Page created by Calvin Robertson
Spring 2022 Program Guide

Members          Feb 8th, 2022 10am
Non Members      Feb 22nd, 2022 10am
Sign up at or
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Table of Contents

SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM ............................................................................................................ 4

PROGRAM REGISTRATION INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 5

GENERAL CLUB INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 6

MEMBER MOMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 9

FOOD & BEVERAGE .......................................................................................................................... 16

FEATURE RECIPES ............................................................................................................................. 17

PHYSIOTHERAPY .............................................................................................................................. 19

AQUATICS ......................................................................................................................................... 21

DANCE .............................................................................................................................................. 27

YOUTH & CHILDMINDING ................................................................................................................ 28

FITNESS ............................................................................................................................................ 32

HOCKEY ............................................................................................................................................ 36

TENNIS ............................................................................................................................................. 40

BUSINESS DIRECTORY ...................................................................................................................... 48

2022 Board of Directors
EXECUTIVE                                          DIRECTORS
JAMES CRONK - PRESIDENT                            RENATA SMIDOVA
JOEL MCLEAN - TREASURER                            LEANNE DENNIS
DOUG BELL - SECRETARY                              GEOFF BOWMAN
                                                   BRENDAN PAYNE

Senior Management Team

    General Manager            Controller            Director of           Chief Engineer     Director of Recreation       Membership & HR          & Club Events

               GARTH PROUSE           EVAN RICHARDSON         FABIO WALKER              FAWN GILL
              Director of Fitness     Hockey Coordinator     Director of Tennis      Membership Sales

                                       JENN MCDONALD        CHRISTINA ERDMAN
                                       Senior Accountant         Head Chef

                                              NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB
                                    1325 E. KEITH RD. NORTH VANCOUVER, BC V7J 1J3

Program Registration Information

NSWC follows all rules and regulations       REFUNDS AS FOLLOWS:                         AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT
put forth by the Provincial Health Officer   •    100% Refund: up to 120 hours           MEMBER SERVICES:
and Governing bodies. Registration                 (5 days) before program start time.   •    Tennis Balls
information may change based on any          •    50% Refund: less than 120              •    Pickleballs
updated and changes provided.                     hours (5 days) before program          •    Stick Tape (Black or White)
Please visit for the most updated         start time UNTIL 48 hours              •    Sock Tape
information regarding registration or             after program start time.              •    Hockey Laces
phone Member Services: 604-985-4135.         •    No Refund: more than 48 hours          •    White Board Markers
                                                  after program start time.              •    Winter Hawks Water Bottles
Member Registration opens at                 •    NSWC reserves the right to adjust      •    NSWC Metal Drinking Bottles
10:00am on Tuesday, February 8, 2022              any incorrect program fees or               (For hot or cold beverages)
                                                  program information due to             •    NSWC Ties
Non Member Registration opens at                  printing errors and to cancel any
10:00am on Tuesday, February 22, 2022             classes due to low enrollment          GIFT CERTIFICATES
                                                  or unforeseen circumstances.           AVAILABLE
There are two ways to register               •    Full refunds will be provided          Whether or not your friends or family
for programs:                                     if a program is cancelled. Any         members belong to the NSWC, they can
1. Online registration at:                        decisions to cancel programs will      sign up for personal training, fitness                                  be made a minimum of 3 days            classes, and tennis lessons. Stop by
                                                  prior to the program start date.       Member Services to purchase Personal
2.   Phone registration:                          All participants will be informed      Training (1 or 3 sessions), Fitness Class
     604.985.4135 ext 0                           via email or telephone.                (10 pack), and/or Tennis Sessions (1 or 3
                                                                                         sessions) gift certificates.
3.   In person registration at               CANCELLATION POLICY
     Member Services.                        FOR NSWC BANQUETS                           Follow us for info,
•    All programs will have a minimum        & SPECIAL EVENTS                            updates and more!
     and maximum enrollment.                 Policies may be different dependent
•    A waiting list will be formed after     upon the banquet or event. Please visit 
     a particular program is filled. for details.
•    No credits or pro - rating will be                                              
     provided for missed sessions.           FITNESS REGISTRATION AND
                                             CANCELLATION INFORMATION
PAYMENT                                      1.   Go to to
•    Payment must be made in full at              view Fitness Class schedule,
     the time of registration.                    pricing and register for classes
•    We will automatically charge                 up to 30 days in advance.
     member accounts.
•    Public must pay at the time of          2.   Fitness classes must be cancelled
     registration by credit card; no              within 4 hours of class start
     other method of payment will be              time or full fee will be charged
     accepted.                                    to account for session.

CANCELLATION POLICY                          All program fees listed in program
Cancellation requests need to                guides, brochures and publications do
be in writing. Please email                  not include taxes. Additional GST will be                        charged upon payment.
and include the following:
•    The name of the participant
•    The name of the program
•    The start date & time of the program

General Club Information

    Communication                                                       Guest Rules – R21
                                                                        *All guests must provide proof of full vaccination.
    Email Weekly Eblast                                                 1. Adult Members (19 years old and over) may introduce,
    Are you getting our weekly Wednesday e-Newsletter “Let’s Get        without fee and without limitation, on any number of occasions,
    Connected – The NSWC Connection”? If not, then you’re not hearing   Guests who do not intend to participate in any Club activity,
    about all the great new things that are upcoming. Contact info@     but simply to attend or participate in a social occasion. A social to have your name added to our list.                        occasion for this purpose is considered to be a visit to the
                                                                        Cafeteria, Main Lounge, HTC Lounge, Tiki Bar, a Club social
    Clubhouse Rules                                                     function, or to participate in a game of bridge or billiards.
    Junior Members – R16
    1. The responsibility for supervision and safety of the Junior      2. Adult Members may introduce Guests to participate in
    Members on Club property rests entirely with the parents or         certain activities of the Club upon payment of a Guest charge.
    guardians. They are expected to behave in an appropriate            The activities for which a charge is levied are as follows:
    manner at all times (i.e. no running and yelling) and comply        a.   Swimming
    with all House Rules and directions from Club Staff.                b.   General Skating or Ice Hockey
                                                                        c.   Tennis, Pickleball
    2. Pre-school (under six) children must be accompanied by           d.   Sauna, Steam
    an adult or a responsible Junior Member over the age of 16          e.   Fitness Centre
    while remaining on the premises, including if that child is
    participating in Child Minding or a registered Club program.        3. With the consent of the Primary Member, Junior Members,
                                                                        aged 18 and under, are permitted to introduce Junior Guests
    3. When a Junior Member between the ages of six through 10          to participate in the activities outlined for Junior Guest Fees.
    is on Club premises, a supervising adult or a responsible Junior
    Member over the age of 16 must be on Club premises at the           4. Junior Members are permitted a maximum of two social
    same time unless the child is in a registered Club program.         at a time. All junior Guests must be signed in and must be
                                                                        accompanied by the sponsoring Junior Member who is
    4. Junior Members age 11 and older may use the Club                 responsible for the behavior of their Guests in the Club.
    facilities without adult supervision unless otherwise
    noted in the House Rules (i.e. Adult only areas).                   5. All Rules applying to Members will apply to Guests.

    5. All unaccompanied Junior Members must leave the                  6. Guest privileges are available on a daily basis for
    premises by 10:00 pm unless they are attending a special            a Family (available through Member Services). Guest
    function or Club event sponsored for their benefit.                 cards must be shown when using the Club.

    6. Under no circumstances will the Club’s premises
    or any of the Club’s Staff be permitted to be                       *COVID-19 policies may affect guest rules.
    used as a substitute for a Child Minder.

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

7. Guest privileges are available on a weekly basis for out-of-town    4. Members who are in arrears with their membership
visitors (available through Member Services). There are per person     dues or in default of payment of any other accounts
or per Family rates per week up to a maximum period of eight           owed to the Club are subject to sanctions at the
weeks in any year. Guest cards must be shown when using the Club.      discretion of the General Manager and/or Board.

8. The names of all Guests must be entered in the Guest Register       5. Members with Dues or Assessments in arrears over
to provide a record of who is in the Club in case of phone calls,      180 days may be referred to the Club’s collection agency,
etc. Guests must be accompanied by their Member sponsor                at which time the Membership is cancelled. Should this
who is responsible for their deportment while in the Club.             become necessary, any charges incurred will be added to
Guests not signed in may lose Guest privileges indefinitely.           the Member’s account. In the event of reinstatement of the
                                                                       Membership, an administration charge of $100 will be made.
9. Each Member is allowed a maximum of four participating Guests       6. New Members are required to register for pre-authorized
per month, none of whom may be introduced more frequently              payment (PAP). With PAP, members have up to three
than twice per month in total – to clarify, no Non-Member individual   weeks to review their statements, after which, the balance
may be granted Guest Privileges more than two times in any given       payable will be debited to the Member’s bank account
30 day period, whether by a single Member or multiple Members.         within the last three business days of the month.
In cases where a Guest has not been registered or a Guest Fee
paid, there will be an unregistered guest charge of $50.00 (See
Current Fees, Dues, Fines, and Assessments attachment) for first       Facility Rentals – R59
offence, $100.00 (see current Fees, Dues, Fines, and Assessments       1. Members may rent facilities at the Club for personal
attachment) plus a week’s suspension for a second offence.             use; inquire at the Member Services Desk.
10. Guests of a Member will not be permitted to find
another Member to sign for him/her to prolong the                      2. Subject to approval by the General Manager, Members
visit. The Guest has to leave at the same time as the                  may not rent facilities at Member rates under any
Member who initially accompanied him/her.                              condition where a profit is made through the use of those
                                                                       facilities. Non-Member rental rates would prevail.
11. Members who resign from the Club will not be
permitted to register for Club Programming and/or Private              3. Outside personal trainers, coaches or instructors are not
Lessons for a period of six months after cancellation.                 permitted to provide their services in Club facilities unless
                                                                       approved by the Sports Director and General Manager.
12. Members are responsible for the behaviour of their Guests          Club trainers, coaching Staff and instructors are available
in the Club. Every Member introducing a Guest to the Club will         through the Athletics Departments and must be on the
be responsible for any damage or loss caused by the Guest. It          Club’s approved coaching list which is reviewed annually.
will be the responsibility of the Member to recover the cost of
any damage to the Club by a sponsored Guest. The costs for any         For facility rentals, room bookings and catering
such damage or loss will be posted to the Member’s account.            inquiries, please contact .

Payment of Members’ Accounts – R24
1. Member’s monthly invoices are sent out at the beginning
of each month and are due for payment before the end of
that month. A service charge of 2% per month will be added
to all overdue balances. In addition, a late payment penalty
of $20 will be levied each month an account is overdue.

2. Members with Dues or Assessments in arrears over 40 days
will have their charging privileges suspended and may be required
to register for PAP at the determination of Management.

3. Members with Dues or Assessments in arrears over
60 days shall not be in good standing and are liable to
suspension, at the discretion of the General Manager and/
or Board, with no rights or privileges in the Club. Prior to
reinstatement the Member must pay his or her account in full
and agree to put and maintain his or her account on PAP.

                                      Watch a game, take part in a game or
                                     cheer someone on! The NSWC has a rich
                                     history of nationally recognized hockey
                                          programming & development.

     TENNIS                                                                         SWIM
                                                                                   With a large outdoor
      Enjoy a friendly match
                                                                                pool, kiddie pool and dive
    with friends, take part in
                                                                                  tank, you can embrace
     a group lesson, clinic or
                                                                                the North Shore’s summer
     a private lesson with an
                                                                                weather during the spring

    experienced tennis coach.

                                                                                    & summer months.

                                               E TH I
                                 S O M for
                                        Y  O N E
                                 EVE  R
     DINING                                                                     FITNESS
                                                                                 Join us for a variety of
      Serving up breakfast,                                                       group fitness classes,
     lunch, and dinner at the                                                   have a Peloton workout,
    Café, Lounge & Tiki Deck.                                                      book a session with
    Enjoy delicious, in-house                                                     a personal trainer or
    made meals, snacks and                                                      workout in our state-of-
        grab & go boxes.                                                         the-art fitness centre.

                                      With 6 courts to play on, this popular
                                      and fast growing sport is fun and a
                                      great way to exercise and socialize.

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

M E M B E R             M O M E N T S

Paul Shellard 2021
Fall Classic Tennis
Oct 17th – Oct 23rd 2021
A week of great matches, good friends and
laughs made this tournament a wonderful
success. The viewing areas were opened and
with masks on and drinks in hand, members
were able to once again watch their friends
and opponents light it up on the Tennis

The Octoberfest themed decorations in the
Jim Graham room made it a great place to
relax after the tennis was over with live music
some nights as well as drink and food specials.

The Tournament ended with 5 NSWC teams
making it to the podium! The tournament had
an outstanding 188 mixed doubles entries.

Special thanks to the volunteers, sponsors,
and NSWC staff who helped make it a very
special and successful week.

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

     M E M B E R              M O M E N T S

     Tennis Awards
     Nov 25th, 2021
     The Tennis committee rallied
     to host a singles and doubles
     tournament that were
     canceled earlier in the year
     because of Covid Restrictions.
     Lots of planning went into
     both these events and we
     were able to host a Tennis
     Awards banquet on November
     25th to celebrate the year.

     Tennis Members put on their
     Sunday best for the Tennis
     Awards night on November
     25th to celebrate the 2021
     year of Tennis! It was a great
     night of giving out awards,
     some appetizers and drinks as
     well as live music to end out
     the year.

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

M E M B E R               M O M E N T S

                                                                Tennis, Marlins and Membership. Masks were worn
Committee Tree Decorating
                                                                and many handmade decorations were hung on each
Dec 1st, 2021
                                                                tree bringing joy and light throughout the Club for the
Another successful committee tree decorating
                                                                holidays. Thank you to all the volunteers who came out
took place on December 1st. Lots of creativity and
                                                                to help decorate! With some easing of covid restrictions
imagination along with lots of hard work went in to
                                                                this year, the committees and staff were able to enjoy
making the trees and the Club look festive with the
                                                                some socially distanced food and beverages in the
themed trees from Minor Hockey, Female Hockey,
                                                                Lounge after all the hard work was done!

Congratulations to 2021 winners:
1. Minor Hockey                             2. Membership                         3. Marlins

Santa’s Breakfast
Dec 11th, 2021
This year’s Breakfast with Santa was a huge success.
After a Covid hiatus last year, this year’s event was full of
love, holiday cheer and family. Two sold out sittings, lots
of excitement, amazing food and smiles all about! Huge
thank you to our team of elves (volunteers) who were
busy clearing plates, our head chef Christina Erdman
who clearly made everything with love, everyone behind
the scenes (Kim) that make these events happen, the
NSWC team for dishing out the food and to the big guy
himself for showing up and making lots of little people
very happy!

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

M E M B E R              M O M E N T S

Friday Night Pickleball Mixed Doubles Nights
Pickleball Mixed Doubles nights that took place in
November and December were a huge hit and so much
fun! Continue to watch out for more Pickleball events
throughout the Spring. Can’t wait to get outside to those
rooftop Pickleball courts!

From left to right: Irene Mah, Michael Chelico, Kerry Strongman, Ken MacKenzie, Susan Stefishen, David Stefishen, Stijn
Vandevelde, Alicia Hutchinson, Curb Ivanic, Samantha Legge, Kerri Ablett, Jeffrey Ablett, Randy Hughes, Denice Hughes,
LaTiesha Fazakas, Martin Morrison.
NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

M E M B E R             M O M E N T S

                                                          girls and boys aged 11-18. This is an age group that
U13 A2 Team raised over
                                                          often gets overlooked when people are donating gifts.
$7000 for North Shore
Families in Need!                                         On Monday night the boys were able to deliver these
We are so proud of the effort these boys put into the     gifts to North Shore Family Services. They had the
raffle fundraiser. And thank you to all the members who   opportunity to learn about all the different ways the
bought tickets! Our total raised was $7,510.00!           Christmas Bureau helps people in our community.
                                                          They also were able to see the impact their fundraising
With all the earnings the U13 A2 team took a trip to      efforts will have on families in need.
Walmart where the boys spent time selecting gifts for

2021 Member Moments
         Photo Contest!
       Thank you to everyone who participated in our
                    2021 Photo Contest!

            Winning photos were submitted by:

                Jon Vendargon - 1st Place
                  Karen Kerr - 2nd Place
                   Irina Ivan - 3rd Place
            Scott Souter - Honourable Mention

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

What to Eat When You Are Sick
These power-packed foods are a               including in salad dressings, green
delicious way to feel better, faster.        juices, or simply rubbing it on whole       Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
Times being like they are, we all need       grain bread for delicious flavored toast.   Loaded with live cultures and probiotics,
to do everything at our disposal to                                                      yogurt helps to keep your gut lining
safeguard our health. Hopefully, by          Chicken Soup                                healthy. Approximately 70% of our
wearing your mask and following good         Good, old fashioned chicken soup has        immune system is located in our gut, so
safety precautions, you can avoid            been used forever as a common cold          it is important to keep it in good fighting
COVID-19 or any of a number of nasty         aid and there are some real benefits.       shape in case your body encounters a
cold and flu viruses circulating this time   The warm broth can help alleviate           virus. Consuming probiotic rich foods
of year. But if you do happen to fall ill,   congestion and the electrolytes             can lower the risk of catching a cold
it’s good to know that food is powerful      (sodium) found in the broth can help        and help to speed recovery if you have
medicine that can kick our immune            keep you hydrated and soothe a              caught one. Another perk, non-fat
systems into gear, both to fend off          sore throat. The added chicken and          Greek yogurt has triple the protein
viruses as well as reduce the severity       vegetables provide additional protein       of regular yogurt (without the added
and duration of symptoms such as             and nutrients, with carrots, celery,        sugar).
congestion, sore throat and fatigue.         onion, turnip and fresh herbs supplying
I often prescribe these essentials:          an even bigger nutritional boost.           Red Bell Peppers
                                                                                         Vitamin C is essential for the function
Garlic                                       Tea                                         of immune cells, and during infections
Garlic has been studied for centuries        When you aren’t feeling your best,          our bodies quickly become deficient
for its anti-bacterial properties. When      warm fluids can soothe that scratchy        of this vitamin. Eating foods rich in
garlic is sliced, chewed or crushed,         throat and help to loosen mucus.            vitamin C during a cold or virus can
sulfur compounds such allicin, diallyl       Opt for decaffeinated tea as caffeine       speed the body’s recovery and reduce
disulfide, vinyldithiins and s-allyl         is dehydrating, which is the last           symptoms. Since vitamin C is water
cycteine are activated (giving off that      thing you need when you are trying          soluble, it’s more efficient to consume
distinctive garlic smell). These have        to flush a virus from your system. I        it through foods high in vitamin C, such
been shown to support the disease-           always recommend ginger tea, as it          as red bell peppers, rather than from
fighting response of some types of           can soothe a stomach that’s upset           solid supplements which require more
white blood cells, helping them to fight     from loose mucus draining into the          work for the body to digest and absorb.
viruses. Garlic can also be taken as a       digestive system. Ginger also has anti-     One cup of chopped red bell pepper
preventative supplement: I recommend         inflammatory properties that assist with    contains 190 mg of this important
300 mg a day, or incorporating one to        immune function.                            vitamin. Other foods high in vitamin
two fresh cloves daily into your diet,                                                   C include kiwifruit, broccoli, dark leafy
                                                                                         greens and citrus fruits.

                                                                                         Blueberries are a great source of
                                                                                         anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid that
                                                                                         gives the berry (and other colorful fruits
                                                                                         and vegetables) its rich, deep color.
                                                                                         Flavinoids have anti-inflammatory, anti-
                                                                                         bacterial and antioxidant properties
                                                                                         that can help reduce cell damage and
                                                                                         boost immune function. A powerhouse
                                                                                         berry that’s low in calories, you can
                                                                                         snack on them, add to salads or treat
                                                                                         yourself to a crumble.

                                                                                         Diane May, Registered Dietitian

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

        Food & Beverage                                                   The North Shore Winter Club is the perfect setting for meetings,
                                                                          awards dinners, anniversary parties, weddings, rehearsal dinners,
        The North Shore Winter Club offers several dining                 milestone birthdays, memorials, banquets, or fundraising
        options to please those that need quick nutrition after           galas. Accommodating groups of five to 220 people, the NSWC
        their practice or workout, or those that want to enjoy            offers meeting rooms, dining areas for smaller events, a large
        some time socializing with snacks and beverages.                  ballroom, and an outdoor venue. Whether it’s a meeting of
                                                                          the minds over dinner, a corporate retreat, or entertainment
        Café                                                              and accommodations for professional guests, we’ve got the
        The North Shore Winter Club Café fits delicious and nutritious    facilities and a high level of personalized service to help you.
        meals into your busy schedule. Stop by for a variety of snacks,
        healthy salads and sandwiches, or rice and noodle bowls.          The Jim Graham room holds up to 200 people and includes a
                                                                          built-in digital projector and screen, a sound system, wireless
        Lounge                                                            microphones, and much more. The Senior Lounge, which holds
        The Lounge is a perfect location to meet friends for              up to 40 people, has a beautiful view of our famous outdoor
        dinner, catch up with a colleague over a drink, or watch          pool and is perfect for breaks, lunch, or pre-dinner receptions.
        the game on our large screen TVs. Whatever the reason,            The hockey viewing lounge is ideal for birthday parties, social
        treat yourself to great food and beverage selections.             gatherings, or meetings while the children play below on the ice
                                                                          or the in the open training centre. The Bar/Lounge or outdoor
        Tiki Deck                                                         patio is a more casual dining experience for a small group or
        In the summer months, the Tiki Deck is located on our             up to 80 people. The Board Room can accommodate up to 16
        patio overlooking the pool and is a great place to relax          people and is equipped with convenient meeting resource tools.
        after a busy day as the sun sets over the North Shore
        Mountains. Full seasonal menus are available with BBQ’s           •     Celebrate occasions in a private setting
        and theme nights occurring over the summer months.                •     Locally inspired menus with fresh ingredients by the Chef
                                                                          •     Complimentary fresh floral arrangements
                                                                                and votive candles
                                                                          •     Attentive, experienced dedicated staff
                                                                          •     Ample underground parking
                                                                          •     Complimentary coat check services
                                                                          •     Conveniently located just over the Second Narrows Bridge

                                                                              Please note that provincial health guidelines may alter
                                                                              rentals and food & beverage rules and allowance. NSWC
                                                                              follows all guidelines, rules and regulations sent out
                                                                              through Health Agencies and the BC government.

16 16
NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

F E A T U R E D                    R E C I P E S

Buffalo Chicken Pizza
                                              INGREDIENTS                                   3.   On a lightly floured surface, shape
                                              •    1 lb. pizza dough, divided in half            each half of pizza dough into a
                                              •    cornmeal, for pan                             round ball, then press down the
                                              •    4 tbsp. butter                                center of each to create a 1/2”
                                              •    1/4 c. hot sauce (such as Frank’s),           crust. With the dough resting on
                                                   plus more for drizzling (optional)            the back of your hands and your
                                              •    1/2 tsp. garlic powder                        knuckles, gently stretch dough out
                                              •    2 c. shredded cooked chicken                  with the help of gravity by moving
                                              •    8 oz. ball mozzarella, torn                   your hands inch by inch along the
                                              •    1/3 c. blue cheese, crumbled                  crust. Transfer to prepared baking
                                              •    1/4 Red onion, thinly sliced                  sheets.
                                              •    2 Green onions, thinly sliced
                                              •    Green onions, thinly sliced              4.   Add half of the remaining buffalo
                                                                                                 sauce to each pizza and spread all
                                              DIRECTIONS                                         over the dough (leaving the outer 1”
                                              1.   Preheat oven to 500°. Brush two               bare). Divide sauced chicken, torn
                                                   large baking sheets with vegetable            mozzarella, blue cheese, and red
                                                   oil and sprinkle each with a layer of         onion evenly between the pizzas.
Got some leftover roasted chicken? This                                                     5.   Bake pizzas until crust is golden
pizza is the PERFECT way to use it! If        2.   Place butter in a medium                      and cheese is melty, 15 to 17
you don’t, shredding rotisserie chicken            microwave-safe bowl. Microwave                minutes. Garnish with green onions
is a great alternative. If neither of those        until melted, 20 to 30 seconds.               and a drizzle of hot sauce (if using)
options are available, it’s easy to boil           Whisk in hot sauce and garlic                 and serve immediately.
some chicken breasts and shred them                powder until combined. Pour half of
for topping.                                       the buffalo sauce over chicken and
Yields: 4 Servings                                 toss to coat.
Prep Time: 10 Mins | Total: 40 Mins


Pink                                          •    35ml pink gin

                                              •    25ml rose vermouth , or sweet
                                                   white vermouth
                                              •    15ml Aperol
Prep: 5 mins | Easy | Serves 1                •    ice
                                              •    wedge of pink grapefruit and a basil
Go pink with this fabulous cocktail                leaf, to garnish
flavoured with pink gin, rose vermouth
and Aperol. Garnish with a wedge of pink      DIRECTIONS
grapefruit and a basil leaf to serve          1.   Combine the pink gin, vermouth
                                                   and Aperol in a tumbler with a small
                                                   handful of ice. Stir until the outside
                                                   of the glass feels cold.

                                              2.   Garnish with a wedge of pink
                                                   grapefruit and a basil leaf.

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

                     AT THE NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB

The Allan McGavin Sports Medicine Clinic (AMSMC) is now open                                    SHELDON CROUSE
at the North Shore Winter Club. The clinic is conveniently located                               Sheldon is an east coast native,
at the end of the Tiki Deck in Building B, close to the Fitness                                  graduating with a Bachelor of Science
Centre. The innovative clinic provides Physiotherapy, Massage                                    in Neuroscience (2012) and a Master
Therapy, Clinical Kinesiology, Dry Needling/IMS and specialized                                  of Science in Physiotherapy (2014)
services such as Concussion Management and Running                                               from Dalhousie University. Since
Assessments. They are focused on helping patients feel and                                       graduating, Sheldon has focused on
move better, so they can perform better.                                                         developing his manual therapy skills,
                                                                                                 completing the Orthopaedic Division
The original AMSMC clinic was founded at the University of           Diploma of Advanced Orthopaedic Manual and Manipulative
British Columbia in 1981. Forty years and multiple clinics later,    Physiotherapy Level I and Level II courses. Sheldon has also
they continue to be a leader in the treatment of sports injuries     completed his Acupuncture AA1 and advanced practice IMS/dry
and rehabilitation throughout the Lower Mainland. Having this        needling. He is actively working towards achieving his Diploma in
established sport focused clinic onsite at the NSWC is a win-win     Sport Physiotherapy, by acting as team physiotherapist for elite
for all athletes and members of the Club.                            hockey teams. He is passionate about helping people return to
                                                                     active living, maximizing function and performance. Sheldon
                                                                     continues to be very involved in sport, training for triathlons and
Meet the Team:                                                       playing hockey, golf, and tennis recreationally.

                                                                                                LAURA MCNEILL
                           RYAN HILL                                                             Originally from Edmonton, Laura
                            Born and raised in North Vancouver,                                  graduated from the Master of Science
                            Ryan is the director of the clinic and                               in Physical Therapy program at the
                            his passion for Physiotherapy began                                  University of Alberta and completed
                            at the age of 15 years old when he                                   her undergraduate degree in Exercise
                            ruptured his ACL playing bantam                                      and Sport Science at Oregon State
                            football. Since then, he has graduated                               University where she was part of the
                            from UBC’s Bachelor of Human                                         Varsity rowing team. Laura then
                            Kinetics in 2008 & UBC’s Master of       completed a Sport Physiotherapy Fellowship Program with
Physical Therapy in 2010. He is also certified by the Acupuncture    AMSMC at UBC while being involved with research and working
Foundation of Canada Institute & UBC Gunn Intramuscular              with the UBC Varsity athletes. Her treatment style involves
Stimulation Dry Needling for trigger point therapy. Ryan is a        identifying all impairments and any underlying issues to provide
member of Sport Physiotherapy Canada and has volunteered at          the most effective intervention and prevent re-injury. Outside of
numerous local sporting events providing on-site care. He holds      the clinic, Laura remains passionate about fitness /sports and
the Advanced Diploma of Manual & Manipulative Physiotherapy          enjoys taking trips to the mountains to hike or snowboard.
and has a keen interest in post-concussion, dizziness, & chronic
pain. Ryan is a recreational triathlete (2x Ironman Canada) who
loves all outdoor sports.

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

                                 DIEGO GROSSLING                                                        TABITHA MEIER
                                    Diego was raised in North Vancouver,                                   Tabitha is a graduate from the
                                    and grew up playing a variety of                                       accelerated program at West Coast
                                    competitive sports including university                                College of Massage Therapy in New
                                    soccer. He has first-hand experience                                   Westminster. She has spent the last
                                    with acute/chronic injuries, and                                       15+ years participating in sports,
                                    is passionate about maximizing                                         where she grew her interest in the
                                    function from injury. He completed a                                   human body after suffering from a
                                    Master of Science in Physiotherapy at                                  few injuries herself. Realizing how
                                    Glasgow Caledonian University, and                                     important it was to keep herself
     a Bachelor of Kinesiology at the University of British Columbia.         educated on her symptoms in order to prevent further injury,
     His professional experience expands across athletes of all ages          Tabitha became an RMT with a goal to help her patients return to
     from a recreational to professional level, with a clinical focus         a pain-free and functional life. Among many techniques, trigger
     on movement development, on-field rehabilitation and core                point release and soft-tissue mobilizations are a few ways she
     stability. Diego is actively involved in the local soccer community,     helps to achieve this goal. On her days off, Tabitha enjoys being
     and often leads functional movement workshops for various                active; whether it’s playing recreational basketball, soccer, or
     team sports. He is currently pursuing his Diploma in Sport               rollerblading the seawall.
     Physiotherapy, while enjoying the outdoors and staying active in
     Massage Therapists                                                                                 JESSICA BATES`
                                                                                                         Jessica graduated with a Bachelors in
                                 JARED BIR                                                               Human Kinetics through the University
                                 Jared was born and raised in                                            of British Columbia Okanagan.
                                 Squamish, B.C and always had an                                         Through understanding her patients’
                                 interest in sports science due to                                       goals, she uses functional screening
                                 his active lifestyle. Jared received a                                  assessments to create individualized
                                 soccer scholarship to play for Quest                                    programs to better her patient’s
                                 University Canada in 2012 where                                         well-being. Jessica’s experience
                                 he played for two seasons before                                        includes working as the athletic
                                 transferring to the University of            trainer for the U17 AAA Vancouver hockey team, U16 Okanagan
                                 British Columbia to complete his             kids soccer summer camp, and has worked with various
     Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology in 2015. Following this, Jared          populations including former olympian swimmers, performance
     was accepted to the Massage Therapy program at the Vancouver             sport athletes, concussion injury, as well as individuals who are
     College of Massage Therapy, which he graduated from in 2017.             motivated to strengthen their fitness and health. When working
     He has learned a variety of modalities including relaxation, deep        with Jessica, you can expect a person-centred approach in
     tissue, sports massage, and rehabilitation. Outside of work,             strength and conditioning, incorporated with mutual adherence
     Jared continues to live a very active lifestyle playing soccer and       and education, to enhance her patients’ abilities to progress
     practicing various forms of mixed martial arts.                          independently.

                                                                              PATIENT COORDINATOR TEAM
                                                                              The AMSMC Patient Coordinator Team is happy to help you
                                                                              schedule an appointment and visit the clinic safely. For more
                                                                              information about AMSMC or to book an appointment, feel free
                                                                              to drop by, call 604-980-0222, or visit their website at www.

                                                                              Move Well. Perform Better!



                                                 Red Cross Swimming Lessons
                                                 Summer at the NSWC is spent outside. What better place than
                                                 in or by our beautiful pool!

                                                 Swimming lessons start in mid May and go through to the
                                                 end of August. If you or your child would like to upgrade your
                                                 swimming skills or learn to swim, register for our summer

                                                 Registration for NSWC Aquatic programs does not open until
                                                 April, however below is a list of what the NSWC has to offer for
                                                 Summer 2022.

                                                 Red Cross Swimming Programs
                                                 Lesson sets run in two week sessions excluding statutory
                                                 holidays. Registration is open April 2022.

                                                 Lesson Sets 1 – 3
                                                 (Open to Members and Non Members)
                                                 Set 1:    May 16 – 20 & May 24 - 27 (No lessons May 23rd)
                                                 Set 2:    May 30 – Jun 3 & Jun 6 - 10
                                                 Set 3:    Jun 13 - 17 & Jun 20 - 24

                                                 Lesson Sets 4 – 8
                                                 (Reserved for Members and their guests only. There is no
                                                 Non Member registration during these sets.)
                                                 Set 4:    Jun 27 – Jun 30 & Jul 4 - 8 (No lessons July 1st)
                                                 Set 5:    Jul 11 – 15 & Jul 18 - 22
                                                 Set 6:    Jul 25 - 29 & Aug 2 - 5 (No lessons Aug 1st)
                                                 Set 7:    Aug 8 - 12 & Aug 15 – 19
                                                 Set 8:    Aug 22 – 26 & Aug 29 – Sep 2

                                                 Price Per Set
                                                 Member: $60 (30 min class) $85 (45 min class)
                                                 Non Member: $75 (30 min class) $100 (45 min class)

                                                 Red Cross Preschool
                                                 Ages: 4 mos – 6 yrs
                                                 Red Cross Swim Preschool & Tiny Tots is an 8-level program
                                                 for 4-months to 6 years of age, designed for different ages
                                                 and abilities. Each level is represented by an animal mascot
                                                 that is incorporated in to the content, and makes the lesson
                                                 engaging and fun through lesson plans and activities.

                                                  Please take a look at these program equivalent charts to see
                                                 which Red Cross program your child should be in. These apply
                                                 to North or West Van Rec swim lessons.
                                                 (Chart at end of Aquatics section)


     Sea Turtle                                                          Red Cross Swim Kids (Level 1)
     Ages: 24 mos to 36 mos                                              Entry level for those who did not take the Red Cross Swim
     A transitional level for preschoolers and their parents             Preschool lessons. This level provides an orientation to the
     designed to gradually transfer the preschoolers to the care         water and the pool area and introduces floats and glides with
     of the instructor. This level develops skills in swimming, glides   kicks.
     and floating while building awareness of the deep water and
     learning safe entries. *This is a parent participation class.*      Red Cross Swim Kids (Level 2)
                                                                         A second orientation level which helps the child build skills in
     Sea Otter                                                           front and back swims. Children are introduced to deep water
     Ages: 3 yrs to 6 yrs                                                activities and proper use of a Personal Flotation Device (PFD).
     This is a transitional level that transfers the preschooler from
     the care of the parent to the instructor. Using games and           Red Cross Swim Kids (Level 3)
     activities, swimmers learn to open their eyes under water,          This level provides an introduction to front crawl as well as the
     further develop basic floats, glides, and swim 1m.                  foundation for making wise choices on where and when to
     *This is a parent participation class.*                             swim. Diving is introduced and children will work on floats and
                                                                         changing direction.
     Ages: 3 yrs to 6 yrs                                                Red Cross Swim Kids (Level 4)
     Children learn new swimming skills including assisted floats        The front crawl, back glide and shoulder roll for back crawl are
     and glides through games and songs. The level includes              further developed. Children work on kneeling dives, surface
     independent front and back                                          support and developing a greater sense of self–safety by
     floats, and learning to jump into chest–deep water. This level      understanding their own limits.
     is primarily an orientation to the water for those who have
     minimal experience in water.                                        Red Cross Swim Kids (Level 5)
                                                                         Back crawl is introduced, along with sculling skills and whip kick
     Sunfish                                                             on back. Children try stride dives and receive an introduction
     Ages: 3 yrs to 6 yrs                                                to safe boating skills.
     Assisted by an instructor, children work on stroke and skill
     progression. The students begin independent front and back          Red Cross Swim Kids (Level 6)
     glides. This class will also focus on good judgment in, on and      Front and back crawl continue to be refined as the elementary
     around the water as well as entries and floats in deep water.       backstroke is newly introduced. Children are also introduced
                                                                         to safety on ice, elementary rescue of others with throwing
     Crocodile                                                           assists, treading water and the front dive.
     Ages: 3 yrs to 6 yrs
     Children continue independent glides and kicking in deep            Red Cross Swim Kids (Level 7)
     water. Endurance is built by increasing the distance for front      Continue to build skills and endurance for front crawl, back
     and back swims. Swimmers learn about the dolphin kick and           crawl and elementary back stroke and introduces whip kick
     try synchro skills in the water.                                    on the front. Children learn about airway and breathing
                                                                         obstructions, and participate in timed treading water for
     Whale                                                               increasing endurance.
     Ages: 3 yrs to 6 yrs
     Children will learn to swim independently and participate in        Red Cross Swim Kids (Level 8)
     team games. They will increase their distance and improve           Introduces the breaststroke, foot first surface dives, and
     skills in front and back swims.                                     rescue entries. Children learn about the dangers of open
                                                                         water, hypothermia and the performance of rescue breathing
     Red Cross Swim Kids                                                 on children and adults.
     Ages: 5 yrs+
     Red Cross Swim Kids is a 10–level program for children 5–12         Red Cross Swim Kids (Level 9)
     years of age. Children learn to swim, be fit, and stay in a safe    Front Crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke and
     environment that promotes achieving personal success. The           breaststroke continue to be refined. In this level children are
     program teaches competitive and survival strokes, and allows        encouraged to try combining different strokes and kicks for
     for a solid progression of skills and knowledge.                    fitness. They also work on the head–first shallow dives and
                                                                         standing dives and learn about wise choices, peer influences
                                                                         and self–rescue from ice.


Red Cross Swim Kids (Level 10)
Further refinement of strokes with an introduction to butterfly     National Lifeguard
and scissor kick as a warm-up/cool down stroke for fitness.
Children learn about sun safety, rescue of others from the ice
and head-first and feet-first shallow dives.
                                                                    NLS Core and Pool Option
Private Swim Lessons                                                Prerequisites: 16 years old, Standard First Aid,
Private Swim Lessons are taught by qualified Canadian Red           issued within 2 years, Bronze Cross – proof of certification
Cross Water Safety instructors. You will increase your comfort      The primary role of the NLS lifeguard is the prevention of
level in the water, improve your stroke efficiency, and create      emergency situations and, where this fails, the timely
a more effective swim workout. Private lessons provide the          and effective resolution of emergencies. The NLS award
greatest flexibility and one-on-one attention for swimmers          is designed to prepare lifeguards to fulfill this role as
of any age. To find out more or to book your private lesson         professional facilitators of safe, enjoyable aquatics. NLS
contact us at:                                     training is designed to teach the principles and develop the
                                                                    basic lifeguarding skills and decision-making processes that
Rates:                                                              will help lifeguards evaluate and adapt to different aquatic
30 minutes: Member $30                                              facilities and emergencies. The NLS Pool option builds on the
45 minutes: Member $45                                              fundamental skills, knowledge and values taught in the NLS
60 minutes: Member $60                                              core course to train lifeguards in safety supervision and rescue
                                                                    in a pool environment.

Lifesaving Courses
                                                                    Swimming for Adults
Bronze Medallion
Prerequisites: Bronze Star, recommended or / 13 years old by        Masters at NSWC
last day of course if candidate does not have Bronze Star.          Masters is for people who enjoy swimming for fitness &
Bronze Medallion teaches an understanding of the lifesaving         recreation and who wish to improve their swimming ability.
principles embodied in the four components of water rescue          We offer regular, structured training sessions under the
education - judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness. Rescuers        watchful eye of its swim coach. Practices emphasize stroke
learn self-rescue techniques, defense and release methods,          improvement, cardiovascular activity, and progressive fitness
and tows and carries in preparation for challenging rescues         training.
involving conscious and unconscious victims of various
types, including spinal injuries and circulatory emergencies.
Lifesavers develop stroke efficiency and endurance in a timed
swim. Bronze Medallion includes the CPRA certification.

Bronze Cross
Prerequisites: Bronze Medallion,
must show proof of certification
Bronze Cross is designed for lifesavers who want the challenge
of more advanced training including an introduction to safety
supervision in aquatic facilities. Candidates develop proficiency
at performing patient assessments, managing aquatic spinal
injuries, and preventing the loss of life in a variety of aquatic
emergencies, while developing stroke endurance and fitness
training skills. Bronze Cross includes the CPR-C certification
and is one of the pre-requisite awards for all advanced
Lifeguarding and Leadership training programs. Bronze Cross
is also worth 2 Grade 11 High School Credits.


      The North Shore swim program, being only three stages in length, serves to cover our entire ten step swim program.
      With this in mind, once you’ve found out what stage the child is in, clarify how far along the given stage the child is. Eg.
      If they are in I CAN SWIM Stage two but only just passed into it and are still not quite able to swim ten meters of front
      crawl but can kick on their front, back and side for 10m then they would move into Swim Kids 4 as they wouldn’t meet
      the skills required for Swim Kids 5. If the parent truly has no idea but knows the child has been in the stage for a decent
      amount of time, simply put them into the intermediate level of the Swim Stage there in.

      If They Were in This Program On                                            Then They Can Register In This
             In North Vancouver                                                      Program In Red Cross
                                                                                   (NSWC/West Vancouver)

          I CAN SWIM – Stage One                Beginner stage One: still not
                                                 comfortable in the water,
                                                trouble submerging head or                 Swim Kids 1
                                           going horizontal in the water (eg.
                                              floating on their front or back)
          I CAN SWIM – Stage One            Intermediate Stage One: Able to
                                                  submerge head, can do                    Swim Kids 2
                                               horizontal glides through the
          I CAN SWIM – Stage One            Advanced Stage: Able to kick for
                                               five meters or more without                 Swim Kids 3
                                             stopping on front or back glides
          I CAN SWIM‐ Stage Two            Beginner Stage Two: Able to kick
                                             on front, back and side without               Swim Kids 4
                                               stopping for up to 10 meters
          I CAN SWIM – Stage Two            Intermediate Stage Two: Able to
                                              swim front crawl for 10m and                 Swim Kids 5
                                                 kick on their back for 15m
          I CAN SWIM –Stage Two             Advanced Stage Two: Able to do
                                           front and back crawl for 15m at a
                                           time, comfortable in deep water                 Swim Kids 6
                                             (our level 6 occurs in the deep
                                                   end of the main pool)
         I CAN SWIM – Stage Three            Beginner Stage Two: Able to do
                                              front and back crawl for 25m,
                                             knows whip kick and how to do                 Swim Kids 7
                                                   Elementary back crawl
          I CAN SWIM‐ Stage Three           Intermediate Stage Two: Able to
                                                do proficient front and back
                                            crawl for 50m. Capable of doing                Swim Kids 8
                                           whip kick on their front and back
         I CAN SWIM – Stage Three            Advanced Stage Three: Able to
                                             swim front and back crawl well
                                                for 100m. Knows how to do                  Swim Kids 9
                                              Breast Stroke and Elementary
                                                        Back stroke
         I CAN SWIM – Stage Three             Advanced Stage Three: A very
                                            good swimmer, able to do front,
                                               back, elementary backstroke,               Swim Kids 10
                                             and breaststroke very well and
                                                 can swim 500m at a time.



     Marlins Swim Program
     ABOUT                                                              MISSION
     The Marlins Swim Team develops competitive swimmers of all         The mission of the Marlins Swim Team is to embrace all
     ages in a fun and focused environment. Training in NSWC’s          levels of swimmers with the tools and opportunity to achieve
     outdoor pool facility between May and mid-August, athletes         any goal they may set. Every swimmer will enjoy success
     focus on stroke (freestyle, butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke)   with hard work, dedication, and support from teammates,
     and race (dive starts, turns, streamlines and breakouts)           coaches and parents. Our team members participate in
     techniques toward continual individual improvement, within         meets sanctioned by the British Columbia Summer Swimming
     a strong team context. Guided by Marlins’ coaches, each            Association and are governed by Swimming/Nation Canada
     swimmer sets personal goals and develops a complimentary           rules and regulations. The Marlins Swim Team ascribes to a
     training and competition schedule to support success.              well-defined program where each swimmer is encouraged
     Depending on goals and commitment, swimmers can attend             to gradually increase their degree of commitment to achieve
     upwards of 120 swim practices and ten two-day swim meets,          success at every level of training. The team provides a positive
     plus Regional and Provincial Championships, over the course        environment and an opportunity for young people to learn, to
     of our short season. The winter maintenance season begins          enjoy and to compete with an eye toward long term results.
     the first weekend of October.
     While Marlins provides high intensity cross-training for           The purpose of the Marlins Swim Team is to develop
     athletes, many quickly get the bug to race and swimmers            competitive swimmers as athletes and people. We understand
     are encouraged to compete in at least one meet and the             that the real meaning of winning is to reach one’s own
     Regional Championships each season. Competition allows             potential. We strive to not only produce swimming champions
     a swimmer to showcase their progress, and to contribute to         but champions in life. We provide coaching for all levels of
     the team’s points (collected at meets), but most importantly,      swimmers up to 18 years of age, including those interested
     to create memories of a lifetime alongside their teammates in      in competing and those interested in improving their strokes
     Marlinville. Marlins offers five Divisions for swimmers aligned    and endurance. Beginning swimmers must be able to swim at
     to age and/or skill. Please note that new Marlins will be          least one length of the pool unassisted.
     assessed for group placement.
     Mini Marlins                                                       Our coaching team is experienced, hold instructor
     Ages: 5 yrs +                                                      certifications, and enjoy working with children and youth.
     This division is geared to our youngest swimmers (ages 5 and       Coaches have been carefully selected for their leadership skills
     up) and those new to swimming. Swimmers must be able to            and mix of experience.
     completely submerge their body under water, and able to
     push off from the wall without assistance.                         VOLUNTEER
                                                                        There are volunteer positions available and we welcome
     Intro Marlins                                                      everyone with open arms! Learn a new role and assist the
     These swimmers can swim the length of a pool without               team to build succession plans. It takes a large group of
     assistance and will begin to learn proper swimming                 dedicated volunteers to make the Marlins Swim Team a
     techniques.                                                        success. If your kids are enjoying themselves, it is much more
                                                                        fun and interesting to get involved.
     Juniors, Intermediates & Seniors
     In these divisions, swimmers build-on and refine skills and        CONTACT
     techniques already developed. Many of our swimmers                 President:
     begin as Minis and continue to the Senior ranks, with many         Registrar:
     becoming Junior Leaders, and even Coaches; a testament to
     the strength and value of our program.                             Program costs and registration information can be found on
                                                                        our website,

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide


Dance is Back!
Dance With Christie
Thursday Night Dance is back at the
club. Christie is currently running a Multi
Discipline class to give dancers 5+ a taste
of various dance styles and running a
Sampler for tiny dancers age 3.5 to 5.5.
Is there a class you would like to see added
to the schedule? Please email Christie at with your
requests. To join the dancers on Thursday
nights please sign up on Gametime.

In other dance news, our Competitive
Dance program has entered three dance
competitions this spring. The dancers will be
competing in the Jazz, Lyrical, Solo and Trio
categories and train at the club on Mondays &
Saturdays and Wednesday & Saturdays. The
competitive programs go from September
to June. Last year we had a fantastic covid
friendly performance for our dance parents
outside on the grass! We hope to have a
year end show again at the club this year!
Summer classes and mini camps
will be announced soon.

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

     Youth Camps & Child Minding

                                                         Friday Fun Nights                               HTC Package
     Child Minding                                       (excluding long weekends)                       Includes: One hour private rental of HTC
     Kids Corner                                         Ages: 3 yrs – 11 yrs                            ice and one hour room rental for food and
     Ages: 1 yr – 7 yrs                                  5pm – 9pm                                       cake. (16 meal plans included, additional
     Drop your children at the NSWC Kids Corner          On Friday nights, bring your child(ren)         rates apply if over 16 in attendance)
     for a couple of hours, so you can attend a          down to the Club for bouncy castles             NSWC does not supply skates or gear.
     fitness or tennis session, visit the gym or relax   and games supervised in a safe                  Full gear and helmets are required.
     and watch your other child play a sport.            environment by our Youth staff and
     Kids Corner is a warm and inviting                  the evening finishes with a movie in the        Activity Plans can have additional items added
     environment with experienced staff                  Senior Lounge. Popcorn included!                for a rental cost. In some circumstances,
     that provides a fun program of learning             This is complimentary for our Members.          a host charge may be added based on
     through play. The program provides a                Please note that due to the fact that           activities and number of kids in attendance.
     variety of activities, including games,             children can come and go from these
     art and crafts, music and movement,                 areas, parent supervision is required           MEAL PLANS, choose one:
     science exploration and reading.                    if the child is under 5 years of age.           •     Pizza and Veggies: includes 2
                                                                                                               slices of pizza and veggies with
     HOURS OF OPERATION                                                                                        dip, 3 pitchers of pop/juice.
     Mon—Fri: 3:30pm—8pm                                 Birthday Party
                                                         Packages                                        •     Chicken Strips with Fries: includes 3
                                                                                                               strips and fries, 3 pitchers of pop/juice.
     $12 hr ($8 hr for additional child)
     Registration on Gametime.                           Sportball Package                               ADDITIONAL ADDS (up to 16 guests)
                                                         Includes: One hour of our popular Sportball     1.    Pizza (16 slices)
     RESTRICTIONS                                        program including a registered Sportball        2.    Nachos
     1. 2 hrs maximum per child per day.                 Instructor and one hour room rental for         3.    Chicken Strips (16)
     2. Parents required to stay on site.                food. (16 meal plans included, additional       4.    Fries
                                                         rates apply if over 16 in attendance)           5.    Veggies & Dip Platter
     Professional Day Camps                                                                              6.    Fruit Platter
     Ages: 6 yrs – 11 yrs                                Dance Party Package                             7.    Dessert Platter (assortment
     Schools out, no problem we have you                 Includes: One hour of dance and                       of squares, cookies)
     covered and you don’t even have to                  one hour room rental for food. (16
     pack a lunch! Drop your children at the             meal plans included, additional rates           All Birthday Party Activity and Meal
     club for a fun filled day of activities.            apply if over 16 in attendance)                 plans include up to 16 guests,
     Dates to be determined.                                                                             additional for above 16 guests.
     9am - 4:30pm                                        Bouncy Castle Package                           Maximum of 25 children. Parent
     Member: $65                                         Includes: One hour rental of bouncy castle      involvement is required. Price includes
                                                         with one party host and one hour room           table, chairs, utensils, plates.
                                                                                  rental for food and    No outside food is permitted in the Club
                                                                                  cake. (16 meal plans   with the exception of Birthday Cake.
                                                                                  included, additional
                                                                                  rates apply if over    Birthday Parties must be booked 2 weeks in
                                                                                  16 in attendance)      advance of the date and final numbers are
                                                                                                         due one week in advance of the booking.

                                                                                                         Please note that due to Covid safety
                                                                                                         protocols, party packages may change
                                                                                                         or not be offered. Please reach out to
                                                                                                with any questions.


5 : 0 0PM - 9 :0 0PM

Co m p li m en ta ry t o o ur m e m b e rs . Par e nt
s up e rv i s io n r e q u i re d f o r c h il d r en u nd er 5 y r s.

NORTH SHORE WINTER CLUB | Spring Program Guide

     PERSONAL TRAINERS                                                                                        NICK RICCARDI
                                                                                                                Nick has been working at the
                                                                                                                NSWC since 2013, training
                                        GARTH PROUSE                                                            a variety of clients includ-
                                        Garth is an industry veteran                                            ing those returning from
                                        with extensive expertise train-                                         injuries to various groups of
                                        ing private clients, coaching                                           dry land hockey players. He
                                        teams, and teaching a variety                                           has spent many years rehab-
                                        of fitness classes. With over                                           bing his own serious injuries
                                        twenty years of experience                                              and has always come back
                                        in the fitness industry, he                                             stronger and smarter. Be-
                                        has helped clients of all                                               cause of this, Nick focuses on
                                        ages attain their maximum         prevention and maintaining a balanced, focused program tai-
                                        physical potential and overall    lored specifically to each of his clients. Nick has played hockey
                                        health goals. Garth’s ap-         since he was a child, spent many years training in martial arts,
     proach to strength and conditioning has helped enhance the           teaches self defense, and coaches soccer professionally. What-
     performance of his varied clientele, not limited to but including    ever sport, Nick can help!
     professional and junior athletes, children, teenagers, expectant
     mothers, business professionals, and seniors.

     Garth is a former member of Canada’s National Rugby Team, as                                             SAM HUSTON
     well as a BC Junior A Hockey alumni. His time in the BCHL with                                            The primary focus of
     the New West Outlaws, Surrey Eagles, and Trail Smoke Eaters                                               Sam’s training is assessing
     taught him resilience, discipline, and patience, as did compet-                                           and addressing his
     ing amongst some of the fittest in the world as one of the first                                          clients’ strengths and
     Canadians to attend the CrossFit Games. Now retired from                                                  weaknesses in order to find
     competitive sport, Garth carves out time to serve as the head                                             ways to challenge them
     coach of the Capilano Rugby Club. His experience with high-                                               to get stronger each and
     level athletics lead him to develop a unique training method,                                             every day. Their goals
     focused on proper mechanics, balanced programming, and                                                    are his goals, plain and
     encouraging clients to reach their desired levels of physical                                             simple! Sam creates a
     performance through safe and consistent progress.                                                         demanding and engaging
                                                                          training environment and concentrates on areas pertaining
     As the Director of Fitness at the NSWC, Garth oversees all           to the specific requirements of an athlete and how they
     fitness operations, providing leadership for team and group          relates to sport and life. This includes balance, foundational
     classes as well as personal training. Garth manages the              strength, functional and dynamic movements, core activation,
     strength and conditioning for hockey, tennis, and swimming,          s.a.q (speed agility quickness), power, flexibility, and
     whilst creating and coaching new class formats and generating        body maintenance.
     a fantastic culture and environment for all fitness users.

You can also read