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Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2018, 34: 921 TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATIONAL CHALLENGES: SERIOUS GAME AND REHABILITATION AGATA MALTESE1*, FRANCESCO CERRONI2*, PALMIRA ROMANO2, DANIELA RUSSO2,3, MARGHERITA SALERNO4, BEATRICE GALLAI5, ROSA MAROTTA6, SERENA MARIANNA LAVANO6, FRANCESCO LAVANO6, GABRIELE TRIPI7,8 1 Department of Psychological, Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, University of Palermo, Italy - 2Clinic of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry, Department of Mental Health, Physical and Preventive Medicine, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy - 3Centro di Riabilitazione La Filanda LARS; Sarno, Italy - 4Sciences for Mother and Child Health Promotion, University of Palermo, Italy - 5Department of Surgical and Biomedical Sciences, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy - 6Department of Health Sciences, University “Magna Graecia”, Catanzaro, Italy - 7Department PROSAMI, University of Palermo, Italy - 8 Childhood Psychiatric Service for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, CH Chinon, France *Equal contribute for Authorship ABSTRACT During child neurodevelopment, parenting plays the key role for accompanying children trough the evolutionary path, taking into account the various risks and dangers that may occur. Actually, certain delays or developmental disturbances may be considered as the consequence of incorrect parenting behavior. In this perspective the use of electronic devices may be observed seriously. Keywords: Serious games, virtual reality, electronic devices. DOI: 10.19193/0393-6384_2018_4_140 Received November 30, 2017; Accepted January 20, 2018 Introduction including children. On the other hand, children showed different reactions some were indifferent, During child neurodevelopment, parenting others instead they tried to attract the attention of plays the key role for accompanying children trough their parents and most of them in order to make them the evolutionary path, taking into account the various feel good, they gave their little mobile phones and risks and dangers that may occur. Actually, certain tablets(1). delays or developmental disturbances may be con- Among those who argue that electronic devices sidered as the consequence of incorrect parenting can help development of the child and who instead behavior. In this perspective the use of electronic claims that it is harmful for the same, let's say that as devices may be observed seriously. with all things, the solution lies in the middle. As we In 2017 a relevant study pinpointed on what have seen, the negative aspects and the risks of tech- drives parents to make their children interact even nology are there, and they are they have also been more, even very small, with technological devices, affirmed by important scientific studies, but it is also observed at the restaurant the behavior of families. true that there they are cases where technology can The study reported that almost 1/3 of parents used help us, for example in particular situations, certain the smartphones and/or tablets even during the meal, electronic tools are used also in the speech therapies, not paying attention to what was happening around, through appropriate applications, for improve any
922 Agata Maltese, Francesco Cerroni et Al deficits in the child. So it's not that important under- meets all the needs of patients. This task is made stand what are the positive and negative aspects of increasingly difficult by the lack of resources, which technology, how much it is It is important to under- prevents public and contracted health from coping stand how to use it. First of all a continuum is essen- with the growing do send to take charge. This situa- tial control by parents, who must monitor the time tion in the context of the rehabilitation of the age of spent by their children in front of technological development is even more problematic because the devices and what use they are doing, favoring the use longer waiting lists do not allow children to access of apps appropriate for their age and not apps or the interventions needed, which in the case of neu- games morally harmful(2-10). rodevelopment disorders typical of the psychomotor Actually, videogames are classified in different approach should be timely, to act in periods more types based on the content they deal with, in fact we critical for the development of functions, trying to have games of: adventure, sport, driving and compe- modify the evolutionary line of developmental disor- titions, shooter, strategy, and are also classified ders. Scientific research has been trying to explore according to the certification issued by PEGI (Pan new horizons for some years and more and more European Game Information) related to the age publications are going to investigate the effects of the group at which the game can be intended. A series of use of new technologies that allow to build rehabili- icons are represented with the number indicating the tative pathways using new methodologies, as in the minimum age of the gamer and are reported usually case of videogames(26-42). on the package or in the description card of the It is good to underline that this new rehabilita- game, providing all the indications about (Figure 1). tion perspective does not want to replace the tradi- tional one but the videogame is thought of as a means of psychomotor approach as an integral part of its specific intervention, and in particular cases of using new technology-based forms of play can be a positive factor for bring the world of rehabilitation closer to the age of children(43-59). The new frontiers of rehabilitation through videogames are able to act on any compromised Figure 1: shows different icons assigned to the different functionality, motor functions that are probably the videogames categories. most studied today, up to the cognitive deficits, stim- So this could be an instrument especially useful ulating thanks to the very wide variety of functions especially for the parent in the choice of videogames that must be activated and put to play. Therefore, the for your child, even if these indications are often term serious game has been introduced, to indicate ignored or not given little importance, however, not digital games that through virtual simulations inter- evaluating all the risks involved. In second It is good acting propose a simplification of the reality within to dedicate part of the day to real activities alternat- which the users put their competences to the test. ing with those virtual ones, for this we must encour- Serious games do not have exclusively or primarily age the output of these children from homes, going an entertainment purpose, they contain educational to the park or anyway to a place, where you can meet elements, generally they are training tools and the with friends and give free space It is good to redis- serious and playful aspects are in balance(58-68). It is cover their motor skills and on winter rainy days difficult to find a clear distinction from the games of those games that can also be done within the walls of entertainment, because it is often the use of the play- the house and that now go more and more disappear- er himself who it determines the formative aspect. ing, or manual games like constructions, puzzles, Even the interactive virtual simulation is often memories that not only intensify mother relation- considered serious game and both have the funda- ships - child, child - same age, strengthens and also mental purpose of developing skills and compe- improves skills cognitive of the child himself(11-25). tences to apply in the real world through exercise in a simulated and protected environment. A main fea- Serious game and rehabilitation: a new per- ture of the seriuos game do not have specific objec- spective tives to achieve, so you do not assign points and The world of rehabilitation is constantly look- there is no achievement and exceeding levels, so it ing for new ways to propose a way of working that may be considered a game in all respects.
Techonology, educational challenges: serious game and rehabilitation 923 Studies produced in recent years on the effec- 5) Gülay Ogelman, H., Güngör, H., Körükçü, Ö., Erten tiveness of these tools are many, with different and Sarkaya, H. Examination of the relationship between technology use of 5-6 year-old children and their social sometimes conflicting results. The most widely used skills and social status. Early Child Development and and studied rehabilitation application is probably the Care, 2018, 188 (2), pp. 168-182. DOI: one for the recovery of motor skills, especially after 10.1080/03004430.2016.1208190 the introduction of the Wii console that has devel- 6) Precenzano F, Ruberto M, Parisi L, Salerno M, Maltese A, Vagliano C, Messina G, Di Folco A, Di Filippo T, oped a series of activities and commands, based on Roccella M. Executive functioning in preschool chil- simulation of actions and motor activity in first per- dren affected by autism spectrum disorder: a pilot son. The Wii remote control, in fact, transmits study. Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2017, 33: 35-39; infrared to a bar connected to the console, which DOI: 10.19193/0393-6384_2017_1_005 records the user’s actions and reproduces them on 7) Precenzano F, Lombardi P, Ruberto M, Parisi L, Salerno M, Maltese A, D’alessandro I, Della Valle I, the screen, making it so that the player in the flesh Magliulo RM, Messina G, Roccella M. Internalizing determines in each nuance the action of the virtual symptoms in children affected by childhood absence character. The console has also brought a new tool epilepsy: a preliminary study. 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Another positive aspect of skills in children affected by obstructive sleep apnea this new rehabilitative approach is the ease of trans- syndrome: a case-control study. Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2016, 32: 1659; DOI: 10.19193/0393- ferring these activities in other contexts, once they 6384_2016_5_146 are determined the objectives, instruments and lev- 10) Parisi L, Ruberto M, Precenzano F, Di Filippo T, els, and once the patient is started for a correct use, Russotto C, Maltese A, Salerno M, Roccella M. The with some learning sessions, the child is potentially quality of life in children with cerebral palsy. Acta able to conduct part of his rehabilitation Medica Mediterranea, 2016, 32: 1665; DOI: 10.19193/0393-6384_2016_5_147 autonomously, with the help of the patient. the par- 11) Epifanio, M.S., Genna, V., De Luca, C., Roccella, M., ents, transferring some of the rehabilitation goals to La Grutta, S. 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