Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches - INFO GUIDE

Page created by Kelly Webster
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches - INFO GUIDE

  Surf Life Saving
  Sydney Northern Beaches
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches - INFO GUIDE
What does your Branch do?
                                                                  2016 2
                           Delivering a coordinated program of
                           Carnivals and Events

                           Providing education in all areas and improving
                           skills of Club Trainers

                           Coodinating volunteers and infrastructure to provide 24/7
                           Rescue Services and support operations on SNB

                           One voice representing 21 Clubs to relevant stakeholders
                           within Surf lifesaving and externally

I   INFORMATION            The Executive and Staff provide a comprehensive range
    & SUPPORT              of information, advice and administrative support for SNB Clubs

                           Developing sponsorship and grant opportunities in addition
    COMMUNITY              to Club efforts as well as promoting the value of Surf Lifesaving
    INVOLVEMENT            to the community

                           Disseminating and developing processes that deliver
                           common standards and minimal duplicated effort

                           Educating our community as well as providing valuable
    SURF SCHOOL            income, employment and development opportunities for
                           Club members

Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches - INFO GUIDE
6 2017                                          Directors & Committees
                                         Deputy                                       Director of
  President                              President                                    Finance
  Doug Menzies                           Shannon Job                                  Lance Barnes
  0419 224 290                           0402 676 129                                 0417 135 728

                                         Director of                                  Director of
  Director of Lifesaving                 Education                                    Surf Sports
  Geoff Raper                            Adrienne Lowe                                Darren Warrener
  0414 223 040                           0431 305 153                                 0422 379 732    
                                         Life Membership & Honours Committee          Meritorious Awards Committee
                                         Doug Menzies, Geoff Raper, Jennifer Drury,   Geoff Raper, Adrienne Lowe, Ray Petersen,
                                         Barry Antella, Gary Cook                     Nigel Penn, Jeff Hewitt, Steve Faddy Gary Cook
                                         Rules & Constitution Committee               Finance Committee
                                         Peter Kinsey, Ray Petersen,                  Lance Barnes, Doug Menzies, David Piper,
  Director of                            Wayne Freakley, Robert Williams,
  Member Services                                                                     Peter Russell, Kevin Harris, Steve Faddy
                                         Steve Faddy
  Tracey Hare-Boyd                                                                    Nominations for Committees and Director positions
                                         Judiciary Committee
  0416 042 465                                                                        due 4/4/17. Further details available from
                                         Gary Cook, Jeff Hewitt, Jennifer Drury,                                      
                                         Barry Antella, Steve Faddy
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches - INFO GUIDE
Office & Contact Info
The SNB Office is here to provide support and
back-up to the 21 Clubs within the Branch. Our
role is to assist Clubs and their members so that
                                                      Belinda Dobson -
                                                      Education & Lifesaving
                                                                                                                    2016 2
                                                                                                           Carnival Entries
they can focus on their core business of lifesaving   Co-Ordinator
and education.                                            ; Help: 1300 724 006
The structure of the SNB Office has been set up
to support each Director’s portfolio and ensure                                                            TIPS Team
that the outcomes of the SNB Business Plan are        Nick Hatch -                                         Patricia Newton 0411 659 982
achieved.                                             Surf Life Saving School                              Surfcom
Our premises contain our centralised training         Co-Ordinator                                         General: 9982 5666 Emergencies: 9982 5959
facility which is available for all Clubs to use.     Admin Support
Bookings can be made via the SNB Office.                               24/7 Duty Officer: 0417 692 993
                                                                                                           Northern Beaches Council
Steve McInnes –                                                                                  
Chief Executive Officer                               John Taylor                                          South (02) 9976 1500                             Public Relations Officer                             Central (02) 9942 2111
0419 443 313                                                             North (02) 9970 1111

                                                                                                           Surf Life Saving Australia
Jen Huston –                                          Casual Surf Life Saving School Instructors           789 Botany Road, Rosebery, NSW 2018
Manager                                               The Surf Life Saving School employs more than 80     Locked Bag 1010 Rosebery, NSW 2018                             casual staff to run our Community Education pro-     Tel: (02) 9215 8000 Fax: (02) 9215 8180
                                                      grams on the beach and in classrooms. Contact Nick -
                                                      or Marcial on 9913 8066 for more information.
                                                                                                           Surf Life Saving New South Wales
Marcial Nunura -                                      Branch Office                                        3 Narabang Way, Belrose 2085
Surf Sports Manager &                                 Unit 9/1 Vuko Place, Warriewood, NSW 2102            PO Box 307, Belrose West 2085
Surf School Business                                  Tel: 02 9913 8066. Fax: 02 9913 9066                 Tel: (02) 9471 8000 Fax: (02) 9471 8001
Development Manager                                   Web:                                         
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches - INFO GUIDE
6 2017
  Nth Palm Beach                    Palm Beach
                                                                        Club Contacts
                                                                         Whale Beach
  PO Box 40, Palm Beach NSW 2108    31-32 Ocean Road, Palm Beach         227 Whale Beach Road, Whale Beach NSW 2107
  P: 9974 1224 F: 9974 1425         P: 9974 1288 F: 9974 1167            P: 9974 4944      email :     email :      
                                    Office Hours: 8.30am - 4pm Daily
  President                                                         President
  Graham Howard      0414 903 647   President 				Andrew Pearce                          0402 236 131      Saul Brown         0414 763 336
  Director of Administration        		                              Secretary
  Terry Kirkpatrick    0402 967 026 Deputy President                Kieran Gallagher     0404 135 522      Alistair Shields   0434 815 714
  Director of Finance                                               Treasurer
  William Morell       0400 540 405 Secretary                       Jon Pratten          0419 408 626      Phoebe Cater       0403 991 696
  Director of Lifesaving                                            Club Captain
  Geoff Raper          0414 223 040 Treasurer				                   Lara Boyle		         0437 500 045      Sally-Ann Davis    0424 232 535
  Director of Education          		                                 Chief Training Officer
  Kim Spicer		         0481 383 299 Club Captain				Georgia Roberts                      0417 883 477      Alex Tyrrell       0411 237 736
                                    Chief Training Officer
                                    Jenny Altherr        0402 511 144
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches - INFO GUIDE
Club Contacts
Avalon Beach                                 Bilgola                                      Newport
                                                                                                  2016 2
558A Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach           The Serpentine, Bilgola Beach 2107           PO Box 57, Newport NSW 2016
P: 9918 3298                                 P: 9918 2337 F: 9918 0094                    P: 9997 5116
email:             email:   email:                      
Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Friday 9.30-3.00pm   Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Friday 9am - 3pm    Office Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs 9am - 5pm
President                                    President                                    President
Richard Cole        0418 627 024             Romilly Madew        0412 062 157            Rob Emerson        0417 413 912  
Deputy President                             Vice President                               Vice President
Pete Carter          0410 484 395            Norm Pounder         0422 089 187            Jack Holland       0438 023 539
Director of Administration                   Secretary				                                Secretary
Leanne Austin       0438 440 109             Clair Reading        0402 987 917            Jan Proudfoot      0409 207 907            
Director of Finance                          Treasurer 			                                Treasurer
Bernadette McKay 0407 485 388                Stephen Thatcher 0403 489 297                Tom Kellaway       0401 502 866    
Director of Lifesaving                       Club Captain                                 Club Captain
Melissa Hall         0414 462 471            Peter Fenley         0418 613 604            Rob Barkley        0409 787 200    
Director of Education                        Junior Activities                            Chief Training Officer
Louise Lindop       0414 997 320             Jonathan Papworth 0414 933 339               Guyren Smith         0409 501 655
Director of Junior Activities                                                             Junior Activities
Pim van Gestel       0420 494 114                                                         Matt Halakas      0420 271 758                                               
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches - INFO GUIDE
6 2017
  Bungan Beach                                Mona Vale
                                                                                            Club Contacts
  1 Lower Myola Road, Newport                 1 Surfview Road, Mona Vale 2103                Narrabeen Park Parade, Warriewood
  PO Box 715, Newport 2106                    P: 9999 3614                                   P: 9999 2213 F: 9999 3745
  P: 9979 5097                                email:               email:
  email:                            Office Hours: Monday and Friday 11am to 1pm    Office Hours: Fridays 9am - 2pm
  President                                   President                                      President
  Rod McGibbon       0435 014 757             Bryce Munro        0419 018 318                Matt Sheridan     0412 208 482                     
  Vice President		                            Secretary                                      Vice President
  Matthew Lloyd      0420 400 502             Paula Tocquer      0430 044 458                Pat Jollow		        0404 009 620                  

  Secretary                                   Treasurer                                      Secretary
  David Sams         0420 518 851             Ralph Stonell    0414 880 635                  Maryanne Logan    0438 212 737                    
  Treasurer                                   Club Captain                                   Treasurer
  David Baldwin      0418 279 474             David Campbell    0419 981 893                 Liz Ashley		       0411 833 382                
  Club Captain		                              Chief Training Officer                         Club Captain
  Aidan Clark         0438 116 463            Glenn Smee           02 9979 3743              Jen Spencer        0420 413 399           .au
  Chief Training Officer                      Junior Activities                              Chief Training Officer
  Sarah Robinson		             0415 849 180   Dave Moreton      0458 733 111                 Kath Gunn		          0422 383 051           
                                                                                             Junior Activities
                                                                                             Mark O’Connell     0414 633 226
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches - INFO GUIDE
Club Contacts
North Narrabeen                     Narrabeen Beach
                                                                                2016 2
                                                                        South Narrabeen
PO Box 49, Narrabeen NSW 2101       PO Box 63, Narrabeen 2101           1200 Pittwater Road, Narrabeen 2101
P: 9913 8810                        P: 9913 7616 F: 9970 8838			        P: 9982 2621
email:      email:      email:          
President		                         President				                       President (Acting)
Steve Maxwell      0417 733 340     Tracey Lake        0407 492 158     Martin Hayward      0405 504 826
Deputy President			                 Vice President			                   Secretary
Rob Kaines         0418 642 504     Stephen Price       0418 166 606    Martin Hayward      0405 504 826       
Secretary			                        Director of Administration		        Treasurer
Michael Rogan     0424 336 440      Cherie Day          0405 499 974    Charles Longley     0408 470 581    
Treasurer				                       Director of Finance			              Club Captain
Alan Rose 0410 207 416              Bob Chidgey        0413 218 920     Tony Haven           0412 253 073         
Club Captain				                    Director of Lifesaving			           Junior Activities
Dean Dallwitz        0400 409 214   Rob Cook		           0438 463 127   Richard Dowling     0414 667 359   
Chief Training Officer		            Director of Education
Gordon Coburn        0417 464 439   Matt Murphy         0424 614 709   
Junior Activities                   Director of Junior Actvities
Dave Johnson       0403 049 939     Brett Worne          0412 070 909        
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches - INFO GUIDE
6 2017
  Collaroy                              Long Reef
                                                                             Club Contacts
                                                                              Dee Why
  PO Box 18, Collaroy 2097
  P: 9971 6633 F: 9971 0751 			         PO Box 214, Collaroy 2097             The Strand, Dee Why Beach 2099
  email:    P: 8078 4728 			                      P: 0434 155 640 F: 9971 2257           email:             email:
  President                                                                   Office Hours: Wed 9-10am, Sun 9-12
  Greg Broome         0416 204 000		    President           Peter Kinsey        0418 350 370		    President
                                              Allen Lakeman     0408 633 335
  Vice President                                                    
  Geoff Small        0418 892 233       Vice President               Ross Jenkins         0413 870 087     Vice President
                                         Hugh Long         0415 888 041
  Phil Mickan         0418 816 548      Secretary           Bernard Utteridge   0405 036 000      Secretary
                                              Jacqueline McLeod 0427 074 106
  Neil Armstrong      0418 496 443      Treasurer        Mal MacCormick       0415 643 740     Treasurer
                                            David Lang        0409 370 310
  Club Captain				                                                  
  Liz Green		           0421 237 323    Club Captain   Nick Hadzipasic       0437 326 232    Club Captain
                                         Ben Davies        0450 544 384
  Chief Training Officer                                            
  Karla MacBean          0407 416 633   Chief Training Officer     Justin Utteridge     0416 149 311     Chief Training Officer
                                          Matt Molinia         0402 247 886
  Junior Activities                                                 
  Darryl Gilmartin      0418 751 286    Junior Activities    Stu Tompson          0401 504 603     Junior Activities
                                              Warren Hannam     0433 448 556
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches - INFO GUIDE
Club Contacts
North Curl Curl                        South Curl Curl
                                                                                          2016 2
PO Box 4112, North Curl Curl 2099      PO Box 18, Freshwater 2096                 PO Box 308, Freshwater NSW 2096
P: 9905 8671 F: 9905 4481              P: 9938 5430                               P: 9905 3741 F: 9905 6465
email:   email:          email:           
                                       Office Hours: Monday 1-5pm; Friday 1-5pm   Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 10 - 4pm.
Stuart Wye          0414 256 501       President                                  President               Darrin Stoker        0412 597 930          Alan Burns             0448 433 946
Secretary          Vice President                             Executive Officer
                                       Graeme Dominish 0447 984 502               Wayne Freakley         0412 987 007
Chris Stoneman     0416 262 215                                                   Treasurer                 Secretary                                  Chris Tyrrell          0410 895 700
                                       Peter Lowther       0412 173 174 
Club Captain                 
Matt O’Connor        0431 486 553                                                 Club Captain          Treasurer                                  Tom Duffy              0432 876 662
                                       Robert Buckingham 0425 292 292   
Chief Training Officer                    Chief Training Officer
David Vinson         0416 768 966                                                 John Goldrick          0407 007 924               Club Captain                     
                                       Kevin Moffat        02 9905 1146
Junior Activities                                    Junior Activities
Natalia Salzberg   0408 369 688                                                   Hamish McLean          0448 123 123                 Chief Training Officer           
                                       Mike Le Geyt         0411 057 779
                                       Junior Activities
                                       Saul Carroll        0416 271 753
6 2017
  Queenscliff                                   North Steyne
                                                                                              Club Contacts
  PO Box 98, Manly 1655                         PO Box 310, Manly 1655                              PO Box 141, Manly 1655
  P: 9977 2326                                  P: 9977 6180 F: 9977 6227                           P: 9977 2742 F: 9977 6101
  email:           email:             email :                                    
  Office Hours: Mon, Wed Friday 9.30 - 2.30pm   Off Hours: Mon 2-5; Tue/Wed/Thu 11-2; Fri 11-3.30   Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 10-2pm
  President				                                 President				                                       President
  Kevin Harris         0411 597 012             Frank Traugott          0403 820 645                Chris Bell		        0404 454 957                       
  Vice Presidents			                            Deputy President			                                 Deputy President
  Barry Antella        0403 236 280             Jack Sutherland        0418 245 216                 Tim Cuthbert      0429 916 380                                    
  Ed Kwanten           0418 631 397                         Secretary				                                       Secretary
  Secretary				                                 Christine Gibbs-Stewart 0409 031 645                Jan Hall		          0419 888 000
  Kathryn Shearsby 0419 278 319                         
                                                Treasurer				                                       Treasurer
  Treasurer				                                 Tony Falzarano     0402 541 234                     Alex Hill		         0410 580 680
  Grant Henderson      0430 249 440                           
  Club Captain			                               Club Captain				                                    Club Captain
  Gavin Larkings       0434 181 049             Rebecca Chapman           0434 828 528              Bec Crawford         0414 776 926                 
  Chief Training Officer
  Garry Fox		          0412 146 496             Chief Training Officer		                            Chief Training Officer       Kyra Jenkins           0414 790 098                 Sita Mason           0432 174 870
  Junior Activities
  Kate Perrett         0412 085 369             Junior Activities			                                Junior Activities                        David Guthrie         0438 677 423                  Andrean Duffy     0413 412 333
Lifesaving & Education
What is the Board of Lifesaving
The Board of Lifesaving is the controlling body for all
lifesaving and support service operations. The Board
                                                          Support Operations
                                                          Support Operations is a collective term for surf
                                                          lifesaving activities that provide support to beach
                                                                                                                           2016 2
                                                                                                                  Patrol Audits
                                                                                                                  Patrol Audits help to monitor Patrol standards set
                                                                                                                  by SLSA, as well as providing feedback to Clubs to
meets several times a year to determine lifesaving        patrols. These include SurfCom, Duty Officers,          enable them to monitor their own standards.
policy and direction.                                     Rescue Water Craft and TIPS.                            Trauma Incident Peer Support (TIPS) Team
The Director of Lifesaving convenes the Board.            Duty Officers                                           The TIPS team provides a debriefing and support
The 21 Club Captains and Duty Officers, Advisers          Duty Officers are in charge of the lifesaving           service to members involved in a critical incident.
in specialties such as Radio, Powercraft and              operations during patrol hours. They are available to   The team also provides a group debrief
Emergency Services make up the Board.                     assist Patrol Captains in the coordination of major     and can refer members for professional
Gear Inspection                                           rescues and liaise with other emergency services.       assistance if required.
Gear Inspection is generally held on the 3rd
Sunday in August each year. Clubs are notified
of gear inspection requirements and dates in July.
Requirements are set by SLSA. Equipment that has
not been presented for annual inspection must not be
used for patrol, training or competition.
Patrol Requirements
Are detailed in the Clubs Lifesaving Service
Agreements and the SLSNSW Standard Operating
Procedures, see the SLSNSW website for further
details Each Patrol
Captain should be familiar with their Club’s Patrol
Operations Manual and the minimum number of
patrolling members required for each patrol. The SNB
Branch is fortunate to have our Club’s patrol tents
sponsored by Streets Ice Cream (Unilever). The
branded patrol tents should be erected during patrol
hours, whether the beach is open or closed. No
other tent should be used for patrols. The patrol tent
should only be taken down during patrolling hours if
it is deemed unsafe. SurfCom must be notified when
patrol tents are lowered.
6 2017
  After Hours Duty Officer
  The SNB Branch operates a 24-hour/7 day
  emergency call-out system.
                                                                          Lifesaving & Education
                                                            including SNB. It can also provide redundancy for
                                                            the remaining NSW branches. The base is equipped
                                                            with SLSA radios and links to external emergency
  The after-hours Duty Officer coordinates                  services.
  all emergency services and activates                      Channel 3 is our primary working channel between
  Club after-hours personnel as required.                   the Clubs and SurfCom. It must be kept clear of
  Clubs have nominated emergency                            non-urgent traffic. Channel 2 should be used for
  contacts who can assist with after-hours                  communication between patrol members. Radio
  call outs.                                                communications for water safety, laying buoys and
  Dealing with the Media                                    training should be conducted on the training channels
  If approached by the media for a comment,                 25 and 26.
  the standard response should be as follows:
  “No comment at this point. Surf Life Saving will issue    Rescue Water Craft (RWC)
  a statement later.” Media outlets should be referred to   RWCs provide increased surveillance and a rapid
  the SLSNSW Media Liaison Officer on 0414 414 087.         response in high-risk and unpatrolled areas. There      surf life saving operations. Clubs should ensure
                                                            are courses run to train qualified lifesavers for       that all statistics are recorded on patrol logs and
  SurfCom – Warringah Surf Rescue                           the RWC Operators certificate. Please see the           subsequently entered into SurfGuard as per
  The Sydney Northern Beaches Radio Room                    qualifications information on the SNB website for       SLSA policy.
  (“SurfCom”) provides overall coordination of              application details.
                                                                                                                    Injuries and Incidents
  lifesaving services for a number of Branches              Log Books                                               If you have suffered an illness or injury while
                                                            All SLSA log books should be filled out and             performing authorised surf lifesaving activities,
                                                            information transferred on to SurfGuard as per          Workers Compensation may be payable under the
                                                            SLSA Policy. Incident Report Logs, Logbooks             Workers Compensation (Bush Fire, Emergency and
                                                            and SurfGuard entries are checked by SLSNSW.            Rescue Services) Act 1987. Registered SLSNSW
                                                            They are used for reporting on our activities           financial members are eligible to make a claim if
                                                            (Annual Reports) and planning for future lifesaving     the injury or illness occurred while undertaking a
                                                            operations. Members are asked to provide accurate       genuine, authorised activity as a surf lifesaver. There
                                                            and detailed statistics at the end of each patrol.      are a number of steps in the process, starting with
                                                            End of Patrol Statistics                                immediately notifying your supervisor or club official
                                                            These statistics are important to Clubs, SNB,           such as your Patrol or Club Captain. More detailed
                                                            SLSNSW, SLSA & other emergency services as              information can be found on the SLSNSW website
                                                            they assist in the planning and development of          under Members / Workers Compensation.
Lifesaving & Education
Some injuries and incidents are classified as
“notifiable incidents” and you may be legally required
to notify WorkCover NSW immediately. A notifiable
                                                              Assess candidates for competence as per the award
                                                              guidelines. All Assessors must first be endorsed as a
                                                                                                                                    2016 2
incident is a serious incident or injury that arises out of   Training Officer for the award they wish to assess, be at
the actions of surf lifesaving during the course of a surf    least 18 years of age, and have attended an Assessors
lifesaving or surf sports activity. Detailed information      course run by SNB.
on what constitutes a notifiable incident can be found        All Assessors must show competence by assessing at
on the SLSNSW website under Members / Work                    least two groups of candidates under the guidance of
Health and Safety. Members can also contact the               a mentor. All Assessors must apply for re-endorsement
Branch Duty Officer 24/7 for assistance with any              every two years.
incidents that may fall into this category. The Branch
recommends, if in doubt, notify the incident.                 Facilitators:
What is the Board of Education?                               Run the more specialised awards in the SNB.
BoE is the overseeing body for all training,                  All Facilitators must have a Cert IV in Training and
assessment and facilitation of courses within SNB and         Assessment, and be mentored through at least one
meets on the third Thursday of the month as per the           group training session by a SLS SNB Facilitator. All
SNB Calendar.                                                 Facilitators must be accredited by SLSNSW initially,        recognised, they can be entered into the candidates
                                                              and then reapply annually for re-accreditation.             award listings on Surfguard by contacting the SNB
Meetings                                                      To become an Assessor or Facilitator contact SNB.           Office. All Branch courses and Central Venue
Meetings are open to all accredited Trainers,                                                                             Assessments must be booked via the Club Chief
Assessors and Facilitators from the 21 Clubs.                 Qualifications:                                             Training Officer.
Club Chief Training Officers are also encouraged              There are many awards within SLS. Those run through         All our Clubs are affiliated with SLSNSW, which is
to attend. For further information contact the SNB            the Clubs include:                                          a Registered Training Organisation. This means
Director of Education.                                        Surf Rescue Certificate, Bronze Medallion, Advanced         that some of the awards available to members are
Standard Operating Procedures                                 Resuscitation Techniques Certificates (exams at             nationally accredited awards and candidates will be
SLSNSW has published the Academy Volunteer                    a central location), Silver Medallion IRB Driver’s          given a Statement of Attainment for units
Handbook for Education and Training Standard                  Award,Crew Certificate.                                     completed. The majority of SLS qualifications fall
Operating Procedures.                                         Those run through the SNB include:                          within this framework.
This details all policies and procedures that cover this      Spinal Management, Silver Medallion Basic Beach             Any non-accredited courses you attend will still be
area. Club Chief Training Officers, Training Officers         Management, Trainers courses, Assessors courses,            recognised with a Surf Life Saving Australia award,
and Assessors are encouraged to be familiar with the          RWC (jetski) courses.                                       and you will have the option to apply for recognition of
SOP’s.It is available to download from the Education          First Aid courses can be organised by Clubs through         prior learning to upgrade the award if the accredited
Section of the SLSNSW website.                                external providers. If these courses are nationally         award becomes available.
6 2017
  VET Log Books:
  VET log books will be issued and used by
  probationary Trainers and Assessors. Training
                                                                          Lifesaving & Education
                                                            This season all Bronze Medallion and SRC
                                                            assessments will be held at central venues. Dates
  sessions and assessments completed during the             for these will be circulated at the start of the season
  year should be recorded. These records will be used       for Clubs to plan their training. Please book your
  as a guide for your eligibility for endorsement when it   candidates in for the assessment through the Branch
  falls due. New books can be obtained from the SNB         Office. Bookings close one week prior.
  Education Director.                                       IRB Driver and Crew assessments need to be
  Courses:                                                  booked through the office at least one week prior to
  Each Club has their own calendar of training for Club     the assessment. Assessors will be allocated by the
  based awards. Please contact your Club for details.       Powercraft Coordinator.
  SNB facilitated courses are listed on the Education       Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate (ARTC)
  calendar on the SNB website, and advertised in the        assessments are conducted at a central location, unless
  Week in Review. Any changes to course details will        the group is too large and alternative arrangements
                                                            are made. Bookings for these assessments are made         These records should all be sent to SNB Office for
  be posted on the SNB website noticeboard.                                                                           convenient storage; SNB staff can then address any
                                                            through the SNB Office.
                                                                                                                      audit concerns for the Clubs.
                                                            Course Bookings:
                                                            All facilitated courses are booked through the SNB        Proficiencies:
                                                            Office by the Club’s CTO. Bookings close one week         All proficiencies need to be conducted prior to 31st
                                                            prior. Detailed booking info can be found on the SNB      December each year. Any late proficiency needs to
                                                            website. All certificates are produced by SLSNSW and      be approved by the SLSNSW Director of Lifesaving
                                                            are sent directly to Clubs.                               to be valid and these requests must be made in
                                                            Courses run by the Clubs must have their                  writing. SLSNSW Pre-Season Information Packs
                                                            assessment entered into Surfguard by the Club. This       have been provided to each Club to assist with topics
                                                            must be done before any completed paperwork is            to be covered during the proficiency. All proficiencies
                                                            returned to the SNB Office for processing.                must be entered into Surfguard by 7th January 2016
                                                                                                                      and proficiency records should be filed at the Clubs
                                                            Records:                                                  for reference during the season if needed.
                                                            SLSNSW requests that all documentation from
                                                            assessments is filed and kept for a period of two
                                                            years. This includes attendance records, copies of
                                                            training course reports, assessors sign off sheets
                                                            and any applicable workbooks. All of these items
                                                            need to be readily accessible in case of an audit.
Surf Sports
What is the Board of Surf Sports?
The Board of Surf Sports (BoSS) is the controlling
body for all SLS competition and carnivals
                                                             reaccreditation papers in order for you to remain
                                                             insured at all carnivals or special SLSA sanctioned
                                                             events that you officiate at.
                                                                                                                               2016 2
                                                                                                                      carnival. Late entries are accepted under special
                                                                                                                      circumstances for all events except Boats and the
                                                                                                                      Branch Championships. No late entries are accepted
conducted within Sydney Northern Beaches (SNB).              Coaches                                                  for either of these two events.
The BoSS is chaired by the Director of Surf Sports           Clubs are required to have qualified coaches who         All competitors are required to be proficient as per
and has 10 other voting members from different               oversee competition and training – this is especially    SLSA policy. Late entries closing time on date of
disciplines within surf sports at SNB. The BoSS is           true for surf boats where the sweep must be a Level      carnival is 9am, or as advertised. Entries permitted
appointed by the Executive to assist the Director of         1 coach and have completed the sweep accreditation       after this time will be at the Carnival referee’s
Surf Sports with the running of surf sports.                 checklist under the watch of a senior sweep. Coaches     discretion.
                                                             must have both of these prior to competing or training   Holding a Carnival
How to become an accredited Official?                        any crews. Paid coaches are not covered by SLSA
In order to become an accredited Surf Sports                                                                          Clubs that wish to hold a carnival should nominate
                                                             insurance and must have their own insurance.             in writing to the BoSS. Clubs running a carnival are
Official, individuals have to attend a Surf Officials
course, Level 1 courses are run by SLSSNB. Upon              Carnival Entries                                         required to have all paperwork and forms filled in prior
successful completion of the course, the individual          Entries to SNB carnivals are done through the            to the Carnival being opened online. Contact SNB
will become a Probationary Official and will need            national online entries system. Carnivals will not be    Office for further details.Water Safety requirements
to attend three carnivals and have their attendance          opened up on the system until all paperwork has been     are dependent on numbers and rescue equipment
signed off by a senior Official. Once the individual         received from the host Club and the Carnival Referee.    being used. Refer SLSA Water Safety policy for
has officiated at three carnivals at a level satisfactory    Entries close at 9am on Monday prior to each carnival    further information.
to the senior official, then he/she must hand in their       and payment is due by Friday 10am before each            At SNB Carnivals, only Team Managers should liaise
signed paperwork to the SNB Office where it will be                                                                   with officials and referees.
processed. The accredited Official will then receive a                                                                Emergency Services Officers (ESOs) are appointed
badge from SLSA directly and be put into Surfguard                                                                    by SLSSNB for all carnivals from a list of accredited
as an accredited Official. Opportunity exists for these                                                               ESOs. If you wish to become an ESO you will need
Officials to achieve level 2 or level 3 accreditation as a                                                            to do a course conducted by SLSSNB and have the
Surf Sports Official in the future.                                                                                   relevant qualifications. Only Accredited people may act
                                                                                                                      as an ESO. Clubs must use an accredited ESO for all
Reaccreditation Process?                                                                                              their special events and state who this person will be
It is a requirement that all Officials undergo re-                                                                    when completing the special event application form.
accreditation every 4 years and as such are
required to keep a log book of the time spent                                                                         Hi Viz Vests
officiating during those four years. A copy of this                                                                   All SNB organised carnivals require every water
log book needs to be handed into the Branch with                                                                      competitor to wear a pink hi viz top. Competitors
6 2017
  not wearing the hi viz pink top will not be allowed to
  start. This falls in line with SLSA and SLSNSW policy
  regarding water safety at carnivals. SLSSNB
                                                             Clubs are required to complete in full the SLSNSW
                                                             form available from for
                                                             insurance cover. Any outside suppliers/ contractors
                                                                                                                            Surf Sports
                                                                                                                       at the same time within the SNB. SNB Competitors
                                                                                                                       must ensure they send a copy of their entry form
                                                                                                                       to the SNB Office so they are covered under the
  strongly encourage Clubs to enforce this ruling during     are required to hold their own public                     insurance guidelines.
  all water activities including Sunday morning activities   liability insurance. There are no exceptions. If in
  and training.                                              doubt consult the SNB Office. A Bracnh approved
                                                             ESO must be appointed for all special events.
  Code of Conduct
  The BoSS supplies carnival gear to Clubs as part           Council Permission
  of the Carnival Management Plan/Agreement. All             Any Club holding a surf carnival or any kind of special
  carnivals are run by the current surf sports manual,       event requires local Council permission. Contact your
  available on SLSA website.                                 local Council for the relevant forms. Some events
                                                             may also require “Waterways” Approval. If in doubt
  Gear and Equipment                                         contact the SNB Office.
  SLSSNB is lucky enough to have competition gear
  to more than satisfy carnival requirements for the         Overseas/Interstate
                                                             Any Club wishing to hold an overseas or interstate
  season. There is a lot of work that goes behind the
                                                             activity must gain SLSA endorsement via SNB and           2016/2017 carnival entry fees:
  scenes to ensure the equipment is kept in good                                                                       Boat Competitors
  condition and is readily available for Clubs hosting       SLSNSW by writing a letter detailing the activity.
                                                             Attending Carnivals and events outside the SNB            $ 20 per competitor, unlimited events
  carnivals and special events.
  In 2016/17 payment for all carnival entries will be        Members of Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern               Open & Masters
  required prior to any carnival. A payment gateway          Beaches are given blanket endorsement to                  $ 25 per competitor, unlimited events
  has been added to the carnival entries system with         participate in carnivals outside the SNB area as long
                                                             as there is no carnival or special activity being held    Junior Carnivals
  payment required to validate entries, this must be                                                                   $ 20 per competitor, unlimited events
  done by 10am on the Friday prior to each carnival.         at the same time within SNB. SNB Competitors must
  Please be aware that if entries are not paid and           ensure they send a copy of their entry form to the        SNB Branch Championships
  validated by the due date, competitors will NOT be         SNB Office so they are covered under the                  $ 25 per competitor, unlimited events
  allowed to compete.                                        insurance guidelines.
                                                                                                                       Late entries attract an additional charge
                                                             Attending Carnivals and events outside the SNB            and must be paid in cash to the hosting
  Special Events                                             Members of Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern               Club on the day.
  Any event run by a Club involving non members, eg:         Beaches are given blanket endorsement to
  ocean swims, ocean ski event, marathons or                                                                           Open carnivals $35 per competitor
                                                             participate in carnivals outside their SNB as long        Junior carnivals $ 30 per competitor
  beach runs etc. is regarded as a ‘special event’.          as there is no carnival or special activity being held
Surf Life Saving School
About Us
The Surf Life Saving School (SLSS) offers a variety
of programs to suit all levels of learning and a wide
                                                                                                                             2016 2
variety of age groups, from primary school aged
children to seniors and participants with special
needs. The SLSS is the only surf education provider      Special Needs - Supported by RFi Group
on Sydney’s Northern Beaches affiliated with Surf Life   The format of each weekly program is varied from
Saving Australia (SLSA).                                 school to school, based on the level of disability of
The programs teach students the knowledge and            the students. The beach activities include sprinting,
skills that are essential in keeping them safe when      beach flags, poison ball, and relays. The water
visiting the beach. The high standard of program         component incorporates water confidence by playing
and instruction has been recognised through the          games in the water, such as wading around ropes,
numerous Community Education Awards the SLSS             or filling bins with water carried up in buckets. Once
has won.                                                 confidence is established, and depending on the surf
All SLSS Programs meet the NSWDET Guidelines             conditions, body boards and foam surf-boards are           Surf Rescue Certificate
for aquatic activities as well as the Excursion Policy   also used. General sun-safe concepts such as use of        A five-day-intensive course that provides secondary
requirements.                                            sunscreen, hats, and rash-vests, and the surf safety       students with the skills and knowledge to become
                                                         concepts of swimming between the flags, and beach          a surf lifesaver. The SRC course is the introductory
                                                         signs and their meanings are introduced, according         award for a patrolling surf lifesaver and can be
                                                         to the student’s capabilities, and reinforced at each      achieved from the age of 13. This course helps to
                                                         weekly lesson. The students are also introduced to         prepare participants for active patrolling duties that
                                                         the lifeguards on the beach, and know they can feel        may include: rescue skills, first aid and resuscitation.
                                                         comfortable to approach them with any enquiries or
                                                         problems.                                                  Bronze Medallion
                                                         Surf Survival Certificate (SSC)                            A five-day-intensive course that develops a high
                                                         Approximately a 10 hour program designed primarily         level of skill in aquatic and land-based emergency
                                                         for high school surfing participants.                      situations. The Bronze Medallion is the core award
                                                         The New South Wales Department of Education and            for active surf lifesavers. Successful candidates
                                                         Training stipulates that students wishing to participate   also receive a Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic
                                                         in any school surfing programs must achieve at             Rescue). You must be 15 years and over on the date
                                                         least the Surf Survival Certificate as a standard of       of your examination to qualify for the award. This
                                                         proficiency.                                               program can be run for Clubs.
6 2017                                                                  Surf Life Saving School
                                                            Surf Awareness/ Surf Safe
                                                            A practical 3 hour program held at a local beach that
                                                            provides participants with a fun and active learning
                                                                                                                        Surf Sports Intensive Camps (SIC)
                                                                                                                        These camps are aimed more at competitors wishing
                                                                                                                        to improve their competition skills with the best
                                                            experience. Participants will build skills, confidence      coaches and senior competitors taking over the
  Surf Smart –Sun Smart Program                             and knowledge both in the surf and on the sand.             coaching. These camps are also two-day camps for
  This classroom program is provided thanks to the                                                                      those wishing to be part of the elite competitor group
  Cancer Institute of NSW. The Surf Life Saving School                                                                  and is open for members from the U9 age group up.
  run numerous free classroom programs spreading the
  word on surf safety and sun safety to schools in the
  Sydney area thanks to the generosity of the Cancer
  Institute of NSW who like us want the best for our kids
  whilst enjoying the beach. If you would like us to come
  to your School then please contact our Branch Office.

                                                            Holiday Nipper Camps
                                                            SLSSNB run a number of holiday nipper camps for
                                                            kids from U8 age group and higher. They are multiple-
                                                            day camps where our qualified staff will lead the kids in
                                                            water and beach activities whilst parents are at work.
                                                            Information on each camp is distributed to all members
                                                            in the weeks leading up to each school holiday period.
Member Services
What is the Board of Member Services
This Board aims to improve membership recruitment
and retention rates, and improve access to
                                                           Age Manager Requirements & Training
                                                           The Club has been provided with training resources
                                                           for Age Managers, copies are also available on the
                                                                                                                              2016 2
                                                                                                                     Junior Lifesaver of the Year (JLOTY)
                                                                                                                     This is awarded to a junior member from the U14
                                                                                                                     age group. Clubs may nominate one female and one
worthwhile and enjoyable personal and professional         SNB website. In order to ensure that Age Managers         male candidate for consideration for this award. The
development opportunities for all members. These           are aware of their obligations to our young surf          SNB Finalists group participate in a development
opportunities are provided in our core areas of            lifesavers, Surf Life Saving Australia has an excellent   program including a workshop fun day in January. The
Lifesaving, Surf Sports and Education. While Nippers       Age Manager’s Course available. This course aims          winners of the SNB Award are entered for the NSW
teaches everything there is to know about being a          to equip Age Managers with the skills to assist our       Junior Lifesaver of the Year Award at the SLSNSW
young surf lifesaver, this group also focuses efforts on   Nippers in their growth into surf lifesavers. Our Age     Championships.
teaching our members the importance of being a team        Managers who instruct the Nippers have access to an
player and improving their self confidence. It is very     online library of activities on the SLSA website.         SNB Awards of Excellence
important to Surf Lifesaving to have young members         While it is not compulsory this season, for future        Each year in June, SNB holds a Presentation
and it is these very members who may become a              seasons it is envisaged that all Age Managers will        Night where awards for outstanding service in
Patrol Captain at the young age of 17.                     need to have undertaken the course before they can        Administration, Surf Sports, Lifesaving, Education,
                                                           teach a group of Nippers. This will ensure all Nippers    Member Services are presented. Winners of the
Nippers                                                    and their parents, wherever they are in Australia, can    Patrol Audit Competition and Most Outstanding Club
Dates, start times and fees vary from Club-to-Club         be confident that they are being taught to the highest    are presented on the night as well as Life Membership
so refer to our website for      possible standard.                                        and Service Honour Pins.
information.There are two types of proficiencies that
can be gained:
Participation Proficiency- this award allows children to
participate in Surf Education/Club Nipper Programs.
All children are able to participate in beach activities
and once pool proficiency is complete they can
participate in water and beach activities. This
evaluation should be conducted in a safe aquatic
environment with a recommended 1:1 water safety
ratio (water safety personnel to participant). A 1:1
water safety ratio is especially important for new
members where clubs may not be familiar with the
ability of the participant.
Competition Proficiency- this award allows children to
participate in Nipper Carnivals. As part of this award
children are required to complete a surf swim.
6 2017
  Clubs Legal Responsibilities
  Clubs are administered by the Associations
  Incorporated Act 2009 which is managed by the NSW
                                                           Parking Permits
                                                           All Northern Beaches residents (rate payer) are
                                                           issued with two permits covering all beaches between
                                                                                                                    Membership Forms
                                                                                                                    For those Clubs who use ‘Lifesaving Online’, if a
                                                                                                                    member completes the online declaration, there is no
  Fair Trading. The Department publishes useful fact       Manly and North Palm Beach. Active members living        need for a signed Membership Form. All other Clubs
  sheets which can be found at http://www.fairtrading.     outside the Northern Beaches can apply through their     are required to have a signed Membership Form as Each Club is required to be Incorporated     Club for a permit.                                       well as the Prohibited Employment Declaration for all
  and have a Club Constitution which all Club Executive                                                             new members.
  members should be familiar with.                         Minutes
  An annual return must be lodged with NSW Fair            Minutes of all SNB meetings are distributed to your      Working With Children Check (WWCC)
  Trading within 30 days of the Club’s Annual General      Club’s representatives.                                  Clubs must ensure that all volunteers and employees
  Meeting being held. Any changes to the Club’s                                                                     in child-related roles, who do not fall under the
  Constitution should also be notified to NSW Fair         Annual Report                                            exemptions, must get a WWCC. It is also their
  Trading within 30 days.                                  All Club Presidents are required to provide a            responsibility to verify the WWCC and accept, suspend
                                                           submission on their Club’s actvities and achievments     or reject membership and participation of these people
  ACNC                                                     for inclusion in the SNB Annual Report before            based on the outcome of their WWCC. Member’s
  The Australian Charities and Not for Profit              31st May each year.                                      WWCC details should be recorded on their record in
  Commission (ACNC) is the National regulator of all                                                                Surfguard.
  Charities in Australia. Clubs must be registered with    Forms & Returns
  the ACNC and provide annual updates when Director        All SLSA, SLSNSW and SLSSNB forms are available          Transfers/Multi Memberships
  positions change. An Annual Information Statement        through the SNB website. All Sydney Northern             Members are permitted one competition transfer
  must be completed at the end of each financial year.     Beaches Clubs, SLSA and SLSNSW websites are              during the calendar year. Those members who are
                                                           linked through the SNB website.                          moving due to bona fide relocation because of study,
  Workplace Health & Safety Act 2011                                                                                employment or family commitments are permitted
  Clubs and their members need to ensure they are          Affiliation                                              more than one transfer. Transfers are processed
  aware of and comply with the Workplace Health and        Clubs are required to send an Affiliation Form with      through the Surfguard system. Members wanting to
  Safety Act 2011 which now covers volunteers as           relevant payment to the SNB Office, once received by     transfer need to ask their Club to put in a transfer
  ’workers’. Resource kits for Clubs are available from    the SNB Office copies will be sent to SLSNSW and         request on their behalf through Surfguard.
  Safe Work Australia         to SLSA. This should be by way of a resolution at the
                                                           Club’s Annual General Meeting.                           Service Awards
  Membership Database                                                                                               Clubs will apply for a number of Service Awards on
  SLSA run a membership database which is called           Contact Details                                          behalf of their members, usually at the end of the
  Surfguard. This database contains all membership         Your Club’s updated contact details should be            season. Current application forms can be downloaded
  information and functions to run the administration      supplied to SNB the week following your Club’s AGM.      from the Members Portal. Members can also apply
  side of your club. Clubs are advised to update           These details are then updated in our email database     via their own Member Portal account using the online
  membership records as soon as practically possible       and are also used for each season’s Information          forms. Criteria for the awards can be located on the
  at the start of the season as this allows the patrol     Guide. Clubs should also advise SNB of any change to     SLSA website here:
  module to be used. It is each Club’s responsibility to   contact details as they occur throughout the season to   development/member-recognition
  keep their database up to date.                          ensure all correspondence is received by your Club.
Patrol Hours
                                                                                                                                                                      2016 2
  Beach                          9am	
  (4)                    9am	
  (4)           9am	
  (5)         9am	
  (4)         9am	
  Beach                         9am	
  (4)                    9am	
  (4)           9am	
  (5)         9am	
  (4)         9am	
Bilgola                                9am	
  (4)                  9am	
  (5)           9am	
  (5)         9am	
  (5)        9am	
Newport                                9am	
  (4)                  9am	
  (5)           9am	
  (5)         9am	
  (5)        9am	
  Beach                         9am	
  (3)                    9am	
  (3)            9am	
  5pm(4)            9am	
  (3)         9am	
  Vale                           9am	
  (4)                  9am	
  (4)           9am	
  (5)         9am	
  (4)        9am	
  (4)                    9am	
  (4)           9am	
  (5)         9am	
  (4)         9am	
  October)                     (from	
  October)                                             (to	
  March)           (from	
  27/11/16                03/12/16	
  26/02/17       04/03/17	
  26/03/17     01/04/17	
  Narrabeen                        9am	
  (4)                    9am	
  (5)           9am	
  (4)        9am	
  (4)                    9am	
  (5)           9am	
  (5)         9am	
  December)                   (from	
  (3-­‐4)              9am	
  (3-­‐4/5*)     9am	
  (3-­‐4)     9am	
  December)                   (from	
Collaroy                                  9am	
  (5)                  9am	
  (5/6*)         9am	
  (5)       9am	
  Reef                              9am	
  (4)                  9am	
  (4/5*)         9am	
  (4)       9am	
  Why                                9am	
  (5)                  9am	
  (5/6*)         9am	
  (5)       9am	
  (4)                   9am	
  (5)           9am	
  (5)       9am	
  October)                    (from	
  (4)                     9am	
  (5)         9am	
  (5)       9am	
  October)                    (from	
Freshwater                              9am	
  (5)                   9am	
  (5/6*)         9am	
  (5)        9am	
  20/11/16                26/11/16	
  26/03/16       01/04/16	
  Steyne                           9am	
  (4)                     9am	
  (5/6*)      9am	
6 2017   Sponsorship
         As a Branch, we leverage the collective strength of
         our 21 Clubs to secure major sponsorships which
         go towards covering the costs of operating the
         Branch and providing services to our Clubs. We
         also receive funding from SLSA from our national
         uniform sponsors DHL, Telstra and Westpac.
         Again this income is retained by the Branch to
         cover overheads. If it were not for these key
         sponsorships, membership fees would be at least
         $20 per member higher than they currently are and we
         are grateful of their ongoing commitment to SLS.
         We are fortunate to have a core of strong sponsors
         committed to supporting our activities. Streets Ice
         Cream have been a major sponsor now for over seven
         years and recently helped us secure sponsorship
         from Lipton Ice Tea (both Unilever Australia). We are
         grateful to RFi this year who are again sponsoring
         our Special Needs programs for the Surf Life Saving
         School. Westfield Warringah Mall and Bill Buckle
         group continue to support the Branch. Thank you
         to Deputy wjo joined us last year for our Awards of
         This year we were fortunate to secure grant funding
         over three years from Dee Why RSL Club which will
         cover the purchase and ongoing running costs of a
         new Surf Rescue vehicle which will be used for our
         Duty Officers and Community Education teams. We
         also received a grant from the NSW Cancer Institute
         which enables us to continue our combined Surf
         Safety, Sun Safety education programs to schools
         throughout Sydney in 2016. Thanks also to Northern
         Beaches Council for their annual grants which help
         fund our support operations.
         We thank all of our sponsors for their ongoing support.
Contact your Socrates Distributors for further details: 02 9905 1598
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches ● Unit 9/1 Vuko Place, Warriewood NSW 2102 ●
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