International Women's Day Celebration 2022 - Brighton Dome

Page created by Yvonne Dominguez
International Women's Day Celebration 2022 - Brighton Dome
Brighton Women’s Centre
                  In partnership with Brighton Dome & Brighton Museum

          Women’s Day
         Celebration 2022             Programme
                                 Sat 5 Mar, from 10am, FREE
                                       Brighton Dome

     An all-day free and inclusive event celebrating women’s achievements with inspiring
speakers, activists and innovators, workshops, arts, crafts, campaigns, and fun for all the family
                                     EVERYONE IS WELCOME
International Women's Day Celebration 2022 - Brighton Dome
Our IWD event is a safe and inclusive
space, open to all members in the local
                                                  To attend workshops please sign up
                                                  at the Brighton Women’s Centre Stall
                                                                                                    1.45pm – 2.45pm
                                                                                                    Comedy Writing Workshop
                                                                                                    An introduction to comedy
                                                                                                                                    Throughout the Day
community. We welcome everyone who                in the West Corridor – all of today’s
would like to join with us in celebration         talks and workshops are pay-as-you-               writing for the beginner, led   (11am, 12.15pm,                    Miss Rep Films
                                                                                                    by Belszki. Learn how to        1.30pm, 2.45pm)                    Brighton Dome
of International Women’s Day.                     feel (suggested donation £3) and all
                                                                                                    write short-form material,      WaterBear Performances             West Corridor
                                                  proceeds from today’s event will go
                                                                                                    ideal for those working         Talented musicians from
To attend talks please arrive at the              to Brighton Women’s Centre.                       towards their first five        WaterBear, The College of          Network of International
room early to secure your place.                                                                    minutes of a stand-up set.      Music, will be performing          Women Film
                                                                                                    Brighton Dome                   throughout the day. Each           Brighton Dome
                                                                                                    Mezzanine                       will be sharing their original     West Corridor
10.15am – 11am                    11.15am – 12.15pm                12.30pm – 1.30pm
Yoga for Space in                 Bollywood dance                  Sussex Dance Network:                                            music inspired by their
Mind and Body                     performance                      Voices of Motherhood                                             personal drive to inspire and      Women in the Creative
This 45-minute session is         From Lucy Alphonso               A wellbeing workshop for                                         celebrate women and ‘break         Industries
suitable for all and will leave   Brighton Dome                    anyone who identifies                                            the bias’. WaterBear is based      A short film featuring
you feeling more grounded         Mezzanine                        as a mother, led by local                                        in the heart of Brighton,          interviews with inspiring
and centred.                                                       verbatim theatre maker                                           offering BA (Hons) degree          women working in the
                                                                   Angela El-Zeind.                                                 and master’s courses tailor-       creative industries.
                                                                                                    3pm – 4pm                       made for today’s musicians.        Brighton Dome
Please note: you will need                                         Brighton Dome, Mezzanine
                                                                                                    Free The Nipple Brighton        Brighton Dome                      Landing Area and online
to bring your own mat.
                                                                                                    Q&A with The Sassy Show         Mezzanine
Brighton Dome                                                      1pm – 2.30pm
                                                                                                    Join Feminist Protest                                              Sussex Dance
Chorus Room                                                        Panel Discussion:
                                                                                                    movement Free the Nipple        ToyBox Children’s Activities       Network Films
                                                                   Women’s Safety
                                                                                                    Brighton in talks with The      This year Brighton Women’s         Brighton Dome
10.15am – 11am                                                     BWC are committed to
                                                                                                    Sassy Show on matters of        Centre’s own pre-school,           Landing Area and online
RISE Together: Ava Harding        11.30am – 12.30pm                keeping the conversation
                                                                                                    intersectional feminism,        ToyBox will bring their
A presentation delivered          Body Combat Taster               on gender-based violence
                                                                                                    patriarchy and crushing the     outstanding children’s area        Playlist co-curated by
by RISE’s Fundraising and         Session by Freedom               in the spotlight. Our priority
                                                                                                    oppressive male gaze.           to IWD for children and their      Akila Richards and
Engagement manager Ava            Leisure and RISE                 has always been to work
                                                                                                    Dome Concert Hall Stage         carers to enjoy together.          Brighton Dome
Harding, showcasing who           A free taster class for          to protect and increase
RISE are, what services they      women to come have a             the safety of women and                                                                             Akila Richards and Brighton
                                                                                                    3pm – 4pm                       There will be activities for all   Dome have collaborated
offer and providing some          go! The instructors are          girls and we will continue
                                                                                                    Demystifying                    ages ranging from 0-12yrs.         to bring you a selection of
brief information about           experienced and can              to fight for an end to
                                                                                                    Storytelling Workshop           Brighton Dome -                    videos to help you rest and
domestic abuse and ways           accommodate all ages             male violence. This year
                                                                                                    Break down how to form          Mezzanine                          reflect. Online
to get involved with RISE.        and abilities so don’t be        the panel discussion will
                                                                                                    the building blocks of a
Brighton Museum -                 shy, come try it out.            focus on women’s safety
                                                                                                    good narrative while drawing    Pop-up Feminist Bookshop
MuseumLab                         Dome Concert Hall Stage          and in particular how our
                                                                                                    from lived experience.          All day in the Founders
                                                                   communities can work
                                                                                                    Brighton Museum                 Room you will find the
10.15am – 11.15am                 11.30am – 12.30pm                together to stop male
                                                                                                    MuseumLab                       Brighton Feminist Book
Sing Your Heart Out               Understanding, Preventing        violence.
Aneesa Chaudhry (Musical          and Reacting to Public           Dome Concert Hall Stage                                          Shop pop-up
                                                                                                    3pm – 4pm                       Brighton Dome
Director of Rainbow Chorus)       Sexual Harassment
                                                                                                    Soul Circus:                    Founders Room
leads her hugely popular          In this talk Jessica Leigh
                                                                                                    We Are Enough Workshop
IWD singing workshop. If          will explore Public Sexual
                                                                                                    Join in the storytelling, a
you love singing, come! If        Harassment (Street
                                                                                                    song and sharing round the
you’re scared of singing,         Harassment), and the effect it
                                                                                                    “fire” to celebrate, connect
come! You’ll leave singing        has on girls, women and non-
                                                                                                    and have fun. Time for
and dancing with a spring         binary folks across the UK.
                                                                                                    reflection and sharing.
in your step!                     Brighton Museum
                                                                                                    Brighton Dome
Dome Concert Hall Stage           MuseumLab
                                                                                                    Chorus Room
International Women's Day Celebration 2022 - Brighton Dome
Also on at
     Brighton Dome
                            this week...

     The Guilty Feminist                              Hannah Gadsby:
 Part comedy, part deep-dive discussion                Body Of Work
  and part activism, The Guilty Feminist
                                                 In 2020, the year unlike any other,
   is a podcast which became a global
                                              Hannah bunkered down in her homeland
    phenomenon, hosted by Deborah
                                             and pondered what was next. That ponder
   Frances-White alongside a different
                                               is now a new show. One could say it’s
            guest each night.
                                                 a new body of work. Couldn’t one?
           Sat 5 Mar, 8pm | £27
                                              Wed 9 Mar, 7pm | From £29.50 | Age 16+

                                    Creative Writing Session:
                                    ‘My Resistance Manifesto’
                                    Writer Akila Richards, a Brighton Dome’s
                                    In-House Artist, leads a creative writing session as
                                    part of her week-long programme of events, Rest is
                                    my Resistance. You will write your own manifesto
                                    informed by quotes and passages from bell hooks.
                                    Wed 9 Mar, 2.30pm | FREE
                                    email to sign up
International Women's Day Celebration 2022 - Brighton Dome International Women's Day Celebration 2022 - Brighton Dome International Women's Day Celebration 2022 - Brighton Dome International Women's Day Celebration 2022 - Brighton Dome International Women's Day Celebration 2022 - Brighton Dome International Women's Day Celebration 2022 - Brighton Dome International Women's Day Celebration 2022 - Brighton Dome
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