Page created by Gilbert Andrews
9  th

    for Young Professionals

SATURDAY | APRIL 10 | 2021

                                                                                                   Dior Quartet
                                                                        Joseph Haydn—Quartet Op. 76 No. 3 “Emperor”
                                                                            IV. Finale: Presto
    Welcome to Chesapeake Music’s 9th International                     Caroline Shaw—Blueprint
                                                                        Christos Hatzis—Quartet No. 2 “The Gathering”
    Chamber Music Competition and while the world-wide
                                                                            III. Nadir
    health crisis makes it necessary to hold this event virtually, I
                                                                        Anton Dvorak—Quartet No. 13 in G Major, Op. 106
    am confident you will be rewarded with a day of outstanding
                                                                            II. Adagio ma non troppo
    performances highlighted by musical skill and youthful
                                                                        Dmitri Shostakovich—Quartet No. 9, Op. 117
                                                                            V. Allegro
    This biennial event began nineteen years ago when a group of
    local music lovers resolved to create a way to encourage and                                  AYA Piano Trio
    support young musicians in their efforts to build careers. This
                                                                        Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart—Piano Trio in C Major K. 54
    vision has been fulfilled as many of the ensembles have become
                                                                            I. Allegro
    well known in the concert world and all of the participants gain
                                                                        Felix Mendelssohn—Piano Trio in C Major, Op. 66
    valuable insights from our judges.
                                                                            I. Allegro energico e con fuaco
    I am amazed and enormously grateful for the effort put              Maurice Ravel—Piano Trio in A minor
    forth by our Competition Committee. Every other year these              I. Modéré
    volunteers take on the challenge of producing this major                II. Pantoum, Assez vif
    musical competition and then last year the event was cancelled      Dimitri Shostakovich—Piano Trio No. 2 in E minor
    just days before it was to go on. Starting from scratch, the            IV. Allegretto
    Committee created the virtual format you will see today. It was
    an enormously complex task to arrange for performances in four                                Soma Quartet
    different locations and to have the judges located remotely from    Felix Mendelssohn—String Quartet No. 6 in F minor, Op. 80
    one another.                                                        Arranged: Ting-Hua (Arthur) Liang
                                                                            I. Allegro vivace assai
    On behalf of the Board of Directors I thank each and every
                                                                            II. Allegro assai
    one of our Committee and our judges for their dedication that
                                                                            III. Adagio
    sustains the Competition. You are in for a wonderful treat today.
                                                                            IV. Finale: Allegro molto
    I know you will enjoy it.
                                                                        In Memoriam (2014) – Joel Love (b. 1982)

    Barry Koh                                                                                 Zelter String Quartet

    President Chesapeake Music
                                                                        Franz Joseph Haydn—String Quartet in C Major, Op. 20, No. 2
                                                                            I. Moderato
                                                                            II. Capriccio – Adagio
                                                                        Ludwig van Beethoven—String Quartet No. 8 in E minor, Op. 59, No. 2
                                                                            I. Allegro
                                                                            II. Molto Adagio, “Si tratta questo pezzo con molto di sentimento”
                                                                        Maurice Ravel—String Quartet in F Major
                                                                            I. Allegro moderato, très doux
2                                                                                                                                                3
AYA PIANO TRIO                            DIOR QUARTET                              SOMA QUARTET                           ZELTER STRING QUARTET

Based in Philadelphia, AYA was            Hailing from Israel, Canada, Brazil, and   Based in Bloomington, Soma was               Praised by LA Opus for their
formed in 2013 by three students at       the U.S., the members of Dior formed       formed at the Indiana University Jacobs      “seemingly effortless precision and
the Curtis Institute of Music. The trio   their ensemble at Indiana University in    School of Music under the guidance of        blend”, the Zelter String Quartet formed
has performed extensively across          fall 2018.                                 Otis Murphy.                                 in Los Angeles in 2018.
the United States, and in 2018 they
were semifinalists in both the M Prize    Within eight months of their formation,    In addition to being the grand prize         The quartet is comprised of violinists
Chamber Arts Competition and the          they won the Bronze Medal at the 2019      winners at the 2019 Plowman Chamber          Kyle Gilner and Gallia Kastner, violist
Fischoff Competition.                     Fischoff National Chamber Competition      Music Competition, they were first           Nao Kubota, and cellist Allan Hon.
                                          (Senior Division). They have also won      runner-up in the 2018 Classic Alive          In 2019 they were awarded a full
They were winners of the 2018 Young       first prize at the 9th Plowman Chamber     Young Artist Competition, first prize        scholarship to participate in the
Chamber Musicians Competition             Music Competition (Senior Strings),        winners in the 2017 Chicago Woodwind         St. Lawrence String Quartet Chamber
in North Carolina, where they were        first prize at the 2019 Kuttner Quartet    Ensemble Competition, and finalists in       Music Seminar, where they worked
invited for a residency of recordings     Competition, and runner-up at the          the 2018 North American Saxophone            with members of the St. Lawrence and
and concerts. They have performed at      Beethoven-Haus Competition at the          Alliance Quartet Competition.                Danish String Quartets, culminating in
the Great Lakes Chamber Music Festival    Jacobs School of Music. Last summer,                                                    a performance at the Campbell Recital
and the Norfolk Chamber Music             they attended the St. Lawrence String      Since their formation in 2016, they have     Hall at Stanford University.
Festival, and they made their New York    Quartet Seminar at Stanford University     performed at a wide variety of venues,
City debut in 2019 at the Mannes New      and were selected to perform in the        including the International Navy Band        The quartet has collaborated with
School Concert Series.                    International Showcase at Stanford’s       Symposium, the inaugural American Single     the Verona String Quartet, Mixtape
                                          Bing Concert Hall.                         Reed Summit, and the North American          Series, tenor Drake Dantzler, and has
Performances in 2020 include                                                         Saxophone Alliance region five conference.   future collaborations set with pianist
a Concerts International Series           They held the 2019 Fellowship String       The ensemble is committed to performing      Lucinda Carver.
appearance in Memphis and a               Quartet at Wintergreen Summer Music        new works to expand quartet repertoire
Beethoven Triple concerto with the        Festival in Virginia and participated      and has collaborated with several            In addition, they were recently invited

Waterbury Symphony Orchestra
in Connecticut. AYA Piano Trio is
represented by Jean Schreiber
                                          in the McGill International String
                                          Quartet Academy. They are currently
                                          the new Kuttner Quartet, the student
                                          string quartet-in-residence at Indiana
                                          University Jacobs School of Music.
                                                                                     composers from Indiana University.

                                                                                     Soma also has a passion for traditional
                                                                                     repertoire and transcriptions and has
                                                                                     performed numerous outreach concerts
                                                                                     in venues ranging from retirement centers
                                                                                     to coffee shops to the Bloomington
                                                                                     Transit Center, all in hopes of bringing
                                                                                     saxophone to a wider audience.
                                                                                                                                  to participate in the Juilliard String
                                                                                                                                  Quartet Seminar, and in August 2021, the
                                                                                                                                  quartet is scheduled to participate in
                                                                                                                                  the Rencontres Franco-Américaines de
                                                                                                                                  Musique de Chambre, as winners of the
                                                                                                                                  USC Ofiesh Chamber Music Competition.

Behind every music performance
                                                is a strategy for success

    Every great music program has a well-designed plan to succeed. At RBC Wealth                                  At Chesapeake Music we have always believed that
    Management, we take the same approach to helping you meet your financial
    needs and goals.                                                                                              our biennial Chesapeake International Chamber Music
                                                                                                                  Competition is like no other. But in this year of the Global Pandemic,
    We are proud to support the Chesapeake Chamber Music Competition.
                                                                                                                  our experience has been like no other we have had.
    The Edgell – Fritzsche Team
    Alex N. Fritzsche, First Vice President – Financial Advisor                                                   After postponing the Competition in April, 2020, we looked forward to
    Jennifer N. Edgell, AWM, Vice President – Financial Advisor                                                   hosting it in April 2021. As you all know well, we cannot yet hold live
    Karen D. Kruse, Branch Service Manager                                                                        performances and so we have gone virtual. Thankfully we have had some
                                                                                                                  experience with this new concert mode. The annual Chamber Music Festival
    30 Goldsborough Street, Suite 200 | Easton, MD 21601
    Phone: (410) 822-2676                                                                                         was one of the earliest in the country to be entirely virtual and we hosted
                                                                                                                  two additional virtual concerts during the year. So here we are trying to put
                                                                                                                  on an entire day of music for all of you.
    Investment and insurance products: • Not insured by the FDIC or any other federal government
    agency • Not a deposit of, or guaranteed by, the bank or an affiliate of the bank • May lose value
                                                                                                                  There have been challenges for the musicians, judges and our hard-working
    © 2020 RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC. 01560 (03/20)   committee. Our young musicians were challenged. Many found themselves
                                                                                                                  in distant places for much of the year and struggled to gather to record
                                                                                                                  their performance. Sadly, one group, the Colores Trio of Zurich, Switzerland,
                                                                                                                  was not able to compete due to travel restrictions within the European
                                                                                                                  Union. We will hope they can join us next year. The judges were equally
                                                                                                                  challenged. They will view the day’s performances from their home bases
                                                                                                                  which stretch from Baltimore to Bend, Oregon. And then, the deliberations
                                                                                                                  will take place on the ever-present Zoom!

                                                                                                                  The committee of volunteers was challenged to think of each element of
                                                                                                                  the program in a new way. I believe we are all proudest of being able to
                                                                                                                  devise a way to hold the Audience Choice Award at the end of the day. Our
                                                                                                                  designer and our webmaster have pushed themselves to new heights with
                                                                                                                  a virtual stage employed for all our virtual events. It does indeed take a
                                               Beautiful music brightens our lives,
                                                                                                                  village to make this work and we have been fortunate to have a wonderful
                                                   and you make it happen!                                        group of willing explorers to join in the effort.
                                                          Thank You!                                              Please see the list of all those people in this program book. We hope
                                                                                                                  you enjoy these wonderful young ensembles and we look forward to
                                                                          Anna                                    returning to a live Competition in 2022 at our new home in the Ebenezer
                                                                                                                  Theater in Easton.

               Anna C Larkin
                                                                                                                  Anne Moran
    Office: 410-770-9255 Cell: 410-829-3549                                          Competition Chair
                Benson and Mangold • 24 N. Washington St. • Easton, MD

6                                                                                                                                                                                                 7
   Celebrating                                                                                                                          COMPETITION FIND NEW HOME AT
     30 Years                                                                                                                           THE EBENEZER THEATER
Tracy Cohee Hodges                                                                                                                      This past winter, Chesapeake Music
                                                                                                                                        took up long-term residency at
      Vice President Area Manager
                                                                                                                                        the newly renovated and elegant
         Eastern Shore Lending                                                                                                          Ebenezer Theater in historic
     111 N. West St., Suite C                                                                                                           downtown Easton. Formerly known
        Easton, MD 21601                                                                                                                as the Prager Family Auditorium
                                                                                                                                        and a familiar concert home for
          410-820-5200                                                                                                                  years, the modernized venue has                                                                                                                chosen to return to the roots of the                                                                                                                  building in naming its new facility
                                                                                                                                        for the original building owner,
                                                                                                                                        the Ebenezer Methodist Episcopal
                                                                                                                                        Church constructed in 1856.

                                                                                                                                        This relationship guarantees
                  This is not a guarantee to extend consumer credit. All loans are subject to credit approval and property appraisal.   a state-of-the-art concert facility for Chesapeake Music, enabling the
NMLS ID: 148320   First Home Mortgage Corporation NMLS ID #71603 (
                                                                                                                                        Chesapeake Chamber Music Competition to hold its day long Competition
                                                                                                                                        presentations with the most up-to-date acoustical enhancements and
                                                                                                                                        recording and streaming capacity. Additionally, Chesapeake Music purchased
                                                                                                                                        a 9-foot Steinway concert grand piano to be permanently installed in the
                                                                                               Easton & Cambridge,
                                                                                                    Maryland                            theater. For those devotees of the Competition, we know we now have the
                                                                                                                                        perfect venue for our award winning ensembles. Be assured, however, that
                                                                                             Estate Planning
                                                                                                                                        we will take these young musicians throughout the community for the very
                                                                                            & Administration                            popular Sunday concerts.
                                                                                                                                        The residency allows us to create strong links to a first rate concert venue
                                                                                                  Real Estate
                                                                                                                                        for our prestigious Competition while growing our international audience
                                                                                                     Land Use                           through the streaming capabilities. It also expands our programming ability
                                                                                                   Litigation                           by developing new and interesting programs for an expanding audience. It
                                                                                                   Family Law                           also demonstrates Chesapeake Music’s commitment to Talbot County and
                                                                                              personal injury                           historic Easton, an area whose art scene has grown both because of and
                                                                                                                                        alongside Chesapeake Music to become one of the premier arts destinations
                                                                                            129 N. Washington Street                    in the Mid-Atlantic.
                                                                                               Easton, MD 21601
                                                                                                 410-822-1122                           We look forward to hosting our 2021 winners in our new venue and hosting
                                                                                             11 Muse Street, Suite 2
                                                                                                                                        the 2022 Competition and those in the foreseeable future at this newly
                                                                                             Cambridge MD 21613                         emerging hub of cultural activity in Easton. Look for more good news as we
                                                                                                 410-822-1122                           move past the Covid era and explore new ways to enrich the cultural life of
                                                                                                           Easton and beyond.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                      9

                              A versatile player, J. LAWRIE BLOOM has been                                     Lithuanian pianist IEVA JOKUBAVICIUTE's
                              heard in chamber, orchestral and concerto                                        performances have earned her critical acclaim
                              appearances on soprano clarinet, basset                                          throughout the U.S. and Europe. Her ability to
                              clarinet and bass clarinet. He began studying                                    communicate the essential substance of a work
                              piano at four and switched to the clarinet at                                    has led critics to describe her as possessing “razor-
                              nine. He continued studies at the Columbus                                       sharp intelligence and wit” (The Washington Post)
                              Boychoir School, with whom he toured the U.S.,                                   and as “an artist of commanding technique, refined
                              Canada and Japan, singing and playing the                                        temperament and persuasive insight” (The New York
       Judge: J. Lawrie Bloom clarinet. At that same time on clarinet he came      Judge: Ieva Jokubaviciute   Times). In 2006, she was honored as a recipient of a
                              under the guidance of Roger W. McKinney, later                                   Borletti-Buitoni Trust Fellowship.
     studying with Anthony M. Gigliotti.                                           Ieva’s Alban Berg Tribute CD was released to critical acclaim in 2010. The
     Lawrie is a founding member of the Civitas Ensemble in Chicago, with          New York Times described her as “an authoritative and compelling guide
     whom he plays clarinet, and acts as an Artistic Co-Director. He founded       throughout this fascinating disc." Her piano trio, Trio Cavatina, won the 2009
     the Chesapeake Music Festival, and served as clarinetist and Artistic         Naumburg International Chamber Music Competition and made its Carnegie
     Co-Director for 34 years. He has performed at the Ambler, Grand Teton,        Hall debut in 2010. A much sought-after chamber musician and collaborator,
     Ravinia, Skaneateles and Spoleto festivals, and the Mostly Mozart Festival    notably with violinist Midori, Ieva has appeared on major stages, such as
     in New York. Lawrie toured with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, and has        Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, and London’s Wigmore Hall. She regularly
     collaborated with the Chester, Chicago Symphony, and Mendelssohn String       appears at music festivals, including Marlboro, Ravinia, Bard, Caramoor,
     Quartets, the Chicago Chamber Musicians, and members of the Ridge,            Chesapeake Music, and Prussia Cove (England). A graduate of the Curtis
     Orion and Vermeer string quartets. He has been heard many times in live       Institute of Music and the Mannes College of Music, she is currently Assistant
     concerts over the airwaves of WFMT in Chicago, and in live recital for the    Professor, Piano at the Shenandoah Conservatory in Winchester, Virginia.
     Australian Broadcast Company.
     In September of 1980 Sir Georg Solti invited Lawrie to join the Chicago                                   Cellist MICHAEL KANNEN has distinguished
     Symphony Orchestra, in the position of Clarinet and Solo Bass Clarinet. In                                himself as a musician and educator of uncommon
     that position he has toured the world, with some 2 dozen trips to Europe,                                 accomplishment who is comfortable in widely
     5 times to Asia, and appearances in Australia, and India. He can be heard                                 diverse musical situations and venues. He was a
     on CSO recordings of a vast repertoire. Previous to joining the CSO Lawrie                                founding member of the Brentano String Quartet
     held similar appointments with the Phoenix Symphony, the orchestra of                                     and for seven years performed with that group
     the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the Vancouver Symphony, and the Cincinnati                                    on concert stages around the world, on radio and
     Symphony. He stepped down from his CSO appointment in June of 2020.                                       television, and on recordings.
     Lawrie was a Senior Lecturer in Clarinet at Northwestern University for 28     Judge: Michael Kannen      During those years, the Brentano Quartet was
     years. He has presented master classes all over the world, and is an Artist                               awarded the first Cleveland Quartet Award, the
     Performer for Buffet Crampon USA and D’Addario Musical Instruments, as        Naumburg Chamber Music Award, a Royal Philharmonic Award and was the
     a Reed Design Consultant.                                                     first participant in the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center II program.
                                                                                   Mr. Kannen continues to perform chamber music around the country as a
                                                                                   member of the Apollo Trio, on period instruments with the Houston-based
                                                                                   group Context, and at major music festivals such as Yellow Barn, Chamber
                                                                                   Music Northwest, Portland Chamber Music Festival and the International
                                                                                   Musicians Seminar in Prussia Cove, England. Mr. Kannen has served on the
                                                                                   faculties of Dartmouth College and the Purchase College Conservatory and
                                                                                   he is currently the Director of Chamber Music at the Peabody Conservatory of
                                                                                   Music, where he holds the Sidney Friedberg Chair in Chamber Music.
10                                                                                                                                                                     11
PRELIMINARY ROUND JUDGES                                       Chesapeake Music                     Founding Sponsors
                                                                                      Board of Directors                   A.T. and Mary Blades Foundation
                                                                                      Co-Artistic Directors, Marcy Rosen   Ella and Michael Bracy
      We wish to honor our preliminary judges: extraordinary artists who have
                                                                                          and Catherine Cho                Mary and James Campbell
      performed as soloists and key members of outstanding chamber music
      ensembles all over the world. They have been artistic directors of Festivals,   Executive Director, Donald Buxton    Sonia and Joseph Herson
      have served as educators at our leading institutions and all are known as       Barry Koh, President                 Zena and Arnold Lerman
      chamber musicians of excellence.		                                              Robert Amdur                         Jean and Michael McHale
                                                                                      Ross Benincasa                       Isabel and David Mahalick Foundation
                               Catherine Cho, violin, viola                           James Carder                         Carolyn and Robert Miller
                                Adrian Morejon, bassoon                               Courtney Kane                        Ann and Rush Moody, Jr
                               Tara Helen O’Connor, flute                             Susan Koh                            Penelope and Sergio Proserpi, M.D.
                                  Todd Phillips, violin                               Elizabeth Koprowski                  Phoebe and Robert Reynolds
                                  Diane Walsh, piano                                  Marianna Lesher                      Audrey and James Rooney
                                                                                      Trish Malin                          Alice Ryan
      Each has a stunning musical biography to which one could not give justice
      here. We are fortunate to have had them as preliminary jurors in the first      Anne Moran                           Lori and Jonathan Sallet
      two rounds of the Competition under the leadership of Co-Artistic Director      Edgar Smith                          Barbara and Michael Smilow
      Marcy Rosen, cello.                                                             Anna Snow                            Carolyn and Charles Thornton
                                                                                      John Waterston                       Irmy and Philip Webster
                                                                                                                           Margaret and Richard Welch
     Competition Committee                      Audio: Skillman Music, Wei Wang,      Competition Advisory Panel
                                                   and Mid South Audio
     Anne Moran, Chair                                                                Steve Balderston
                                                Print Publicity: Amy Steward          J. Lawrie Bloom                      Norma and Don Berlin
     Anna Larkin, Chair Emeritus
                                                Data Base: Nancy Larson               Natasha Brofsky                      Michael and Ella Bracy
     Donald Buxton, Executive Director
                                                                                      Catherine Cho                        Bob and Karen Burger
                                                Graphics: Joanne Shipley
                                                                                      Glenn Dicterow                       Lin and Steve Clineburg
     Ross Benincasa                             Webmaster: Kyle Spear
                                                                                      Karen Dreyfus                        Tom and Debra Crouch
     Scott Clausen
                                                                                      Miriam Fried                         George and Jocelyn Eysymontt
     William Geoghegan                          Technical Support to                  Ara Gregorian                        MaryAnn Schindler and M. Hughes
     Courtney Kane                              our Finalists                         Michael Kannen                       Susan and Barry Koh
     Elizabeth Koprowski
                                                AYA Piano Trio: Wei Wang              Maria Lambros                        Elizabeth Koprowski
     Nancy Larson
                                                Dior Quartet: Konrad Strauss          Michael Maccaferri                   Anna and Tim Larkin
     Penny Proserpi
                                                Soma Quartet: First United Church,    Katherine Murdoch                    Arnold Lerman
     Carolyn Thornton
                                                   Bloomington, Indiana, and          Tara Helen O’Connor                  Marion Lewin
                                                   Matthew Champagne                  Peggy Pearson                        Anne Moran
     Special Thanks                                                                                                        Chloe and David Pitard
                                                Zelter String Quartet: Louis Ng and   Danny Phillips
     Finalists Coordinator: Anne Moran             Stuart Denenberg                   Todd Phillips                        Penelope Proserpi
     Program Editors: Debra Crouch and                                                Marcy Rosen                          Charles and Carolyn Thornton
        Carolyn Thornton                        Advertisers                           David Shifrin                        Lily and John Waterston
     Print Ads: Debra Crouch                                                          Scott St. John                       Phil and Irmy Webster
                                                Eastern Shore Lending/Tracy Cohee                                          Kathy Wise and Doug Ridley
     On-line Voting: Ross Benincasa and                                               Roger Tapping
                                                Hodges                                                                     Hanna and Peter Woicke
        Courtney Kane                                                                 Diane Walsh
                                                Parker Counts LLC
                                                                                      Robert Yekovitch                     Isabel/David Mahalick Foundation
     On-line Publicity: The Violin Channel      Benson & Mangold/Anna Larkin
                                                                                                                           St. John Foundation
     Audience Analytics: Scott Clausen and      Benson & Mangold/Chuck Mangold, Jr.
        Ross Benincasa

12                                                                                                                                                            13
Chesapeake Music presents

             CHAMBER MUSIC
             F E S T I VA L 2021
     Notes   at the Ebenezer Theater
             new home of Chesapeake Music
             JUNE 4–12

             Experience the Extraordinary
14                                                             15
                                 UNDER C
   Grasonville | $4,495,000        Trappe | $1,495,000

          O    NTRACT
    Easton | $1,295,000             Easton | $995,000

                                 UNDER C
    Easton | $599,900              Easton | $575,000

       410.924.8832 mobile                                   16
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