Page created by Stacy Saunders
Corporate Careers
That make a difference
A Guide from Net Impact
and the Carroll School of Management’s
Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College
ontent   Table of Contents
         Letter from the Publishers							                   3
         A Note on Terminology							                        4

              A Changing Landscape						                     6
              Making change from Any department 			          8

         2.   What Does it take to lead?                     12
              Corporate Citizenship Competencies			          13
              The Realities of Corporate Citizenship			      17

         3.   Stories from the field                         21
              Dedicated corporate citizenship department		   22
              Strategy									                              39
              Operations & Supply Chain Management			        41
              Product Management						                       50
              Finance & Compliance						                     58
              Marketing & Brand management				               66

         4.   The Career Search                              73

         5.   In Closing                                     80

         Appendix										                                  82
              Additional Resources						                     83
              Acknowledgments							                         84

         About Net Impact								                            85
Letter from the Publishers

today’s business landscape         product management to finance to community engagement. We
looks very different than it       have deliberately chosen individuals with corporate responsibility         With new
did just a decade ago; shifting    or sustainability in their titles, as well as those who lead citizenship
environmental and economic         efforts from within a more conventional business role to demonstrate       opportunities
realities, new business models,    the sheer variety of opportunities that exist throughout the corporate
                                                                                                              in sustainability
and changing attitudes             sector.
have opened up new career                                                                                     and corporate
                                   While these profiles explore individual career paths, we also highlight
opportunities among those
looking to pursue work that
                                   the particular experiences and approaches that prepared our                responsibility come
                                   featured professionals for their current positions. While it is clear
directly reflects their personal                                                                              new challenges.
                                   there is no one specific path to a role in corporate responsibility
values. With these new
                                   and sustainability, we call attention to a common set of skills
opportunities, of course, come
                                   and experiences demonstrated by those interviewed. This report
new challenges.
                                   shares their advice and recommendations, and provides a practical
We developed this career guide     framework for career development.
to inform both graduate students
                                   We thank all of the participants for sharing their experiences with us
and working professionals about
                                   and our readers. Net Impact is also grateful to the Carroll School of
the growing variety of positions
                                   Management’s Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College
in corporate citizenship, and
                                   for its guidance, and to the GE Foundation for the generous financial
to inspire readers to rethink
                                   support that made this guide possible. It is our hope that this guide
their understanding of what it
                                   will not only help readers better understand the opportunities open
means to successfully pursue
                                   to them, but that it will provide the insight and practical support
such careers. The professionals
                                   necessary to maximize those opportunities.
who share their stories
throughout these pages work
in a wide range of companies                   Liz Maw                    Peggy Connolly
and industries. They perform                   Executive Director         Managing Director
a diversity of job functions                   Net Impact                 Carroll School of Management’s
that influence everything from                                            Center for Corporate Citizenship
                                                                          at Boston College

A Note on Terminology

There is, unfortunately,   little      umbrella term that includes both social impact (encompassing corporate
consistency in the usage of the        social responsibility, or CSR, issues), and environmental impact
language surrounding corporate         (encompassing sustainability issues). More specific language is used
citizenship. The term “corporate       where appropriate.
citizenship” itself is often used
interchangably with “corporate
responsibility” or “sustainability.”     How Language is used in this guide

Complicating matters even
                                                                       “Corpor ate Citizenship ”
further, all of these terms
are often defined differently
depending on who is using them.                        Social Impact                          Environmental Impact

Some feel social impact should be             “Corporate Responsibility” or                        “Sustainabilit y ”
                                           “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”
differentiated from environmental
impact, for example, while
                                                Possible Job Functions                         Possible Job Functions
others might consider social                      Communit y Affairs                      Environmental, Health & Safet y
                                                Volunteer Management                           Resource Management
and environmental issues to be
                                           Employee Diversit y & Engagement              Life cycle analysis & engineering
directly related.                                    Phil anthropy                                         Etc .
                                                          Etc .

To avoid such confusion, we use
the phrase “corporate citizenship”       Note: Companies often use different terminology, and have different organizational
                                         structures depending on how they approach the above issues.
throughout this guide as an

ection 1
           1. THE New CORPORATE

A Changing Landscape

when we think   of careers in         management, supply chain management, operations, and others.
corporate responsibility or           From their position within such traditional departments, however,             Anyone can look at
sustainability, we often think        these professionals are helping to define — and redefine — how their          their job and find
of the dedicated CSR Director         company does business.
or Chief Sustainability Officer,                                                                                    ways to integrate
                                      The dozens of profiles in this guide represent a remarkable breadth
spending his or her working
                                      and depth of job functions. Yet regardless of where in an organization        sustainability
days implementing responsible
                                      they work, all our interviewees find themselves addressing social and
policies, and analyzing and
                                      environmental issues on a regular basis. From the Senior Manager of
                                                                                                                    thinking. It might
reporting the impacts of a
                                      Energy Services at Walmart, who spends her days overseeing energy             be easier to create
company to bring people, planet,
                                      audits and store retrofit projects, to the Senior Manager of New
and profits together. This is,                                                                                      social change if
                                      Product Commercialization at Clif Bar, who makes critical decisions
indeed, a field of passionate
                                      about the nature of the ingredients that go into the company’s
individuals who believe that                                                                                        you have a title,
                                      products, these professionals all find a way to weave corporate
business has a critical role to
                                      responsibility and sustainability into their jobs.                            but anyone in an
play in the creation of a more
sustainable economy and culture.      There is another striking diversity among our interviewees: very few of       organization can

                                      their companies exist specifically to do environmental or social impact
But when we look closer at the                                                                                      have an impact.
                                      work. The professionals working in these companies may well be
people who practice corporate
citizenship every day, a different
                                      trailblazers, helping to push their organization toward sustainability,             ~ Kirsten Olsen Cahill
picture often emerges. We
                                      but they often do so within the framework of conventional business                            Google.org
                                      models and industries.
see people who hold job titles
not immediately considered            Furthermore, many of those profiled have transitioned from one
part of the world of corporate        field to another, leveraging their experiences as they move through
responsibility and environmental      their careers. This is reflective of a common trend among working
sustainability. We notice             professionals who deal with CSR and sustainability in their jobs: very
individuals embedded across any       few of them have worked in corporate citizenship their entire careers.
given organization, in roles that     In fact, according to the Profiles of the Profession 2010 survey from
might surprise us: finance, product   the Carroll School of Management’s Center for Corporate Citizenship


at Boston College, over 95%           the Boston College Center set out to determine if there were certain
of professionals working in           identifiable competencies to be found among corporate citizenship               If you’re willing to
corporate citizenship come from       leaders. The findings, published in a 2010 report titled Leadership
other backgrounds.                    Competencies for Corporate Citizenship and discussed in more                    expand your concept
                                      depth later in this guide, lay out a framework of eight particular
But while the job title might                                                                                         of what it means to
                                      competencies most useful to professionals working in this area. You’ll
differ from one profile to another,
                                      hear echoes of this model, which includes Collaborative Networker,              be a professional
the skills required remain deeply
                                      Influential Communicator, and Determined Commitment, among
consistent. Time and again we                                                                                         working in corporate
                                      others, in the advice provided by our interviewees throughout the pages
heard from our interviewees
that certain core competencies
                                      to come.                                                                        sustainability, you
have gotten them where they           So what does all of this mean for the graduating student interested in          likely will find the
are. The ability to communicate       starting a career in corporate responsibility and sustainability, or for
with those outside their area         the working professional looking to make a career move? With such a             path is entirely what
of expertise, for example, was        diversity of job functions in which these values might be applied, and
                                                                                                                      you make of it.
emphasized by several of our          so many fields clamoring to address these issues, the opportunities
subjects. “People will challenge      are endless.
you all the time,” says Leilani
                                      If you’re willing to look at your own strengths, and expand your
Latimer of Sabre Holdings. “You
                                      concept of what it means to be a professional working in corporate
have to make the business case
                                      responsibility and sustainability, you likely will find — as virtually all of
every day, consistently.”
                                      our profiles reveal — the path is entirely what you make of it. The pages
These common skills aren’t            ahead provide the guidance, first-hand experiences, and strategic
unique to the professionals           insights needed to help you shape that path.
within these pages. Last year,


Making change from Any department

successfully pursuing a    career   external issues,” notes the Center for Corporate Citizenship, “today’s       Today’s corporate
in corporate citizenship, like      corporate citizenship leaders increasingly appear to be coming from
the work itself, often requires     within the company. These individuals can come from either the               citizenship leaders
the willingness to look beyond      operational or corporate affairs side, but have in common a deep
                                                                                                                 increasingly appear
conventional assumptions. In        knowledge of the business and business culture.”
other words, you don’t need                                                                                      to be coming from

                                    While we include the stories of many dedicated citizenship-focused
to have “sustainability” in
                                    professionals in this guide, most of our profilees work in a variety         within the company.
your job title to contribute
                                    of more conventional roles within their respective organizations,
to your organization’s social                                                                                    ~ Leadership Competencies
                                    representing nearly every department:
or environmental impact. It’s                                                                                       for Corporate Citizenship
often helpful, in fact, to obtain   •   Dedicated Corporate Citizenship Department
experience in what might be
                                    •   Operations
considered more conventional
areas of a business before          •   Supply Chain Management

moving into a dedicated CSR or      •   Product Development
sustainability position.            •   Finance

“While corporate citizenship        •   Compliance
leader candidates in the past       •   Marketing and Brand Management
were often recruited from
outside a company based on          We’ll now take a look at how each of these departments may
their knowledge of specific         incorporate CSR and sustainability from a functional perspective.


The Dedicated Corporate Citizenship Department                              Operations
                                  When treated as its own department,                                                 Because of its heavy emphasis on
 Sample job titles                                                           Sample job titles
                                   the corporate citizenship team is                                                  processes and procedures, the
 VP of Corporate Responsibility                                              Coordinator, Sustainable Operations
                                   typically responsible for driving                                                  operations unit has the opportunity
 Volunteer Program Manager                                                   Operations Manager
                                   the overall citizenship strategy for a    Director, Business Operations
                                                                                                                      to be particularly influential in a
 Senior Sustainability Manager
                                  company. The structure and approach                                                 company’s overall approach to
of this department varies, of course, from company to company. Such         CSR and sustainability practices. The operations unit is responsible for
a department might be tasked with sustainability strategy planning,         directly connecting a business’ daily activities (both internal and external)
environmental initiatives, and/or social impact planning. It may also       to its performance objectives (which may include financial, social, and
include broader community engagement or employee development                environmental outcomes). Because operations is responsible for systems
activities. Ultimately, what sets this department apart from more           such as waste handling, facilities management and, in some cases,
traditional departments (such as public affairs), is a specific focus       purchasing, the decisions made within this department can play a critical
on social and/or environmental issues as they relate to stakeholder         role in a company’s environmental and social impact.

Regardless of the specific job titles that fall within such departments,    Supply Chain Management
responsibilities typically include setting objectives, evaluation and
                                                                                                                          In an increasingly global economy,
reporting, and communicating strategy both internally and externally.        Sample job titles
                                                                                                                          supply chain management has
Often serving as the knowledge center for employee engagement                Manager of Supply Chain Development
                                                                                                                          become a critical component of
around these issues, these positions can serve as a bridge between           Traceability Manager
                                                                                                                          corporate citizenship. Supply chain
different departments to ensure consistency and collaboration. In fact,      Director of Sustainable Sourcing
                                                                                                                          professionals are now being asked
the role of any dedicated corporate citizenship position is increasingly
                                                                            to account for everything from raw materials to manufacturing processes
focused on using citizenship strategy to innovate across the company
                                                                            to logistics and transport to disposal, as well as dealing with procurement
in support of its overarching business objectives.
                                                                            issues around labor, safety, and community development. The choices supply
                                                                            chain managers make play a critical role in how natural resources are used,
                                                                            how waste is handled, and how humans are impacted during the production
                                                                            and distribution process. This role, therefore, is often one of the primary
                                                                            areas of citizenship activity in a company.


Product Management                                                               Finance
                                     Nearly 80% of a product’s environmental                                             The finance department may seem
 Sample job titles                                                                Sample job titles
                                     footprint is determined during the                                                  an unlikely focus for those interested
 Manager, Product Development                                                     Director, Organizational Reporting
                                     design stage, according to sustainability                                           in corporate responsibility and
 Global Product Manager                                                           Manager, Risk Management
                                     experts. Companies are starting to                                                  sustainability. But recent economic
 Director of R&D                                                                  Analyst, Accounting & Reporting
                                     recognize that addressing these impacts                                             upheaval has made the link between
during product development can have a substantial impact on both cost            social and environmental impacts and the financial bottom line more
savings and revenue generation, as well as on general environmental              tangible, and financial professionals are increasingly being asked to play a
and social impact. As a result, many companies are placing an increased          greater role in company CSR strategies.
emphasis on integrating sustainability into the the product management
                                                                                 Responsible for such tasks as accounting, reporting, analysis, asset
role, and are looking for individuals skilled in idea generation, materials
                                                                                 management and investment, and risk management, finance professionals
analysis, prototype development and iteration, testing and deployment,
                                                                                 have the opportunity to draw direct connections between a company’s
and pricing analysis.
                                                                                 financial performance and its social and environmental performance.
                                                                                 In other words, they’re in a unique position to articulate a financial
      Case In Point: Herman miller                                               case for CSR initiatives, and to develop financial metrics for social and
                                                                                 environmental outcomes.
      Furniture manufacturer Herman Miller has adopted a product
      design process called Design for the Environment (DfE). The
      Herman Miller DfE team meets with the company’s designers                  Compliance
      and engineers to review material chemistry, disassembly and
                                                                                                                        Corporate compliance professionals
      recyclability, incoming packaging and potential waste                       Sample job titles
                                                                                                                        have traditionally focused on
      generation. By looking closely at these and related issues,                 EHS Manager
                                                                                                                        ensuring that an organization
      as well as conducting rigorous durability testing, Herman                   Head of Compliance & Sustainability
                                                                                                                        performs according to legal
      Miller helps ensure that new products respect and protect                   VP, Environmental Compliance
                                                                                                                        requirements, as well as its own
      the natural environment. Read more online >
                                                                                 values and risk management strategies. This includes monitoring
                                                                                 and evaluating corporate policies and practices from a regulatory
                                                                                 perspective, compliance-related risk assessment, reporting, and other
                                                                                 responsibilities. More and more, they are also being asked to address


forward-looking regulatory issues, such as changes in environmental
regulations. Because of their role in monitoring and reporting,
                                                                             Clearly, the common thread
compliance professionals have the potential to make a significant
                                                                             running throughout corporate
contribution to a company’s responsibility and sustainability strategy
                                                                             citizenship work is not simply
and practices.
                                                                             the job title — it’s a shared
                                                                             recognition that this work
Marketing and Brand Management                                               is most effectively done by
                                                                             passionate individuals willing to
 Sample job titles
                                              As marketing departments
                                                                             explore new and innovative ideas,
 Brand Marketing Manager                      adjust to changing standards
                                                                             wherever they operate in a given
 Sr. Manager, Corporate Communication         in corporate citizenship,
                                                                             organization. We’ll now take a
 Marketing Director, Sustainable Innovation   professionals working in
                                                                             closer look the unique skills and
                                              this area are likely to find
                                                                             competencies these individuals
themselves responsible for far more than the conventional tasks related
                                                                             tend to demonstrate in their
to communications, messaging, and brand management. Companies are
                                                                             pursuit of successful corporate
delving into new markets, developing products or services with social
                                                                             citizenship leadership.
or environmental impacts in mind, and having to address additional
stakeholder groups such as nonprofits/NGOs and governments. Marketers,
as a result, must develop new and different ways of communicating the
value their companies deliver — both internally and externally.

ection 2
           2. What Does it take to lead?
2. What Does It Take to Lead?

Corporate Citizenship Competencies
                      leadership     Team Oriented

the following eight

competencies, taken from the
Center for Corporate Citizenship’s
                                     Leading change for corporate citizenship is often difficult and                   The key is to
                                     emotionally demanding for the individual charged with this role.
Leadership Competencies for                                                                                            appreciate the steps
                                     Team-oriented leaders are able to endure personal challenges, put
Corporate Citizenship report
                                     aside ego and achieve satisfaction by empowering others. These
released in early 2010, are the                                                                                        that have been made,
core competencies that highly
                                                                                                                       and keep pushing
successful CSR practitioners         •   Genuinely listen to and understand others, even those with
exhibit and draw on to achieve           conflicting views.                                                            for what you think
their success (see Additional
                                     •   Derive personal satisfaction from organizational accomplishments.             is the direction the

Resources for more about the
Leadership Competencies for          •   Consistently work to empower and encourage others to take
                                                                                                                       company should go.
Corporate Citizenship report).           leadership, often sharing or passing on credit for accomplishments.

These competencies cover a
                                                                                                                                 ~ Alex Hausman
wide spectrum, from those that       Determined Commitment                                                             The Walt Disney Company
are primarily emotional and
                                     An innate optimism and strong personal belief in the potential of corporate
interpersonal in nature to those
                                     citizenship to make a significant contribution and difference for business
that are primarily cognitive.
                                     and society is critical for corporate citizenship leaders to succeed. This
The most effective corporate
                                     determined commitment, ideally manifested by visible passion, is
citizenship leaders generally
                                     critical to their capacity to motivate and engage others. At the same
demonstrate strength across this
                                     time, optimism must be balanced with pragmatism and patience for the
spectrum. Job seekers, therefore,
                                     incremental steps needed for progress. These professionals:
would do well to further
develop these skills, and find       •   Motivate others through their commitment and enthusiasm.
opportunities to demonstrate
                                     •   Start small to take advantage of opportunities as they arise.
them during the job search.
                                     •   Are motivated by progress toward goals, even as they evolve.

2. What Does It Take to Lead?

Peripheral Vision                                                            Strategic Thinker

Leaders with good peripheral vision possess a natural curiosity that         A strategic thinker has the ability
                                                                                                                       we risk losing
fuels their constant scanning of trends and issues that might impact         to think outside the box and chart
the role or reputation of the organization, or present new opportunities     the path forward, often where             competitive
or potential risks. A deep understanding of the sometimes conflicting        others cannot. Leaders who think
                                                                                                                       advantage if we
issues and perspectives that exist within a company and without, is          strategically develop insights
necessary to align all interests in the practice of corporate citizenship.   and ideas about new ways the              don’taddress the
                                                                             company can integrate corporate
An ability to gather and assimilate information quickly in scanning                                                    environmental
                                                                             citizenship to create greater value
a broad array of trends and issues is also crucial to these leaders’
                                                                             for society and the business. It is
                                                                                                                       impact of our

success. These professionals:
                                                                             not balancing citizenship against

•   Demonstrate a strong understanding of key social and                     business; it is finding ways to           work.
                                                                             optimize both. A strategic thinker
    environmental issues and stakeholder expectations of the company.                                                            — Irene Quarshie
                                                                             applies what is learned through
•   Maintain a network of key internal and external stakeholders and                                                                        Target
                                                                             the exercise of peripheral vision,
    can quickly gather information necessary to develop appropriate
                                                                             finding the ideal intersection between the resources and interests
    response strategies for emerging issues.
                                                                             of the company, and the needs of the community — the “sweet spot.”
•   Systematically track emerging social, environmental, and regulatory      These professionals:
    expectations of the company and identify their short-, mid-, and
    long-term implications for the company.                                  •   Can see issues from different perspectives, and balance traditional

•   Understand the impact of these trends on business strategy, down             business and corporate citizenship concerns.

    to the individual business unit level.                                   •   Identify new ideas and ways for the company to understand and
                                                                                 monitor its social and environmental impacts.

                                                                             •   Use creative thinking to create new alliances and initiatives that
                                                                                 drive innovation, while creating measurable business and social

2. What Does It Take to Lead?

    Systems Perspective                                                            Collaborative Networker
    The corporate citizenship leader with systems perspective understands          The collaborative networker builds trust-based relationships based on
    business and society as interrelated systems. They can identify where          mutually beneficial partnerships. These leaders network in a way that
    the greatest opportunities for influence, and where the greatest               encourages collaboration: they empower others, see the world from
    risks, may lie. Systems perspective allows the effective leader to             a variety of perspectives, and recognize how different interests must
    understand the relationship between the business and society, as well          come together to serve a larger system. Collaborative networkers are
    as the systems within the business. By understanding how corporate             good listeners, and genuinely interested in incorporating input from
    citizenship functions within multiple systems, leaders can identify            others — even critics. These leaders put themselves in others’ shoes not
    where it can have impact and deliver value to the business and society         only to appreciate and understand their viewpoints but also to discern
    on a local and global scale. These professionals:                              their capabilities and commitment. These professionals:

                                         •    Have a systematic approach to        •   Demonstrate an ability to build rapport with a wide variety of
    Only the peoplewho
                                              mapping and understanding                internal and external stakeholders by genuinely listening to and
    know the systems,                         the company’s social and                 understanding their perspectives.
                                              environmental impacts and the        •   Broker and build networks of key internal and external stakeholders
    who know the
                                              stakeholders affected.                   to address critical social issues.
    levers, will be able                 •    Use a comprehensive knowledge        •   Have the ability to work at all levels, helping business units
                                              of the business strategy and             integrate corporate citizenship principles and policies into their
    to make the changes.
                                              impacts to identify and prioritize       core operational practices.
    You can’t just go                         the issues that are most
                                             “material” to the business in the
    in with the green

                                              short-, mid-, and long-term.

    glasses on.                          •    Can “connect the dots” to
                                              find and design breakthrough
                 ~ Leilani Latimer
                                              solutions to systemic challenges
                  Sabre Holdings
                                              and identify new resources to
                                              solve social challenges.

2. What Does It Take to Lead?

Influential Communicator

Influential communicators convey their message in a way that                  the initiative to build and execute
                                                                                                                        A lot of what I do is
engages and mobilizes others to drive change. This is essential when          a comprehensive and integrated
leaders need to engage people over whom they have no direct                   corporate citizenship strategy            Inspire team members
authority. Leaders with this competency can speak the language of             that includes goals and a system
                                                                                                                        to get involved and
their audience, and possess good organizational awareness and strong          to track and measure impact.
interpersonal communication skills. They adapt how they exercise their        These professionals:                      enthralled, which
influence to a variety of settings, whether in one-on-one meetings with
                                                                                                                        ultimately makes my

business leaders, department meetings, or public community forums.        •       Identify a core team of

These professionals:                                                              internal stakeholders who
                                                                                                                        job easier.
                                                                                  share their vision and work
•   Demonstrate a good understanding of organizational politics                   with them to drive change.                           ~ Paul Murray
    and culture, and know how to build effective alliances to move        •       Create corporate citizenship                         Herman Miller
    corporate citizenship strategy forward.                                       strategies with clear goals that can be used to
•   Show capability to work top-down and bottom-up to generate                    drive and benchmark progress across the company.
    organization-wide support for corporate citizenship.                      •   Provide practical advice to line managers on how to integrate
•   Demonstrate ability to influence decision-makers to expand and                corporate citizenship into core business policies and practices.
    maintain commitment.

•   Represent the company in influential external networks, and are
    seen as leaders in industry and broader corporate citizenship
                                                                              Clearly, successful careers are the result of hard work, vision, and
                                                                              perseverance. Careers that involve corporate citizenship work – whether
Change Driver
                                                                              in a dedicated role or as part of a more traditional job function – are
Change drivers combine the knowledge they draw from peripheral                no exception. In fact, because they often involve deep personal
vision with the understanding that comes from a systems perspective           commitment and the ability to break new ground, these careers often
to engage and mobilize key stakeholders and drive corporate                   demand more from those who pursue them. Strengthening these eight
citizenship principles and policies into all aspects of the business.         competencies, then, can help professionals improve their efficacy on
Fueled by an exciting vision and persistence, the change driver takes         the job and support their career development over a lifetime.

2. What Does It Take to Lead?

The Realities of Corporate Citizenship

as the center   for Corporate            Challenge: Speaking the Right Language
Citizenship’s competency
                                         As many of our professional profiles reveal, to be effective in a corporate
model suggests, effective
                                         citizenship role requires buy-in from others across a spectrum of              Motivation To
professionals are self-reflective
                                         departments and levels. According to the Center’s 2010 Profile of
enough to understand how their
                                         the Profession, in fact, over 86% of responding corporate citizenship          change often differs
own personality and character
                                         professionals reported building internal partnerships with other
influences their ability to                                                                                             between between
                                         departments as a regular function of their job. This buy-in, however, does
implement citizenship initiatives.
                                         not always come easy.                                                          organizations,
It’s critical, too, to be aware of the
practical limitations one is likely      The fact that the work often challenges the status quo may                     departments,
to face when doing such work.            prevent others from rallying behind you. Colleagues — and entire
                                         departments — may be so focused on their own goals and concerns                and individuals.
These limitations may take
                                         that they’re less inclined to direct energy and resources toward
a number of forms, but the
                                         changing that status quo without a strong motivation. Rob Kaplan of
professionals we spoke with
                                         Brown-Forman agrees: “It’s not a question of whether or not it’s the right
identified several that came up
                                         thing, but how to do these things when there’s tremendous pressure on
again and again throughout their
                                         everybody to meet business goals.”
                                         Therefore, professionals who want to be effective in a corporate citizenship
Understanding how they have
                                         role need to be able to convince others that change is worth acting on,
handled such challenges will
                                         often by appealing to the broader concerns of those around them.
allow you to quickly identify them
if and when they arise for you.          But it can’t be a one-size-fits-all argument, as motivation often differs
Armed with solutions that have           between organizations, departments, and individuals. An organization’s
worked for others, you’ll be able        CFO, for example, might need a financial incentive in order to engage,
to more easily overcome them             whereas a product development team may withhold commitment due to a
and get to the work at hand.             perceived lack of access to appropriate materials or vendors.

2. What Does It Take to Lead?

Solution: Learn to Communicate a Business Case for Change                    Challenge: A Lonely Role
Identifying the obstacles and         management that your product is        This emphasis on reaching out to others belies an underlying truth
barriers facing a given colleague,    worth investing in.”                   about corporate citizenship: it can sometimes be a lonely, uphill climb.
or even an entire department, is                                             This is in large part because of the hurdles involved in linking the social
                                      It’s all about “how to tell the
a critical first step to any change                                          or environmental imperative with the business imperative, but it’s also
                                      story and use language that will
initiative. That requires a deep                                             due to the fact that you may be one of the few (or only) professionals in
                                      resonate with them,” he says.
understanding of the business                                                your company addressing such issues. The result is that you sometimes
                                      “You need to have very strong
you’re working within. As Rob                                                can end up feeling like “an outsider within your organization.”

                                      influence management skills,
pointed out, it’s not enough
                                      understand how decisions get           This observation is echoed
to feel morally justified in your                                                                                      You have to be
                                      made, who the key influencers          throughout the stories in this
arguments; effective impact-
                                      are, and what drives their             guide. When asked about the               comfortable knowing
makers need to be able to align
                                      decision making.”                      challenges he faces as the
conflicting interests in pursuit                                                                                       that Change requires

                                                                             National Director of Community
of company-wide change, and           But what does this actually look
in conjunction with business          like within an organization? In
                                                                             Involvement for Deloitte, Evan            many ups and downs.
                                                                             Hochberg wondered, “Where are
objectives.                           truth, it takes many forms (and
                                                                             my network of peers who are
                                                                                                                                    ~ Robert Kaplan
                                      plenty of creativity), such as                                                            Brown-Forman Corp.  
In other words, you need to                                                  really pushing the needle? Those
                                      developing reports that link a
know the business you’re in,                                                 are few and far between.”
                                      sustainability initiative to bottom-
and you need to know how to
                                      line financial metrics, or inviting    On the surface, this may sound discouraging. But the opportunity to play
communicate that knowledge to
                                      the CEO to environmental               such a pioneering role within a larger organization is often what drives
drive action throughout a team or
                                      breakfasts as our profilee Joe         professionals to this kind of work. “Fighting the good fight keeps me
                                      Reganato does at Mitsubishi            going,” explains Robert Kaplan. “You have to be comfortable knowing that
To do this, says DuPont’s Nathan      International.                         change takes time and requires many ups and downs before you get what
Arbitman, “you need to have                                                  you want.”
                                      Regardless of your approach, it
a core foundation in general
                                      should be tailored to the needs        Coming face to face with the intensity of this challenge can be
business skills,” including “the
                                      and concerns of all applicable         frustrating if you’re not prepared for it but, ultimately, professionals in
ability to build a business case,
                                      departments in a given company.        this line of work recognize the rewards are worth it.
to tell a compelling story to your

2. What Does It Take to Lead?

    Solution: Leverage Resources and Networks                                    Challenge: Organizational Inertia

                                          intelligent people who are eager       For many, corporate responsibility or sustainability work can be
    When I get Stuck,
                                          and willing to help each other,”       what Rob Kaplan calls “a long slog” that can feel akin to “moving a
    I need to reach out                   advises one profilee. “Tapping         mountain.” This is particularly true for companies that haven’t yet
                                          into this network and really           established core commitments to sustainable practices. But even in
    to people at other

                                          appreciating it is critical to doing   a company that has made such a commitment, the organizational
    companies.                            well.”                                 learning curve can be significant. “It’s hard for any company that’s
                                                                                 been around for a while, that has existing philosophies and cultures, to
                    ~ Leilani Latimer     For many, this network begins
                                                                                 change overnight,” says Rob.
                     Sabre Holdings       in business school. “I stay in
                                          regular contact with a core group      Professionals (even those who have substantial buy-in at the highest
    The best way around this sense        of friends and colleagues I met        executive levels) may struggle with securing resources and allocating
    of isolation is, of course, to        in grad school,” says Nathan           them effectively. Many of our contributors describe the inherent
    build connections with others.        Arbitman. The connections you          difficulty of making change within the realities of a large company.
    Internally, this means developing     make now, after all, will eventually   “The biggest challenges,” says one of them, “are ‘how quickly can you
    relationships with other key          go on to fill roles in other           change the business model?’ and ‘how quickly can you change supply
    individuals. “You have to take        organizations, and can provide         chains?’ How do you mandate compliance when you have 8,000
    time to talk with people,” says       critical insight into particular       different clients? We’re primarily dealing with behavior change. And
    Joe Reganato, who goes out of         industries, positions, best            behavior change is very hard.”
    his way to understand where his       practices, and trends
    colleagues’ concerns lie by setting
                                          Leilani Latimer of Sabre Holdings
    up face-to-face meetings and                                                 Solution: Develop Your Creative Problem-solving Skills
                                          agrees: “When I get stuck and
    researching other departments.
                                          I need to get un-stuck, I need
                                                                                 The most effective way to overcome the challenge of organizational
    But there is a world of support       to be able to reach out to other
                                                                                 inertia, according to our profilees, is to move beyond perceived
    available to you outside any          people at other companies.”
                                                                                 limitations, and to focus on creative solutions where everybody wins.
    given company, as well. “This         Organizations like Net Impact can
    community is filled with              be particularly useful for this kind   These solutions aren’t always immediately apparent, and may require
    interesting, creative, and            of networking and idea exchange.       a fair amount of trial and error before a successful iteration is

2. What Does It Take to Lead?

discovered. But breaking through
those organizational barriers
demonstrates an acuity and
                                     well as a broader knowledge of the industry as a whole. “There’s always
                                     a generic answer,” says Kirsten Olsen Cahill, “but the really good
                                     solutions come out of where there’s a great need and where your
                                                                                                                 “   There’s always a

                                                                                                                     generic answer,
flexibility that is highly sought    organization is uniquely suited to address this need.”                          But the really good
after by innovative companies.
                                                                                                                     solutions come out
In their recent book Rethinking
                                                                                                                     of where there’s a

the MBA: Business Education at a
Crossroads, authors Srikant Datar,
                                                                                                                     great need.
David Garvin, and Patrick Cullen
touch on this when they describe     With these challenges in mind — as well as the skill sets that can help              ~ Kirsten Olsen Cahill
the needs of corporate recruiters:   solve them, as outlined in the Corporate Citizenship Competency                                Google.org
“Many seek to hire MBAs who          Model — it’s time to take a look at how some professionals have
can think about problems and         managed to successfully integrate social and environmental impact
articulate solutions in unique and   work into their careers. As you will read in the pages to come, the
logical ways, especially when        challenges and solutions described above are common to many
faced with imperfect, ambiguous,     professionals at various stages of their careers, and across many
or excessive information.”           different job functions.

Such creative thinking, however,     Together, these stories create a portrait of a developing field that does
must be built on a substantial       not —indeed, cannot —stand on its own. Rather, effective corporate
understanding of the particular      citizenship work threads itself through all areas of business to create a
organization one works within, as    whole far greater than the sum of its parts.

ection 3
           3. Stories from the field
             The dedicated corporate citizenship department
             Operations & Supply chain management
             Product Management
             Finance & Compliance
             Marketing & Brand Management
Dedicated corporate citizenship department

Alex Hausman
Senior Manager for
Corporate Responsibility
The Walt Disney Company

Graduate Education           Previous Positions       Key Responsibilities                 primary passion. He loved living
                                                                                           in Portland, which he describes
MBA | Darden Graduate        CSR Reporting Manager    Alex’s role focuses on his
                                                                                           as having “a very clear sense of
School of Business           The Timberland Company   company’s corporate responsibility
                                                                                           what community means,” but he
Administration, University                            and sustainability strategy,
                             Conservation Matters                                          also wanted to change his career.
of Virginia                                           including its goals, approach,
                             Summer Associate                                              One day at lunch, Alex picked
                                                      commitments, and key performance
                             The Nature Conservancy                                        up an old copy of the Wall Street
                                                      indicators. He is also responsible
                                                                                           Journal and was struck by an
                             Research Analyst         for collecting and prioritizing
                                                                                           article on business schools that
                             Hahn Consulting          information from key stakeholders.
                                                                                           were incorporating sustainability.
                                                                                           “In that moment,” Alex says, “it
                                                      How He Got There                     crystallized for me.” He entered
                                                                                           business school with “one clear
                                                      Before business school, Alex
                                                                                           focus” — a position related to
                                                      worked at a small consultancy in
                                                      Portland, Oregon. Although he
                                                      enjoyed his job and was building     During his MBA summer
                                                      skills in sales, marketing, and      internship, Alex worked
                                                      consulting, he knew it wasn’t his    at Conservation Matters, a

Dedicated corporate citizenship department

 partnership of organizations that      corporate citizenship program at       both internally and externally, as    the company’s strategy for more
 work to design, manage, and            a smaller company to a relatively      well as evolve our strategy.”         than fifteen years, the challenge
 measure the impacts of their           new program at a large company.                                              is how to keep up with the CEO’s
 conservation actions. It was an                                                                                     vision.
                                        Alex says his experience as a          Potential Challenges
 important experience in learning
                                        consultant before business school                                            At Disney, where corporate
 how to make a compelling                                                      Alex notes that the challenges are
                                        has been very applicable, because                                            citizenship is spread across many
 business case for environmental                                               different depending on the role
                                        his current role is essentially that                                         business units, the challenge is
 efforts, and he leveraged this                                                that corporate citizenship plays
                                        of an internal consultant. He uses                                           ensuring everyone understands
 experience during his job search                                              at the company. At Timberland,
                                        similar skills, such as analyzing a                                          the business case and benefits.
 the next year. He responded to an                                             where it’s been an integral part of
                                        problem, identifying appropriate
 opening that Timberland posted
                                        frameworks for solutions, and using
 on the Net Impact job board,
                                        communication skills to influence
 and was hired as CSR Reporting
                                        relevant stakeholders regarding        Alex’s Advice
 Manager shortly thereafter.
                                        those solutions.
                                                                                     Spend time understanding the company inside and out.
 At Timberland, he created the
                                                                                    “There is no one template for sustainability. You can bring in
 company’s first Global Reporting
                                        Project Highlight                            all the theories about the right way to do something from a
 Index (GRI) report. He also was
 responsible for quarterly reporting,   Alex was able to apply his                   sustainability perspective, but what resonates is when you
 key performance indicators, and        knowledge and skills from                    find a smart solution to a problem the company is facing.”
 some stakeholder engagement work.      Timberland to help Disney
                                                                                     Recognize that it can be an up-and-down ride. “The key is to
                                        develop its first comprehensive
 After three years at Timberland,                                                    remain optimistic about what’s possible, appreciate the steps
                                        corporate social responsibility
 Alex was looking for a new                                                          that have been made, and keep pushing for what you think is
 opportunity and turned again                                                        the direction the company or industry should go.”
 to the Net Impact job board. He        “Disney published environmental
 found a posting for his current        and community reports for years,”            Be proactive in your job search. Companies might not recruit
 position at The Walt Disney            he says, “but a comprehensive                in the same way as they would for consulting, or investment
 Company. It was an opportunity         company report really helped to              banking, or other kinds of jobs. “You have to be persistent,”
 to move from an established            further shape the conversation,              he advises, “and believe in it, and chase after it.”

Dedicated corporate citizenship department

Robert Kaplan
Corporate Responsibility
Brown-Forman Corp.

Graduate Education            Previous Positions            Key Responsibilities                    How He Got There

MBA | Walter A. Haas School   Senior Analyst,               Rob Kaplan’s department at              Prior to business school, Rob
of Business, University of    Corporate Responsibility      Brown-Forman, a leading beverage        worked in public policy and
California, Berkeley          Brown-Forman Corp.            alcohol company, is charged             political communication. He
                                                            with managing and reducing the          studied political communication
                              Corporate Responsibility
                                                            environmental and social impacts        in college, and worked with
                              MBA Intern
                                                            of the company’s normal course          environmental and education-
                              Brown-Forman Corp.
                                                            of business. His primary role is to     related advocacy organizations.
                              State Communications          serve as an internal consultant for     “When I was working in
                              Director                      brand and region teams to help          public policy, I was doing
                              Fight Crime: Invest in Kids   them understand the company’s           communications and realized
                                                            commitment to corporate                 it was almost as if the different
                              Program Manager
                                                            citizenship. He focuses specifically    parties were speaking different
                              M&R Strategic Services
                                                            on the sustainability of the product    languages. I started getting
                                                            life cycle (how products are sourced,   interested in leveraging my
                                                            produced, packaged, sold, and           communications experience
                                                            used), and community involvement        to help them find common
                                                            (preventing and reducing the social     ground. At the same time, in early
                                                            costs caused by misuse and abuse        2000, I saw a lot of changing
                                                            of the company’s products).

Dedicated corporate citizenship department

 environmental regulations. I         His boss made it clear there             Rob included this realization in      Potential Challenges
 got interested in making the         would be no opportunity for              an application for Sam’s Club’s
                                                                                                                     One of the biggest challenges
 business case for the causes I       a full-time position after he            April Earth Month program, which
                                                                                                                     Rob cites is making corporate
 believed in, and started thinking    graduated. ”In my exit interview,”       features sustainable products.
                                                                                                                     citizenship a priority for
 about business school and            says Rob, “my boss asked, ‘What          Jack Daniel’s earned inclusion,
                                                                                                                     individuals in the company. “It’s
 leveraging my skills around public   would you do for us full-time?’ So       which resulted in several hundred
                                                                                                                     not a question of whether or
 policy, issue management, and        I wrote my dream job description,        thousand dollars of profit for the
                                                                                                                     not it’s the right thing, but
 communications.”                     which was a combination of               company. “That paid for my salary
                                                                                                                     how to do these things when
                                      corporate responsibility and             more than a couple times over
 During business school, Rob took                                                                                    there’s tremendous pressure
                                      sustainability in marketing. A few       and, more importantly, is a great
 a corporate social responsibility                                                                                   on everybody to meet business
                                      months later, they offered me the        example of how sustainability
 capstone course with the Center                                                                                     goals.”
                                      job – CSR offers generally come a        performance yields top line and
 for Responsible Business at
                                      lot later than traditional ones.”        bottom line results.”
 Haas, which involved a project
 for Fetzer Wines, one of Brown-
                                                                               Rob’s Advice
 Forman’s flagship brands. The        Project Highlight
 company had been involved                                                           Learn to be comfortable with disappointment. “The optimistic
                                      A highlight of Rob’s experience
 in sustainability for some time,                                                    way to think about it is being able to see both the forest and
                                      has been an ongoing promotional
 and his team’s project was to                                                       the trees, to keep yourself motivated when it’s not always
                                      project with Sam’s Club. “Jack
 help Brown-Forman determine                                                         working in your favor.” He says corporate responsibility and
                                      Daniel’s is 99% waste-free,” he
 whether and how the company
                                      explains. “Less than 1% of the                 sustainability work is not for everyone, because it can be a
 should communicate these efforts
                                      output from the production                     very frustrating job. “When you’re in the role, you have to be
 to consumers.
                                      process ends up in landfill – the              a cheerleader a lot, shoot for the moon, be excited when you
 While working on the project,        rest is reused or recycled. It’s               get even a small victory, and not get depressed over what
 Rob learned about a summer           something we’ve been doing for a               might have been.”
 internship opportunity at            long time because it makes good
 Brown-Forman. Because he had         business sense — but no one had                Before committing to a full-time position in corporate
 proven his analytical skills and     talked about Jack Daniel’s being               citizenship, understand what that entails. “It’s important to talk
 understanding of the company         zero-waste. We discovered it when              to people who are in the roles, understand what their day-to-
 during the project, he was an        researching, and our production                day jobs are like and what they are working on, and cosnider
 obvious choice for the internship.   people said, ‘We recycle everything.’”         whether it would be appealing long-term,” he explains.

Dedicated corporate citizenship department

Libby Reder
Business Leader,
Corporate Responsibility

Graduate Education            Previous Positions                 Key Responsibilities                How She Got There

MBA | Walter A. Haas School   Head of Environmental              Libby Reder is responsible for      Libby graduated from college
of Business, University of    Initiatives, Global Citizenship    employee engagement with Visa’s     with a degree in government,
California, Berkeley          eBay                               corporate social responsibility     thinking she would eventually
                                                                 initiatives. She works to engage    go into law. She worked on the
                              Environment Program
                                                                 employees with the company’s        Senate Judiciary Committee’s
                              Manager, Global Citizenship
                                                                 strategic vision of financial       Subcommittee on Antitrust,
                                                                 inclusion. She also ensures the     which she describes as “a great
                              Community Engagement               company is operating a best-in-     opportunity to roll up my sleeves
                              Initiative Intern                  class employee gift and volunteer   and think about how to align
                              AssN. for Corporate Growth         program that supports employees     incentives for a diverse set of
                                                                 in the communities where they       actors on the policy stage.”
                              Professional Staff Member
                                                                 live and work.
                              U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee,                                       As Libby thought about her next
                              Subcommittee on Antitrust                                              career step, a mentor encouraged
                                                                                                     her to consider business school
                                                                                                     instead of law school. She was
                                                                                                     hoping to head back to the West

Dedicated corporate citizenship department

 Coast but wasn’t sure how she        While at Haas, she took an               Project Highlight                   how to get things done in that
 would use a policy-related law       internship at a professional                                                 environment, and who really see
                                                                               In 2007, Libby co-founded the
 degree in the Bay Area, so she       association in San Francisco,                                                the value of the business case.
                                                                               eBay Green Team, a grassroots
 decided to enroll in UC Berkeley’s   where she developed a community                                              Robert manages to bring business
                                                                               effort by a small group of
 Haas School of Business. “At that    engagement model to help the Bay                                             and social impact together in a
                                                                               passionate eBay employees who
 time,” she says, “I couldn’t even    Area nonprofit sector.                                                       way not many people can.”
                                                                               wanted to make eBay a more
 parse out the difference between
                                      After graduation, Libby spent            environmentally-responsible place   The Green Team has since
 social entrepreneurs and socially
                                      the summer interning with eBay,          to work by implementing various     expanded to include over
 responsible business. But I’ve
                                      helping to make the case for the         operational procedures and          225,000 of eBay’s buyers
 always been driven by this hope
                                      Global Citizenship Group. It turned      policies. Libby gives particular    and sellers to encourage
 to be at the confluence of the
                                      into a full-time position for the next   credit to her colleague Robert      environmentally-responsible
 public and private sectors, with
                                      four years and laid the groundwork       Chatwani (see Robert’s Profile on   purchasing decisions.
 an interest in creating alignment
                                      for her most recent move to Visa’s       page 37). “There are few people
                                      Corporate Responsibility Team.           who understand as intuitively
                                                                                                                   Potential Challenges

 Libby’s Advice                                                                                                    Libby points out that it can be
                                                                                                                   difficult to create programs that
       Learn to identify                    Libby also suggests mastering the softer skills. “In business
                                                                                                                   maintain their relevance and
       appropriate systems                  school, some of the projects that were most valuable
                                                                                                                   resonance across audiences and
       and metrics for internal             were the ones around negotiation and influence,” she says.             geographies. “What works in one
       decision-making. Libby               Patience is another skill that can be incredibly useful on the         place,” she says, “or for one group
      “found more technical                 job. “Sometimes you have to sit back and allow a situation             of people, isn’t always universal.”
       classes like managerial              to sort itself out. The flip side is that the opportunity              Many companies are working to
       accounting to be incredibly          doesn’t always present itself.” Knowing when to push and               build programs that are unified
       valuable” for creating and           when to let go is critical to being effective in a corporate           enough to feel like a single pursuit
       discussing a business case           citizenship role.                                                      yet flexible enough to adapt to
       for citizenship efforts.                                                                                    different countries and different

Dedicated corporate citizenship department

Leilani Latimer
Director of
Sustainability Initiatives
Sabre Holdings

Graduate Education           Previous Positions          Key Responsibilities                  Leilani also leads a sustainability
                                                                                               advisory council representing
Certificate, Sustainable     Principal,                  Leilani leads Sabre’s environmental
                                                                                               departments across the
Management | Presidio        Global Marketing Planning   strategy across four business
                                                                                               enterprise, including corporate
Graduate School              Sabre Travel Network        units for Sabre Holdings, which
                                                                                               real estate, IT, finance, employee
                                                         merchandises travel products
Certificate, Management      Manager,                                                          relations, and others. Finally, she
                                                         for consumers and technology
for International            Cruise Product Marketing                                          works closely with the corporate
                                                         services for the travel industry.
Executives | University of   Sabre Holdings                                                    social responsibility group, which
California, Irvine                                       She is responsible for determining
                                                                                               manages the company’s volunteer
                             Customer Marketing          the position, vision, mission
                                                                                               and philanthropy initiatives.
                             Manager                     statement, goals, and strategy for
                             Sabre Holdings              each business unit as it relates
                                                         to the company’s environmental        How She Got There
                                                         sustainability commitment, and
                                                                                               Leilani was asked to take on
                                                         works across the business units
                                                                                               her current role after more than
                                                         to define, prioritize, measure, and
                                                                                               20 years in various positions
                                                         track these initiatives.
                                                                                               across the company. She started

Dedicated corporate citizenship department

                                                                                                              Leilani’s Advice

 her career with Sabre in sales           lot of environmental initiatives that
 and then transitioned into               weren’t coordinated; this role was
                                                                                      Change is reversible,       Because of the difficulty
 marketing, focusing on customer          to pull everything together.”
 segmentation, product marketing,                                                     transformation              competing with
 and global marketing planning.                                                                                   conventional business
                                          Potential Challenges                        is not. A lot of
                                                                                                                  goals, it’s critical to make
                                          Leilani makes a distinction                 initiatives are not
 Project Highlight                                                                                                your case effectively.
                                          between short-term change
 An extended three-year project           and long-term transformation.               hard to develop,           “You have to make the
 in which Leilani built a centralized     “Change is reversible,” she says,                                       business case every
                                                                                      but hard to maintain

 marketing strategy that resulted in      “transformation is not.”                                                day, consistently…If you
 a business re-organization served
                                          She goes on to warn that “it’s
                                                                                      and keep alive.             can’t speak credibly and
 as the basis for her current position.
                                          extremely hard to be successful in                                      intelligibly about your
 “The company was wondering,              business transformation. A lot of                                       business, that’s hard.”
 ‘Should we bring someone in from         initiatives are not hard to develop,
 the outside that’s an expert in          but hard to maintain and keep                                           Leilani advises those
 sustainability and bring them up to      alive.”                                                                 interested in corporate
 speed on our business, or should
                                          Another challenge is competing                                          citizenship work to learn
 we find someone [internally] who
                                          with the multiple priorities any                                        how to “manage across
 understands our business?’” she
                                          corporation is likely to encounter.                                     organizational boundaries.
                                          “You come to the table with sixty
                                                                                                                  Be able to define goals
 “It was a huge asset to know             other people and everyone is
 who the players were and the             focused on their priorities,” she                                       and manage them without
 processes. I had an intimate             says. “It’s extremely hard to be                                        direct authority.”
 knowledge of the company and             listened to.”
 could navigate internally. We had a

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