Inform Product Change through Experimentation with Data-Driven Behavioral Segmentation

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Inform Product Change through Experimentation with Data-Driven Behavioral

                                                                                       Zhenyu Zhao, Yan He, Miao Chen
                                                                                                  Yahoo Inc.
                                                                                               Sunnyvale, USA
arXiv:2201.10617v1 [cs.HC] 25 Jan 2022

                                            Abstract—Online controlled experimentation is widely           effect. The answers to these questions are indispensable for
                                         adopted for evaluating new features in the rapid development      guiding product development.
                                         cycle for web products and mobile applications. Measurement          It can be challenging to define user segments that are
                                         on overall experiment sample is a common practice to quantify
                                         the overall treatment effect. In order to understand why          useful and relevant to experiment analyses. Common dimen-
                                         the treatment effect occurs in a certain way, segmentation        sions, such as device, browser, operating system, location,
                                         becomes a valuable approach to a finer analysis of experiment     demographics, user tenure and referral source, are static and
                                         results. This paper introduces a framework for creating and       relatively easy to implement. In some cases these dimensions
                                         utilizing user behavioral segments in online experimentation.     are useful for analysis and debugging. Additional dimen-
                                         By using the data of user engagement with individual product
                                         components as input, this method defines segments that are        sions that are directly related to the feature being evaluated
                                         closely related to the features being evaluated in the product    in the experiment can add value to inform the development
                                         development cycle. With a real-world example we demonstrate       of products.
                                         that the analysis with such behavioral segments offered deep,        Behavioral segmentation using distance-based clustering
                                         actionable insights that successfully informed product decision   and probability-based mixture models has been extensively
                                                                                                           studied in the fields including user targeting in marketing
                                           Keywords-Segmentation; User behavior; Controlled experi-        [12], online advertising [13] [14], personalizing content
                                         ment; A/B testing; Unsupervised learning; Product develop-        serving [15], identifying user behavior on social networks
                                                                                                           [16], and modeling shared interests of e-commerce users
                                                                                                           [17]. Applying segmentation in experimentation was also
                                                              I. I NTRODUCTION
                                                                                                           discussed in previous literature. Segmentation has been used
                                            The art of fast failure has been called the true secret of     as an experiment inclusion criteria for targeting subpopu-
                                         Silicon Valley’s success [1]. Web product development is          lations based on static and dynamic user attributes ([18]).
                                         often composed of a build-measure-learn cycle [2]. During         When data quality issues or unexpected results arise from
                                         this cycle, new ideas, e.g., product changes in either front-     an experiment, segmenting the experiment results (e.g. by
                                         end design or back-end algorithms, are evaluated and imple-       browser type) can help identify the root cause ([19]). Seg-
                                         mented at a fast pace. Online controlled experiments, also        mentation was also used in a stratified sampling method for
                                         known as A/B tests, are widely used to evaluate these ideas       enhancing experiment accuracy ([20]).
                                         [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11].                       In this paper, we present an approach to behavioral seg-
                                            A standard experiment analysis measures the overall test       mentation designed for experiment analysis. Users are clus-
                                         effect by comparing all the test users with all the control       tered according to their level of engagement with individual
                                         users. The result of such analysis answers the “what”             product functional components. These mutually exclusive
                                         question - what will happen if the feature being tested is        and collectively exhaustive segments are closely related to
                                         launched. However, it falls short of answering the “why”          the features being evaluated and facilitate a finer analysis of
                                         question - why the treatment effect occurs in a certain way.      experiment results.
                                            In order to answer the “why” question, segmentation is            The contribution of this paper includes:
                                         required to study the impact on individual user subgroups.           • A novel framework is introduced for developing and
                                         Owing to the different intents and preferences of users,                utilizing behavioral segments tailored for experiment
                                         their reaction to product change can differ, which is often             analysis. In particular, we design segmentation features
                                         overlooked in experiment analyses involving only the over-              that describe user intent and needs which are critical to
                                         all population. Conducting experiment analysis at the user              guide the development of product features.
                                         segment level will help the stakeholders understand 1) how           • We demonstrate that the application of this method led
                                         the treatment effect varies among user subgroups, and 2)                to a successful product decision in a real-world example
                                         how much each subgroup contributes to the overall treatment             for Yahoo Finance.
•  Potential caveats and pitfalls are discussed when behav-      segment definition period may vary from one to multiple
     ioral segmentation is used together with experimenta-         weeks.
     tion.                                                         C. Feature Transformation and Dimension Reduction
   This paper is organized as follows: Section II presents
                                                                      A series of feature engineering procedures, including
the procedure for developing behavioral segmentation using
                                                                   data transformation and dimension reduction, are applied
a data-driven algorithm; Section III describes how to draw
                                                                   to prepare the user features as inputs for the segmentation
actionable insights through segment-level analyses in exper-
                                                                   algorithm. This process can be summarized in following six
imentation; Section IV discusses a study with the proposed
method applied in the Yahoo Finance website redesign
                                                                      • Step 1: Feature extraction from raw data.
experiment, which led to a product decision with significant
improvement of user engagement. Section V summarizes our                                                                        (1)
research and discusses the potential pitfalls in practice.                 Suppose there are n users and p features; let xij
                                                                           denote the value of the jth feature for the ith user
        II. D EVELOPING DATA -D RIVEN B EHAVIORAL                          (i = 1, ..., n and j = 1, ..., p), with the notation (s)
      S EGMENTATION FOR O NLINE E XPERIMENTATION                           indicating the features at Step s.
A. Behavioral Segmentation Features
   The first step is to define a list of user behavior features      •   Step 2: Orthogonalization. Segmentation features in the
to be used in the clustering algorithm. Various types of                 original scale are highly correlated with the visiting
behavior dimensions are available to choose. As an example,              frequency of the users. To reduce the dominant effect
users can be divided into high/medium/low engagement                     of visiting frequency, we adopted an orthogonal design
groups based on their visiting frequency. For evaluating                 with: 1) the number of visiting days per week, 2) the
product features, we found using the engagement with prod-               number of sessions per visiting day, and 3) module-
uct functional components is particularly relevant. By using             specific engagement per session.
such dimensions we are able to measure the experiment
                                                                                                      (2)      (1)              (1)
effect by segments and guide product development with                      Days visited per week: xi1 = xi1 /w, where xi1
actionable insights.                                                       is the number of days visited for user i calculated
   As an example, Yahoo Finance website is a product with                  in Step 1, and w denotes the number of weeks
multiple web pages providing different utilities to users.                 during the segment definition period;
                                                                                                      (2)     (1)   (1)
Users coming to Yahoo Finance are looking for financial                    Sessions per visited day: xi2 = xi2 /xi1 , where
news articles, stock quotes, stock portfolio performance,                    (1)
                                                                           xi2 is the number of sessions for user i calculated
market data, communication with other users on message                     in Step 1;
boards, or personal finance advice. User behavior and utility                                                        (2)
                                                                           Per-session engagement features: xij              =
needs can be characterized by the page views on different                    (1)  (1)                                    (1)
                                                                           xij /xi2 , with j = 3, ..., p, where xij is
functional web pages. Therefore, the behavioral features
                                                                           the module-specific engagement feature calculated
for segmentation consist of finance homepage page views,
                                                                           in Step 1.
quotes page views, watchlist (or portfolio) page views,
article page views, stock charts page views, message board
                                                                     •   Step 3: Data cleaning. We remove outliers (users with
page views, personal finance page views, and other page
                                                                         extremely high values for page views, clicks, etc.) from
                                                                         the segmentation training data set ([21]).
B. Segment Definition Period
   After defining the list of behavioral features, we collect              xij denotes the cleaned feature data, with j =
the data for calculating such features. It is critical to define           1, ..., p and i = 1, ..., n0 , after removing n − n0
user segments based on the data from the pre-experiment                    outliers and re-indexing the users.
period instead of the experiment period. This setup enables
us to carry out a fair comparison and measure the treatment          •   Step 4: Log transformation. Many clustering algorithms
effect on each user segment. Otherwise, bias can be intro-               are based on the Euclidean distance in the feature space.
duced as the treatment effect may shift user behavior and                Measuring on the original scale may not accurately
user segments in the treatment group. In the segment defini-             represent the behavioral difference among the users.
tion period, a data set containing user behavioral features is           For example, users with one page view should be more
collected to define user segments before experiments start.              distant from those with zero page views than from those
In the experiment period, a data set containing experiment               with two page views. To accommodate this nonlinear
metrics is collected to measure treatment effects at both                relationship, we transform the original feature space
the overall level and the segment level. The length of the               into log scale: x = log(1 + x) for each feature x.
assumption is an important criterion for model evalu-
         (4)                 (3)                             0           ation. For example, GMMs (Gaussian mixture models
        xij     = log(1 +   xij )    for i = 1, ..., n and j =
        1, ..., p.                                                       [25]) assume that the data of each segment follows a
                                                                         multi-variate Gaussian distribution in the feature space,
  •   Step 5: Normalization. In order to assign equal weight             and the quality of the segmentation depends on whether
      (in the loss function) to each feature in the segmentation         the data is close to a Gaussian shape. In addition,
      algorithm, we normalize the log-transformed features to            some geometry clustering models, such as DBSCAN
      have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.                              (Density-based spatial clustering of applications with
                                                                         noise, [26]), are useful when the clusters have a specific
                               (4)      1
                                            Pn         (4)               shape. However, DBSCAN assumes the densities are
                (5)           xij −     n       k=1   xkj                similar among different clusters such that an appropri-
               xij    =q
                             1    (4)
                                        −   1
                                                Pn           (4)
                                                        xkj )2           ate parameter can be specified to define neighborhood.
                            n−1 (xij        n     k=1
                                                                         In addition, DBSCAN may encounter difficulty for
        for i = 1, ..., n0 and j = 1, ..., p.                            defining the neighborhood distance threshold when the
                                                                         dimension of feature space is high (curse of dimen-
  •   Step 6: Dimension reduction. To avoid the curse of                 sionality). In contrast, k-means does not have a strong
      dimensionality ([22]) and reduce the correlation among             assumption of the underlying data structure, and can
      features, principle component analysis (PCA, [23]) is              outperform other models when the data does not fit
      applied before clustering. Only the top principle com-             their assumptions.
      ponents are included for model development, with a              • Interpretation. In order to inform product decisions, the

      sufficient proportion of the variance from the original            developed segments must represent distinct user groups
      feature space explained.                                           and bear clear business meaning. For example, a good
                                                                         segmentation algorithm is expected to create clusters of
         (6)                                                             relatively similar sizes (instead of one dominant giant
        xij denotes the jth principle component score for                cluster with many tiny clusters), and distinguishable
        user i, for i = 1, ..., n0 and j = 1, ..., p0 (p0
of clusters, the smaller the loss function. Instead, BIC              segment definition period. They don’t have segment
(Bayesian information criterion, [28]) and DaviesBouldin              label assigned, but do have experiment measurement.
index ([29]) can be used to determine the optimal K. A                This group is named as segment “unseen” and added
detailed evaluation is discussed in Section IV.                       to the original segment family for further analysis.
                                                                    For segment “unseen” and each segment defined in Sec-
E. Segment Name and Behavioral Representation
                                                                 tion II, both the metric difference and statistical signifi-
   The user cluster label output from k-means is numerical,      cance (in the form of a p-value) are calculated to quantify
from 0 to K − 1, which does not bear a business meaning.         segment-level treatment effect. It is not rare to observe that
Each segment can be further named after its unique user          segments react in opposite direction to the feature being
behavior pattern defined by per-user metrics described in        tested. Segment-level analysis on treatment effect uncovers
Step 2 in Section II-C. As an example, for Yahoo Homepage        such information buried in overall measurement. It also
web portal site, one segment with high mail clicks and low       offers unique insights into the opportunities where product
article clicks can be named as ’Mail only’, or vice versa,       experience should be improved for specific groups of users.
as ’Content only’. The resultant segment names now reflect
user behavior patterns and their intent coming to the site.      C. Identifying the Dominant Segments for the Overall Treat-
                                                                 ment Effect
                                                                    This step helps identify the drivers of overall treatment
   We have discussed the creation of the behavioral seg-         effect if there is one or a few dominant segments. The
ments. This section will introduce a series of analyses using    segments with a large treatment effect on per-user met-
these segments in experimentation.                               rics are not necessarily the ones that dominate the overall
                                                                 treatment effect, because segment size is another factor.
A. Preliminary Segment Analysis
                                                                 In order to evaluate a segment’s impact on the overall
   In order to understand how important each segment means       metrics, we first calculate the within-segment total metric
for the product, the percentage of overall engagement and/or     difference between the control and test groups. Then, the
revenue contributed by each segment can be quantified. Here      percentage of overall treatment effect explained by one
we define experiment metrics that will be used for decisions.    segment is calculated by dividing its within-segment total
Examples include user count, page views, sessions, clicks,       metric difference by the total metric difference in the overall
time spent, revenue, etc. For each of the experiment metrics,    experiment population. Segments that contribute to a high
we calculate the total for both overall and segment users.       percentage of the overall treatment effect are important ones
Percentage contribution by each segment is calculated by         that worth special attention in the iteration of product testing.
dividing the total metric of segment users by that of overall
users. These percentages are additive and sum to 100%                                    IV. E XAMPLE
across segments. Note that some segments may have small             Next we will illustrate how to apply the proposed method-
size, but contribute to a relatively large portion of user       ology in practice. The entire process from developing be-
engagement and/or revenue.                                       havioral segments to the findings and decisions based on the
                                                                 segmentation analysis is discussed in the setting of a website
B. Segment-Level Treatment Effect
                                                                 redesign test for Yahoo Finance site. Empirical challenges,
   For a finer view of experiment analysis, segment-level        findings and evaluation of the proposed methodology are
treatment effect is calculated as the mean difference between    also discussed with this example. The data described in this
the test group and the control group. Given that the segment     example has been modified and rescaled.
definition period is separate from the experiment period, we
first define three types of user status:                         A. Experiment Background
  1) Users appearing in both the segment definition period          In Yahoo Finance redesign experiment, changes were
      and the experiment period. These users have segment        applied to overall page layout, module positions, content
      label assigned in segment definition period, as well as    density and addition/removal of functional modules. A func-
      experiment metrics measured in experiment period.          tional module can be a navigational module with links to
  2) Users appearing only in the segment definition period       other pages, an article module containing an article stream,
      and not in the experiment period. These users are          or a quotes module showing stock prices. The impact on
      assigned to a segment but do not have an experiment        user engagement was evaluated via experimentation.
      metric value due to inactivity. Their experiment metric       Measurement includes both page engagement and user
      value is assigned as 0, indicating no engagement.          visitation frequency. Visitation frequency is quantified by
  3) Users only appearing in the experiment period, but not      days visited and sessions in the defined experiment period.
      in the segment definition period. These users are either   Page engagement is quantified by the number of page views.
      new or returning users who were not active during the      There are two sub-categories of page views defined at
Yahoo: (1) CPV (classic page view) is defined as a page              •  homepage_apv_per_session: Average APVs on
view event logged when the user open the web page; (2)                  Yahoo Finance homepage per session.
APV (additive page view) is defined as a different type of           • lookup_cpv_per_session: Average CPVs on
page view event logged when the user scrolls down the web               stock ticker symbol lookup page per session.
page for a certain number of pixels, such that the user is           • lookup_apv_per_session: Average APVs on
viewing different content compared with the initial screen              stock ticker symbol lookup page per session.
when the page was initiated. Therefore, if there is an APV           • market_data_cpv_per_session:                    Average
logged on a page, there must be a preceding CPV. Although               CPVs on market data page per session.
these two metrics are often correlated, CPV measures how             • market_data_apv_per_session:                    Average
frequently a user visits a certain page, while APV measures             APVs on market data page per session.
the depth of content consumption on the page.                        • message_boards_cpv_per_session: Average
   The launch criteria for the new site was not met due to              CPVs on message boards (user forum) per session.
the decline observed in the initial experiment results. There        • message_boards_apv_per_session: Average
was a significant decline by 10.3% in CPV, a significant                APVs on message boards per session.
increase by 14.0% in APV, and insignificant decline in days          • personal_finance_cpv_per_session: Aver-
visited and sessions. The trade-off of CPV to increased APV             age CPVs on personal finance page per session.
was expected with the change of page layout. However, the            • personal_finance_apv_per_session: Aver-
magnitude of CPV decline was too large to neglect. Further              age APVs on personal finance page per session.
analysis at segment level is required to pinpoint the areas          • quotes_cpv_per_session: Average CPVs on in-
for improvement in future iteration.                                    dividual stock quote page per session.
                                                                     • quotes_apv_per_session: Average APVs on in-
B. Segment Definition Period and Experiment Period                      dividual stock quote page per session.
   Before the formal experiment (A/B test) started, we set up        • watchlist_cpv_per_session: Average CPVs
a so-called A/A test [5]. In the A/A test, users were split into        on customized stock watch list page per session.
a control group and a test group without any change applied.         • watchlist_apv_per_session: Average APVs
A/A test enabled us to validate if there was any pre-existing           on customized stock watch list page per session.
difference between the test group and the control group.             • other_cpv_per_session: Other CPVs per ses-
In this example, two weeks of A/A testing was performed,                sion. Other CPVs are defined as CPVs that do not
and the A/A test period was used as the segment definition              belong to the pages in the categories above.
period. A/B test started after the completion of A/A testing.        • other_apv_per_session: Other APVs.
One week of A/B test data were used for the experiment               • search_clicks_per_session:                Number of
analysis.                                                               clicks on the search button per session.
C. User Features for Creating Segments                               The feature engineering process described in Section II-C
                                                                   was applied to the listed segmentation features. Out of the
   As described in Section IV-A, page engagement is mea-           23 user features, 14 principle components were selected that
sured by CPV and APV which are used as segmentation                explained 85% of the variance in the original feature space.
features. In addition, frequency metrics days visited per
week and sessions per visited day, and search clicks are also      D. Creating Segments Using K-means
included for defining user segments in this example. Below            A k-means clustering algorithm was applied on the princi-
is the list of segmentation features measured for each user:       ple component feature space to create the user clusters. As
   • vdays_per_week: Average number of visiting days               discussed, parameter K must be chosen based on certain
     per week on Yahoo Finance site.                               criteria. Different K values (1, 2, 3, ..., 30) are evaluated
   • sessions_per_vdays: Average sessions per days                 by the BIC and DaviesBouldin index in Figure 1. When
     visited.                                                      K = 14, both loss functions are close to the minimum;
   • articles_cpv_per_session: Average CPVs on                     therefore, K = 14 was chosen in this case study. The
     article page per session.                                     remaining paper would assume 14 clusters are adopted.
   • articles_apv_per_session: Average APVs on                     Figure 2 shows 14 clusters defined by k-means, and the
     article page per session.                                     average per-user metrics measured in each cluster.
   • charts_cpv_per_session: Average CPVs on
     stock charts page per session.                                E. Behavioral Segment Name
   • charts_apv_per_session: Average APVs on                          Segments are named after the user engagement pattern
     stock charts page per session.                                defined in Figure 2. Note that each segment is evaluated at
   • homepage_cpv_per_session: Average CPVs on                     different features in original scale, instead of in the principle
     Yahoo Finance homepage per session.                           component space. For example, segment 1 is named as
This analysis revealed that “Homepage & Hybrid High” is
                                                                  the main contributor to overall engagement (days visited,
                                                                  sessions, and CPV).

                                                                  G. Segment-Level Treatment Effect
                                                                     During the experiment period, the treatment effect in each
                                                                  segment can be measured by comparing the control and
                                                                  test users within the segment. In Table II, the treatment
                                                                  effect is measured by three per-user metrics: days visited,
                                                                  sessions and CPV. Segments “Homepage & Hybrid High”,
                                                                  “Quotes & Charts”, “Quotes & Message Board”, “Quotes
                                                                  & Search”, and “Watchlist Only” have higher-than-average
                                                                  declines comparing to the overall population (“Total”).
                                                                  These segments are highlighted in yellow. In contrast, other
                                                                  segments have smaller decline or even an increase in user
Figure 1: BIC and Davies-Bouldin Index for k-means with           engagement, such as “Article Only”, “Tourists & Quotes”
different number of clusters K                                    and “Unseen”. Note that segments “Lookup & Quotes”,
                                                                  “Personal Finance”, “Quotes & Lookup” and “Quotes &
                                                                  Market Data” have extremely small sample sizes. As a result,
Table I: Behavioral Segment Names for k-means Clusters
                                                                  the results of these segments are labeled as “n/a”. This
 K-means Cluster    Behavioral Segment Name                       analysis indicated negative user experiences on Homepage,
 Cluster 1          Article Only                                  Quotes, and Watchlist should be addressed and corrected.
 Cluster 2          Tourists & Quotes
 Cluster 3          Homepage & Hybrid Moderate                    H. Identifying High-impact Segments
 Cluster 4          Homepage & Hybrid High
 Cluster 5          Quotes Only                                      In this step we will determine the driver segments of the
 Cluster 6          Quotes & Search                               overall engagement decline, particularly in CPV. Figure 4
 Cluster 7          Watchlist Only                                shows the proportion of each segment’s contribution to the
 Cluster 8          Quotes & Charts
                                                                  overall CPV decline. The top three high-impact segments
 Cluster 9          Quotes & Message Board
 Cluster 10         Quotes & Other                                are: “Homepage & Hybrid High” “Quotes & Message
 Cluster 11         Quotes & Lookup                               Board” and “Unseen”. The “Unseen” segment has a large
 Cluster 12         Quotes & Market Data                          sample size but its average per-user decline is relatively
 Cluster 13         Personal Finance                              small as shown in Table II. Based on the results from this
 Cluster 14         Lookup & Quotes
                                                                  step and Section IV-G, the team decided to identify and
                                                                  fix the user experience issues for segments “Homepage &
                                                                  Hybrid High” and “Quotes & Message Board” as a priority.
“Article Only” because it has a high number of article page
views and low engagement on other pages. Segment 2 is             I. Follow-up Root Cause Analysis
named as “Tourist & Quotes” with a relatively high quotes            In order to pinpoint the root cause of CPV drop for the
page CPV and generally low engagement everywhere. Table           two high-impact segments identified in IV-H, we further
I shows all the behavioral segment names inferred from the        measured CPV by page types. Figure 5 shows that segment
user engagement pattern.                                          “Homepage & Hybrid High” lost most CPV on quotes page.
                                                                  Interestingly, the CPV decline on finance homepage itself
F. Preliminary Segment Analysis                                   was smaller for this homepage segment. Because finance
   Figure 3 shows the percentage of each segment’s con-           homepage is a main source of traffic referral to quotes page,
tribution to four total engagement metrics (user count,           we suspected that path from finance homepage to finance
days visited, sessions, and CPV) during the segment defini-       quotes page was blocked. Comparing the interface of new
tion period. It is worth noting that the segments’ contribution   design to the old, we determined that this drop was due to the
to user engagement is not proportional to segment size (user      removal of two quotes-related modules. Original motivation
count). Some larger segments including “Tourist & Quotes”         of removing these two modules was to create space for new
and “Article Only” contribute to a relatively small proportion    features; however, the large drop in quotes CPV was critical
of user engagement. Conversely, smaller segments such as          and should be fixed.
“Homepage & Hybrid High”, “Watchlist Only”, “Quotes                  For segment “Quotes & Message Board”, the decline was
& Message Board” and “Quotes & Other” contribute to a             driven by the CPV loss in message board as shown in Figure
large proportion of user engagement relative to their size.       5. There are separate message board forums for test group
Figure 2: Average Per-User Metrics for Each Cluster Defined by K-means Algorithm for Yahoo Finance. Green indicates
high engagement, while white denotes low engagement. There are a total of 14 clusters defined by the k-means algorithm.
The x-axis shows the cluster label from k-means.

Figure 3: Preliminary View of Segment Importance Mea-
                                                             Figure 4: Percentage Contribution to Total Drop in CPV by
sured by Contribution to Experiment Metrics

and control group. Test group has a much smaller sample
size than control group by design, as a result, there are
much less user-generated content on the test message board   be explained by this network effect. This decline is expected
compared to the control message board. Therefore, the CPV    and should recover when the new design is released to 100%
drop observed in segment “Quotes & Message Board” can        population.
Table II: Segment Treatment Effect: Difference in Average Per-User Metrics between Test and Control by Segment (n/a is
shown for segments whose sample sizes are too small for analysis (< 1%))
                              Segment                           Users     days visited    sessions     cpv
                              Total                             100%            −1%          −2%     −10%
                              Article Only                       10%              0%           0%      3%
                              Homepage & Hybrid High             15%            −2%          −5%     −15%
                              Homepage & Hybrid Moderate          7%            −3%          −3%      −8%
                              Lookup & Quotes                   < 1%               n/a         n/a      n/a
                              Personal Finance                  < 1%               n/a         n/a      n/a
                              Quotes & Charts                     1%            −6%          −9%     −12%
                              Quotes & Lookup                   < 1%               n/a         n/a      n/a
                              Quotes & Market Data              < 1%               n/a         n/a      n/a
                              Quotes & Message Board              1%            −3%          −6%     −19%
                              Quotes & Other                      1%              2%         −1%     −20%
                              Quotes & Search                     1%            −5%        −10%      −26%
                              Quotes Only                         2%              0%           0%    −10%
                              Tourists & Quotes                   9%            −1%            2%      4%
                              Watchlist Only                      2%            −2%          −8%      −9%
                              Unseen                             49%            −1%            1%     −5%

Table III: Overall Treatment Effect (% Difference is defined as the relative difference (using the control mean as a baseline)
between the treatment mean and control mean of the per-user level metric)
                                              Before Fix                                       After Fix
               Metric          % Difference                     Significant     % Difference                 Significance
               days visited         −0.7%     Not Significant   (p > 0.05)             0.3%    Not Significant (p > 0.05)
               sessions             −1.9%     Not Significant   (p > 0.05)           −1.2%     Not Significant (p > 0.05)
               cpv                −10.3%          Significant   (p < 0.05)           −6.1%         Significant (p < 0.05)
               apv                   14.0%        Significant   (p < 0.05)            35.1%        Significant (p < 0.05)

                                                                        Table IV: Segment Level Treatment Effect (% Difference is
                                                                        defined as the relative difference (using the control mean as
                                                                        a baseline) between the treatment mean and control mean
                                                                        of the per-user level metric)
                                                                                                               % Difference in cpv
                                                                              Segment                         Before Fix After Fix
                                                                              Homepage & Hybrid High              −15%         −9%
                                                                              Homepage & Hybrid Moderate           −8%          6%

                                                                                               V. C ONCLUSIONS
Figure 5: CPV Difference between Test and Control by Page                  Controlled experimentation has become an integral part
Type and Segment                                                        of iterative development cycle of web products and mobile
                                                                        applications [2]. In this paper we described how to define
                                                                        and utilize user behavioral segments in experimentation. By
J. Impact on Product Development                                        using the data of user engagement with individual product
                                                                        components as input, this method defines segments that are
   Based on the analysis described above, we added back                 closely related to the features being evaluated in an A/B
two quote-related modules on finance homepage. After the                test. Analysis with these segments offers deep, actionable
fix, another round of experiment was performed to verify                insights by answering the “why” question raised in Section
the result. Table III showed that the fix resulted in a sizable         I. In comparison to a direct page view analysis by paths or
recovery of CPV as well as a larger increase in APV. Table              referrals, segmentation enables experiment owners to study
IV further verified that significant improvement happened               a broader range of metrics including frequency metrics such
to homepage-related segments “Homepage & Hybrid High”                   as sessions. In the example of Yahoo Finance site redesign
and “Homepage & Hybrid Moderate”.                                       experiment, we demonstrated that the proposed method suc-
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to Don Matheson, Nikhil Mishra and Abhinav Chaturvedi                     advertising with latent dirichlet allocation,” in International
                                                                          Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications.
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to Prashant Ramarao, Charles Hartel and Trang Le for
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the redesigned product to validate the fix.                               “How much can behavioral targeting help online advertising?”
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