Increased alert - Technical annex -

Page created by Herman Lowe
Increased alert - Technical annex -
Increased alert - Technical annex

To avoid outbreaks of African Swine Fever in Denmark, an increased state of alert
has been introduced for vehicles arriving from abroad.

Europe is divided into 3 different zones:

Green zone = risk areas
Red zone = high risk areas
Black zone = areas under increased state of alert

DANISH-approved hauliers and vehicles are not allowed to drive directly to Danish
herds if they have been in black zones within the past 7 days. The first 7 days after
having finished cleaning and disinfection at one of the DANISH-approved cleaning
and disinfection stations, they can drive to DANISH-approved collection centres only.

For DANISH-approved hauliers and their vehicles that have NOT entered black
zones within the past 7 days, the ordinary state of alert in the DANISH Transport
Standard applies.

   1. Areas under increased alert

   2. What determines the colour of a washing certificate?

   3. Quarantine periods
1. Areas under increased alert

Below the affected areas are shown in tabular form. These will be changed in case of new
The different colour zones are shown in this map (
Countries without zone division:
Countries without zone division comprise countries with one zone colour only.
 Green zone                           Red zone                        Black zone
 Spain                                Austria                         Russia
 Portugal                             Croatia                         Estonia
 U.K.                                 Slovenia                        Latvia
 Ireland                              Bosnia-Herzegovina              Lithuania
 Sweden                               Montenegro                      Kaliningrad
 Denmark                              Kosovo                          Belarus
 Switzerland                          Albania                         Ukraine
 Belgium                              Finland                         Moldova
 Luxembourg                           Czech Republic                  Slovakia

Countries with zone division:
Countries with zone division comprise countries divided into two or three zone colours.
Green zones in divided countries are not included in the tables below.

Norway                                                     Greece
 Green zones              Red zones                         Red zones            Black zones
                          Troms                             Attica               Central Macedonia
                          Finnmark                          Central Greece       East Macedonia and
France                                                      Crete                West Macedonia
 Green zones        Red zones                               Epirus
                    Haut-Rhin, Arrondissement de            Ionian Islands
                    Thann-Guebwiller                        North Aegean
                    Haut-Rhin, Arrondissement de            Peloponnese
                    Colmar-Ribeauvillé                      South Aegean
                    Bas-Rhin, Arrondissement de
                    Bas-Rhin, Arrondissement de
                    Bas-Rhin, Arrondissement de

Italy                                                      Italy, provinces with black as well as red zones:
  Red zones                Black zones                     (see for an updated map)
  Aosta Valley             Sardinia                          Abruzzo                Lombardy
  Apulia                                                     Emilia-Romagna         Marche
  Basilicata                                                 Lazio                  Piedmonte
  Calabria                                                   Liguria                Umbria
  Friuli-Venezia Giulia                                    Holland
  Torino                                                    Red zones               Black zones
  Molise                                                    Groningen               Overijssel
  Sicily                                                    Gelderland              Drenthe
  Trentino-Alto Adige                                       Friesland
  Tuscany                                                   Flevoland
Green     Red zones                             Black zones
          Landkreis                             Landkreis                         Bundesländer
                                                Berlin, Stadt                     Berlin
          Kreisfreie Stadt Potsdam              Landkreis Elbe-Elster             Brandenburg
          Landkreis Potsdam-Mittelmark          Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz   Brandenburg
          Kreisfreie Stadt Brandenburg an der   Frankfurt (Oder)                  Brandenburg
          Landkreis Elbe-Elster                 Kreisfreie Stadt Cottbus          Brandenburg
          Landkreis Havelland                   Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald         Brandenburg
                                                Landkreis Märkisch-Oderland       Brandenburg
          Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz       Landkreis Oder-Spree              Brandenburg
                                                Landkreis Spree-Neiße             Brandenburg
                                                Landkreis Uckermark               Brandenburg
          Landkreis Teltow-Fläming              Landkreis Barnim                  Brandenburg
                                                Landkreis Prignitz                Brandenburg
                                                Landkreis Oberhavel               Brandenburg
                                                Landkreis Ostprignitz-Ruppin      Brandenburg
                                                Mecklenburgische Seenplatte       Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
                                                Vorpommern-Greifswald             Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
                                                Vorpommern-Rügen                  Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
                                                Kreisfreie Stadt Rostock          Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
                                                Landkreis Rostock                 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
                                                Mecklenburgische Seenplatte       Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
                                                Nordwestmecklenburg               Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
                                                Ludwigslust-Parchim               Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
                                                Kreisfreie Stadt Schwerin         Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
          Zwickau                               Landkreis Meißen                  Saxony
          Landkreis Meißen                      Kreisfreie Stadt Dresden          Saxony
          Kreisfreie Stadt Chemnitz             Landkreis Bautzen                 Saxony
          Kreisfreie Stadt Dresden              Landkreis Sächsische Schweiz      Saxony
          Landkreis Bautzen                     Landkreis Görlitz                 Saxony
          Erzgebirgskreis                       Landkreis Mittelsachsen           Saxony
          Landkreis Sächsische Schweiz          Landkreis Leipzig                 Saxony
          Vogtlandkreis                         Kreisfreie Stadt Leipzig          Saxony
                                                Landkreis Nordsachsen             Saxony
          Landkreis Wittenberg                  Altmarkkreis Salzwedel            Saxony-Anhalt
          Anhalt-Bitterfeld                     Landkreis Stendal                 Saxony-Anhalt
          Dessau-Roßlau                                                           Saxony-Anhalt
          Saalekreis                                                              Saxony-Anhalt
          Kreisfreie Stadt Halle                                                  Saxony-Anhalt
          Burgenlandkreis                                                         Saxony-Anhalt
          Landkreis Lüchow-Dannenberg           Landkreis Cloppenburg             Lower Saxony
          Landkreis Lüneburg                    Landkreis Emsland                 Lower Saxony
          Landkreis Oldenburg                   Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim     Lower Saxony
          Landkreis Diepholz                    Kreisfreie Stadt Osnabrück        Lower Saxony
          Landkreis Ammerland                   Landkreis Osnabrück               Lower Saxony
          Landkreis Leer                                                          Lower Saxony
          Kreisfreie Stadt Oldenburg                                              Lower Saxony
          Landkreis Vechta                                                        Lower Saxony
          Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg                                               Schleswig-Holstein
          Kreisfreie Stadt Lübeck                                                 Schleswig-Holstein
          Kreis Ostholstein                                                       Schleswig-Holstein
                                                Emmendinge                        Baden-Württemberg
          Ortenau                                                                 Baden-Württemberg
          Rottweil                                                                Baden-Württemberg
          Schwarzwald-Baar                                                        Baden-Württemberg
          Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald                                                Baden-Württemberg
          Freiburg                                                                Baden-Württemberg
          Kreis Wesel                           Kreis Borken                      North Rhine-Westphalia
Kreis Unna                        Kreis Coesfeld                     North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreis Recklinghausen              Kreisfreie Stadt Münster           North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreis Minden-Lübbecke             Kreis Steinfurt                    North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreisfreie Stadt Dortmund                                            North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreisfreie Stadt Hamm                                                North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreisfreie Stadt Bielefeld                                           North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreis Gütersloh                                                      North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreis Herford                                                        North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreis Kleve                                                          North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreisfreie Stadt Bottrop                                             North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreis Warendorf                                                      North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreisfreie Stadt Herne                                               North Rhine-Westphalia
           Kreisfreie Stadt Gelsenkirchen                                       North Rhine-Westphalia
2. What determines the colour of a washing certificate?
All animal transports that have been in areas under increased alert (black zones) within the
past 7 days will get a black certificate after cleaning and disinfection at a DANISH-approved
cleaning and disinfecting station.

A total description of the four types of washing certificates that can be issued:

A Black washing certificate is issued if
    • a vehicle has been in a “black zone” within the past 7 days before cleaning and
    • “blanks” appear in the GPS-data.
    • the vehicle never sent any GPS-data.
The Green washing certificate is issued, when GPS-data in the DANISH-database shows
the vehicle has ONLY been in a green zone within the past 7 days.
The Yellow washing certificate is issued when GPS-data in the DANISH-database shows
that a vehicle has been soap washed within the past 4 hours. Besides GPS-data must show
that the vehicle has ONLY been in red and green zones within the past 7 days.
The Red washing certificate is issued, when GPS-data in the DANISH-database shows that
a vehicle has ONLY been in red and green zones within the past 7 days.
The Red washing certificate is also issued to SPF-approved vehicles following a safety wash
after a black certificate. This red certificate cannot be changed to a yellow certificate.
ENGLISH                  BLACK              RED          YELLOW GREEN

 Domestic transport
                          Allowed after   Allowed after     Allowed after     Allowed after
 Transport of livestock
 between Danish herds
                             7 days         48 hours          48 hours          48 hours

 Domestic transport
 to collection station                                                        Allowed after
 Transport of livestock   Allowed after   Allowed after     Allowed after
                                                                                wash and
 from a Danish herd to       7 days         48 hours          48 hours
 an approved collection

 Direct export
                                                                              Allowed after
 Transport of livestock   Allowed after   Allowed after     Allowed after
                                                                                wash and
 from a Danish herd for      7 days         48 hours          12 hours
 export                                                                       disinfection

 Export from
 collection station
                          Allowed after   Allowed after     Allowed after     Allowed after
 Transport of livestock
                           wash and         wash and         wash and           wash and
 from an approved
 collection station for   disinfection    disinfection      disinfection      disinfection

3. Quarantines

When moving animals between Danish herds a minimum of 48 hours of quarantine even at
green and yellow certificates must be respected. During a period of increased alert, there are
three different standard quarantines related to direct exports from DANISH-approved herds
(collection centres excluded):

    • 7 days --> (black Washing certificate)
    • 48 hours --> (red Washing certificate)
    • 12 hours --> (yellow Washing certificate)

Dynamic quarantines
If a new quarantine is obtained within an already imposed quarantine, the total quarantine
will change and adapt to the new quarantine, in case the new one is longer than the

Case example
Day 1
A vehicle has been in East-Poland (black zone).
Day 3
The vehicle is washed and disinfected in Denmark.
➔ Here it obtains a black certificate since it has been in black zone at day 1. The certificate
         states that the vehicle can load for domestic transport / direct export 7 days after
         cleaning and disinfection.
This is equivalent to day 10 after its return from East-Poland.
Within the quarantine period the vehicle goes to a collection centre in Denmark and does a
transport to Germany plus some internal transports in Germany.
Day 7
(Since the vehicle was washed at day 3, there is still 3 days left of the quarantine at day 7).
The vehicle is washed and disinfected in Denmark again, since the vehicle returns after an
export in Germany.
     ➔ Since the vehicle was washed within the quarantine period of the black certificate (no.
         1., issued on day 3), the vehicle will obtain a black certificate again (no. 2)
When the vehicle washes within a valid quarantine, it will obtain the same colour of washing
certificate as derived from the valid quarantine. However, the quarantine (time of permission
to load) will have expired at the end of the first 7 days of quarantine.
This means the washing certificate (No. 2) will be black, whereas the quarantine expires after
3 days, when the quarantine from the first black certificate expires. The same applies when
issuing red and yellow certificates.

At safety wash of an SPF approved vehicle, the system can issue a red certificate instead of
a black one. This red certificate cannot be changed into a yellow certificate after soap wash.
Only after the 48-hour Quarantine and when a new Washing Certificate is issued, a soap
wash can result in a yellow certificate.
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