MCPS English I (Ninth Grade) Pacing Guide - Maury County ...

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MCPS English I (Ninth Grade) Pacing Guide
MCPS Vision for Learning
Using high-quality instructional materials, teachers will prepare learning experiences that include standards-aligned
questions and tasks to create rigorous learning opportunities. Students build knowledge that is transferable to
experiences outside the classroom through ownership of their reading, writing, thinking, problem solving and
collaboration, with support as needed, to ensure access for all. Leadership will support these expectations through a
reflective culture of improvement and accountability. In pursuing student mastery of new and prior content, sound
assessment practices and the scaffolding of remediation are utilized to address standards gaps.

Maury County Public Schools provides a Scope & Sequence to guide English Language Arts teachers in organizing
their teaching and assessment of students on the Tennessee ELA Academic Standards.

This Scope & Sequence is developed in alignment with myPerspectives™, a standards-aligned program that includes
a flexible instructional model; thematic units; multi-genre texts; integrated reading, writing, speaking and listening,
and language skills instruction; and collaborative activities.

Each unit of the Scope & Sequence will feature:
 Unit Topics and Essential Questions The essential questions frame all unit activities and discussions.
 Focus Standard                      These ELA standards are assessed on each Savvas unit test. Consider these
                                     standards when planning common formative assessments with your PLC team.
 CFA Standards                       These standards are generated from the TNReady Blueprints.
 Performance Tasks and Assessment Refer to the MCPS Pacing Guide below.

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Pacing Calendar
                                   Block Schedule                                Year-long Schedule
      Unit 1        August 1-August 23                              August 1-September 13
      Unit 2        August 24-September 13                          September 14-October 28
      Unit 3        September 14-September 30                       October 31-December 16
      Unit 4        October 10-October 26                           January 4-February 13
      Unit 5        October 27-November 16                          February 14-March 24
      Unit 6        November 17-December 16                         March 27-May 22

Following the suggested pacing calendar above will preserve time over the course of the year to ensure that students
build the full body of knowledge provided by each unit. This pacing should be used in conjunction with the Unit
Preparation Guide (UPG), particularly Step 3. Each year, teachers need to reflect on the standards students need to
master (based on student data and TN Blueprints) and prepare the units to reflect these needs. Step 3 of the UPG
allows teachers to determine the texts and lessons that are considered “must dos” and “may dos.” It is understood
that all lessons in a unit may not be completed in the time allocated. Therefore, teachers should judiciously select
lessons based on data and grade-level expectations to prepare students for end of unit tasks and standards mastery.

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
9th Grade Year at a Glance (standards assessed with My Perspectives Unit Assessments)
     Conventions 13-14%/ Vocab. 13-18%                                  Reading Literature 32-34%                       Reading Informational Texts 32-34%
U1    U2 U3 U4 U5 U6             Standard                 U1      U2   U3 U4 U5 U6              Standard        U1    U2  U3   U4 U5 U6               Standard
A     A   A     A    A    A   9-10.L.CSE.1*                                                  9-10.RL.KID.1*               A                A        9-10.RI.KID.1*
      A   A                   9-10.L.CSE.2*                   A   A                   A      9-10.RL.KID.2*     A     A                             9-10.RI.KID.2*
A     A                         9-10.L.KL.3*                  A   A    A   A                 9-10.RL.KID.3*     A     A   A     A     A             9-10.RI.KID.3*
A     A   A     A    A    A   9-10.L.VAU.4*                   A                 A     A      9-10.RL.CS.4*      A                          A        9-10.RI.CS.4*
A               A    A    A   9-10.L.VAU.4a                   A   A    A   A    A     A      9-10.RL.CS.5*            A         A     A             9-10.RI.CS.5*
A     A                   A   9-10.L.VAU.4b                                     A     A      9-10.RL.CS.6*      A     A   A                         9-10.RI.CS.6*
                              9-10.L.VAU.4c                                                   9-10.RL.IKI.7*                                        9-10.RI.IKI.7*
A         A     A             9-10.L.VAU.4d                                                   9-10.RL.IKI.9*          A         A                   9-10.RI.IKI.8*
A     A         A    A        9-10.L.VAU.5*                                     A           9-10.RL.RRTC.10                                         9-10.RI.IKI.9*
                              9-10.L.VAU.6*                                                                                                       9-10.RI.RRTC.10*
                                                                              Writing 2-4%                                   Writing 2-4% (Continued)
                                                          U1      U2   U3   U4 U5 U6             Standard       U1    U2 U3    U4 U5 U6               Standard
                                                                  A         A                  9-10.W.TTP.1*                               A        9-10.W.TTP.3*
                                                                  a                          9-10.W.TTP.1.a,b   b,d                             9-10.W.TTP.3.a,b,c,d
           Speaking and Listening                                 c                          9-10.W.TTP.1.c,d    e                          f     9-10.W.TTP.3.e,f
U1   U2    U3 U4 U5 U6            Standard                                                   9-10.W.TTP.1.e,f                                      9-10.W.TTP.3.g
                                9-10.SL.CC.1                           A         A             9-10.W.TTP.2*                                       9-10.W.PDW.4
                                9-10.SL.CC.2                                b                9-10.W.TTP.2.a,b                                      9-10.W.PDW.5
                                9-10.SL.CC.3                                                 9-10.W.TTP.2.c,d                                      9-10.W.PDW.6
                                9-10.SL.PKI.4                                                9-10.W.TTP.2.e,f                                      9-10.W.RBPK.7
                                9-10.SL.PKI.5                                                 9-10.W.TTP.2.g                                       9-10.W.RBPK.8
                                9-10.SL.PKI.6                                                                                                      9-10.W.RBPK.9
     *percentages reflect number of questions, not weight of questions

                                                    Performance Based Unit Assessments
       Unit                      Literature & Speaking/Listening                                                      Writing
       Unit 1        RI.CS.6, SL.PKI.4, SL.PKI.6                                         W.TTP.3a-e, W.PDW.4, W.TTP.10
       Unit 2        SL.PKI.4                                                            W.TTP.1a-e, W.RBPK.8, W.RBPK.9, W.TTP.10
       Unit 3        SL.PKI.4, SL.PKI.5, SL.PKI.6                                        W.TTP.2a-b, W.RBPK.8, W.RBPK.9, W.TTP.10
       Unit 4        RL.KID.3, SL.PKI.4, SL.PKI.5, SL.PKI.6                              W.TTP.1a-b, W.RBPK.9, W.TTP.10
       Unit 5        RI.KID.2, RI.CS.6, SL.CC.3, SL.PKI.4a                               W.TTP.2, W.PDW.5, W.TTP.10
       Unit 6        RL.CS.5, SL.PKI.5, SL.PKI.6                                         W.TTP.3, W.TTP.10

     MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Unit 1                       American Voices
Essential Questions          What does it mean to be “American”?
Unit Texts                   Launch Text: Music for My Mother (770L)

                             Whole Class Learning:
                             Quilt of a Country (1310L)
                             The Immigrant Contribution from A Nation of Immigrants (1320L)
                             American History (1000L)

                             Small Group Learning:
                             Rules of the Game from The Joy Luck Club (1000L)
                             The Writing on the Wall (1160L)
                             With a Little Help from My Friends (920L)
                             Morning Talk/Immigrant Picnic (poetry NP)

                             Independent Learning:
                             from When I was Puerto Rican (990L)
                             Finding a Voice: A Taiwanese Family Adapts to America (1180L)
                             The New Colossus (poetry NP)
                             Legal Alien (poetry NP)
                             Grace Abbott and the Fight for Immigrant Rights in America (video)
                                         Standards Instructed throughout Unit
 Language Standards (CSE,     Literature & Informational        Speaking & Listening                Writing Standards
       KL, AU, VAU)            Text Reading Standards            Standards (CC, PKI)              (TTP, PDW, RBPK, RW)
                                  (KID, CS, IKI, RRTC)
L.CSE.1         L.CSE.1b,d   RL.KID.3     RL.CS.5           SL.PKI.4     SL.PKI.4b            W.TTP.3     W.TTP.3.a-g
L.KL.3          L.VAU.4      RL.RRTC.10   RI.KID.2          SL.PKI.5                          W.TTP.2     W.TTP.2b
L.VAU.4.a,b,d   L.VAU.5      RI.KID.3     RI.CS.4                                             W.RBPK.7
L.VAU.5b                     RI.CS.5       RI.CS.6

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Standards Assessed throughout Unit
 Performance-Based Assessment #1           Performance-Based Assessment #2                 Common Formative Assessment
Task:                                     Task:                                         Task:
Write a Nonfiction Narrative              Produce a Podcast                             Unit Self-Selected Response assessment
Prompt: How does your generation define   Prompt: How do the realities of immigrants’   Performance-Based Assessment:
what it means to be an American today?    experiences reflect or fail to reflect        Nonfiction Narrative
                                          American ideals?                              Prompt: How is an “American” identity
Standards:                                Standards:                                    Standards:
W.TTP.3             W.TTP.3.a-g           SL.PKI.4                                      L.CSE.1          L.KL.3
W.PDW.4             W.PDW.5               SL.PKI.5                                      L.VAU.4          L.VAU.4.b
W.RBPK.9            W.RW.10               SL.PKI.6                                      L.VAU.5          RL.KID.2
                                          W.PDW.6                                       RL.KID.3         RL.CS.4
                                                                                        RL.CS.5          RI.KID.2
                                                                                        RI.KID.3         RI.CS.4
                                                                                        RI.CS.6          SL.PKI.4
                                                                                        SL.PKI.6         W.TTP.3
                                                                                        W.TTP.3.a-g      W.PDW.4
Additional Notes:
Suggested supplemental sources: The Joy Luck Club, My Antonia, Stargirl

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Unit 2                       Survival
Essential Questions          What does it take to survive?
Unit Texts                   Launch Text: The Cost of Survival (1070L)

                             Whole Class Learning:
                             The Seventh Man (910L)
                             The Moral Logic of Survival Guilt (1100L)
                             Media the Key to Disaster Survival (radio broadcast NP)

                             Small Group Learning:
                             The Voyage of James Caird from The Endurance (1160L)
                             The Endurance and the James Caird in Images (media photo gallery NP)
                             from Life of Pi (870L)
                             The Value of a Sherpa Life (1230L)
                             I Am Offering This Poem, The Writer, Hugging the Jukebox (poetry NP)

                             Independent Learning:
                             To Build a Fire (970L)
                             The Most Dangerous Game (740L)
                             from Unbroken (910L)
                             Seven Steps to Surviving a Disaster (1340L)
                             Titanic vs. Lusitania: How People Behave in a Disaster (1240L)
                             Survival is Your Own Responsibility (1120L)
                                         Standards Instructed throughout Unit
   Language Standards        Literature & Informational        Speaking & Listening                Writing Standards
    (CSE, KL, AU, VAU)        Text Reading Standards            Standards (CC, PKI)              (TTP, PDW, RBPK, RW)
                                 (KID, CS, IKI, RRTC)
L.CSE.1       L.CSE.1a-b     RL.KID.3      RL.CS.5          SL.PKI.4        SL.PKI.4a         W.TTP.1      W.TTP.2
L.CSE.2       L.CSE.2a-b     RL.RRTC.10    RI.KID.1         SL.PKI.5        SL.PKI.6          W.TTP.2a     W.PDW.4
L.KL.3        L.VAU.4        RI.KID.2      RI.CS.4          SL.CC.1         SL.CC.3           W.PDW.5      W.PDW.6
L.VAU.4.a-c    L.VAU.5       RI.IKI.7      RI.IKI.8                                           W.RBPK.8     W.RW.10
L.VAU.5b,c    L.VAU.6        RI.RRTC.10

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Standards Assessed throughout Unit
 Performance-Based Assessment #1                Performance-Based Assessment #2               Common Formative Assessment
Task:                                          Task:                                       Task:
Argumentative Essay                            Speaking & Listening: Present an Argument   Unit Self-Selected Response assessment
Prompt: Should the narrator of “The Seventh    Prompt: What type of strength is most       Performance-Based Assessment:
Man” forgive himself for his failure to save   valuable in a survival situation?           Argumentative Essay
K.?                                                                                        Prompt: Should people in life-or-death
                                                                                           situations be held accountable for their
Standards:                                     Standards:                                  Standards:
W.TTP.1              W.TTP.1.a-f               SL.PKI.4            SL.PKI.5                W.TTP.1            W.TTP.1a-E
W.PDW.4              W.PDW.5                   SL.PKI.6                                    W.RBPK.8           W.RBPK.9
W.RBPK.8             W.RW.10                                                               W.RW.10             SL.PKI.4
                                                                                           RL.CS.5            RL.KID.2
                                                                                           RL.KID.3           RI.KID.2
                                                                                           RI.IKI.8           RI.CS.5
                                                                                           RI.CS.6            RI.KID.3
                                                                                           L.VAU.4            L.VAU.4b
                                                                                           L.VAU.5             L.CSE.1
                                                                                           L.CSE.2             L.KL.3
Additional Notes:
There are no CFAs listed because the selection tests prepare students for the unit test by building on knowledge and
reassessing key standards that the unit test will ultimately assess. If students test online through SAVVAS it will track data on
each standard tested across all the selection tests and unit tests. I believe that each selection test would be considered a CFA
leading to the summative assessment (unit test).

Suggested supplemental sources: The Hunger Games, The Call of the Wild, Lord of the Flies

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Unit 3                       The Literature of Civil Rights
Essential Questions          How can words inspire change?
Unit Texts                   Launch Text: 1963: The Year That Changed Everything (1030L)

                             Whole Class Learning:
                             “I Have a Dream” (1140L)
                             Letter from Birmingham Jail (1190:)
                             Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (video NP)

                             Small Group Learning:
                             Remembering Civil Rights History/When “Words Meant Everything” (NP)
                             For My People/Incident (poetry NP)
                             Lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1060L)
                             Traveling (820L)

                             Independent Learning:
                             Frank McCain dies – Helped Start Sit-in Movement at Greensboro Lunch Counter (NP)
                             How the Children of Birmingham Changed the Civil-Rights Movement (1040L)
                             Sheyann Webb from Selma, Lord, Selma (900L)
                             The Many Lives of Hazel Bryan (1220L)
                             Fannie Lou Hamer (video NP)
                                         Standards Instructed throughout Unit
   Language Standards         Literature & Informational       Speaking & Listening                    Writing Standards
    (CSE, KL, AU, VAU)         Text Reading Standards               Standards                        (TTP, PDW, RBPK, RW)
                                  (KID, CS, IKI, RRTC)              (CC, PKI)
L.CSE.1        L.CSE.1a      RL.CS.4         RL.CS.5          SL.PKI.4      SL.PKI.5              W.TTP.2       W.TTP.2.a-g
L.CSE.2        L.CSE.2a,b    RI.KID.1        RI.KID.3         SL.PKI.6      SL.CC.1               W.PDW.4        W.PDW.5
L.VAU.4        L.VAU.4.b,d   RI.CS.5          RI.CS.6         SL.CC.2        SL.CC.3              W.RBPK.7
L.VAU.5                      RI.IKI.9

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Standards Assessed throughout Unit
 Performance-Based Assessment #1                  Performance-Based Assessment #2              Common Formative Assessment
Task:                                            Task:                                      Task:
Write an Informative Essay                       Multimedia Presentation                    Unit Self-Selected Response assessment
Prompt: How did the selections in this section   Prompt: Why do words and actions in some   Performance-Based Assessment:
affect those who first hear them or read         time periods produce meaningful change –   Prompt: Explain how words have the power
them?                                            and in others do not?                      to provoke, calm, or inspire.
Standards:                                       Standards:                                 Standards:
W.TTP.2               W.TTP.2.a-g                SL.PKI.4                                   RI.KID.3            RI.CS.5
W.PDW.5                W.RBPK.7                  SL.PKI.5                                   RI.CS.6              L.VAU.4
W.RBPK.8              W.RW.10                    SL.PKI.6                                   L.VAU.4d             L.CSE.1
L.LK.3                                                                                      L.CSE.2             W.TTP.2
                                                                                            W.TTP.2a-b           W.RBPK.8
                                                                                            W.RBPK.9            W.RW.10
                                                                                            SL.PKI.4            SL.PKI.5
Additional Notes:
Suggested supplemental sources: To Kill a Mockingbird, The Color Purple, Go Tell It On The Mountain

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Unit 4                       Star-Crossed Romances
Essential Questions          Do we determine our own direction in life and in love? Or are we simply at the mercy
                             of fate?
Unit Texts                   Launch Text: Romeo and Juliet: A Tragedy? Or      Twenty Years On: The Unfinished Lives of
                             just a Tragic Misunderstanding (950L)             Bosnia’s Romeo and Juliet (1000L)
                                                                               Tragic Romeo and Juliet Offers Bosnia New
                             Whole Class Learning                              Hope (media)
                             Historical Context (NP)
                             The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Act I(NP)        Independent Learning
                             The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Act II (NP)      Popocatepetl and Ixtlaccihuatl (1190L)
                             The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Act III (NP)     Annabel Lee (poetry NP)
                             The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Act IV (NP)      What’s the Rush?: Young Brains Cause
                             The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Act V (NP)       Doomed Love (1100L)
                             Pyramus and Thisbe (870L)                         From William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
                                                                               (graphic novel NP)
                             Small Group Learning                              If Romeo and Juliet Had Cell Phones (1450L)
                             Romeo and Juliet is a Terrible Play (1310L)
                             In Defense of Romeo and Juliet...(1100L)
                                          Standards Instructed throughout Unit
   Language Standards        Literature & Informational Text    Speaking & Listening               Writing Standards
    (CSE, KL, AU, VAU)        Reading Standards (KID, CS,            Standards                   (TTP, PDW, RBPK, RW)
                                        IKI, RRTC)                   (CC, PKI)
L.CSE.1       L.CSE.1a-b     RL.KID.3      RL.CS.5            SL.PKI.4     SL.PKI.6          W.TTP.1         W.TTP.2
L.VAU.4       L.VAU.4.a-b    RL.IKI.9      RL.RRTC.10         SL.PKI.5     SL.CC.1           W.TTP.2b-c
L.VAU.5       L.VAU.5a       RI.KID.2      RI.KID.3
L.VAU.6                      RI.IKI.7      RI.IKI.8

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Standards Assessed throughout Unit
 Performance-Based Assessment #1                   Performance-Based Assessment #2               Common Formative Assessment
Task:                                            Task:                                         Task:
Writing: Write an Argument                       Speaking and Listening: Present an Argument   Unit Self-Selected Response assessment
Prompt: Which has a greater impact on the        Prompt: What is compelling about stories in   Performance-Based Assessment:
characters in these texts: destiny or personal   which people face a tragic destiny?           Writing to Sources: Argument
choices?                                                                                       Prompt: Should the opinions of others
                                                                                               affect our own choices or destinies?
Standards:                                       Standards:                                    Standards:
W.TTP.1              W.TTP.1a-e                  SL.PKI.5             SL.PKI.6                 RI.CS.6           RI.IKI.8
RL.KID.1             L.CSE.2                     SL.CC.1              L.VAU.4                  RL.CS.4           W.RBPK.9
L.CSE.2b              W.RW.10                                                                  RL.CS.5           W.RW.10
L.KL.3                L.KL.3a                                                                  L.VAU.5           L.VAU.4
                                                                                               L.VAU.4a          W.TTP.1
                                                                                               W.TTP.1a-b        W.RBPK.9
                                                                                               W.RW.10           SL.PKI.4
                                                                                               SL.PKI.5          SL.PKI.6
                                                                                               L.CSE.1           RL.KID.3
Additional Notes:
Suggested supplemental sources: The Fault in Our Stars, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Unit 5                       Journeys of Transformation
Essential Questions          What can we learn from a journey?
Unit Texts                   Launch Text: Gone and Back Again: A Traveler’s Advice (830L)

                             Whole-Class Learning:
                             Historical Context (NP)
                             from the Odyssey Part 1 (poem NP)
                             from the Odyssey Part 2 (poem NP)
                             from The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel (NP)
                             Application for a Mariners License (NP)

                             Small Group Learning:
                             The Return (670L)
                             from The Hero’s Adventure/from The Power of Myth (1200L)
                             Courage/ Ithaka/ from The Narrow Road of the Interior (poetry NP)

                             Independent Learning:
                             The Road Not Taken/Your World (poetry NP)
                             The Ugly Duckling (1020L)
                             Thirteen Epic Animal Migrations That Prove Just How Cool Mother Nature is (media NP)
                             From Wild (1110L)
                                         Standards Instructed throughout Unit
   Language Standards         Literature & Informational       Speaking & Listening                Writing Standards
    (CSE, KL, AU, VAU)         Text Reading Standards           Standards (CC, PKI)              (TTP, PDW, RBPK, RW)
                                  (KID, CS, IKI, RRTC)
L.CSE.1       L.KL.3         RL.KID.3       RL.CS.5         SL.CC. 1       SL.CC.1a-b       W.TTP.2         W.TTP.2.a-g
L.VAU.4      L.VAU.4.a-b     RL.CS.6         RL.IKI.7       SL.CC.3        SL.PKI.4         W.PDW.4         W.RBPK.7
L.VAU.5      L.VAU.6         RL.RRTC.10     RI.KID.1        SL.PKI.5      SL.PKI.6          W.RBPK.9
                             RI.KID.3        RI.CS.4

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Standards Assessed throughout Unit
  Performance-Based Assessment #1            Performance-Based Assessment #2                  Common Formative Assessment
Task:                                       Task:                                          Task:
Explanatory Essay:                          Multimedia Presentation:                       Unit Self-Selected Response assessment
Prompt: How are personal strengths and      Prompt: What different types of journeys are   Performance-Based Assessment:
weaknesses magnified during the course of   there, and how can they transform              Explanatory Essay:
a journey at sea?                           someone?                                       Prompt: When does the journey matter more
                                                                                           than the destination?
Standards:                                  Standards:                                     Standards:
W.TTP.2               W.TTP.2a-g            SL.PKI.4              SL.PKI.5                 RL.KID.3           L.CS.5
W.PDW.4               W.PDW.4c              SL.PKI.6                                       RL.KID.1           RL.CS.4
W.PDW.5               L.CSE.2c                                                             RL.CS.5             L.VAU.4
L.VAU.4c              W.RW.10                                                              L.VAU.4a            L.VAU.5
                                                                                           RI.KID.2           RI.KID.3
                                                                                           RI.CS.5             RI.CS.6
                                                                                           L.CSE.1            W.TTP.2
                                                                                           W.RW.10             SL.PKI.4
                                                                                           SL.PKI.4a           W.PDW.5
Additional Notes:
There are no CFAs listed because the selection tests prepare students for the unit test by building on knowledge and
reassessing key standards that the unit test will ultimately assess. If students test online through SAVVAS it will track data on
each standard tested across all the selection tests and unit tests. I believe that each selection test would be considered a CFA
leading to the summative assessment (unit test).

Suggested supplemental sources: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Gulliver’s Travels, The Catcher in the Rye

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Unit 6                       World’s End
Essential Questions          What draws us to imagine doomsday scenarios? And why are they so entertaining?
Unit Texts                   Launch Text: Dream’s Winter (520L)

                             Whole Class Learning:
                             By the Waters of Babylon (810L)
                             There Will Come Soft Rains (920L)

                             Small Group Learning:
                             The Nuclear Tourist (1130L)
                             The beginning of the end of the world/The Powwow at the End of the World/A Song on the End
                             of the World (poetry NP)
                             from Radiolab: War of the Worlds (media NP)
                             The Myth of the War of the Worlds Panic-(1280L)

                             Independent Learning:
                             Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse (1310L)
                             The Secret Bunker Congress Never Used (1110L)
                             The End of the World Might Just Look Like This (1020L)
                             Fire and Ice/Perhaps the World Ends Here (poetry NP)
                             A Visit to the Doomsday Vault (newscast NP)
                                         Standards Instructed throughout Unit
   Language Standards         Literature & Informational       Speaking & Listening       Writing Standards (TTP, PDW,
    (CSE, KL, AU, VAU)         Text Reading Standards           Standards (CC, PKI)                 RBPK, RW)
                                  (KID, CS, IKI, RRTC)
L.CSE.1        L.CSE.2       RL.KID.1     RL.CS.4            SL.CC.1         SL.CC.2      W.TTP.3         W.TTP.3.a-g
L.VAU.4       L.VAU.4.a-d    RL.CS.5      RL.RRTC.10         SL.PKI.4       Sl.PKI.5      W.RBPK.7        W.RBPK.9
L.KL.3        L.VAU.6        RI.KID.1     RI.KID.2           SL.PKI.6
                             RI.KID.3     RI.CS.6

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Standards Assessed throughout Unit
 Performance-Based Assessment #1              Performance-Based Assessment #2                  Common Formative Assessment
Task:                                        Task:                                          Task:
Writing: Write a Narrative                   Speaking and Listening: Create a Podcast       Unit Self-Selected Response assessment
Prompt: After the end of the world, how do   Prompt: What do stories about the future say   Performance-Based Assessment:
we begin again?                              about the present?                             Writing to Sources: Narrative
                                                                                            Prompt: Which matters more – the present or
                                                                                            the future?
Standards:                                   Standards:                                     Standards:
L.CSE.1              L.CSE.1b                SL.PKI.4                                       RL.KID.2              RL.CS.4
L.CSE.2              L.CSE.2c                SL.PKI.5                                       RL.CS.5                RI.KID.1
W.TTP.3a-e           W.RW.10                 SL.PKI.6                                       RI.CS.4                L.VAU.4
                                                                                            L.VAU.4a, b            L.CSE.1
                                                                                            W.TTP.3               W.TTP.3f
                                                                                            SL.PKI.5              SL.PKI.6

Suggested supplemental sources: The Road, Fahrenheit 451, Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
TCAP Assessment Blueprint
                          The standards listed below are the standards assessed on TCAP.
      Literature       Informational Text          Reading:        Written Expression      Conventions
9-10.RL.KID.1         9-10.RI.KID.1          9-10.RL.CS.4         9-10.W.TTP.1         9-10.L.CSE.1
9-10.RL.KID.2         9-10.RI.KID.2          9-10.RI.CS.4         9-10.W.TTP.2         9-10.L.CSE.2
9-10.RL.KID.3         9-10.RI.KID.3          9-10.FL.VA.4         9-10.W.TTP.3         9-10.L.VAU.6
9-10.RL.CS.5          9-10.RI.CS.5           9-10.FL.VA.5
9-10.RL.CS.6          9-10.RI.CS.6
9-10.RL.IKI.7         9-10.RI.IKI.7
9-10.RL.IKI.9         9-10.RI.IKI.8

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
Tennessee Academic Standards English Language Arts
                                          Language: Conventions of Standard English
    9-10.L.CSE.1    Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking; use
                    effective parallel structure and various types of phrases and clauses to convey specific meaning and add variety
                    and interest to writing or presentations.
    9-10.L.CSE.2    Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when
                    writing; when reading and writing, explain the functions of semicolons and colons to separate related ideas and
                    use them correctly to do so; write and edit work so that it conforms to a style guide appropriate for the discipline
                    and writing type.
                                              Language: Knowledge of Language
     9-10.L.KL.3    Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective
                    choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
                                          Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
    9-10.L.VAU.4    Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown or multiple-meaning words and phrases based on 9th – 10th grade-
                    level text by choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
                         a. Use context as a clue to the meaning of a word or a phrase.
                         b. Use common grade-appropriate morphological elements as clues to the meaning of a word or a phrase.
                         c. Consult reference materials, both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or phrase.
                    Use etymological patterns in spelling as clues to the meaning of a word or phrase.
    9-10.L.VAU.5    Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings in grades 9-
                    10 reading and content; interpret figures of speech in context and analyze their role in a text; analyze nuances in
                    the meaning of words with similar denotations.
    9-10.L.VAU.6    Acquire and accurately use general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading,
                    writing, speaking, and listening at the post-secondary and workforce readiness level; demonstrate independence in
                    building vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
                                      Literature Reading Standards: Key Ideas and Details
    9-10.RL.KID.1   Analyze what a text says explicitly and draw inferences; cite the strongest, most compelling textual evidence to
                    support conclusions.
    9-10.RL.KID.2   Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development; provide an objective or critical summary.
    9-10.RL.KID.3   Analyze how complex characters, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text to impact
                                       Literature Reading Standards: Craft and Structure
    9-10.RL.CS.4    Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative
                    meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, such as how language
                    evokes a sense of time and place, and how it communicates an informal or formal tone.

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
9-10.RL.CS.5     Analyze how an author’s choices concerning text structure, plot structure, and/or time manipulation create effects
                     such as mystery, tension, or surprise.
    9-10.RL.CS.6     Analyze how point of view and/or author purpose shapes the content and style of diverse texts.
                               Literature Reading Standards: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
    9-10.RL.IKI.7    Evaluate the topic, subject, and/or theme in two diverse formats or media.
    9-10.RL.IKI.9    Analyze a variety of related literary texts and evaluate how an author draws on, alludes to, or transforms source
                     material to provide a deeper and more thorough interpretation of the text.
                         Literature Reading Standards: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
   9-10.RL.RRTC.10   Read and comprehend a variety of literature at the high end of the grades 9-10 text complexity band
                     independently and proficiently.
                                  Informational Text Reading Standards: Key Ideas and Details
    9-10.RI.KID.1    Analyze what a text says explicitly and draw inferences; cite the strongest, most compelling textual evidence to
                     support conclusions.
    9-10.RI.KID.2    Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development; provide an objective or critical summary.
    9-10.RI.KID.3    Analyze how an author presents and develops key ideas and events to impact meaning.
                                    Informational Text Reading Standards: Craft and Structure
    9-10.RI.CS.4     Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and
                     technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone.
    9-10.RI.CS.5     Analyze how an author’s ideas or claims and developed and refined by particular sentences, paragraphs, or larger
                     portions of a text.
    9-10.RI.CS.6     Determine an author’s point of view or purpose and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of
                     view or purpose.
                          Informational Text Reading Standards: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
    9-10.RI.IKI.7    Evaluate the topic or subject in two diverse formats or media.
    9-10.RI.IKI.8    Evaluate how reasoning and evidence affects the argument and specific claims in a text.
    9-10.RI.IKI.9    Analyze a variety of thematically-related texts of historical and literary significance for the way they address related
                     topics, facts, and concepts.
                     Informational Text Reading Standards: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
   9-10.RI.RRTC.10   Read and comprehend a variety of literary nonfiction throughout the grades 9-10 text complexity band proficiently,
                     with a gradual release of scaffolding at the higher end as needed.
                                   Speaking and Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration
    9-10.SL.CC.1     Initiate and participate effectively with varied partners in a range of collaborative discussions on appropriate 9th-
                     10th grade topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
    9-10.SL.CC.2     Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media formats; evaluate the credibility
                     and accuracy of each source.

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
9-10.SL.CC.3    Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric; identify any fallacious reasoning
                    and/or exaggerated or distorted evidence.
                                Speaking and Listening: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
    9-10.SL.PKI.4   Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically, so that listeners can follow
                    the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose,
                    audience, and task.
    9-10.SL.PKI.5   Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays in presentations to enhance understanding of findings,
                    reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.
    9-10.SL.PKI.6   Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or
                                                  Writing: Text Types and Protocol
    9-10.W.TTP.1    Write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning supported by
                    relevant and sufficient evidence.
                        a. Introduce precise claim(s).
                        b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaim(s) fairly, supplying evidence for each claim and counterclaim while
                            pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge
                            level and concerns.
                        c. Create an organization that establishes cohesion and clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaim(s),
                            reasons, and evidence.
                        d. Provide a concluding statement or section that follow from and supports the argument presented.
                        e. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic.
                        f. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone.
    9-10.W.TTP.2    Write informative/explanatory texts to analyze and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and
                    accurately through the effective selection and organization of content.
                        a. Provide an introduction that is relevant to the rest of the text and effectively engages the audience.
                        b. Organize ideas to create cohesion and clarify relationships among ideas and concepts, including but not
                            limited to use of appropriate and varied transitions.
                        c. Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details,
                            quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic.
                        d. Provide a concluding statement or section that follow from and supports the information or explanation
                        e. Use appropriate formatting, graphics, and multimedia to aid comprehension.
                        f. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic.
                        g. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone.
    9-10.W.TTP.3    Write narrative fiction or literary nonfiction to convey experiences and/or events using effective techniques, well-
                    chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
a. Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation, establishing point of view,
                          and introducing a narrator/speaker, and/or characters.
                       b. Sequence events so that they build on one another to create a coherent whole.
                       c. Create a smooth progression of experiences or events.
                       d. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines to convey
                          experiences, events, and/or characters.
                       e. Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved over the
                          course of the narrative.
                       f. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the
                          experiences, events, setting, and/or characters.
                       g. Establish and maintain an appropriate style and tone.
                                         Writing: Production and Distribution of Writing
    9-10.W.PDW.4    Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task,
                    purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.)
    9-10.W.PDW.5    Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach,
                    focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions should
                    demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including grades 9-10.)
    9-10.W.PDW.6    Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products,
                    taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and
                                       Writing: Research to Build and Present Knowledge
   9-10.W.RBPK.7    Conduct and write short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-
                    generated question) or solve a problem by narrowing or broadening the inquiry when appropriate, synthesizing
                    multiple sources on the subject, and demonstrating a new understanding of the subject under investigation.
   9-10.W.RBPK.8    Use multiple search terms to generate a variety of print and digital sources; integrate information into the text
                    selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
   9-10.W.RBPK.9    Support and defend interpretations, analyses, reflections, or research with evidence found in literature and
                    informational texts, applying grade band 9-10 standards for reading to source material.
    9-10.W.RW.10    Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

MCPS 9 Grade ELA Pacing Guide 2022-2023
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