Page created by Lewis Schneider
STRATEGY 2022-2025
Introduction                          Despite an increasingly complex                These uncertain times present the city-
                                      national and international landscape,          region with an opportunity to reflect on our
In 2017, Greater Manchester           Greater Manchester has seen significant        experience and performance in recent years
Combined Authority and the            economic growth in recent years, with          and look to identify new opportunities.
Greater Manchester Local              internationalisation and our growing
Enterprise Partnership published      reputation as global city-region having        Greater Manchester has been shaped by
a three-year internationalisation     been a catalyst for much of this activity.     generations of residents from all parts
strategy outlining a long-term        Our strong asset base, understanding           of the globe. We are a city-region built on
ambition to become a Top global       of our sector strengths, clear strategy        a fusion of cultures, talent and creativity.
City-region and playing a critical    frameworks and a more coordinated and
role in delivering the ambitions of   sophisticated approach to delivering           The Manchester brand is recognised globally
the Greater Manchester Strategy.      activity has led to strong performance         thanks to our world-famous football clubs,
                                      across our international priority areas.       our iconic music scene and international
The strategy set out a series of                                                     institutions such as the Manchester
international objectives against      The world is rapidly changing. Climate         International Festival.
which to measure our success          change requires us to look after our planet
including our attractiveness to       better and rethink how we do things.           We are proud of Greater Manchester’s
global audiences as a place to        The pandemic has had a severe impact           long history of international appeal and
invest, visit and study, increasing   on key sectors whilst shaking up supply        success and want to continue building on its
                                      chains and accelerating the adoption of        reputation, drawing in talent and investment
exports, securing further direct
                                      digital technology. Brexit has changed our     and ensuring our strong sporting and cultural
connectivity and developing new
                                      relationship with one of our largest markets   offer continues to draw in visitors from
partnerships overseas. During
                                      and renewed focus on engagement with           around the world.
this three-year period, we saw an     others. And instability in eastern Europe
increase in international students;   has served as a reminder of the importance
tourist volume and value; and         of international relations.
foreign direct investment; and
in addition secured further
long-haul connectivity to
Manchester Airport.

A refresh of this strategy was due
in 2020 but was delayed due to
the pandemic. Instead a one-year
roll over International Strategy
was agreed, published in-line with
the Living with COVID Resilience
plan in October 2020.
Aims                                              wider strategy portfolio including the
                                                  Greater Manchester Strategy and Local
The overarching aims of the Greater               Industrial Strategy.
Manchester International Strategy are to:
• Address the most immediate                      Greater Manchester’s international
  international challenges facing our             framework recognises the interconnectivity
  city-region following the pandemic and          and mutual dependence between our
  ensure we continue to respond to any            international priorities. To illustrate this,
  emerging opportunities and challenges           priorities have been grouped under two
  following the UK’s formal departure             different categories – Core Priorities
  from the EU.                                    and Enablers.
• Outline our international ambitions,
  priorities and markets under a single
  framework and collective narrative,
  highlighting the inter-connectivity of
  all our priorities and their links to Greater
  Manchester’s wider strategy portfolio,
  ensuring our international delivery is
  greater than the sum of its parts.
• Highlight Greater Manchester’s areas
  of global competitiveness, identifying
  clear areas where Greater Manchester
  can play a transformational role in
  supporting the UK government to
  deliver on Global Britain.
• Emphasise the transformational
  benefits of internationalisation,
  highlighting the ways in which it can
  deliver on the Greater Manchester               Core Priorities are the central blocks
  Strategy vision of a greener, fairer and        of internationalisation, adding economic
  more prosperous Greater Manchester,             value to the region, driving growth and
  bringing benefits to all of our residents.      creating jobs. Enablers help drive and
                                                  deliver our Core Priorities, help us connect
Strategic framework                               us with the world, learn from others,
                                                  share our way of working and tell Greater
The International Strategy supports
                                                  Manchester’s story well.
the delivery of Greater Manchester’s
Vision                                     of innovation with world-leading
                                           strengths in Digital/Cyber, Health
To be a leading city-region in the UK      Innovation, Advanced Materials and
and globally and an international          Manufacturing, and Clean Growth
influencer in green and digital.           Technology, driving investment in
                                           these sectors and improving our
Supporting Greater Manchester to           ability to turn research into solutions
become a place where everyone can          that are shared with the world.
live a good life, growing up, getting on
and growing old in a greener, fairer       Work with partners across the world
and more prosperous city-region.           to achieve our carbon neutrality by
                                           2038, helping to accelerate the UK’s
                                           and global transition to net zero by
Shared ambitions                           sharing our expertise, learning from
Raise the profile of Greater               others, and working with the world’s      Wacky lady
Manchester as a welcoming, vibrant         most innovative companies.
and diverse city-region with a strong
cultural, sport and place offer,           Delivered by
continuing the work to make our city-
region a great place to visit, invest      We will work with our delivery partners
and study.                                 and wider stakeholder ecosystem
                                           at home and overseas to deliver on
Work with partners nationally and          our economic priorities and raise
internationally to leverage the            our profile internationally. Partners
benefits of internationalisation           include the GM local authorities,
and deliver on our economic vision         the Growth Company including
by increasing trade, attracting            MIDAS, Marketing Manchester and
foreign direct investment, and             the Business Growth Hub, Greater
fostering cross-border international       Manchester Chamber of Commerce,
partnerships to support the creation       The Department for International
of better jobs and good employment         Trade, The Foreign Commonwealth
to build a more prosperous, fairer and     and Development Office, The British
globally competitive city-region.          Council, Manchester Airport, our
                                           Universities, the British Council,
Position Greater Manchester                Foreign Diplomatic Missions, and
at the heart of the UK’s global            many others.
competitiveness and forefront
Core Priorities
               In 2019 Greater Manchester exported                          Innovation has always been at the heart of Greater
               £6.6bn worth of goods and £8.8bn work                        Manchester, with the city-region boasting an
               of services, equating to approximately                       impressive history of “world firsts” and today
               18% of our total GDP.                                        recognised as the UK’s Top Digital Tech City .
               Nationally our export performance is            RESEARCH     Our ambition is for Greater Manchester to be recognised
               below average (18% of GDP – UK average            AND        as an international leader in research and innovation,
               is 30%). Growth in exports is central to       INNOVATION    with strengths in Digital/Cyber, Health Innovation,
               improving productivity and ensuring                          Advanced Materials and Manufacturing and Low Carbon,
               the benefits of internationalisation                         a place where the economic benefits of innovation are
               are felt across the city-region. Greater                     felt across the conurbation and our ideas are turned
               Manchester aims to increase our goods                        into solutions that are shared with the world, helping to
               and service exporters, working closely                       address some of society’s greatest global challenges.
               with DIT and other local stakeholders
               such as The Growth Company, Greater
               Manchester Chamber of Commerce,                              In 2019, tourism contributed £9bn to Greater
               business organisations and academic                          Manchester’s economy, sustaining over 101,000 jobs.
               institutions.                                                Conferences alone contributed a spend of £862m.

                                                               VISITOR      Our ambition is for Greater Manchester to be a world
                                                              ECONOMY       class visitor hub for business and leisure tourism,
               Foreign owned companies are
                                                             (BUSINESS      continuing to sustainably increase the value and volume
               worth a total of £37billion to Greater
                                                            AND LEISURE)    of visitors to the city-region and ensuring that the
               Manchester’s economy, employing
                                                                            economic impact and benefits of tourism are felt across
               approximately 172,000 people.
                                                                            the whole of Greater Manchester.
INVESTMENT     Greater Manchester aims to continue
 (FDI & FCI)   attracting the most innovative and
               ambitious investors from around                              Greater Manchester has the largest international
               the world, creating high value job                           student population outside of London with over 21,000
               opportunities for our residents, enabling                    international students from more than 160
               us to deliver our economic vision. We will                   different countries.
               do this by promoting our sector offering,                    Our ambition is to increase the number of international
               working closely with Department for                          students in Greater Manchester at our universities,
               International Trade, the new Office for                      whilst ensuring we continue to expand the diversity of
               Investment, as well as key intermediaries                    our international student base.
               across the public and private sector.
Enabling priorities
             Physical connectivity via Manchester Airport                           Greater Manchester is recognised as
             is a key for delivering our core international                         a key diplomatic hub in the north of
             priorities. The pandemic has had a devastating                         England, hosting a total of 15 foreign
             impact on long-haul connectivity and we                                diplomatic missions and has strategic
             must work with Manchester Airport to re-                               partnerships with city-regions in Europe,
             instate these lost routes. We recognise the                            China, South Asia, Japan, and the USA.
CONNECTIVITY significant net zero challenge facing the             DIPLOMACY
             aviation industry and are committed to                                 City-region Diplomacy is a powerful
             working closely with Manchester Airport                                enabler for our International Strategy,
             as they work towards full net-zero                                     facilitating engagement on the global
             operations by 2038.                                                    stage on agendas that are important to
                                                                                    us, strengthening links with other global
                Digital connectivity has diminished                                 cities and supporting the delivery of our
                geographical borders, enabling us to                                core international ambitions. Our aim
                collaborate more innovatively and effectively                       is to further strengthen and develop
                with international partners. We will continue                       these relationships to deliver on our
                to increase our online international activity to                    international priorities and wider
                drive our core priorities and amplify our voice                     policy ambitions.
                on key policy areas.

                Greater Manchester has successfully
                continued to communicate its story to the
                world, making strides to increase its rankings
                in a range of global indices. We regularly
                outrank large competitor regions, joining
 MARKETING      capital cities in global indices.
 PERCEPTION     We will continue to invest in our international
                marketing campaigns and branding, ensuring
                we deliver on our ambition to remain a globally
                recognised and competitive international

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