INFO AT KNR - Keith Ngesi Radio

INFO AT KNR - Keith Ngesi Radio

                                                                                                Volume , Issue

KNR PRESENTER TURNS 40                                                                         September 2018

Keith Ngesi Radio pro-       Mugg n Bean in Vincent        sign some deal as part of
gram “The Jump Off”          store manager Basil Itayi     the management team.
hosted by Quax had an        Harutsanye said Mugg n        Breakfast was served
outside broadcast at         Bean is raising awareness     while well wishes and
Mugg n Bean in East          about kids suffering from     words of wisdom where
London to celebrate the      cancer as well as trying to   shared with Lhoza on
partnership with Mugg n      raise funds for these kids    air.
Bean on corporate social     by selling giant muffins
                                                           Lhoza said she is great-
responsibility centered on   then R5 of every giant
                                                           ful to the Lord for anoth-
childhood cancer aware-      muffin sold goes to the
                                                           er magnificent year in
ness. September is na-       “Cupcakes For Kids with
                                                           her life and all the
tional childhood cancer      Cancer” initiative. The
                                                           countless blessing she
awareness month which        company has risen about
                                                           has received through out
is an opportunity for or-    R383 536 for the kids so
                                                           the years she further
ganisations and people to    far will make a big differ-
                                                           extended her gratitude
help spread awareness        ence in the lives of these
                                                           to the KNR family for
and raise funds to pre-      children. The money
                                                           the nice surprise “I am
vent and cure childhood      raised caters for the chil-
                                                           genuinely out of words
cancer and to improve the    dren’s medical bills and
                                                           team, May God bless you
lives of the kids who sur-   they also get emotional
                                                           all”, she said.
vived. The outside broad-    support and encourage-
cast was also dedicated to   ment through this pro-
                                                                                        INSIDE THIS ISSUE:
surprise Keith Ngesi Ra-     gram.
dio’s marketing and sales                                                               KNR Welcomes a       2
                             The KNR 9-5 team shout-
executive/ presenter Lho-                                                               new personality
                             ed Surprise! As Lhoza
za wamaMfene for her
                             walked in to Mugg n Bean
40th birthday.
                             thinking she was there to                                  Heritage day at KNR 2

                                                                                        Mands Profile        3

                                                                                        DJ Sizwe’s Profile   3

                                                                                        Lady Tee’s Profile   4
INFO AT KNR - Keith Ngesi Radio
Page 2                                                                                                              INFO AT KNR


                                             thought were possible. She started as a
                                             dancer at Lulutho Grooming School for       film Knuckle City. Thina was writing
                                             girls at Mdantsane Art Centre. After        for University of Fort Hare and she
                                             matric she decided to further her pas-      was responsible for events and alumni
                                             sion by obtaining a qualification related   relations. She was also a writer and a
                                             to her dream. Today she holds a diplo-      photographer for Harambee youth
                                             ma in Public Relation Management and        employment eccelerator, the sister
                                             pursuing her B-Tech degree in PR. Thi-      organisation to Bumb’Ngomso.
                                             na is a proud WSU alumni. On her            She continued saying that church
                                             third year at Varsity she started her       helped her so much with singing and
                                             radio career at a community radio sta-      public speaking. The Presenter has
                                             tion based in East London, doing a          undergone rough patches throughout
                                             weekend breakfast show from six to          her life but she never allowed it to
                                             nine. Thina Sam used to write her own       stand in front of her goals. She also
The Mdantsane born media personality         scripts when she was a teenager and         preaches the true value of hard word
has now joined the KNR family. Thina         initiates her own imaginary show at         which has made her not to give up.
Sam is a first born to her Xhosa moth-       her bedroom, she says.
                                                                                        She is a co-host on KNR Drive show
er. She realised she is an artist at the      She is also a voice-over artist, actress, every weekday from three to six. Thina
age of fifteen years, her bubbly person-     writer and a singer and has featured on Sam concluded by saying that she is
ality and eagerness to learn has assist-     local ads and the Mdantsane boxing         ready to impress her late mother.
ed her in achieving these she never


In South Africa Heritage day      African indigenous dish to
is a special day where we em-     share. The buffet lunch was
brace our cultural heritage,      graced by the presence of Mrs.
the diversity and uniqueness      Linda Sithole owner of Total
of our nation. At Keith Ngesi     Confusion Fashion House.
Radio we remembered the           Linda is a fashion designer of
diversity of our cultures, be-    stylish xhosa traditional cloth-
liefs and traditions by hosting   ing is the best of the kind in
an in-house Heritage day cele-    the Eastern Cape. Everyone
bration lunch where everyone      enjoyed the lunch and mini
who participated was dressed      photo shoot but especially the
in traditional attires and each   food!
brought their favorite South
INFO AT KNR - Keith Ngesi Radio
Page 3

  Kwamnandi Amanda Nkosi
                                           possess a bubbly and friendly    tions and scandal and has spent 2
                                           personality and making           days at YFM following her passion
                                           friends had always been          for Radio. She now belongs to a
                                           something she absolutely         casting agency and is a social me-
                                           loved and which she never        dia content planner who manages 6
                                           struggled with. Mands has a      different shoe brands for the Foot-
                                           younger brother, with an age     wear Company she works in
                                           difference of 9 years between
                                           them and their parents are       Her KNR show Menus & Playlists
                                           happily married.                 is explained in her tag line: “FEED
                                                                            YOUR SOUL”. It aims to advise
                                           “I am an explosion of extro-     and talk about all things food
                                           verted personality and a         (cultural diversification, mommy's
                                           lover of life. I absolutely      recipes, your first meal you cooked,
Kwamnandi Amanda Nkosi aged 25             adore people, working with,      fave spots to eat at, not so fave,
was born in Mthatha, Eastern Cape to       around and for the people”.      etc).it speak about all things music
a jet setter Xhosa mother and a serious    The entertainment industry       (First song you fell in love with,
Swati businessman, which meant that        has always been her calling.     which song remind you of your first
they did a lot of moving and had to        Following this passion, she      love, heart break, etc. Bad boys of
adjust to several school environments      studied BA in Marketing          the 90's, you name it.). Both these
as well as home situations. This was       Communications ,she did          factors, impact everybody in one
not even an issue for her because she      work as an extra in genera-      way or the other.


                                            DJ Sizwe is not only an entertain-    they challenge listeners on daily issues.
                                           ment guru, he was a brand Ambas-       The show features a lot of Kwaito,
                                           sador for I-College East London        house and Hip-hop music. KNR Drive
                                           helping I-college registering stu-     also encourages listeners to participate
                                           dents and is now supporting more       and interact with the team through
                                           than 5 students financially with       different social media platforms.
                                           bursaries through his partnership
                                           with I- College. He is also a man-
                                           aging Director for a production
                                           house, (RezSA Multimedia cc)
                                           Scripting and producing radio ad-
                                           verts and other services.

 Sizwe Siyokwana is an Eastern Cape
 native who grew up in Ndevana, King       In 2016 he got a contract with
 Williams Town E.C. Just over 31 years     Keith Ngesi Radio as Radio Imag-
 of age, DJ Sizwe is one of the record     ing Specialist, after showing his
 breakers on Community radio. After        finesse voice and Passion for Ra-
 ruling the Breakfast show on Mdeeze       dio. In April 2018, he joined
 FM 99.5 9 (Pirate Radio station) in       KeithNgesiRadio as a Host of the
 East London, he then hosted an after-     Afternoon KnrDrive Show and is
 noon show at Izwilethemba                 now also a technical producer and
 FM 93.8 "YOP Drive Show" from 2012        a voice over artist for the station.
 -2015 and was a Programmes Manager        His show KNR DRIVE recently got
 for the station. He won the – Beat Mag-   a co-host Thina Sam. KNR Drive is
 azine Awards -Best Radio Personality      a weekday afternoon show that
 of the Year Drive in 2014 and nominat-                                           Dj Sizwe with co-host Thina Sam
                                           shares with listeners’ current news
 ed for SATMA Awards on the same           and entertainment. They have a
 year                                      “React or Respond” session where
INFO AT KNR - Keith Ngesi Radio
Keith Ngesi Radio
Address - No.2 Hillcrest Drive | Beacon Bay |
East London | 5241 .
Tell- +27 43 748 1216
Cell- +79 84 600 3840

                                                                            OUR SERVICES;

                                                                            -AD-HOC BROADCASTS

                                                                            -CUSTOMISED TALK-SHOWS

                                                                            -ADVERT PRODUCTION

                                                                            -VOICE OVER ARTISTS
                                                                            -MUNICIPAL NEWS PRODUCTION

                                                                            -PROVINCIAL NEWS PRODUCTION

Thembela Siswana
                                                 On her 9-5 she works at buffalo city
                                                                                        be grounded in Christ. She had a pas-
                                                Metropolitan municipality in the
                                                                                        sion that we serve the same God, but
                                                Information and communication
                                                                                        we have different opinions about dif-
                                                Technology department , where she
                                                                                        ferent concepts of Christianity. Out of
                                                aligns business strategies, and deals
                                                                                        that cry 6 years ago she wrote a con-
                                                with the corporate governance of
                                                                                        cept document and started to ap-
                                                ICT. She is passionate about excel-
                                                                                        proach radio stations to give her a
                                                lence in service delivery an using
                                                                                        platform to discuss these issues. Fi-
                                                proper processes and procedure that
                                                                                        nally in November 2017 she joined
                                                have a good impact on service conti-
                                                                                        the KNR family .
                                                nuity. This is all accomplished
                                                through advancing and modernising       Her show Encounters with God dis-
                                                systems or technology and keep up       cusses topics that help listeners on
                                                with the advancing pace of technolo-    their journey of salvation , it also en-
                                                gy however within a controlled and      lighten them and helps them to get
                                                managed strategy focused environ-       closer to God.
                                              Tembela developed her love for radio
Tembela Siswana, who is soon turning       a couple of years ago when she was in
40 describes herself as a child of the     the executive committee of the young
most-high God first and above all. She     adult’s ministry, where she used to
was born by a single mother with 2         host Friday topics that affect young
brothers, being the middle child. She is   people, she then realised that she
passionate are arts and culture, from      would love to discuss topics that affect
singing, poetry, writing songs, dancing    all Christians that cause them to not
to glorify God.
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