Influence of stellar flyby events on planetary systems - Meeting ...

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Influence of stellar flyby events on planetary systems - Meeting ...
EPSC Abstracts
Vol. 15, EPSC2021-672, 2021
Europlanet Science Congress 2021
© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Influence of stellar flyby events on planetary systems
Birgit Loibnegger, Elke Pilat-Lohinger, Maximilian Zimmermann, and Sharleena Clees
University of Vienna, Institute of Astrophysics, Vienna, Austria (

Stars passing close by the Sun experience a change of their trajectory due to gravitational
interaction -- which also changes the trajectory of the Sun around the galactic center. In this study
we show possible changes for the outer Solar system caused by the future flyby of Gliese 710
considering various inclinations of the passing star.

Most stars are born in clusters. Gravitational interactions between the cluster members can have
significant influence on the planet formation process and small body distributions [2]. Even after
having left the cluster flybys with other stars can happen. The Sun will experience such a flyby in
about 1.36 Myr. Gliese 710 (a K-type star) will probably pass inside of the Oort cloud [1]. This
motivated us to investigate the influence of passing stars on the trajectory of the Sun as well as on
the orbits of the gas planets [3,5] and Oort cloud objects. The stellar flyby has been carried out for
different stellar types (M -- G-type stars) with different encounter velocities [4] as well as different
impact parameters and different inclinations of the passing star.

Setup and Method
The setup uses the outer Solar system including the Sun, the 4 giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune), Oort cloud comets, and a passing star. The passing star initially moves on a
straight line passing the Sun at a certain distance (i.e., impact parameter d). The ranges for the
parameters are summed up as follows:

    Mass of passing star: 0.21 MSun, 0.6 MSun (i.e., Gliese710), and 1 MSun
    Impact parameter: d between 4000 and 12000 au (estimated area of Gliese 710 flyby [1] -- see
    figure 1) and for closer flybys (e.g., 400 to 600 au -- see figure 2)
    Velocity of the passing star: taken from [4]: v - σv , v , v + σv -- see figure 1

The numerical simulations were carried out using the newly developed N-body package [6], i.e., a
parallelized GPU-N-body code designed to handle the gravitational interaction of up to 10000
massive particles. Each stellar flyby was integrated for about 30000 yrs where both the initial and
the final position of the passing star were 100000 au away from the Sun.

The results show a distinct bend in the trajectory of the passing stars at the point of closest
approach to the Sun. Vice versa the Sun is diverted from its original trajectory, too. Figure 1 shows
how much a passing star influences the Sun's path. The Sun might be diverted by up to 30 au by a
K-type star. For impact parameters larger than 12000au the diversion is smaller than 20au even for
a passing G-type star.
An analysis of the orbits of the 4 giant planets after an inclined flyby shows that for retrograde
passages of a K-type star the eccentricity for Saturn is decreased. For Uranus the eccentricity
increases for inclinations bigger than 80° -- see figure 2.
For a passing G-type star at d = 600 au with 0° inclination the long term changes in the
eccentricities of the 4 giant planets are depicted in figure 3.
The scattering of Oort cloud objects by a passing star with d=12000au, M=0.6MSun (Gliese 710), and
inclination of 0° is depicted in figure 4. Objects in the vicinity of the passage (up to 4000 au distance
from the passing star) get scattered the strongest. A change in eccentricty is possible up to 0.6. If
Gliese 710 passes at 4000 au, we assume that also Kuiper belt objects can be perturbed.
Additionally, we assume that in the inner Oort cloud there are more objects than in the outer cloud
(used in our integrations) thus more objects might get scattered inwards.
Summary and Conclusions
                                   We showed that the orbit of the Sun around the galactic center can be altered depending on the
                                   properties of the passing star (mass, velocity, impact parameter). This can slightly change change
                                   its orbit in the Milky Way.
                                   Our study for the outer Solar system shows only small perturbations of the eccentricities of the
                                   planetary orbits. Only inclinations of the passing star larger than 80° show some changes of the
                                   orbits of Uranus and Saturn. These small perturbations could influence the orbital behaviour and will
                                   be studied in more detail. In this context figure 3 shows slight deviations of the planetary
                                   eccentricities after a stellar passage with inclination of 0°. The changes of the orbits are only visible
                                   in the long time computation.
                                   Short time changes are visible in the orbits of Oort cloud objects which experience the close flyby of
                                   a star.

                                   This research was funded in whole by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [P33351-N].

                                   [1] Bailer-Jones C.~A.~L.: New stellar encounters discovered in the second Gaia data release;
                                   A$\&$A, 616, A37, 2018.
                                   [2] Bancelin D., Nordlander T., Pilat-Lohinger E., Loibnegger B.: Dynamics of passing-stars-
                                   perturbed binary star systems; MNRAS, 486, 4, 4773-4780, 2019.
                                   [3] Innanen K.~A., Zheng J.~Q, Mikkola S., Valtonen M.~J.: The Kozai Mechanism and the Stability
                                   of Planetary Orbits in Binary Star Systems; AJ, 113, 1915, 1997.
                                   [4] Rickman H., Fouchard M., Froeschl{\'e} C., Valsecchi G.~B.: Injection of Oort Cloud Comets:
                                   The Fundamental Role of Stellar Perturbations; Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008, LPICo, 1405,
                                   8077, 2008.
                                   [5] Tanikawa K., Ito T.: Subsystems in a Stable Planetary System; PASJ, 59, 989, 2007.
                                   [6] Zimmermann M.: The influene of binary systems on planetesimal disks. Master thesis, University
                                   of Vienna, 2021.

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