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KURDE INSTITUT DE PARIS Information and liaison bulletin N°268 JULY 2007
The publication of this Bulletin enjoys a subsidy from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGCID) aqnd the Fonds d’action et de soutien pour l’intégration et la lutte contre les discriminations (The Fund for action and support of integration and the struggle against discrimination) This bulletin is issued in French and English Price per issue : France: 6 € — Abroad : 7,5 € Annual subscribtion (12 issues) France : 60 € — Elsewhere : 75 € Monthly review Directeur de la publication : Mohamad HASSAN Numéro de la Commission Paritaire : 659 15 A.S. ISBN 0761 1285 INSTITUT KURDE, 106, rue La Fayette - 75010 PARIS Tel. : 01-48 24 64 64 - Fax : 01-48 24 64 66 www.fikp.org E-mail: bulletin@fikp.org
Contents: • ANKARA AND TEHERAN AGAIN THREATEN IRAQI KURDISTAN • THE YEZIDI COMMUNITY FALLS VICTIM TO ONE OF THE WORLD’S WORST BOMB ATTACKS SINCE 11 SEPTEMBER 2001 • TURKEY: ABDULLAH GUL IS ELECTED PRESIDENT BY THE TURKISH PARLIAMENT • THE IRAQI PRIME GOES MINISTER ON OFFICIAL VISITS TO TURKEY AND IRAN • IRAN: THE CAMPAIGN OF SUPPORT FOR THE TWO KURDISH JOURNALISTS SENTENCED TO DEATH • A FRESH NATIONAL RECONCILIATION PROCESS IN IRAQ HAS STARTED • AS WELL AS … ANKARA AND TEHERAN AGAIN lagers from these Kurdistan moun- tains have thus fled from the area to F THREATEN IRAQI KURDISTAN escape shelling by the Iranian Army. “Some 150 families have fled eight villages. We are worried about the OR fear of a Turkish military to their villages to find shelter in the situation in this area. If this shelling incursion, dozens of Christian valley, out of range of the Iranian continues we may have to decree a families who have sought artillery. On 25 August an Iranian state of emergency”, declared Hus- refuge in Iraqi Kurdistan have Army helicopter crashed in the sein Ahmed, head of the Qalaa Diza again been obliged to resume their Qandil mountains, in North=West district on 22 August. “The artillery exodus. In June Iraq had officially Iran, near the Iraqi borders, causing fired eight shots today at Hajj protested about Turkish shelling of the deaths of six Guardians of the Umran, on Mount Qandil. Two villages in the Sharansh area of Revolution (the regime’s religious shells fell during the night”, pointed Duhok Province. For over a year, militia). The Kurdish fighters out the official responsible for Hajj this area has been the scene of regu- claimed that the aircraft had Umran. lar clashes between the Iranian exploded through landing on a Army and Kurdish fighters of the mine while the Iranian Army On 30Auguat, Iraq publicly Free Life in Kurdistan Party blamed the weather. Qalaa Diza, in demanded that Iran put an end to (PEJAK), a group close to the PKK. Iraqi Kurdistan territory, is close to its regular shelling of border areas. Since the crash of an Iranian heli- the Iranian province of Western Baghdad warned that pursuing this copter, many Kurdish civilians liv- Azerbaijan, mainly populated by shelling would affect relations ing on Mount Qandil have decided Kurds. Several hundreds of vil- between the two neighbours. The
• 2 • Information and liaison bulletin n° 269 • August 2007 artillery shelling “has unfortunately easy reach of Irbil airport, the US State Department makes no dif- become a daily occurrence”, Kempinski luxury hotel chain is ference between Kurdistan and the deplored the Iraqi Foreign Minister, building one its hotels while the rest of Iraq, strongly advising Hoshyar Zebari. “We recently sum- new Naz housing estate is going Americans against going there. moned the Iranian Ambassador and up with 14 story blocks of flats, all Other countries like Denmark, handed him a letter of protest”. Iraq fitted with Broadband Internet Japan, Austria Sweden and Holland “demands the immediate stopping access. have, nevertheless struck Kurdistan of these attacks”, which hit innocent off their list of dangerous destina- people and “cause material damage The Investment Council, a govern- tions, rejoices Felah Mustafa Bakir, to property, to the area’s environ- ment agency, is said to have head of the Kurdistan regional gov- ment and has also obliged many approved projects valued at over ernment’s external relations depart- people to flee from their homes”. 3.5 billion dollars so far. However, ment. In May, the British tour oper- the advice given by various foreign ator, Hinterland Travel, organised a However, Kurdistan continues to be governments to their citizens who journey to the three Kurdish a welcoming territory for many wish to travel abroad are hindering provinces for adventurous tourist in refugees. Sunni Arabs are flocking Kurdistan’s development. Thus the their fifties and sixties. to Suleimaniyah to escape the vio- lence and find a peaceful haven within the Kurdish community, THE YEZIDI COMMUNITY FALLS VICTIM which had been so savagely TO ONE OF THE WORLD’S WORST BOMB repressed by the Saddam Hussein ATTACKS SINCE 11 SEPTEMBER 2001 A regime. Hundreds of families are crowing into a makeshift camp on the outskirts of this town. “In the last 18 months 3,672 families, that is CCORDING to official statis- beginning of the war in 2003, struck about 18,500 people, have settled in tics, with 1,773 deaths Iraqi the Kurdish religious minority, the Suleimaniyah. There are also some civilians losses increased by Yezidis. Over 500 deaths were 12,000 single men who have come to 7% in August. This assess- recorded by the Red Crescent, while find work”, explained Mahmud ment, collected from different min- the local authorities published the Othman, the official responsible for istries, was 1,653 the month before. figures of 344 killed and 70 disap- keeping census the town’s census Official figures also record 87 killed peared. Four lorries, loaded with records. According to him, 70% of in the ranks of the police and the explosives, were blown up in the the arrivals are Sunni Arabs. Volun- national armed forces, whereas 224 villages of al-Khataniyah and al- tary bodies, like the Red Crescent had been killed in July. For its part, Adnaniyah, two villages in the Sin- and Kurdish charity organisations, the US Army lost 81 men in August, jar region, in the Western part of have provided tents, water food a similar figure to that for July, Nineveh Province, some 370 Km clothing and blankets. Over a hun- according to a body count made by North of Baghdad, essentially dred of these refugees hold a doc- the Internet site icasualties.org. inhabited by Yezidis. The Ministry’s torate and 5,500 are students, Between April and June the US Director of operations, General according to the census. Army recorded about a hundred Abdel Karim Khalaf declared that deaths a month. Washington the lorries were stuffed with two Moreover, Nimrud Yukhan, the imputes this drop to the arrival of tons of explosives. These two Minister of Tourism, whose ministry 30,000 reinforcements. In all, 3,700 attacks, imputed to the Iraqi branch has 417 officials, is nursing ambi- US soldiers have been killed in Iraq of the Al-Qaida organisation by the tious projects of more hotels and air- since the start of the conflict. As far US Army, wiped out whole families lines. Yukhan’s ambitions and even as “terrorists” are concerned, the of Yezidis. the very existence of a Ministry of Iraqi government reports 472 killed Tourism, testify to the great confi- and 2,019 taken prisoner in August. These attacks are the most murder- dence in the future of Kurdistan, as ous since the overthrow of Saddam are the ambitious building projects The most murderous attack that the Hussein four years ago — but they that are being envisaged. Within country has experienced since the are also the most murderous in the
n° 269 •August 2007 Information and liaison bulletin • 3 • world since the 2,973 deaths in the strength of US forces in Iraq has the AKP, and the controversy over United States on 11 September 2001. fluctuated considerably, the previ- whether a man whose wife wears The Yezidi community, estimated at ous peak was in January 2005, at this Islamic headdress can claim to about 500,000, is a Kurdish-speak- 161,000, and corresponded with the hold high office is not new. The ing religious minority living in Kur- holding of the general elections in Army regularly purges its ranks of distan. Iraq. islamists and officers’ wives cannot wear the headscarf. As against this, Furthermore, four Kurdish police- On the other hand, on 29 August the the wives of a number of AKP lead- men were killed and eight others Mehdi’s Army, Moqtada al-Sadr’s ers do wear this, like the wife of injured in Diyala Province by militia, announced the suspension Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo- “friendly fire” from the US Air of all “its armed actions” for a peri- gan. According to a survey carried Force. Kurdish forces have been od of six months. Moqtada al-Sadr out by the mass circulation daily deployed in Diyala Province, Main- ordered the militia to suspend its Hurriyet, the wives of 325 (out of ly North of Baquba, at the request of activities following clashes between 550) members of the new Parlia- the coalition forces to help fight ter- different Shiite groups that caused ment resulting from the 22 July elec- rorism. The Kurdistan regional gov- 52 deaths in the holy city of Kerbala. tions are so veiled. However, Mrs ernment has called for an enquiry. Some armed men attacked the Gul will not be the first to first to The US has, at the moment the offices of the powerful Shiite Party, enter the Cankaya Presidential strongest force in Iraq since the start the Supreme Council of the Islamic Palace wearing this headgear. In of the war with some 162,000 troops Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) in five of fact, Latife Ussaki, Atatuk’s short- deployed in the country, according the Country’s cities and set fire to lived wife, used to cover her head in to the Pentagon. Although the some of them. the early days of the Republic, founded in 1923, before removing it following the secularisation laws. TURKEY: ABDULLAH GUL IS ELECTED O PRESIDENT BY THE TURKISH PARLIAMENT Before proceeding to the election of the Turkish President, the new Par- liament met, for the first time, on 4 N 28 August, the Turkish place of this Islamic symbol in a August for the official swearing in Parliament finally, but unsur- State that claims to be strictly secu- ceremony. In 1991, in the course of prisingly, elected the former lar. Hayrunisa Gul, 27 years married this ceremony, Leyla Zana, the first Turkish Foreign Minister, to Abdullah Gul, have applied to Kurdish woman to become a Mem- Abdullah Gul, President of the the European Human Rights Court, ber of Parliament, had stupefied the Turkish Republic. On the strength of when her husband was Foreign other members by addressing a its election victory, the Justice and Minister, because she was barred message of peace to them in Kur- Development Party (AKP), on 13 from access to University because of dish. Three years later, Mrs Zana August, again proposed him as can- her headscarf. The proceedings and three of her colleagues were didate to the Turkish Presidency. were finally dropped in 2004 after sentenced to 15 years imprisonment Last spring, this nomination, which the Court dismissed the case of a (they served ten) on the grounds of had already provoked a serious veiled young Turkish woman who “supporting a terrorist organisa- institutional crisis between the AKP was protesting at this ban, which is tion”. None of the new Kurdish government and the Turkish Army, strictly enforced in Turkey. The Guls Members repeated Mrs. Zana’s chal- led to the early election — won with have a daughter, Kubra, who also lenge. The head of the Party for a an absolute majority of seats by the wears the headscarf. For four years Democratic Society, (DTP), Ahmet AKP on 22 July. she was one of the girls who hid this Turk, stated on the CNN-Turk news bit of cloth under a wig — a way channel: “We wish to take part in Turkey’s future “first lady” will adopted by militant Moslem stu- drawing up a peaceful and democ- wear the Islamic headscarf, which dents to bye-pass the ban on wear- ratic process (…) in a spirit of concil- is, however, forbidden in the Uni- ing the headscarf at University. This iation and dialogue: it is in this spirit versities and public offices. This will veiling, a strong symbol of identity that we wish to carry out our mis- renew the controversy over the amongst the rank and file electors of sion in parliament”. In the House,
• 4 • Information and liaison bulletin n° 269 • August 2007 imitated by the other DTP Mem- against the PKK. Koksal Toptan, a clashes in Siirt Province, near the bers, he even went so far as go to moderate conservative, the govern- locality of Pervari. Two other Kur- shake hands with the president of ment’s candidate as the most likely dish fighters were killed the day the National Action Party (MHP — to reconcile the nationalist opposi- before in Van Province. One of the ultra-nationalist and neo-fascist) tion, was elected Speaker of the bloodiest clashes took place in a Devlet Bahçeli, although he sup- House on 9 August at the first bal- rural area near Uludere, in Sirnak ports the idea of a pitiless war lot. province. Two Turkish soldiers and 10 Kurdish fighters, including two women, were killed in Hakkari THE IRAQI PRIME MINISTER GOES ON AN Province. On 12 August, twelve O OFFICIAL VISITS TO TURKEY AND IRAN Turkish soldiers were injured by the explosion of as remote controlled mine on a road in Siirt Province, as N 7 August the Iraqi Prime details of the agreement with the two Army vehicles were passing. Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, Turkish authorities. Since the Iraqi On 7 August a Turkish soldier was arrived in Ankara accompa- Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki has killed by the explosion of another nied by a 30-man delegation, refused to sign the agreement until mine near Yuksekova in Hakkari including Foreign Minister Hoshyar it has been put to the vote in Parlia- Province and on 5 August a PKK Zebari. Mr. Maliki met his Turkish ment. fighter was shot down by security opposite number, Recep Tayyip forces in Sirnak Province while Erdogan and the President of For his part, on 7 August, the Prime three Turkish soldiers were killed by Turkey, Ahmet Necdet Sezer before Minister of the Kurdistan regional the explosion of yet another mine in leaving Turkey so as to visit Iran a government, Nechirvan Barzani, Diyarbekir Province. day later. Turkey, whose Building minimised the disagreement with and Public Works and transport Ankara. The Turkish troops that Some 1,500 members of special units companies are already active in were in the Kurdish enclave were of the gendarmerie, which is a Iraq, hopes to invest in the Iraqi fuel there with the consent of the local quasi-military force in Turkey, have and power sectors. According to the authorities, Mr. Barzani declared in been carrying out combing opera- Turkish Minister for Fuel and a press conference at Irbil, the tions in Tunceli Province, with heli- Power, Hilmi Guler, Turkey and regional capital. Mr. Barzani urged copter gunship support. On 3 Iraq are going to build electric the Kurdish political leaders to dis- August two PKK fighters were power stations, one in Iraq and the cuss with Turkey how to end the killed and two soldiers wounded in other in Turkey. The agreement also differences over the PKK. “We hope two days during these operations covers cooperation on the develop- that this visit (by Mr. Maliki) will On the other hand, some 350 mem- ment and renovation of electric mark a beginning of a resolution of bers of an elite Turkish anti-PKK power lines as well as in the area of all the problems. We are ready to commando penetrated into Iraqi oil prospecting. discuss with Turkey whenever it Kurdistan territory during the night wants” he added. of 5 August. Some villages near the The Turkish authorities also asked town of Zakho were targeted by the head of the Baghdad govern- The clashes have intensified since Turkish artillery without, however, ment to act against the Kurdish the beginning of the year and injuring anyone. fighters of the Kurdistan Workers’ Turkey has deployed forces all Party (PKK) based in Iraq, even along the border and is threatening Furthermore, Nuri al-Maliki also though Mr. Maliki’s room for to launch a military operation into visited Iran for discussions on secu- manoeuvre is considerably reduced Iraqi Kurdistan. The Turkish Army rity in Iraq. He arrived in Teheran by the security situation in Iraq and has been demanding political autho- on 8 August, two days after the first by the crisis facing his government. risation for launching a cross-border meeting, in Baghdad, of an Iraqi- Turkey and Iraq have agreed to sign operation since April, so as to carry Americano-Iranian commission set a document envisaging fighting the out an incursion into Iraqi Kurdis- up for improving co-operation for PKK. An Iraq delegation is later tan. On 29 August, eight Kurdish stabilising the country. This com- expected in Ankara to discuss fighters were killed fighting in mission was set up in the wake of
n° 269 •August 2007 Information and liaison bulletin • 5 • determining discussions held in and other high Iranian officials. Kurdish origin”, declared the head Baghdad in May and June between Mahmud Ahmedinjad told the of the French Foreign Office in a the Americans and the Iranians. Iraqi Prime Minister that Teheran communiqué. “France, fully They were meetings held at the and Baghdad shared “a heavy engaged with its European partners highest level between representa- responsibility” for establishing in favour of the universal abolition tives of the two countries, which peace and security in the region. of capital punishment, calls on the have had no diplomatic relations His arrival in Teheran coincided Iranian authorities not to carry out since the Islamic Revolution in with an international meeting on this sentence”, he added. Mr. 1979. The Iraqi Prime Minister met, security in Iraq that opened in Kouchner also called on Teheran to in particular, the Iranian President Damascus. “observe the freedom of the Press, in accordance with its international obligations”. On 3 August, the IRAN: THE CAMPAIGN OF SUPPORT FOR European Union called on Teheran THE TWO KURDISH JOURNALISTS not to execute the two Kurdish jour- O SENTENCED TO DEATH nalists and ensure them “an equi- table trial”, according to a commu- niqué from the Portuguese presi- N 1 August, the organisation that they were in a very weak state”. dency of the Union. “The E.U. urges for the defence of press free- Mr. Nikhbakht also sent his obser- the Islamic Republic of Iran to stay dom, Reporters sans Fron- vations to the Association for the the execution of Messrs. Adnan tières (RSF), launched a peti- defence of prisoners’ rights, who Hassanpur and Abdolvahed Boti- tion to demand the release of two explained, in a communiqué that mar and ensure that the two jour- Kurdish journalists, sentenced to “their demands are slight and easily nalist receive an equitable trial, in death in Iran. On 16 July the Iranian satisfied. They wish to be trans- accordance with the International courts had confirmed the sentence ferred to the common quarters of Pact regarding civil and political of hanging passed on Abdelvahed the prison and be able to see their rights, which Iran has ratified”, the Botimar and Adnan Hassanpur “for families and lawyers”. Campaigns communiqué points out. More gen- being moharb”, a Persian word of support have already been erally, the E.U. says it is “deeply meaning “enemy of God”. RSF also launched in Kurdistan. On 1 concerned by the series of public demanded the release of the jour- August, about fifteen Turkish collective executions that have taken nalist Farshad Gobanpur, detained Human Rights activists protested in place in several regions of Iran last on 31 July for “unrevealed” reasons front of the Iranian consulate in month as well as by the growing and of the former chief editor of the Istanbul. The demonstrators, number of death sentences being daily paper Jomhuriat Emadoldin brought together by the Association passed”. On 2 August, the Italian Baghi, sentenced on the same day to for Human Rights (IHD) read out a Foreign Ministry made public its three years imprisonment for communiqué in front of the con- “great anxiety” and also indicated “actions against national security” sulate criticising the tortures to that it was “very concerned” at the and for “publicity favourable to which the journalists had been sub- death sentences against the two opponents of the regime”. Accord- jected. Kurdish journalists in a commu- ing to the organisation, eleven jour- niqué. “The Ministry of Foreign nalists and Internet dissidents are at The death sentence on these two Affairs has informed the assistant present imprisoned in Iran. The was also criticised by the United chargé d'affaires of the Iran petition is open for supporting sig- States, the European Union, and Embassy in Rome, Hossein Mafi natures on http://www.ref.org. The France. On 1 August the French For- Moghaddam, during a meeting that two Kurdish journalists began a eign Minister, Bernard Kouchner, took place at the Ministry, of Italy’s hunger strike over two months ago, condemned the death sentences great anxiety regarding the execu- according to one of their lawyers. passed on the two journalists and tions which have taken place in the “They are on a water only strike”, asked that the sentences be not car- last few weeks in the country”, indi- declared Mr. Nikhbakht on 20 ried out. “I learned with the greatest cated the office of Massimo August who saw the condemned concern about the death sentence d’Alema. The Ministry deplores men two days earlier and “realised passed on two Iranian journalists of “the reference also made to the
• 6 • Information and liaison bulletin n° 269 • August 2007 accusations of homosexuality that in the world. Two men, found guilty Under this agreement, a Bill will be occur in the charge sheets” of peo- of assassinating a senior Iranian placed before Parliament to replace ple who have been hanged. On 15 magistrate in 2005 were hanged in the “de-Baathification law” adopted August, the United States also indi- Teheran on 2 August before a crowd in 2003 on Washington’s initiative, cated that the death sentences on come to see the first public execu- and thus allow former members of the two journalists indicated tion in the capital for five years. Ten the Baath Party to re-enlist, with Teheran’s determination to “flout its other people had been executed the senior posts, in the Army, the Civil citizens’ rights ”. In a communiqué, day before in Iran, seven of them in Service and other institutions. The the State Department spokesman, public at Mashhad (North-Eastern rehabilitation of former Baathists Sean McCormack, denounced the Iran). An Iranian, sentenced to had been strongly demanded by the sentence passed. “By sentencing the death for “murder of his mother-in- Sunni Arab political bloc. The Iraqi journalists Adnan Hassanpur and law” was hanged at Babolsar, leaders also accepted the organisa- the ecological activist Abdolvahed according to the daily paper Ete- tion of regional elections and the Botimar to death after a biased trial, mead Melli. The condemned man continuing of the dialogue on ques- the Iranian government once again was hanged in the town’s Bassij tions that divide them like constitu- shows its determination to flout its Square. This execution brings the tional reform and the Oil Bill. The citizens’ rights and to ignore the number of executions of those sen- presence of Vice-President Hashe- basic principals of acceptable behav- tenced to at least 157 since the mi, a pillar of the Sunni Arab bloc iour at international level”, declared beginning of the year, according to does not, however, necessarily mean Mr. McCormack. AFP’s calculations, based on news the return of the Sunni Arab bloc to published in the press and witness- the government. The Iraqi govern- At least 177 people were executed in es. Treason, espionage, murder, ment has been paralysed for several 2006, according to Amnesty Interna- armed attacks, drug trafficking, months by internal quarrels tional, which points out that Iran is, rape, sodomy, adultery prostitution between Sunni and Shiite Arabs, along with China and Pakistan, one and apostasy are all liable to face which provoked the walk out of 17 of the three countries that make the capital punishment in the Islamic of the 40 ministers. On 6 August, the greatest use of capital punishment Republic. ministers of the Iraqi National List, secular Arabs close to the former Prime Minister Iyad Alawi A FRESH NATIONAL RECONCILIATION announced they were boycotting the O PROCESS IN IRAQ HAS STARTED government. On 1 August, the six Ministers of the Front, the principal Sunni Arab bloc in the government, N 27 August, the Office of the out. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, with 44 of the 275 seats, had handed Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani, Iraqi President Jalal Tlabani, in their resignation to the Prime announced in a communiqué Vice=President Tareq al-Hashemi, Minister following a month-long that the Shiite, Sunni Arab Vice-President Adel Abdel Mehdi disagreement. Even earlier, in June, and Kurdish leaders of Iraq had and the President Of the Kurdistan five ministers allied to the radical committed themselves to relaunch Regional Government, Massud Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr, had the process of national reconciliation Barzani, made a rare appearance on resigned. On 16 August, the Shiite by accepting to resolve the key television following the commu- and Kurdish parties had decided to problems that divide them. niqué. This latest effort to extract the form a new alliance to try and bring country from the political crisis fol- Iraq out of the political crisis, but The leaders have agreed to reduce lows intense pressure from the without securing the immediate restrictions on ex-members of for- American authorities and two participation of the Sunni Arabs. mer dictator Saddam Hussein’s weeks before the presentation to The new alliance consists of four Baath Party and to organise regional Congress of a report on Iraq by the parties and has 108 of the 275 seats elections (one of Washington’s US Ambassador to Baghdad, Ryan in Parliament. demands) and to help the security Crocker and the head of the coali- forces put an end to the reigning tion forces on the spot, General Meanwhile, on 10 August, under violence, the communiqué points David Petraeus. pressure from the United States to
n° 269 •August 2007 Information and liaison bulletin • 7 • commit itself further to stabilising attack that had killed 22 UN staff, sible cooperation, would relax the Iraq, the United Nations accepted to including its special envoy to Iraq, US sanctions to which it is subjected play an increased role. Resolution the Brazilian Sergio Vieira de Mello, or put pressure on Israel for it to 1770, unanimously adopted by the the organisation’s staff had reacted accept the return of the Golan to UN Security Council, gives the UN in advance to resolution 1770. Syria. Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) a wider field of action, One of the architects of Resolution • A CHOLERA EPIDEMIC IN “should circumstances permit”, in 1770, the US Ambassador, Zalmay KURDISTAN. On 30 August, the various domains: political, diplo- Khalilzad, pointed out that the Suleimaniyah Provincial Director of matic, humanitarian, Human unanimous vote showed “that a Health, Sherko Abdullah, Rights. These activities are the page has been turned in the history announced that six people had died daily routine of the international of the UN Security Council’s role in of a cholera epidemic in the organisation, but usually in post- Iraq”, referring to the latter ’s Province and that the region’s hospi- conflict situations. Of the 300 mem- refusal to legitimise the 2003 mili- tals were treating 2,000 suspects. In bers of the international UNAMI tary intervention. “This resolution the course of just one day, on 28 July, staff, the number authorised to stresses the increasingly shared 250 people showing symptoms such reside in Iraq is limited to 65. At feeling that everything that hap- as diarrhoea and vomiting were present only 55 really live there, 5 of pens in Iraq has consequences for taken into hospital and 102 others them in Irbil and 50 in Baghdad, the whole world, and not just for were admitted to hospitals the next inside the Green Zone. Still trauma- the region”, added the American day, according to the Director. tised by the 19 August 2003 bomb diplomat. In Geneva, the World Health Organ- isation (WHO) pointed out that 35 cases had been confirmed by local AS WELL AS … laboratories. “We have found two sources of the epidemic, one at Suleimaniyah and the other at • DAMASCUS WELCOMES AN accusing Syria of allowing armed Kirkuk”, indicated the WHO spe- activists to infiltrate into Iraq INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON cialist on cholera, speaking of through its territory. “major epidemic”. According to Mr. STABILISATION IN IRAQ, WITH Abdullah, “the principal cause (of THE UNUSUAL PARTICIPATION The Syrian delegation included the epidemic) is the bad quality of OF THE UNITED STATES. On 9 Mohammad Mansura, head of the the water”. He nevertheless pointed August, Damascus welcomed an Intelligence service responsible for out that most of the patients were international meeting on the stabili- political security. Iran sent a group not suffering from cholera. “The sation of the situation in Iraq, with of 15 diplomats and Intelligence hospitals I Suleimaniyah are treat- the quite exceptional participation officers and the United States team ing cases of diarrhoea. But cases of of the United States. Apart from the of diplomats from the Damascus diarrhoea are not necessarily cases United States, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Baghdad Embassies. of cholera. We are taking every pre- Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and caution to prevent the illness from Iran also took part in this meeting Since the intervention in Iraq, nearly spreading”, he stressed. which dealt with the securing of the a million Iraqis have sought refuge 360 Km Iraqi-Syrian border and the in Syria, including a considerable • A MAJOR MINISTERIAL controlling of the networks of Iraqi number of former agents of Saddam Baathists settled on Syrian soil since Hussein’s security services, who RESHUFFLE IN IRAN. The Iranian the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. Baghdad accuses of lending a hand President, Mahmud Ahmedinjad, This meeting is the logical follow up to the Iraqi guerrilla. Some diplo- has replaced his Ministers of Oil and of an earlier meeting of Syrian and matic sources in Damascus consider of Industry in a major reshuffle, con- American leaders that took place in that till now Syria has remained sidered to be a means of strengthen- May on the fringes of a conference vague about its policy in Iraq, hop- ing his hold on the industrial sectors in Egypt. Washington has been ing that the US, in return for its pos- in which are concentrated the bulk
• 8 • Information and liaison bulletin n° 269 • August 2007 of the country’s revenue. According a militant lesbian living in Canada. failures to observe the Islamic head- to the official news agency IRNA, “I was informed that the press dress, any outward signs of Western the Oil Minister, Kazem Vaziri supervision organism had ordered culture, particularly young people Mahaneh, and the Industry Minis- the ban but we have not yet received wearing clothes bearing foreign ter, Ali Reza Tahmasebi handed in official notification”, stated the inscriptions and Western hair styles. their resignation and were replaced Director of the paper, Mehdi Rah- by ministers who are just responsi- manian on 6 August. “We published Moreover, on 5 August, the media ble for dealing with current ques- an interview of an Iranian women reported that a star host on the State tions. However, on 13 August, the expatriate. They told us that this television channel had been laid off bulk of the country’s major dailies woman had moral problems. She is after having criticised the Teheran affirmed that Mr. Ahmedinjad had homosexual and boasts of it in her Chief of Police during a very popu- in fact, fired the two ministers. The blog. We just interviewed her as a lar programme. This police chief has State media gave no reason for the poet”, added Mr. Rahmanian. In its been waging a campaign against alleged dismissals, limiting them- 4 August issue, Sharghi (East) had women whose heads are not suffi- selves to publishing the Presidency’s published full-page interview, enti- ciently covered. Two weeks ago official communiqué, which merely tled “feminist language”, of Saghi Farzad Hassani indulged in sharp said that the Iranian President had Ghahreman, an Iranian poetess liv- criticism of the capital’s police chief, appointed the President of the ing in Canada. The conservative Ahmad Reza Radan. The presenter National Oil Company (NIOC), daily Kayhan then attacked Mrs. severely criticised the methods of Sholam Hossein Nozeri as minister Ghahreman, describing her as a the police who had just launched a in charge of Oil and Ali Akbar “counter-revolutionary in flight” campaign against Iranian women Mehrabian, director of a chain of who ran “the organisation of Iranian who insufficiently covered their Teheran shops as Minister in charge homosexuals”. Sharghi had started heads or who had western hair- of Industry. to appear again in May, after a nine- styles. month ban for having published a Elected in 2005 on the basis of a caricature of President Mahmud • TURKEY-E.U.: CYPRUS EX- populist programme, Ahmedinjad Ahmedinjad that was considered POSES TURKISH THREATS FOL- had, amongst election other promis- insulting. es, promised to rid the country of LOWING INTERNATIONAL INVI- what he had described as the oil Furthermore on 9 August the offi- TATIONS TO TENDER REGARD- “mafias”. The Iranian President cial news agency IRNA reported ING OFF-SHORE OIL PROS- was, however, forced to accept that the Iranian police had arrested PECTING ROUND THE ISLAND. Sholam Nozeri Mahaneh in that 20 young girls and boys during a On 11 August, the Cyprus Foreign post after parliament had thrice mixed party at Karaj (West of Minister, Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis rejected the candidates he had pro- Teheran), a few days after the arrest declared that Turkey’s threats posed for the post. Kazem was of 230 people during a secret concert regarding the exploration of oil- recently accused by a former mem- of rock music, described as “satan- fields by Cyprus in Eastern Mediter- ber of the government of having ic” in the same town. Over 110 of ranean waters could hinder Turkey’s concluded a contract to sell petrol to those taking part were transferred to attaining membership of the Euro- India and Pakistan for too low a the local prison. Consuming alco- pean Union. Turkey’s behaviour will price. holic drinks and mixed parties are have serious repercussions on its forbidden in Iran. The Iranian Chief application for membership, • THE IRANIAN REGIME of Police, General Esmail Ahmadi warned the head of Cyprus’s foreign Mogadam, declared that the cam- service, indicating that it had STARTS A VAST MORALISA- paign of moralisation, launched last already had important conse- TION CAMPAIGN AGAINST April, was going to be pursued with quences regarding the Fuel and FAILURES TO OBSERVE ISLAM- force “because of the support pro- power chapter of the negotiations. IC RULES. Iran closed down, for vided by the population”, reported the second time in a year, the coun- the Mehr news agency. The Iranian Turkey is opposed to Cyprus’s try’s major moderate daily, Shargh, police have been carrying out a vast action in granting licences for oil after it published an interview with campaign since last April against and gas exploration in the Mediter-
n° 269 •August 2007 Information and liaison bulletin • 9 • ranean, arguing that the Turkish- tion projects in 11 blocks defined relations with the Republic of Cypriot regime in Northern Cyprus by Cyprus off shore of the island. Cyprus, which is recognised by the that had the right to deciding about According to the local media, the international community, and the submarine wealth. Mrs. Kozak- Turkish research vessel Yunus S has joined the European Union in May ou-Marcoullis informed the United recently been sailing in the area for 2004. Cyprus has been divided States and the E.U. about Turkish Mediterranean exploration. Turkey since its invasion by the Turkish threats against the international is said to have send a letter to the Army in 1974, which followed a invitation to tender put out by UN General Secretary, Ban Ki- failed coup d’état by some Nicosia, the first cycle of which is moon, denouncing the fact that the Greek nationalist, backed by the due to end on 16 August next. The Greek-Cypriots were trying to “cre- Colonels Junta then in power in firms interested can submit their ate a fait accompli” in the region. Athens, aiming at annexing Cyprus bids for exploration and exploita- Ankara does not have diplomatic to Greece.
Revue de Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ôzeti Les pays arabes divisés devant l'offre américaine 1" août 2007 de vente d'armes M"' Rice au Moyen-Orient pour contrer l'influence de l'Iran dénoncer un projet « pyromane », qui BEYROUTH vise à « semer la peur entre les Etats de la CORRESPONDANTE région et à les diviser, dans le but de com¬ Téhéran dénonce La secrétaire d'Etat américaine, un projet Condoleezza Rice, et le secrétaire à mercialiser les armes américaines ». Aucun des pays destinataires de l'offre « pyromane », la défense, Robert Gates, étaient qui vise attendus mardi 31 juillet à Charm américaine n'avait encore réagi lundi. Ils attendaient d'y voir plus clair lors de la à « semer la peur El-Cheikh en Egypte. Dans leurs bagages, entre les Etats un projet de vente d'armes d'un montant réunion de Charm El-Cheikh, à l'issue de laquelle M"" Rice devait se rendre en Ara¬ de la région » de près de 20 milliards de dollars (près de 14 milliards d'euros) aux six- pays mem¬ bie Saoudite et M. Gates au bres du Conseil de coopération du Golfe Koweït, dont l'émir. Cheikh (CCG, Arabie Saoudite, Koweït, Qatar, Sabah Ai-Ahmed Al-Jaber suscitent aussi de fortes inquiétudes. Ses Emirats arabes unis, Bahreïn et Oman). Al-Sabah, a effectué dimanche velléités d'étendre son influence au sein M"" Rice, qui devait s'entretenir mardi une visite éclair à Djedda, où des communautés chiites autochtones, et avec les ministres des affaires étrangères ses entretiens avec le roi Abdal¬ de se livrer à un prosélytisme reUgieux de ces pays, ainsi que leur collègue égyp¬ lah Ben Abdel Aziz ont porté dans une région à écrasante majorité sun¬ tien, avait été très claire, la veille, en décla¬ sur l'offre américaine. nite n'ont rien de rassurant. rant peu avant son départ des Etats-Unis Pour les pays arabes du Gol¬ Mais tant avec la Syrie qu'avec l'Iran, que l'objectif de ce projet est d'* aider les fe, seules Al-Qaida et les orga¬ les Etats arabes du Golfe ont opté poiu- la forces de modération et de soutenir une stra¬ nisations qui lui sont apparen¬ voie diplomatique, en suivant leur chef tégie plus globale visant à confréries influen¬ tées sont des ermemis à abattre. En revan¬ de file saoudien. Après avoir tenté, sans ces négatives d'Al-Qaida, du Hedjollah che, et quelles que soient les suspicions et succès, d'amadouer Damas, notamment [libanais], de la Syrie et de l'Iran ». les divergences réelles qui les opposent à à propos du Liban, Riyad s'est distancé Un projet qui laisse perplexes les pays la Syrie, à l'Iran, ou encore au Hezbollah, du régime syrien, laissant la Ligue arabe de la région concernés par la « sollicitu¬ les pays membres du Conseil de coopéra¬ prendre la relève. Ses ouvertures envers de » américaine. Ces derniers, à la diffé¬ tion du Golfe cherchent à trouver des la République islamique ont connu un rence des Etats-Unis, ne traitent pas en solutions poUtiques, malgré des pous¬ succès mitigé. EUes ont permis de cir¬ bloc de la même manière hostile les orga¬ sées de tension épisodiques plus ou conscrire un conflit armé menaçant nisations et les pays désignés par . moins graves. Leur objectif est de préve¬ entre simnites et chiites au Liban, mais nir de nouveaux foyers de conflit dans elles n'ont pas enrayé le soutien présumé M Rice comme des «adversaires» et de Téhéran à des groupes armés chiites confondus dans une même mise en qua¬ tme région déjà fortement perturbée par la situation en Irak, en Palestine et au irakiens contre leurs concitoyens sunni¬ rantaine par les Etats-Unis poiu" « terro¬ tes. L'Iran s'est par ailleurs engagé à res¬ risme » ou « soutien au terrorisme ». Liban. C'est ce qui dicte leur refus d'une éventuelle intervention militaire améri¬ ter à distance des communautés chiites L'Iran qui s'est senti visé par le projet de la rive opposée du Golfe. Ces engage¬ de vente d'armes américain a été le pre¬ caine contre l'Iran soupçonné d'avoir orienté son programme nucléaire à des ments résisteront- ils toutefois à un svu-ar- mier à réagir. Téhéran s'est empressé de mement des monarchies arabes voisines fins militaires. Vue sous cet angle, l'offre américaine que l'Iran pourrait considérer comme un Inquiétudes de la coalition casus belli ? gouvernementale allemande est embarrassante. La refuser reviendrait à contrarier un pays MOUNANAÏM allié, les Etats-Unis, à se priver Des responsables de la coalition au pou- de moyens de dissuasion et . voir à Berlin ont critiqué, lundi 30 juillet, éventuellement de défense. L'ac¬ le projet américain de vente d'armes à cepter reviendrait à éveiller l'Arabie Saoudite et à cinq autres pays du l'hostilité latente d'une ou des Golfe pour contrer l'influence de l'Iran. parties contre lesquelles cette « Lorsqu'on ajoute des explosifs à une offre est dirigée, dans l'esprit de poudrière, on augmente le risque et on Washington. n'améliore pas la sécurité de la région », a Damas et Téhéran sont cer¬ affirmé le président de la commission tes soupçonnés, voire accusés par les des affaires étrangères du Parlement, le pays du Golfe, notamment l'Arabie Saou¬ chrétien-démocrate Ruprecht Polenz, au dite, principale puissance politique régio¬ ' quotidien Frankfurter Rundschau, qui nale, de contribuer à la déstabihsation de considère que l'Iran risque d'être incité à se réarmer aussi. Quant au secrétaire l'Irak. La Syrie et l'Iran sont également tenus pour coupables d'ingérence négati¬ général du Parti social-démocrate, Huber- ve au Liban et de soutien au Hezbollah. tus Heil, il a critiqué le choix de M. Bush Les ambitions nucléaires, présumées de « dangereux » et propre à aggraver une « situation instable ». - (AFP.) militaires, de la République islamique
Revue de Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Bastn Ozeti Les Iraniens confrontés Dans son bureau orné de livres reli¬ gieux, d'un portrait de l'imam Khomeiny et du « guide » actuel, l'ayatollah Ali Kha- menei, le directeur du journal ultraconser¬ au rationnement vateur Kayhan, Hossein Shariatmadari, reprend les thèmes populistes du président de l'Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, pour justifier le rationnement. « Cette mesure de l'essence « Ça nefait plaisir à personne, mais on s'adapte », dit un habi¬ tant de la capitale iranienne, nécessaire, nous en discutions en Iran depuis des années, et elle aurait dû être prise plus tôt »,
Revue de Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Bastn Ôzeti SYRIE CotSrier DU 2 AU 22 AOUT 2007 A la garden-party de l'axe du mal Les discours enflammés sur le thème de la "résistance" sont depuis toujours la spécialité du régime de Damas. Vu son rapprochement avec Téhéran, va-t-il passer à l'acte ? YEDIOT AHARONOT Tel-Aviv A A gauche, Tous les quinze jours ou le président syrien presque, les Israéliens se Bachar El-Assad ; posent la même question : à droite, le président que veut [le président iranien Mahmoud syrien] Bachar El-Assad ? A en juger Ahmadinejad. par ce qu'il fait et ce qu'il dit, on se Sur le tableau : demande s'il le sait lui-même. D'un "Je promets d'être côté, il n'arrête pas de parler de paix, un vilain garçon.. . " et de l'autre il pose des conditions Dessin de Moshik dont il sait parfaitement qu'Israël aura paru dans Maariv, du mal à les accepter ; ilclame n'avoir Tel-Aviv. aucune confiance en l'Etat hébreu et, plus important encore, ne cesse d'évo¬ quer la possibilité d'une "résistance", et ce avec beaucoup plus de force depuis la dernière guerre. Il ne se contente d'ailleurs pas d'en parler : il s'y prépare. Pendant des deux pays depuis qu'Assad père missiles - à la fois pour le front israé- que le président syrien discourait sur avait soutenu l'Iran dans sa guerre lien et pour l'arrière. Des missiles balis¬ la paix, son homologue iranien pré¬ contre l'Irak, dans les années 1980, tiques, antichars, antiaériens, et divers parait une "visite de congratulations" mû entre autres choses par son ani- types de roquettes sont par conséquent à Damas pour célébrer la réélection mosité envers Saddam Hussein. en train de remplacer la vieille tactique [par référendum le 27 mai] de Bachar Sous Bachar El-Assad, les liens entre militaire syrienne. C'est certainement El-Assad. Et, conformément aux pré¬ Damas et Téhéran se renforcent là cette "résistance" dont Bachar El- dictions, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad au point de se concrétiser par une Assad ne cesse de parler. n'est pas seulement venu [le 19 juillet] alliance stratégique dans laquelle Que signifie tout cela ? Tout sim¬ présenter ses meilleurs vux : il a l'Iran est l'associé principal et la Syrie, plement que Bachar El-Assad parle de aussi apporté avec lui toute ime série au mieux, le prestataire extérieur. paix, mais qu'en même temps il se pré¬ de "propositions d'affaires". Le président syrien s'est rendu à pare à la guerre. Il est difficile, sinon, Les deux hommes ont fini par Téhéran à cinq reprises ces dernières d'établir un lien logique entre son désir signer un accord stipulant que l'Iran années et a accueilli Ahmadinejad de voir s'installer un processus de paix versera 1 milliard de dollars à son deux fois depuis que ce dernier a été avec Israël et la "fête de l'axe du mal" partenaire pour financer l'achat élu [le 3 août 2005]. Les deux pays qu'il a donnée dans son palais avec d'armes de pointe russes, transférera ont signé en juin 2006 un traité de Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hassan Nas¬ une partie de son propre armement sécurité très complet et, en mars der¬ raUah, Khaled Mechaal, Ramadan Sha- sur le sol syrien et contribuera au nier, le ministre de la Défense iranien lah [chef dû Jihad islamique palesti¬ développement d'une industrie mili- a déclaré que son pays mettrait si nien, installé à Damas] et d'autres. De .taire en Syrie, ainsi qu'à l'instruction nécessaire l'intégralité de son arsenal toute évidence, Téhéran procvu-e plu¬ des officiers syriens. à la disposition de la Syrie. sieurs choses au président syrien : im Un nouveau chapitre diploma¬ vrai sentiment de sécurité, un bol d'air tique important a également été DAMAS PARLE DE PAIX TOUT diplomatique, des équipements mili¬ ouvert : Bachar El-Assad - celui-là taires, une base arrière stratégique et, EN SE PRÉPARANT À LA GUERRE même qui proclame son désir de On ne peut pourtant pas dire que surtout, une véritable alternative. Par paix - a promis à Téhéran de ne pas Bachar El-Assad soit dans le ailleurs, la situation est plutôt au point s'engager dans un processus de paix besoin. Il a récemment été révélé mort dans tous les côtés du triangle avec Israël. En échange, l'Iran aidera que son pays a dépensé dans la seule formé par Washington, la Syrie et la Syrie à veiller à ses intérêts au année 2006 la somme colossale de Israël, et apparemment le dégel n'est Liban, c'est-à-dire d'abord en para¬ 1,5 milliard à 2 milliards de dollars pas pour bientôt. lysant le pays et ensuite en [1,1 milliard à 1,5 milliard d'euros] Alors, que nous réservera la suite ? au renversement de Siniora [Premier en équipements militaires - en plus Essentiellement, la même chose. Autre¬ ministre libanais] . des livraisons d'armes qu'il reçoit de ment dit, ime escalade de la tension et Pendant qu'il était à Damas, le l'Iran -, des dépenses en nette aug¬ des déclarations de plus en plus mus¬ président iranien a rencontré Hassan mentation par rapport à toutes les clées : on évoquera une "résistance" . NasraUah [dirigeant du Hezbollah] et années précédentes. possible et on s'y préparera. La grande Khaled Mechaal [responsable du Cela signifie peut-être que l'une crainte à avoir est que ceux qui parlent Hamas basé en Syrie], dont il a aussi des leçons tirées par Damas de la der¬ autant de "résistance" ne finissent par rempli les poches après avoir exprimé ' nière guerre [au Liban, à l'été 2006] être tentés de faire quelque chose et toutes ses félicitations pour l'applica¬ est qu'il n'y a pas de différence entre que les missiles présentés au premier tion de la loi islamique à Gaza. Ce à le firont et l'arrière, et qu'il faut donc acte ne soient lancés au troisième. quoi nous assistons ici, c'est à une s'équiper de missiles - de beaucoup de Roee Nahmias nouvelle phase dans le rapprochement
Revue de Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro de la Prensa-Basin Ôzeti Journalistes kurdes iraniens condamnés à mort: "vive préoccupation" de Paris PARIS. 1 août 2007 (AFP) - llh36 - Le ministre français des Affaires iraniennes à ne pas exécuter cette peine", ajoute-t-il. étrangères Bernard Kouchner a exprimé mercredi sa "vive préoccupation" M. Kouchner appelle également Téhéran "à respecter la liberté d'expression et après la condamnation à mort prononcée en Iran contre deux journalistes de la presse conformément à ses obligations internationales". kurdes iraniens et demandé que cette sentence ne soit pas appliquée. L'Iran a confirmé pour la première fois mardi que deux journalistes kurdes "J'ai appris avec la plus vive préoccupation la condamnation à mort de deux iraniens, Abdolvahed Bohimar et Adnan Hassanpour, avaient été condamnés à journalistes iraniens d'origine kurde", déclare le chef de la diplomatie la pendaison comme "ennemis de Dieu". française dans un communiqué. "La France, pleinement engagée avec ses partenaires de l'Union européenne en faveur de l'abolition universelle de la peine de mort, appelle les autorités PKK: La Turquie proteste contre l'Autriche ANKARA, 1 août 2007 (AFP'\ - La Turquie a protesté contre travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste). l'Autriche auprès de l'OSCE et s'apprête à une démarche similaire à l'Onu Altun avait été mis en examen en février en France pour des activités pour avoir laissé partir en Irak un rebelle kurde recherché par Ankara, a terroristes présumées et placé sous contrôle judiciaire, avec interdiction de indiqué mercredi un responsable turc. quitter la région parisienne.il s'est rendu ensuite en Autriche où les autorités "Nous n'avons pas reçu d'explications satisfaisantes de la part de l'Autriche l'on laissé partir le mois dernier vers le nord de l'Irak malgré un mandat sur cet incident", a indiqué aux journalistes Lèvent Bilman, porte-parole du d'arrêt international à son encontre et le fait que le PKK soit classé comme une ministère turc des Affaires étrangères."Nous nous sommes plaint auprès de organisation terroriste par l'Union européenne. l'Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (...) Nous allons La semaine dernière, le ministre turc des Affaires étrangères Abdullah Gui aussi déposer bientôt une protestation auprès des Nations unies", a-t-il avait fustigé l'Autriche pour avoir laissé filer Altun en Irak, parlant de "grosse précisé. erreur, aberrante et inacceptable" .Ankara attend une réponse de Bagdad sur sa Interrogé pour savoir si Ankara envisageait de réduire le niveau de ses demande d'extradition d'Altun, a ajouté M. Bilman. relations diplomatiques et économiques avec Vienne, M. Bilmen a déclaré; La Turquie ne supporte plus que les retselles du PKK continuent à bénéficier "Nous évaluons cette situation".Au centre de la polémique se trouve Ali Riza d'un sanctuaire dans les zones kurdes du nord de l'Irak et menace d'intervenir Altun, considéré comme l'un des fondateurs et le "trésorier" du parti des militairement. Six combattants kurdes et trois soldats turcs tués LaTribune dans le sud-est de la Turquie 02 août 2007 - ( 02/08/07) The Associated Press Six Dogan. semaine prochaine à Ankara pour séparatistes kurdes et trois soldats Les attaques des séparatistes kurdes évoquer les moyens d'empêcher les turcs sont morts mercredi au cours ont causé la mort d'au moins 80 combattants kurdes d'utiliser le d'affrontements dans le sud-est de la soldats turcs depuis le début de territoire irakien pour des attaques en Turquie, ont annoncé mercredi les l'année. Ankara envisage de lancer Turquie, a fait savoir mercredi la responsables provinciaux. une opération militaire contre les diplomatie turque. Après avoir été prises pour cible sur bases de la guérilla séparatiste en Depuis 1984, le Parti des travailleurs le Mont Mercan, dans la province de Irak voisin, mais les Etats-Unis du Kurdistan (PKK) est en lutte pour Tunceli, les forces turques ont s'opposent à toute incursion, l'autonomie du sud-est turc où sont dépêché des dizaines d'hommes dans craignant qu'elle n'entraîne dans le concentrés les Kurdes. Ce conflit a le secteur ainsi que des camions chaos le Kurdistan irakien (nord), à fait des dizaines de milliers de morts. militaires équipés de mitrailleuses, ce jour encore relativement calme. AP selon les images diffusées jeudi par Le Premier ministre irakien Nouri al- l'agence de presse indépendante Maliki est d'ailleurs attendu la L'explosion d'une mine tue trois soldats dans le sud-est de la Turquie DIYARBAKIR (Turquie). 4 août 2007 (AFP) - 18h24 - Trois soldats militaires revenaient d'opérations contre le PKK, ont ajouté ces sources, turcs ont été tués samedi soir dans le sud-est de la Turquie lors de l'explosion précisant que l'engin explosif avait été actionné à distance. d'une mine posée par les rebelles kurdes du Parti des travailleurs du Le PKK, considéré comme une organisation terroriste par Ankara, les Etats- Kurdistan (PKK) au passage de leur véhicule, ont affirmé des sources locales Unis et l'Union européenne, a accru depuis le début de l'année ses attaques de sécurité. dans le sud-est de la Turquie, où la population est en majorité kurde. L'explosion, qui a blessé un quatrième soldat, est survenue dans une zone Huit rebelles et trois soldats ont perdu la vie cette semaine lors d'accrochages rurale de la province de Diyarbakir, près de la localité de Dicle, alors que les dans la province de Tunceli (est).
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