INTRODUCING LINCOLN'S NEW FACULTY 2021 / 2022 - Lincoln School

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INTRODUCING LINCOLN'S NEW FACULTY 2021 / 2022 - Lincoln School

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INTRODUCING LINCOLN'S NEW FACULTY 2021 / 2022 - Lincoln School
ES Counselor

Hello from Vietnam! My name is
                                       My husband will be an interim
Julie Allison and I am currently a
                                       HS principal at ASB in Mumbai
grade 3-5 counselor at UNIS Hanoi.
                                       and we are hoping to be united
I have a BA in Journalism from UW-
                                       again soon. In my free time I
Madison, an M.Ed in Social Studies
                                       love to read, cook, golf, garden,
Education from UM-Twin Cities,
                                       and I am attempting to get back
and    an   MA    in   International
                                       into running.
Counseling from Lehigh. In August,
I will graduate from The College of
New Jersey with a certificate in
Educational Leadership in the first
cohort to study exclusively online
instead of summers in Mallorca.

My husband, Rob, and I raised our      I am looking forward to
family   overseas   and  now   our
children are settled (somewhat) in     green spaces, fresh air,
the US, with my son, John, in
Wisconsin, where I am from, and
                                       exploring more of South
my daughter, Hannah, in California,    America, resuming Spanish
where my husband is from. Both
kids were born in Thailand and we
                                       classes, and meeting the
have also lived in Japan, Egypt,       amazing Lincoln
Australia, India, Venezuela, and
Lebanon.                               community!"
INTRODUCING LINCOLN'S NEW FACULTY 2021 / 2022 - Lincoln School
MS Principal
                                        I am excited to be joining a
                                        community of dedicated
Hello AEL Community!
                                        educators who have taken
Over the last 24 years I have been      on the challenge of
fortunate   to    have   served   in
international schools in Venezuela,     personalizing learning and
Romania,     Italy,    Turkey   and     making learning relevant
Colombia.    I began my teaching
career as a Wellness teacher, but       for young people in
soon transitioned into the area of
IT, working as a tech coordinator
                                        contemporary times."
and coach, design teacher and IB DP
teacher.    I have also been a
curriculum      coordinator,    vice
principal  and    principal  at  the
secondary school level, with a total
of 9 years in upper administration.
 My masters degree is from       the
College of New Jersey and my Ed.D
in educational leadership is from
Lamar University.

I am excited to be joining a
community of dedicated educators
who have taken on the challenge of
personalizing learning and making
                                        I have a 24 year old son who grew up
learning relevant for young people
                                        as    a   third    culture    kid   in
in contemporary times. As a former
                                        international schools and currently
design teacher I value hands-on
                                        lives in the city of Seattle. He was
learning and the development of
                                        born in Argentina and is looking
design cycle thinking which I feel
                                        forward to visiting his mum in his
fits well with Lincoln’s goals for
                                        country of birth. I will be travelling
teaching and learning. I also enjoy
                                        with my microdog Elektra, a rescue
the magic of working with families
                                        chihuahua from Turkey who has
and co-workers from all over the
                                        never experienced winter and is
globe and recognize that this has
                                        looking forward to showing off her
greatly enriched my life.
                                        new sweaters.
In my personal life, I love to travel
and visit museums. I enjoy being
outdoors, hiking, animal rescue,
gardening, reading and spending
time with friends and family. I love
sci-fi, just about every genre of
music, and spicy food.         I am
currently working in a bilingual
school in Cali, Colombia and look
forward to my arrival in Buenos
Aires. I am eager to have asados,
empanadas and alfajores...three of
my favorite foods!

                                          Exploring caves along the Black Sea
INTRODUCING LINCOLN'S NEW FACULTY 2021 / 2022 - Lincoln School
HS Counselor

                                    Besides meeting the
                                    community at AEL, I’m most
                                    excited to learn more about
                                    Argentina’s political and
                                    cultural history, get used to
                                    “voseo” and Rioplatense
                                    generally, and hopefully
                                    explore the various
                                    landscapes Argentina has to

My name is Douglas Dworak and
I am thrilled to be joining AEL
this coming year as the new high
school counselor!

Originally      from      Omaha,
Nebraska, I did my undergrad
degree down in New Orleans and
received my Master’s degree in
counseling psychology from the
University of San Francisco. I’ve
lived and worked as a counselor
in San Francisco and the Bay
Area, my hometown of Omaha, at
a boarding school in Turkey,
Khartoum,     Sudan,    and    am
coming to Buenos Aires after
three   years   here   in  Lagos,
Nigeria    at     the    American
International School of Lagos. In
my freetime I like to get on a
bike and go for day-long rides
anywhere the roads are good and
the traffic isn’t a deathsport.
Once upon a time I competed in
triathlons and it would be great
after a year locked away in
quarantine to get back into some
races! As a former baker, I also
like to spend time in the kitchen
cooking for others and hosting
small get-togethers.
INTRODUCING LINCOLN'S NEW FACULTY 2021 / 2022 - Lincoln School
ES Music Teacher

Hello! My name is Peter Finkel and I
am coming to Lincoln from Chicago,
Illinois. Chicago has been my home
since 2005 and I completed my
undergraduate degree at a small
school on the northwest side of the
city,      Northeastern       Illinois
University.    I    currently   teach    I am excited to be part of the
elementary band and general music        Lincoln community and contribute
in the suburbs of Chicago, and           my skills to help the students
before that I was the general music      become       self-sufficient      and
teacher at an inner city k-8 public      inquisitive musicians. This is my
school in La villita, a neighborhood     first  international   job,  so   the
on the southwest side of the city.       opportunity to teach a subject I love
The    school   did   not  have    the   at an esteemed school, in Buenos
resources to start an instrumental       Aires, is a dream come true. I am
program, but through fundraising         excited to be part of a forward
and donations I was able to start        thinking and inclusive educational
both a concert band and a rock band      community. Some of my hobbies
program.                                 include cooking, drawing, hiking,
                                         solo travel, creating all types of
                                         music, and my cat Lola (who is
                                         coming along). Ask me about the
                                         children’s book, with accompanying
                                         songs, I wrote about her!
INTRODUCING LINCOLN'S NEW FACULTY 2021 / 2022 - Lincoln School
Director of Teaching and Learning

                                    Hello! I am Rebekah Madrid, the
                                    new   Director   of   Teaching   and
                                    Learning. I’m currently the Middle
                                    School     Vice     Principal    and
                                    Curriculum       Coordinator       at
                                    Yokohama     International    School.
                                    Before that, I have been a high
                                    school and middle school social
                                    studies and Theory of Knowledge
                                    teacher. I am absolutely thrilled to
                                    be joining Lincoln, as I have heard
                                    so much about the warm community
                                    and   the   deep    commitment    to

                                    Some things to know about me:
                                    Traveling - growing up a military
                                    brat overseas, travel has always
                                    been an important part of my life. I
                                    went to 7 different schools before I
                                    graduated     high   school.   After
                                    graduating, I moved to Texas,
                                    Washington D.C and Munich. I
I am absolutely thrilled to         currently live in Yokohama, Japan,
                                    which   has    been  my   base   for
be joining Lincoln, as I have       exploring Asia for the past eleven
heard so much about the             years. My most prized possession is
                                    my passport and I am looking
warm community and the              forward to exploring a new part of
                                    the world in Argentina.
deep commitment to
learning."                          Third Culture Kid -     I am lucky
                                    enough to call both Albuquerque,
                                    New Mexico and London, England
                                    home. I split my vacations between
                                    the two, depending on where my
                                    parents happen to be that time of
                                    year. I can happily eat green chile
                                    enchiladas or fish and chips to feel
                                    like I’m at home.

                                    Notre Dame Football - graduating
                                    with my BA in History and MEd from
                                    the University Notre Dame, I’ve
                                    spent years cheering the Fighting
                                    Irish. It hasn’t always been easy to
                                    be a fan, but Notre Dame is one of
                                    my favorite places in the world and
                                    there is something special about
                                    finding other Fighting Irish fans
                                    throughout the world.
INTRODUCING LINCOLN'S NEW FACULTY 2021 / 2022 - Lincoln School
Grade 1 Teacher

                                        I’m looking forward to
                                        meeting you and continuing
                                        my journey here in

Hello Lincoln Community!
My name is Jessica O’Neill and I am
excited to be transitioning to a
Grade 1 homeroom teacher for the
upcoming 2021 - 2022 school year!
This will be my 12th year of
teaching, and throughout that time,
I have held positions as a classroom
teacher, Learning Support teacher,
and Literacy Coach. I also have a
Master’s Degree in Curriculum and
Instruction. Most recently, I worked
at Academia Cotopaxi in Quito,
Ecuador, where my love of the
Andes Mountains began. I was lucky
enough     to   join   the    Lincoln
Community last year as part of the
Learning Support Department, and
am excited to continue supporting
the    growth    of  our    Inclusive
Education program!
I am originally from the Midwest of
the United States (Michigan and
Wisconsin), so I have a strong
relationship with beautiful lakes
and cheese :). In my freetime, I
enjoy traveling, cooking, hiking,
kayaking, crafts, game nights, and
spending time with family and
friends. With me in Buenos Aires
are my husband, Patrick, and our
two Ecuadorian cats, Bandido and
INTRODUCING LINCOLN'S NEW FACULTY 2021 / 2022 - Lincoln School INTRODUCING LINCOLN'S NEW FACULTY 2021 / 2022 - Lincoln School INTRODUCING LINCOLN'S NEW FACULTY 2021 / 2022 - Lincoln School
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