INTEGRITY NEWS - Fulton County Government

Page created by Greg Tucker
INTEGRITY NEWS - Fulton County Government
Spring 2021                                                                                        Issue 1

                INTEGRITY NEWS

A message from ”MADAM DA”

                 When I asked the citizens of Fulton County to
                 support a new vision for their District Attorney’s
                 office, I promised them that I would restore
                 integrity to the office, hire staff who they could
                 count on to bring expertise, commitment,
                 and new energy to our efforts to make Fulton
                 County safer, and develop innovative programs
                 that will offer opportunities for those who are at
risk of becoming caught up in the criminal justice system while
concentrating our prosecution efforts on the violent offenders who
represent true danger for our communities.

As we complete our first 100 days of the new administration, I am       First woman District Attorney of
proud to report to our constituents that we have a new team of          Fulton County. Serving the largest
dedicated public servants working every day to keep them safe.
Our new team of prosecutors, investigators, and support staff – a       judicial circuit in Georgia.
combination of veterans who we have kept on and re-energized,
experienced staff who had left Fulton for other positions and
have chosen to return to serving our county, and newcomers –
are working to make this office the top local prosecutor’s office in
the Southeast and one of the best in the nation. We conducted
interviews in excess of 500 people to bring the best and brightest
to Fulton County. The people of Fulton County deserve no less.              Inside
As you can see from our report, we are taking strong action to
solve the case backlog we inherited, both from the challenges of            PG.1 Madam DA
the COVID pandemic and years of mismanagement of the office’s
caseload. We have restructured the office to create specialized units       PG.2 Guiding Principles
that have dedicated expertise to protecting children and victims of
sexual violence. We have won grant funding to significantly expand          PG.3 100 Accomplishments
our unit prosecuting cases resulting from processing backlogged
sexual assault kits. We have created the first specialized unit to
evaluate cases with juvenile defendants potentially facing charges          PG.8 In The Community
as adults. We have also created our county’s first pre-indictment
diversion program in cooperation with our Superior Court judges.            PG.9 Around the Off ice
And we are just getting started.
                                                                            PG.10 Employee Highlights
My team and I are proud of the work we have done on behalf of
our county in these first 100 days. We look forward to working with
you in the coming months and years to do even more and help
make Fulton County as safe for everyone as we can.

INTEGRITY NEWS - Fulton County Government
 The future of the District Attorney's office
 and the commitment to the citizens of Fulton County.


    This office will now show a consistent and

    uncompromising adherence to strong moral

    and ethical principles and values.

            The Fulton County
            District Attorney’s Office


                                                              This office will bring about new ideas,

     Leadership                                              processes, and services with the aim of

                                                             improving efficiency and effectiveness.

                                         Fani T. Willis,
                                         District Attorney


    This office will provide an environment of

    mutual respect, regardless of race, color,

    religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation,

    age, disability or gender identity.

2 IntegrityNews Issue 1. Spring 2021
INTEGRITY NEWS - Fulton County Government
Major Crimes Division                                8   Collaborated with the Atlanta Police
                                                         Department and the Fulton County
Cold & Capital Case Unit                                 Sheriff to facilitate a discussion on agency
                                                         partnerships in combating gang crime and
 1 Created the Cold and Capital Case Unit.
                                                         emerging trends in violent criminal street
     Partnered with Sheryl McCollum (Crime               gangs including juvenile membership
 2                                                       surges.
     Analyst) from the Hapeville Police
     Department and the Director of the Cold
     Case Investigative Institute. The institute    Civil Forfeiture Unit
     will provide our office access to hundreds      9 Created a Civil Forfeiture Unit.
     of experts that focus on solving Cold Cases.
                                                       Obtained judgments resulting in
                                                    10 $445,653.00 to benefit the law
     Collaborated with the US Marshals Fugitive
 3                                                     enforcement community.
     Task Force that serves our jurisdiction to
     capture defendants wanted on old murders
     to bring these victims’ families closure.      11 Returned 2 vehicles that we determined
                                                       were not lawfully seized.
Major Case Unit                                     12
    Conducted training for Assistant District            Returned $12,062.00 that we determined
 4                                                       were not lawfully seized.
    Attorneys and Investigators on proper
    procedures and protocols when reporting
    to homicides scenes.                            13 Reviewed over 600 cases to determine if
                                                       Civil Forfeiture was appropriate.
Gang Unit
   Partnered with Georgia Gang Investigators        White Collar Crime Unit
 5                                                     Joined two state and federal task
   Association and obtained training and            14
   gang certification for 10% of the Fulton            forces aimed at better investigation
   County District Attorney’s Office.                  and prosecution of certain crimes: GA
                                                       Unemployment Insurance Fraud Task Force
 6   Established a Gang Liaison to provide             and GA Cyber Fraud Task Force.
     trial assistance and gang training to the
     Assistant District Attorneys assigned to            Developed the first session in a series of
     Juvenile Court to combat the emerging               training for law enforcement partners on
     gang crisis within Fulton County.                   White Collar Crimes: “White Collar Case
                                                         Files 100: What We Need From You”.
 7   Reviewed, signed, and facilitated the
     completion of more than 50 pen orders               White Collar Crime Unit members attended
     for the Fugitive Unit and US Marshals Task          8 different training sessions to master their
     Force to assist in the apprehension of our          expertise.
     county’s most dangerous fugitives.
INTEGRITY NEWS - Fulton County Government
Appeals Unit                          Special Victims                   Brenda Baham
     Motion New Trial: Appeals         Division                          Domestic Violence Unit
     has handled 105 motions                                                 Created the Brenda
     for new trials (briefs and        Crimes Against                        Baham Domestic
     hearings submitted).              Children Unit                         Violence Unit which
     We have won 16 and                    Created a Crimes Against          specializes in handling
     have not lost any. We are          22                                   intimate partner violence
                                           Children Unit to specialize
     awaiting decisions on the             in crimes against our             cases.
     remaining cases already               most precious population
     presented.                            (Children).                        Members of the newly
                                                                              formed unit attended a
       Direct Appeals to the                Crimes Against Children           family violence training
  18                                   23
       Court of Appeals: Appeals            Unit partnered with               presented by the
       has handled 13 court of              Georgia Center for                Prosecuting Attorney’s
       appeals matters (briefs              Child Advocacy.                   Council of Georgia to
       and/or oral argument                                                   develop their expertise.
       submitted). We have                  Crimes Against Children
       won 7 cases and have            24                                     Members of the newly
                                            Unit (attorneys,             32
       not lost any. We are                 investigators, and victim         formed unit attended
       awaiting decisions on the            advocates) completed              a strangulation training
       remaining cases already              the Georgia Prosecutor            presented by the
       presented.                           Institute for Child Abuse         Prosecuting Attorney’s
                                            Prosecutors training.             Council of Georgia.
     Grand Total of Appeals
  19 Handled: Total 150                                                       Members of the newly
                                            Crimes Against Children      33
     appellate matters                 25                                     formed unit attended a
                                            Unit partnered with the
     handled Jan-March                      Department of Family and          domestic violence 101/
     (excluding Pro Se matters              Children Services.                strangulation training.
     and Habeas). Zero cases
     convictions reversed.                                                    Signed a Memorandum
                                       26 Crimes Against Children        34
                                                                              of Understanding with
                                          Unit completed training
       Direct Appeals to the              with the Office of the              Spelman College and
       Georgia Supreme Court:             Fulton County Medical               Georgia State University
       Appeals has handled 17             Examiner on fatality                to serve as a partner
       appeals in the Georgia             prosecutions to develop             to combat domestic
       Supreme Court (briefs              expertise in fatalities of          violence.
       and/or oral argument               children.
       submitted). We have                                                  Signed a Memorandum
       won 11 cases and have                                             35 of Understanding
                                            Convened two Child
       lost none. We are               27                                   with the Atlanta Police
                                            Fatality Reviews.
       awaiting decisions on the                                            Department to form a
       remaining cases already                                              stronger partnership
       presented.                      Sexual Assault Unit                  and serve as a resource
                                           Created a Sex Assault            to assist with the
       Out of Time Appeals/             28                                  investigation and
  21                                       Unit within SVD which is
       Others: Appeals has                 dedicated solely to adult        prosecution of cases.
       handled 15 out-of-time              victims of sexual assault.
       appeal hearings and                                                    Singed a Memorandum
       briefs. We have had 2                                                  of Understanding with
       granted (this means the         29 Participated in Atlanta             APD and the Fulton
                                          City Councilman Michael
       court is allowing them to          Julian Bond’s town hall             County Sherriff’s
       have a motion for a new            meeting regarding                   Department to create
       trial hearing but not that         domestic violence during            a unified front against
       a new trial will necessarily       the pandemic.                       domestic violence.
       be given). We have won
       2 and are awaiting the                                                 Domestic Violence Unit
       decision on the remaining                                              participated in a Fulton
       cases already presented.                                               County Domestic Violence
                                                                              Task Force meeting.
4 IntegrityNews Issue 1. Spring 2021
INTEGRITY NEWS - Fulton County Government
Juvenile Unit                           All members of the            Child Exploitation Unit
    Implemented file tracker,           SB440 Unit successfully            Created a Child
 38                                                                    49
    which allows our office             became gang certified              Exploitation Unit to
    to track and monitor the            to assist in the evaluation        combat children being
    progress of every child             of issues that plague              abused and exploited
    that is charged with                children charged in crime.         online.
    a delinquent act and
    pair them with the best             Identified all cases          Sexual Assault Kit Initiative
    rehabilitation services.            appropriate for SB440         (S.A.K.I) Unit
                                        evaluation to determine            Partnered with GA
      Added 2 attorneys,                if diverting them from             S.A.K.I Task Force to
      1 investigator, and a             adult prosecution is               better serve the needs
      juvenile court programs           appropriate.                       of all of Metro Atlanta to
      manager to ensure these                                              ensure a sexual assault
      children are provided the         Hired and collaborated             kit backlog will never
      best services.                    with our Social Services           occur again.
                                        Coordinator to create a
SB440 Unit                              bio-psych-social form              Met Bi-Weekly with the
    Created a SB440 Unit                that can be quantified to          GA S.A.K.I Task Force for
    within our Special                  properly assess the needs          case review.
    Victims Division to                 of juveniles charged with
    address the issue of                violent crimes.                   Established the Fulton
    juveniles being charged                                            52 County Multidisciplinary
    with violent crimes.              Collaborated with                   Team with law
                                   44 our Social Services                 enforcement, medical,
      In 1994, Georgia enacted        Coordinator to assess               state crime lab, and
      State Bill 440 (more            the tools needed for                victim services partners
      commonly referred to            juveniles to be properly            to develop policies and
      as SB-440) to “provide          rehabilitated.                      procedures county-wide
      that certain juvenile                                               to ensure that a sexual
      offenders who commit         Human Trafficking Unit                 assault kit backlog will
      certain violent felonies        The Human Trafficking               not occur again.
      shall be tried as adults        Unit added a dedicated
      in the superior court.          Victim Witness Advocate            Developed a new victim
      This SB-440 law granted         to assist this special          53 identification form for all
      adult courts exclusive          group of victims.                  suspect interviews going
      jurisdiction over criminal                                         forward.
      cases involving juveniles         Partnered with the GA
      (ages 13-17) who are              Coalition to Combat               Indicted 2 serial rapists
      charged with one or               Human Trafficking.             54 due to DNA recognition
      more of the following                                               from women victimized
      “Seven Deadly Sins”:              Partnered with the                more than a decade
      1. Murder                         Office of the Attorney            prior.
      2. Armed Robbery with             General’s Human
      Firearm                           Trafficking Unit to                Developed and
      3. Rape                           assemble prosecutors               implemented new SWOT
      4. Voluntary                      across the Metro Atlanta           (Strengths, Weaknesses,
      Manslaughter                      area in responding to an           Opportunities, and
      5. Aggravated Sexual              upcoming undercover                Threats) analysis for all
      Battery                           operation for missing              S.A.K.I cases.
      6. Aggravated Sodomy              children with the US
      7. Aggravated Child               Marshals Task Force.          56 Traveled over 700
      Molestation                                                        miles combined while
                                        Provided training courses        conducting suspect,
                                        from outside agencies            victim, and witness
                                        regarding the handling of        interviews.
                                        trafficking victims.

INTEGRITY NEWS - Fulton County Government
Elder Abuse                            67 Indicted 321 cases.               Records Unit
     Created an Elder Abuse                                                       Our Records Unit closed
  57 Unit to serve senior victims                                            77
                                       Non-Complex Unit                           approximately 31,200
     who are susceptible to                  The Non-Complex Unit has             cases and sent to archives.
     predators.                              received commendation
                                             from judges related to
                                                                             78 Our Records Unit increased
 Animal Cruelty Unit                         the ability to handle                efficiency of the Grand Jury
     Established an Animal                   motion hearings and meet             work up process by 90%.
  58 Cruelty Unit to address                 Discovery deadlines.
     criminal abuse of                                                            Developed a public
     mammals.                           69 Reviewed and determined                brochure regarding
                                           appropriate prosecution in             the records restriction
       Partnered with PAWS                 over 4,500 cases.                      application process.
       Atlanta to provide canines
       as emotional support for        Complex Unit
       children traumatized by               The Complex Unit has            Graphics and Trial
       violence.                             closed out 16,790 files since   Presentation Unit
                                             January 4, 2021.
                                                                             80 Designed materials for
 Conviction Integrity Unit                                                        the swearing-in ceremony
     Opened a conviction               Accountability Court Unit                  to commemorate the
     integrity office.                       For the first time in                1st Woman DA in Fulton
                                             Fulton County history,               County, Fani T. Willis,
       Overturned 1 wrongful                 we established a policy              to restore community
       conviction.                           of accepting people into             trust. The ceremony was
                                             accountability court                 attended by over 1,000
       Modified 3 lengthy unjust             without indicting them.              Fulton County residents in-
       convictions.                                                               person and online.
                                             10 Post-Indicted cases
                                       72 have been accepted into
 Anti – Corruption                                                           81
                                                                                  Created wall murals for
 Division                                    Accountability Court.                the office to boost morale
                                                                                  and create a positive work
                                             3 Pre-Indicted cases                 environment for each
  63 Attended a Use of Force            73
       training with the Atlanta             have been accepted into              division location.
       Police Department.                    Accountability Court.
                                                                             82 Created a brand strategy
                                          50% of the entire office
  64 Reported to 2 officer-            74                                         and style guidelines for
     involved shooting scenes             has been trained on                     community outreach.
     to ensure proper protocol            identifying citizens charged
     was followed.                        with crimes that would             83 Hosted 7 team building
                                          more appropriately be                   events.
 Trial Division                           rehabilitated by being sent
                                          to the Accountability Court.            Created a leadership
       Case In-Take Unit                  Providing citizens’ access              booklet to provide the
       Created an all-new Case            to Accountability Court is a            citizens direct contact with
       Intake Unit within the Trial       top priority of Madam DA.               the office and resources.
       Division to develop and
       improve standards for case      Operations Division
       preparation before cases
       are presented to grand jury.          Completed onboarding for
                                             51 new and extraordinarily
  66                                         qualified employees.
       Started and is running 2
       historic grand juries – a
       first for the Fulton County           Created a website to
       District Attorney’s office.           allow the community
                                             transparent access to the
                                             DA’s office.

6 IntegrityNews Issue 1. Spring 2021
INTEGRITY NEWS - Fulton County Government
Investigation                      92
                                        Establishment of
                                                                            Conducted social media
                                        collaborative relationships         campaigns to bring
Division                                with the Juvenile Court             awareness to National
                                        Administration.                     Child Abuse Prevention
     Discovered Investigators
85                                                                          Month and Sexual Assault
     were operating without
                                   Victims Witness                          Awareness Month to
     protection and invested
                                   Advocate Unit                            educate our community on
     $50,000 in our law
                                        Created a new Victim                combating these horrific
     enforcement community         93 Witness Program brochure              crimes.
     acquiring protective
                                        to assist victims in
     bulletproof vests for our
                                        understanding the Court
     high-risk staff to ensure
                                        Justice System.
     they are always safe.

                                        Provided 2,219 victims
     Reported to 17 homicide       94
86                                      with services to help them
     scenes to provide
                                        through there traumatic
     assistance to local law

                                        Created a brochure for
Evidence Unit                      95
                                        victims of domestic
     Identified inventory
87                                      violence to educate them
     program for the Evidence
                                        on resources and support
     Unit to ensure evidence
                                        available to them.
     is properly stored,
     maintained, and secured.
                                        Developed a 360 Program
                                        Evaluation tool to provide
     Collaborated with the
88                                      an evaluation perspective
     Fulton County Sheriff’s
                                        for program participants,
     office to establish
                                        program leaders, and the
     mechanisms to retrieve
                                        Fulton County DA’s office.
                                   Community Liaison Unit
                                        Created a Community
Programs Division                  97
                                        Liaison Unit to build
                                        and strengthen our
     Created the Programs
89                                      relationship with the
     Division to hold eligible
     offenders accountable
     while providing the
                                        Explored community-
     resources, skills, and        98 based programs for the
     education to reduce the
                                        youth and community
     risk of committing crimes
                                        empowerment center.
     in the future.

                                        Conducted social media
90 Established the                 99 campaigns around
     CourtWatch Program to
                                        Black History Month and
     educate, empower, and
                                        Women’s History Month
     include the community in
                                        to engage and educate
     the Court Justice System.
                                        the community on
                                        dynamic leaders from our
     Created a steering
91 committee to steer the               community.

     direction of juvenile
     diversion in Fulton County.

INTEGRITY NEWS - Fulton County Government
DA Fani T. Willis attended the swearing-in of Fulton County Sheriff’s Deputies at Mercedes Benz Stadium.

                                                       Metro Law Enforcement
                                                       Agencies Breakfast
                                                       DA Fani T. Willis attended an event at the
                                                       Georgia Governor’s Mansion for top Metro
                                                       Atlanta law enforcement officials to discuss
                                                       initiatives for safer communities.

                                                       South Fulton ‘Feeding Our City’
                                                       Easter Giveaway   04 30
                                                       Fulton County DA Fani T. Willis and her office
                                                       spent their Good Friday giving back to the
                                                       community they serve.

                                                       Georgia Center for Child Advocacy
                                                       DA Fani T. Willis toured the Georgia Center for
                                                       Child Advocacy. Protecting children is a top
                                                       priority for the District Attorney’s Office.

8 IntegrityNews Issue 1. Spring 2021
INTEGRITY NEWS - Fulton County Government
Madam DA and Deputy Aimee Maxwell at the new Conviction Integrity Unit Office.

                                                  A New Day and A New Look
                                                  Renovations underway!
                                                  Upgrades that create a more
                                                  positive work environment.

                                                  St. Patrick’s Day at the Office
                                                  Each unit participated in a door
                                                  decoration contest to build morale
                                                  and team bonding.

                                                  PAWS Atlanta Visit
                   04 30                          from Atlanta Police Department’s PAWS
                                                  unit (Police Animals Wellness Support).
                                                  She hopes to build a strong relationship
                                                  with these pups and bring them to assist
                                                  victims when they come to court.

INTEGRITY NEWS - Fulton County Government

Leadership Meeting Award Winners

 Lamar Rhodes             Tashekka Fleming   Johnna Griffin           George Jenkins

Will Wooten               Tia Green          Krystal Lunsford, Jeremy Murray, Jazmin Dilligard,
                                             Deonté Pollard, Ebony Davis

Employee of the Month
FEBRUARY                                     MARCH

Vanessa Condry                               Jinnique Roberts
Administrative Assistant                     Legal Assistant, Non-Complex
10 IntegrityNews Issue 1. Spring 2021
Special Recognition

                   Chief Investigator, Capers Green
                   Congratulations to Chief Green, he has successfully completed the
                   Chief Executive Training Class through the Georgia Association of Chiefs
                   of Police. Chief Green also earned a perfect score on the final exam.

                                        Deputy DA, Brian Watkins
                    On March 25th was a speaker at the Virtual College &
                          Career Day at C.H. Gullatt Elementary School.

                   Assistant DA, Furhawn Shah
                   has closed the most cases in the
                   Fulton County District Attorney’s office.

                                            Deputy DA, Jill Hollander
      presented on elder abuse via webinar in partnership with the Fulton -
       Dekalb Hospital Authority. She also serves on 2 National Committees
    (Animal Cruelty & Domestic Violence) as an Elder Abuse Representative.

                    Chief Senior Assistant DA, Earnell Winfrey
                    is providing training courses to outside agencies
                    on how to better serve trafficking victims.

                                Chief Senior DA, Stephany Luttrell
                                        has completed 10 hours of training
                                               in the Civil Forfeiture Unit.

                       Assistant DA, Grant Rood
                       has completed 12 hours of training
                       in the Civil Forfeiture Unit.

     The prosecutor is the representative not of an ordinary party to a controversy, but of a

     sovereignty whose obligation to govern impartially is as compelling as its obligation to

     govern at all, and whose interest, therefore, in a criminal prosecution is not that it shall

     win a case, but that justice shall be done. As such, she is in a peculiar and very definite

     sense the servant of the law, the two-fold aim of which is that guilt shall not escape or

     innocence suffer. She may prosecute with earnestness and vigor -- indeed, she should

     do so. But, while she may strike hard blows, she is not at liberty to strike foul ones. It is

     as much her duty to refrain from improper methods calculated to produce a wrongful

     conviction as it is to use every legitimate means to bring about a just one.

     Berger v. United States, 295 U.S. 78 (1935).

12 IntegrityNews Issue 1. Spring 2021
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