2020 AGM Papers Zoom video conference - Wednesday, May 27, 2020 7:00pm - 8:30pm - Celebrants Association of New Zealand

Page created by Ronnie Robertson
2020 AGM Papers Zoom video conference - Wednesday, May 27, 2020 7:00pm - 8:30pm - Celebrants Association of New Zealand
2020 AGM Papers

Wednesday, May 27, 2020
   7:00pm - 8:30pm

 Zoom video conference
2020 AGM Papers Zoom video conference - Wednesday, May 27, 2020 7:00pm - 8:30pm - Celebrants Association of New Zealand
Table of Contents

PRESIDENT’S LETTER ..........................................................................................................2

REGISTRATION ..................................................................................................................3

AGENDA ...........................................................................................................................4

MEETING PROCEDURES .....................................................................................................5

MINUTES OF THE 2019 AGM ..............................................................................................6

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE 2019 - 2020 ............................................. 17

CANZ RULES .................................................................................................................... 24

PERFORMANCE REPORT................................................................................................... 41

REVIEWER’S REPORT........................................................................................................ 56


BRANCH REPORTS ........................................................................................................... 58

PROXY FORM – 2020 AGM ............................................................................................... 76

                             CELEBRANTS’ ASSOCIATION OF NEW ZEALAND (INC)
2020 AGM Papers Zoom video conference - Wednesday, May 27, 2020 7:00pm - 8:30pm - Celebrants Association of New Zealand
President’s Letter
Dear Members,
Due to the cancellation of this year’s conference we are holding the CANZ Annual General
Meeting 2020 virtually. Please read the following information before the AGM which will be
held via Zoom Video Conference on 27 May 2020, at 7:00pm.
We need a quorum of 10% of the membership so please consider joining in and participating.
Information on how to register for, and join this meeting, will be provided in this document.
The material presented here will inform and update you, and allow you to take an active part
in shaping our ever-growing association.
Nominations for the CANZ National Executive have been called, and received and the new
National Executive will be introduced later in this document.
The branch reports make for positive reading and you will find them at the end of this
Questions may be directed to support@celebrantsassociation.co.nz.

Dianne Troup

2020 AGM Papers Zoom video conference - Wednesday, May 27, 2020 7:00pm - 8:30pm - Celebrants Association of New Zealand
AGM Booklet
Please take some time to read through this 2020 AGM Booklet prior to the meeting.

You will receive an email notification regarding the AGM 14 days prior to the meeting date.
The email will contain a link to the Humanitix Registration page. You will need to register for
the zoom meeting. Registration is free and we encourage all CANZ members to attend.
Registering will give you your Zoom link information. SAVE THAT EMAIL.

To join your meeting on the meeting day is simple:

   1. As early as 15 minutes before the meeting; on your computer, laptop or mobile phone
      click the link you receive from registering for the zoom link.

       We recommend joining early so if there are any issues you have with the technical side
       (sound, video, etc) that can be resolved before the event begins.

   2. If you haven't used Zoom before you'll be prompted to download Zoom. Please click yes.

   3. For those of you on limited data make sure your video is off. You'll still see those who are
      on video, they just won't see you.

Here's a helpful video for those joining zoom for the first time.
Please read these helpful guides on Using Zoom and Online Meetings Privacy Policy.


Annual General Meeting of the Celebrants’ Association of New Zealand
27 May 2020, 7:00pm, via Zoom Video Conference
   1. Welcome

   2. Confirmation of quorum (previously confirmed via registration)

   3. Apologies

   4. Proxies

   5. Confirmation of previous AGM minutes

   6. Matters arising from minutes (if any)

   7. National Executive annual report

   8. Amendment to CANZ Rules

   9. Financial statement and reviewers report 2020

   10. Appointment of scrutineers (if required)

   11. Introduction of National Executive Members 2020/2021

   12. Branch Reports and any matters referred by branches

   13. General Business

   14. AGM Closed

   Presentation of Report from Registrar-General Jeff Montgomery
   Q&A Time

Meeting Procedures

Our AGM allows the National Executive to summarise its activities over the previous year and
its plans for the future, as well as permitting our members to ask questions or raise other
issues. In so far as possible, we endeavour to do this within the allotted time, and in a
collegial and collaborative environment.
We do not anticipate any highly controversial matters arising, but if our discussions
should become protracted, the following rules are designed to keep us on track:
   1. Any proposed amendment to a motion must be made in writing and notified to the
      chair, before it can be considered. The chair shall not accept any proposed
      amendment which is frivolous, or which seeks to frustrate or negate the original

   2. Any person proposing a motion may speak for up to four minutes to explain it and
      speak in support. Members responding to the proposed motion may speak for up to
      two minutes and shall be recognised in the order of those for the motion and those
      against. The mover of the motion will then have a right of reply of up to two minutes
      to respond. Apart from this right of reply, each speaker may speak only once to each
      motion. A warning bell will be sounded when a speaker has 15 seconds left to speak.

   3. Procedural motions may be accepted at the discretion of the chair.

Minutes of the 2019 AGM
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Celebrants Association of New Zealand
Incorporated, held in the Theatre Royal, TSB Showplace, New Plymouth on Saturday 25 May
2019, commencing at 11.00am.
National Executive Members
President: Dianne Troup
National Executive Member: Paula McGill
National Executive Member: Jann Hook
National Executive Member: Marg Palmer
National Executive Member: Lianne Fraser (minute taker)
Executive Officer: David Moger
Geoff Abbot, Colleen Baird, Jude Battson, Sam Bennett, Suzie Brosnahan, Anke Buhrfeindt,
Raewyn Calvert, Margaret Chapman, Helen Chesterman, Maria Chippindale, Krissy
Christensen, Frances, Christie, Rachel Clarke, Julie Clearwater, Christine Cleugh, Rachael
Collins, Patricia Cosford, Ange Davidson, Karin De La Rey, Belind De Lautour, Winnie Duggan,
Rosemary Duncan, Vicky Ellison, Karmin Erueti, Pat Fenton, Vavao Fetui, Emma Fitzgerald,
Shona Fitzpatrick, Rochelle Fleming, Lianne Fraser, Suzee Freeman, Barbs Frew, Christine
Furminger, Don Gibson, Sarah Gnad, Jane Godfrey, Lynne Greer, Kay Gregory, Charles
Grinter, Linda Hall, Sharron Harris, Linda Hartstonge, Joy Harvey, Alison Heam, Tricia Hendry,
Denise Herbert, Suzie Hoare, Jeneane Hobby, Jann Hook, Helen Hoskin, Akinihi Hotere, Judy
Inskter, Tania Jeffs, Gill Johnston, Jenny Judd, Clare Ladd, Lynsi Latham-Saunders, Annie
Leather, Alison Locke, Tracey Love, Emma Love, Liz Maluschnig, Janetta Mandeno, Sesilia
Mata’eliga, Olive McCall, Wendy McCarthy, Vicki McCarthy, Gail McCullough, Paula McGill,
Jeanette McIntyre, Beverley McLean, Sandy Millar, Aingie Miller, Pauline Moffat, David
Moger, Kim-Maree Morwood, Jenny Moyle, Barbara Murphy, Jill Murphy, Kara Northcroft,
Trish O’Brien, Marg Palmer, Fiona Parkinson, Linda Paterson, Louise Phillips, Edie Pont, Joy
Ramsay, Joelle Reid, Glynis Renata, Jan Robinson, Linda Schrempf, Josie Scott, Rosemary
Sloman, Joanne Smith, Jesse Smith, Kerry Sorensen-Tyrer, Kerry-Ann Stanton, Julie Stewart,
Helen Storey, Melanie Stuart, Sue Schnuriger, Larry Summerville, Nichola Taylor, Dianne
Troup, Pam Vette, Teresa Walker, Ses Webster, Murray Weir, Simon Wright, Astarte.
Call to Order and Opening Comments
Dianne Troup, President, called the meeting to order at 10.30am. She advised members that
there was a full agenda and as the meeting would conclude at 12.15pm it would be moved
through at an appropriate pace bearing in mind that the AGM is an important meeting for
the membership of CANZ.

Recognition of National Executive Members, paid contractors, branch chairs and committees
and others
I wish to begin by acknowledging and thanking the National Executive for their dedication
and commitment to their roles and for their unremitting support of me:
Marg Palmer:          Financial Management & Membership
Jann Hook:            National Education and Events
Paula McGill:         Professional Pathways Development
Lianne Fraser:        Communication & Marketing
All:                  Operational & Strategic Management
I also wish to acknowledge and thank David Moger who was appointed as our Executive
Officer under the agreement we have with FDANZ. David has brought a fresh approach and a
wealth of operational and strategic knowledge to our organisation and we are starting to see
the benefits of our new arrangements already. I also thank our National Office team including
Linda Hartstonge who is also our minute taker today and of course Claire Garner and
Justine Parsons and their team from YourVA.
Karin de la Rey continues to excel in her editorship of Pᾱnui ably assisted by Susan
Timberlake and her design support to that publication. The management of CANZ Chat is now
with the National Office but I take this opportunity to thank Rose Haskell and Tania Johnson-
Scott for their vigilance prior to this transfer.
And most importantly I thank the Branch Chairs and their committees. Their work in
supporting, informing and encouraging the membership are integral to CANZ and the
robustness of each branch is testament to the work and efforts of these volunteers.
As at 31st March 2019 we have 919 members which is an increase on the 844-last year.
 Branch                       2019                        2018
 Auckland                     276                         257
 Bay of Plenty                68                          57
 Canterbury                   131                         129
 Members at Large             86                          74
 Southern Branch              91                          90
 Taranaki                     28                          29
 Top of the South             53                          52
 Waikato                      60                          50
 Wellington                   126                         106
As a result of the agreement we have with FDANZ and David’s appointment as our Executive
Officer, David and his team have been taking over more of the operational matters that had

previously been done by the Executive. This in turn is allowing the Executive to focus more on
the matters of Governance and Strategy.
So, in line with this new way of working, I’ll now hand over to David to take us through the
operational matters of this AGM.
Operational Matters
David Moger thanked Dianne and continued:
It has been a pleasure to work with CANZ so far and from my meetings with the Executive
and my attendance at a number of Branch meetings, I am convinced that will continue. Thank
you all for making me so welcome.
So, onto the operational aspects of this AGM or as they are often known, the domestics.
For your reference the 2019 AGM Booklet can be found on the member dashboard on the
CANZ website, hopefully you have had a chance to go online and read this. If not, there are
some copies of the AGM Booklet here today, please share. We also have it displayed on the
screen at various points throughout this meeting.
We are working within a tight time frame for this AGM so to assist us in staying on track,
Paula is going to give time signals. The speaking times are shown on page 4 of your AGM
Movers of motions have up to 4 minutes and other speakers have up to 2 minutes. The
mover then has right of reply of up to 2 minutes. Each speaker may speak only once to each
Paula will hold up a green card after 2 minutes for movers and 1 minute for other speakers.
She will then hold up an orange card when a speaker has 30 seconds remaining. When the
allotted time has expired, Paula will hold up a red card and the speaker must stop at that
If you are speaking to a motion, moving or seconding it, please state your full name clearly for
the minutes.
Confirmation of Quorum
The quorum for an Annual General Meeting is 20 present in person or by proxy. I am pleased
to confirm that a quorum is present and so the meeting can proceed as planned.
There is a sheet circulating for you to initial your attendance please.
We have received proxies for voting, but will deal with these, and the appointment of
scrutineers, if the need arises later in the meeting. Please note that we will only need the
proxies if there is a vote to be counted. Where that situation arises, we will distribute proxy
I will now read out the nominated proxies.

Valid proxies have been received from:
 From                               In Favour of
 Helen Rutledge                     Dianne Troup
 Carol Gunn                         Jann Hook
 Sherryl Wilson                     Kerry-Ann Stanton
 Peta Hardley                       Kerry-Ann Stanton
 Carol Galloway                     Rachael Clarke

Moving to apologies, we have received apologies from:

 Name                     Received by             Proxy form
 Sheryl Alexander         Dianne Troup            no
 Jane Butler              Dianne Troup            no
 Sherryl Wilson           Dianne Troup            No
 Helen Rutledge           Dianne Troup            yes
 Rev Fr Allister Kelley   Linda Hartstonge        no
 Kathrine Fraser          Dianne Troup            no
 Kesh Gilmour             Dianne Troup            no
 Rose Haskell             Marg Palmer             no
 Elizabeth Bennett        Dianne Troup            no
 Rose Barnes              Marg Palmer             no
 Carol Gunn               Linda Hartstonge        yes
 Sheryl Wilson            Linda Hartstonge        yes
 Peta Hardley             Linda Hartstonge        yes

Are there any further apologies?
Apologies from the floor received from:
Janice Kingston, Lynn Allen, Kay Tairoa.
And with that Madam President, I shall hand back to you for the apologies to be accepted
and for the business of the meeting to commence
Thank you David and I move that the apologies be accepted.
Dianne Troup/Sam Bennett. Carried.

Confirmation of Minutes of Annual General Meeting 27th May 2018
The minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting have been circulated in your AGM papers
pp 5-11. Are there any errors or omissions in these minutes?
Would someone present at that meeting move that the minutes (as amended if required) of
the Annual General Meeting held on 27th May 2018 at Jet Park Conference Centre Auckland
be approved and adopted as a true and correct record.
Sharron Harris/Charles Grinter. Carried.
Matters arising from the Minutes.
Are there any matters arising from the minutes which are not covered by the reports to this
meeting as circulated?
No matters arising.
Annual Report of the National Executive 2018-2019
We come now to the Annual Report of the National Executive which can be found on pp 12-
Another very busy year for the Executive and National Office. My annual report is
documented in the AGM booklet and I won’t speak to the whole report but just pick up some
more pertinent issues.
Firstly, thank you for your patience those of you who had difficulty with the March renewal
of subscriptions process again. We have been disappointed by the continuing technical issues
we have encountered, and we have indicated to Webco that this level of failure is
unacceptable. They have assured us that they are working hard to resolve the issues and
ensure no further issues arise.
VCANZ has been launched and although there is still some degree of misunderstanding
around this, which we are seeking to address, the uptake has exceeded our expectations. We
will continue to encourage the membership to use VCANZ as a means to prove their past
experience and learnings and their commitment to ongoing professional development.
In June we are holding a Validators review day which will highlight any areas we need to
address around the validation process and as promised VCANZ will be reviewed later this year
to ensure continued efficacy and determine whether any refinements are required.
In June we will also be training some VCANZ champions; people who will be available to help
with advice and information through the VCANZ process.
Another change this year is the soon to be implemented outsourcing by BDM of registry style
weddings to celebrants in the regions. This change has come about following the decision of
the courts to withdraw this service from their core services. This change will come into play
on the 1st July this year. The strong relationship between CANZ and BDM continues to prove
beneficial to both organisations and I congratulate BDM on their customer focussed

This year the Funeral Directors Assn again held a successful “Take the Time to Talk campaign
and funeral directors were encouraged to involve their local CANZ celebrants in this
campaign in every way possible.
The relationship between FDANZ and CANZ has enabled us to take advantage of the buying
power we represent, and we were able to make discount cards available to our membership.
These cards allow for discounts at a raft of nationwide businesses. If you didn’t receive one or
have lost yours, please see Linda Hartstonge at the registration desk as she has some here
You will have noticed an Emergency card in your registration pack. This was an idea
borrowed from our Australian counterparts and we felt they could be a very useful tool. The
cards can be written on but the template will also be placed on the website and you can
download it as you wish.
Because we now have the support of a National Office and a dedicated events manager, we
have decided to dispense with the biennial National Education Forum and instead make
conferences an annual occurrence. I am excited to say that planning is already well
underway, and a venue has been booked for a conference in May 2020 in Lower Hutt,
The local branch will be involved in deciding the content and will be fully supported in the
management and planning by the executive committee and national office. If any of you have
suggestions for workshops or presenters, then please approach a member of the Exec or
national office with your ideas and they will ensure they are passed on to the Wellington
Conference committee.
The CANZ Constitution in its current form was deemed not to be entirely meeting the needs
of a growing organisation and was in need of some updates. Some specific changes include
limiting the number of people on the executive and allowing for an appointment to the
executive to be for a three-year term. It is felt this will both ensure stability but also enables
more sound succession planning. A vote on whether to accept the new constitution or an
agreed amended version will be taken later in this meeting.
The refinements and challenges that CANZ constantly faces are a sign of a healthy
organisation and we will continue to employ innovative responses to meet these. May I
congratulate every one of you for taking the time to be here today to support the
organisation on its Pathway to Peak performance?
With those comments I move that the Annual Report of the National Executive be received.
Dianne Troup/Jann Hook. Carried.
Does anyone wish to ask questions or speak to this motion?
No discussion ensued.
The motion is that the Annual Report of the National Executive be received.
Dianne Troup/Jann Hook. Carried.

VCANZ Certificate Presentation
Dianne: I would now like to take this moment to acknowledge the 93 members who have
successfully completed VCANZ and present certificates to the 37 of those 93 presents today.
I would like to invite Paula McGill to join me in presenting these certificates, Paula has taken
a major role in ensuring that VCANZ was developed and launched as successfully as it has
Paula: Before we hand out the certificates, I would like to acknowledge the validators who
have been busy assessing the applications. I thank them for their commitment and
professionalism in carrying out this vital work.
David will announce your name and when you are called please come up onto the stage to
receive your VCANZ certificate.
2018 Financial Statement and Reviewers Statement
We now come to the Association’s financial statements and I will hand over to David to speak
to these.
Thank you, Dianne. For most membership organisations, it is usual for the Executive Officer
to table the financial statements for the membership, so it is my pleasure to be able to
present them to you for the first time today.
The 2018 Financial Statements have already been provided in your AGM booklet. You will
note that the Reviewers Report was not included as there was a delay in obtaining some
documents that he required from the bank. This is pretty typical these days with the new
level of compliance around Proof of Persons and Anti Money Laundering that the banks are
adjusting to. The reports of the Royal Commission over in Australia have also added to the
banks’ nervousness so they are introducing new hoops for everyone to have to jump through
all the time.
I am, however delighted to report that the Reviewer has now received the final
documentation and he has given full approval to our financial statements.
The other news I want to share with you is that we now have a new firm of accountants
preparing our financial statements. Sexton Business Builders have been appointed by the
Executive to produce our financial statements and manage the year end reporting. This
means that we have YourVA providing bookkeeping services, Sexton Business Builders
managing the production of management reports and financial statements and Kulesh de
Silva provide an independent review in lieu of a full audit.
This structure is important as it gives you as members the assurance of independence and
security of the financial management of the Association under the oversight of the Executive.
In other words, for there to be any misappropriation of funds, those three professional
organisations would have to collude with me and my team and the National Executive to
commit fraud, so you can be confident that we have the best possible protection in place.
So, turning to the key elements of our financial statements you will note that revenue is
down marginally on the 2017 figures and so are expenses, leaving a marginal drop in the net
surplus. The Association does not operate to make a substantial surplus, as is typical for

membership organisations so a small operating surplus is a good outcome over a rolling time
period. That is something that the Association has done historically and continues to do so.
From the Statement of Financial Position, you will note that there has been a small increase
in Total Accumulated Funds. Again, the Association does not operate to grow the size of the
balance sheet so maintaining a reasonable covering of operating costs is a good outcome.
You will note from the accounts that there has been some tidying up of records from
previous years as part of the work that Sexton Business Builders have done in taking over the
accounting function and those were of a relatively minor nature. We will continue to work
with them on the structure of our Financial Statements in line with the new accounting
standards and with a view to improving presentation and transparency.
In addition, I intend to review the basis of preparation to ensure that we are using the best
accounting framework for our needs. Ongoing reviews like these are good practice for al
So, Madam President, that concludes my overview of the Financial Statements and I shall
hand back to you to move that they be received and approved and allow for any questions
that members may have.
Thank you, David. It is good to know that our finances are being managed in such a
professional way between National Office, our accountant and our Reviewer.
There are two motions. The first is to receive the Statement and Reviewers Report.
As David has said, both the accountant and the reviewer were quick to reassure us that the
association’s financials are both sound and transparent.
I therefore move that the 2018 Financial Statement and Reviewers Report be received
Dianne Troup/Raewyn Calvert. Carried.
May I now have a motion that the 2018 Financial Statement and Reviewers Report be
Charles Gritten/Astarte. Carried.
The report is now open for comments or questions:
Vicky Ellison asked for an explanation of amortisation and intangibles. David Moger
explained that it relates to a lump sum spread over time as compared to its value today. As
well there are different accounting styles to show depreciation. David also outlined the
distinction between a not-for-profit and charity organisations and their different accounting
A question from the floor (name not given) regarding the entry for registry wedding income.
Dianne Troup explained that this is a ‘money in, money out’ transaction from what has been
a very successful pilot scheme in Auckland and Manukau cities to relieve pressure on registry
offices, particularly in Auckland where major infrastructure work has made access to the
offices difficult.
A question from the floor (name not given) regarding depreciation of intangible expenses.

David Morger explained that CANZ must followtechnical advice. He explained that, as an
example, the website is a non-cash depreciation of the asset.
Sharron Harris queried website costs. David Morger explained that the entry covers the total
cost over time and that our new accountants (Sexton) show this cost in a different way and
that it does not relate to this current year. The current year is shown under intabible assets.
The motion is that the 2018 Financial Statement and Reviewers Report be approved.
Recommendations from National Executive
I ask Marg Palmer to make the first recommendation
Motion 1 Reviewer
That Kulesh de Silva be reappointed as Reviewer for the Association and I so move.
Dianne Troupe/Lynne Greer. Carried.
Motion 2 Legal Advisor
I ask Jann Hook to make the second recommendation
That Barrister Derek Firth be reappointed as Honorary Legal Adviser for the Association and I
so move
Jann Hook/Lynn Shreff. Carried.
Election of the National Executive
The following members have been nominated to serve on the National Executive
 Nominee         Mover                  Seconder
 Marg Palmer     Suzie Brosnahan        Rose Barnes
 Jann Hook       Carol Gunn             Helen Rutledge
 Paula McGill    Joy Ramsey             Lynne Greer
 Lianne Fraser   Belinda de Lautour     Karin de la Rey
 Dianne Troup    Helen Rutledge         Emma Love
 Rachel Clarke   Winnie Duggan          Julie Stewart
 Kesh Gilmour    Bernadette Buckley     Pinky Agnew
I will invite Rachel Clarke to join us up here and unfortunately Kesh Gilmour is unable to be
here today due to family commitments.
Thank you each of you for agreeing to your nomination.
The number of members on the National Executive is not specified in the Constitution. As the
association has grown in recent years so too has the tremendous workload of the National
Executive. I recommend that all of the nominees be appointed to the National Executive. The
National Executive retains the right to co-opt further team members if needed.

Are there any speakers to this recommendation?
There being none.
I move that these members Dianne Troup, Marg Palmer, Jann Hook, Paula
McGill, Lianne Fraser, Rachel Clarke and Kesh Gilmour be accepted to the National
Executive and that they will determine at their first meeting who the role of president shall
sit with.
Dianne Troup/Sam Bennett
Presentation of Awards
There were no nominations received for Honorary Life Membership
Matters referred by Branches
No matters were referred by Branches
Reports from Branches
The reports for each Branch are included in the AGM papers pp 33 – 43.
I can’t stress enough how important the work of the branches is in bringing fellowship and
professional development opportunities to our members. I thank each of you on the branch
committees for your efforts and successes.
I move that these reports be received.
Dianne Troup/Jenny Wright. Carried.
General Business
Adoption of proposed New Constitution as shown in AGM papers pp 16-29. It was felt that
the constitution in its current form required some amendments to keep apace of the needs
of a growing organisation.
The motion is that the new Constitution as presented to this AGM 2019 be received
May I now have a motion that the new Constitution as presented to this AGM 2019 be
Jann Hook/Karin De Lay Rey. Carried.
It was clarified that a quorum as outlined in the proposed new constitution will be 10% of
The new term of appointment for a national executive will take effect at the 2020 AGM. The
terms of appointment of the national executive voted at the 2019 AGM are under the
existing constitution.
The motion is that the new Constitution as presented to this AGM 2019 be approved
Dianne Troup/Emma Love. Carried.
Are there any further items of general business?

Karmin Erueti, Taranaki raised the question of how CANZ is aligned with Te Tiriti. Paula McGill
explained that the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi are included in the CANZ Body of
Knowledge and referred to in the VCANZ process as well as in CANZ policy documents, Code
of Ethics and that CANZ members must comply by NZ laws, including Te Tiriti and the NZ Bill
of Rights. It was recognised that there is opportunity to do this better and that the national
executive could in future spell it out strategically and visually. The NE accepted that
challenge and President Dianne Troup thanked Karmin for raising it, saying the NE is
commited to working with the Treaty and acknowledge tikanga Maori.
There being no further items of general business I hereby declare the Annual General
Meeting 2019 closed.

Annual Report of the National Executive 2019 - 2020

CANZ has experienced some real successes and some interesting challenges this year but
continues as a strong body representing celebrants and the importance of the work they do.
The CANZ National Executive is committed to lifting the CANZ profile amongst the public and
our stakeholders whilst always bearing in mind the objectives and purposes of CANZ as stated
in the Celebrants’ Association NZ Rules –
The National Executive works on a voluntary basis and this year has consisted of the
Dianne Troup – President. Organisational figurehead, liaison with membership and external
stakeholders, principal overview of all management areas
Marg Palmer - Financial Management and Membership
Jann Hook - Membership, Branch Development Framework and Strategies, National
Education and other events
Paula McGill - Professional Pathways Development (VCANZ) Frame work and Strategies
Lianne Fraser- Communications and Marketing
Kesh Gilmour- Health and Safety
Rachel Clark- Strategic Development, Treaty of Waitangi
In October 2019 the CANZ National Executive met and discussed the agreement between
CANZ and FDANZ that saw us sharing an Executive Officer and National Office. The
agreement was proving financially unviable and wasn’t fully meeting the expectations and
needs of our organisation. The decision was made to withdraw from the agreement and the
disestablishment of this agreement was completed by 31 st December 2019.
This action left the National Executive with other important decisions to be taken into
consideration and acted upon. It had been apparent for some years that CANZ could survive
very well whilst being run by a committed group of volunteers but it could not innovate,
diversify or expand under this regime.
The National Executive went into discussion with YourVA and as a consequence we have
extended the level of support from YourVA. The structure is now as follows:
Claire Garner continues in administration and member support
Hazel Raye supports Claire in membership matters but also has a hand in day to day finances
and xero.
Sue Balcomb is our events co-ordinator working in the areas of conferences, support to
branch events, and coordination of branch leadership days.
Justine Parsons, YourVA owner has taken on our social media and marketing portfolio’s.

As and when needed, others in Justine’s diverse and skilled team can step in to complete
This move has proven to be strategically advantageous to CANZ as an organisation,
particularly in marketing and social media promotion. We are grateful to the YourVA team for
their constant availability and effective responses.
National Education Events
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic the decision to cancel the 2020 National Conference planned
for 22nd 23rd 24th May was inevitable. The Wellington Branch conference committee had
applied so much energy and enthusiasm to the task and had developed a programme that
would have satisfied even the most discerning amongst us. We offer them our sincere
thanks. Thanks, are also due to Sue Balcomb. With the departure of conference support from
National Office, Sue stepped up to the job in hand, transitioned seamlessly into the role and
made a huge contribution. Conference 2021 has now been offered to Wellington Branch to
host and much of the work already undertaken will remain relevant.
Member Support
BDM continue to offer strong support to CANZ by encouraging new applicants to join our
professional organisation. It continues to be part of our Strategic Plan to increase our
membership to 40% of independent celebrants (measured by gazetted marriage celebrant
In an effort to save costs and reduce workloads for administration and accounting staff we
are currently moving to bring all members back to a 31 st March subscription date. The use of
a pro rata system will bring all subs into line by 31st March 2021.
Branch Support
The real strength of CANZ lies in the branches and we have been delighted to support two
new branches into being this year. The establishment of East Coast and Northland Branches
means celebrants in those areas have a more realistic opportunity to attend and benefit from
workshops and events. Both have formed committees and their enthusiasm and keenness is
appreciated. Sincere thanks to all of the branch chairs, secretaries, treasurers and their
respective committees for their continued contribution and commitment to providing
learning, and collegial opportunities to our members.
The uncertainty around Covid 19 also led to the cancellation of the Branch Leadership
Training Day. We hope this will still happen at some stage but at the time of writing this
decision is clouded by uncertainty. Meantime I urge all branches to reference the guide to
CANZ Branch Management regularly for information and advice and as always, your Branch
Executive Liaison person is only a phone call away.
Financial Report
Refer to Performance and Reviewer’s Reports on pages 41-56 of this document.
Communication and Marketing
The National Executive have made it a priority to increase brand awareness of CANZ and our
members and the CANZ marketing plan reflects this. So far this year (2020) we have:
•  Surveyed all members for feedback on our organisation in general to determine what
      we do well and what we could improve on.
   • Created a marketing strategy and marketing plan for 2020.
   • Created a dashboard in order to measure marketing performance
   • Created and executed our content calendar
   • Optimised social media profiles (and created profiles on Instagram and LinkedIn)
   • Created a Beginner’s Guide for Social Media which is located in Members Toolkit on
      the CANZ website. This same guide will be used to attract new members
   • Added a blog page to the CANZ website
   • Created a How to Zoom guide to assist our members with online meetings and
      increase communication as an organisation
   • Held a Zoom meeting walking branch executives through using Zoom
   • Updated the CANZ Online Media policy
   • Created a CANZ Online Meeting policy
   • Created a process for online meetings including using Humanitix for meeting
      registrations and Zoom for the meetings themselves
   • Updated all CANZ directory listings in My Wedding Guide and My Celebrant Guide
   • Surveyed members about using online platforms to increase communication and
We are currently working on:
   •  Creating an Advanced Guide for Social Media
   •  A systemised process for celebrants to use with their own clients to increase the
      number of booked ceremonies
   • Improving the following website pages:
          o Join CANZ
          o VCANZ
CANZ Website
The launch of the new website created relatively few glitches and most of these are now
resolved. Thank you all for your patience. It is our goal to have this loaded with a variety of
resources, relevant information and useful templates. We encourage you to become familiar
with the website and all it has to offer. You will notice changes from time to time as we fine
tune the site to make navigation easier and as we upload new information. If you encounter
any problems at all, email support@celebrantsassociation.co.nz . We continue to urge
members to login and ensure their personal profile information (including a photo) and their
bio are updated, and that the box to make profile details visible to the public has been
selected. All this will help when the Find a Celebrant page is accessed.
Karin de la Rey continues to creatively provide each quarterly edition of Pᾱnui with relevant
and useful information. Contributions from our stakeholders BDM and FDANZ and the
celebrant training providers, The Celebrant School and The Celebrant Training College,
ensure we are up to date with any legal or collegial aspects of our role and serve to enhance
the relationship we have with each organisation.

Thank you to all who contribute, query and respond via this medium. As always, I offer the
caution that although it is a closed member site, no site is completely secure so please be
circumspect, positive and respectful when you use it.
Social Media
We are using now using Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram in a two-pronged approach. Our
goal is to:
   1. Increase brand awareness amongst the public on the types of ceremonies we can
      perform and the benefits of using a CANZ member to officiate a ceremony
   2. Add value for members by sharing industry news, advice, inspiration and
Professional Pathways
The VCANZ program continues to have a strong uptake and we currently have 152 members
VCANZ certified. VCANZ does not suit or appeal to everyone but those who do achieve it
have a means of providing evidence that they commit to regular ongoing professional
development in all aspects of celebrant work and that they meet a set of stringent
The creation of the new website allowed us to review access to VCANZ and members can
now go into the VCANZ pathways, explore the requirements and complete, and only when
ready to submit do they need to pay the $200 (equivalent to $50 per annum) fee. We feel
this will allow members to see how doable VCANZ is and will hopefully ease some of the
trepidation that still exists around this move to self-regulate our industry.
I will take this opportunity to thank the VCANZ validators and VCANZ support people for the
wonderful work they have voluntarily taken on. The importance of their role to the whole
VCANZ process cannot be understated and I thank them unreservedly.
Celebrant Training Providers
CANZ strongly endorses the celebrant specific training as provided by The Celebrant School
and the Celebrant Training College and highly recommend their programs. Like CANZ, the
celebrant schools have embraced Zoom as a platform to connect and inform so go to their
websites to see what their offerings are, and how they deliver them to new and experienced
celebrants alike.
External Stakeholder Liaison
BDM – Births, Deaths and Marriages
In July 2019, courthouses around the country closed to registry weddings and these
weddings are now officiated by CANZ celebrants who have achieved VCANZ and applied to
BDM to do them. On 1st February 2020 Wellington became the first BDM office to close to
registry weddings and outsource to celebrants. Christchurch office and then Auckland and
Manukau were scheduled to follow later this year and in the new year respectively. However
due to the Covid 19 crisis, BDM decided to make the switch immediately and from 25th
March all registry weddings have been referred to VCANZ’d celebrants who have applied to
BDM to do this work.
The Covid 19 experience highlighted the importance of the BDM/CANZ relationship and BDM
continue to seek CANZ’ input in their decision-making processes around weddings. Never
hesitate to approach BDM if you have a query or concern that isn’t answered on either their
website or ours.
FDANZ- Funeral Directors Association NZ
A strong two-way relationship continues to develop between CANZ and FDANZ. It became
particularly evident in the critical days as the Covid 19 issue developed. CANZ were getting up
to the minute information to share with the membership. There were comments that some
of this information was conflicting but the situation was, (and remains), volatile and fast
moving and decisions were made, changed and reported as new data emerged.
Health and Safety
The Health and Safety Guidelines sit in the Member’s Resources – members toolbox section
of the website and it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with this at least annually.
This has been updated so now would be a good time to revisit it.
New CANZ National Executive 2020
As the number of nominations for the National Executive did not exceed the allowed number
(7) each of the six (6) nominees have been appointed unopposed.
Your new National Executive consists of:
Rachel Clarke
Rachel is an incumbent member of the CANZ Executive. Like all celebrants, Rachel loves
working with people and her interest stems from years of nursing and teaching. She is
passionate about professional development and has been running VCANZ workshops since
the end of last year. With Covid-19, these workshops are now online, providing a wonderful
platform for meeting celebrants from across the country.
Lianne Fraser
Lianne is an incumbent member of the CANZ Executive. Becoming a celebrant was the most
natural progression in Lianne’s career and something she utterly enjoys. She has a certificate
in celebrant studies from the Celebrant School/Te Wananga Korowai Aroha and is a validated
member of CANZ. From 1990, Lianne worked in media and community relations for the
Department of Conservation, leaving in 2008 to become a local journalist and broadcaster for
Newstalk ZB. She is a published writer and has worked as a freelance writer, event manager,
fundraiser and lectured in Public Relations and Communications at Waiariki Institute (now Toi
Ohomai), Rotorua. She is an accredited member of the Public Relations Institute and until
recently was a communication advisor at The Business Studio, now Legend. Now an
experienced funeral celebrant, Lianne also loves the joy of marriage, celebration and ritual;
it’s such an important part of life. She's based in Taupo, married with three adult children and
two grandchildren.

Kesh Gilmour
Kesh is an incumbent member of the CANZ Executive. She is a passionate, trained and
experienced VCANZ celebrant who feels privileged and honoured to officiate at weddings.
Outside of being a Celebrant, Kesh works full-time in leadership development for the Pacific
nations, volunteers her time to Rotary and is due to self-publish her first novel this year.
Sharron Harris
As a long-term member of the Institute of Directors, Sharron values the opportunity to serve
as a member of the executive of an organisation that exists to ensure meaningful,
appropriate and personalised ceremony is available to the population of Aotearoa New
Zealand. Sharron views her work as a celebrant as one of the greatest privileges in her life.
Brent Ruru
Brent is a marriage and funeral celebrant, practising in Christchurch since 2017. He is VCANZ
certified and has a Diploma in Celebrant Studies. His previous vocations have included
owner/operator of a primary-aged childcare business; leadership role in Quality & Business
Transformation (Dubai); case management coordinating family dispute resolution; and
business and youth mentoring. Brent is married with two adult children. Life balance includes
adventure travel, freelance illustration, volunteering and ukulele. Brent brings a kaleidoscope
of experiences to help transition an industry facing a changed landscape, with professional
integrity, positivity, relatable empathy and a sense of humour.
Larry Summerville
Larry has a Diploma of Celebrancy with CTC. Originally trained as a teacher, his report card on
leaving college said, “would succeed in teaching or broadcasting”. For the past 40 odd years
he has played in radio, both on the microphone and in management. He has now returned to
teaching, using his qualifications to help launch some new talent into the multi platformed
radio environment. Larry has been married for 44 years and loves the formal coupling that is
marriage. His celebrancy life is varied and continues to be enjoyable.

I wish the new executive well. They have taken on a role that will challenge and stretch them
but I know they will find it as rewarding and extending as I have.
I will take this opportunity to thank the outgoing executive. Through some difficult times and
difficult decisions, they have remained a cohesive and supportive unit. My admiration for
them is only exceeded by my respect for their knowledge, wisdom and commitment. The
friendships we have established are permanent and highly valued.
I offer a special acknowledgment of the contributions of
Jann Hook for 7 years’ service.
Marg Palmer for 5 years’ service.
Paula McGill for 3 years’ service.

This has been a challenging and sometimes very difficult year for CANZ and the National
Executive team. We have experienced a financial loss and we found ourselves terminating an
agreement that we had spent considerable time and energy establishing and then, through
necessity, disestablishing. However, working with YourVA, the National Executive have now
found a model that is working extremely well and CANZ is seeing innovations and real
progress in important areas and has regained a positive and forward-facing impetus.
As we did after 15th March 2019 our entire country has had to come together and, with one
accord, respond to a threat, this time as presented by Covid 19. Events like this teach us to
detach from the petty details of our own lives and see the whole.
As celebrants you have held couples and families through an extraordinary, even bizarre turn
of events. The disappointment of a postponed wedding or the tragedy of a delayed public
acknowledgement of a death are felt on a personal level and I know each of you responded
with a professionalism touched by compassion and in doing so aided the emotional recovery
of your communities.
No man is an island entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, part of the main.
                                                              John Donne 1572-1631


  Celebrants Association of New Zealand


                     May 2020

Rules Index

1.    Name

2.    Objects and Purposes

3.    Powers

4.    The Control and Investment of the Association’s Funds

5.    Prohibition of Pecuniary Gain

6.    Membership

7.    Election of Officers

8.    Duties of the National Executive

9.    Meetings and Voting

10.   Common Seal

11.   Resolving, Complaints and Disputes

12.   Minutes

13.   Voting

14.   Postal and Electronic Ballots

15.   Proxies

16.   Use of Technology

17.   Minutes of National Executive meetings

18.   Register of Information held

19.   Alteration of the Rules

20.   Dissolution of Association

21.   Policies

22.   Registered Office

23.   Definitions

1.    Name
The name of the Association is “Celebrants’ Association of New Zealand Incorporated”.

2.    Objects and Purposes
2.1   The Association is required to operate within the scope of its objects and purposes. In
      giving effect to these objects and purposes, the Association shall encourage policies
      and practices that reflect New Zealand’s cultural diversity and shall, in particular, have
      due regard to the provisions, spirit and intent of the Treaty of Waitangi.
2.2   The objects and purposes of the Association are:
      a. To foster celebrancy and to support celebrants in carrying out their duties
         competently, professionally and ethically.
      b. To maintain high standards among celebrants including ethical standards and
         standards of cultural respect and sensitivity.
      c. To encourage co-operation and the exchange of experiences and ideas among
      d. To provide advice and information to support Members in the effective performance
         of their duties.
      e. To facilitate educational opportunities and to encourage the continuing professional
         development of Members.
      f. To promote public awareness of the roles and functions of celebrants.
      g. To act as an advocate for celebrants with Government and other organisations and
      h. To do all such other lawful things that are necessary or helpful to the achievement
         of the above objects and purposes.
      i. Pecuniary gain is not an object or purpose of the Association.

3.    Powers
3.1   In addition to all other powers vested in the Association by these rules or by law, the
      Association shall have and may exercise (either alone or with any other organisation,
      body, person or persons) the following powers:
      a. By all lawful means, to trade, make profits and/or losses, collect funds and raise
      b. To construct, maintain, improve, alter, enlarge, pull down, demolish, remove,
         replace, manage, acquire, hold, gift, sell, bail, exchange, license, lease, mortgage and
         otherwise encumber, exhaust, use and/or exploit any and all forms or real or
         intangible property.
      c. To establish, undertake and execute any trusts.
      d. To lend, borrow, gift, invest or otherwise deal with any form of money, security or
e. To write down or write off any debt to the extent it may be considered
      f. To communicate, discuss and represent to any government, regulatory authority,
         organisation, individual or other body information, matters of concern or interest to
         members generally.
      g. To join with in any capacity such other organisation, body or persons and to
         incorporate companies, to enter partnerships and joint ventures if to do so is not
         inconsistent with the Association’s objects and purposes.
      h. To delegate.
      i. To the extent permitted by law, to indemnify including to obtain insurance cover for
         its officers and others.
      j. To establish, maintain, control, manage and dissolve Branches of the Association and
         to determine and modify the rules, rights, privileges, obligations and duties of any
         such Branch.
      k. Without limiting the foregoing, to do such things, incur such costs and complete
         such documents as may in the opinion of the National Executive be conducive to the
         performance of the Association’s objects and purposes.
3.2   None of the powers of the Association shall be deemed subsidiary or ancillary to any
      other power or authority and the Association shall be entitled to exercise all or any of
      the powers independently of any other or other of them. In the event of any ambiguity,
      this provision shall be construed so as to widen and not restrict the powers of the
3.3   The National Executive may exercise all the powers of the Association except those
      powers that these Rules or the Incorporated Societies Act require to be exercised by
      general meetings of the Members.
3.4   The National Executive may delegate to a member of the National Executive, a
      subcommittee or staff, any of its powers and functions other than—
      a. This power of delegation or,
      b. A duty imposed on the National Executive by the Incorporated Societies Act or any
         other law.
3.5   The delegation must be in writing and may be subject to the conditions and limitations
      the National Executive considers appropriate. The National Executive may, in writing,
      revoke a delegation wholly or in part.

4.    The Control and Investment of the Association’s Funds
4.1   The Association must keep true and fair accounts.
4.2   The National Executive is responsible for keeping proper accounting records of the
      Association’s financial transactions to allow the Association’s financial position to be
      readily ascertained.

4.3   Annual financial statements for presentation at each Annual General Meeting will be
      prepared in accordance with the Association’s accounting policies.
4.4   The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the
      promotion of the objects and purposes of the Association.
4.5   The National Executive may use the funds of the Association as it considers necessary,
      expedient or proper in payment of the costs and expenses in furthering or carrying out
      the objects and purposes of the Association including the employment of solicitors,
      auditors, officers, agents, consultants and employees or others authorised to perform
      the functions delegated by the National Executive.
4.6   The Association may invest and deal with funds of the Association not immediately
      required in such a manner as decided by the National Executive.

5.    Prohibition of Pecuniary Gain
5.1   While the Association may trade and make profits, in no event will the Association
      operate for the pecuniary gain of any of its members. In no event will any member:
      a. Have an exclusive or otherwise disposable right to any property held by the
      b. Be entitled to share in the revenue generated by any of the Association’s activities
         irrespective of the contribution to the generation of that revenue by the member.
      c. Be entitled to receive any gain, dividend, distribution, a share of any profits or any
         other financial benefit howsoever generated by the Association.
5.2   It shall not contravene the prohibition on pecuniary gain if a member receives:
      a. Remuneration for services provided to the Association in the ordinary course of that
         member’s employment or retention by the Association.
      b. Payment for services provided to the Association by a member in the ordinary
         course of their occupation or the occupation of a business in which the member is
      c. Reimbursement of costs incurred by that member in performing service on behalf of
         the Association.
      d. Pecuniary gain to which the member would be equally entitled if not a member of
         the Association, having entered into a transaction with the Association on arm’s
         length term.
      e. Prizes other than financial prizes in competitions run by the Association for
      f. Pecuniary gain permitted by law and accepted by the National Executive in its sole
         discretion as appropriate.

6.    Membership

6.1     The membership of the Association shall consist of various categories as determined by
        the National Executive from time to time. The National Executive will set the eligibility
        criteria for each category of membership
6.2     The National Executive will from time to time set the Association’s membership fees for
        each membership category.
6.3     Any person who satisfies the criteria for one of the membership categories determined
        by the National Executive is eligible for membership and may become a member if
        a. Complete the relevant application form, supply all requisite details and information
           and make any declarations, or gives any undertakings, that may be required by the
           National Executive from time to time (including, but not limited to, undertakings as
           to compliance with the Rules and any Code of Conduct or Code of Ethics) and,
        b. Pay the appropriate membership fee.
6.4     The Association shall keep an electronic register of members, containing full name and
        address of the Member and any other information as required by the National
        Executive from time to time
6.5     No information may be provided to a third party without the approval of the member.
      1. The membership of a member ceases on resignation or expulsion.
      2. A member is taken to have resigned if
        a. The member’s written resignation is received by the Association or,
        b. The member's annual subscription is more than 1 month in arrears or
        c. Where no annual subscription is payable a written request to the member to
           confirm that they wish to remain a member has not been responded to within 1
           month after the request has been sent
      3. A member may be expelled from the Association if the member:
        a. Does not provide the requisite details, information, declarations or undertakings set
           out in the application form or,
        b. No longer fulfils the eligibility criteria for a category of membership.

7.      Election of Officers
7.1     The National Executive may consist of up to seven persons who, being members of the
        Association, shall be elected as National Executive members by the members of the
        Association in accordance with these Rules as follows:
        a. Notifications calling for nominations to vacant National Executive positions are to be
           sent to all members at least forty-two days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
        b. All nominations must be in the hands of the Secretariat thirty-five days prior to the
           Annual General Meeting

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