Page created by Gene Bauer


Across industries, the amount of data to be managed is
exponentially growing, and with it the need for modern,
fully-distributed and scalable data management systems -
often referred as big data architectures.
As this new market opens, many solutions arise,
providing fully distributed and scalable systems to
manage Big Data. These solutions do answer the volume             K2VIEW FABRIC
and administration problems but still present some
   They often require a lot of effort to integrate into an   K2View Fabric is an innovative
    existing mature environment.                              and revolutionary database
   They still use the same type of outdated data             management system, residing
    representation that is the relational database model      on top of Apache Cassandra. It
    (see details next page).                                  provides an easy, secure and
                                                              reliable way to consolidate your
K2View Fabric is designed to solve today’s big data
                                                              data and distribute it over your
problem while alleviating these caveats, as this white
                                                              network for high availability.
paper will introduce.
AT THE HEART OF K2VIEW                                schema. This schema defines the relevant input
                                                      objects associated with one Logical Unit Type. This
FABRIC: THE LOGICAL UNIT                              process is either automated using K2View Fabric
K2View Fabric uses a game-changing data model to      Auto-Discovery module or performed manually
retrieve and store data: the Logical Unit.            using K2View’s drag-and-drop style graphical
                                                      configuration dashboard, K2View Fabric Studio. The
Most database management systems store data
                                                      result is a business oriented structure containing
based on the type of data being stored (e.g.
                                                      tables and objects from as many systems as needed
customer data, financial data, address data, device
                                                      (e.g. for a Customer Logical Unit Type, 3 tables
data); this model translates into very large tables
                                                      from the CRM system running on MySQL and 5
that must be queried using complex joins every
                                                      tables from the billing system residing on Oracle).
time one wants to access business relevant data
(e.g. how many payments has this customer made        This schema is used every time data is accessed in
within the past three months?).                       K2View Fabric: using embedded migration (ETL)
                                                      capabilities, the data is processed, stored and
K2View’s solutions look at data a different way:
                                                      distributed as Logical Unit Instances.
storing and retrieving it based on business logic,
hence the name Logical Unit. This allows the          Managing data as these logical, compressed and
business to easily design K2View Fabric’s base        encrypted mini-databases enables incredible
schema based on their needs, as opposed to try to     performance, enhanced security, high availability
fit them into a pre-defined structure.                and customizable data synchronization.

Indeed, in K2View Fabric, every business related      As such, the Logical Unit concept is a bridge
object (e.g. Customer, Merchant) is represented by    between scattered, hard to maintain data and
a Logical Unit Type.                                  highly available, business-oriented data.

Each Logical Unit Type is then associated with a
The diagram below illustrates an overview of the K2View Fabric’s architecture:

INSIDE K2VIEW FABRIC                                       the principles of massive parallel processing
                                                           and map-reduce in order execute operations.
   CONFIGURATION: This layer contains the
    versioned configuration of every Logical Unit         SMART DATA CONTROLLER: This layer
    Type. This layer is accessed through our               drives the real-time synchronization of data to
    administration tools (K2 Admin Manager,                K2View Fabric.
    K2View Fabric Studio and Web Admin                    ETL LAYER: This layer is K2View Fabric’s
    interfaces).                                           embedded migration layer, allowing for
   WEB/DATABASE SERVICES: This layer is                   automated ETL on retrieval.
    used to communicate with user applications:           ENCRYPTION ENGINE: This layer manages
    either via direct queries (database services) or       the granular encryption of each data set.
    via web services.
                                                          LU STORAGE MANAGER: This layer
   AUTHENTICATION ENGINE: This layer                      compresses and send data to the distributed
    manages user access control and restrictions.          database for storage. K2View Fabric leverages
   MASKING LAYER: This layer is an optional               Cassandra as the distributed database. The
    layer that allows real time masking of sensitive       communication between the distributed
    data.                                                  database is very straight forward, making
                                                           K2View Fabric a flexible solution that can be
   PROCESSING ENGINE: This layer is where
                                                           adapted to any other distributed database.
    every data computation is managed. It uses
As presented above, K2View Fabric’s architecture       Ownership (TCO). It relies on three very simple
is built to address the challenges of Big Data.        cornerstones:
Therefore, it features state-of-the-art capabilities
                                                          In-Memory performance on commodity
such as:
                                                           hardware: only the computations are done in
   In-Memory distributed performance                      memory, the data is compressed and stored on
   Linear scalability on commodity hardware
                                                          Complete linear scalability: driven by the
   Consistency, Durability and High Availability          distributed database.
   Full SQL support and DB standard connectors           Risk-Free integration: see details in the next
This section will give a brief overview on how
K2View Fabric provides this features. For more         CONSISTENCY, DURABILITY, AVAILABILITY
details about K2View Fabric features, please refer     K2View Fabric ensures full consistency, guaranteed
to our Technical White Paper.                          durability and high availability of the data it
PERFORMANCE                                            contains. Consistency is ensured by the Processing
                                                       engine of K2View Fabric, using an internal and
K2View Fabric’s principal performance feature is its
                                                       distributed transaction table to determine if a
inherent Logical Unit representation running every
                                                       concurrent transaction is occurring and if the write
query on small amount of data: this feature makes
                                                       should be put on hold. Durability and high-
K2View Fabric the fastest database on the market.
                                                       availability are inherent features of the distributed
On top of this inherent design, K2View Fabric
                                                       database layer (Cassandra).
ensures performance using the two following
major principles:                                      FULL SQL/STANDARD CONNECTORS

   Every query is executed in-memory.                 The K2View Fabric Processing Engine uses two
                                                       query methods depending on the type of data on
   For analytics queries running across several
                                                       which the query is executed:
    Logical Unit Instances, K2View Fabric
    implements a proprietary map-reduce                   Query on single Logical Unit Instance (around
    algorithm that breaks down this analytic query         95% of overall queries): simple ANSI SQL
    in small jobs distributed against K2View               query.
    Fabric’s nodes.                                       Query across Logical Unit Instance (analytics):
Every computation is driven by K2View Fabric               Map-Reduce engine reproducing SQL protocol.
processing engine, which allows it to be executed      Both methods support everything that is supported
and distributed across any node, thus offering         in ANSI SQL. It also provides a proprietary
Massive Parallel Processing (MPP).                     indexing functionalities that not only allows
LINEAR SCALABILITY/LOW TCO                             indexing for faster performances but also
                                                       regulating user access.
As opposed to many big data solutions offering
high-end in memory performances, K2View Fabric         Finally, K2View Fabric provides full JDBC support,
does not require storage of all data in memory or      and features connectors to all the most common
expensive hardware for scaling up performance.         databases on the market (e.g. Oracle, MySQL,
Thus K2View Fabric offers a very low Total Cost of     PostgreSQL, Netezza, SQLServer, etc.).
While K2View Fabric offers the best features of big    can be applied during this definition. The ETL layer
data architectures, it also provides unique            is triggered automatically if needed by the smart
functionalities that differentiate it from any other   data controller, alleviating any need for external
solution on the market, including:                     ETL tools or costly migration projects.
   Embedded ETL/Data Masking                          EMBEDDED WEB SERVICES
   Embedded Web Services
                                                       K2View Fabric offers an out-of-the-box
   Flexible Synchronization
                                                       configuration graphical interface to define web
   Row-level security
                                                       services: any function (which can be as simple as
EMBEDDED ETL/DATA MASKING                              a query) can be created and registered as web
                                                       service. Once the function is defined, K2View
K2View’s industry proven ETL capabilities are
                                                       Fabric automatically ensures user access,
embedded into K2View Fabric. The principles of
                                                       distribution, updates due to schema changes, etc.
the ETL are based on the logical unit data
                                                       The gain in time and effort is tremendous
representation: by simply defining its schema,
                                                       compared to traditional database management
K2View Fabric automatically creates a migration
                                                       systems that require developing, distributing and
path from all sources into a logical unit. Any type
                                                       maintaining a communication layer between them
of enrichment (adding field, masking fields, etc.)
                                                       and your applications.

The figure above illustrates the conceptual            custom elements must be developed in order to
difference between an integration of a traditional     retrieve data from pre-existing systems. K2View
solution (regardless of its architecture) and K2View   Fabric on the other hand gets rid of any need for
Fabric. In a traditional solution, multiple complex    custom upstream or downstream development.
FLEXIBLE SYNCHRONIZATION                               allows complete control over your data encryption.
                                                       It relies on three set of keys:
K2View Fabric flexible data synchronization
features are driven by its Smart Data Controller:         Master Key: Generated during K2View Fabric
any time data is accessed in K2View Fabric, the            installation, this is the main key allowing access
Smart Data Controller compares the current state           to every resource of K2View Fabric.
of the data in K2View Fabric versus the                   Type Keys: These keys restrict access at the
synchronization parameters and update the data if          Logical Unit Type level and are a hash of the
needed whether it’s a change in the K2View Fabric          Master Key.
schema or triggered by one of the synchronization
mode described below:                                     Instance Keys: These keys restrict access at
                                                           the Logical Unit Instance level and are a hash
           ON-DEMAND SYNC                                  of their corresponding type key.
             K2View Fabric allows data
            synchronization to be triggered by on-
           demand calls. These calls can be
triggered by web services, batch scripts or directly
querying K2View Fabric (administrative mode).
            Alternatively, synchronization can be
            triggered using the principles of
           Change Data Capture (CDC). Using this
mode, K2View Fabric automatically captures
changes in the source systems that are part of its
schema.                                                In the figure above, you can see how HEKS is
                                                       implemented for two LU types.
                                                       Indeed, you can see the following keys:
            K2View Fabric features an intelligent
            and flexible way to synchronize data:         1 Master Key allowing full access
           AlwaySync. This mode allows complete           2 Type Keys restricting access to 2 different LU
granularity over the data that needs to be                 Types
synchronized with source systems.
                                                          6 Instance Keys, 3 for each LU Types
Using AlwaySync, K2View Fabric allows you to               restricting access at the LU Instance level
configure what data needs to be refreshed
                                                       Using this hierarchical encryption, K2View Fabric
automatically, and how frequently. For each
                                                       allows complete control over the stored data and
element of the K2View Fabric schema, an
                                                       significantly the risk of data leaks: even if one
AlwaySync timer that will be driving the K2View
                                                       Instance Key were to be hacked, only the data of
Fabric synchronization is set (e.g. if the usage
                                                       one instance would be leaked; all other instances
information from the Customer table needs to be
                                                       data is still safely encrypted.
updated every 5 minutes, a timer of 5 minutes).
                                                       Therefore, this design makes K2View Fabric the
                                                       most secure database on the market, essentially
K2View Fabric features a proprietary algorithm         rendering massive data breaches to be impossible.
Hierarchical Encryption-Key Schema (HEKS) that
SUPPORTED FEATURES                          Traditional Big-Data      Fabric

       No SPoF

       Consistency, Durability and High-Availability

       Low TCO and in-memory performance

       Embedded ETL

       Embedded Data Masking

       Embedded Web-Service layer

       Row Level security


       What is the main difference between security in K2View Fabric versus a
       traditional RDBMS?
       Traditional RDBMS can’t restrict and encrypt access at an instance level. You
       either have access to the full table containing customer information or you don’t.
       Using K2View Fabric, you can define row-level security.
       With such rich synchronization features, how do you ensure performance?
       K2View Fabric provides high-end performances by first processing only the data
       related to one Logical Unit Instance, hence reducing the amount of data.
       Moreover, the processing layer only execute actions in memory, and maintains a
       data cache for frequent use. Finally, for processing across Logical Unit Instances,
       K2View Fabric uses map-reduce to implement fast queries.
       What is the difference between fully migrating to K2View Fabric or a traditional
       Migration is a feature of K2View Fabric. Migrations to traditional RDBMS require
       the development, testing and deployment of a specific migration tool.
       How many processing/sync/data storage layers are there in K2View Fabric?
       There are as many layers as there are Cassandra nodes in your deployment. This
       allows for full parallel execution between nodes.

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