International Pathway Programmes 2021/2022 - London's Campus University - QA Higher ...

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International Pathway Programmes 2021/2022 - London's Campus University - QA Higher ...
International Pathway Programmes
London’s Campus University
International Pathway Programmes 2021/2022 - London's Campus University - QA Higher ...                                                                                                           University of Roehampton

                                                                                                       Welcome                      4
                                                                                                       Why Roehampton?              6
                                                                                                       Our campus                   9
                                                                                                       Campus map                  12
                                                                                                       Supporting you              14
                                                                                                       London’s campus university 18
                                                                                                       Living costs                20
                                                                                                       Sport at Roehampton         22
                                                                                                       Your Students’ Union        24
                                                                                                       Accommodation               26
                                                                                                       Arriving at Roehampton      28
                                                                                                       International Foundation    30
                                                                                                       International Year One      36
    The Pathway College is a partnership between the University of Roehampton and QA Higher
    Education – a UK Higher Education provider. The pathway programmes are validated by the            How to apply                40
    University of Roehampton and taught by QA Higher Education.
                                                                                                       Our location and contacts   42
    The University of Roehampton and QA Higher Education are committed to being equal
    opportunities education providers and will therefore make reasonable adjustments for disabled
    applicants and students.
    The information given in this publication is accurate at the time of going to print in November
    2020 and the University of Roehampton and QA Higher Education will use all reasonable efforts to
    deliver the programmes as described. The University and QA Higher Education reserve the right to
    withdraw or change the programmes or programme combinations included in this prospectus.
    These changes will only be made as a result of UK legal compliance, minimum student number
    requirements or for course validation reasons and applicants will be contacted by the University
    or QA Higher Education in the instance of these changes occurring. Please check the website for
    up-to-date information on our programmes:

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International Pathway Programmes 2021/2022 - London's Campus University - QA Higher ...                                University of Roehampton

               Roehampton is a very special
               university. We have a proud
               history stretching back over 179
               years and are the only campus
               based collegiate university in
               London. Our four Colleges provide
               a strong sense of community,
               and our size means you will get
               to know those that teach you and
               those you study with.

               At Roehampton we pride ourselves on
               helping all students, regardless of their
               background, to develop the skills they
               need for a successful graduate career and
               fulfilling life.
               The student experience is at the heart of
               everything we do. We work in partnership
               with students to make sure that every
               moment of Roehampton matters.
               We believe that a university education
               is not just about getting a great degree,
               but also broadening your experiences,
               preparing yourself for the world of work,
               and making lifelong friendships.
               A Roehampton degree is designed
               to ensure that you graduate with the
               qualities you need to succeed: confidence,
               adaptability and the capacity to work with
               people from all walks of life.
               We hope to see you at Roehampton soon.

               Jean-Noël Ezingeard

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International Pathway Programmes 2021/2022 - London's Campus University - QA Higher ...                                                                             University of Roehampton

    Why                        Roehampton is your home in London.
                               Studying with us will give you the best
                               of both worlds: the community feel of

    Roehampton?                a traditional university campus, with
                               the culture and nightlife of one of the
                               greatest cities in the world.

                               World-class research                              Supportive campus
                               We develop ideas that help us to
                               understand our world, from discovering            Throughout your studies, you will have
                               new animal species to uncovering                  a tutor who will give you personal study
                               evidence about human history. With                advice. We also have a wide range
                               international reach, our research informs         of support services for you to use,
                               policy, enriches culture and improves             including financial guidance and health
                               people’s lives.                                   and wellbeing support. When you join
                               We are ranked the most research-intensive         Roehampton, you will also join one of our
                               modern university in the UK*. This means          four Colleges, with all the support and
                               when you join us, you will be taught by leading   social life that they provide.
                               experts right from your first year of study.
                               * The Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014

                               Career-focused degrees
                               You will have exclusive access to our
                               online careers portal, which includes skills
                               builder courses, a jobs database, a CV
                               writing tool and free careers assessments.
                               Our thriving mentoring scheme enables
                               you to receive professional career advice
                               from Roehampton alumni to build your
                               network, while our dedicated Careers Team
                               provide face-to-face guidance and run a
                               comprehensive calendar of workshops
                               and events.

6                              careers-support                                                                                      7
International Pathway Programmes 2021/2022 - London's Campus University - QA Higher ...
University of Roehampton

    Discover your
    Roehampton provides you with
    a wide range of extracurricular
    activities that will help you develop
    your skills, stay active and grow in


    Offering everything from football to
    yoga, and a newly refurbished gym,
    you will have endless opportunities
    to get or stay active.                                                                             Our campus provides a
                                                                                                       close-knit community feel
                                                                                                       for our students
                                                                                                       As a student at Roehampton, you
                                                                                                       will belong to one of our four Colleges.
                                                                                                       Your College will become your local
                                                                                                       community. Each College has a thriving
                                                                                                       social scene and its own sports teams;
    Language                                                                                           they help create a healthy sense of
                                                                                                       competition and College pride.
    You can choose from 5 languages to
                                                                                                       If you choose to live on campus you will
    learn through our Languages for All
                                                                                                       automatically become a student of the
    programme, with options available                                                                  College in which your accommodation
    for different levels of ability.                                                                   is based. If you don’t live on campus, you
                                                                                                       will be allocated to the College associated
                                                                                                       with your subject.

                                                                          With a history dating        Our award-wining library has 1,200 study
                                                                          back over 179 years, our     spaces, computer rooms and hundreds of
                                                                                                       thousands of books.
    Make change                                                           four Colleges create a
                                                                          beautiful 54-acre parkland   We have a new, state-of-the-art centre
    Our Student Partnership scheme                                                                     for digital media, film, photography and
    gives you the chance to influence all
                                                                          campus, with classic         communications. We have a range of
    levels of decision-making                                             listed buildings alongside   bars, social spaces and catering outlets
    across campus.                                                        modern, cutting-edge         to suit all tastes. Our venues host events
                                                                                                       including club nights, live music. We have
                                                                          facilities.                  an on-campus gym and sports courts.

8                                                                                                                                                    9
                                            Image credit: Hufton + Crow
International Pathway Programmes 2021/2022 - London's Campus University - QA Higher ...                                                                                                                                             University of Roehampton

        Digby Stuart College                             Froebel College                               Southlands College                            Whitelands College
        College history and ethos                        College history and ethos                     College history and ethos                     College history and ethos
        Digby Stuart College owes its existence          Froebel College is one of the oldest higher   Southlands was founded in 1872 to train       Whitelands is the oldest of the four Colleges,
        to the Society of the Sacred Heart, an order     education establishments in the UK, having    women to teach in Methodist schools           founded in 1841 by the Church of England,
        of French Sisters who came to England in         been founded in 1892. The College takes       in some of the poorest parts of Britain.      and was the first institution in England to
        1842. The rich history of the Society in the     its name from Friedrich Froebel, a German     The College today builds on its history       provide higher education for women.
        education of women, and the dedication           educational pioneer, who encouraged           by encouraging young people to develop
        to issues of social justice and equality, now    the use of play as an important part of       strong values and to grow as future
        provides Digby College with a common             a child’s development.                        leaders for their communities.                Whitelands today
        concern for fostering a kind and loving
        community, where we welcome all students.                                                                                                    The common room at Whitelands, also
                                                         Froebel today                                 Southlands today                              known as The Sett (the College mascot
                                                                                                                                                     is a badger) is located on the first floor of
        Digby Stuart today                               The focus on education continues to this      Life at Southlands is busy and diverse.       Parkstead House. With its glorious views,
                                                         day, with the School of Education being       There is an exciting annual calendar          daytime café facilities and evening bar, it is
        Digby is the largest of the four Colleges        a major part of the College and a leading     of events, including termly dinners,          an ideal setting for socialising at any time
        at Roehampton, and home to the School            centre for Initial Teacher Education.         a fireworks party, music gala dinner,         of the day, and is the venue for a range of
        of Humanities, Social Sciences and the           The internationally renowned Department       Southlands Shindig (our summer fête)          parties and other leisure activities.
        Drama and Media sub-departments                  of Dance is also resident at Froebel          and College boat party. The large social
        of the School of Arts. Digby strives to          College, with its superb facilities and       space is a café during the day and each       The College has an exciting calendar of
        give everyone a sense of belonging, in a         modern dance studios. Froebel is also         evening transforms into a cinema and hub      events throughout the year. In addition
        community that cares about individuals.          home to the Roehampton Students’ Union,       for student-led events. Southlands offers     to our traditional May Day celebration
                                                         the Union Bar and the Gym.                    a number of leadership development            (running since 1881), we host formal
        There is a regular programme of social                                                         opportunities, including roles on the         dinners each term, a Christmas fair, carol
        activities and events to appeal to all tastes,   Froebel has an extensive calendar of          College Officer Committee and with            service and dinner, and Science Week,
        such as the annual lecture and a summer          social events including a formal Freshers’    the Southlands Venture: a volunteering        together with many other smaller social
        strawberry tea. The chaplaincy base, which       Welcome Dinner, the College Winter Dinner,    programme which funds student-led             events organised by our student leaders.
        organises a lunch every Tuesday, is also         a summer celebration and many other           projects in the local community. Their        All are open to resident and non-resident
        located at Digby.                                smaller on-campus or off-campus events        mascot is the Shark and the College sports    students, and to staff.
                                                         organised by our student leaders.             teams – the ‘Sharks’ and the ‘Sharkettes’ –
        The elected student leaders are an                                                                                                           Whitelands is home to two academic
        important voice in how business is                                                             are a credit to our community, succeeding     departments – Psychology and
                                                                   in sport and also running fundraising and
        conducted at the College and help them                                                                                                       Life Sciences – and the Ministerial
                                                         froebel-college                               campaigning efforts.
        to be responsive and relevant.                                                                                                               Theology programme.
                                                                                                       Whether you join by living at Southlands                                                              or as a non-resident student of the 
         stuart-college                                                                                departments – the Business School and         whitelands-college
                                                                                                       Media, Culture and Language – we very
                                                                                                       much look forward to welcoming you here.      You can find out more about being part of
                                                                                                                                                     a collegiate university here:

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International Pathway Programmes 2021/2022 - London's Campus University - QA Higher ...                                                                                                                                             University of Roehampton

              Campus                                                                                                                                               14

              map                                             Main Campus                                                                                                22                   21
                                                                                                                                         7                                               10
                                                          For a more detailed campus
                                                          map, please visit our website





                                                          1                                                                                                                        Barnes station
                                                                                                                                                                                   bus route
                                                     15                                                      17                                                                    (5 mins)




              Whitelands College                                                                                           7
                                                                                                                                    Mandela Building
                                                                                                                                    Jubilee Building
                                                                                                                                                                        Digby Diner
                                                                                                                                                                        The Hive Café
                                                                                                                           9        Elm Grove                     18    Whitelands Canteen
                                                19                                        Map Key                          10       Queen’s Building              19    The Sett
                                13        18
                                                                                                                           11       Sir David Bell Building
                                                                                                                           12       Lulham Building                     Worship Spaces
                                                                                                                           13       Parkstead House
                                                                                           1   The Students’ Union                                                20    Digby Chapel
                                                                                           2   Michaelis Building                                                 21    Southlands Muslim
                                                                                                                                    Cafés / Food / Drink                Prayer Room
                                                                                           3   Grove House
                                                                                                                                                                  22    Southlands Chapel
                                                                       Whitelands          4   Howard Building             14       Café and
                                                                       College                                                      Southlands Diner              23    Whitelands Chapel
                                                                                           5   Hirst Building
                                                                                                                           15       Starbucks / The Union         24    Whitelands Muslim Prayer Room
                                                                                           6   Library

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International Pathway Programmes 2021/2022 - London's Campus University - QA Higher ...                                                                                                           University of Roehampton

     you                                                            Learning support
                                                                    Disability and dyslexia services
                                                                                                                    You can access all these whenever you
                                                                                                                    need them, anytime, anywhere.
                                                                                                                    We also run drop-ins, pop-up skills
                                                                                                                    sessions, essay clinics, practical
                                                                    If you have a disability, a long-term medical
                                                                                                                    workshops and other events throughout
                                                                    condition or a specific learning difference
                                                                                                                    the year, based in the University’s library.
                                                                    such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD, we
                                                                    offer specialist services if you ever need
                                                                    extra help. You can discuss your needs
                                                                    confidentially with our team, to explore the    Career support
                                                                    support you may need during your studies.
                                                                    We also offer regular appointments and
                                                                    drop-in sessions weekly.
                                                                                                                    Preparing you for your career
                                                                                                                    Here are some of the ways we help you to
                                                                                                                    build essential skills and work experience
                                                                    English language support                        for a successful future career:

                                                                    As an international student, you might          – All our courses are designed to build key
                                                                    want help to improve your English while            graduate attributes such as leadership,
                                                                    you study. We can help you build your              team work, negotiation, planning
                                                                    skills through activities such as writing          and problem-solving. Many courses
                                                                    assignments and giving presentations,              offer work placements and links with
                                                                    skills that will be useful even after              employers
                                                                                                                    – The Hub – a fantastic space at the
                                                                                                                       centre of campus with information about
                                                                                                                       careers, volunteering, study abroad,
                                We are here to help at every        The Academic Achievement team                      placements and opportunities to meet
                                stage of your journey, so nothing   Our team of Academic Achievement
                                                                    Advisers and Librarians can help you            – Our award winning online careers
                                can get in the way of your          get the best out of your studies. We have          resource UR CareerLink, is exclusively
                                success. We offer a range of        a wide range of online resources covering         for Roehampton students and graduates.
                                support, from academic learning     just about everything you need to know            It has CV builders, hundreds of jobs
                                                                    about academic and library skills including:      and much more
                                support through to services
                                                                    – Essay, dissertation and report writing
                                such as student counselling         –T
                                                                      ime management
                                                                                                                    – A dedicated team to support and guide
                                                                                                                       you, including Careers Advisers and a
                                and an on-site medical centre.      – Critical thinking                               Placements and Internships Team
                                All of our support services can     – Literature searching                         – A year-round calendar of careers fairs
                                be accessed via our campus          – Research skills                                  and workshops which bring in top guest
                                information centre. If you need     – Referencing                                     speakers from different industries
                                                                                                                       who will share their knowledge and
                                support while you’re with us,       – SPSS, statistics and data management            experience with you
                                rest assured you’ll find plenty
                                on offer.
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International Pathway Programmes 2021/2022 - London's Campus University - QA Higher ...                                                                                                          University of Roehampton

        – Access to hundreds of professional
           mentors (mostly Roehampton
          graduates) who can help and advise
          you through our online mentoring
                                                      On-site services
                                                      Our multi-faith chaplaincy celebrates the     represented
        — S tand out from the crowd by taking        diversity of Roehampton by serving the        on campus
           our online Chancellor’s Careers Award,     religious and spiritual needs of all. Each
           a development programme which you          Chaplaincy Centre has a cosy lounge area,
           can take at any time during your studies   where you can relax, meet up with friends
                                                      and enjoy chaplaincy hospitality with a
                                                      Fairtrade tea or coffee. We also organise
                                                      social events, including lunches and

                                                                                                    15 %
                                                      film nights.

                                                      Medical centre
                                                      We have our own on-campus medical
                                                      centre, offering doctor and nurse-led
                                                      services, throughout term time.
                                                                                                    of students are
                                                                                                    overseas students

                                                      Student Wellbeing Officers
                                                      The Wellbeing Service is able to support
                                                      you during your studies. The Student

                                                      Wellbeing Officers can help with anything
                                                      from dealing with personal issues to
                                                      managing finances. There is also a
                                                      Counselling Team to help you address
                                                      personal or emotional difficulties. The
                                                      Mental Health Advisers can support those
                                                      with mental health conditions or those with   academic
                                                      concerns about their mental health.           departments

                                                      Financial support

                                                      We offer a range of financial support,
                                                      including generous scholarships, a
                                                      Student Hardship Fund for those
                                                      in financial difficulty, access to
                                                      undergraduate and postgraduate student        museums and
                                                      loans and personal advice on budgeting.       galleries in London
                                                                                                    Study London Official University
                                                                                                    Guide 2018

16                                                                                                                                                                17
International Pathway Programmes 2021/2022 - London's Campus University - QA Higher ...                                                                                                                                                                     University of Roehampton

                                                                                                                                   King’s Cross                   All students can access

London’s campus
                                                                                                                                   St Pancras                     the British library’s
                                                                                                                                                                  150 million items
                                                                                                                                                                  for research.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Olympic Park


                                                                                     Children’s Literature
                                                                                     character Paddington
                                                                                     Bear is named after this
                                                                                     famous London station.                     Museum
                                                                                                                                                  St Paul’s
                                                                                                                      Covent                      Cathedral
                                                                           Paddington                                 Garden
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Flight times
                                                                                                                                                                       Tower of
                                                 Westfield                                                                                                             London
                                                                                                                                                                                                  London > Dubai
                                                 Shopping                                                                                                                                         7hrs
       Kew Garden’s is London’s
                                                                                                                                      Tate Modern                                                 London > Nigeria
       largest UNESCO World Heritage                                                                                                                           The Shard                          6hrs 30mins
       site, offering unique landscapes,
                                                                                                                Houses of
                                                                                                                Parliament        Waterloo                                                        London > Hong Kong
       vistas and iconic architecture.          Hammersmith                   Harrods                                                             Elephant
                                                                                                                                                  and Castle
                                                                                                                                                                   London Bridge                  12hrs
                                                                   History                                                                                                                        London > Beijing
                                                                   Museum                                                                                                                         10hrs
                                                                                                                                  Imperial War                                                    London > Germany
                                                                                                                                  Museum                                                          1hr 30mins
       Kew                                                                                                                                                                                        London > Colombia
                                                              Putney                                                   Houses of Parliament -                                                     11hrs
                                           London                                        Clapham
                                                              Bridge                                                   Our academic research contributes
                                                                                         Junction                                                                                                 London > Delhi
                                           Wetland                                                                     to government policy and decision
                                           Centre                                                                                                                                                 8hrs 30mins
                                Barnes                                                                                                                                                            London > Bangkok
        National                                                  London Wetland Centre -
        Archives                                                  The Wildfowl and Wetlands
                                                                                                                                                                                                  11hrs 30mins
                                                       Putney     Trust is one of the world’s
                                                                  leading science and
                                                                  conservation institutions in
                                                                  its field.
                                                                                                                      Roehampton to Central London

       Richmond Park
                                  University of                                                                                     3 minutes                         6 minutes                     9 minutes

                                                                                                                       Barnes                          Putney                          Clapham                       Waterloo
                                                              Wimbledon                                                                                                                Junction

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University of Roehampton

     Living                                                                                               Rent                                                 Social Life

     costs                                                                                                £127.75+                                             £35/40pw
                                                                                                          Rent ranges from approximately                       The University of Roehampton is
                                                                                                          £127.75 - £187.95* per week on campus.               conveniently located near to lots
                                                                                                                                                               of shops, bars and entertainment.
                                                                                                          For more information, visit:                         We also have many free social
                                                                                                                       spaces and activities on campus.
         Aside from your course                                   To find out more about the costs of
                                                                  living in London for students, visit:
         fees, there are additional
         costs you should take                          
         into consideration when                                  For advice around saving money,
         budgeting for university.                                including some great top tips, visit:
         This is a rough guide.                                                                           Books and equipment                                  Play membership

                                                                  For the most up to date
                                                                  information on university costs,
                                                                  please check our website:
                                                                                                          £15pm                                                £2.50pm
                                                                        It varies from department to department –            This membership provides a variety of
                                                                                                          on average students spend £15 per month              social and recreational sessions and is
                                                                                                          on books**, but using library services can           a great platform to make new friends.
                                                                                                          considerably reduce costs.
         On-campus costs
         Coffee at The Hive                       £1.80
         Piece of cake at The Hive                £2.50
         Pint of beer                             £2.60
         Vodka lemonade                           £2.60
         Pub grub meal                            £5.50                                                   Gym
         The above costs are a rough indication only and

         are accurate at the time of printing. Individual costs
         will vary.

         Travel costs
         This will vary depending on how often                                                            Our campus gym membership is £145
         you travel, and which modes of                                                                   per year or £99 if you sign up during
         transport you take. The Hopper fare in                                                           Freshers’ Week.
         London allows you to make unlimited
         bus or tram journeys in one hour, for
         £1.50 using pay as you go. As a student                                                          *These costs are from 2020/21 and could be subject to change
         you can also choose to save 30% on
         travel cards and bus & tram passes                                                               **Student Money Survey 2019
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                     21
         with an 18+ Student Oyster photo card.                                                                            University of Roehampton

     Sport at                                                 40 clubs and activities to join
                                                              Many of our sports clubs compete
                                                                                                        Space to run
                                                                                                        Our green campuses offer an

                                                              in the British University and Colleges    ideal way to get fit in nature and
                                Sport and Active              Sports (BUCS) leagues including
                                                              football, tennis, squash, rugby and
                                                                                                        our close proximity to Richmond
                                                                                                        Park offers further opportunities
                                Communities                   hockey. We also provide a wide range      to be active.
                                                              of social and semi-competitive sport,
                                                              offering beginners’ courses, intra-
                                                              mural events and coaching courses.        Varsity
                                                                                                        Varsity is an annual sporting
                                                              Gym                                       event where the University of
                                                                                                        Roehampton goes head
                                                              The recently refurbished gym, fully       to head against Bucks New
                                Sport                         stocked with the latest equipment,        University.
                                Roehampton                    could give you a great opportunity
                                                              for some high quality down time
                                Competitive team              between your studies. The newly           Free yoga
                                and individual sport          expanded gym space includes a
                                opportunities for students.                                             Throughout the year we offer
                                                              studio devoted to the Les Mills virtual
                                This includes two                                                       free yoga classes open to all
                                                              class programme, offering classes on
                                membership offers                                                       students, regardless of ability
                                                              dance fitness to functional, strength,
                                for our students, Olympic                                               or experience. Taught by
                                                              cardio and HIIT workouts.
                                and Commonwealth.                                                       experienced and accredited
                                                                                                        teachers, the classes explore
                                                              Fantastic facilities                      different yoga styles. Mats and
                                                                                                        blocks are provided.
                                                              Our facilities include a sports hall, a
                                                              studio and outdoor multi-use courts.
                                                              Our sports clubs and teams also         Scholarships
                                Play                          have access to a number of high
                                                              quality sports venues in the local area For the truly elite athletes
                                Roehampton                    including the National Tennis Centre    studying at Roehampton, we
                                                              and Rosslyn Park RFC.                   offer a range of bursaries and
                                Social, recreational and
                                fun sport and physical
                                activities for students,
                                                              Crystal Palace FC
                                some activities for staff &
                                the local community.          We have partnerships with a number
                                                                                                        Career ready
                                                              of leading sports organisations,          We really value the impact
                                                              including Crystal Palace FC and           sport can have on personal
                                                              the Lawn Tennis Association.              development and so we provide
                                                              Crystal Palace FC offers a range          a range of training opportunities
                                                              of work experience opportunities,         for students, such as coaching
                                Gym                           collaboration with Crystal Palace         qualifications, vocational training,
                                                              staff in careers-related events, and      volunteering and leadership
                                Roehampton                    extensive links between Crystal           courses.
                                The on-campus gym             Palace Ladies FC and the University
                                and additional wellbeing      of Roehampton Women’s Football  
                                services provided by          programme.                                sport-roehampton
                                Nuffield Health for our
                                students and staff.
22                                                                                                                                      23                                                                                                    University of Roehampton

Your Students’
                                                                                                  We provide over 200 events every year for you to get
                                                                                                  involved in. There are:

                      When you come to the University of Roehampton,
                      you’ll automatically become a member of Roehampton                          Club Nights                   Theatre Tuesdays
                      Students’ Union (RSU), one of the best and most active
                                                                                                  Weekly club nights on and     Do you love West End
                      students’ unions in the country. Our aims are to provide                    off campus, such as the       shows and musicals? Then
                      you with opportunities to make the most of your time                        infamous Bop, Grand and       our Theatre Tuesdays are
                                                                                                  Fez – where you can dress     just for you! It’s a great way
                      at Roehampton, to offer a range of help, advice, support,                   up on themed nights, make     to see amazing shows for
                      events, activities and entertainment, and to ensure you                     the most of cheap nights      much lower prices.
                      have an unforgettable experience at university.                             out and let your hair down.

                      50+ Societies                         Volunteer
                      There are over 50 societies you can   You can also choose to volunteer
                      be part of in the RSU – including     through our 70+ volunteering
                      the Dance Society, Islamic Society,   opportunities or get involved in      De-stress Events              Summer Ball
                      Hogwarts Society, Esports Society     Raising and Giving (RAG), which has
                                                                                                  We offer a number of          Make sure you don’t miss
                      and Electronic Music Society.         raised over £10,000 for local and
                                                                                                  events that will help you     our finale to the year – the
                                                            national charities.
                                                                                                  during the tougher times      RSU Summer Ball, where
                                                                                                  of university. From pop-up    recent acts have included
                      Growhampton                           Hive Café                             spas or giving you access     Tinie Tempah, Wiley,
                      This is our sustainability and food   Our award-winning Hive Café in        to a puppy room, there’s      Katy B, The Wombats,
                      project, which ensures                the centre of Digby Square is part    loads to help you unwind.     Example, Rizzle Kicks
                      Roehampton is an edible campus.       of the Growhampton sustainability                                   and Professor Green.
                      Why not help look after the           project. Constructed and furnished
                      campus chickens? Or contribute in     from recycled and upcycled
                      preparing for market day? Maybe       materials, it serves food and drink
                      you’d like to learn how to cook in    from local, ethical sources, and
                      new and exciting ways? Or, simply,    food grown on campus by our
                      why not buy a coffee from the Hive    students.                             Formal Dinners
                      Café whilst browsing the Thrift
                      shop?                                 You can find out more information     We offer a number of
                                                            on our website:                       chances to get dressed up
                                                                                                  throughout the year with
                                                                   formal dinners including
                                                                                                  our very own RSU Awards.

24                                                                                                                                                               25                                                                            University of Roehampton

                                We understand that concentrating                Types of accommodation
                                on your studies will be your main
                                                                                We offer a wide range of accommodation
                                priority, which is why we take care
                                                                                on-campus. Every room is a single
                                of everything:                                  furnished bedroom with internet access,
                                – All utility bills are included in the cost   and fees include utility bills and contents
                                – We include contents insurance to give        insurance. Rooms are either en suite, semi
                                  you peace of mind                             en suite (with a private shower) or standard
                                                                                where you share bathroom facilities with
                                – Friendly Flat Reps and College staff are     other students. All rooms have a wash basin.
                                   on hand to help you

                                Helping you make an informed                    On-campus cost
                                                                                The cost of rooms varies, depending on
                                At our Open Days held throughout the year,      the type of accommodation you choose.
                                you can visit our campus accommodation.         For first year undergraduates, this ranges
                                You can also see pictures and 360 degree        from £127.75 - £187.95 a week.
                                tours on our accommodation pages online.
                                When you’re planning your future
                                education, you don’t want any worries to
                                                                                Living off-campus
                                get in the way. That’s why we offer you an      Living in or near Roehampton, you can
                                accommodation guarantee. This means,            benefit from all that London has to offer,
                                if you make Roehampton your firm choice         while avoiding the high costs of living in
                                on your UCAS form, satisfy the eligibility      the centre of the city. There is a wide
                                criteria and meet the deadline*, we promise     variety of accommodation suitable for
                                you’ll have on-campus accommodation.            students available to rent close to the
                                Accommodation applications typically
                                open in the February before you arrive for      If you choose to live away from the
                                your first year, and you can apply once you     University, our Off-Campus Support Officer
 “Living in or near             have firmly accepted an offer of a place
                                from us.
                                                                                can help you find accommodation with
                                                                                other students in a similar situation.
 Roehampton, you can            Please see our website for details.             Even if you are living off campus, or
 benefit from all that          *For students who apply before 31st July 2021
                                                                                choose to live at home, you will still feel
                                                                                part of the Roehampton community. There
 London has to offer,                                                           are lots of activities and societies you can
                                                                                get involved with when you are on campus.
 while avoiding the high                                                        Costs correct at the time of print in
                                                                                November 2020. For the latest costs,
 costs of living in the                                                         please visit our website.

 centre of the city.”                                                 

26                                                                                                                                  27                                                                        University of Roehampton

       Arriving at
       Roehampton               At the University of Roehampton, we understand that studying
                                many miles from home can create challenges. As a result, we
                                do everything we can to ensure that your arrival is hassle-free,
                                and that the first, crucial weeks of term go smoothly.

                                International Arrivals Day                       Orientation programme
                                One week before registration and the start       New international students receive a warm
                                of term, we host an arrivals day for all of      and friendly welcome to the University
                                our new international students. We will          each year with our orientation programme.
                                meet you at the airport and help you to          This is an excellent opportunity for new
                                settle into the university accommodation.        students to meet new friends and get
                                It will give you a great opportunity to adjust   to know the staff at the University at the
                                to your new environment before the busy          beginning of their journey.
                                start to the term.

                                                                                 The orientation programme will
                                Meet and greet                                   include:
                                A meet and greet service from London             • Programme inductions
                                Heathrow Airport is offered on                   • Visa check
                                International Arrivals Day. To register go to:
                                                                                 • Campus tours
                                         • Social activities and the opportunity
                                                                                   to join clubs and societies at the
                                                                                   ‘Freshers’ Fair’
                                                                                 To find out more about orientation
                                                                                 activities, visit the pre-departure page of
                                                                                 the website:


28                                                                                                                              29
International Foundation
                                                                                                           What will I study?

     Programme                                                                                             3 term programme:
                                                                                                           In term zero, you will have English classes
                                                                                                                                                              How will I be taught and assessed?
                                                                                                                                                              As part of your programme you will have
                                                                                                           timetabled for 20 hours per week.                  20 hours of teaching per week and you will
                                                                                                                                                              be expected to spend a further 20 hours
                                    2 term programme                     3 term programme                  Throughout this term you will improve your         undertaking homework, assignments and
                                                                                                           language confidence levels in grammar              independent study.
           Duration                 7/8 months                           9 months                          and vocabulary as well as core English
           Intakes                  October, January                     October, July                     skills in reading, writing and listening           You will be assessed through a
                                                                                                           to prepare you for the first term of the           combination of coursework, presentations,
       £   Tuition fee              £12,500                              £15,000                           International Foundation Programme. You            portfolios and in-class tests.
           English language         IELTS 5.0                            IELTS 4.5                         will only study term zero if you are on our
           requirements             (no element below 4.5)               (no element below 4.0)            three term programme.                              About the programme
                                                                                                                                                              •    Study alongside other like-minded
           Academic entry           GCSE/iGCSE – 5 Passes at grade C or above                                                                                      international students
                                                                                                           3 & 2 term programme:
                                                                                                           In terms one and two, you will continue
                                    Where UCAS tariff is applicable or relevant, applicants should         to develop your English language skills,           •    Gradually adjust to life in the UK and
                                    have an equivalent of 30 UCAS tariff points from either 1 A            however, more of your time will be spent on             academic study
                                    Level and 1 AS, or a minimum of 2 AS Level qualifications              improving your English language levels for
                                                                                                           subject specific undergraduate courses.            •    Explore and learn subject knowledge
           Level                    Foundation – FHEQ level 3                                                                                                      relevant to your undergraduate degree
           Mode of study            Full-time classroom                                                    These modules are specifically designed
           Assessment methods       Coursework, presentations, portfolios and in-class tests               to improve your ability to write essays,
       4                                                                                                   read for your studies, develop your ability
           Minimum age              17 years or older                                                      to understand lectures, and take part in
           Average class size       17                                                                     discussions and presentations and prepare
                                                                                                           you for undergraduate study.

     Please note: You will need UKVI IELTS, Persons or Trinity test results if you are applying
     for a single CAS for the International Foundation Programme. To be eligible to apply                  International Foundation Programme progression journey
     for a 4 Year CAS to cover both the International Foundation Programme and your
     undergraduate degree you will need to have an IELTS 5.5 (with a minimum of 5.5 in all
     elements).                                                                                      If you have                        Study                            Progress on to
                                                                                                     IELTS: 4.5 with no single          3 term                           Upon successful completion
     Course overview                                                                                 element below 4.0                  International                    of the International Foundation
                                                                                                                                        Foundation                       Programme with a 40% pass
     The International Foundation Programme is specifically designed to build your English                                              Programme                        mark and subject to specific
     language, academic study skills and subject knowledge to the level required to progress                                                                             course entry requirements, you
     on to an undergraduate degree.                                                                                                                                      will be guaranteed consideration
                                                                                                     GCSE/iGCSE – 5 Passes at           Start in October or July
                                                                                                     A-C                                                                 for entry on to one of the
      There are 3 different module combinations available for you to choose between:                                                                                     University of Roehampton
                                                                                                                                                                         undergraduate programmes
      Business Innovation +     to progress onto sports and arts, business, computing,               IELTS: 5.0 with no single          2 term
      Humanities and Social     humanities and law, and accounting undergraduate degrees             element below 4.5                  International
      Science in Action                                                                                                                 Foundation
                                                                                                                                        Programme                        Start your undergraduate degree
      Life Sciences in Action   to progress onto anthropology, science and nursing                   AND
                                                                                                                                                                         in September
      + Scientific Thinking     undergraduate degrees
                                                                                                     GCSE/iGCSE – 5 Passes at           Start in October or
      Scientific Thinking +     to progress onto psychology and social anthropology degrees          A-C                                January
      Humanities and Social
      Science in Action
30                                                                                                                                                                                                          31
                                                                                         “The staff are really nice and I like the
                                                                                         atmosphere here. I find the lessons
                                                                                         extremely interesting and the teachers
                                                                                         make it very enjoyable.”
     Example modules
                                                                                         Nateerai Jandpook – Thailand
      Which                        Modules                                     Credits
      3 term programme only        Academic Reading, Writing and Language        0
                                   Academic Speaking, Listening and Language     0
                                   English Project                               0

      2 & 3 term                   Academic Language in Context                  20
                                   Applied Academic Skills                       20
                                   Problem Solving and Data Analysis             20
                                   Research Project                              20

      Business and                 Business Innovation                           20
      Humanities                   Humanities and Social Science in Action       20

      Science                      Life Sciences in Action                       20
                                   Scientific Thinking                           20

      Psychology                   Scientific Thinking                           20
                                   Humanities and Social Science in Action       20

     When to apply
     For key dates and application deadlines please visit:

     For more course information, please visit:

32                                                                                                                                   33
Progression to degree level study
     By successfully achieving a pass mark of 40% on your International Foundation Programme,                                   “The government from home recommend the
     you will automatically be considered for your chosen undergraduate degree at the University                                University of Roehampton for my subject. Two
     of Roehampton. Please bare in mind there may be additional entry criteria for your chosen
     undergraduate degree.                                                                                                      of my friends graduated from here and they
                                                                                                                                really enjoyed it. The staff are really friendly
     Progression courses include:
                                                                                                                                and helpful. We work in groups which means
                                                                                                                                I can improve my English really quickly. The
      Business Innovation + Humanities and Social Science in Action                                                             teachers help us to improve our general essay
      Accounting                                  Ancient History                            Business Management                writing to help us for our postgraduate study.”
      Business Management and                     Business Management and                    Business Management and
      Economics                                   Entrepreneurship                           Finance
                                                                                                                                Assad Althunayyan– Saudi Arabia
      Business Management and                     Classical Civilisation                     Computer Science
      Creative Writing                            Criminology                                Dance (BA)*
      Dance (BFA)*                                Digital Media                              Drama, Theatre and Performance
      Early Childhood Studies                     Education Studies                          English Language and Linguistics
      English Literature                          English Literature and History             Film
      History                                     History and Philosophy                     History and Politics
      Human Resource Management                   International Business                     Journalism
      LLB (Hons) Law                              LLB (Hons) Law and Criminology             Marketing
      Marketing Communication                     Media and Communications                   Media, Culture and Identity
      Philosophy                                  Sociology                                  Theatre Practices and Production

      Life Sciences in Action + Scientific Thinking
      Anthropology                                Biological Sciences                        Biomedical Science*

      Nutrition and Health                        Nursing*                                   Sport and Exercise Sciences

      Scientific Thinking + Humanities and Social Science in Action
      Psychology                                   Psychology and Counselling                Psychology and Criminology
      Social Anthropology                          Sport Psychology                          Therapeutic Psychology

     *Progression is subject to course specific entry criteria. For more information please visit:

34                                                                                                                                                                                 35
International Year One                                                                                What will I study?

                                                                                                           The modules you will study are mapped                       How will I be taught and assessed?
                                                                                                           to those in Roehampton Business School                      As part of your programme you will have 19
                                                                                                           undergraduate degrees and will develop                      to 22 hours of teaching per week, through
                                                                                                           your subject knowledge in areas such as                     interactive seminars and workshops. You
                                                                                                           management, marketing, accounting and                       will be taught in small groups, providing a
                                                                                                           analytics. For those of you who intend to                   creative and secure environment in which
      International Year One (Business)                                                                    join the Accounting degree you will study                   to learn new knowledge and skills. You will
           Duration               9 months                                                                 a module ‘Accounting for Organisations’,                    also be expected to spend a further 15 to
                                                                                                           which prepares you for further exemptions                   20 hours per week undertaking homework,
           Intakes                October, January                                                         for industry bodies such as ACCA and                        assignments and independent study
                                                                                                                                                                       through our virtual learning environment.
       £   Tuition fee            £13,474                                                                  CIMA.

           English language       IELTS 5.5 (no element below 5.5)                                         A key module that supports you
           requirements                                                                                    throughout your journey is the Business
                                                                                                           Academic Skills module. You will begin                      About the programme
           Academic entry         Good High School graduation grades, or equivalent
                                                                                                           this module with an extended introduction                   •     Benefit from more tailored
                                  GCSE/iGCSE - 5 passes at grade B or above                                in academic English, business language                            international student support than a
           Level                  FHEQ Level 4 - 1st Year of Undergraduate Degree                          and everyday social English all of which                          standard 1st year
                                                                                                           is designed to build your confidence and
           Mode of study          Full-time seminars and workshops                                         language proficiency to get ready for                       •     Join your undergraduate degree in
           Assessment             Coursework, presentations, unseen exams and online tests                 learning new business knowledge. Within                           September
       4                                                                                                   all the modules you will apply academic
                                                                                                           theories to real life situations, enabling you              •     Learn alongside other international
           Minimum age            17 years or older                                                        to develop your critical thinking skills.                         students in a fully embedded Pathway
           Maximum class size     18

                                                                                                           Example modules							 Credits
     Course overview
     The programme has been specifically designed for you and other like-minded international students     Business Academic Skills                                                                          0
     who are looking for a tailored route of study, with more help and guidance, before joining year two   Business Organisations in a Global Economy                                                        20
     of undergraduate study. It gives you an opportunity to gradually familiarise yourself with the UK
     learning requirements in a supportive and encouraging environment, allowing you to develop and        Business Psychology                                                                               20
     grow as a new academic learner.                                                                       Business Data Analysis                                                                            20
                                                                                                           Principles of Marketing                                                                           20
                                                                                                           Introduction to Management                                                                        20
                                                                                                           Introduction to Accounting and Finance*                                                           20
     A key feature of studying the programme is that you become a full student of the
     Roehampton Business School and as such, you will be invited to join guest speaker events,             Accounting for Organisations**                                                                    20
     conferences, staff student committees and have full access to all the facilities, software
     and materials to prepare you for year two study. This approach ensures that you feel part
     of the student community and gives you the opportunity to widen your academic and social
     friendship groups to develop long lasting relationships within the University.
                                                                                                           *You will study this module if you intend to progress onto a BSc Business or Management degree.
                                                                                                           **You will study this module if you intend to progress onto the BSc Accounting degree.

36                                                                                                                                                                                                                   37
Progression to degree level study
     Following successful completion of your programme, subject to a 40% pass mark, you will
     be able to progress onto the second year of all Roehampton Business School undergraduate

     If you have the equivalent of IELTS 5.5 overall with no sub score below 5.5 you will be
     able to apply for a joint CAS for the whole of your foundation and undergraduate study at
     Roehampton. This means you will only need to apply for your student visa once for your
     entire UK study with no additional English testing requirements.

     These may include the options listed below:

      Progression                                            Option modules
      Undergraduate Degree
                                               Accounting for      Introduction to Accounting
                                               Organisations              and Finance
      BSc (Hons) Accounting                         ✔

      BSc (Hons) Business Management                                           ✔
      BSc (Hons) Business Management                                           ✔
      and Economics
      BSc (Hons) Business Management                                           ✔
      and Entrepreneurship
      BSc (Hons) Business Management                                           ✔
      and Finance
      BSc (Hons) Business Management                                           ✔
      and Marketing
      BSc (Hons) Human Resource                                                ✔
      BSc (Hons) International Business                                        ✔
      BSc (Hons) Marketing                                                     ✔

     For more information please visit:

     When to apply
     For key dates and application deadlines please visit:

     For more course information, please visit:

38                                                                                               39                                                                                                                                                    University of Roehampton

        How to apply
       Applications to Pathways programmes can be submitted
       directly to QA Higher Education who manage all applications
       for these programmes at the University of Roehampton.                                          1                              2
                                                                                                              Check your
       If you are ready to apply for one of our                                                               entry point                         Talk to us                 3
       Pathway programmes, you can visit the        When to apply                                  Check which entry point is
       web page of the programme you wish to                                                                                       If you would like more
       apply for and click on “Apply online” to     We strongly recommend that you apply as        most suitable for you and       information please contact                 Collect your
                                                    early as possible for your chosen course       the minimum grades for your
       complete your online application.
                                                    to allow enough time to complete all the       target course.
                                                                                                                                   us and our advisers will be
                                                                                                                                   able to discuss the details of
                                                    preparations you need to make in order to                                      your academic history and            Collect your supporting
       Please visit our course pages:               study in the UK. For more information on                                       recommend the best entry             documents In order for you to
                                                    key dates and deadlines please visit:                                          point for you.                       make a successful application to
                                                                                                                                                                        Roehampton, you are required to
       There are a number of documents you will                                                                                                                         submit supporting documents.
       need to include with your application.                                                                                                                           This will include: references, a
                                                                                                                                                                        copy of your passport,
                                                    What happens next                                                                                                   and current and previous
       Please visit our website to find out more:
                                                    The Admissions Team will consider your                                                                              UK visas.                    application and send you details of the
                                                    outcome. Successful applications will
                                                    receive an offer to study along with details     Journey                                                                 4
                                                    for registration and enrolment.
       Request more information
       If you are unsure which course is suitable
                                                    Questions about your application
       for you, or would like to find out more
       information about how to apply, you can      You can contact our Admissions Team
                                                                                                      6                                          Draft your                Start your
       register your interest at:                   for advice at any time during or after the                                                   statement                 application
                                                    application process. The Admissions
                                                    Team will help you with enquiries about
                                                                                                              Submit your          Draft your personal statement
                                                                                                                                                                           Once you have decided
        register-your-interest                                                                                                     carefully so that it reflects your
                                                    admission and the progress of your                        application          choice of course(s) and why             which course you want
       Once you complete the enquiry form one of    application.                                                                   you have chosen it/them at              to apply for, you can
                                                                                                   Submit your application along
       our team will contact you to discuss your    T: +44(0)20 8003 3899                                                          Roehampton.                             begin to complete an
                                                                                                   with scanned copies of your
       options and answer any questions that you                                                                                                                           online application.
                                                    W:            supporting documents via an
       may have.
                                                                                                   online portal.

40                                                                                                                                                                                                          41                                                                                                                                University of Roehampton

        Getting here                                                                                 Contact us
        By Bus                                        London Underground                             Pathway enquiries                     Address
        Buses run frequently to Roehampton            Putney Bridge, on the District Line,           W:   University of Roehampton
        from Richmond, Kingston, Putney, Clapham      connects to the campus via the 265 bus,        T: +44 (0)20 8003 3899                Roehampton Lane
        Junction, Wimbledon and New Malden.           which departs from outside the station.                                              London
                                                                                                                                           SW15 5PU
        The 265 and 493 buses stop next to the                                                                                             United Kingdom
        main site (at Queen Mary’s Hospital) and      Cycling
        close to Whitelands and Mount Clare (at the
        junction of Danebury Avenue). The 170 and     The University can be easily reached
        430 buses stop on Danebury Avenue, which      by bike. There are cycle parking stands
        is very close to Whitelands and Mount Clare   throughout the campus.
        and a short walk from the main site.          You can use the Transport for London
                                                      online journey planner to plan routes to and
                                                      from the University.
        By Train
        The main site is a 10 minute walk from
        Barnes station, Whitelands College is a
        25 minute walk or a short bus ride. Trains
                                                      By air
        go to Barnes from Clapham Junction and
        Waterloo in one direction and Kingston,       There are 6 airports within a couple of
        Richmond, Staines and Windsor in the          hours of Roehampton. For flight times from               University of Roehampton
        other direction.                              major international destinations please see

                                                       Airport               Travel time to
                                                                             University campus
                                                       London Gatwick        50mins
                                                       London Heathrow       1hr
                                                       London City           1hr 15mins
                                                       London Stansted       1hr 30mins
                                                       Luton                 1hr 35mins
                                                       Southend              1hr 55mins

                                                                                                     V2 1120

42                                                                                                                                                                                      43
Contact us
T: +44 (0)20 8003 3899

Information correct at the time of printing, November 2020
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