Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!

Page created by Adrian Nguyen
Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!
Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!
                 Written by James MacRae, Innovations Project Manager
      Happy March, Masonic Homes Friends! This month in the Masonic Innovations
department, I would like to highlight two devices that we are currently using at the
      The first is a “lifelike” robotic dog or cat made by a company called “JOY FOR
ALL” Companion Pets. They are designed to bring comfort, companionship, and fun to
our loved ones. The interactive cats and pups are all about an ease-of-care and
convenience that pairs with technology for the best possible experience.

       They offer several
versions of dogs and cats
that respond to touch and
sound. While some people
might scoff at the idea of a
robotic companion these
have several benefits to
offer. As with a real animal,
they don’t need to be fed,
walked, or cleaned up after.

                                MARCH 2022                              Continues on page 2
Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!
Innovations...                     Continued from page 1
                                                                       You can interact
                                                                with it on your time
                                                                when you want.
                                                                Petting the robotic
                                                                animal will get a
                                                                response from it and it
                                                                will interact with you
                                                                bringing you
                                                                happiness and fighting
                                                                the effects of
                                                                       If you would
                                                                like to see one, please
                                                                contact Jessie Sierra at
                                                                ext. 6421.
       Have you ever wanted to visit the Pyramids of
Giza, take a tour of Paris, walk around Tokyo? Virtual
Trips to destinations all over the world are at your
fingertips! We are using Virtual Reality headsets to
transport you to a 360-degree environment to take tours
of faraway destinations. With these special headsets it
will be like you are there in person. Just try it out if you
don’t believe me. To take a tour contact Luz Garcia at ext.
       Don't forget to utilize your virtual assistant! If you
need Maintenance, Care Team, or need to call the front
desk just say “Alexa, tell the team…”
                    We Care Team Strikes Again!
     Written by Kim Hegg, Sr. Director of Events, Recreation & Volunteer Services
                                                            On Friday, February 18,
                                                     2022, the We Care Team put
                                                     their Barista caps on and
                                                     provided Iced Coffee for our
                                                     INCREDIBLE team members!
                                                            Many thanks to David
                                                     Bible, Luz Garcia, Vanessa
                                                     Martinez, Jessie Sierra, and
                                                     Jenn MacRae for making this a
                                                     special day for our team

Messenger—March 2022—Page 2
Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!
The Chaplain’s Corner—Remembering
                                          by Chaplain Joel Ingram
                                           March is Here!
                             March. It’s March. O my how time does fly! Usually,
                      March is a wonderful time to get out in nature with our hills still
                      sporting a little green and nature doing its best to supply the
                      world with new blossoms and little bunny rabbits. So, I hope you
will make the effort to venture outdoors and enjoy all that our beautiful Bay Area has
to offer even just up here on our hills and paths! That said, this month I just wanted to
give a little “plug” for our Meditation Chapel located by my office on the 3rd floor of
the Sedam building as well.
                                          I know many of us have been sequestered away
                                   in our apartments these past few years. From our
                                   sofas and easy chairs, it might seem there’s still not a
                                   great deal one can do “out there”. But there are
                                   certainly places to go and things to do on our campus
                                   and I hope you feel you can start making the various
                                   areas of our Home yours for the using. For example, I
                                   ran into one of the resident managers for our “New 2
                                   You” shop. She was busy finishing up a load of
                                   laundry so that new/clean clothes will be ready for the
                                   taking—Thanks Tricia Dahle and Dolores Walden
                                   too! Also, we have music in the Parlor each week
                                   (thanks to our talented resident musicians). Yes, there
                                   are things to do for sure. But, back to our Meditation
       I’d like to remind you that our lovely Meditation
Chapel on 3rd Sedam has always been here and ready for
your use. If you’re not aware, this Chapel is a small and
quiet space where staff and residents may come to
meditate, pray, gather their thoughts, and reflect. I’ve not
wanted to have music (even quiet music) playing as it
may not suit everyone’s purpose for coming. But recently
I did set up a series of video screen savers to continuously
play without a soundtrack. I am hopeful this will be a nice
addition to the space. Let me know if you like it.
       In the past, our weekly Bible Study group also met
in this space. We usually hold our monthly Pastoral Care
Input Committee in this space as well. At present we are
not conducting either of these two gatherings, but in the
future (near future I hope) we will begin these here as
       So, circling back around. It’s March. Enjoy the
great outdoors… and don’t forget we have a nice
Continues on page 4                                    Messenger—March 2022—Page 3
Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!
The Chaplain’s...                Continued from page 3
Meditation Chapel for your use… enjoy the great indoors as well. Wishing you all
the best in the month ahead. Until next month, Chaplain Joel
    Sunshine Feels so Good—Written by Lorber Recreation Team
      It’s good to give yourself time to disconnect from your thoughts, media,
technology and take some time to reconnect with nature. Every day we are
surrounded by things that constantly grab our attention: technology such as
phones, tablet, TV, work, media, people and much more. Sometimes we get
caught up in our everyday lives that we forget to pause and take a moment to
check in on our physical and emotional well-being.
      When was the last time you have been outside? Or stopped to smell the
roses? The pandemic has impacted most of us to being confined indoors and we
have had little time to connect with nature. The lovely weather we have been
having has given us the chance to get outside and enjoy the amazing sunshine.

      It is not often we get to go outside here in Lorber but with the
great weather we are looking forward to more opportunities. We hope
you do too.
Messenger—March 2022—Page 4
Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!
Happy Wanderers Didn’t Do It—Written by Bruce & Evelyn Rick
                                        We had been staying in on this particularly
                                 windy evening at Masonic Homes at Union City
                                 and were just walking the halls when we were
                                 asked if we had seen the downed tree that hit the
                                 side of the Siminoff Center building. No, we
                                 hadn’t, but we said we would check it out when the
                                 wind died down.
                                        It was the next day when we arrived at the
                                 scene of the accident. At the Northeast corner of
                                 Siminoff Center we could see where a large
                                 Eucalyptus tree had (accidentally or deliberately)
                                 fallen across the drive to the Lorber parking lot and
                                 hit the building. The downed tree had been cut up
                                 and removed, but the evidence was obvious.
       The building showed signs of a crash and
scraping, but we were assured by a maintenance
person that the roof was intact and there were no
signs of internal damage. Also mentioned was the
need to remove all of the Eucalyptus trees at some
point. Each of these have reached the end of their
useful life and need to be replaced. This is on their
to-do list and doing the removal and replacement
with other trees over the next couple of years. Oh,
and you know we have an Arborist we already use.
       We walked to the culprit tree, now a freshly
cut stump, and figured it was about two and one-
half feet across and over seventy feet high. With
Eucalyptus, you can’t simply count rings to
determine the tree’s age, because you will not see
rings, but by using the diameter. So roughly, this tree was over sixty years old.
Now here is the question for you: By just looking at the damaged roof of the
Siminoff Center, what would you think caused that hit on the roof?
No, not us. The Happy Wanderers didn’t do it!!!


                                                     Messenger—March 2022—Page 5
Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!
Spotlight on the
                Masonic Homes Way-By Joel Ingram
                     Special Thanks to the Long Haulers!
      The term “Long Haulers” usually refers to 18-wheel truck drivers who carry all
manner of goods from point A to B. More recently, the term has (sadly) been used for
those whose Covid symptoms continue far beyond their initial illness. I’m using the
term this month for neither, however. Instead, I’m referring to our Masonic Homes
Way Employees who have worked very long shifts to make sure services to residents
remain consistent and excellent.

      Used to be (when I was younger and had less gray on my head) I had a fair
amount of energy at the end of an 8-hour workday. Nowadays, from about 7:00 pm on,
my idea of a workout is to leave the sofa and get the remote! Okay, that’s a bit of an
exaggeration, but one thing for sure at the end of my day, I’d not be excited about
Messenger—March 2022—Page 6                                         Continues on page 7
Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!
Spotlight...               Continued from page 6
working another 4 or 6 hours. And yet, some of our staff have been doing just that
for our residents.
       I’ve been informed that a good many of our nursing staff (in both RCFE and
SNF) have worked “long haul” days because some of their colleagues were out due
to illness or some other need. Similarly, our housekeeping staff has worked 12 or 14
hour shifts as needs arose in their departments. A special thanks is due to those who
have worked so hard through these difficult times. So, when you see them, give
them a heartfelt word of thanks. I’m sure it will mean a lot to each one.

      Finally, I’d like to give a MHW shout out to three staff members who gave a
helping hand to Morrison Living to serve breakfast to our residents—David Bible,
Ricardo Sanchez and Nikho Aquino (Queen’s brother—from our transportation
department). We greatly appreciated everyone’s extra effort and show appreciation to
those who’ve been working so diligently all these months.
      Until next month, be well. Let’s all do what we can to bring the 4 Pillars of the
Masonic Homes Way to our campus.
                           Written by Chris Gershtein, Sr. Director
                           Clinical Quality Management
       Since the last update there have been no Blue Box Cards submitted as of
February 20, 2022. I know that with Covid-19 and the colder weather people are
spending more time in their apartments which may account for this decrease. I hope
that everyone is at least able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine whenever we have
       Please do know that this communication method is and will always remain
available to you! Thank you very much in advance for continuing to use this
communication tool, especially for any safety related issues. Please keep the cards
                                                     Messenger—March 2022—Page 7
Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!
A Future Filled with Hope
                  Written by Joseph Pritchard, Chief Clinical Officer
       COVID-19 continues to headline many of the discussions throughout our
community. But unlike a month ago, staff and residents alike are speaking about the
many ways the Masonic Homes can resume some of the services that have been
prohibited. Though we are not there yet, these discussions, filled with hope, offer an
upbeat look to our future.
       The rates of positive cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to fall both in
California and Alameda County. The strict regulations and the high percentage of
vaccinations (including boosters) has averted the worst of the omicron wave. Already
state officials have discontinued the mask mandate and other infection control
       These changes are not yet relevant to the Masonic Homes campus. Due to the
added risk associated with congregate living, we are among a highly protected class.
This requires a more cautious approach to COVID-19 mitigation. For now, indoor
mask mandates are still in effect, and we are still required to screen visitors, test staff
and residents, and track data on vaccination status.

       Yet even with those measures in place, the
Masonic Homes team is constantly working with the
State and County health officials to determine when and
how we can restart some of the amenities within our
community. This includes medium and large sized
gatherings, mixed (staff/visitor/resident) events, different
dining experiences, and less strict policies on mask
wearing and physical distancing. These gatherings, both
large and small, are essential for our community.
       Our community (staff and resident) has done its
best throughout the pandemic. The Recreation team
created hallway and virtual bingo, digital exercise classes
and other content, and other new ways to entertain. They
Messenger—March 2022—Page 8                                              Continues on page 9
Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!
A Future...                Continued from page 8
have also spent many hours doing one-on-one
sessions with residents who were struggling with
pandemic isolation. The dietary team has
explored many ways to deliver food, cater
different events, and serve a variety of different
foods. Everyone has chipped in to create the best
possible environment in our Home.
       The bulk of reopening has yet to be
accomplished, but we are well on our way. On
March 7th, most of the remote staff will be
asked to come back on to campus. For the
remote team, this is a welcome change. I am
looking forward to being in the office, walking
with residents, and enjoying the beauty of our

                                    We are not out of the
                             COVID woods yet, but we are
                             coming to the end of this part
                             of the journey. COVID will
                             continue to be part of our lives
                             for months or years to come.
                             Discussions about how
                             COVID will affect our future
                             permeates the news cycle. The
                             key point, I feel, is that we are
                             preparing for our future, and it
                             will be filled with love, hope,
                             and peace.
                                                     Messenger—March 2022—Page 9
Innovations at Masonic Homes Union City!
Communications Department Update
                                                                    My name is Shiela
                                                             Tulabing and I am one of
                                                             the new faces that you see
                                                             at the Communication
                                                             Department. I am married
                                                             and blessed with a daughter
                                                             and 2 adorable dogs. My
                                                             hobbies include cooking,
                                                             baking, watching TV
                                                             dramas, playing games of
                                                             any kind and spending time
                                                             with my family. I am a
                                                             friendly, cheerful, and
                                                             polite person.
                                                                    This is the first time
                                                             that I’ve worked in this
                                                             type of place and I’m
                                                             loving it. Great people to
                                                             work with and the residents
                                                             are so nice too. I’m looking
                                                             forward to working here for
                                                             a long time. See you at the
                                                             front desk!

       My name is Summer Dy-Maningo and I am a Filipina half Chinese. I'm a mom to
2 sweet girls, 5 year-old Francine Amber and 14 year-old Francesca Ruby. I’m a very
spontaneous person and so fond of outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, going to
the beach and taking a lot of road trips. I’m currently into baking for our sweet tooth .
I also love Karaoke. We have the most hyper finch named Sparkles! I’m glad to be part
of the front desk team.
  Messenger—March 2022—Page 10
Dick & Barbara Sullivan           Ted & Letha Tatro       Cecil & Colette Mahurin
31st Wedding Anniversary       29th Wedding Anniversary   27th Wedding Anniversary

   Craig & Linda Peck           Earl & Sheri Purington      Bob & Ginger Huber
21st Wedding Anniversary      15th Wedding Anniversary    3rd Wedding Anniversary

    Orrin & Jeanne Benedict
    3rd Wedding Anniversary
                                                 Messenger—March 2022—Page 11
Employee of the Quarter!—Written by Mike McComas
       Since the start of 2021, every quarter, the Facility & Environmental
Services team vote for one of their fellow coworkers who they feel has done an
outstanding job and deserves to be recognized as the ‘Facility Services Employee
of the Quarter’.
       As we all know, 2021 was not an easy year for anyone and our team has
been at the front lines of the Covid pandemic since the very beginning. We will
continue to do so for the safety and comfort of our residents.

       To acknowledge the devotion and commitment of the entire team, for the
final quarter of 2021, the Facility Services Department Heads have decided that
all their staff should be awarded with the title ‘Employee of the Quarter’.
       This is our sincerest “Thank You” to these fine folks who have been here
for us all, even when the whole world turned upside down.

      “I Wish You Enough”—Submitted by Resident Betty Ashfield
 I wish you enough sun to lighten up your days.
 I wish you enough rain that you appreciate the
 I wish you enough joy to strengthen your soul,
 I wish you enough rain that you can appreciate
  life’s small moments of happiness,
 And I wish you enough friends that you can
  manage a farewell now and then.

Messenger—March 2022—Page 12
You must be Bluffing—Submitted by Resident Zelma Campbell
                               Jill looked up in amusement as her husband finally
                        wandered into the kitchen at 11:30 in the morning. Since
                        they’d both retired, he hadn’t exactly been keeping what
                        she’d call “office hours”.
                        “You must have been on quite a streak last night at the
                        casino to get home so late! Were you winning or losing?”
                        “I wasn’t out that late!” protested her husband.
                        “Losing then?” said Jill.
                        “No, really I wasn’t out that late. You were just sleeping
                        very, very soundly by the time I got in.”
                        “Well,” Jill replied, “Then I guess I’ll have to tell the paper
boy to stop delivering the paper under the front wheel of your car!”


           Just for Laughs—Submitted by Resident Jody Taylor
 I Had an inauspicious start as a dog groomer when one of my first clients bit
   me. Noticing my pain, my boss voiced her concern. “Whatever you do,” she
   said” don’t bleed on the white dogs.”

 I was talking to my doctor about a weight-loss patch I had seen advertised.
   Supposedly you stick it on, and the pounds melt away. “Does it work?” I
   asked. “Sure,” he said “If you put it over your mouth.”

 A man staggered up to the pharmacy counter. “Would you give me something
   for my head?” the man asked. “Why?” the pharmacist said, looking up. “What
   would I do with it?”

 On the first day of her vacation, my coworker fell and broke her leg. As the
   doctor examined her, she moaned, “Why couldn’t this have happened on my
   last day of skiing?” He looked up “This is your last day of skiing.”

 I live for baseball, but I had to go to work during an important game, so I
   asked my wife to tape it for me. After I left the office, I flew through our front
   door, bursting with anticipation. “Don’t tell me the score!” I yelled to her.” I
   don’t know the score,” she assured me. “All I know is that your team lost.”

 One year my father was in and out of the hospital. Each time, his tireless
   neighbors stepped in - mowing the lawn, shoveling the driveway, taking Mom
   to the hospital, picking up prescriptions. My mother said “I’d like to thank the
   neighbors for all they did. What would be something they’d appreciate?” Dad
   suggested “Tell them we’re moving.”
                                                     Messenger—March 2022—Page 13
Jim Church (100 yrs.)

         Resident Birthdays
Mildred Housholder             3/1
Tay Mc Arthur                  3/4
Barry Brown                    3/6
Mike Sanders                   3/9                  Patricia Smith
                                            Sponsoring Lodge: S.W. Hackett
Richard Fiechtner              3/11                    No. 574
                                                   City: San Diego
Suzie Hems                     3/15          Moved in: February 28, 2022
Nadine Wood                    3/17
Merv Purdy
Jim Church (100 yrs.)          3/19
Shirley Brown                  3/20
Rudy Galindo
Barbara Thomas                 3/21
Gus Anastole                   3/25
Doug Jackson                   3/26           Resident Anniversaries
Lila Collis                    3/29
                                             Residents          Ann. Date    Years
Joan Bryan                     3/30
Dulcie Tullis                         Larry & Dorthy Hollomon     3/21        51
Messenger—March 2022—Page 14
In Memoriam

                                               Lolita Galindo
                                             October 28, 1943—
                                              January 29, 2022
       John Hendry                        Sponsoring Lodge: Suisun
January 14, 1926—January                             #55
         25, 2022
 Mason of Wisdom #202

                                                  Betty Beasley
                                                   January 23,
                                                    11, 2022
                                                Sponsoring Lodge:
                                                  Oroville #103

           Liz Hart
   April 14, 1945—January
           29, 2022
    Sponsoring Lodge: La
     Parfaite Union #17

          Kay Clendenning
 July 16, 1939—February 27, 2022
   Sponsoring Lodge: Texas #46      Messenger—March 2022—Page 15
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                                                         Table of Contents — March 2022
The Messenger is published monthly as a            Innovations………………………..……....…....1
vehicle of communication and entertainment for     Innovations cont/We Care ….…………..….......2
the residents and staff of the Masonic Homes at    Chaplain’s Corner….…..………..…...…...……3
Union City with a focus on sharing information     Chaplain’s cont/Sunshine…………..…………..4
about residents, Home activities, and items of     Happy Wanderers/Quotable…………….……...5
interest to the Masonic Family.                   Spotlight………….…………..……………........6
                                                  Spotlight cont/Blue Box…………………….. …7
Proofreaders:                                      A Future……………….…….………...……..…8
Residents: Barbara Dippel, Marty Trudell, Bob      A Future cont……………….…………..………9
McCain, Richard & Marla Cummings                  Communications Department…..…..…….……10
Staff: Shiela Tulabing                            Celebrations…………………....………...….....11
                                                  Employee of the Quarter/I Wish…..….…….....12
Distribution: Front Desk Staff                    Laughter/For Laughs………………......………13
                                                  New Resident, Birthdays & Anniversary...……14
Photography: Bruce & Evelyn Rick, Ola
                                                  In Memoriam…………………………..….…...15
Afolabi, Recreation, Friends & the Internet       You’re Lookin’ At It…………………….…….16
Editor: Ola Afolabi, UC Communications
                                                   Mission: “Together we create meaningful life
Messenger Online: Find us on Facebook:             experiences that make a profound difference.” Homes of CA or at           The Pillars: Safety, Personal Connection,
city-campus/Resident Newsletter (Color                       Experience & Efficiency
Print)                                                         Messenger—March 2022—Page 16
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