Information pack - PRACTICAL - FirstCar

Page created by Virgil Salazar
Information pack - PRACTICAL - FirstCar
                                      N E W LY
                                    QUA L IF IE D
                                     DR IV E R S


              Information pack
                       2020   @firstcaruk
Information pack - PRACTICAL - FirstCar
                                                                                   TA RG E T ING
PRACTICAL                                                                            N E W LY
                                                                                   QUA L IF IE D
                                                                                    DR IV E R S

   FIRSTCAR MEDIA                                     MAGAZINE
   Firstcar Limited has been a trusted partner        FirstCar Practical readers are at a key
   for road safety professionals for well over a      moment in their driving careers. The
   decade and has grown rapidly in its scope          magazine is produced in partnership with
   while remaining true to its origins. FirstCar      the DVSA and is handed to all candidates
   help road safety practitioners deliver engaging    by the driving examiner at the end of their
   and effective interventions for a variety          practical driving test. The 52-page A5
   of audiences publishing over 2.5 million           magazine is packed full of advice, covering
   magazines annually, giving an unrivalled           everything from telematics insurance to
   market reach. Young drivers are the core           choosing a first car to the importance of
   market but driving instructors, young              keeping a car roadworthy.
   motorcyclists, older drivers and cyclists are         Road safety messages are woven
   also catered for.                                  throughout and issues like speeding, mobile
      FirstCar has expanded into digital              phone use, seatbelt and drink and drugs
   publishing, video, virtual reality, events,        are addressed directly via the dedicated
   e-learning and campaign creation and               four-page centrefold section. By tackling
   management for road safety professionals.          these subjects head-on the magazine
                                                      prepares young drivers for the challenges
   The Honest Truth is now part of FirstCar, a        of independent driving.
   national road safety campaign delivered
   through collaboration with the emergency           The content includes:
   services, road safety organisations and driving    ✔ Passing the test and post-test
   instructors across the UK.                            training
                                                      ✔ Finding affordable car insurance
                                                      ✔ Staying safe on the road
   TARGET MARKET                                      ✔ Choosing a safe, affordable and
   FirstCar Practical is aimed at every learner          reliable first car
   driver who undertakes their practical              ✔ In-car technology
   driving test.                                      ✔ Car maintenance
                                                      ✔ Competitions and exclusive offers

   DISTRIBUTION                                       After reading the magazine*:
   Published quarterly, 825,000 copies of FirstCar    77%	have learnt something new from
   Practical are printed each year and distributed         FirstCar Practical
   in bulk via the 330+ driving test centres          88% believe they are now a safer driver
   nationwide. As part of the formal driving test     90%	will now adapt their driving behaviour
   process, the driving examiner personally                to be safer
   hands a copy of the magazine to the candidate      86% feel a more confident driver
   on completing their driving test – pass or fail.   95%	feel they have received valuable
                                                      85% will share this information with others
                                                      *Source FirstCar reader survey March 2019. Sample size 1041

                          Find out more at
Information pack - PRACTICAL - FirstCar
                                                                                TA RG E T ING
PRACTICAL                                                                         N E W LY
                                                                                QUA L IF IE D
                                                                                 DR IV E R S

   Customisation can make the magazine                  four-page section of the magazine, we can help
   even more relevant, reinforcing your safety          young drivers engage with your message(s).
   interventions. Whether it's something as                We know how many magazines are distributed
   straightforward as including a logo on the           in each test centre within your catchment area,
   cover and/or allowing us to design and write         so can reach every newly qualified driver
   bespoke editorial to your brief which would          with a highly-targeted campaign.
   replace the standard road safety centrefold          Prices on request.

     Cambridgeshire County Council                         London Borough of Wandsworth
     Essex Safer Roads Partnership                         Ocado
     London Borough of Brent                             	Police & Crime Commissioner
                                                           for Warwickshire
     London Borough of Croydon
                                                           Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
     London Borough of Hackney                             Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
    	London Borough of                                    Safer Roads Manchester
      Richmond Upon Thames                                 Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership

                    Please contact us for more information and prices for customisation
                                     JAMES EVANS       RUSSELL WHITEHOUSE
                                ■ T: 07800 822818      ■ T: 07716 154584
                         ■ E:     ■ E:

                         Find out more at
Information pack - PRACTICAL - FirstCar
                 FirstCar Theory                  FirstCar Practical
                 Handed to all learners via       Handed out to all candidates
                 test centres on receipt of       competing their driving test
                 their theory test results.       by the driving examiner.
                 1 million copies printed         825,000 copies published
                 annually and published           annually, printed quarterly.
                 quarterly. Published under       Published under exclusive
                 exclusive license from           license from the DVSA.
                 the DVSA.

                 The Young Driver’s Guide         Intelligent Instructor
                 116-pages of essential           The leading, independent,
                 information for the young        driving instructor brand.
                 driver. Published in             18,000 magazines distributed
                 March and re-printed in          monthly, with 4,000+ email
                 September, 150,000 copies        database and a growing
                 bought and distributed by        digital presence. Target
                 road safety professionals.       instructors or the learners
                                                  they heavily influence.

                 FirstBike                        DriveOn
                 Targeting 16-24 year-old         Targeting the older driver,
                 new bikers. 75,000 copies        65yrs+. Published in March
                 bought and distributed by        and re-printed in September.
                 road safety professionals        50,000 copies bought and
                 annually, published in March     distributed by road safety
                 and re-printed in September.     professionals.

                 Young Driver Focus               The Honest Truth
                 An annual, one-day road          A national road safety
                 safety conference specifically   campaign delivered
                 addressing young driver          through collaboration with
                 issues. A wide range of expert   the emergency services,
                 speakers addressing 150+         road safety organisations
                 road safety professionals.       and driving instructors
                                                  across the UK.

                 FirstCar Academy       
                 A free to use e-learning is the online
                 platform designed for            hub for new drivers with 20k+
                 pre-learner, learner and         unique users per month.
                 newly qualified drivers.         E-shot the 140,000 new driver
                 14 road safety videos to help    database and/or the 4,000
                 make new drivers smarter.        new sign-ups each month.                @firstcaruk            
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