Intraprosthetic dislocation after a revision hip replacement: a case report

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Intraprosthetic dislocation after a revision hip replacement: a case report
South African Orthopaedic Journal

Intraprosthetic dislocation after a revision hip replacement:
a case report
Allan R Sekeitto*          , Kaeriann van der Jagt       , Nkhodiseni Sikhauli          , Lipalo Mokete        , Dick R van der Jagt

Arthroplasty Unit, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,
South Africa

*Corresponding author:

    Citation: Sekeitto AR, Van der
    Jagt K, Sikhauli N, Mokete L,               Background
    Van der Jagt DR. Intraprosthetic
    dislocation after a revision hip            The dual mobility cup (DMC) was initially design in 1974. It was designed to offer additional
    replacement: a case report.                 stability in total hip arthroplasty (THA) and to prevent dislocations. The dissociation of a DMC
    SA Orthop J 2021;20(1):49-52.               has been termed an intraprosthetic dislocation (IPD) and is a rare complication. It is defined as
                                                separation of the articulation between the polyethylene and head articulation in the DMC. As
                                                the utilisation of DMCs in orthopaedic surgery increases, we can expect an increase in this rare
    Editor: Dr Chris Snyckers,                  complication. We report a case of an IPD in the setting of revision hip arthroplasty in a 72-year-
    University of Pretoria, Pretoria,
    South Africa                                old female.

    Received: May 2020                          Case report
    Accepted: September 2020                    The report is on a 72-year-old female patient who underwent revision hip arthroplasty. The artic-
    Published: March 2021                       ulation utilised was of the dual mobility type. Some eight months later she dislocated her hip. An
    Copyright: © 2021 Sekeitto
                                                attempted closed reduction under general anaesthesia with muscle relaxant was unsuccessful.
    AR. This is an open-access                  Thereafter she was taken to surgery to perform an open reduction of the hip. Intra-operatively
    article distributed under the               it was found that the dual mobility head had dissociated, with the polyethylene component
    terms of the Creative Commons               remaining in the metal liner. A revision of the components was performed.
    Attribution Licence, which permits
    unrestricted use, distribution and          Discussion
    reproduction in any medium,
    provided the original author and            We postulate on the mechanisms of dissociation of the dual mobility head. We review the current
    source are credited.                        literature related to IPD and discuss the risk factors associated with this rare complication.
    Funding: No benefits in any form
    have been received or will be               Conclusion
    received from a commercial party
    related directly or indirectly to the       The diagnosis of IPD is an indication for revision surgery of the DMC. When utilising a DMC, care
    subject of this article.                    should be taken to mitigate against the known risk factors for IPD. All dual mobility dislocations
    Conflict of interest: DVJ reports           should be reduced under general anaesthesia with muscle relaxant.
    consultancy for Smith & Nephew,
    all outside the submitted work.             Level of evidence: Level 4
    LM reports consultancy for
    Zimmerbiomet and Implantcast;               Keywords: intraprosthetic dislocation, dual mobility cup, revision hip arthroplasty
    payment for lectures including
    service on speakers’ bureaus for
    Zimmerbiomet, Smith & Nephew
    and Advanced Orthopaedics, all
    outside the submitted work. The
    other authors declare no conflict of
    interest relevant to this work.

Introduction                                                                    The risk factors for instability include patients older than 75 years,
                                                                                prior hip surgery, neuromuscular disease, dysplastic hips, spinal
The dual mobility cup (DMC) was initially designed in 1974 by                   abnormalities, ligamentous laxity, small anatomy3,5 and neck of
Bousquet to offer additional stability to the standard total hip                femur fractures. The incidence of instability with primary THA is up
arthroplasty (THA) and prevent dislocations.1-3 Instability in THA is           to 7% and increases up to 28% in revision THA.4,10 In addition to
a common indication for revision.3-5 The literature reports that 17.3           a DMC, the stability of THA can be further improved by technique
to 22.5% revisions in THA are performed for instability.6-8 The DMC             modifications such as anterior approach, repair of the posterior
has reduced post-operative dislocation rates in both primary and                soft tissue, increased offset, larger femoral head and increased
revision THA.9                                                                  abductor tension.1

DOI 10.17159/2309-8309/2021/v20n1a7                                                                                  Sekeitto AR et al. SA Orthop J 2021;20(1)
Intraprosthetic dislocation after a revision hip replacement: a case report
Figure 1. AP radiograph of the pelvis demonstrating the dislocated left hip
                                                                              Figure 3. AP radiograph of the left hemipelvis demonstrating the
                                                                              dislocated left hip prosthesis

Figure 2. Pelvis AP radiograph demonstrating the revision total hip           Figure 4. The dissociated components of the dual mobility head
replacement with the dual mobility cup cemented into the cage

We present a case study of a patient with a dual mobility THA                 was an antero-lateral type approach. The soft tissues were severe-
which had a dissociation of the dual mobility head.                           ly scarred and fibrotic. The contracted fibrotic peri-articular scar
                                                                              tissues held the polyethylene component in the metal shell. We
Case                                                                          propose the mechanism of IPD was due to the impingement of the
                                                                              polyethylene component on the soft tissues preventing its mobility
A 72-year-old female patient had undergone five previous                      and resulting in the levering out of the head during the attempted
hip revisions. The indications for the previous revisions were                reduction. The same DMC construct was used but with a longer
polyethylene wear and loosening, a poorly fixed femoral component             head to increase the abductor tissue tension. There have been no
and malposition of the acetabular cup that led to instability. At             subsequent dislocations.
the final revision, a cup-cage technique was used with a dual-
mobility component cemented into the cage due to pre-operative                Discussion
instability and pelvic dissociation (Figure 1). The femoral stem was
retained, and after the appropriate dual-mobility head was fitted,            The dissociation of a DMC has been termed an intraprosthetic
the reduction was stable (Figure 2). She suffered from ongoing                dislocation (IPD) or retentive failure11 and is a rare complication. It is
mobility issues associated with severe backache due to underlying             defined as separation of the articulation between the polyethylene
thoraco-lumbar kyphoscoliosis. Eight months later she dislocated              and head articulation, or loss of the polyethylene protective rim
her hip after a fall. In the X-ray, the lucency of the polyethylene           and escape of the femoral head from the polyethylene liner,1-3
component around the head is visible, indicating dislocation of the           or dissociation of the polyethylene component from the femoral
dual mobility head (Figure 3). The attempted closed reduction was             head.9 The literature indicates an incidence of 1.9% to 5.2% in
performed under general anaesthesia with full paralysis; however,             older generation designs.3 The older generation designs failed
it was not successful.                                                        due to progressive wear of the capture mechanism leading to
   At the open reduction, it was found that head had dissociated, with        the IPD.11,12 IPD is a late complication occurring eight to 11 years
the polyethylene component found within the metal liner indicating            post-operatively with conventional polyethylene.9 The current dual
an intraprosthetic dislocation (IPD) (Figure 4). All incisions were           mobility designs have an IPD incidence of 0% to 2.4% with a follow-
through the same scar. The approach used in all the procedures                up period of six to nine years.3 The current designs lack a capture

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mechanism, with the head being press-fitted in the polyethylene        Component pairing
component. De Martino et al.9 in their systematic review found
19 early (within nine months) IPD in modern DMC designs. IPD           The literature reports off-label practice of mixing components from
cannot be reduced closed and requires operative management,            different manufacturers at revision procedures to minimise com-
with change of modular head and liner or revision of the acetabular    plications in removing well-fixed components, if the components
cup.9,11 Tabori-Jensen et al.13 in their cohort of 966 DMCs observed   are appropriately sized.21 De Martino et al.9 indicated within
                                                                       their reported cases only six reported cases (32%) of early IPD
eight IPD, six of which were related to an attempted closed re-
                                                                       occurring in patients with a femoral head and polyethylene liner
duction of dislocation. All required revision surgery with liner and
                                                                       manufacturers’ mismatch. There were a further nine cases (47%) in
femoral head replacement. They had 45 DMC dislocations and
                                                                       patients with no mismatch, and in four cases (21%) the components
found that increased cup inclination (p=0.04) and cup retroversion
                                                                       were not specified.9 Component pairing is a suspected risk factor
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KVJ: Data capture, data analysis                                                                     review’. Arthroplast Today. 2018;4(1):133-34.
NS: Manuscript revision                                                                              artd.2017.1011.1005.
LM: Manuscript revision                                                                        22.   Hiroyuki I, Dorr L, Transolini N, et al. Spine-pelvis-hip relationship in the
DVJ: Study conceptualisation, manuscript revision                                                    functioning of a total hip replacement. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2018;100-
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