Calendar 2020 "Taking care of the whole world is impossible, but I have decided to do it anyway." Veeresh - Osho Humaniversity

Page created by Sue Mcdonald
Calendar 2020 "Taking care of the whole world is impossible, but I have decided to do it anyway." Veeresh - Osho Humaniversity
                                       “Taking care
                                   of the whole world
                                      is impossible,
                                   but I have decided
                                    to do it anyway.”

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Calendar 2020 "Taking care of the whole world is impossible, but I have decided to do it anyway." Veeresh - Osho Humaniversity
Veeresh                                                                                           Who We Are
       Founder of the                                                                                        and What We Do
       Osho Humaniversity
       Veeresh, a remarkable therapist and                                                                A special school in Holland
       teacher, created the Humaniversity
       community, trainings and therapies.
                                                                                                           The Humaniversity is an experiential
                                                        training program for addiction therapists
       After a 14-year addiction to heroin, at the      in The Hague. With Osho’s inspiration            school for personal growth, professional
       age of 28, he joined Phoenix House, a            he brought his work to more people in                 development and life change.
       drug rehabilitation program in New York          the West and sought to train the best
       City, where he overcame his addiction            therapists in the world.                        We teach people how to love
       and subsequently trained as an addiction
                                                        In 1978 he founded the Humaniversity            Our therapy comes from a blend of Western
                                                        and created a variety of therapeutic             and Eastern psychology, influenced by the
       In 1969 he was invited by the English            techniques including Flushing, the
                                                                                                         philosophy of Osho. We use a large variety
       government to establish the first Phoenix        Box, Friendship Meetings and Social
                                                                                                          of techniques such as relating exercises,
       House in London. In 1974 he met Osho             Meditations, the most famous of which is
                                                                                                           bodywork, dance, sharing, emotional
       and was deeply touched by his philosophy.        the AUM.
                                                                                                        expression, and much more, in order to heal
       He received from Osho the name “Anand
                                                        Veeresh, our beloved friend and teacher,          the past and create a more fulfilling life.
       Veeresh” which means “Bliss Beyond
                                                        passed away on 27th January, 2015.
       Fear.” In 1975 Veeresh was invited by the
       Dutch government to design a design a  

       Premdip                                                                                                    Humaniversity Love & Gratitude Stone
       President of the
       Osho Humaniversity                                                                                   “When you meet another person there
       Many years ago, Veeresh said to me:”If
                                                                                                             are four basic positions you can take:
       your world is not the way you like it, it is                                                               You can have a fight.
       your responsibility to change it.” Since I was   My vision for the Osho Humaniversity                      You can run away.
       22 years old, I have been by Veeresh’s side.     is that we keep bringing love, light and                  You can stand there and
       He has been showering me with his love           harmony into this world. The world is
                                                                                                                  not do anything.
       and knowledge, as he has with all of us, his     changing all the time and we are one of
       staff, at the Humaniversity.                     its lighthouses.                                          Or you can move towards them.
                                                                                                             Humaniversity Therapy means moving
       I learned to change and create a better          I see all of us being our best in the most
       world for myself. I feel blessed to have seen    beautiful way possible. We trust in what             towards people.” – Veeresh
       Veeresh doing it every day with everyone,        we do. We are working with people for a
       everywhere he was. And for this, I thank         better world, just the way Veeresh set it up.
       him from the bottom of my heart.       
                                                                                                                    Humaniversity Foundation is registered
                                                                                                                    with CRKBO (Central Register for
                                                                                                                    Vocational Education) The Netherlands

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Calendar 2020 "Taking care of the whole world is impossible, but I have decided to do it anyway." Veeresh - Osho Humaniversity
re                 We Open                                                          Tourist Program
               Our Doors for You                                                    Change Your Life in 14 Days

y the
o heal
           Our Festivals: Get a taste of the Osho Humaniversity, our               For 37 years the Humaniversity Tourist Program has supported
           workshops, the beautiful grounds and our special way of hanging         thousands of people in transforming and redirecting their
           out together! Choose from the abundance of festival activities          lives. It provides an ideal environment for people to explore
           happening all day long and join the celebration parties at night.       themselves deeply. In 14 days you immerse yourself in a
                                                                                   very personal, tailored process in which you are guided with
           • Osho Festival March 21 to 22                                          awareness, love and care to address the issues you wish to
           OSHO Active and Silent Meditations, self-inquiry, Evening Meeting       focus on in order to enhance your life. It is a unique retreat
           with Osho discourse, a taste of India, and other activities.            for you to reboot, evaluate, clarify, express, heal, resolve, let
                                                                                   go, be touched and inspired.
           • Open Spirit Festival June 20 to 21
e                                                                                  The program is available throughout the year, admission is by
           Midsummer celebration, shamanism, singing circles, theater classes, a
           whole range of Social Meditations including the AUM, and more.          interview.

           • Body & Soul Festival September 18 to 20                     
           A 3-day festival with yoga, bioenergetics, tantra, emotional release
           mini-workshops, dancing classes, Global AUM Meditation for World
           Peace, health & wellness seminars, and our popular taster sessions.

ing        Open Days: First Sunday of the month in February, April, June,
           October and December from 15:00 – 16:00

           Weekly Meditation: Every Monday 17:00 – 18:15

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Calendar 2020 "Taking care of the whole world is impossible, but I have decided to do it anyway." Veeresh - Osho Humaniversity
January – February
       Change!                                                       Gabi & Kareem                                 January 5                     Non-residential      E80
       “When I change, the whole world changes.”- Kouno Taitsu. Holding on to old negative patterns creates pain and confusion. We will encourage you to be open
       for change so you can find out how to create exactly the life you want. Change is always happening – when you learn to say yes, you are in the flow.

       Humaniversity Encounter                                       Geetee & Isha                                 January 10 to 12                                 E385
       The goal of Humaniversity Encounter is friendship. It takes courage to relate with an open heart and to be honest in your communication with others. By
       learning to express yourself you will gain insights into how you can improve your behavior, your relationships and the quality of your daily life.

       Nourishment - Fulfillment of the Heart                        Jayesh & Sangita                              January 17 to 19                                 E360
       The good news is that you are a complete, unique and loving human being, even when you don‘t feel that way. In this group you will experience your heart‘s
       secret key – true nourishment comes when you give what you most deeply need.

       Body Knowledge & Expression                                   Sangitama                                     January 24 to 26                                 E385
       Your body reflects your state of being, behaviors and attitudes. Sangitama will show you how to release tensions through emotional expression and replace
       negative thoughts and feelings with healing messages. You will learn to understand your body type and how that relates to your emotional life.

       Meditation in the Marketplace                                 Sambodhi & Prem Yasha                         January 31 to February 2                         E360
       Meditation in the marketplace means mastering your life the way you want it to be. When you pause and turn in, many of the outside conditions which were
       disturbing you will have less of an effect. We will practice using the ancient Zen Koan “Who is in?“ and a variety of silent, active and social meditations.

       Rebirthing & Bioenergetics                                    Yogini & Rajan                                February 7 to 9                                  E360
       Get ready to become fully alive again! Breathing is our life force. It creates a connection between our subconscious and our consciousness. We will practice
       breathing and bioenergetic techniques to open body and mind and experience our powerful potential for feeling pleasure.

       A Taste - Our Introductory Workshop                           Shanti & Madhurya                             February 8 to 9                                    E85
       Share yourself, explore and express your emotions and celebrate together in our nightclub. Explanation and participation in the AUM Meditation is included.

       Family Constellation See also page 15                         Sakino                                        February 14 to 16             Non-residential    E240
       Family Constellation is a gentle yet powerful technique that exposes and heals patterns derived from your family of origin. Through role playing, intuition and
       the experienced guidance of Sakino, you will participate in your own constellation and support others in theirs.

       Power of Love                                                 Geetee                                        February 21 to 23                                E385
       When you fulfill your need to give and receive love, you enter a state of self-love. In this dynamic workshop you will use interactive structures and emotional
       release to look inside, see the other and express yourself fully. Then you can be open, powerful and loving again and again.

       Qualities of Leadership                                       Rajan & Jayesh                                February 28 to March 1                           E360
       This is an advanced training course for leaders who want to improve their sensitivity, awareness, communication and creativity – because you can guide others
       only to places where you have been yourself. Admission by interview

       The Art of Presence                                           Isha                                          February 28 to March 1                           E385
       For many, the greatest fear in our professional and social life is to show ourselves in front of an audience. In this experiential workshop you will receive support,
       coaching and feedback to improve your clarity and confidence in front of others.

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Calendar 2020 "Taking care of the whole world is impossible, but I have decided to do it anyway." Veeresh - Osho Humaniversity
The Encounter Training
       Learn the Art of Friendship - The Peak
       of All Human Arts
       Course Leader: Premdip
       Course Counselors: Geetee, Isha and Rajan


                                                                                                   Training Workshops 2020
                                                                                                   Also open to non-trainees

                                                                                                   January 10 to 12
                                                                                                   Humaniversity Encounter
                                                                                                   Isha & Geetee
                                    Kareem & Shanti                             Premdip & Geetee
                                                                                                   February 21 to 23
       Encounter is a very effective way of                                                        Power of Love
       discovering who you are and what                    “Never make a distinction               Geetee
       you want from life through conscious               between you and the other.               April 8 to 14
       connection with other people. Encounter
                                                           Never make a distinction                AUM Marathon
       gives you the skills to reach out to others,
                                                                                                   Geetee & Isha
       even across barriers and distances you               between you and life.
       thought were impossible to gap.                                                             May 15 to 17
       “When you can feel afraid, angry, sad               Never make a distinction                Open Encounter
       and happy together with other people,              between you and the world.               Premdip & Team
       you have found the freedom to be
                                                           Never make a distinction                June 26 to 28
       who you are.“ - Premdip, leader of the
                                                                                                   Art of Relating
       Encounter Training.                                between you and existence.
                                                                                                   Yogini & Rajan
                                                           Never make a distinction                September 4 to 6
                                                      between you and the whole universe.          Alchemy of Sex & Encounter
                                                                                                   Chandrika & Premdip
                                                                 We are one.“
                                                                                                   October 2 to 4
                                                                   - Veeresh                       Je t‘aime: The Art of Love

                                   Madhurya & Rajan                                            3

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Calendar 2020 "Taking care of the whole world is impossible, but I have decided to do it anyway." Veeresh - Osho Humaniversity
March – April                                                                                                 For more information:

       Humaniversity Flushing Leader Training Geetee & Jayesh                                                       March 6 to 11                                      E795
       Learn how to guide people through the powerful emotional awareness process of Flushing, and get expert guidance on how to create the best conditions for
       the people in your care and yourself while leading it. For trainees and those who work with people. Admission by interview

       Humaniversity Flushing                                         Geetee & Jayesh                               March 6 to 8                                       E385
       Flushing is a powerful process of emotional release and awareness. It takes you on an exciting journey into your loving self. Through intense expression and
       deep connection, you will become grounded, happy, open, radiant and able to move towards the life you choose.

       Sexuality Awareness                                            Chandrika                                     March 13 to 15                                     E385
       Sexuality is a gift of nature. It allows us to give and receive pleasure and create life. Social conditioning can create confusion and restrictions. Through
       emotional awareness exercises, creative expression and loving connections, you can open your heart and experience a deeper sense of your sexuality.

       Osho Festival                                                  Sambodhi & Sunito                             March 21 to 22

                                                                                                                                                                                            Painting by Michael Argov: Emerges from the Bath ©1967 All Rights Reserved
                                                                                                                                                  Non-residential        E58
       Experience OSHO Active and Silent Meditations, self-inquiry, Evening Meeting, Social Meditations, a celebration party and much more...
       Choose the activities that interest you. Day price E29. Presale E45 (E25 per day) if paid by March 14

       Totality                                                       Geetee & Aranyo                               March 27 to 29                                     E385
       Gain deep insights into your behavior and attitude toward life, and open the door to being total in whatever you do. You will be invited to get to know yourself
       in extraordinary situations created in the group room. You will dive deep, come back up, and say, “Wow! This is me.”

       From Heart to Heart                                            Gabi & Sunito                                 April 3 to 5                                       E360
       In the rush of daily life we tend to forget to nourish our heartful connections with others. Instead of trying to solve our emotional issues with the mind, we will
       practice listening to the heart. It offers simple and real solutions. Let the intuition of your heart guide you to a more creative life.

       AUM Meditation Leader Training See page 7 Chandrika & Prem Jan                                               April 7 to 21                                   E2,180
       Become part of our worldwide network of Humaniversity AUM Leaders and learn to share this life-changing process with others. This training will guide you
       through a deep personal transformation to become more compassionate with yourself and others in your care. Includes participation in the AUM Marathon.

       AUM Marathon See page 7                                        Geetee & Isha                                 April 8 to 14                                      E990
       This is one of the most exciting and intense workshops we offer. We take you on an emotional roller coaster of new experiences, insights and delights and
       guide you beyond your perceived limitations towards your peaceful center, your inner home. If you do only one workshop in your life, this should be it!

       A Taste - Our Introductory Workshop                            Kareem & Bhavani                              April 18 to 19                                       E85
       Share yourself, explore and express your emotions and celebrate together in our nightclub. Explanation and participation in the AUM Meditation is included.

       Expand Your Creativity                                         Anando & Vijan                                April 17 to 19                Non-residential       E250
       Discover painting as a tool for transformation! The primal painting process is for you to reconnect to and enhance your inner creativity. As we gently guide you,
       you are given total freedom to find your own way using music, dance and unique exercises, so you can dive into your natural flow.

       Friendship                                                     Premdip & Chandrika                           April 24 to 26                                      E395
       Benefit from the vast experience and long friendship of Premdip and Chandrika. This workshop provides an opportunity to work on issues of trust and care
       with the support of the group. Clear away judgments to see yourself and others with loving compassion.

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Calendar 2020 "Taking care of the whole world is impossible, but I have decided to do it anyway." Veeresh - Osho Humaniversity
The NEW Sexuality Training
                                                                             A Deep Exploration of Your Intimate,
                                                                             Emotional and Sexual Life
                                                                             Course Leader: Chandrika
                                                                             Course Counselors: Sambodhi and Jayesh
                                                                                      “You can change the behavior and get new insights in therapy,
                                                                                        but sexual energy is the core issue. You have to deal with it
                                                                                                 or else it comes out anyways.“ - Veeresh                          Sensitivity
Painting by Michael Argov: Emerges from the Bath ©1967 All Rights Reserved

                                                                                                                                                                   Training Workshops 2020
                                                                                                                                                                   Also open to non-trainees

                                                                                                                                                                   March 13 to 15
                                                                                                                                                                   Sexuality Awareness
                                                                                                                                                                   Chandrika & Team
                                                                                                                                                                   May 1 to 3
                                                                                                                                                                   Sex & Intimacy
                                                                                                                                                                   Sambodhi & Jayesh
                                                                                                                                                                   June 12 to 14
                                                                                                                                                                   Love in Action
                                                                             This training offers you an opportunity to                                            Chandrika
                                                                             enrich and explore your sexuality in a safe
                                                                                                                                                                   September 4 to 6
                                                                             environment and to learn from masters in
                                                                             the field.                                                                            Alchemy of Sex & Encounter
                                                                                                                                                                   Chandrika & Premdip
                                                                             It will relieve you of the shame, guilt and
                                                                             embarrassment often associated with                                                   October 9 to 11
                                                                             sex, leaving you more able to appreciate                                              Shiva Power (for men)
                                                                             sexuality for what it is, a natural and                                               Rajan & Sunito
                                                                             beautiful expression of yourself.                                                     October 16 to 18
                                                                             At times you might think the training is                                              Awaken your G-Spot (for women)
                                                                             everything you always wanted to know                                                  Deborah Subdahl
                                                                             about sex (and intimacy) but were afraid                                              January 15 to 17, 2021
                                                                             to ask.
                                                                                                                                                                   Vision Weekend
                                                                                                                                               Sambodhi & Jayesh   Chandrika, Sambodhi & Jayesh


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Calendar 2020 "Taking care of the whole world is impossible, but I have decided to do it anyway." Veeresh - Osho Humaniversity
April – May
       Family Constellation See also page 15                         Sakino                                       April 24 to 26               Non-residential    E240
       Family Constellation is a gentle yet powerful technique that exposes and heals patterns derived from your family of origin. Through role playing, intuition and
       the experienced guidance of Sakino, you will participate in your own constellation and support others in theirs.

       Sex & Intimacy                                                Sambodhi & Jayesh                            May 1 to 3                                      E360
       Everybody wants intimacy and yet we are all afraid of it. By looking inward with awareness, you can face your fears and move beyond them. Meet others, share
       honestly, flirt, express and take a risk to show yourself and what your heart desires.

       Social Meditation Leader Training                             Chandrika & Sangita                          May 8 to 13                  Non-residential    E590
       Social Meditations were developed by Veeresh and since then have spread to 43 countries. They are a great way to help people let go of stress, renew their energy,
       and come together with warmth and understanding. Become a certified Humaniversity Social Meditation Leader and create more connection in the world!

       Social Meditation Weekend                                     Chandrika & Sangita                          May 8 to 10                  Non-residential    E190
       Social Meditations are a great way to open your heart, dance, meditate and connect with others. Enjoy our various Social Meditations including the Love,
       Peace, Dance, Our Sacred Earth, Friendship, Tan-Ju, AUM and Samasati Meditation.

       Shamanic Work - Healing with Livewood Dusty 14 & Amisha                                                    May 8 to 10                  Non-residential     E250
       The Dusty Millers are descendants of an ancient tribe from the wild forested area of Kent. Learn about their special relationship with local tree families, which
       led to the creation of Livewood. Come and experience the tree spirits for yourself. Introductory Evening (E25) Friday 19.00 – 21.00

       Healing Trauma                                                Sangitama                                    May 14 to 17                                    E585
       Traumatic experiences are painful, but they also provide the opportunity for growth. Instead of avoiding your past, learn how to open up and feel again.
       Sangitama will help you activate the healing power within you and diminish the emotional charge of your life. Take a step in a safe way to become the real you.

       Drumming Workshop                                             Nityam                                       May 23                       Non-residential      E65
       Drumming with West African rhythms, we will tune in together and experience melting, supporting, and uplifting each other. Join the fun!

       Healing Vibrations                                            Sangitama                                    May 24                       Non-residential      E65
       Singing is a wonderful and playful way to attune to love. It opens your heart, allows you to have fun and helps you experience the deep healing effects of music.

       Friends Forever                                               Geetee, Rajan & Darshan                      May 28 to June 1                                E330
       This annual meeting is exclusively for graduates of the Therapist, Encounter, Sexuality Trainings and the One Year Intensive. Come together, party and support
       one another to renew your vision. We’ll join the program of the Gathering in the weekend and continue meeting each other on Monday.

       The Gathering                                                 Premdip, Chandrika & Gandha                  May 30 to 31                                    E120
       This weekend we celebrate our annual reunion of therapists, staff and students and honor our latest achievements and developments. It includes our yearly
       graduations as well as a magnificent banquet in Opel and a Boozeria Party. On Sunday we will have an international celebration brunch and a Mega AUM.

       Mega AUM                                                      Rajan                                        May 31                                            E29
       Refresh your heart in the famous Humaniversity AUM Meditation. This is a high-energy event! Sunday 12.30 – 18.00. Presale E25 if paid by May 24


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Calendar 2020 "Taking care of the whole world is impossible, but I have decided to do it anyway." Veeresh - Osho Humaniversity
AUM Marathon                                                                AUM Meditation
                                                          handwritten by Osho   Leader Training
    with Geetee and Isha                                                        with Chandrika and Prem Jan
    April 8 – 14                                                                April 7 – 21 and Oct 28 – Nov 13

    The AUM Marathon is one of the most exciting and                            Become part of our worldwide network of Humaniversity AUM
    intense workshops that we offer.                                            Leaders and learn to share this life-changing process with others!
    In this master class, Geetee and Isha will present you with                 During the training you will participate in the AUM Marathon (or
    an abundance of opportunities to get to know yourself,                      Bliss Beyond Fear if you choose the training in autumn), which
    your behaviors and beliefs, and who you are beyond them.                    will give you a better and more compassionate understanding of
    You will be sharing, moving, and expressing yourself in                     yourself and others when being a leader. When you teach from
    such new ways that the heart feels touched and ready                        your own experience, people can identify with you and create
    to open. The goal is for you to experience that you can                     change in their personal lives.
    change your life and become an emotionally healthy and                      The second half of the course will be a hands-on training that
    loving human being. If you do only one workshop in your                     includes presentation skills, video and peer group feedback,
    life, this should be it!                                                    handling emergencies, promotion, and personal coaching by
                                                                                Chandrika and Prem Jan.                                   

                                   Chandrika   Prem Jan                         Appreciation                               2nd Wind

    Social Meditation Leader Training
    with Chandrika & Sangita May 8 – 13
    Social Meditations were developed by Veeresh and have since spread to 43 countries They
    are an ideal way to help people let go of stress, renew their energy, and come together
    with warmth and understanding. In this five-day comprehensive training you will gain the
    experience and confidence to lead these meditations. Included are the Love, Peace, Dance,
    Our Sacred Earth, Friendship, Tan-Ju, and Samasati Meditation.


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Calendar 2020 "Taking care of the whole world is impossible, but I have decided to do it anyway." Veeresh - Osho Humaniversity
WOW - The Wa
                                               with Geetee, Isha and the Hum

                     THE WAY OF THE HEART      July 17 - August 17, 2020
                     Humaniversity Intensive
                     Humaniversity Intensive

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“Imagine a world where you can just be yourself,
                                            where you can be happy and express your beauty.
                                            In the WOW, you will discover that you are
                                            passionate, powerful and full of life. In this Love &
                                            Light Intensive, we will challenge you to go beyond
                                            your mind and find the way to your heart.
                                            You will experience life in all its glory. You will feel
                                            safe to revisit and heal old wounds, forgive and let go
                                            of burdens. You will genuinely open your heart and
                                            learn to create authentic, fulfilling ways of relating
                                            to your world. And you will get to break out of your
                                            box, rock & roll with life and naturally enjoy yourself
                                            with lots of fun and laughter. Most of all, we want to
                                            love you and teach you to love yourself.
                                            This one month of your life will make a difference
                                            that you will feel forever.” Geetee & Isha

he Way of the Heart
d the Humaniversity Staff
17, 2020  

      calendar 2020 4th for web.indd 11                                                     20/11/2019 17:17:32
June – August
        Self Esteem                                                  Aranyo & Kareem                               June 5 to 7                                     E330
       Through pain and humiliation, we begin to doubt the natural trust we have in ourselves. Using communication tools, emotional work and theater, you will be
       guided to get a better understanding of your conditioning and re-establish a deep sense of self-acceptance, so you feel true confidence based on an open heart.

       Love in Action                                                Chandrika                                     June 12 to 14                                   E385
       This is a unique opportunity to get a full dose of love and bliss. Guided by Chandrika and supported by a powerful and warm group energy, you will dive
       deeply into yourself through therapeutic techniques designed to free your mind and land you in your heart. You are a source of inexhaustible joy and pleasure.

       Open Spirit Festival                                          Sambodhi, Shanti & Amarga                     June 20 to 21                Non-residential      E58
       Celebrate midsummer with dancing, theater, singing, beach walks, shamanism and more. Enjoy the AUM and other Social Meditations. Choose the activities
       that interest you. Day price E29. Presale E45 (E25 per day) if paid by June 13

       Art of Relating                                               Yogini & Rajan                                June 26 to 28                                   E360
       Learn to communicate honestly and to create nourishing, healthy relationships. Discover the positions you take in your relationships: Do you experience saying
       yes when you mean no, and no when you mean maybe? Learn to be true to yourself and improve your ability to make friends.

       Ahaaa! Understanding Your Love Life Dharmaraj                                                               July 3 to 5                                     E360
       The quality of your relationships = the quality of your life. Discover why we search for authentic love but often end up in unhappy relationships. Understand
       how you can create nourishing, honest and enjoyable connections. This workshop is stimulating, informative, practical and wise. Ahaaa!

       Stress-Ability - How to Thrive with Stress Ketu & Shakti                                                    July 10 to 12                Non-residential     E250
       Are you often feeling stressed, overwhelmed and tense? Would you like to be more in charge of your life instead of a victim of stress? When you change your
       mind about stress, you can change your body’s response to it. We will guide you to de-stress, express and create more self-confidence and resilience.

       WOW - The Way of the Heart                                    Geetee, Isha & Team                           July 17 to August 17                         E4,800
       Our one-month intensive. It will take you to the depths of your being and to the heights of your consciousness. Guided with passion and care by Geetee and
       Isha, you will be constantly invited to become your most beautiful self. The WOW is a challenging and life-affirming workshop. By the end of this month you
       will have moved beyond your mind and into your heart with a feeling of “WOW!“ Special early bird discounts available

       Tan-Ju - Summer School for Teenagers                          Chandrika & Team                              July 17 to August 17                           E2,635
       Tan-Ju is a school for teenagers from all over the world. You will learn to take care of each other, increase your self-confidence, find yourself contributing to the
       group and supporting one another to become genuine friends. Enjoy martial arts, parties, theater, outings and expressing your feelings. Tan-Ju is a special gang
       of lively teenagers who want to make this world a better place to live in. For teenagers aged 14 to 20

       Mega AUM                                                      Chandrika                                     August 2                                          E29
       Refresh your heart in the famous Humaniversity AUM Meditation. This is a high-energy event! Sunday 12.30 – 18.00. Presale: E25 if paid by July 26

       Understanding Anger                                           Prem Jan & Amarga                             August 28 to 30                                 E360
       Anger is the basic human reaction to protect yourself from pain. It‘s helpful and healthy so long as you don‘t get stuck in it. Recognize and embrace your anger
       and learn to express it in a responsible way. Start saying ‘no‘ to that which is not helpful and ‘yes‘ to clarity and emotional well-being.


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                                           A School for Human Arts for Teenagers
                                                                led by Chandrika & Team
                                                        Tan-Ju is a month-long experience for teenagers
                                                  to learn and live the human arts of friendship, awareness,
                                    care, love, responsibility, support, expression of feelings, fun, humor, and creativity.

                                        Loving connections                                   Hanging out                                        Theater

                             Being a teenager can be hard. Most of the time you need to present a certain image to the world
                                                   in order to be liked, considered cool or feel cared about.
                       In Tan-Ju you will learn that it is possible to be liked for who you are, not for how you look or how you act.
                    We all want to feel good about ourselves, and to know that there is more to life than just having a good image
                                                           and fulfilling everyone else‘s expectations.
                                         Tan-Ju is a healing space for all teenagers to feel accepted and supported.
                            You will gain strength inside of yourself by learning how to express your emotions in a healthy way.
                You will learn how to direct your energy the way you want to, so you can become more successful and happy in your life.

   Sharing and coaching                                      Creative painting workshop                     Emotional expression class

                      Tan-Ju is about feeling at home with a bunch of friends who want to learn about themselves, just like you.
          And in Tan-Ju you will change for the better – not because you have to, or anybody else makes you, but because you want to grow,
                                                 and find out who you are and what makes you happy.
                                                       Finally, you will create lifelong friendships.

        Summer: July 17 to August 17                                Winter: December 22 to January 1

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September – October
       Alchemy of Sex & Encounter                                    Chandrika & Premdip                           September 4 to 6                                E395
       Alchemy is the magical process of transformation. Experience a wide range of personal and interpersonal awareness exercises with others in the group. You will
       turn fear into excitement, anger into love, indifference into ecstasy, and negative beliefs into positive visions.

       Personal Power                                                Isha & Jayesh                                 September 11 to 13                             E385
       Learn the difference between the power of response and the trap of reaction. Automatic behavior blocks your spontaneity and your ability to love and take
       responsibility. When you trust your personal power, you become your own authority and respond to every situation from a position of love.

       Body & Soul Festival                                          Sambodhi, Shanti & Amarga                     September 18 to 20          Non-residential      E87
       These 3 festival days are a unique experience to revitalize your body and nourish your mind, heart and soul. The program will include the Global AUM
       Meditation for World Peace, Social and OSHO Meditations, tantra, emotional release, bioenergetics, dancing, family sharings, beach walks, and more.
       Day price E29. Presale E70 (E25 per day) if paid by September 11

       Global AUM for World Peace                                    Sambodhi                                      September 20                                     E29
       Create peace with yourself and others in the AUM Meditation. Many people participating in AUM’s all around the world will celebrate together on this
       International Day of Peace. Sunday 12.30 – 18.00. Presale E25 if paid by September 13

       Reset                                                         Sangitama & Yasha                             September 25 to 27                             E385
       It’s time to prepare our body for the colder season! We will use the healing powers of seasonal fruits and vegetables to clean our organs and get grounded
       with a last swim in the sea. We will also look at emotional and mental issues that need completing, and give tips and exercises you can continue at home.

       Magic - 3 Days of Rituals                                     Karunya                                       September 25 to 27          Non-residential    E220
       Magic is the energy around and within us and our connection to the source. Learn to focus your energy and enchant your life. Friday 10:00 – Sunday 19:00

       Je t’aime: The Art of Love                                    Isha                                          October 2 to 4                                 E385
       Everyone wants to be loved. Learning the art of love is a lifelong affair and it starts this very moment. Unconditional love is not love because you need to be
       loved – it is love because you need to love. Once you start giving from the heart, your life becomes abundant.

       Sisterhood: Women‘s Group                                     Yogini & Madhurya                             October 9 to 11                                E360
       As a woman, do you find yourself playing small, or dismissing your needs, always trying to fulfill everyone else’s expectations? This group will empower you to go
       beyond this. By supporting each other and allowing ourselves to feel vulnerable as well as strong, we can love one another and ourselves more. For women only

       Shiva Power                                                   Rajan & Sunito                                October 9 to 11                                E360
       Manhood is an exciting journey. In this workshop we will explore the many facets of masculinity, fatherhood, vulnerability, intimacy, competition, friendship,
       and vision. Come, share your heart, and become aware of the amazing gifts you have as a man. For men only

       Family Constellation See also page 15                         Sakino                                        October 9 to 11             Non-residential    E240
       Family Constellation is a gentle yet powerful technique that exposes and heals patterns derived from your family of origin.

       The Male G-Spot                                               Deborah Sundahl                               October 14                                       E70
       This evening is for men only. Deborah will guide you to understand and awaken the sensitivity of the male G-spot. 19.00 – 23.00

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The Therapist Training
       Working with People for a Better World
                                                                                                   Training Workshops 2020
       Course Counselor Level 1: Isha                                                              Also open to non-trainees

                                                                                                   September 11 to 13
                                                                                                   Personal Power
                                                                                                   Isha & Jayesh
                                                                                                   October 15 to 18
                                                                                                   Mama Papa
                                                                                                   November 13 to 15
                                                                                                   Feel your Body
                                                                                                   January 8 to 10, 2021
                                                                                                   Humaniversity Encounter
                                       Sangitama                                      Graduation
                                                                                                   Geetee & Isha
       The Humaniversity Therapist Training               “A Humaniversity therapist               Rebirthing & Bioenergetics
       is a program for profound personal                                                          Yogini & Rajan
                                                     has to love himself and other people.
       development, providing you with the
       essentials for any profession that involves       In his heart he wants to give.            March
                                                                                                   Humaniversity Flushing
       working with people. Learning about                     He cares so much
                                                                                                   Geetee & Jayesh
       therapy is an exciting challenge, since the            that he’s not willing
       secret to helping others lies in having the                                                 April
                                                            to give up on anybody.
       courage to encounter what is inside of                                                      From Heart to Heart
       you. After completing the training you                   More than that,                    Gabi & Sunito
       will be able to teach from a wealth of             he is open to being friends.”            May
       experience and support others in their                       - Veeresh                      Sex & Intimacy
       process of self-exploration.
                                                                                                   Sambodhi & Jayesh
       The 9-Month Personal Education Course                                                       Love in Action
       If you like to make your own healing and growth a priority, you can focus on your           Chandrika
       personal development in this flexible program which you can start at any time. During 9     July - August (1 month)
       weekend workshops (see right side) you will have the space to explore yourself, try out     WOW - The Way of the Heart
       new directions and make the changes you want to see in your life. On this journey your      Geetee & Isha & Humaniversity Staff
       fellow peers and course counsellors will accompany and support you all the way.


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October – November
       Mama-Papa                                                    Chandrika                                    October 15 to 18                                E585
       While growing up your parents’ behavior defined your world. It can be difficult to break out of patterns you learned long ago. Chandrika will guide you to
       release stuck emotions so that you can find your innocence again. Learn to forgive your parents and yourself, so that you can live your life with gratitude.

       Awaken Your G-Spot                                           Deborah Sundahl                              October 16 to 18             Non-residential    E300
       The well-known American sex educator, Deborah Sundahl, will teach you to sensitively and playfully discover and awaken the female G-spot and explore
       female ejaculation. For women only. G-Spot Evening Seminar (open to men & women) (E40) Friday 20.00 – 21.30

       AUM Meditation Leader Training See page 7 Chandrika & Prem Jan                                            October 28 to November 13                      E2,490
       Become part of our worldwide network of Humaniversity AUM Leaders and learn to share this life-changing process with others. This training will guide you
       through a deep personal transformation to become more compassionate with yourself and others in your care. Includes participation in Bliss Beyond Fear.

       Bliss Beyond Fear See page 15                                Geetee & Yogini                              October 29 to November 5                       E1,230
       To support and help someone else you first need to be clear about yourself. In this week you will go through unexpected, fast-changing and challenging situations,
       which will help you become aware of your behavior and feelings. You will learn that when working with people, the only position to take is love.

       A Taste - Our Introductory Workshop                          Amarga                                       November 7 to 8                                   E85
       Share yourself, explore and express your emotions and celebrate together in our nightclub. Explanation and participation in the AUM Meditation is included.

       Feel Your Body                                               Sangitama                                    November 13 to 15                               E385
       Your body is a wonderful gift from existence; it is your home. In this weekend, you will be guided to allow your body to be vibrant, relaxed and in the flow.
       When you trust and say yes to your sensations and feelings, your body comes alive and you will get in touch with the subtle joy that is its true nature.

       Gurdjieff Movements - Sacred Dances                          Dhyan Prem                                   November 20 to 22            Non-residential    E190
       An introduction to the practice of the sacred dances, created by the contemporary mystic, G.I. Gurdjieff. The simple rhythm and flow of the movements will
       bring you into a beautiful heart space and stillness.

       From Fear to Excitement                                      Rajan & Shanti                               November 20 to 22                               E360
       Become aware of your fear patterns and learn how to turn them into excitement. Get in contact with what truly makes you alive, passionate and happy.
       Change your everyday life into an adventure.

       Counselling Skills                                           Gandha                                       November 27 to 29                               E360
       Gandha brings her lifelong experience of working with people and teaches simple methods to solve conflicts within yourself and build bridges with the people
       around you. Recommended both for professionals as well as for those who want to use these skills in their personal life.

       Osho Do - Humaniversity Martial Arts                         Prem Jan & Isha                              November 27 to 29            Non-residential    E260
       Our way of doing martial arts is a path to becoming the master of your life! By learning basic self-defense techniques, you will tap into your power so you can
       stand up for yourself and step out of the victim role. We will practice, learn and play with respect and friendship.


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Bliss Beyond Fear                                                                           Heal Your Roots
  7 Days Working with People                                                                 Family Constellation and
  with Geetee & Yogini                                                                       Trauma Healing Training
  October 29 to November 5                                                                   with Sakino Sternberg
  This workshop encapsulates the vast life experience and learning                           Many of the issues that you face in your life today are related
  that Veeresh taught his therapists for over 40 years.                                      to your family of origin. Family constellation is a gentle yet
                                                                                             powerful technique that exposes and heals those relationships.
  His innovative and compassionate style touched many hearts
  and changed many lives. For the staff of the Humaniversity, love                           This training in Systemic Constellation Work and Trauma Healing
  and compassion form the basis of working with people.                                      consists of 6 modules of 6 days each. The first 3 days of each
                                                                                             module include a constellation workshop open to the public.
  This group is for everyone, both professionals and
  non-professionals, who want to expand their boundaries and                                 Modules in 2020:
  experience a new way of working, living and being with people.                             February 14 to 19, April 24 to 29, October 9 to 14                                              

                                     Heart Meeting with Premdip, Chandrika, Geetee & Staff                       Gabi                                Gardening

  Community Experience Program
  Living, working and meditating on the Humaniversity campus
  Our community has been thriving for more than 40 years. The values we live by are
  love, responsibility, awareness, teamwork, honesty and friendship. We connect through
  sharings, daily meditations and opening ourselves to meet each other in the moment.
  The program gives you the opportunity to share your skills and talents in our community,
  from the garden to the kitchen, and become part of the Humaniversity family.                                              Sharing & Coaching


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December – January 2021
       Humaniversity Therapy - Tutorial Weekend Yasha                                                                   December 4 to 6                          E275
       This weekend is for our trainees and anybody who is interested in Humaniversity Therapy. You will learn about its origins, philosophy and applications, and how
       to take care of others and yourself in a therapeutic process. And we will do all of that with a big dose of passion and humor!

       Money                                                           Sunito                                           December 4 to 6                         E330
       Are you unhappy with your financial situation? Are you interested to find out why it is the way it is, and how you can change it? Then this group is for you.
       Yes, it is all in your hands. Recognize your underlying belief system and learn how to go for what you want, so you can create an abundant and fulfilling life.

       The Odyssey of Zorba the Buddha                                 Geetee                                           December 10 to 14                       E840
       “The Odyssey is a journey towards love. On this path we first must learn to express and let go of resentments, so that we can start forgiving ourselves and the
       world. This opens our heart, and when we have the courage to relate from this space, love, gratitude and bliss arise naturally. The workshop is always designed
       in the moment based on what is best for the group. I will apply all that I have learned so far and condense it into a 5-day adventure.” – Geetee

       Work is Love Made Visible                                       Sangita & Prem                                   December 11 to 14                       E180
       Come and experience the joy of working and living together. We will meditate, share, dance, prepare a meal and work on a project together to make our
       community into an even more beautiful place to hang out and enjoy each other.

       Coming Together See page 17                                     Dharmaraj & Sambodhi                             December 22 to January 1              E1,330
       Complete 2020 and celebrate the birth of 2021 in a stimulating and beautiful way. In this special 10-day program, we will give you a rich variety of meaningful
       experiences – including Christmas and New Year‘s celebrations – that will touch and refresh you. You will nourish your soul, enjoy the company of heartful
       friends and be inspired to create a personal vision for your future happiness. Come and join us for this amazing renewal of your spirit!
       Part-time participation possible

       Tan-Ju Winter See page 11                                       Chandrika                                        December 22 to January 1                 E935
       Tan-Ju is a school for teenagers from all over the world. Being a teenager and slowly becoming a grown-up can be challenging. Tan-Ju is a unique experience
       where teenagers learn how to relate to their emotions, express themselves with honesty and become close friends with each other. Live and learn together in
       the warm environment of the Humaniversity family. For teenagers aged 14 to 20. Part-time participation possible

       Diner Dansant                                                   Jayesh & Sangita                                 December 25 to 26                       E100
       Enjoy a beautifully served gourmet Christmas dinner with dancing and entertainment. Dress code: festive and elegant

       New Year‘s Dance Party                                          Humaniversity Family                             December 31 to January 1                  E88
                                                                                                                                                                                     New Y
       Party with us into the morning hours Humaniversity style – with love, connection and celebration. Opel will be transformed into a dance and lounge palace.
       Dress code: stylish and chic

       Humaniversity Encounter                                         Geetee & Isha                                    January 8 to 10                         E385
       It takes courage to relate with an open heart and to be honest and straight in your communication with others. By learning to express yourself you will gain
       insights into how you can improve your behavior, your relationships and the quality of your daily life.

                Thanks to Sambodhi for the design, Shanti, Sachan, Shivan and Kuteer for the photos and Yasha and Jayesh for editing and proofreading
                                      OSHO is a registered trademark of Osho International Foundation, used with permission


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Coming Together
                    Our Celebration Workshop over Christmas and New Year
       with Dharmaraj & Sambodhi December 22 to January 1
       Includes Diner Dansant and New Year’s Party
       We offer you a warm, friendly and nourishing environment to create a fresh and
       exciting vision for yourself in 2021, set amongst our sparkling celebrations of
       Christmas and New Year. Our rich menu of Humaniversity techniques and personal
       experiences will bring light into your heart, love into your life, and genuine, valuable
       friendships. If you are coming for the first time it’s a perfect way to get to know us,                         Dharmaraj & Sambodhi
       and if you are an old friend a beautiful opportunity to reconnect. Get it together by
       Coming Together!

       New Year’s Dance Party December 31 to January 1
       with the Humaniversity Family & DJ Geetee
       Start 2021 with a party full of joy, happiness and a waltz.                                                      The ‘Big House’

 New Year’s Toast                                                Presenting Diner Dansant                                                 New Year’s waltz

       General Information                                                                  Individual Sessions
                                                                                            Work one-on-one with a Humaniversity Therapist. We offer counselling,
       Residential Programs                                                                 emotional release, bodywork, massage, natural healing arts and more.
       Take a step further in living your potential with one of our residential
       programs. Immerse yourself in a continuous learning experience with the
                                                                                            Course Information
       loving support of the Humaniversity staff and community. You can start out           For weekends, registration takes place from 15:00 to 18:00.
       with the Tourist Program, and for more in-depth experiences we offer the             Prices include food and accommodation, except where labeled non-residential.
       Student Program, One Year Intensive program, and our Addiction Program               For those courses, food & accommodation packages are available for a fee.
       (HAPI).                                                                              We offer discounts for early payment, students and bringing a new friend.


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Yogini & Sangitama                   Sunito                            Sangita                       Aranyo

   Dharmaraj                             Gabi                             Prem Jan                      Isha

    Yasha                               Jayesh                            Sambodhi                      Geetee

  Chandrika                             Rajan                             Shikhara                      Premdip

                                    Osho Humaniversity – International School for the Growth,
                                    Development and Fulfillment of the Human Being
                                    Dr. Wiardi Beckmanlaan 4, 1931BW Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands
                          ,, +31 (0) 72 506 4114

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