Introduction to the Remote Learning Overview - Nene Park Academy

Page created by Lawrence Stevens
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2
                            Introduction to the Remote Learning Overview
Nene Park Academy use Microsoft Teams to upload work and conduct live lessons where appropriate. In the following document you will find
an overview of the topics to be covered this term, but more information will be available in the student class area for each of the subjects they
study. If you have any queries about the work, please contact the class teacher directly or subject contact which can be found in the tables
For further support with Microsoft Teams please visit the CMAT Knowledge Base ( ) which has
some handy hints and tips to maximise the use of Teams.
If you wish to see long term plans for each subject, then please have a look at our website via the following link:
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact subjects directly or House teams.
Kind regards
Michelle Petersen
Vice Principal
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2
                                                                  Subject: Art
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing              Topic                                                                         Additional resources
 3rd January 2022             Introduction to Topic – CAKES
                              Mind Map
 10th January 2022            Biscuit pencil study using a variety of tonal values
 17th January 2022            Sweets collage – focus on shape and tone
 24th January 2022            Doughnut – oil pastel
 31st January 2022            Colour theory
 7th February 2022            Colour theory

Additional Information

 Teams resources                       Copies of lesson resources can be found in the ‘Files’ section.
 Lesson Schedule                       Lessons will follow the normal timetable but may be a mixture of live lessons and synchronous learning
 Invitation to lessons sent            Invitations to be sent to students via Teams
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2
                                                             Subject: Drama
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing     Topic                                                                                              Additional resources
                     1. Refer to Power Point or PDF named 'Greek Theatre' in the Remote Learning folder which will be   Digital Theatre:
 3rd January 2022                                                                                                       Username: student. nenepark
                     labelled ‘Term 2A Greek Theatre’.
                                                                                                                        Password: service@4298

                     2. Refer to Lesson 1 in the document.                                                              National Theatre Collection:
                     3. Student work should be submitted to the separate Remote Learning Completed Work folder          Username: 7Ty(1Ky*mp
                                                                                                                        Password: 6Ae#4Qx(z!
                     clearly labelled with Name and Class.
                                                                                                                        BBC Drama Bitesize:
                     1. Refer to Power Point or PDF named 'Greek Theatre' in the Remote Learning folder which will be   Digital Theatre:
 10th January 2022                                                                                                      Username: student.nenepark
                     labelled ‘Term 2A Greek Theatre’.
                                                                                                                        Password: service@4298

                     2. Refer to Lesson 2 in the document                                                               National Theatre Collection:
                     3. Student work should be submitted to the separate Remote Learning Completed Work folder          Username: 7Ty(1Ky*mp
                                                                                                                        Password: 6Ae#4Qx(z!
                     clearly labelled with Name and Class.
                                                                                                                        BBC Drama Bitesize:
                     1. Refer to Power Point or PDF named 'Greek Theatre' in the Remote Learning folder which will be   Digital Theatre:
 17th January 2022                                                                                                      Username: student.nenepark
                     labelled ‘Term 2A Greek Theatre’.
                                                                                                                        Password: service@4298

                     2. Refer to Lesson 3 in the document                                                               National Theatre Collection:
                     3. Student work should be submitted to the separate Remote Learning Completed Work folder          Username: 7Ty(1Ky*mp
                                                                                                                        Password: 6Ae#4Qx(z!
                     clearly labelled with Name and Class.
                                                                                                                        BBC Drama Bitesize:
                     1. Refer to Power Point or PDF named 'Greek Theatre' in the Remote Learning folder which will be   Digital Theatre:
 24th January 2022                                                                                                      Username: student.nenepark
                     labelled ‘Term 2A Greek Theatre’.
                                                                                                                        Password: service@4298

                     2. Refer to Lesson 4 in the document                                                               National Theatre Collection:
                                                                                                                        Username: 7Ty(1Ky*mp
                                                                                                                        Password: 6Ae#4Qx(z!
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2
                              3. Student work should be submitted to the separate Remote Learning Completed Work folder
                              clearly labelled with Name and Class.                                                              BBC Drama Bitesize:

                              1. Refer to Power Point or PDF named 'Greek Theatre' in the Remote Learning folder which will be   Digital Theatre:
 31st January 2022                                                                                                               Username: student.nenepark
                              labelled ‘Term 2A Greek Theatre’.
                                                                                                                                 Password: service@4298

                              2. Refer to Lesson 5 in the document                                                               National Theatre Collection:
                              3. Student work should be submitted to the separate Remote Learning Completed Work folder          Username: 7Ty(1Ky*mp
                                                                                                                                 Password: 6Ae#4Qx(z!
                              clearly labelled with Name and Class.
                                                                                                                                 BBC Drama Bitesize:
                              1. Refer to Power Point or PDF named 'Greek Theatre' in the Remote Learning folder which will be   Digital Theatre:
 7th February 2022                                                                                                               Username: student.nenepark
                              labelled ‘Term 2A Greek Theatre’.
                                                                                                                                 Password: service@4298

                              2. Refer to Lesson 6 in the document                                                               National Theatre Collection:
                              3. Student work should be submitted to the separate Remote Learning Completed Work folder          Username: 7Ty(1Ky*mp
                                                                                                                                 Password: 6Ae#4Qx(z!
                              clearly labelled with Name and Class.
                                                                                                                                 BBC Drama Bitesize:

Additional Information

 Teams resources                         Copies of lesson resources can be found in the ‘Files’ section in the Remote Learning folder which will be labelled
                                         ‘Term 2A Greek Theatre’.
 Lesson Schedule                         Lessons will be Synchronous
 Invitation to lessons sent              N/A
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2

                                                  Subject: English
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing     Topic: Literary Heritage: Greek Myths, Rhetoric                             Additional resources
 3rd January 2022    What do we mean by context, and how are the Ancient Greeks still with us?
                     How did the Ancient Greeks introduce their Gods?
                     Heracles: what makes a hero?
 10th January 2022   What archetypes can we see in the myth of Persephone and the Chariot?
                     What does the myth of Prometheus represent and how has it impacted
                     modern culture?
                     How did the Ancient Greeks warn against hubris?
 17th January 2022   What are the key elements of tragedy?
                     How does the myth of Pandora's Box have various layers of meaning?
                     AO2 Assessment (reading) - How does the writer use language to convey the
                     feeling of curiosity?
 24th January 2022   How does 'Ithaca' make use of extended metaphor?
                     How do heroes return from their hero's journey?
                     Why can some heroes never return?
 31st January 2022   How were the Greek great orators?
                     What are the components of Aristotelian rhetoric?
                     How are formal debates organised and held today?
 7th February 2022   Spoken Language Project: How can we critique a myth?
                     Spoken Language Project: How can writers advocate for others?
                     Spoken Language Project: How can we save a hero?
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2
Additional Information

 Teams resources                       Copies of lesson resources can be found in the ‘Files’ section.
 Lesson Schedule                       Lessons will follow the normal timetable but may be a mixture of live lessons and synchronous learning
 Invitation to lessons sent            Invitations to be sent to students via Teams

                                                         Subject: Geography
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing              Topic What is weather and climate?                                            Additional resources
 3rd January 2022             What is weather and climate?
 10th January 2022            How is weather measured?
 17th January 2022            How can weather and climate data be presented?
 24th January 2022            Anticyclones and depressions
 31st January 2022            What is the climate of the UK?
 7th February 2022            How does climate vary around the World?
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2

Additional Information

 Teams resources                      Copies of lesson resources can be found in the ‘Files’ section.
 Lesson Schedule                      Lessons will follow the normal timetable
 Invitation to lessons sent           Invitations to be sent to students via Teams

                                                            Subject: History
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing              Topic                                                                     Additional resources
 3rd January 2022             1485
 10th January 2022            Henry VII and Henry VIII
 17th January 2022            Edward VI and Mary I
 24th January 2022            Elizabeth I
 31st January 2022            Exploration
 7th February 2022            Change

Additional Information
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2
 Teams resources                       Copies of lesson resources can be found in the ‘Files’ section.
 Lesson Schedule                       Lessons will follow the normal timetable but may be a mixture of live lessons and synchronous learning
 Invitation to lessons sent            Invitations to be sent to students via Teams

                                                                 Subject: ICT
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing              Topic                                                                         Additional resources
 3rd January 2022             All about me PPT

 10th January 2022            All about me PPT- further skills

 17th January 2022            E-Safety- Risks

 24th January 2022            E-Safety- Protection

 31st January 2022            Spreadsheets

 7th February 2022            Spreadsheets
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2

Additional Information

 Teams resources                      Copies of lesson resources can be found in the ‘Files’ section.
 Lesson Schedule                      Lessons will follow the normal timetable but may be a mixture of live lessons and synchronous learning
 Invitation to lessons sent           Invitations to be sent to students via Teams

                                                    Subject: Lessons in Life
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing              Topic                                                                        Additional resources
 3rd January 2022                                    Diversity, Prejudice & Stereotypes
 10th January 2022                                   Diversity, Prejudice & Stereotypes
 17th January 2022                                   Diversity, Prejudice & Stereotypes
 24th January 2022                                          Careers 3 - Unifrog
 31st January 2022                                      Introduction to Philosophy
 7th February 2022                                      Introduction to Philosophy
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2
Additional Information

 Teams resources                      A Remote Learning Assignment will be placed in the TEAMS area for your class by your teacher
 Lesson Schedule                      Lessons will follow the normal timetable – absent students should complete the online assignment
 Invitation to lessons sent           n/a

                                                            Subject: Maths
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing              Topic                                                                       Additional resources
 3rd January 2022             Fraction operations                                                         Hegarty maths
 10th January 2022            Fraction operations (inc mixed numbers)                                     Hegarty maths
 17th January 2022            Test preparation, pre and post tests                                        Hegarty maths
 24th January 2022            Decimals: ordering, rounding, converting between decimals and fractions     Hegarty maths
 31st January 2022            Decimal arithmetic including estimation                                     Hegarty maths
 7th February 2022            Consolidation of learning                                                   Hegarty maths

Additional Information
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2
 Teams resources                      Copies of lesson resources can be found in the ‘Files’ section.
 Lesson Schedule                      Lessons will follow the normal timetable but may be a mixture of live lessons and synchronous learning
 Invitation to lessons sent           Invitations to be sent to students via Teams

                                                              Subject: MFL
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing              Topic                                                                        Additional resources
 3rd January 2022             Family members
                              Tasks set on language nut
 10th January 2022            Avoir in the present tense
                              Tasks set on language nut
 17th January 2022            Hair and eye colour
                              Tasks set on language nut
 24th January 2022            Être in the present tense
                              Tasks set on language nut
 31st January 2022            Descriptions
                              Tasks set on language nut
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2
 7th February 2022            Revision of work so far
                              Tasks set on language nut

Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing              Topic                                                                          Additional resources
 3rd January 2022             Classroom language
                              Tasks set on language nut
 10th January 2022            Name and age
                              Tasks set on language nut
 17th January 2022            Present tense
                              Tasks set on language nut
 24th January 2022            Present tense
                              Tasks set on language nut
 31st January 2022            Learning about the Spanish speaking world
                              Worksheet in folder
 7th February 2022            Revision of module so far
                              Tasks set on language nut

Additional Information

 Teams resources                      Copies of passwords for language nut can be found in the ‘Files’ section for each class. Any log on issues please
                                      contact class teacher
 Lesson Schedule                      Lessons will follow the normal timetable but may be a mixture of live lessons and synchronous learning
 Invitation to lessons sent           Invitations to be sent to students via Teams
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2

                                                            Subject: Music
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing              Topic                                                                        Additional resources
 3rd January 2022             What is a fanfare?
 10th January 2022            Performing a fanfare
 17th January 2022            Music for Chinese New Year
 24th January 2022            Music for Chinese New Year
                              Fanfare improvisation
 31st January 2022            Fanfare developing composition
 7th February 2022            Fanfare developing composition
                              Fanfare performance

Additional Information

 Teams resources                      Copies of lesson resources can be found in the ‘Files’ section.
 Lesson Schedule                      Lessons will follow the normal timetable but may be a mixture of live lessons and synchronous learning
 Invitation to lessons sent           Invitations to be sent to students via Teams
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2

                                                                 Subject: PE
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing              Topic                                                                        Additional resources
 3rd January 2022             Bones of the Skeleton: Video lesson & quiz                                   Everlearner - The Everlearner :: Home
 10th January 2022            Functions of the Skeleton: Video lesson & quiz                               Everlearner - The EverLearner :: Home
 17th January 2022            Joints: Video lesson & quiz                                                  Everlearner - The EverLearner :: Home
 24th January 2022            Muscles of the body: Video lesson & quiz                                     Everlearner - The EverLearner :: Home
 31st January 2022            Checkpoint – Bones & Muscles                                                 Everlearner - The EverLearner :: Home
 7th February 2022            Structure of the CV system                                                   Everlearner - The EverLearner :: Home

Additional Information

 Teams resources                      Copies of lesson resources can be found in the ‘Files’ section.
 Lesson Schedule                      Lessons will follow the normal timetable but may be a mixture of live lessons and synchronous learning
 Invitation to lessons sent           Invitations to be sent to students via Teams
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2

                                                            Subject: Science
Topics – Term 3

 Week Commencing         Teacher 1                             Teacher 2                               Additional resources
 3rd January 2022        Heating and cooling                   Magnetism                     
 10th January 2022       Heating and cooling                   Magnetism                     
 17th January 2022       Heating and cooling                   Magnetism                     
 24th January 2022       Heating and cooling                   Sound                         
 31st January 2022       Heating and cooling                   Sound                         
 7th February 2022       Heating and cooling                   Sound                         
Additional Information

 Teams resources                       Copies of lesson resources can be found in the ‘Files’ section.
 Lesson Schedule                       Lessons will follow the normal timetable but may be a mixture of live lessons and synchronous learning
 Invitation to lessons sent            Invitations to be sent to students via Teams
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2

                                                              Subject: Technology (DT)
Topics – Term 3

 Week       Topic                                                                                                                                                                      Additi
 Commen                                                                                                                                                                                onal
 cing                                                                                                                                                                                  resour
 3rd        KPI 1: Identify and Investigate the following Design Companies: Braun, Dyson, Apple, Under Armour, Zara, Gap. Sketch the logo for each of the companies and then write a
            fact file on each company including who founded the company, what their most famous product isand why is it the most famous, how much the company is worth and an
 January    interesting fact.
 2022       Present your work as neatly as possible!
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2
 10th       . Design 4 different water bottles for each of the following activities: to take to school, to use when cycling, to use when doing yoga or to use when hiking. Colour and
            annotate your design ideas, making sure you write how they are all different and why they would be suitable for that activity.

 17th       KPI 3: Demonstrate and Apply this video and copy this sketch of a building in two-point perspective. You will need
            to pause the video to allow yourself time to try and copy the tutorial. Once you have copied the example in this video. Draw your own modern looking building using two-
 January    point perspective
 24th       KPI 3: Demonstrate and Apply Make a desk tidy out of recycled materials such as bottles and cardboard, using Sellotape or bluetac to hold it together. The desk tidy must
            have space for a mobile phone, 10 pens/pencils, a pair of scissors and space for paperclips. If you can’t make one, draw two different design ideas, clearly showing the
 January    different sections.
 2022       Inspiration :
 31st       KPI 4: Analyse and Evaluate Find a chair in your house which is uncomfortable to sit on. Sketch an image of the chair and colour in in, then label/annotate the parts which
            make it uncomfortable. Now draw 3 possibilities on how you could make the chair more comfortable
 7th        KPI 5: Understand and Implement Make a word search that includes the following Design and Technology tools/equipment/words: Try Square, Tenon Saw, Coping Saw,
            Pillar Drill, Bench Hook, Sandpaper, Pencil, Ruler, Accuracy, Marking, Measuring, Wood, Plastic. Extension: Add the definitions for each word at the bottom. Sketch the tool
 February   too

Additional Information

 Teams resources                                Copies of lesson resources can be found in the ‘Files’ section.
 Lesson Schedule                                Lessons will follow the normal timetable but may be a mixture of live lessons and synchronous learning
Year 7 – Remote Learning Overviews – Spring 1 – 2021-2
Invitation to lessons sent   Invitations to be sent to students via Teams
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