Information & Guidelines for Placement Supervisors - University of ...

Page created by Yvonne Dominguez
Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Information & Guidelines
for Placement Supervisors

For supervisors of Clinical Psychologists in training from the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
at the University of Bath

(Updated August 2021)

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021


3      Introduction
4      Role of the Supervisor
6      Assessment
6      University assignment
7      Role of the University
8      Work/Placement essentials
11     Contact details
13     Summary of placement requirements
15     Appendices

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

                                                      and experienced members of another core
Introduction                                          prof ession. Psychologists providing
                                                      supervision to trainees must be registered with
                                                      the Health and Care Prof essions Council.
Thank you f or working in collaboration with the      Members of other prof essions who are
University of Bath in providing a Doctorate in        providing supervision to trainees should be
Clinical Psychology Trainee with a clinical           registered with an appropriate prof essional or
practice placement. This is an essential and          statutory body governed by a code of ethics
extremely important experience f or them. We          with accreditation processes and established
very much hope that this will be a successf ul        disciplinary procedures. The clinical tutor can
experience f or all. Please do not hesitate to        take an oversight role in these instances.
contact the programme team at any stage
should you require inf ormation or assistance.        Clinical Psychologists in training at the
                                                      University of Bath are employees of Somerset
This handbook provides a brief overview of the        Foundation NHS Trust and are subject to the
expectations of a practice placement, the role        same protections and regulations as other
of the clinical supervisor and some of the            health prof essions with this employment
relevant documentation. Additional inf ormation       status.
is available on the programme website
(, in       The award of Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
the Key Placement Documents which                     f rom the University of Bath is dependent on
accompany this handbook and as part of the            successf ul completion of all evaluated and
online supervisor resources (see Appendix 5).         examined components of the programme
                                                      including case studies, clinical placements,
The Doctorate in Clinical Psychology is a             research project, literature review and service-
three-year programme during which trainees            related research project. Only 2 attempts are
must spend a minimum of 50% of their time in          permitted f or assessments, with the specific
supervised clinical practice. Trainees typically      exception of the two main research proposals,
complete six, 6-month practice placements             where a third submission is allowed. Failing any
which cover the main areas of clinical                written component (af ter a second attempt) or
specialism and equip them to work with people         of any two (based on 6-month placements)
across the lif espan. During the f irst 2 years of    clinical placements will result in a f ailure of the
clinical training these comprise experience of        entire programme.
working with:
                                                      Our aim as a programme team is to work with
    •    Working Age Adults                           trainees and placement supervisors to help our
    •    Older Adults and Later Lif e                 graduates become Clinical Psychologists who
    •    Intellectual Disability                      not only achieve the competencies and skills
    •    Child and Adolescent Mental Health           required by their prof essional status, but who
                                                      also make an active and thoughtf ul
In the f inal year of training, trainees ordinarily   contribution to the health service workf orce
complete a placement in a Clinical Health             and are well placed to continue with their
setting and an elective placement which may           prof essional development once qualif ied.
be in an area of special interest or to
supplement the core placements.

During each placement, the trainees are
placed with a primary supervisor who is
responsible f or developing and implementing
the placement contract. The primary
supervisor should be a Clinical Psychologist
who is at least two years post-qualification,
registered with the Health Care Professions
Council and who has attended the relevant
supervisory training/workshops run by the
DClin Course at Bath.

Placement supervisors can be other
appropriately qualif ied and experienced
chartered psychologists or suitably qualif ied

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Role of the Supervisor
                                                    Observation and Skills Teaching

                                                    Placements of f er an unparalleled opportunity
Induction and Arrival at the Placement              to learn and practice clinical skills. The
                                                    availability of observational experiences on
•   It is important that the trainee has an         placement, both of observing and being
    induction to each new practice placement        observed with f eedback, should be maximised.
                                                    Observations can be conducted ‘live’ in
    and clinical service(s) in which they will be
                                                    session or via recorded (pref erably video
    based. A checklist of issues to be
                                                    recorded) sessions.
    discussed during induction is provided
    (see appendix 1: Induction checklist)           In terms of minimum requirements these are
    although this may not be exhaustive.            as f ollows:

•   Trainees will need guidance about               •     Trainees will be asked to complete two
    background reading that will be of use in             structured    observations        of   their
    their placement work and any available                supervisor to help them in noticing and
    lectures or seminars they may attend.                 documenting specif ic clinical skills.

•   At the start of each placement, the trainee         • Supervisors are asked to complete two
    and supervisor should develop the written             informal observations of trainees early
    contract detailing experiences to be                  in their placements. These observations
    gained and the general aims of the                    can be a usef ul and structured way to
    placement (see appendix 2: guidelines f or            orient the trainee to the service and way of
    the preparation of placement contracts).              working and gain supportive f ormative
                                                          f eedback in a less pressured f ormat.
•   The placement contract should also
    f ormalise the supervisory relationship         •     Supervisors will also complete two
    according to the minimum standards f or               structured observations of trainees. We
    clinical supervision (see appendix 3).                strongly recommend these observations
                                                          are completed using a ‘Direct Assessment
•   A set of online mandatory training                    of Clinical Competence’ (DACC), ideally
    activities are completed at the start of the          via a standardised tool such as the
                                                          Cognitive Therapy Scale-Revised (CTS-R)
    DClin training programme. These include
                                                          or its variants or equivalent. There is a
    Inf ormation Governance, Equality &
                                                          schedule of competency assessments to
    Diversity, Major Incidents, Fire,
                                                          include developmental assessment of CBT
    Saf eguarding Children, Saf eguarding
                                                          competence across training as well as
    Vulnerable Adults, Counter Fraud, Conf lict           assessment of systemic and psychometric
    Resolution, Waste Management, Risk and                competencies. If it is not possible to
    Moving & Handling. Supervisors should                 complete a DACC a structured
    ensure trainees have completed child                  observation f orm can be used. (see index
    protection Levels 1 and 2 as appropriate              of tools available provided in key
    f or their Trust (e.g. via e-learning).               placement documentation).
    Additional training specif ic to and required
    f or your particular clinical area should be
                                                    Covid-19 circumstances can make this
    planned as part of the placement activity
                                                    element of placements more dif f icult. At
    (e.g. child protection Level 3).                minimum, we require trainees to have been
                                                    observed at least once in clinical practice by
•   Please can all supervisors and trainees be      their supervisor and pref erably have a DACC
    aware that trainees are not permitted to        (as described above) completed on this
    provide car lif ts to service users.            session.

•   Practice placements are supported by
    service level agreements between the
    University and the providing organisatio n.

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

                                                   BABCP supervision is supplementary to the
Supporting Accreditation                           primary clinical supervision received on
                                                   placement. The clinical placement supervisor
The programme has Level 2 Accreditation with       retains supervisory and clinical responsibility.
the British Association of Behavioural and         In the event of any dif f erences in direction, the
Cognitive Psychotherapy (BABCP) and                placement supervisor’s views take
Foundation Accreditation with the Association      precedence.
of Family Therapy (AFT). Trainees are thus
required to evidence several Cognitive             Please contact Rachel Paskell, BABCP Lead
Behavioural Therapy (CBT) competencies and f or any BABCP related
receive ‘close supervision’ over the course of     queries. BABCP accreditation is evolving in
training. Your trainee should make you aware       DClin courses across the country, and as it
of these training needs and seek opportunities     continues to develop, we are happy to of fer
on placement to meet these.                        inf ormation and support to supervisors
                                                   wherever we can.

                                                   AFT (systemic)
To f acilitate meeting the BABCP requirements,
we ask that supervisors who are not BABCP          Systemic practice continues to be the second
accredited identif y a BABCP accredited            main therapy approach taught on the course.
therapist within their service who is willing to   The Foundation systemic course will continue
act as a 2nd supervisor (this can include a        as usual, f or 1st year trainees.
provisional level accreditation). When this is
not possible, we ask if supervisors can support    Advanced Systemic Theory and Practice
trainees in identif ying a BABCP accredited        continues to be a core topic taught in the 2nd
therapist elsewhere in the Trust who might be      and 3rd years of the programme. However,
able to support them. For additional               trainees no longer have the opportunity to
inf ormation please contact our BABCP Lead,        complete the requirements to achieve the AFT
Rachel Paskell (           accredited Intermediate qualif ication.
Rachel has a list of therapists who have
indicated that they may be able to help with       Opportunities to observe f amily therapy and
this.                                              develop systemic skills should continue to be
                                                   of f ered as appropriate to the placement. This
The role of a BABCP accredited 2nd supervisor      should include opportunities to access
is to provide the trainee with 5+ hours of CBT     consultation or supervision with colleagues
supervision per ‘training case’. One case per      qualif ied in this approach. Trainees may
placement is a minimum, but more are               submit one systemic case study. We continue
welcomed, as trainees must complete eight          to encourage trainees to log their hours of
CBT ‘training cases’ by the end of training. The   Systemic practice and supervision so they
BABCP supervisor also be asked to complete         have a record of this af ter completing the
a direct assessment of competence in CBT           DClin.
(e.g. the CTS-R). Three of these CBT
assessments must be completed by a BABCP
Accredited Therapist by the end of training.

We understand that within some services this
arrangement will not be possible. In such
circumstances, the course team will arrange
supplementary CBT supervision sessions f or
trainees. This will require time out of
placement (approximately 2 – 2.5 hours per
month). Presentation of audio/video recordings
of clinical material f rom placement is required
by the supplementary CBT supervision
sessions. Consent f orms and GDPR
procedures relevant f or the NHS trust where
the work is conducted must be f ollowed in the
use of client material f or training purposes.

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Support for supervisors                              Assessment

We aim to support supervisors in several             The placement is assessed, and trainees are
ways, including:                                     required to pass all clinical practice
                                                     placements in addition to the academic
 • Supervisor induction/refresher training           assessments of the programme. Assessment
   is a requirement of the British                   on the placement is carried out at the mid -
   Psychological Society’s minimum                   point and at the end of the placement via:
   standards f or clinical supervision. We of f er
   a one-day workshop online in both March
                                                     •   Ratings of clinical skills and
   and September every year. It is open to               competencies completed by the primary
   new supervisors, supervisors new to the               supervisor(s) (see Placement rating f orms
   Bath course and more experienced
                                                         – Key Placement Documents). The
   supervisors wanting a ref resher.                     supervisor should provide the trainee with
                                                         f eedback about these ratings as part of the
 • Supervisory skills practice workshop.                 f ormal mid placement and end of
   We of f er an additional one-day workshop             placement review meetings. The trainee
   online in both March and September every              also has the opportunity to provide
   year. Again, it is open to new supervisors,           f eedback about the placement and
   supervisors new to the Bath course and                supervision at these points.
   more experienced supervisors.
                                                     •   It is expected that trainees will complete 6-
 • Attending our supervisor induction /                  8 ‘clinical cases’ each placement. This can
   ref resher training workshop and our                  include a range of activities including
   supervisory skills practice workshops                 individual work, group work, indirect work,
   meets the requirements f or the BPS                   neuropsychological assessments, being
   Register of Applied Psychological Practice            part of a systemic ref lecting team etc.
   Supervisors (RAPPS). Supervisors who                  Additional pieces of work are permitted
   have attended both these events since                 (e.g. audit, material development) but
   2016 can obtain conf irmation f rom our               these do not replace clinical cases. There
   administration team to support their                  should be no more than 12-14 pieces of
   application to join RAPPS.                            work completed in total (clinical plus other)
                                                         whilst on a placement. NB A Service-
 • Continuing Professional Development                   Related Project (SRP) does not replace a
   (CPD) opportunities are advertised via                clinical case.
   email to regional supervisors.
                                                     •   Supervisors will complete two structured
 • CBT CPD events and activities to support              observations of trainee clinical practice. It
   clinical supervisors in gaining BABCP                 is recommended that one of these is the
   accreditation at provisional/f ull practitioner       Cognitive Therapy Rating Scale (CTS-R).
   or supervisor level as appropriate.                   The CTS-R will only count towards
                                                         BABCP Accreditation if completed by a
 • Online supervisor resources (see                      BABCP Accredited therapist (see above).
   appendix 5 f or f urther details). Please             It is possible to use an equivalent or
   contact the admin team on bathcp-                     alternative DACC if more appropriate. A to register f or access to           list of all DACC tools are f ound on the
   these.                                                Placement Inf ormation Moodle page, the
                                                         online supervisor resources. Only one
 • The Clinical Tutor f or your trainee is the           DACC is required f or the f inal placement.
   f irst point of contact for superviso rs, f or
   example if there are any concerns or              •   A ‘Pass’ may also be required on
   untoward events arising on placement.                 additional elements, depending on the
   Supervisors can also contact the Clinical             specif ic requirements f or each clinical
   Director, Programme Director or other                 area. For example, assessment of
   member of the tutor team as appropriate.              intellectual ability and interpretation of
   See also f urther inf ormation below about            educational attainment on child
   serious incident reporting.                           placements, standardized assessment of
                                                         ability or f unctioning on LD placements.

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Placement f ailure is considered where two or             and submitted as a written or orally
more of the mandatory categories on the mid               presented piece of work, with
placement f eedback f orms are rated as not               accompanying brief report. Case studies
satisf actory, and / or where there are                   are recommended to take the f ormat of a
signif icant prof essional and practice                   single case experimental design (SCED),
misconduct issues. Any prof essional or                   with one f ormal SCED submission.
misconduct issues should be reported to the
programme team immediately.                               For BABCP accreditation, four of the five
                                                          case studies should be CBT-f ocused (one
Although rare, if placement f ailure is being             may be third wave providing appropriate
considered, the programme team should be                  supervision and evidence-based rationale
contacted as early in the placement as                    are in place). The 5th may be Systemic.
possible. Ideally an early mid-placement
meeting will be scheduled. The supervisor                 The trainee will value your guidance about
and trainee should meet to discuss the                    the suitability of cases f or write-up and will
concerns and then raise these at a separate               ask you to review the written case study
meeting with the programme tutor as well. This            prior to submission. They submit your
allows time to set clear objectives and goals             f eedback with the case study (see Case
f or the remainder of the placement (a                    Study Review f orm -Key Documents).
‘remediation plan’). The remediation plan must            Although not a f ormal evaluation, it is a
be agreed with the Clinical Director. The                 requirement of submission that trainees
remediation will be reviewed at an end of                 include their supervisor’s report. We also
placement meeting with the supervisor and                 greatly value the view of supervisors as
tutor. If the goals and objectives are not met by         clinical experts as to the strength of the
the end of the placement and placement                    case study write-up.
f ailure is recommended by the supervisor, this
will be ref erred to the programme team.

If a potential placement f ailure is raised only at   Role of the University While
the end of placement, it will be necessary f or a
remediation plan to be devised at this point          Trainees are on Placement
and f or the trainee continue on the placement
f or a f urther 3 months, providing an opportunity
f or them to address the training needs and           Mid-Placement Review Visits
shortf all in skills and competencies identif ied
by the supervisor.                                    Once the mid-placement ratings and f eedback
                                                      have been completed by the trainee and
                                                      supervisor, a member of the programme team
                                                      will attend a f ormal review meeting to receive
University Assignments                                f eedback about progress and the completed
                                                      ratings. At the review meeting, the tutor will
                                                      meet the trainee and supervisor separately at
                                                      f irst and then hold a 3-way meeting aiming to:
In addition to the placement assessments as
detailed, trainees also need to complete a            For the Trainee:
clinical log-book and submit a Case Study at
the end of each placement.                                •   To see how the trainee has settled in
                                                              and integrated into the host service.
•   Clinical log-book – it is the trainee’s
    responsibility to log all experiences gained          •   To obtain inf ormation f rom the
    on placement. They will ask you as                        supervisor and trainee about the types
    primary supervisor to sign this at the end                of clinical experience to be gained and
    of placement which is required to validate                to discuss this with the trainee and to
    their clinical log.                                       ensure the experience is satisf actory.

•   Case Studies – 5 case studies need to be              •   To check that the minimum
    completed, one f rom each of the f irst 5                 requirements f or supervision are
    placements. Case studies are usually                      f ollowed.
    written in the f ormat specif ied (see Case           •   To check that a work pattern has been
    Study Guidelines-Key Placement Documents)                 established and mutually agreed by

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

        the trainee and supervisor, in which           of placement reviews, the supervisor must
        both have a clear picture of the plans         contact the clinical tutor as soon as possible.
        f or the placement.

    •   To discuss with the trainee that the           C6 placement paperwork
        university assignments are on track f or
        completion.                                    The timing f or the f inal practice placement (C6)
                                                       assessments is slightly dif ferent f rom the other
For the Supervisor:                                    placements as f ollows:

•   To discuss the placement ratings and               •   As C6 is the f inal placement, it is likely that
    whether you are satisf ied with the trainee’s          the trainee will have met all the required
    competence, skills and prof essional                   key competencies to a satisf actory level or
    behaviour.                                             better, making an early decision a
                                                           somewhat easier process.
•   To allow the supervisor the opportunity to
    comment on the trainee's needs and                 •   To meet University and HCPC quality
    requirements in terms of f uture skills                assurance processes in a timely way the
    development / clinical experience needed .             assessments occur earlier. The Mid-
                                                           Placement Review (MPR) must be
•   To discuss with the supervisor that a                  completed no later than mid-June,
    satisf actory supervisory relationship has             f ollowing the usual 3-way process
    been established. This may include                     including the trainee, supervisor(s) and
    supervision by other team members as                   clinical tutor.
    agreed in the placement contract.
                                                       •   The End of Placement Review (EPR)
•   To review the experience of having a                   should take place no later than mid-
    trainee on placement and whether                       August, to meet Examination Board
    suf f icient support is available to f acilitate       deadlines in early September. This will
    this.                                                  involve the trainee and supervisor only
                                                           unless there are issues to address or any
                                                           indication that the placement will not be
Case studies                                               passed.

It was agreed at the Practice and Placement            •   By the EPR, the trainee must have met all
committee that, within reason, supervisors                 placement and University requirements to
should arrange with trainees protected time                pass the placement. The supervisor
within placement hours to spend working on                 should sign the documentation to indicate
their case study. This plan f its with the                 this and the trainee upload this to Moodle
relevance of the course work to placement                  and inf orm their tutor so it is passed.
activity, and also ref lects our wish to help
trainees manage their workload and academic            •   If the MPR indicates potential placement
requirements of the course. Your help in                   f ailure, usual protocol should be f ollowed,
achieving this is greatly appreciated.                     and the EPR scheduled f or mid-August, as
End of Placement Review
                                                       •   The trainee is required to continue until the
If there have been no concerns raised during               scheduled end of the placement (ordinarily
(or af ter) mid-placement, the supervisor and              end of September) to meet BPS, BABCP
trainee will complete the end of placement                 and f itness to practise requirements.
ratings and f eedback on placement together,
without additional input f rom the course team.
                                                       Feedback and Audit
If concerns have been raised during mid-
placement and a remediation plan was put in            To improve the support available to
place, then the clinical tutor will make an end        supervisors, we aim to gather honest and
of placement visit to review progress and f inal       constructive f eedback about their experience
f eedback. If issues arise regarding trainee           of providing a clinical placement. To this end,
practice or conduct between the mid and end            an email link to an online, anonymous survey

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

will be sent to you near the end of placement.      The placement provider has control of the
The survey takes about 10 minutes to                trainee whilst on placement and many
complete and all responses remain                   responsibilities are their legal liability. For
anonymous.                                          f urther inf ormation about insurance, and health
                                                    and saf ety see:
Trainees are asked to complete a similar  
survey at the end of each placement. Both will      services/#placement-students
f eed into our three-yearly audit cycle of
placement.                                          Equal Opportunities
•   Due to its brief and anonymous nature,          The University of Bath has an Equal
    this survey does not take the place of          Opportunities policy which states that ‘It is the
    addressing specif ic issues arising on          University’s aim that trainees are treated f airly
    placement. These should be managed in           on the basis of merit regardless of age,
    the usual way, via the clinical tutor,          disability, f amily responsibilities, gender, HIV
    placement co-ordinator or another               status, marital status, nationality, race,
    member of the course team.                      religious or political views or af f iliations, sexual
                                                    orientation, socio-economic background or
                                                    trans-sexuality’. Please see:
Work/ Placement Essentials                          dignity-respect-policy/attachments/dignity-and-
                                                    respect-policy-agreed-14-october-2019.pdf .
                                                    We ask that employers uphold these policies
Security clearance, DBS checks and                  with regard to trainees on placement.
Health Checks
All clinical psychologists in training at the
University of Bath have been subject to pre-        The DClin course holds a spreadsheet that
employment Occupational Health checks and           contains inf ormation on all supervisors and the
enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service             placements they of f er. We use this
(DBS), f ormerly CRB, checks prior to               spreadsheet to plan placement allocation. It is
commencing training. These checks are               theref ore important that supervisors inform
carried out by Somerset Foundation NHS              us of any changes in their service so we
Trust as the employing trust. The transf er of      can update it. The University of Bath is
these employment checks to a new placement          committed to protecting your personal
environment is supported by the Learning and        inf ormation in accordance with the Data
Development Agreement between the                   Protection Act and GDPR laws. In providing a
placement provider (NHS Trust) and Health           placement f or a Bath trainee either historically,
Education South West.                               currently or in f uture, you are agreeing to us
                                                    processing and storing your inf ormation. Your
                                                    data will be used to contact you only.
Length of the Placement and Working
                                                    Finance and the Placement
Trainees typically spend 3 f ull working days in
supervised clinical practice throughout the 3       Trainees are salaried employees of Somerset
years of training. There are some variations,       Foundation NHS Trust. They are entitled to
f or example, as part of the 1st (Working Age       claim travel expenses f or placement related
Adult) placement, trainees will start with 2 days   journeys they make f rom their clinical base.
a week f or the f irst 4 weeks, increasing to 3     This is administered by the Programme Team
days a week f or the remainder of the               at the University and Somerset Foundation
placement.                                          NHS Trust.

Health & Safety and Insurance in the                The investment in learning and training on the
Workplace                                           part of the placement provider is supported by
                                                    a non-medical placement tarif f administered by
Anyone receiving relevant training or work          Health Education South West (HESW). This
experience should be treated as employees for       tarif f is subject to personnel returns and key
the purposes of health and saf ety legislation.     perf ormance indicators as agreed by HESW.

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Tarif f payments are made directly to the          Assessments on year-long placements
placement provider at organisational level and     For C1 and C2 (WAA / OA) placements, the
we are not able to advise on how the tarif f is    f ollowing guidelines are provided to ensure
allocated to services. However the programme       that the required placements assessments are
can provide details of placement activity          completed correctly:
attributed to your placement.
                                                   •   Trainees will submit a case study af ter 6
Serious Incident Reporting                             months, f or one of the specialities
                                                       (OA/WAA), in line with all their cohort.
It is essential that any serious incident is       •   Trainees will submit a second case study
reported to the University within 24 hours.            f or the other speciality af ter 12 months.
     • We will send you a f orm to complete        •   Usually, the WAA case study will be f irst
         within this f irst 24 hours                   submitted, but this is not essential and will
     • The next section must be completed              depend on the structure of the placement.
         within 72 hours                               There must be one case study f rom each
     • The f inal section between 4-7 days of          speciality (WAA and OA) by the end of the
         the incident.                                 12 months.
                                                   •   Trainees will complete 2 observations per
We will manage the process but if you work             6 months, ideally using a DACC. There
part-time please allocate someone else as a            should be two WAA and two OA DACCs
point of contact, as we must ensure that we            completed over the 12-months. The timing
adhere to Health Education England deadlines           of these DACCs is f lexible, as suits the
f or reporting. Any serious incident should be         clinical work of the trainee.
immediately reported to the trainee’s clinical     •   The lead supervisor f or the f irst speciality
tutor and copied to the Clinical Director and          (WAA/OA) should complete the mid-
the Programme Manager                                  placement review and paperwork at 3
                                                       months and end of placement paperwork
                                                       at 6 months. The lead supervisor f or the
                                                       other specialty (OA/WAA) will be invited to
Year-long placements                                   contribute to both if relevant.
                                                   •   The lead supervisor f or the second
                                                       specialty (OA/WAA) should then complete
There are currently two types of optional year-        the mid and end-placement review and
long placements possible within the Bath               paperwork at 9 and 12 months
DClinPsy:                                              respectively. The supervisor f or the other
                                                       specialty (WAA/OA) will be invited to
-   Year one working age adult (WAA) and               contribute to both if relevant.
    older adult (OA): C1 & C2                      •   The supervisor f or the f irst specialty must
-   Year three elective placements: C5 & C6            be satisf ied that the breath and range of
                                                       experience required f or a WAA/OA
                                                       placement has been achieved so they can
Year one working age adult and older
                                                       sign of f the placement at the 6-month
adult placement: C1 and C2                             point. However, we recognise the f lexibility
This 12-month placement includes supervisors           within this on a year-long placement f or
f rom both working age adult and older adult           some experience in both specialties to
services, or an age inclusive service. It covers       happen in each half of the 12-month
the f irst year of training (C1 and C2). Such          period.
placements can involve changing the f ocus of
                                                   •   If the trainee is on an ageless placement
the placement half -way (i.e. 6-months f ocused
                                                       with the same supervisor, they should aim
on either WAA or OA clinical experience then,          f or a minimum of 6 OA pieces of clinical
swapping to f ocus on the other specialty f or
                                                       work over the year.
the second 6-months), or it can involve a 12-
                                                   •   The requirement to complete an
month ‘ageless’ placement where WAA and
                                                       appropriate cognitive assessment could be
OA clinical work is integrated throughout the
                                                       completed within either specialty.
whole year. This is in line with the changes
                                                   •   Consider contingency planning at the
being made to the taught programme, which
                                                       outset of the placements e.g. in case of
will allow this greater f lexibility f or the
                                                       sick leave f or one or other of the
f ormatting of year-long placements with OA
teaching being brought in earlier.

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Year three elective placements (year-                  Clinical Director
long ‘long and thin’)                                  Dr Liz Marks (Elective Placements)
Trainees are on placement f or 3 days a week           Email:
f or their year 3 elective placements (C5 and
C6). Typically, a year-long elective placement         Research Director
would involve 2 days in one service and 1 day          Dr Jennif er Allen
in the other service f or the f irst 6 months of the   Email:
placement. This would then reverse f or the
second half of the placement. However, the             Tutors:
exact amount of time spent in each service             Dr Cara Davis
can be negotiated between supervisors                  (Child practice placements)
provided this is clearly communicated at the           Email:
start of the year.
                                                       Dr Cathy Randle-Phillips
Types of issues to be negotiated prior to              (Learning Disability practice placements; Co-
                                                       Admission Tutor)
setting up the placement include (based on
f eedback f rom previous elective supervisors):
                                                       Dr Maria Loades
•   Clarity around how f lexible the specif ic day
                                                       (Supervisor Training co-lead)
    (or days) of the week the trainee will be on
    placement in each service.
•   There can be alternative patterns e.g. 2           Dr Josie Millar
    days on one component of the placement             (Working Age Adult practice placements)
    throughout the 12 months and 1 day on              Email:
    the other component providing this is
    acceptable to both supervisors.                    Dr Gemma Taylor
•   It is key to ensure that both placement            Email:
    supervisors f eel able to sign of f the
    placements at the appropriate review               Dr Pamela Jacobsen
    points having had enough experience of             Email:
    the trainee on placement.
•   Consider contingency planning at the               Dr Rachel Paskell
    outset of the placements e.g. in case of           (BABCP Prof essional Lead, Supervisor
    sick leave f or one or other of the                Training co-lead)
    supervisors.                                       Email:

Placement assessments                                  Dr Vuokko Wallace
                                                       (Co-Admissions tutor/Co-PPE lead)
All placement paperwork needs to be                    Email:
completed f or both C5 and C6 placements as
specif ied in the handbook. In the case of year-       Programme Manager
long elective placements the C5 supervisor             Rachel Nee
needs to be satisf ied that the trainee has had        Email:
enough experience on their placement to sign
of f the paperwork at the 6-month point, and the       Programme Administrators
C6 supervisor takes the lead in signing of f the       Dan Clif f ord
placement paperwork in August.                         Sara Swan Capper
                                                       Amanda Atherton

Contact Information                                    Email:
                                                       Tel: 01225 385506
Programme Director
Prof essor Paul Chadwick                               Postal Address
Email:                       Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology
                                                       Department of Psychology 10W Room 3.55
Academic Director                                      University of Bath
Dr Jo Daniels                                          Claverton Down
E-mail:                           Bath BA2 7AY

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Summary of Placement requirements and documentation
 Requiring the Placement            Requiring only the                Requiring Clinical Tutor
 Supervisor’s Input                 Trainee’s Input                   Input
 Placement Induction Check list                                       Develop plan with trainee to
 Within 1 week of placement start                                     f eed f orward issues f rom
                                                                      previous placement
                                                                      Of f er early placement visit if

 Placement Specif ication and       Collaborate in contract           Review when submitted and at
 Contract                           development and                   mid-placement
 Within 2 weeks of placement        incorporate agreed issues
 start                              f rom end of placement
 Observation of supervisor x2       Placement Observation             Check at MPR this has been
 arranged in f irst f ew weeks of   Form x 2                          possible
 placement                          (Structured Observation of
 Observation of trainee x 2         Production of video / audio /     Check at MPR this has been
 (Structured Observation of         observational opportunities       possible
 Trainee), ideally in the form of   f or supervisor to complete
 DACCs                              competency assessments
 Mid-Placement Ratings and          Mid-Placement Ratings and
 Feedback                           Feedback                          Review these at MPR
 No later than mid-point of the     No later than mid-point of
 placement                          the placement
 Mid-Placement Review Meeting       Mid-Placement Review              Tutor to attend and f ormally
 with Programme Tutor               Meeting with Programme            document mid-placement review
 No later than mid-point of the     Tutor                             meeting with supervisor and
 placement                          No later than mid-point of        trainee.
                                    the placement                     If required, a remediation plan
                                                                      should be f ormally developed
                                                                      and agreed by the Clinical

 Case Study – Supervisor review     Case Study submitted at           Check submission
 and f eedback                      End of Placement (except
 Prior to case study submission     for C6)
 Sign and agree the Clinical Log    Clinical Log Book                 Review signed log book and
 at end of placement                                                  gather inf ormation f or Clinical
                                                                      Tutor summary sheet
 End of Placement Ratings and       End of Placement Ratings          If no remediation plan, EPR with
 Feedback                           and Feedback.                     tutor is an inf ormal meeting to
                                                                      develop plans f or next
                                    Trainee to upload MPR,            placement.
                                    EPR f orms and DACCs to
                                    Moodle f or tutor to sign of f.   If remediation plan present, tutor
                                                                      will join a f ormal EPR meeting
                                                                      with supervisor and tutor.

                                                                      Tutor to sign of f final MPR / EPR
                                                                      / DACC documentation on
                                                                      Moodle to indicate placement

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Appendix 1: Induction Checklist
 Background overview of service

 Other service settings and
 locations which may be visited
 when on placement

 Contact details/availability of
 e.g. telephone numbers,
 Who’s who
 e.g. names, telephone numbers if
 appropriate, roles, responsibilities
 Site layout
 e.g. therapy rooms, client facilities,
 staff facilities
 Work space
 e.g. trainee desk space, telephone
 use, computer use
 Security & Restricted areas:
 e.g. access codes, passes, keys
 Emergency procedures
 e.g. panic buttons, emergency
 numbers, fire procedures, first
 aiders, safeguarding procedures
 Health and safety
 e.g. accident reporting, hazard
 reporting, lifting risks, dangers
 Dress code

 Time and attendance system
 e.g. start and finish times,
 lunchtimes, attendance when not
 seeing clients
 Sickness reporting
 e.g. who to call, arrangements for
 cancelling client sessions
 General administration
 e.g. appointment arrangements,
 recording attendance, secretarial
 Records system
 e.g. clinical record keeping,
 psychology notes
 Local housekeeping
 e.g. tea and coffee facilities
 Stationery and supplies
 e.g. storage, supplies
 Local facilities and amenities
 e.g. canteen, shops
 Transport and parking
 e.g. local bus routes, train stations,
 parking permits, car park spaces

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Appendix 2: Guidelines for the Preparation of
Clinical Placement Contracts
Primary Supervisor:                                        Trainee:

Placement dates:

Type of Placement:

1.       Aims of the placement
List the key aims of the placement as relevant for the clinical area (e.g. as outlined by DCP
guidelines) but also taking into account the trainee’s needs which they will have identified in their
training needs assessment and which may also form part of a pre-placement meeting.
Please also state if another supervisor/s is to be involved and if so, in what capacity.

2.       Clinical experience to be provided
List the particular experiences that form the core competencies (BPS) for the relevant clinical area. It
may be useful to have sub-headings – e.g. Assessment, Intervention, or any other grouping
appropriate to the placement.

3.      Other experiences including teaching
Consider experiences other than direct clinical practice which might be available as part of the
placement experience. Ideally this would include opportunities to prepare and deliver
teaching/training, attending teaching/training specific to the placement experience, attendance at
relevant staff groups, visits to other services etc.

4.      Supervision arrangements
Specify how supervision will be delivered according to minimum standards for supervision i.e. at least
1 hour weekly of individual supervision and total 3 hours contact time per week. If the primary
supervisor (clinical psychologist) is not the person providing weekly individual supervision, please
specify who will do this and outline the schedule for meeting with the primary supervisor (which
should occur at least fortnightly). If your supervisor is not BABCP accredited, has a 2nd supervisor
who is a BABCP accredited been appointed from within the service? If so, please specify how and
when this supervision will take place. (If a BABCP 2nd supervisor is not available within the placement,
the course BABCP lead- Rachel Paskell- will advise regarding supplementary CBT supervision).

5.       Direct Observation
During the placement, the trainee needs to conduct at least 2 structured pieces of observation of their
supervisor or other relevant professional using the observation forms to encourage active watching
and theory-practice links. The supervisor needs to observe the trainee on at least 2 occasions and
provide the trainee with feedback. The placement observation forms can be used for this purpose if
helpful. Please discuss and document how and when these pieces of observational work will occur.
Ideally these observations will be direct assessments of competence. Competency assessments
should be completed used the structured tools available. The trainee will discuss the schedule of
competency assessments and their needs within this with you. For example, CBT competencies are
assessed in a developmental fashion throughout the course of training. It is likely that they will require
rating of clinical competence using the CTS-R (or variant) and this should include discussion of the
development needs identified within previous CTS-R ratings. Additional observation of trainee
informally, early on in placement, is also recommended.

7.       Mid-placement feedback
Date of feedback to be arranged at this point, precisely if possible, or at least the week in which this
will be done. The mid-placement review with the Programme Clinical Tutor will be convened
separately but in light of this date.

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

8.        Reflective Practice
Developing reflective practice skills is an important aspect of training, consider the trainee’s needs in
this area with them, opportunities to develop skills on the practice placement and your supervisory
style in facilitating reflective practice as part of supervision.

9.      Annual Leave & Cover
Please make a note of any University closure dates and DClinPsy. Programme Fixed Leave dates if
relevant and any annual leave arrangements for both trainee and supervisor. Please nominate a
colleague who will, in general, be available for the trainee to consult when the supervisor is not there
and also nominate a cover person for periods when the primary supervisor is on annual leave.

10.     Detailed case reports
There is a requirement for trainees to complete case studies for assessment purposes. Please could
you enter, as an aim of the placement, that the trainee will do at least one such study whilst on
placement with you.

11.       Carry over cases
If the trainee is to continue with a case/s from previous placements, please specify. The time to be
devoted to this should be estimated and entered.

12.       Log Books
It is a requirement that the trainee keeps a log book of clinical activities, which has t o be seen and
signed by the supervisor at the end of the placement. Please specify this in the contract.

13.       Service related project
It is a requirement of the programme that a small scale, service-related piece of research is
undertaken. If this is being done on your placement, please include it as part of the contract.

14.      Induction
Please review the Induction checklist at the very beginning of the placement and ensure that the
trainee documents the information required in terms of room/desk space available, clinical space and
safety procedures, emergency contact and other essential safety information etc.

15.    Other
Other matters, like special considerations or adjustments to be noted here.

16.     Signatures

17.     Date

Please have the Contract typed. A copy should be kept by trainee and one by supervisor, and a third
copy sent to your Clinical Tutor.

18. Changes following mid-placement feedback:
If changes to the contract are required following the mid-placement feedback and review meeting,
please attach on a separate sheet, trainee and supervisor to sign and date accordingly.

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Appendix 3: Statement of minimum standards in
clinical                supervision
1.   There must be a f ormal, scheduled supervision meeting each week that must be of at least 1
     hour’s duration. Longer supervision will sometimes be needed, especially where team or group
     supervision is used. In addition, supervisors should try to make themselves available f or inf ormal
     discussion of matters that arise between f ormal supervision sessions. The total contact between
     the trainee and supervisor must be at least 3 hours a week, and will need to be considerably
     longer than this time at the beginning of training.

2.   In cases of team or group supervision, trainees must always receive, in addition, an appropriate
     amount of individual supervision. Individual supervision must provide opportunities to discuss
     personal issues, prof essional development, overall workload and organisational dif f iculties as well
     as on-going casework.

3.   Nominate a ‘cover’ supervisor that the trainee can turn to when on leave/holiday.

4.   Provide an induction programme to the trainee when a placement starts.

5.   Ensure that the Placement Contract is f inalised and signed within ten days of commencement of

6.   Ensure that f eedback/rating f orms are f illed and discussed at mid -placement and at end of

7.   Ensure that the Log Book is f illed by the trainee, and sign it at end of p lacement.

8.   Discuss the trainee’s requirements (e.g. case study, service research, time f or carry-over cases)
     at the outset, and include these in the Placement Contract.

9.   In addition to discussing clinical work, it is essential that the trainee and supervis or have
     opportunities to observe each other at work: the trainee can learn much more f rom this and it is
     essential in order f or the supervisor to give the trainee accurate and constructive f eedback.
     Placements may dif f er in the most appropriate opportunities f or such direct contact: some may
     use joint clinical work, others may pref er audiotape, videotape or a one-way screen. Some f orm of
     mutual observation of clinical work is regarded as essential.

10. Ensure that the trainee has the opportunity to observe you at work (with clients) at least on two
    occasions during the placement and completes the structured placement observation f orm.

11. Ensure that you observe the trainee at work on at least two occasions and provide f eedback to
    the trainee based on the observation. The structured observation f orms can also be used f or this

12. Ensure that the trainee gets a good range and quantity of experience. For core placements,
    these are def ined by the BPS guidelines f or clinical specialities and the Department’s own more
    detailed documents. If necessary, arrange f or the trainee to see clients f rom a colleague’s team.

13. Be alert to the trainee’s workload. Make sure he/she is not overburdened. It is important no t to
    use a trainee as an extra pair of hands. The active treatment case load of a trainee should not
    exceed seven at any given time.

14. Provide the trainee with constructive f eedback on an ongoing basis, in addition to the f ormal
    written f eedback at mid-placement and end of placement.

15. Provide guidance of reading, discuss theoretical issues, and f oster theory -practice links as part of

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Appendix 4: Key Placement Documents
You should also have been provided with the f ollowing documentation:

   1.   Guidelines f or the preparation of placement contracts

   2.   Induction checklist

   3.   Placement Observation f orms

   4.   Placement f eedback f orms (Mid and End of placement rating f orms)

   5.   Direct Assessments of Clinical Competence (Index of tools and Assessment f ront sheet)

   6.   Sickness and Absence recording

   7.   Case Study Guidelines

   8.   Clinical Supervisor Case Study Review and Feedback Form

Clinical Psychology Supervisor Handbook 2021

Appendix 5: Online Supervisor Resources
We are pleased to announce a new online system providing a wide range of resources
which may be useful for your role as a regional supervisor on the University of Bath Clinical
Psychology Programme.

You will be able to access:

   •   general information about the doctorate programme
   •   specific placement information
   •   a range of tools for the direct assessment of clinical competence
   •   materials from CPD events
   •   various psychometric measures for adults and children
   •   information and introductory videos from staff members amongst many other

Gaining access to the online system is a quick process.

Please send an email expressing your interest to our administration team, bathcp- It would be greatly appreciated if you make the subject of your email
‘Supervisor - Moodle Help’.

You will then be sent a unique username and password to access Moodle. The admin team
will be happy to help you with any queries relating to these resources.

You can also read