INSIGHT Summer 2020 - Berkshire Vision

Page created by Cecil Bradley
INSIGHT Summer 2020 - Berkshire Vision
Supporting the Visually Impaired
                                      Charity number 1146413

            Summer 2020

What’s inside

2   Our Chairman’s Updates   10   Volunteering

4   What we’ve been up to!   12   Interview with para-athlete
                                  and The Apprentice star
6   Meet Hannah
                                  Souleyman Bah
8   Our Accessibility tips
                             And More!
INSIGHT Summer 2020 - Berkshire Vision
Notes from the Chair
                                                                               Berkshire Vision Aktiveyes
    The past few months have been        placed on Furlough Leave whilst
    problematic for all of us and        those who have remained have          Currently all of the upcoming Aktiveyes events have
    the Covid-19 restrictions have       worked tirelessly. Our drivers have   been postponed until further notice, however they
    impacted our Members in a            helped out with Macular patients      still managed to have some great activities before
    variety of ways. Our staff and       ensuring they receive their regular   lockdown. The last January visit to the Wraysbury
    our Volunteers have responded        treatment, we have a brilliant        Pantomime was great fun. As usual, the Aktiveyes
    magnificently to the various         new podcast, and everyone has         group were made to feel very welcome and
    problems and I trust that you, our   stepped up and taken change in        they even had front row seats, free drinks          Photo: A member
    Members, are managing to cope        their stride.                         and snacks.                                         of the Aktiveyes
    through these difficult times.                                                                                                 group ready to
                                         Due the current problems with                                                             bowl.
    When lockdown was imposed,           the pandemic, we will not be
    the response from our staff was      holding an AGM this year in order
    immediate and over 100 extra         to safeguard our Members and
    Volunteers were recruited to help    staff. Re-elections will be carried
    maintain telephone contact with      forward to the 2021 AGM.
    the Members who asked for this.
    The remote activities programme      Thank you if you have recently
    has grown over the weeks and         completed the Member Survey.
    provides contact and association     We are undertaking surveys of
    for a growing number. I am also      both Members and Volunteers so                      Photo: The
    aware that our Club Chairs and       that we can design and review                       Aktiveyes group
    Home Visitors, whilst unable to      our services according to your                      getting involved
    see our Members, have provided       needs. Berkshire Vision will be                                           Their first February visit was the
                                                                                             in the tactile        Asda challenge in Cippenham
    regular support which has been       different when we emerge from                       challenge.
    really appreciated.                  the current lockdown and we are                                           and as usual, this was very
                                         determined that the changes will                                          competitive where they were
    We have had some changes at          be for the better and will reflect,                                       challenged to identify 20 items
    the Reading Office where Laura       even more closely, the desires of                                         while blind folded. The Ten Pin
    has very capably stepped up as       our Members.                                                              bowling session at the Salt Hill
    Chief Executive Officer, deftly                                                                                Park venue was well attended.
    supported by Sara. We have                                                                                     Some of the bowling action was
    Gillian and Maaike newly in place                                                                              extremely erratic! While these
    in our Volunteer Department,              Photo: A                                                             are challenging times, Aktiveyes
    working well as a team but yet           headshot of                                                           is looking forward to seeing all of
    to actually meet each other in          Greg, our chair                                                        their Members again in the future.
    person. Some staff had to be             of trustees.
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INSIGHT Summer 2020 - Berkshire Vision
What we’ve
    been up to!
    Recently, we’ve all been faced with unprecedented
    challenges, despite this, we’re so proud that the Berkshire
    Vision family has stood strong: getting involved in our
    popular remote events, our phone 1:1 befriending scheme
    and more. We have all been in this together and we
    will get through this together.                                                                                   Photos: A selection
                                                                                                                      of images of Berkshire
                                                                                                                      Vision staff driving
                                                                               We continue to help
    New Podcast!
                                                                                                                      patients to the eye
                                                       Image: The Berkshire                                           clinic, with them sitting
                                                       Vision Podcast Logo.    our friends at the NHS                 two metres apart and
                                                                                                                      with face masks.
                                                                               Every week during the lockdown we
                                                                               have been driving MD patients to
    We recently launched the Berkshire Vision
                                                                               the eye clinic in Windsor for their
    Podcast, a new way to communicate to our
                                                                               eye injections. These injections are
    Members, Volunteers and Supporters. Find the
                                                                               essential to preserve the patient’s
    podcast on our website to listen.
                                                                               existing eye-sight.

                                          Thank you, Carl!                     Reading Lights
                                          To help raise funds for Berkshire
                                          Vision, our Transport & Activity     As part of our Valentine’s Day
                                          Co-ordinator Carl cycled 26.2        celebrations, we asked people to         Photo: A message
                                          miles for the 2.6 Challenge!         send in their messages that we’d         on the Reading
                      Photo: A long       Braving punctures and rough                                                   Lights Billboard
                                                                               display on the Reading Lights
                      open road with      terrain in the process. Thank you,                                            reads “I love you P,
                                                                               Board outside Reading Station.
                      Carl riding         Carl!                                                                         more than I love the
                                                                               A big thank you to everyone who
                      down it.                                                                                          Six Nations”
                                                                               sent in their messages.

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INSIGHT Summer 2020 - Berkshire Vision
Meet                                                                          do so. The reason for this is I like
                                                                                  to give back to a charity which
                                                                                  continues to support me.
                                                                                                                         and find an organisation such as
                                                                                                                         Berkshire Vision that can support
                                                                                                                         and help you to get to grips with

    Hannah                                                                        My advice to someone who has
                                                                                  recently been diagnosed with a
                                                                                                                         your new life. I would also add
                                                                                                                         that life will continue but in a
                                                                                                                         different way with your friends
                                                                                  visual impairment is to do some        and family helping you, you will
    My name is Hannah Smith, I                                                    research about your condition          get through it.
    grew up in a small village called                                             and talk to people about it and try
    Baydon. When I was a young
    adult, I went to study further at
    RNCB, this is a college based in

                                                                                  Children and Family
    Hereford for young people and
    adults who are blind or partially
    sighted. The reason for this is
    because I suffer from neurological
    blindness. This means that
    although my eyes are actually           Photo: A picture of Hannah
                                                                                  Support Services
    fine and healthy, their messages        having completed the triathlon
    don’t get to my brain. Despite          with a medal around her neck
    having this condition, my visual
    impairment hasn’t stopped me                                                  Our Children and Young People’s        We also had a great tactile art
    from having a fulfilling and happy     team which I really enjoy as I         remote activities calendar began       session held by Julie Calce-
    life. I was brought up to be as        have the opportunity to do some        in April with parent/carer coffee      Bunker from Berkshire Sensory
    independent as possible and this       exercise as well as having fun         mornings giving parents and            Consortium who led us in making
    has continued throughout my            with friends. I find tandem cycling    carers of young people stuck           tactile rainbows to stick on
    adult life. I never look back and      good fun as it gives me a chance       at home during lockdown the            our windows for all of the Key
    ask why I cannot do something          to do an activity safely as I cannot   opportunity to share tips and          Workers. We had a brilliant junk
    as I knew it could never happen,       see to ride a bicycle on my own.       tricks on how they were coping         modelling session also led by
    everyone is able to do different       With the sports group, I have done     with keeping their young people        Julie where we made fantastic
    things in life, however big or small   a few dragon boat races and last       occupied, as well as keeping on        sculptures from junk we found
    they are, it’s an achievement for      year took on a short distance          top of school work.                    around the house!
    them.                                  triathlon. I am hoping to complete
                                           another longer one later this year.    We held an afternoon tea for           We look forward to seeing our
    I have been involved with Berkshire    Having the opportunity to take         our young people, giving them          Members online again soon!
    Vison for quite a few years. Since     part in lots of different social and   the opportunity to catch up with
    coming across the charity, I have      physical activities has built up my    Berkshire Vision friends, to talk
    done a variety of events, both         confidence and independence. I         about how they’re coping, and
    social and sporting activities. I am   also offer to help with fundraising    what they are doing at home.
    a Member of the dragon boating         when I have the opportunity to
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INSIGHT Summer 2020 - Berkshire Vision
How to turn on
                                            Text-to-speech can be particularly
                                            useful for those with visual

    Text-to-speech                          impairments. It’s very easy to
                                            enable and we’ve listed how to do

    on your phone                           this on iOS (iPhone) and Samsung     How Your Donations Help
                                            Galaxy devices here.

    For iOS                                 For Samsung Galaxy Phones            You can now get involved with
                                                                                 the Berkshire Vision Lottery.
    If Siri is enabled, you can simply      From any Home screen, tap on
                                                                                 It’s super easy to sign up, get
    hold the home button on your            Apps.
                                                                                 started and you could win up to
    device and tell her to turn             Tap Settings.
                                                                                 £25,000! Someone has already
    VoiceOver on, meaning now Siri          Scroll to ‘Personal’ and then tap
                                                                                 won a prize! You can visit our
    will read you web pages, notes,         Accessibility.
                                                                                 website for instructions on how to
    text files, and other passages of       Under ‘MORE SETTINGS,’ tap
                                                                                 play or e-mail us on:
    text. You can also ask Siri to invert   Direct access.
                                                                        or call
    colours, enable Zoom, Magnifier,        Slide the direct access switch
                                                                                 us on 0118 987 2803
    and to make the standard text           on. This will then enable your
    larger on your device.                  Accessibility settings. (You can
                                            also enable your Accessibility
    For further details on these                                                 We were delighted to receive               Image: The Berkshire
                                            settings by pressing the Home key
    settings, simply:                                                            a donation for £3,000 from                 Vision lottery logo which
                                            3 times in quick succession).
    Launch “Settings” and tap on                                                 Deanwood Golf Club. Their                  is surrounded in lottery
                                            Tap TalkBack to enable this
    “General”                                                                    members have raised money in               balls. The caption reads
    Scroll down to “Accessibility” and                                           a variety of ways for Berkshire            “Play Now”
    tap on “VoiceOver”                                                           Vision including a Christmas
    Slide the VoiceOver toggle to “ON”                                           raffle, quiz nights and ‘fines’ for
    Optionally, adjust the “Speaking                                             players whose ball went into the
    Rate” slider to your preference.                                             Captain’s bunker! Thank you
                                                                                 very much to all their members.
    The RNIB Talking Books Service.
    Our friends at the RNIB have a huge library of Talking Books, with over      We have been very lucky to be         In these challenging times, we
    30,000 items in their collection which they are constantly adding to.        chosen to be Johnson & Johnson        rely more on the generosity and
    Anyone with a visual impairment can use it and it’s very easy to use.        Medical Devices’ charity of the       donations of individuals than ever
    Simply go onto the RNIB website and click Talking Books towards the          year. Johnson & Johnson are           before.
    bottom of the page. RNIB are always on hand to help if you have any          based in Wokingham and we are
    issues. Their helpline number is 0303 123 9999 or email helpline@            looking forward to working with       To donate just £1, please text                                                                  them on various initiatives.          VISION to 70201.
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INSIGHT Summer 2020 - Berkshire Vision
                                                                                Some Volunteers have chosen to         The mixture of new and old
                                                                                assist us with remote activities       Volunteers was celebrated during
                                                                                such as the quiz, coffee mornings      Volunteers Week. Sadly we
                                                                                or creating other activities to        could not organise our “Thank
                                 So much has happened                           entertain our Members such as          You Tea Party” this year, but we
                                                                                wine tastings and history talks.       are looking forward to getting
                                 since the spring edition of                                                           everyone together for a huge
                                 Insight                                        We are also using this time to find    celebration as soon as it is safe
                                                                                out what our Members think about       to do so. Some of our Volunteers
                                                                                Berkshire Vision’s services, so        have been with us for many
                                                                                other Volunteers have dedicated        years, each and every one brings
                                                                                their time to helping us survey our    something special to Berkshire
                                                                                Members over the telephone.            Vision and our Members.

                                                        Photo: A                At the same time as the Members
                                                        Screenshot from a       survey, all 300+ Volunteers are
                                                        video call between      also being surveyed on their
                                                        a smiling James,        thoughts about the Volunteer roles
                                                        Maaike and Gill.        they play in Berkshire Vision. After
                                                                                the survey has been completed, a
                                                                                Volunteer Focus group will be set
                                                                                                                                       Photo: One
                                                                                This will enable us to get further                     of our phone
     Our Volunteer department has          reaction with people rallying        views from our Volunteers on all
     totally changed with Gill and         around to help. Our 170 Volunteers                                                          befriending
                                                                                sorts of subjects that crop up                         Volunteers, Kim
     Maaike joining us. They have          have been joined by 120 new          throughout the year.
     worked together now for two           volunteers to create a wonderful                                                            on the phone
     months, but remotely from home.       telephone befriending service.
     Although they have not had a
     chance yet to meet in person,         The befriending relationships are    Join Us
     they are getting stuck in to all      an enjoyable experience, for both
     the action in the Berkshire Vision    parties. One of our befriending      We hope to get back to recruiting for our normal Volunteer roles soon,
     virtual office and joining in some    Volunteers Vicky reported back       these include club committees and Volunteers, drivers and assistants for
     of the activities with our Members.   “I really enjoy my calls, I love     our sports and activities, as well as fundraising and marketing.
                                           hearing about their lives and
     Whilst our usual social and           experiences. I have learned so       If you would like to join our wonderful Volunteers, chat to us about what
     sports activities are on hold         much. I usually end my calls         you would like to do, either now or in the future. Please get in touch with
     during this unusual period, we        feeling so much brighter having      Gill or Maaike, by email
     have experienced a wonderful          chatted with them.”         or call 0118 9872803
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INSIGHT Summer 2020 - Berkshire Vision
same height, but it’s cushioned.       It’s because employers are
                                                                               So, I started doing the box-jump       nervous of hiring somebody
          Photo:                                                               there and it was problem solved!       because they think they have
          Souleyman                                                            All the problems I’ve faced in my      to increase their budgets and
          smiling in a                                                         sport, in business and in life, I’ve   make more time for the visually
          gymnasium.                                                           always just had to engage my           impaired employee just to
                                                                               imagination to find ways around        keep them at the same pace
                                                                               it to allow me to do what I need to    as everybody else. Maybe the
                                                                               do, just like everybody else.”         individual themselves doesn’t have
                                                                                                                      a lot of confidence too. But with

      An interview with                                                        Talking to Souleyman more
                                                                               about the obstacles that he’s
                                                                               faced being visually impaired
                                                                                                                      a little bit of help and assistance,
                                                                                                                      we can do anything anyone else
                                                                                                                      can do.”

      Souleyman Bah                                                            in the world of entrepreneurship
                                                                               and business proves insightful.
                                                                               Souleyman claims that the various
                                                                                                                      Souleyman explains more about
                                                                                                                      his visual impairment and the
                                                                               assistive technologies have            challenges it’s had on his own
                                                                               been immensely helpful to him.         personal health. “It was when I
     Souleyman Bah is a twenty-one-       later states, “there are a lot of    He states, “the biggest barrier        was in the secondary school stage
     year-old Para-athlete and popular    barriers and hurdles you face        is information for individuals         where I genuinely started to feel
     motivational speaker. Diagnosed      when you’re visually impaired. But   and companies. There are so            the effects. It started to weigh
     with Retina Pigmentosa at age six,   you have to think of new ways of     many schemes and budgets and           down on my mental health a little
     Souleyman refuses to let his sight   tackling those barriers. You have    technologies out there that can        bit. I kept thinking if it’s getting
     loss hold him back from achieving    to engage your imagination and       help disabled people to do the         worse, what am I going to be like
     his dreams. He’s won a gold          think of other ways of dealing       job as well as anybody else. But       in the future?
     medal in the 100 metres at the       with a situation. For example,       if you don’t know about it, it can’t
     Paralympic School Games and          in training, I have to do the box-   help. For example, I use software,     It was sport that really saved me.
     most recently, was featured in the   jump and usually you jump from       cameras, magnifying equipment,         I was able to train and grow in an
     2019 BBC series of The Apprentice.   the ground onto a raised box         so if I was sitting at a desk in an    area I felt comfortable in. I could
     He was the first ever disabled       about waist height. But the box      office somewhere, I could do as        compete, receive recognition and
     candidate in the history of the      is made out of metal, so a lot of    equally as good a job. There are       win medals, etc.. So, my sport
     show.                                the times, I wouldn’t see the edge   schemes like “Access to Work”          really saved me from the dark
                                          of the box and, as I’d leap, I’d     that will let you have an assistant    hole I was sinking into. Instead
     Souleyman reveals “I train           smash my shins and it was very       at your work place to help you if      of seeing all the doors that were
     about four or five times a week.     painful for me. So, my coach and     you need it, and loads of other        closed off to me, I started seeing
     It usually consists of things like   I started thinking, ‘well, how can   schemes and programmes. Again,         all the ones that were open.”
     yoga, swimming, gym work,            I do the box-jump without injuring   the biggest barrier is information,
     track work and endurance work.       myself? So, we moved onto the        if everybody knew about these
     Sport is very holistic now.” He      high-jump mat. It’s about the        things, there wouldn’t be an issue.

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INSIGHT Summer 2020 - Berkshire Vision
Activities                                                                 sessions for us. Fiona Carson has
                                                                                been continuing her work with us
                                                                                holding remote Shiatsu sessions on
                                                                                Wednesdays at 2pm to help relieve       Remote Coffee
                                                                                stress while in lockdown using self-       Morning:
                                                                                massage, breathing and a tapping
                                                                                technique.                                 Monday,
                                 Image: A                                                                                Wednesday &
                                 screenshot of                                  Additionally, we have had some         Thursday at 11am
                                 Berkshire Vision                               very successful Wine Tasting
                                 Members during                                 evenings held by Tim Andrews –
                                 the virtual quiz                               friend of our CEO Laura Mitchell
                                                                                - a Wine Business Lecturer at
                                                                                Plumpton College who is visually
                                                                                impaired. Tim chose three wines for
                                                                                our Members to taste, they were
                                                                                delivered to their doors in advance
                                                                                of the wine tasting evening, and
                                                                                we tasted them together on a
     We have made some changes to         activities, without having to leave   video call on the night. Feedback
                                                                                                                        Remote quizzes
     our activities programme since       the house!                            was that everyone loved the wine       held on Tuesdays
     all face-to-face activities have                                           tasting, and Tim’s knowledge on             at 4pm
     been temporarily suspended. In       Our remote activities calendar        the subject, so much that they
     April, we rolled out our remote      has been slowly growing and           requested it be added to the
     activities calendar. It has been     continues to develop in the           calendar again the following
     a learning process for everyone,     coming months. We have had a          month.
     staff and Members included. We       huge success with our remote
     now have accessible activities       quizzes held on Tuesdays at 4pm       New to the calendar in June
     where Members can call into          with teams competing against          were history talks from Sir Jon
     meetings from their landline         each other for the winner’s title.    Day. Jon is a friend of Gill’s who
     using a dial-in code and an ID       We even had our patron, Chris         is a retired British Civil Servant
     number, or Members can join          Tarrant reading out a question!       working as Head of the Joint           Remote Shiatsu
     using a computer or smart device     Our Coffee Mornings have been         Intelligence Organisation at the
     following a link from our website.   well attended, giving Members                                                  sessions on
                                                                                Cabinet Office. He is talking to
                                          the opportunity to catch up with      Berkshire Vision Members every         Wednesdays at
     The remote activities mean we can    others, sharing tips on how to        other Monday on historic topics        2pm with Fiona
     keep in touch with Members, and      cope with lockdown, and helping       and providing some insight into            Carson
     Members can keep in touch with       to prevent loneliness during this     his time in the Joint Intelligence
     each other, as well as breaking      isolating time. We have also had      Organisation.
     the week up with a variety of        professionals come and lead
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INSIGHT Summer 2020 - Berkshire Vision
Get in touch
Please get in touch and share all your stories, experiences and
recommendations so we can share these with other Members of
Berkshire Vision.

Marketing Manager James would love to hear from you, telephone
0118 987 2803 or email

If you’d like to receive your Insight magazine in a different format in
the future, please let us know. Insight is available in audio USB or CD,
braille, email or large print.

Contact for more information

Berkshire Vision, Midleton House, 5 Erleigh Road,
Reading, Berkshire RG1 5LR
Telephone 0118 987 2803

Charity number 1146413

twitter     @berkshirevision
instagram   @berkshirevision

                                            Supporting the Visually Impaired
INSIGHT Summer 2020 - Berkshire Vision
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