Investment                     The circular economy
                    New Strategies & Business Models for
                                                                          The circular economy has garnered        Dr. Gitsham says...
                    Sustainable System Engagement
                                                                          momentum in the sustainability
                                                                          landscape, with the potential to        “Part of how change happens is by giving people the
                                                                          generate over four trillion of new
                   “Hult prioritizes collaboration                        GDP to our economy. In this group        opportunity to engage with new ideas or the experiences
                                                                          simulation, you’ll need to deliver       of others and to reflect on the implications for them.
                    and hands-on experience                               both a programmatic report and
                    above everything else. I feel                         a presentation that answers the          Whether it’s a meeting bringing together business leaders
                                                                          following questions: What are the
                    I am acquiring real-world                             opportunities of investment in
                                                                                                                   and policymakers, or business school deans and directors,
                    experience and academic                               circular economy business models?        or even talking in local schools with the leaders of
                                                                          What is different and beneficial
                    growth simultaneously.”
                                                                          about the risk-return profile of
                                                                                                                   tomorrow—they’re all important.”
                                                                          circular economy business models?
                    Jeremy Steward                                        What policy changes are needed to
                    American                                              support investing in circular economy
                    International Consulting Specialist,                  business models?
                    Alex Lynn Behavior Consultation
                    Class of 2018

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                    Core Program

                    Managerial Economics
                                                                                                                  FACULTY PROFILE

                                                                                                                                                              WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                                                  Ted Ladd, PhD
                                                                                                                  Strategy & Innovation Professor

                                                                                                                  Fulbright Scholar Ted has over 20 years’
                    Focus on the analytical foundations that are essential to                                     experience in high-tech, venture capital–
                    be able to address key issues in a rigorous way and to                                        backed startups—most recently as the
                                                                                                                  director of a smartwatch company that
                    make better decisions accordingly. You’ll identify and                                        was sold to Google to form the foundation
                    analyze a variety of market structures, ranging from perfect                                  of its Android Wear operating system.
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                              Curriculum Guide
                                                                                                                  He has taught at Harvard University
                    competition to oligopoly to monopoly. The ultimate goal is                                    and Copenhagen Business School. He
                    to develop skills for making effective managerial decisions                                   holds a PhD in Entrepreneurship from
                                                                                                                  Weatherhead School of Management
                    and strategic choices based on the analysis of companies,                                     at Case Western Reserve University
                    cost structures, and market conditions.                                                       and an MBA from Wharton School of
                                                                                                                  Business. In 2014 he won Best Paper in
                                                                                                                  Social Entrepreneurship at the Academy
                                                                                                                  of Management annual conference,
                    Sample topics                                                                                 and in 2016, Most Relevant Paper to US
                                                                                                                  Practitioners at the Small Business and
                    Demand & Supply Analysis                              SAMPLE PROJECT                          Entrepreneurship annual conference.
                    Decision Making in Competitive Markets
                    Basics of Game Theory                                 I am optimum price
                    Introduction to Macroeconomics                                                                Dr. Ladd says...
                                                                          Your team will be given real-world
                                                                          information about a disguised
                                                                          logistics company that has requested
                                                                                                                 “The culture in Silicon
                   “Each course is highly practical                       price-optimization consulting           Valley combines creativity,
                    and you can immediately apply                         services. Based on this information,
                    what you learn to your work.                          your team must derive the demand
                                                                                                                  discipline, and hard work—
                    Even before you arrive to                             curve for the company’s services,       and I endeavor to bring
                                                                          making your assumptions totally
                    class, you have the chance to                         clear. You should recommend
                                                                                                                  this into the classroom.
                    understand how you can apply                          an optimal price assuming no            It’s the recipe that’s made
                                                                          regional price differentiation and
                    the learnings to your particular                      an optimal price assuming regional
                                                                                                                  Silicon Valley the global
                    field. The opportunity to use                         price differentiation.                  center of innovation, and
                    what you learn is huge.”                                                                      it’s the recipe that guides
                                                                                                                  Hult students toward
                    Ahmad Gebaly
                                                                                                                  innovation in their
                    Project & Design Manager,                                                                     education and careers.”
                    Whitespace Architects
                    Class of 2017

                    Note: Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

                   Section head
                   Capstone  Experience                                            Section head

                                                                                   Sample topics
                   Apply everything                                                                                               Your Capstone Experience is where all
                                                                                   Design Thinking                                your learning comes together in one
                   you’ve learned                                                                                                 hands-on team project

                                                                                                                                                                          WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                   Platform Design & Research
                                                                                   Data & Agility
                                                                                   Value Propositions
                                                                                   Innovation & Disruption
                                                                                   Strategic Futures
                   The final course in your core program, your Capstone            Disruptive Technology Team Challenge
                   Experience, is the ultimate test of your creativity and
                   collaborative skills.You’ll delve deep into the technologies
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                          Curriculum Guide
                   that are disrupting industries across the globe and be
                   asked to imagine a future that doesn’t exist yet. Working
                   in diverse teams, you’ll need to apply everything you’ve
                   learned to create a business solution to the challenges
                   of tomorrow.                                                    Here are just a few of the comments,
                                                                                   direct from our students’ course feedback.
                                                                                   Feedback is submitted anonymously to
                                                                                   allow students to express themselves freely.
                      A team works on their project
                      at Hult London                                              “Taught us how to build solutions for
                                                                                   real-world problems. A very practical
                                                                                   and challenging course.”

                                                                                                                       “It makes sure students get up to date
                                                                                                                        with technologies that are shaping the
                                                                                                                        future in every aspect.”

                                                                                  “Challenging us to be bolder
                                                                                   and innovative while keeping a
                                                                                   business approach was fun and
                                                                                   a great learning experience.”

                                                                                                              “The content in the course is like nothing I
                                                                                                               have come across in four years of studying
                                                                                                               business. It is very future-focused, relevant,
                                                                                                               and interesting.”

                   Section head
                   Electives                                                               Section head

                                                                                           Marketing sample electives                                   Analytics sample electives
                                                                                           Customer Acquisition through                                 Applied Modeling & Prediction
                                                                                           Digital Marketing
                                                                                                                                                        Data Visualization

                                                                                                                                                                                                 WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                           Digital Marketing Strategy
                                                                                                                                                        Machine Learning
                                                                                           Entrepreneurial Marketing
                                                                                                                                                        Marketing Analytics
                                                                                           Future of Advertising & Marketing
                                                                                                                                                        Behavioral Economics & Decision Making
                                                                                                                                                        Natural Language Processing (NLP)
                                                                                           Growth Hacking
                   You’ll choose electives based on your personal interests                                                                             & Text Analytics
                                                                                           Introduction to Product Management
                   and goals. New electives are added every year to keep                                                                                Leading Data Teams
                                                                                           Luxury Marketing
                                                                                                                                                        Algorithmic Trading in R
                   options fresh and relevant. If you want to specialize                   Neuromarketing
                                                                                                                                                        Energy Strategy & Analytics
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Curriculum Guide
                   in a particular area, you’ll need to concentrate your                   Smart Pricing for Profitability
                                                                                                                                                        Supply Chain Analytics
                   choices within that field. Different campuses offer                     Solutions Marketing
                                                                                                                                                        Sentiment Analytics
                   different electives and they are delivered in a variety                 Strategic Brand Management
                                                                                                                                                        Data Strategy
                   of formats—so it’s up to you where, what, and how                       The Psychology of Pricing
                                                                                                                                                        Text Analytics
                   you study.                                                              Sustainable Brands & Marketing
                                                                                                                                                        Introduction to R
                                                                                           Sales Strategies
                                                                                                                                                        Introduction to Python
                                                                                           Customer Relationship Management
                                                                                                                                                        Presenting & Persuading with Data
                                                                                           with Salesforce
                   Finance sample electives
                                                        Students in Boston present their
                   Corporate Valuation                  strategic responses to a team
                                                        challenge with General Mills       Innovation sample electives
                   Private Equity
                   Blockchain, Cryptoassets &                                              Leading Digital Transformations
                   Cryptocurrencies                                                        Disruptive Business Models
                   Business Risk Management                                                Exploiting Digital Technologies
                   Quantitative Analysis & Data                                            AI: An Overview of Business Applications
                   in Financial Markets
                                                                                           Disruption Futures
                   Corporate Finance
                                                                                           Designing New Platform Ventures in the
                   Cost Management: Strategies                                             Sharing Economy
                   for Business Decisions
                                                                                           Social Innovation
                   Entrepreneurial Finance
                                                                                           Developing the Next Growth Engine
                                                                                           Forecasting the Future
                   Global Strategic Valuation
                   Investing for Social Impact
                   Investment Banking
                   Mergers & Acquisitions
                   The Bionic Company
                   Budgeting & Forecasting with Excel

                                                                                           *Elective courses are subject to change and availability.
                                                                                             Prerequisites may apply for some courses.

                   Section head                                   Section head

                   Strategy sample electives                                                                                    Behavioral sample electives
                   Social Entrepreneurship                                                                                      Management Psychology
                   The Asian Century: How Global Political &                                                                    Crisis Management, Mitigation & Response

                                                                                                                                                                           WORLD FUTURE YOU
                   Economic Power is Shifting to Asia
                                                                                                                                Gender Intelligence
                   Resilient Leadership
                                                                                                                                International Negotiations
                   Project Management: Planning,
                                                                                                                                Business Persuasion & Influence
                   Execution & Control
                                                                                                                                Leading Change
                   Power, Politics & Geopolitical Risk Globally
                                                                                                                                Continuous Improvement
                   People, Planet, Profit: Managing
                   Corporate Social Responsibility                                                                              Organizational Performance, Business
                                                                                                                                Behavior & Diversity
                   Operations Strategy
                                                                                                                                Managerial Coaching Skills
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                                                           Curriculum Guide
                   Managing Global Distribution Channels
                                                                                                                                Talent Management
                   Entrepreneurship through Acquisition
                                                                                                                                The Art & Science of Happiness
                   Change Management
                   Consulting Skills
                   Global Market Entry Strategy
                   Disruption Futures

                   Disruptive Technology                                                                                       “Every time I took a course at
                   sample electives                                                                                             Hult, I chose my company as
                   Artificial Intelligence                                                                                      the case study. Through these
                   Augmented & Virtual Reality                                                                                  assignments, I created real value
                   Autonomous Vehicles
                                                                                                                                not only for myself but for my
                                                                                                                                employer too.”
                                                                                                                                Frida Kleimert Knibbs
                   Energy of the Future
                   Robotics                                                                                                     Director, ISV partners, Middle East
                                                                                                                                and Africa,
                   Entrepreneurship                                                                                             Class of 2018
                   sample electives                               Kisuc Kim, Class of 2018, maps out his
                                                                  options on the walls of a meeting room
                   Disruptive Business Models                     on the Dubai campus
                   Social Entrepreneurship
                   Entrepreneurial Marketing
                   Entrepreneurial Finance
                   Entrepreneurship through Acquisition
                   Family Business

                                                                  *Elective courses are subject to change and availability.
                                                                    Prerequisites may apply for some courses.

                   Apply Your Learning

                                                                                                Sharing experiences with a
                   Apply your learning                                                          diverse set of classmates brings
                                                                                                a whole new perspective
                   with immediate impact

                                                                                                                                               WORLD FUTURE YOU
                                                                                                                          STUDENT STORY
                   Each course has three main elements: pre-class preparation,
                   in-class learning, and post-class assignments. At every stage,                                         Mahmoud
                   you’ll be asked to apply the theory you’re learning to your                                            Egyptian
Curriculum Guide

                                                                                                                                               Curriculum Guide
                   current or target role, so you’ll see the impact immediately                                           Key Account
                   in a way that’s directly relevant to your career.                                                      GlaxoSmithKline
                                                                                                                          Class of 2018

                                                                                                   What motivated you to do an EMBA?
                                                                                                   I wanted to progress professionally,
                   Apply new theory to your current role
                                                                                                   increase my income, and build upon
                   Your prep work includes reading business
                                                                                                   my skills to help me make an impact
                   theory, which you’ll be asked to apply
                                                                                                   on society.
                   to your current or target organization to
                                                                    Prep work
                   discuss further in class.
                                                                                                   How has your role been affected?
                                                                                                   I’ve applied the practical learning
                   Solve business challenges in real time
                                                                                                   directly from the program into my work.
                   Working in diverse teams, you’ll solve
                                                                                                   This has helped me increase my annual
                   practical challenges that will enable you to
                                                                                                   territory profit, which ultimately led to
                   tackle real business problems and apply
                                                                                                   an increase in both my responsibilities
                   new knowledge in real time.
                                                                                                   and income. Because of the quality of
                                                                     In class    Professional      candidates I saw among my classmates,
                   See immediate impact in your
                                                                                 application       I even connected Hult’s Career
                   professional life
                                                                                                   Development team with our company’s
                   Your post-class assignment will focus
                                                                                                   talent acquisition manager.
                   on applying what you’ve learned to your
                   current or target organization. So you
                                                                                                   How has the EMBA impacted you?
                   develop your understanding in a way
                                                                                                   I have changed completely, both as an
                   that’s directly relevant to you and see an
                                                                                                   individual and as an executive. I feel
                   immediate impact on your current job.
                                                                                                   a lot more confident and resilient.
                                                                                                   I’m more effective as a communicator
                   Gain skills that last a lifetime
                                                                                                   and more open-minded to differing
                   The skills and insights you’ll gain will have
                                                                                                   points of view.
                   far-reaching applications that will continue
                   to impact your professional growth long
                   after the end of your program.
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