Mother's Face Recognition in Newborn Infants: Learning and Memory
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Infant and Child Development Inf. Child Dev. 10: 67–74 (2001) DOI: 10.1002/icd.248 Mother’s Face Recognition in Newborn Infants: Learning and Memory I.W.R. Bushnell* Department of Psychology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK Two studies are reported that address issues related to memory for faces in young infants. The first correlates the opportunity to view the mother’s face with expressed visual preference for that face, and shows that very little exposure is required, with greater levels of exposure showing stronger preferences. The second study examines the role of delay between exposure to the moth- er’s face and preference testing, finding that strength of prefer- ence is not significantly impacted by a 15-min delay. Im- plications for a model of face processing are discussed. Copy- right © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Key words: face recognition; newborn learning; newborn memory; visual preference There is no doubt that the human infant is capable of face discrimination and face recognition within a surprisingly short time after birth (Field et al., 1984; Bushnell et al., 1989; Walton et al., 1992; Pascalis et al., 1995). Just how much experience is required of a particular face, such as the mother’s, to allow recognition is less certain. Walton and Bower (1993) report that face ‘prototypes’ can be formed in seconds, but this is somewhat different from processing a single face sufficiently well to retain that information over short periods, and then preferentially attending to that face when paired with another of similar appearance. However, it does suggest that face processing and memory estab- lishment may be very rapid indeed. An estimate can be made from the age of infants successfully tested in the previously mentioned studies. The age at testing was 12–36 h in the Walton et al. (1992) study, averaged 45 h for the Field et al. (1984) study, 78 h for Pascalis et al. (1995), and 49 h in the Bushnell et al. (1989) study. Given that neonates spend a considerable proportion of time asleep, the average time awake within these periods would provide an idea of the upper time limit potentially available to view the mother’s face. Freudigman and Thoman (1993) report the percentage of time infants spend in five states across the first 2 days of life (day 1 (D1) and day 2 (D2)) as: active sleep (D1 50.7%, D2 59.5%), quiet sleep (D1 27.6%, D2 23.9%), active –quiet transitional sleep (D1 0.4%, D2 0.3%), sleep – wake transition (D1 5.2%, D2 5.7%) * Correspondence to: Department of Psychology, University of Glasgow, 58 Hillhead Street, Glas- gow, G12 8QB. E-mail: Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
68 I.W.R. Bushnell and awake (D1 16.2%, D2 10.7%). In Sadeh et al.’s (1995) study of 2- to 3-day-olds, they observed percentage time awake as 13.7%. These figures suggest that up to 15% of the newborn’s time is spent awake over the first few days and, if this is combined with a rough average of 50 h-of-age at testing, we have an estimated potential exposure of about 7.5 h in the studies mentioned. Of course, not all the awake time, by any means, will be spent observing the mother’s face, but just how much fixation time there will be is unclear. This is partly the result of research on the sleep/wake cycles of newborns, having focused on sleep patterns, rather than on what neonates are doing during periods of alertness, probably because of a posited link between sleep variables and central nervous system status, which makes sleep pattern a possible predictor of future cognitive functioning. The current study sought to identify the amount of exposure required to establish a familiarity preference by gathering data using a time-sample methodology to determine (a) how much contact was occurring, (b) when this contact occurred, and (c) what the nature of the contact was, and then testing these infants for mother– stranger discrimination performance. STUDY 1 Method Participants Infants included in this study were 29 healthy fullterm newborns born at a city hospital. Mean birthweight was 3.48 kg (S.D.= 0.48). All newborns were neurologically normal and physiologically stable at birth, as judged by paedi- atric examination. All had an Apgar score at 5 min of at least 8 (mean= 8.55, S.D. =0.78). Age at the start of observation ranged from 2 to 7 h (mean= 3.76, S.D. =0.81). Stimuli The preferential looking stimuli were the face of the participant’s mother and that of a female stranger (another mother with similar hair colouring and length). Procedure Twenty-nine mother – infant pairs were observed after leaving the labour suite from their point of arrival on the maternity wards for four 2-h periods in every 24 h following the point of first access by the observer on the maternity ward. Observation involved the use of a coding system that identified when the infant was asleep (eyes closed); awake (unable to see mother, mother absent); awake (potentially able to see mother within approximately 1 m, but appeared not to be viewing face); awake (appeared to be looking at mother within approximately 1 m). The observer made a categorization every minute over a 2-h period, and the data for the four 2-h periods were summed and extrapolated to the full 24-h. Two-hour periods of observation were selected for practical reasons, such as maintaining observer attention, and because previous research has shown that an epoch of 90 min is sufficient to ensure that a full range of states will occur (Freudigman and Thoman, 1993). The full 24-h period was sampled because studies reporting no diurnal sleep patterning until 6– 8-weeks-of-age have been disputed by other research supporting systematic diurnal variation from the neonatal period (Hellbrugge, 1960; Thoman and Whitney, 1989). Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Inf. Child Dev. 10: 67 – 74 (2001)
Mother’s Face Recognition in Newborn Infants 69 Observation was continued for 72 h, at which point each baby was tested on a mother – stranger discrimination task using the visual preference method. When potential subjects were judged to be sufficiently alert for testing, they were taken to a quiet room next to the wards and held by an experimenter in the ‘free-head’ position. The mother and the volunteer female stranger sat behind a white screen (2×2.5 m) with two apertures at head height (30× 25 cm), one at either side of midline, and separated by 12 cm. The faces were lit by fluorescent tubes located above and in front. Clothing was obscured by white sheeting sprayed with an air freshener to mask scent cues. A white-coated observer stood centrally behind the mother and stranger viewing the infant through an aperture and recording fixation behaviour on two buttons connected to a portable computer. There were two trials for each subject. Trial one started with the infant’s first fixation on a face and terminated after 20 s fixation to either or both faces had accrued. At this point, the infant was withdrawn while the stimuli changed side to provide a control for side bias. The procedure was then repeated for a further 20 s fixation. Results The main results from state patterns averaged over the 3 days are shown in Figure 1, where it can be seen that most of the time newborns were asleep (61.33%), but when awake, most of their time was spent with their mother (22.67%). Based on observation of looking behaviour, the time infants spent with their mother was broken down into two categories— appeared to be viewing face (39.34% of available time) and appeared not to be viewing face (60.66% of available time). The extent of visual preference proved to be significantly correlated with the amount of observed fixation to the mother’s face (Spearman Rho =0.51, p=0.01). The scattergram for these data is shown in Figure 2. The experimental data, fixation to mother and stranger, were compared over both trials using dependent t-tests. Trial 1 produced a significant effect, with more time spent looking at the mother (mean= 10.88, t= 2.17, df= 28, p B 0.04, two-tailed), as did trial 2 (mean=10.99, t =2.21, df= 28, pB 0.04, two-tailed), and for both trials combined (mean= 21.86, t= 3.88, df= 28, pB 0.01, two- tailed). On trial 1, 17 of the 29 infants looked more at their mother, increasing to 20 of the 29 infants on trial 2, and 22 of the 29 infants for both trials combined. Figure 1. Observed activity of babies over 3 days of observation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Inf. Child Dev. 10: 67 – 74 (2001)
70 I.W.R. Bushnell Figure 2. Preference for mother as a function of viewing time. Discussion The results indicate that an increased opportunity to view the mother’s face is associated with stronger visual preference levels. The fact that a positive correlation was found is, perhaps, consistent with infants gradually learning their mother’s face over a period of hours and showing clearer preferences as learning becomes better established, rather than the process being very rapid in the style of imprinting (Johnson and Horn, 1988). However, a series of stepwise functions across individuals can underlie an apparent smooth function, and it may be that there is a primary threshold effect whereby infants have to accumulate a certain amount of face exposure before reliably showing preferen- tial looking. Just how much exposure to the mother’s face may be required is not answered by these data with certainty. The infant with the least exposure (1 h) looked more at his/her mother’s face, but seven infants with between 2 and 5 h of fixation did not show a preference. However, all seven infants with more than 5.5 h of fixation did show a preference for their mother. The data thus indicate that very little viewing of the mother’s face is required for some infants to show a preference, and this amount could be aggregated even with the very young sample (age range of 12– 36 h) assessed by Walton et al. (1992). To what extent these results can be generalized to other infants in other situations remains to be seen. There are considerable differences in the struc- tures and procedures associated with different maternity hospitals, and the early experience of mothers and infants will, therefore, differ considerably. One difference from previous studies is the amount of time spent in sleep, which is lower than that reported elsewhere, for example, Brown (1964). However, there are very large individual differences in all studies (one of Brown’s babies, for example, was awake 63% of the time), and thus, there is considerable Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Inf. Child Dev. 10: 67 – 74 (2001)
Mother’s Face Recognition in Newborn Infants 71 opportunity for sample variation. A similarly broad range of individual differ- ences was found in Freudigman and Thoman’s (1993) sample, where the mean time awake on day 1 was 16.2%, with an S.D. of 7.33. In Sadeh et al.’s (1995) study of 2 –3-day-olds, they observed percentage time awake as 13.7%, with an S.D. of 11.0. An important influence in this study may have been an observer effect. Mothers were obviously aware of the observation process, no matter how discreet, and were also briefed about the experimenter’s interest in infant face recognition. This may have led to greater levels of attention being paid to the infants in this sample, and perhaps more state manipulation to increase time in an alert state. Previous research on state has tended to utilize sensor pads and automatic recording of motility, which would have reduced any observer effect. Individual differences are also relevant. For example, it is evident that the amount of time spent in quiet sleep in human newborns appears to be a function of exposure to stressors encountered in the birth process (Brown, 1964; Emde et al., 1971), thus stressed babies will sleep more than average on the first day or two of life. This sample was selected on the basis of high Apgar scores, and low birth trauma would have been expected. STUDY 2 Delay and Recognition Another memory related factor when testing maternal face recognition is the delay between the last exposure to the mother and testing of preference. This can be very short when the experimental set-up is well organized and infants are alert and attentive. Under other circumstances, the delay may be far longer where, for example, the state of the infant is unsuitable, or where real faces are used and ‘stimuli’ have to be settled in the experimental set-up. Few researchers in the field seem to have paid attention to this issue, and delays are rarely specified in experimental reports, an exception being Pascalis et al.’s (1995) study, where the typical delay time is stated to be 3 min, and yet, infants reliably recognized their mother’s face. Also Pascalis and de Schonen (1994) previously reported that infants who had been briefly familiarized to a pho- tograph of a face recognized that face after a 2-min delay. Cognitive psychologists working with adult memory are, of course, very aware of temporal factors in any experimental situation where memory is being assessed. Delay may, at the very least, introduce noise into the testing process, though it may be a very interesting factor in its own right, for example, in ‘priming’ and ‘mere-exposure’ studies (Tulving and Shacter, 1990; Seamon et al., 1995). This study was, therefore, conducted to test the robustness of infant memory for their mother’s face by directly comparing two conditions of delay, the two intervals selected being B5 min and \ 15 min from the last sight of their mother’s face to first seeing their mother in the experimental situation as a stimulus. These durations were selected on practical grounds, the shorter representing the normal range in two previous studies (Bushnell et al., 1989; Pascalis et al., 1995), and a longer period that, on past experience, allowed for infant state to be maintained. The same visual preference method was used, as in the first study, with two counterbalanced trials, where 20 s fixation was accumulated per trial. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Inf. Child Dev. 10: 67 – 74 (2001)
72 I.W.R. Bushnell Method Participants Infants included in this study were 30 healthy fullterm newborns born at a city hospital. Nine other infants were excluded from the study sample due to fretting (short delay n =3; long delay n= 4) and falling asleep (short delay n =1; long delay n = 1). All newborns were neurologically normal and physio- logically stable at birth, as judged by paediatric examination. All had an Apgar score at 5 min of at least 8 (mean= 8.57, S.D.= 0.63). Age at time of testing ranged from 45 to 93 h (mean=64.83, S.D.= 14.96). Mean birthweight was 3.22 kg (S.D. = 0.31). Fifteen infants were included in the short delay condition (mean age in hours=65.47, S.D.= 15.66; mean birthweight= 3.31 kg, S.D.= 0.35), and 15 infants were included in the long delay condition (mean age in hours = 64.12, S.D.=14.74; mean birthweight= 3.12kg, S.D.= 0.24). Stimuli The stimulus faces were the face of the participant’s mother and that of a female stranger (another mother with similar hair colouring and length). Procedure An observer used a stopwatch to measure the time between the infant last having the opportunity to see the mother’s face and the time at which testing commenced. Infants were randomly assigned to one of the two delay groups according to a predetermined sequence. Each baby was tested on a mother– stranger discrimination task, using the same visual preference method that was adopted in study 1. Results The percentage looking time to the mother was analysed in an analysis of variance (ANOVA; 2 delays× 2 trials), with trials as repeated measures. No simple main effects were significant (delay: F(1,12)= 0.24, p= 0.63; trial: F(1,12)= 0.16, p=0.70), nor was the interaction significant (F(1,12)= 0.35, p= 0.56). Short and long delay conditions were compared over both trials combined using dependent t-tests. The 5-min delay (range 3–5 min) for both trials combined produced a significant effect, with more time spent looking at the mother (mean= 22.8, t = 2.93, df= 14, p B 0.02, two-tailed). The 15-min delay (range 15–18 min) over both trials combined also showed a significant prefer- ence for the mother (mean=22.15, t = 2.36, df= 14, pB 0.04, two-tailed). With the short delay, 11 of the 15 infants looked more at their mother, while with the long delay, nine of the 15 infants looked more at their mother. Discussion In both short and long delay conditions there was greater fixation to the mother’s face on both trials combined, and it must, therefore, be concluded that a longer delay than 15 min is required to remove the recognition effect altogether. It further suggests that memory for the mother’s face is very stable, and established in a long-term store within a few days of birth. Some points relating to the research design need to be considered. One would expect poorer performance in the higher delay group as a result of the greater probability of state changes in infants this young. A longer delay (in excess of 15 min) is more likely to lead to the infant changing state, usually to one that is less optimal for testing. However, there were approximately equal numbers of testing problems in both conditions. Another relevant factor may be the amount Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Inf. Child Dev. 10: 67 – 74 (2001)
Mother’s Face Recognition in Newborn Infants 73 of active looking at the mother’s face in the period before the delay was measured. An infant that had been looking at his/her mother for some time before the delay may perform differently from an infant with minimal con- tact. However, this information was not recorded. If further studies are de- signed to extend the delay beyond 15 min, these methodological points should be taken into account. CONCLUSIONS Overall, these studies support the ability of newborns to rapidly process sufficient information about their mother’s face, and to store that information in a stable memory system to allow effective recognition memory, as demon- strated by preferential looking. Very little active viewing of the mother’s face is required to establish this memory, although the significant correlation be- tween exposure and amount of preference indicates that the preference strengthens with experience. This could be the result of the face being more effectively processed and discriminated with increased viewing experience. It may, however, be that the preference for the mother’s face is itself being strengthened, or indeed, both processes (discrimination and attraction) may be strengthening. The attraction factor is important, as mother– stranger discrimination throughout the first months of life demonstrates a preference for the mother, the ‘familiar’ stimulus. This result is quite different from other infant percep- tion research, where there is a consistent preference for novelty (Slater, 1993), and thus, greater attention to the mother is not an effect of habituation or of being familiarized to the mother for some time prior to being tested. Infants can, however, be habituated to their mother’s face. Field et al. (1984) reported that infants who showed an initial preference for their mother’s face could be systematically habituated to that face, and subsequently looked significantly longer at a stranger’s face. Special modules, such as Conspec and Conlern, can help to explain atten- tion to faces and discrimination amongst faces, but not a familiarity prefer- ence (Johnson and Morton, 1991; Morton and Johnson, 1991). Indeed, Dailey and Cottrell (1999) provide support from their neural network modelling that a specialized face processing ‘module’ need not be innately specified, but may be a straightforward consequence of early experience. An alternative model, the sensory– ecology model (Bushnell, 1998) allows for infant attention being captured by a multisensory system that is intensely motivated to engage the infant, systematically placing itself at a position where it is most likely to be perceived, and then acting in an intelligent way to maintain and develop focused attention. Experience in gathering data in the first study confirms that, for most infants, that system is the mother, who represents the most frequently available external stimulus during the waking periods of the first few days of life. The mother is also the primary source of need gratification before and after birth, and her voice is readily recognized and preferred to another female’s voice soon after birth (Querleu et al., 1984), possibly based on prenatal learning (Hepper, 1991). Positive attraction may transfer to the mother’s face through association, or as a result of the early integration of the sensory systems (Slater and Kirby, 1998). Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Inf. Child Dev. 10: 67 – 74 (2001)
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