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Up Front from the President Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. ~ Maggie Smith S omething remarkable occurred in February. To quote CBC’s Ramona Deering, “It’s something that never hap- public discussion generated by the series and the subsequent media coverage was extraordinary. Just as significant was the sure he hears from you. Tell the Minister of your school’s successes, but also educate him about the resources you need to deliver pened before in Newfoundland and discussion among teachers. For the first quality education to your students. Labrador.” Thirty teachers participated in time in a very long time, we had a thorough Also, make sure the Premier’s Task Force the CBC’s Inside the Classroom and told airing of the challenges facing our schools. on Improving Educational Outcomes hears their stories and the stories of their col- Even more remarkable for me, were the from you. The report of the Task Force will leagues throughout the province. While teachers who did interviews on air and pre- be used by government to develop an edu- nervousness was evident in some of sented publicly to the Premier’s Task Force cation action plan to be implemented for their voices, they spoke candidly about on Improving Educational Outcomes. They the 2018 school year. What do you want their experiences. And, for the first time, articulately stated the issues and offered to see in that action plan? Make sure you Newfoundland and Labrador parents and their professional insight into the changes help shape it. the public had an inside view of our prov- that need to be made if our education sys- If you have an issue over which your ince’s education system, the realities of the tem is to meet the needs of all students. school district or the Department of classroom, and the challenges teachers face Probably one of the most surprising out- Education has control, bring it to their in meeting the needs of their students. comes was the spectacle of the Minister attention. Call the NLTA office for advice, For three consecutive Mondays in of Education admitting in an interview and we’ll guide you. February Inside the Classroom forums with CBC that inclusive education was In less than a month, over 140 teachers explored inclusive education, student not resourced the way it needs to be and from across the province will gather in St. behaviour, math education, and full day that further cuts to allocations would only John’s for the Biennial General Meeting to kindergarten. Teachers discussed the happen “over his dead body”. Nothing of elect the next provincial executive, approve effect of class size and class composition what was said in the interview was new to the budget, and determine Association pri- on instruction, the impact of full day kin- me or your Association. I heard it from my orities. If you wish to be a strong voice for dergarten on the rest of the school system, many school visits; we heard it from the change through your Association, find the and the consequences of the lack of human many teachers who contacted us. I would time to read the Convention issue of The resources. We heard stories of classroom like to think, however, that our message is Bulletin. Learn about the candidates and violence, the effects of technology and finally starting to get through to Minister the resolutions being put forward. Take the social media on student behaviour, and Kirby and to the NL government. It is clear opportunity to inform the delegates repre- money spent by teachers on classroom sup- that teachers’ voices are being heard. senting your branch of where you stand plies. While Minister Kirby had to eat some on both. Most importantly, advise them in What was clear in everything the teach- of those words less than a day later, both setting the direction of your Association for ers said was their passion for a profession he and the Premier stated there would be the next two years. they deeply loved and their students. no further changes to the allocation for- Some of my suggestions will cause dis- Reaction from teachers and the public mula. Not quite what our schools need. But comfort for many of you. In many ways, was overwhelmingly positive. I received think for a minute. When was the last time we are like thermostats; we all have a com- emails from teachers and non-teachers you had a minister or a premier make such fort zone. The teachers who participated alike expressing respect for the courage of public statements? It was a rare moment in Inside the Classroom were well outside the teachers who took part. One teacher indeed. their comfort zones. But that’s how change said it best, “I just wanted to say Inside the The question for all of us is, “How do happens. I’m asking you to step outside Classroom was fantastic. Everyone spoke so we keep this conversation going?” There your comfort zone so we can dial up the well! I’m proud to have been represented can be no more hiding behind the fear of heat on government and bring about the by such a wonderful group.” The series being “slapped on the wrist.” Our schools changes we need to do our jobs. Our voices was eye opening for parents and the public. are too important for the discussion to end may shake, but we will be heard. Teachers felt it was about time. with Inside the Classroom. CBC further explored the issues raised Minister Kirby has stated he wants to hear by teachers in online articles, on its various from teachers. Email him or call his office. radio programs, and on Here and Now. The If the Minister visits your school, make the bulletin 2 march/april 2017
C ON TEN TS Features 20 Autism in the Classroom 8 Public Education Advocating for Teachers and Students by Kendra Lane Needs-based Model Failing Students: Lesley-Ann Browne Editor May Be a Violation of Students’ Human Rights 21 Giving Back Building hope, connections and by Steve Brooks Michelle Lamarche relationships as we build a school: Editorial Assistant 9 Programs & Services Lifetouch Memory Mission 2017 by Kyran Dwyer John Bishop, Elliott Green Are You Thinking About Retirement? Design • Printing • Distribution Information You Need to Know 24 Canadian Teachers’ Federation Linda Farrell 10 Article 22: Advocating for Gender Rights, Social Justice and Public Education Online Services The Three-Week Pay Period Gap by Cassandra Hallett by Perry Downey The Bulletin is published five times a year during the school year by the 12 So You’re a Substitute Teacher? 26 Hats Off! Newfoundland & Labrador Teachers’ NL Administrator Named as Canada’s by Ian Crewe Association, 3 Kenmount Road, St. John’s, Outstanding Principal for 2017 Newfoundland, Canada, A1B 1W1. Tel: 709-726-3223; 1-800-563-3599 14 The Redundancy, Reassignment and 27 Copyright Matters Layoff Process Copyright and Fair Dealing for Teachers Follow us on FaceBook and Twitter 16 Professional Development @NLTeachersAssoc Developing Successful Schools 2017: Fostering Collective Efficacy Unless otherwise indicated, materials used in The Bulletin may be reproduced or by George Tucker Departments broadcast without permission. 17 CONTACT 2017 Application Form Up Front from the President 2 Opinions, advertisements and/or notices carried in this publication do not imply endorsement or 18 Living Well On Location News News and Events 4 back cover Did You Know? The Autism Spectrum recommendation by the Association. and Noteworthy Supports Advertising inquiries should be directed to: by Gail M. Carroll Michelle Lamarche, Ext. 227 Subscription Rate: $18 per year. New “Free” NLTA Mobile Device App For subscriptions and address changes contact Michelle Lamarche, Ext. 227 The new mobile device app for the NLTA is designed to provide users with easy access to information from our website (e.g. users can quickly find the New Teacher information, EAP information or request a new NLTA Member Card. The app works Deadlines for material are: May/June Issue: May 1 on both Android and Apple devices – phones, tablets, iPads, etc. ISSN-1189-9662 Download your App here: or use the QR code Member of the Canadian Educational Press Association, International Association of Business Communicators, and the Canadian Association of Communicators in Education. Printed on Recycled Paper the bulletin 3 march/april 2017
O N LO C ATION NEWS P rov i n c i a l / N at i o n a l / I n t e r n at i o n a l NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR RIGOLET Education Week 2017 Northern Lights Academy Education Week in Newfoundland and Labrador took raises money for Janeway Day place February 12-18, 2017. This year’s theme was Seeds of Learning • Semer les graines and the event The Grade 2/3 class at Northern Lights Academy in coincided with Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week. Rigolet raised $500 for Janeway Day. The day began The opening ceremonies for Education Week were as Pajama Day where students paid $1 to wear paja- held at Holy Cross School Complex in Eastport at mas. To top off the day, a magic show was held in 10:00 a.m. on Monday, February 13. NLTA President the gymnasium starring Northern Lights Academy’s James Dinn and the Honourable Dale Kirby, Minister very own Grade 12 magician, Robert Jacque, with an of Education and Early Childhood Development, admission fee of $1. “We had a candy guess jar and addressed the audience as did Bronson Collins from also accepted donations,” said Elsie Wolfrey, Grade the NL Eastern School District. 2/3 teacher at Northern Lights Academy. “Students, The opening ceremonies commenced with the friends and family all had a wonderful time for a great singing of O Canada led by the K-6 choir and Ms. cause. Jillian Turner. Students, staff and guests were then welcomed by Principal Mary Jane Oldford. The Holy Cross Stompers, accompanied by Mr. Roger Bradley and Ms. Jillian Turner, performed a traditional Newfoundland dance. The Kindergarten class and the Graduating Class of 2017 performed a poetry reading, and students Allison Murphy (Grade 9) – French and Hannah Babstock (Grade 7) – Principal Mary Jane Oldford addresses the audience. English, read the Education Week proclamation. The K-6 choir, again led by Ms. Turner, performed Inch by Inch, Row by Row. The youngest and oldest student at Holy Cross cut Students at Northern Lights Academy proudly display the funds they raised. the Education Week cake and the ceremonies drew to a close with the singing of the Ode to Newfoundland. ST. JOHN’S/MOUNT PEARL 2016 Waterford Valley Branch NLTA Scholarships awarded The 2016 Waterford Valley Branch NLTA Scholarships have been awarded to: Joelle Santos (Queen Elizabeth Regional High), daughter of Joe Santos from O’Donel High School; and Kaitlyn Genge (O’Donel High), daughter of Shelley Genge from Beaconsfield Junior High. Each of these two $500 scholarships were award- The youngest and oldest student at Holy Cross cut the Education Week cake. ed to a Grade 12 graduate (June 2016) with a parent the bulletin 4 march/april 2017
PAID ADVERTISEMENT ON L OCAT IO N who teaches in a Waterford Valley Branch school and who has achieved the highest academic average (as provided by the Department of Education). The scholarships were awarded on December 6, 2016 at O'Donel High School in Mount Pearl. Joelle Santos is presented with her award by Joe Santos (President, Waterford Valley Branch) and Kim Fifield (Vice-President, Waterford Valley Branch). Kaitlyn Genge is presented with her award by Joe Santos (President, Waterford Valley Branch) and Kim Fifield (Vice-President, Waterford Valley Branch). SPANIARD’S BAY Holy Redeemer student’s poster entry goes to the national level As part of their Remembrance Day celebrations, the students of Holy Redeemer Elementary in Spaniard’s Bay participate in a poster, poem and essay contest sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 9 in Spaniard’s Bay. A winner from each category is selected from each grade level (K-9) and displayed at the annual Remembrance Day dinner held at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 9. The winning entries of the poster (primary), poem and essay (elementary and intermediate) are sent to Provincial Command of the Royal Canadian Legion to be judged on a Provincial basis. “We are very pleased to announce that Abigail Galway (Grade 8) placed third at the Provincial level in (cont’d. on page 6) the bulletin 5 march/april 2017
ON L OC ATION the poster contest,” said Paul Sheppard, teacher at Holy NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR Redeemer. “Her winning entry will now go on to the National level to be judged. Congratulations Abigail!” “Talk With Our Kids About Money” program The Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE) and Scotiabank have partnered to build on the incredible success of the “Talk With Our Kids About Money Day” (TWOKAM) program. Last year over 5000 schools participated in a national event and many more availed of CFEE resources. This year CFEE are hoping to have more youth engaged in this important conversation. While the focus of this program can be Grade 7, teachers in Pictured l-r: Gordon Parsons, Abigail Galway, William Titford, Dave Thistle any grade can participate. To support teachers’ partic- (Photo credit: Paul Sheppard) ipation in the annual TWOKAM day, and throughout the year, CFEE has prepared a number of FREE sup- port materials and sample lessons. These are available GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR at under the Students celebrate Pi Day at “school programs” link. There is no cost to a teacher, student, parent, or guardian to participate and all Exploits Valley Intermediate aspects of the program are in English and French. April 26, 2017 has been designated as “Talk With On March 3, Exploits Valley Intermediate celebrated Our Kids About Money Day” in Newfoundland and “Pi Day” once again with several students showing off Labrador. While CFEE will focus on a single day their number skills. Students were challenged to mem- to draw attention to the importance of talking with orize the first 100 digits of the irrational number Pi. Of youth about money and money matters, parents, the four students who attempted it, two were success- guardians and teachers are encouraged to do so on ful in memorizing the first 100 digits and reciting them any day. The “Talk With Our Kids About Money in front of their peers. “Ella Browne and Rachel Bartlett Day” website will be up and active all year long to showed an impressive display of their mathematical support any and all who wish to help our youth by skills, and they were each rewarded with a brand new talking with them about money and helping to pre- math set,” said Krista Simms, Math/Science Teacher at pare them for their financial future. Exploits Valley Intermediate. “They were also given For further information contact Christine Greene, the opportunity to pie their Principal (John Antle), Newfoundland and Labrador CFEE Provincial Vice Principal (Darren Woolridge) and Math teacher Coordinator – TWOKAM, or Tel: (Tom Caines) in the face to the great delight of all stu- 709-747-0935. dents watching. It was a great afternoon with a fantas- tic show of school spirit.” Kids Eat Smart Clubs continue until final days of school year Kids Eat Smart (KES) Clubs have seen a significant increase in the number of children coming to their Breakfast Clubs. “This is in large part due to the implementation of full day Kindergarten and the fact that there are many reasons why some children do not eat breakfast at home,” says Sonya Smith, Director of Communications & Fund Development with Kids Eat Smart Foundation NL. “Most of us know kids who have long bus rides, come from busy Students Ella Browne and Rachel Bartlett admire their handiwork after they households and sadly, some children do not have pied their principal, vice principal and math teacher. food at home. The hallmark of every Kids Eat Smart the bulletin 6 march/april 2017
O N LO CATION Club is that it operates in a non-stigmatizing envi- fuel they need to enjoy these activities. It’s a very busy ronment so that all children are welcome to come to time of year but it’s also important to always have breakfast at no cost to families.” breakfast ready for kids when they arrive at school.” While we move through the final months and Kids Eat Smart Foundation would like to thank you weeks of class, KES reminds us that KES Clubs for your commitment to your KES Club this school should continue until the final days of this school year and they look forward to working with you to year. “It’s important that our junior and senior high make the 2017-18 school year just as successful! school students have a nutritious breakfast waiting for For more information about Kids Eat Smart them as they study and write exams,” says Ms. Smith. Foundation NL please visit or “With activities like field trips and sports days com- call 1-877-722-1996 and follow them on Facebook ing up, a nutritious breakfast will give children the and Twitter @ KidsEatSmartNL. 2017 NLTA Christmas Card Contest Winners Announced Lucy Evans, a Grade 4 student of teacher Kimberly Corner Brook, and the third place cash prize of $25 Piercey at Mary Queen of Peace School in St. John’s, was awarded to Alyssa O’Leary, a Grade 4 student has been chosen as the winner of the 2017 NLTA of teacher Deborah Ash at St. George’s Elementary Christmas Card Contest. Lucy receives a $100 cash in Conception Bay South. award and a framed copy of her winning entry. Her winning design will appear on the NLTA Christmas card that will be distributed to schools, businesses and other groups in December 2017. The second place cash prize of $50 was awarded to Ava Mador, a Grade 4 student of teacher Jackie Bessey at École C.C. Loughlin Elementary in Second place winning design by Ava Mador. Lucy Evan's winning design for the 2017 Christmas Card Contest. Third place winning design by Alyssa O'Leary. the bulletin 7 march/april 2017
PU BLIC EDUC ATION Needs-based Model Failing Students May Be a Violation of Students’ Human Rights by Steve Brooks J effrey Moore was a student of the North Vancouver School District. He was diagnosed with a severe learning disability and required inten- sive supports to learn to read. For the first couple Currently in this province, the accommodations for students with special needs are addressed through what is called the “needs-based” model. Many parents and even experienced educators are confused by this of years of his education, he did indeed receive a model description, since it implies that as needs arise, range of supports. However, due to budget cuts by services will be provided. This, however, is not the the Province of British Columbia, Jeffrey`s parents case; what the “needs-based” model expects is that as were advised that the intensive remediation he new needs arise in a school the allocations of supports required could not be provided by the school. As a to the school be re-deployed on a “needs basis.” This result, the Moore`s elected to enroll their son, at their means that as new needs arise in a school, a review of own expense, in private school where the remedial how supports are deployed is conducted and a decision supports could be offered. The Moore family filed is made to re-deploy supports to address the greatest a complaint with the Human Rights Commission needs. As this is a zero sum budget exercise, it means arguing that Jeffrey had a right to educational accom- that some students who were identified as needing modations. The case eventually found its way to the supports lose them so that other students whose needs Supreme Court of Canada. are assessed as being greater receive the supports. Very On November 9, 2012, the Supreme Court of simply speaking, the system we now have requires that Canada handed down a landmark decision on dis- students with special needs are compared with other ability rights. According to the Court, students with students with needs, creating winners and losers. disabilities are entitled to receive the accommoda- It is important to note that the Supreme Court tion measures they need to access and benefit from categorically stated in the Moore case that it was inap- the service of public education. The Court went on propriate to only compare the needs of special needs to further explain that adequate special education students with other special needs students. In such a supports are not “a dispensable luxury,” but a “ramp scenario Government would be free to cut programs that provides access to the statutory commitment to for all persons with disabilities without being held education made to all children in British Columbia.” accountable and “risks perpetuating the very disad- The key question put before the Court was wheth- vantage and exclusion from mainstream society the er program accommodations and supports are special [human rights] Code is intended to remedy.” education or general public education? According to When one considers Government’s current “needs- the Court, they are general education. Special educa- based” model for addressing the needs of students with tion is the means by which students like Jeffrey get exceptionalities in light of the Jeffrey Moore case and meaningful access to general public education avail- the Supreme Court ruling, it seems our Provincial able to all students. Students with learning disabilities Government is not living up to its human rights obli- need to be accommodated so that they can benefit gation to provide to students the required accom- from educational services. It is not an extra service, modations they need to fully participate in the public but rather what is required for some students to ben- education system, leaving one to question how many efit equally from the education system. The Court Jeffrey Moores we have in this province? went on to indicate that the accommodations must be adequate to ensure meaningful access. Steve Brooks is Executive Director of the NLTA. the bulletin 8 march/april 2017
Are You Thinking About Retiring? Information You Need to Know U nder the Teachers’ Pension Act, a teacher is eligible for pension benefit: (a) At age 60, with between five and 24 years of Apply for pension by completing the appropriate “Teachers’ Pension” application. Complete and submit the “Direct Deposit” form to pensionable service. Pensions Division if there is a change to your current (b) At age 55 or after, with at least 25 years of “Direct Deposit” information. pensionable service. Apply for severance pay by completing the “Severance (c) After completing 30 years of worked service* (or Payment Request” form. 29.5 years by June), regardless of age. Confirm/consult with Johnson Inc. on Group Insurance (d) Reduced pension with 29 years of worked service coverage: 1-800-563-1528. (or 28.5 years by June) and at least 30 years of Consider joining the Retired Teachers’ Association by pensionable service. Pension will be reduced based on completing the application form and submitting it to the the number of months a teacher will be retired prior to NLTA. reaching age 55. Consider seeking personal financial advice regarding (*worked service refers to all pensionable service, except financial decisions related to retirement. university study buy-back that was purchased prior to 1991.) Keep your mind active and your body healthy. Enjoy life! Access to Pension Estimator Teachers also have access to a pension estimator through Changes Effective Upon Retirement the NLTA website (; click on “Programs • NLTA Membership status changes from Active and Services”, then “Salary, Benefits and Pensions”. Membership to Life or Associate Membership. Teachers can now go on-line and using their individual • Access to the services and benefits of the Employee Teacher Benefit Statement that they receive from the Assistance Program (EAP) terminates. Department of Finance, Pensions Division, input their • Basic Life Insurance coverage reduces to twice annual salary information and obtain an estimate of their expected pension from twice annual salary (provided coverage is pension at a chosen point of retirement. maintained and premiums paid); coverage terminates at age 65 and is replaced by a members only $15,000 Checklist for Retiring Teachers benefit after age 65. The following checklist is designed to assist teachers as they • Basic Critical Illness Insurance terminates. participate and plan for this upcoming life phase change. • Eligibility for EI ceases (unless a person becomes Apply to the NLTA to attend a pre-retirement seminar a “re-established worker” or is on a forced medical up to two years prior to your year of retirement; retirement). Confirm the eligible date of your retirement with the Pensions Division at the pre-retirement seminar or by contacting Pensions Division. Any questions or comments can be directed to Perry Downey, Submit your resignation to the School Board (do not Administrative Officer in Programs and Services at the NLTA at resign until eligibility has been confirmed): one month, Tel: 726-3223 or 1-800-563-3599, ext. 226. notice is required if retirement is to occur anytime prior to Christmas; three months notice (March 31st) is required if retirement is to occur after Christmas. the bulletin 9 march/april 2017
PRO GRAM S & SERVIC ES Article 22: The Three-Week Pay Period Gap by Perry Downey T eachers who have come into the profession 22.01(a): Annual salary and where possible allowances in the past six years may be surprised to shall be paid in twenty-six (26) equal installments. In learn that this coming August 2017, they will a school year in which payment in accordance with experience a three-week gap between pay periods. Clause 22.02 would yield twenty-seven (27) pay peri- Teachers who have been in the system prior to 2012 ods, the final pay period in August will be eliminated (the last time the three-week gap occurred), know and each pay period in the subsequent school year will the importance of financially preparing for that extra occur one (1) week earlier. week. The last pay period for the current 2016-17 school year will occur on Thursday, August 17, 2017. 22.02(a): Teachers shall be paid by direct deposit every The first pay period of the 2017-18 school year will second Thursday. If a holiday falls on Thursday, teach- be Thursday, September 7, 2017. ers will be paid on the last teaching day prior to that In the 1988-90 Collective Agreement teachers Thursday. If a holiday falls on Thursday during the agreed through collective bargaining to change the months of July and August, teachers will be paid on the method by which they receive their pay. Prior to the last banking day prior to that Thursday. 1980s, teachers were paid semi-monthly with payment made on the 15th and last day of each month. The new 22.02: Teachers shall be paid by direct deposit every method of calculating payment allowed teachers to be second Thursday. If a bank holiday falls on Thursday, paid bi-weekly, with the exception being those years in teachers will be paid on the last banking day prior to which there would be 27 pay periods. that Thursday. Clause 22.01(a) of both the Provincial Collective Agreement and the Labrador West Collective The two questions most often asked by teachers Agreement and Clause 22.02(a) of the Provincial when the three-week gap occurs is why does it occur Collective Agreement and Clause 22.02 of the and how often will it occur? Labrador West Collective Agreement read as follows: the bulletin 10 march/april 2017
PAID ADVERTISEMENT P R OG R A M S & SE RVICE S For people Why? Teachers have agreed, through collective bargaining, who like to have their salaries paid in 26 equal installments, as per the clauses referenced above. These 26 inter- vals of 14 days only account for 364 days, resulting in a missing day each year and two days in a leap year. These missing days eventually accumulate on the calendar, creating a year in which there would be 27 pay periods. Rather than having a teacher’s salary divided into 27 equal pay periods in those years, resulting in a net loss in bi-weekly pay of approximately 3.7 percent, it was considered better to negotiate an alternative. The alternative was that the final pay period in August would be eliminated and that each pay period for the subsequent school year would be advanced one week earlier. This APRIL has resulted in the situation where teachers actu- 25 ally begin receiving payment prior to the first day of 2017 classes in some school years. How Often? as much as In a regular 365 day year, the first pay period in September occurs one day earlier each year. This means that it would normally take seven years for the 27 pay period situation to repeat itself. However, when we consider the impact of a leap year every four years, it means that the cycle repeats itself every five or six years depending on when the leap year occurs. The next time the cycle will repeat itself will be August 2023. Over the years teachers have repeatedly expressed concerns about the inconvenience and hardship the Your class can connect three-week gap creates. A committee was established following the signing of the 2012-16 collective agree- with Canadian experts ment for the purpose of conducting a review of the to learn about genetics current method of payment for teachers and making and genomics. recommendations regarding possible ways of elimi- Pre-submit student mating the three-week gap in pay periods that occurs questions today. periodically for teachers. To date, these efforts have not resulted in changes to the current provisions. Perry Downey is an Administrative Officer in Programs #DNADayCDN and Services with the NLTA. the bulletin 11 march/april 2017
PROGRAMS & SERVIC ES So You’re a Substitute Teacher? by Ian Crewe I n 1975, a Newfoundland music group by the rules around payment for holidays and school clo- name of Heritage released an album that con- sure days, etc. Substitute teachers would be well tained the song William Lampin about a teacher in advised to make themselves familiar with the topics Harbour Grace. The song’s lyrics still ring true today addressed in Article 49 (Labrador West Article 46), in their reference to the challenges of the teaching and in the Collective Agreement in general. profession. For substitute teachers, the challenges • Phone and Email: As NLTA members, substitute are sometimes different, but are no less real. Indeed, teachers are entitled to access programs and servic- substitute teaching can be filled with uncertainties: es provided by the NLTA. You can contact the NLTA not knowing if you will have employment from one directly to have questions or concerns answered by day to the next; what sort of demands you will face an NLTA Administrative Officer (726-3223/1-800- when you are called into work; balancing substitute 563-3599); staff contact information, including teaching with other responsibilities that are impacted phone extensions and email addresses are available by the casual/call-in nature of your work; establishing on the NLTA website; and, you can submit ques- and maintaining positive relationships with teachers tions via the “Ask NLTA” function on the website and students from multiple schools, etc. These are ( just a few of the challenges that a substitute teacher • Substitute Teacher Standing Committee: The faces on a day-to-day basis. Association has a number of standing committees There are supports and information available to which focus on different issues of importance to substitute teachers from the NLTA that recognize the teachers and make recommendations to Provincial unique nature of their professional context. Executive, one of which is dedicated entirely to substitute teachers. This committee is currently Sources of Information based in Gander and has spearheaded a number of The NLTA offers a number of resources when it comes initiatives aimed at improving supports for substi- to providing information to substitute teachers: tute teachers, including the recent implementation, • InfoSheets found on the NLTA website (under over the past couple of years, of substitute teacher Publications) contain a great deal of information information sessions held in different areas of the pertinent to substitute teachers. From group insur- province. Information regarding session times/ ance to pension questions (substitutes contribute dates/location and the application process are pub- to a separate pension plan), substitute teachers can licized through various means when sessions are access information that is relevant to them. Of par- planned. ticular note to substitute teachers are the following: • The NLTA website is a wealth of - Infosheet #13: Substitute Teacher Membership information for teachers in general. For easy refer- and Benefits ence to resources of particular interest to substitute - Infosheet #14: Substitute Teachers and Group teachers, you should visit the dedicated online sec- Insurance tion at • The Provincial Collective Agreement and Labrador West Collective Agreements, also found A Quick Word on Recent Changes to the on the NLTA website, contain a number of articles Substitute Teacher Pension Plan that apply directly to substitute teachers. For exam- Since 1989, substitute teachers pay into a retire- ple, while all articles in the Agreement are important, ment savings plan known as the Government Money Article 49 (Labrador West Article 46) is focussed Purchase Pension Plan (GMPP). The amount paid in entirely on substitute teachers and addresses a num- by a substitute teacher is 5 percent of salary which ber of significant issues, such as access to paid sick is matched by government. Similar to an RRSP, the leave, rates of pay depending on the duration of a manner in which money is invested can be directed period of substitution for the same regular teacher, by the individual making the contributions. The the bulletin 12 march/april 2017
nlta-ad-bulletin.psd @ 22.7% (Logo, RGB/8) * PAID ADVERTISEMENT P R OG R A M S & SE RVICE S plan is administered by Great West Life and has a number of investment options which again, can be chosen by the individual member/teacher. When members do not specify what options they wish to invest in, they are placed in a “default” plan which in some cases, depending on an individual’s circum- stances, may not be the best option available for that particular individual. It is important that members educate themselves on the options that are avail- able to them and request any necessary changes. One of the new options recently added to the GMPP was that of Target Date Investment Funds. This is a great new option in that it is based upon where the member is in relation to their age and eligibility to retire. Information on this option was also provided to GMPP members in the December 31, 2016 GMPP plan members benefit statement, which all substitute teachers should have received by regular mail. One Final Word on Pensions The GMPP and the Teachers’ Pension Plan (TPP) are separate pension plans; however, contributions can be transferred from one to the other when a teacher’s employment status changes. When a substitute teacher enters a replacement or permanent teach- ing position, they become eligible to purchase their substitute time as pensionable service in the TPP, and their contributions in the GMPP can be transferred to the TPP to be put towards the cost of such pur- chase. There are obvious advantages to doing this, and the sooner action is taken, the lower the cost will be. This does not happen automatically and it is the responsibility of the teacher to submit an indi- vidual request to purchase substitute teaching time for pensionable service in the main TPP. Substitute teachers who enter a replacement or permanent posi- tion and wish to purchase their substitute service in the TPP should submit a request to the Pensions Division at as soon as possible upon commencing employment in a replacement or permanent teaching position. Iinformation f you are a substitute teacher and would like further about the supports and resources avail- able through your Association, please feel free to con- tact the NLTA. While all Administrative Officers are able to answer questions, the main contact person for substitute teachers is Ian Crewe, who can be reached via email at or via phone at 709- 726-3223 or toll free at 1-800-563-3599, ext. 232. Ian Crewe is an Administrative Officer in Programs and Services with the NLTA. the bulletin 13 march/april 2017
THE REDUNDANCY/REASSIGNMENT AND LAYOFF PROCESS May 7th is the deadline for teachers to be one of two means: i) through the natural attrition process, notified of layoff and all teachers should be familiar created through teacher retirements or resignations and with the process for redundancy/reassignment and layoff the school district’s decision not to fill the vacancies as outlined under Article 9: Layoff in the Provincial that have been created; or ii) through the redundancy/ Collective Agreement (Article 47 in the Labrador West reassignment/layoff process, as outlined in Article 9 Collective Agreement). (Article 47 in the Labrador West Collective Agreement). Even when the number of retirements and resignations are Article 9 outlines the process that each School Board is equal to or greater than the number of teaching units that required to follow as it prepares and finalizes its staffing are scheduled to be removed because of redundancies, plans for the 2017-18 school year. there still exists the possibility that redundancy in a school Teachers should ensure that the steps in the may occur for program reasons. Redundancies in a school redundancy process are followed in their can have implications not only for teachers in that school, circumstances. but in neighboring schools. As well, Article 9: Layoff can be found on pages 4-6 in the Any teacher who has been notified by his/her school Provincial Collective Agreement and Article 47: Layoff can administrator and/or school district personnel that their be found on pages 25-27 in the Labrador West Collective position is redundant and that they will be reassigned or Agreement. The Collective Agreements can be accessed laid off for the following school year should consult with at the designated Administrative Officer in Programs and Services responsible for their school district/region. (The During any year in which there is a reduction or a NLTA number is 726-3223 or toll free at 1-800-563-3599.) realignment of teaching units in a school, a position(s) The school district assignments for each Administrative in a school may be designated as redundant. The actual Officer are listed below. removal of a position(s) can be accommodated through NL English Eastern Region Avalon East Perry Downey ext. 226 School District: Avalon West Ian Crewe ext. 232 Central Region Nova Central Stefanie Tuff ext. 231 Burin George Tucker ext. 245 Vista George Tucker ext. 245 Western Region Miriam Sheppard ext. 230 Labrador Region Beverley Park ext. 244 Conseil Scolaire Francophone Provincial Beverley Park ext. 244 de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador School District Teacher Online Profiles: In determining a teacher’s capabilities, the school district will first rely upon the information contained in a teacher’s online profile. It is important, and recommended, that all teachers create, review and update if necessary the information in their online profile to ensure that it is complete, accurate and reflective of their teaching experience and qualifications. the bulletin 14 march/april 2017
Steps in the Redundancy Process positions or positions held by junior teachers, in the The following are the steps in the redundancy process which following order of priority: teachers should ensure are applied to their circumstances (i) within the community; (clause numbers noted are from the Provincial Collective (ii) within the nearest community, within the school Agreement but the provisions and process described are district, where such a position exists. provided for in the Labrador West Collective Agreement A teacher who is reassigned and notified in writing in and apply in the same manner within the Labrador West accordance with Clause 9.07(b), has five (5) working days bargaining unit): following their notification to notify the school district of his/her acceptance or rejection of the reassignment. Step I: Clause 9.01: Defines seniority as the total length of time Step IV: employed as a teacher in Newfoundland and Labrador, Clause 9.03(c) states that, notwithstanding Clause 9.09, and identifies May 7 in the school year as the date of any teacher who refuses reassignment in accordance with calculation of seniority for the purpose of reassignment Clause 9.03(a) in any particular year shall not be entitled and layoff for that year. to further consideration for reassignment in that year. A Each teacher must ensure that their placement on the teacher who refuses reassignment in accordance with school district’s seniority list accurately reflects their entire 9.03(c) can apply for transfer to vacant positions during teaching service in the Kindergarten to Level III public school the remainder of the school year and will be considered system in the province. Time taught outside the province with all other teachers who have applied for transfer to the or outside of the Kindergarten to Level III school system same position. If the individual is unsuccessful in obtaining cannot be credited as seniority. If there are discrepancies a transfer before the end of the school year, the teacher between a teacher’s calculation of seniority and the school will be placed in recall subject to Clause 9.10 after the district records, it is the teacher’s responsibility to notify end of the school year. (see Step V below) the school district as soon as it is discovered. NOTE: With respect to Clauses 9.02 and 9.03, in determining capability to fulfill the requirements of Step II: the job function, the school district shall consider the Clause 9.02: Where it is determined by the school district overall ability of the teacher to perform the functions that a teaching position in a school is being declared of the position in accordance with the currently modern redundant, the senior teachers shall be reassigned to the standards required for the position. As per Clause 9.05, remaining positions within the school that they are capable reassignment contemplated by Clauses 9.02 and 9.03 shall of filling. Subject to capability, the reassignment process be to a comparable position, where possible. shall be as follows: (a) tenured teachers; Step V: (b) teachers on a one-year probationary contract; Any teacher, who is declared redundant and not reassigned, (c) teachers on a two-year probationary contract; in accordance with Clauses 9.02 and/or 9.03, is deemed (d) teachers on probationary contracts in accordance to have been “laid-off” and placed on recall. Any teacher with Clause 7.05. placed on recall will be offered vacant comparable positions during the subsequent three (3) years following the layoff This effectively means that the junior teacher should be before the positions are advertised (Clauses 9.09 and 9.10). the person leaving the school unless the junior teacher is teaching something that no other senior teacher is capable of It is the teacher’s responsibility to inform the school teaching while still fulfilling the program needs of the school. district of their interest in and availability for recall in the subsequent three years after layoff. Step III: Clause 9.03(a): A teacher, who is not reassigned in If you have any questions or need further information accordance with Clause 9.02, shall have priority, based contact or 726-3223 or upon seniority, subject to capability, to vacant teaching toll free 1-800-563-3599. the bulletin 15 march/april 2017
PRO FE SSIO NAL DEVEL OPMEN T the key to sustaining meaningful changes in practice. She lives in Amherstburg, Ontario with her husband Jim and their two golden retrievers Tilley and Taylor. Developing Successful Schools 2017 DSS 2017 Program Overview Fostering Amazing things happen when a school staff shares the belief that they are able to achieve collective goals and overcome challenges to impact student achieve- Collective Efficacy ment. Ranking as the greatest factor impacting stu- dent achievement (Hattie, 2016), collective teacher efficacy deserves the attention of every educator, by George Tucker everywhere. Collective teacher efficacy refers to “the judgments of teachers in a school that the faculty as a whole can organize and execute the courses of O nce again this year, the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association will be part- nering with the New Brunswick Department of action required to have a positive effect on students” (Goddard, Hoy, & Woolfolk Hoy, 2004, p. 4). Perceptions of collective efficacy vary greatly Education and Early Childhood Development, the among schools. Some staffs believe that through their New Brunswick Teachers’ Association, the Prince collaborative efforts they can help students achieve Edward Island Teachers’ Federation, the Nova in measurable ways, while others feel that they can Scotia Teachers Union and the Nunavut Teachers’ do very little to impact student results. The adap- Association to sponsor the Developing Successful tive challenge is in shifting the latter group’s beliefs. Schools (DSS) 2017 Institute. The event will take While efficacy beliefs are not set in stone, they do place at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New require a concerted and substantial effort to change. Brunswick on July 4-7, 2017. All educators who are Although there is still much to be learned regard- members of the sponsoring organizations are eligible ing factors that contribute to collective efficacy, to attend. The Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ existing research provides guidance on leadership Association provides funding to ten of its members practices that have a high likelihood of fostering to cover the onsite expenses (i.e., accommodations, efficacy. Fostering collective teacher efficacy in order meals and registration). Expenses related to travel- to realize increased student achievement, involves ling to and from Mount Allison are the responsibility creating opportunities for meaningful collaboration, of the participant. A DSS 2017 application form may empowering teachers, establishing goals and high be completed online at or down- expectations, and helping educators interpret results loaded from the NLTA website at and providing feedback. forms/. The deadline for applying is May 1, 2017. A key to turning around schools that struggle to support student learning lies in the ability of formal DSS 2017 Resource Person and informal leaders to cultivate collective efficacy. Jenni Donohoo is currently seconded to the Exemplary leadership practices highlighted in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Branch in the research and considered highly effective in rela- Ontario Ministry of Education. In this role she works tion to developing collective teacher efficacy will be with system and school leaders in order to support explored throughout this session. high quality professional learning and improve ado- Participants attending DSS 2017 will: lescent literacy. Jenni holds a doctorate in education • Know the six enabling conditions for collective effi- from the University of Windsor, Brock University, cacy to flourish and reflect on the degree to which and Lakehead University’s Joint Educational Studies these enabling conditions are in place in their Jenni Donohoo PhD Program. Her classroom teaching experiences schools/districts; include elementary, secondary, and post-secondary • Examine ways to foster efficacy beliefs through four education. In her role, supporting system leaders research-based leadership practices; in developing professional learning communities, • Develop a theory of action for fostering collective Jenni has promoted collaborative inquiry as a viable teacher efficacy in their schools/districts. approach to system improvement for years. Jenni believes that collaboration and reflection are essential For more information contact George Tucker, Administrative elements in developing formal and informal leader- Officer, Programs and Services (NLTA) at gtucker@nlta. ship in schools and that leadership development is; 726-3223, ext. 245 or 1-800-563-3599 (toll free). the bulletin 16 march/april 2017
The Conference on New Teaching and Classroom Techniques CONTACT 2017 CONTACT 2017 APPLICATION FORM August 8 (evening) - August 11 (noon) University of P.E.I. Campus • Charlottetown, PEI Name: School/Address: Plenary Sessions, Keynotes and Your Choice of Concurrent Sessions Presented by your teacher colleagues from the four Atlantic provinces on a variety of topics to send you back to your class- Postal Code: room equipped with new ideas and enthusiasm! Tel: (s) (h) Mobile: Application Guidelines Email: Home Address: 1. FORWARD YOUR APPLICATION DIRECTLY TO THE NLTA Postal Code: by Friday, May 12, 2017. Have you attended CONTACT before? No Yes; Year 2. The Professional Issues Committee is the Selection Committee for delegates to CONTACT. Decisions will take into account Branch: the following: • Priority to teachers who have not previously attended If you are not selected in the initial process, do you wish to be CONTACT. waitlisted and contacted in the event of a cancellation? Yes No • Branch representation. (Waitlisted applicants will be considered up to June 30, 2017) 3. Teachers will be notified of acceptance as soon as possible following the selection of delegates. Date: Received: 4. a) Onsite expenses for CONTACT (registration, accommodations and meals) will be paid by the Association. A travel subsidy will be based on funds available. b) Transportation costs shall be based on the cheapest and Deadline Date: May 12, 2017 most direct mode of transportation possible. Late applications will not be considered. c) Selected delegates to CONTACT must submit a non- refundable $25.00 deposit towards their registration. Return to: Beverley Park, Senior Administrative Officer, Programs and Services CONTACT is sponsored by the teacher Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association organizations of the Atlantic Region. 3 Kenmount Road, St. John’s, NL A1B 1W1 Fax: 726-4302 or 1-877-711-6582 (toll-free) or submit online at Go to FORMS and then click on “C” for CONTACT. the bulletin 17 march/april 2017
LIVIN G WEL L Did You Know? The Autism Spectrum and Noteworthy Supports by Gail M. Carroll A utism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects many ences to other resources for any of us working with of us, in both our teaching and personal lives. individuals on the spectrum. One of the books Dr. Many of us are raising children on the spec- Atwood recommends is Kids in the Syndrome Mix of trum and/or helping family members with children ADHD, LD, and Autism Spectrum, Tourette’s, Anxiety who have ASD. The good news is that there are many and More! It is a one-stop guide for parents, teach- supports today that were not available a mere five ers and other professionals written by Martin L. years ago. This past year, I had the pleasure of broad- Kutscher, MD. Many clear, practical strategies are ening my education in ASD through my connections contained within this book! with you, as teachers. You helped push me out of my I found other resources from Kelly Mahler, an comfort zone during my quest to find answers for occupational therapist, who introduces us to a you and in doing so, I read many resources and met concept in her book titled Interoception: The Eighth spectacular people doing incredible, pioneering work Sensory System. In this book, she demonstrates prac- in the field of ASD. tical ways to improve self-regulation, self-awareness One of the most interesting things I learned this and social understanding in individuals with ASD past year is how easily ASD can be overlooked in and related disorders. The book is well illustrated some populations (i.e., young girls on the spectrum). with easy-to-follow charts and diagrams and is a Did you know that ASD in girls in particular can great handbook for help with teaching these skills at manifest differently than it does in boys? Most of the any age. Her second book is Sensory Issues and High literature is focused on boys on the spectrum; how- Functioning Autism Spectrum and Related Disorders, ever, Tania Marshall, a psychologist from Australia, co-authored with Brenda Smith-Myles and Lisa A. has written two ground-breaking books: I Am an Robbins. The handbook is another teacher resource Aspien Girl and I Am an Aspien Woman. These books that helps those on the spectrum find practical solu- clearly depict differences between girls and boys with tions to everyday problems. It shows what may be ASD and describe how girls are often overlooked. occurring when certain things are observed, and pro- Some are not being diagnosed until they are adults! vides tips to help resolve any issues. Tania has an interesting blog and her experiences In addition to these resources, I had the pleasure working with kids and adults on the spectrum pro- of using Autism Society, Newfoundland Labrador’s vide insightful tips and resources about ASD and (ASNL) Elaine Dobbin Centre for Autism. The ADHD. Another resource I found helpful is a book Centre is another resource for anyone seeking infor- titled Aspergirls: Empowering Females with Asperger mation about ASD – parents, students, teachers, Syndrome by Rudy Simone. It is a great handbook other professionals. The trained staff is knowledge- with tips for parents and teachers on managing able and eager to help. I enjoyed using the Barbara everything from behaviours to relationships. J. Hopkins Library and learning about its wide array An additional resource I found helpful for parents of resources. Did you know that Autism Society with newly-diagnosed children on the spectrum NL, headquartered in St. John’s, also has offices in (boys and girls) is Dr. Tony Atwood’s book, The Clarenville, Grand Falls-Windsor and Corner Brook? Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome. It discusses During my visit to the Elaine Dobbin Centre, I ASD fully, with information about High Functioning met with Kendra Lane, Manager of Programs and Autism and the new DSM V criteria. There are refer- Services with the Autism Society and a regular con- the bulletin 18 march/april 2017
PAID ADVERTISEMENT L I V I NG WE LL tributor to The Bulletin. I referred several people Kendra’s way because of her wealth of knowledge. She has been very helpful to both parents and teachers. The following information was provided by Kendra about services and resources available through ASNL. T he Autism Society offers a variety of services for families, professionals, and individuals on the spec- trum. Resources at the Barbara J. Hopkins Library are also available across the province through our web- site. In addition to children’s books, the library offers educational games, curriculum resources, teaching tools, and sensory items suitable for use by families or professionals. ASNL’s outreach staff can visit class- rooms and community groups throughout the prov- ince to deliver interactive peer awareness sessions that create empathy and understanding, bringing a better understanding of peers with different needs and abilities. ASNL is launching a new website and resource kit in Spring 2017 which will put updated information and navigational supports at the finger- tips of those impacted by ASD. “Autism in the Classroom” is a regular feature in The Bulletin and highlights different ways to support children, youth, and adults with ASD. Varied topics include: social skills enhancement; learning styles; resources; transition plans; and viewing challenging behaviour through an autism lens. Archived articles are available through ASNL’s website. Each article aims to provide practical tools that can be applied in the home, school, or community. We encourage oth- ers to reach out, make topic suggestions for upcom- ing articles, and provide feedback. In this issue of The Bulletin, the article provides an overview of how ASNL’s advocacy efforts focus on improving class- room experiences for teachers and their students on the spectrum. For more information, please visit ASNL’s website at Gail Carroll is a Coordinator with the Employee Assistance Program for Teachers. For confidential assistance contact Gail (ext. 242), or Judy Beranger (ext. 265), the bulletin 19 march/april 2017
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