STYLER: Style Modeling with Rapidity and Robustness via Speech Decomposition for Expressive and Controllable Neural Text to Speech
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STYLER: Style Modeling with Rapidity and Robustness via Speech Decomposition for Expressive and Controllable Neural Text to Speech Keon Lee, Kyumin Park, Daeyoung Kim Data Engineering & Analytics Laboratory, KAIST {keon.lee, pkm9403, kimd} Abstract only after careful investigation on each style token or latent di- mension. Previous works on expressive text-to-speech (TTS) have a lim- Meanwhile, speech synthesis frameworks without autore- itation on robustness and speed when training and inferring. gressive decoding have been proposed recently [12, 16, 17]. In- Such drawbacks mostly come from autoregressive decoding, spired from Transformer [18], some of non-autoregressive TTS which makes the succeeding step vulnerable to preceding er- models use self-attention block for parallel decoding [12, 17]. arXiv:2103.09474v1 [eess.AS] 17 Mar 2021 ror. To overcome this weakness, we propose STYLER, a novel In these models, the substitution of autoregressive decoder into expressive text-to-speech model with parallelized architecture. duration-based self-attention block showed faster speed and sta- Expelling autoregressive decoding and introducing speech de- bility enhancement. Furthermore, auxiliary modules such as composition for encoding enables speech synthesis more robust variance adaptor in FastSpeech2 [17] enabled more robust and even with high style transfer performance. Moreover, our novel controllable TTS, even though such modules needed extra su- noise modeling approach from audio using domain adversarial pervision. training and Residual Decodingenabled style transfer without Another recent study includes speech decomposition via in- transferring noise. Our experiments prove the naturalness and formation bottleneck in voice conversion systems [19, 20]. For expressiveness of our model from comparison with other paral- example, SpeechSplit [20] successfully decomposes style fac- lel TTS models. Together we investigate our model’s robustness tors such as duration (rhythm), pitch, speaker (timbre), and con- and speed by comparison with the expressive TTS model with tent from reference audio and convert them into target speech in autoregressive decoding. an unsupervised way. This approach showed the possibility of Index Terms: speech synthesis, neural text-to-speech, expres- split modeling of style factors by utilization of source audio. sive and controllable text-to-speech, style modeling and trans- In this paper, we propose STYLER, a fast and robust fer style modeling TTS framework without autoregression for the expressive and controllable speech synthesis. Upon non- 1. Introduction autoregression, we construct speech decomposition modules to construct and control style factors with reference speech that Despite remarkable improvement in neural text-to-speech we need to represent a style of it. We also propose an additional (TTS) towards human-level reading performance [1, 2, 3, 4], pipeline to decompose noise from reference speech without any it was criticized that most of those models can represent only label to eliminate the noise while successfully transferring the a single reading style. Since this style is determined from the speech style from noisy input. This is the first study of mod- average style of speech in the training dataset [5, 6], TTS mod- eling style factors, including noise in a non-autoregressive TTS els were limited to represent expressive voice. In order to re- framework to the best of our knowledge. solve such a problem, several approaches [7, 8, 9, 10, 11] has Our model enhances expressive and controllable speech been explored upon TTS models so that they can synthesize synthesis in two aspects: increasing robustness which enables speech with various style. Such expressive TTS suggestions style factor control from unseen reference audio and increasing extract style factors from source audio, specifically via train- model speed with high fidelity. We suggest our contributions as able style embedding called Global Style Token [7], or latent follows: variable [8, 9, 11]. • We prove the robustness and rapidity of expressive TTS These expressive TTS models, however, have weaknesses with autoregressive architecture removed. in speed and robustness due to autoregressive architecture [12]. During the autoregressive decoding step, the speech output is • By utilizing supervision of style factor in FastSpeech2, highly dependent on prior output, which makes speech synthe- we enable delicate style control without tricky training. sis vulnerable in that collapse in one step may fall into the fail- • We prove that our noise decomposition pipeline enables ure of total synthesis [13, 14]. Moreover, this autoregressive noise-robust speech synthesis with no additional label. decoding consumes large training and inference overhead since each decoding needs iteration along with all-time steps, making it hard to parallelize. 2. Method Another drawback of existing expressive TTS originates There are two primary considerations to achieve our goal, non- from an unsupervised training manner. Regarding the claim autoregressive TTS with style factor modeling. First, some non- that unsupervised training has a fundamental limitation on dis- autoregressive TTS frameworks benefit from supervision, while entangling independent features [15], current expressive TTS speech decomposition using bottleneck was studied in an unsu- with unsupervised style modeling [7, 8] could result in imper- pervised condition. Second, as the voice conversion task, the fect style extraction from source audio. In addition, training content of audio may not be matched to the text. Prior works in such way is usually tricky and style control can be achieved [10, 11] hired an attention mechanism, which claimed to be un-
text encoding, pitch embedding (embedding of pitch predictor output), energy embedding (embedding of energy predictor out- put), and speaker encoding. Speaker encoding is included be- cause information between input and target should be matched for the desired mapping. 2.1.2. Speech Decomposition We utilize the encoder of SpeechSplit [20] to decompose the style factor from source audio. Applying bottleneck onto in- put, we constrain information fit to target: duration, pitch, or energy. Each predictor of style factor predicts real value rather than latent code, however, input to each predictor needs to con- tain all necessary information. Unlike the unsupervised con- dition, forced feature selection is not needed by virtue of pre- obtained features from incoming audio, and any excessive bot- tleneck will lead to performance degradation [19]. Therefore, we mitigate the bottleneck to avoid scarcity of information for predictors and relish the supervision. Basically, we have raw audio as input and extract mel- spectrogram in 80 channels, pitch contour, and energy from it for style factor decomposition. Duration and noise encoder Figure 1: An architecture of the proposed model. Zt , Zt’ , Zd , takes mel-spectrogram. Pitch encoder takes a speaker normal- Zp , Zs , Ze and Zn refer to text, downsampled text, duration, ized pitch contour (mean = 0.5, standarddeviation = 0.25) pitch, speaker, energy, and noise encoding, respectively. DAT so that speaker-independent pitch contour is modeled. The en- stands for Domain Adversarial Training, and details are in ergy encoder takes scaled energy from 0 to 1 to ease the model Section 2.2.1. The detach function prevents the gradient flow- training. After extracted from audio, both pitch, and energy in- ing from noisy decoding to noise-independent encoders during put is quantized in 256 bins one-hot vector, and then processed Residual Decoding, and details are in Section 2.2.2 by encoders. Each encoder has three 5x1 convolution layers followed by a group normalization [23] of size 16 and channel-wise bottle- stable. In this section, we describe the proposed model in detail neck by two layers bidirectional-LSTM size 64 except the du- along with our solution to the aforementioned problems. ration encoder where the size is 96. The dimension of the con- volution layer is 256 for duration and noise, 320 for pitch and 2.1. Model Architecture energy. By linear layer with ReLU activation, encoder outputs are upsampled channel-wise before being sent to each predictor. An overview architecture is shown in Figure 1. STYLER ex- The content of the audio is removed through the bottleneck in tends FastSpeech21 [17] and encoders of SpeechSplit2 [20] are audio-related encoders since the content of the final output of adapted to take a reference audio as a model input. STYLER our model should be encoded solely by the text encoder. models total six style factors: text, duration, pitch, speaker, en- The structure of predictors is the same as FastSpeech2. ergy, and noise. Note that the text is regarded as a style factor Each predictor takes the sum of the corresponding encoding equal to audio related ones. with text encoding. To balance the dependency, however, the text encoding is projected to four-dimensional space as a 2.1.1. FastSpeech2 Extension channel-wise bottleneck. The pitch predictor receives speaker For architecture for text encoder and mel-spectrogram decoder, encoding as an additional input to predict the target speaker’s we modified FastSpeech2 [17] to achieve our intent. Text voice with disentangled pitch contour. We project and add encoder has two 256 dimensional Feed-Forward Transformer speaker encoding to both downsampled and upsampled pitch (FFT) blocks [12] with four heads and takes phoneme sequence encoding, finding out empirically that this improves the decom- as input text. We adjust model specifications in order to align position of speaker identity. the number of parameters with audio encoders. Variance adap- tor, including duration predictor, pitch predictor, and energy 2.1.3. Mel Calibrator predictor, is placed on top of the encoders. To become a mul- tispeaker system, speaker encoding is transferred from pre- Not using attention alignment, we need to resolve length in- trained speaker embedding as presented in [21]. In this work, compatibility between the content of source audio and input Deep Speaker [22] is employed since it is faithful to embed text. Therefore, we apply Mel Calibrator between convolution speaker identities without extra features such as noise robust- stack and upsampling layer in each style factor encoder. As- ness. serting length aligning as a frame-wise bottleneck, we design Decoder has four 256 dimensional FFT blocks with four Mel Calibrator as a linear compression or expansion of audio multi heads. We increase the number of heads since the com- to the length of the input text. It simply averages frames or re- plexity of decoding would increase to represent variants of style peats a frame of audio to assign them to a single phone. There factor combination. The decoder’s input is a combination of are two advantages over the attention mechanism in terms of our objective: it does not bring any robustness issue against the 1 non-autoregression, and it does not being exposed to the text so 2 that audio-related style factors only come from the audio.
2.2. Noise modeling inal dataset by mixing each utterance with a randomly selected piece of background noise from WHAM! dataset [28], at a ran- Noise is one of the remaining factors that have been explicitly dom signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in a range from 5 to 25. Raw encoded in model encoders. Therefore, it can be defined based audio is resampled at 22050Hz sampling rate and preprocessed on its residual property, excluding other style factors. In order to 1024 filter lengths, 1024 window sizes, and 256 hops lengths. to model noise by the definition, however, other encoders must be constrained to exclude noise information even from noisy We divide the dataset into train, validation, and test set. In input. the first two sets, 44 speakers of each gender are randomly se- lected to balance speaker statistics. The remaining speakers are 2.2.1. Domain Adversarial Training in the test set. The processed dataset is about 26 hours in total, containing 35805, 89, and 8345 utterances for the train, valida- Not including noise information means extracting noise- tion, and test set, respectively. independent features. In the TTS domain, this has been tack- For the baseline, we use the following models to compare led by applying Domain Adversarial Training (DAT) [24, 25]. with STYLER in two aspects. Similarly, in our model, the augmentation label is used to re- place the unavailable acoustic condition label (e.g., noise la- • Mellotron [29]: Tacotron2 based GST model, which en- bel), and a gradient reversal layer (GRL) is injected to be jointly ables conditioning pitch and duration. We use Mellotron trainable. The label of each predictor acts as a class label. As as an expressive TTS baseline with autoregressive de- shown in Figure 1, DAT is applied to every audio-related en- coding and unsupervised prosody extraction. coding except noise encoder. After passing through GRL, each • FastSpeech2 [17]: TTS model with non-autoregressive encoding is consumed by the augmentation classifier to predict decoding and supervision in pitch, duration, energy con- the augmentation posterior (original/augmented). The augmen- trol. We extend the original model to multispeaker by tation classifier consists of two fully connected layers of 256 adding utterance level speaker embedding. This baseline hidden size, followed by layer normalization [26] and ReLU is used to compare the expressiveness of parallel TTS. activation. Note that each encoder except the noise encoder is now noise-independent, so each predictor’s output is compared STYLER is optimized by the same optimizer and sched- to clean labels rather than noisy ones. uler in FastSpeech2. We train all models using a batch size of 16 with a single Titan RTX each until the validation loss no 2.2.2. Residual Decoding longer drops. For the fair comparison, we apply the pretrained According to the definition of noise and the fact that explicit ResCNN Softmax+Triplet model3 for speaker embedding iden- label is not given, the decoder needs to perform Residual De- tically to STYLER and both baselines. For mel-spectrogram coding: clean decoding and noisy decoding. In clean decoding, to wave conversion, we use pretrained multispeaker UNIVER- all noise-independent encodings are taken to synthesize a clean SAL V1 model4 of HiFi-GAN [4]. output, and in noisy decoding, noise encoder output is added to noise-independent encodings to synthesize a noisy output. 3.2. Result Since only the noise encoder has to be updated at noisy decod- Using Amazon Mechanical Turk, we evaluate each model’s ing, the gradient does not flow through the other encoders. It speech synthesis quality using mean opinion score (MOS) and can be seen as implicit supervision where the noise is directly comparative MOS (CMOS) [30, 31]. For each scoring, we test compelled to focus on the audio’s leftover part without any ex- in two different speaker settings: seen speakers in training time plicit label. and unseen speakers. We evaluate two different synthesis en- vironments for each speaker: parallel (-P) denotes input audio 2.3. Loss Calculation speaks input text, where nonparallel (-NP) denotes input audio The total loss of the model without noise modeling is: speaks different text from the input. Lossclean = lmel + lduration + lpitch + lenergy (1) 3.2.1. Naturalness and Efficiency where lmel is mean square error between predicted mel- spectrogram and target, and predictor losses (lduration , lpitch , For naturalness evaluation, we evaluate MOS of audio from four and lenergy ) are calculated by mean absolute error. Note that different sources: Ground Truth, two baselines, and our model. it is the same as FastSpeech2 which means that the proposed In order to remove the vocoder artifact, we use HiFi-GAN [4] model can disentangle style factors with no additional label. for all models, including ground truth. Ground truth audio is The loss, including noise modeling, then becomes as fol- translated into mel-spectrogram and synthesized to speech con- lows: secutively so that vocoder quality does not affect the experi- ment. Besides, we report training time to assess model speed. Losstotal = Lossclean + lnoisy + laug (2) where Lossclean refers to Equation 1, lnoisy is from noisy de- Table 1: Naturalness MOS & Training Time Results coding calculated by the same way of lmel in Equation 1, and laug is the sum of each augmentation classifier loss in Sec- Seen Unseen Model Training Time tion 2.2.1. MOS-P MOS-NP MOS-P MOS-NP GT 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 - Mellotron 3.22 3.10 2.77 2.45 20m 3. Experiment FastSpeech2 3.76 3.68 3.14 3.04 4m STYLER 3.64 3.60 3.22 3.17 4m 3.1. Experiment Setup Throughout the experiment, we train and evaluate models on 3 VCTK corpus [27]. For the noisy dataset, we augment the orig- 4
Table 1 shows experiment results in aspect of both audio quality and model speed. The proposed model outperforms Mellotron in the aspect of naturalness and outperforms Fast- Speech2 in the aspect of expressiveness. Also, training time measurement indicates that our model runs about 4 to 5 times faster than Mellotron, the autoregressive TTS model, even with a similar number of the model parameters. 3.2.2. Style Transfer Table 2: Style Transfer CMOS Results Seen Unseen Model CMOS-P CMOS-NP CMOS-P CMOS-NP STYLER 0 0 0 0 FastSpeech2 -1.24 -1.55 -1.35 -1.44 Mellotron -0.20 -0.16 -0.52 -0.75 Next, we conduct CMOS between the proposed model and each baseline to evaluate style transfer performance. Testers are asked to select audio that represents a closer style to refer- ence audio. Table 2 reports CMOS of style transfer performance where score of STYLER is fixed to 0. Comparison between FastSpeech2 and STYLER denotes that our method repre- sents better expressiveness than the normal non-autoregressive model. Another comparison with Mellotron indicates that our model preserves style transfer performance proposed by exist- ing style transfer models. Figure 2: Results of style factor decomposition. The orange line represents pitch contour and the purple line represents energy. 3.2.3. Style Factor Decomposition The content of the noisy reference is ”All businesses continue to Validating the functionality of each module in our model, we trade.” The figure is best shown in color. synthesize speech excluding the encoding module one-by-one. Figure 2 shows our ablation study result as mel-spectrogram. The noisy result, which is the model output, imitates the in- put noisy reference audio, meaning that all the style factors are transferred well from the source audio. 4. Discussion In order to validate noise modeling, we conduct several experiments with the noise module. With noisy reference au- We argue that our model’s strength over FastSpeech2 is the ex- dio (top-left), we synthesize speech with and without the noise plicit decomposition of style factor and balanced contribution of module each. When the noise module is introduced, the result- style factors, including text content toward synthesized speech. ing speech contains background noise (noisy result at top-right), In FastSpeech2, the duration, pitch, and energy were already while noise is excluded when noise module is not introduced controllable. However, values were only predicted from the (clean result at middle-left). Our model can produce completely text, and the encoders of our model can be seen as distribut- clean audio even only the noisy input is given. Moreover, the ing the dependence equally among the necessary elements of only noise is synthesized when only the noise module is acti- speech. Therefore, there is a difference between controlling the vated during inference (only noise at middle-right). These ex- value of predictors (decoder input) and the encoding (predictor periments conclude that the noise module successfully decom- input). For example, if the pitch predictor’s value is set to 0, poses noise from reference audio. the pitch value of the final mel-spectrogram becomes 0 for each When we infer speech without each style factor, excluded frame. However, if only text encoding is added to the pitch style is fixed to average style in synthesized speech (only text at predictor, the dependency of audio is removed, and the output bottom-left). Excluding pitch prediction, for instance, synthe- speech contains almost the same pitch for each phoneme which sizes speech with average pitch flow, and excluding energy pre- is not 0. This constant value is the averaged pitch of the training dictor makes speech containing constant volume. Also, given dataset. another speaker, only the speaker’s identity is changed while the rest are fixed. On the other hand, there was a trade-off between the natu- In another experiment, we exclude text encoder in speech ralness and style transfer performance according to the model synthesis to investigate whether an only content factor is en- input’s dependence. For example, if the text dependency is in- coded from text input and whether the audio-related style creased, the naturalness increases too, but the reference style factors are modeled correctly (without text at bottom-right). is less reflected. On the contrary, if the audio dependency is Speech inferred without text encoder expresses the style of ref- increased, the reference style is well transferred, but the nat- erence audio, but it does not speak any intelligible word. From uralness of the synthesized voice decreases. In particular, this this result, we can conclude that content factor is extracted from phenomenon is severe in duration, so that the duration modeling text, and encoders successfully capture expected style factors. could be less precise than other style factors.
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