UVEX - Eyewear 2017

Page created by Ted Barton
UVEX - Eyewear 2017
Eyewear 2017
UVEX - Eyewear 2017
for a

                                                         since 1926
               Photographer: © EXPA / Sebastian Pucher

Eyewear 2017
UVEX - Eyewear 2017
10 06

             protecting people                        eyewear
             since 1926                               26 variotronic®
                                                      30 800 lightweight
                                                      34 700 solid
                                                      38 300 protect
                                                      40 100 crossover
             #uvexperformance                         45 200 active
             we focus.                                51 500 junior//kids
             on your ambition.                        53 lifestyle

                                             59 58
    14 12

             behind the scenes                        accessories
             Engineered in Germany

             technology eyewear                       product overview
             protection // lens //

                        Find out more
                        with QR codes
     Scan the QR code to learn more: an app takes you straight to
     more information on the uvex website.

     01                      02                       03
     Download a free QR      Open the code reader     You will be transferred
     code reader from        app on your smartphone   automatically to a
     the Apple App Store     and scan the QR code     website with further
     or Google Play Store.   with your smartphone     information.

4                                                                               Photographer: © BrakeThrough Media   5
UVEX - Eyewear 2017
protecting   protecting people is the core
                 mission of the uvex brand.
                 It is our aim and our motivation.

    since 1926

                      uvex is one of the world’s
                      leading producers of
                      protective products and
                      has global manufacturing

                      Cutting-edge technologies        “Made in uvex” is our
                      and solutions, customer­         promise of quality. For
                      oriented service, best in        this reason, we set deman­
                      class production and testing     ding standards for our
                      for Personal Protective          products, our production
                      Equipment. These are the         facilities and our network
                      reasons everyone who             of partners.
                      places their trust in us ben-
                      efits from the best possible     At uvex people are our
                      protection for sports, leisure   primary focus: whether
                      and at work.                     a customer, employee or
                                                       partner. We work to balance
                                                       economy, ecology and
                                                       social commitment and
                                                       follow the philosophy of
                                                       “business is people.”

6                                                                               7
UVEX - Eyewear 2017
“Only those who know their
  roots can successfully
  create their future.“
Rainer Winter, Shareholder and President of uvex group

                                                         Olaf Ludwig
                                                         Tour de France

                                                                          uvex’s great success story    son, Rainer Winter, joined    Through strategic partner-
                                                                          began in 1926 when com­       as a trainee. Eyewear was     ships, company acquisitions
                                                                          pany founder Philipp M.       sold under the Winter brand   and attracting exceptional
                                                                          Winter handcrafted the        until Rainer developed the    employees, the uvex group
                                                                          first sophisticated safety    uvex brand.                   has continued to develop
                                                                          goggles in a small workshop                                 expertise.
                                                                          in Poppenreuth, now a         uvex established an inter­
                                                                          suburb of Fürth, Germany.     national reputation in the    The company maintains
                                                                                                        years that followed thanks    its pioneering spirit and
                                                                          Demand for his products       to the sporting success of    innovative strength. uvex
                                                                          quickly grew beyond local     athletes wearing uvex         will continue to pursue our
                                                                          laborers and craftsmen: by    eyewear. The company was      mission of protecting people
                                                                          the 1930s he was equipping    soon selling its products     with dedication and intro­
                                                                          athletes with protective      worldwide. The guiding        duce innovative new ideas
                                                                          goggles.                      principle of protecting       as we write the next chap­
                                                                                                        people continued rapidly.     ters of our success story.
                                                                          As demand grew, the range     uvex developed from safety
                                                                          of products expanded.         eyewear specialist to a
                                                                          In 1958 the company was       system provider of head-
                                                                          incorporated and Philipp’s    to-toe safety equipment.

  8                                                                                                                                                            9
UVEX - Eyewear 2017
#uvexperformance                             8 DAYS
                    we focus.                                                                                               28 HRS 13 MIN
                    on your

                                                                                                                            The legendary Cape Epic in    of climbing. After more
                                                                                                                            South Africa is considered    than 28 hours of riding Karl
                                                                                                                            the Tour de France for        reached the finish line and
                                                                                                                            mountain bikers. uvex         raised his arms jubilantly
                                                                                                                            athlete Karl Platt won        in the air.
                                                                                                                            this year – for a record
                                                                                                                            fifth time.                   Team Bulls dominated the
                                                                                                                                                          race from the start. Not
                                                                                                                            The German and his Swiss      only did they win two of
                                                                                                                            teammate Urs Huber from       the seven stages, they also
                                                                                                                            Team Bulls rode an almost     won the prologue. Thanks
                                                                                                                            perfect week. Together,       to uvex Karl Platt had a
                                                                                                                            they built up an advantage    clear view at all times.
                                                                                                                            of 15 minutes, to claim
                                                                                                                            overall victory.              “I really like wearing uvex

 15,000 M
                                                                                                                                                          sports eyewear with
                                                                                                                            “We started strong and        variomatic® technology,” said
                                                                                                                            never let up,” said Karl      the professional mountain

                                                                                                                            happily. “This year every­    biker. “At Cape Epic, when
                                                                                                                            thing came together           you set off at dawn, you
                                                                                                                            perfectly. It paid off that   need a light lens. Then later,

                                                                                                                   654 KM
                                                                                                                            we had trained a lot in       when you’re riding under
                                                                                                                            South Africa to get used      the African sun, the lens
                                                                                                                            to the terrain.”              darkens automatically, and
                                                                                                                                                          ensures you always have
                                                                                                                            Over 8 days they covered      comfortable vision.”
                              Learn more:    Photographer: © Nick Muzik Photography                                         654 km with 15,000 meters     #uvexperformance

10                                                                                    Photographer: © Sportograf                                                                           11
UVEX - Eyewear 2017
uvex, as a global company,      improve our products,”         We channel constructive
                                                                                                                                      manufactures at carefully       says Matthias Adler, Brand     feedback from almost 1,500
                                                                                                                                      selected international          Portfolio Manager at uvex      uvex-equipped elite athletes
                                                                                                                                      locations. All eyewear          sports.                        into product development.
                                                                                                                                      development and testing                                        We also integrate in-house
                                                                                                                                      takes place exclusively         “Using more than 90 years      innovations and technologies
                                                                                                                                      in Germany.                     of experience and our atten­   from our partners, such as
                                                                                                                                                                      tion to detail, we work as a   variotronic®, our split-second
      “Engineered in Germany”                                                                                                         After all, German Engineering   team with our international    self-tinting lens.
                                                                                                                                      is recognized across the        partners to share the values
      is the sign of quality that,                                                                                                    world as being synonymous       and skill which have made      Good design is continuously
           above all, stands for:                                                                                                     with top quality.               German engineering so
                                                                                                                                                                      famous worldwide.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                     being refined, just like
                                                                                                                                                                                                     technology and culture.
     function in its purest form.                                                                                                     uvex product design follows                                    Matthias Adler sums it up
                                                                                                                                      three simple principles:        To serve our customers our     for uvex with, “We are
                                                                                                                                      simplicity of form, truth to    process involves exacting      strong. Yet understated.”
                                                                                                                                      material and ease of use.       quality management, carrying
                                                                                                                                                                      out rigorous testing, and
                                                                                                                                      “We try, by focusing on the     continuously setting new
                                                                                                                                      essentials, to continually      standards in safety.

                                                                                                                                                                      uvex sports eyewear,           Development center               A glimpse into

                                                                                                                                                                      engineered in Germany          uvex headquarters, Fürth         creating sports eyewear

12                                   Center image: uvex variotronic® s, page 28 // Bottom right image: uvex sportstyle 700, page 34
                                                                                                                                                                      scenes                                                                                    13
UVEX - Eyewear 2017
              protection // lens // comfort

                        The philosophy underlying
                        our technology is based
                        on three components:
                        optimized protection,
                        perfected fit and highest
                        possible comfort.

14                                                  uvex sportstyle 803 race vm, page 31   15
UVEX - Eyewear 2017
eyewear // technology // protection   eyewear // technology // protection

[safety tested]                       [break resistant]
We test for the future                Impact 162 km / h
                                      uvex eyewear is tested in accordance with standard
                                      EN ISO 12312-1:2013. This includes the demanding
                                      impact test, in which a 6 mm steel ball, weighing 0.86 g
                                      is fired at the lens at a speed of 45 m / s (162 km / h).

                                      This test shows that mechanical strength
                                      is guaranteed. The lens does not shatter,
                                      and the eye cannot be hurt by splinters.

                                      Dent in test lens following the impact test –               impact test rig at the uvex testing center.
                                      the steel ball does not penetrate the lens.

uvex eyewear goes through
special test procedures
in the uvex testing center.
Doing so we guarantee                 [UV protection]
quality-tested safety and
                                      uv-ex = ultraviolet excluded
Testing also generates new                                                                                                             UV-absorbing filters built
insights and data, which                                                                                                               directly into the raw
help us develop the next                                                                                                               material protect the retina
generation of innovative                                                                                                               100 % from damaging
technologies.                                                                                                                          UV rays up to 400 nm.

                                                                                                                                       All lenses give complete
                                                                                                                                       UVA, UVB and UVC
                                                                                                                                       protection – and the
                                                                                                                                       basis of our company’s
                                                                                                                                       name: uv-ex = ultraviolet
                                                                                                               UV light
                                                                                                               (UVA, UVB, UVC)
                                                                             visible light
                                                                             780 nm – 380 nm

 16                                                                                                                                                            17
UVEX - Eyewear 2017
eyewear // technology // lens                                                                       eyewear // technology // lens

                                                                                                    [curve 10]
                                                                                                    Extra wide view
                                                                                                    The curve 10 lens opens up
                                                                                                    a spectacular, wide field of
                                                                                                    view for the wearer.

                                                                                                    As well as great fit, the
                                                                                                    highly curved frame
                                                                                                    raises safety and comfort.
                                                                                                    It increases protection
                                                                                                    from flying particles or                        Visual and
                                                                                                    uncomfortable drafts,                           protection field
                                                                                                    and prevents eyelashes
                                                                                                    brushing against the lens.                      Expanded vision and
                                                                                                                                                    protective coverage
                                                                                                    The frame doesn’t impede                        of a curve 10 lens
                                                                                                    the field of view. The eyewear
                                                                                                    covers the whole eye area
                                                                                                    and stays gently, yet firmly,                   Visual and protective
                                                                                                    in place.                                       coverage of a standard lens


lens tinting                                                                         Learn more:

                                                                                                                                                    Lens curvature
                                                                                                                                                    The highly curved lens has
                                                                                                                                                    a full centimeter of curvature.
variomatic® lens technology     Bad weather                                  Sunshine                                                               So, the eyewear conforms
enables photochromic lenses                                                                                                                         more closely to the head’s
to react automatically to the                                                                                                                       natural shape and lies closer
                                                                                                                                     Larger angle   at the sides.
prevailing light condition.
                                                                                                                                     of curvature

Light sensitive uvex sports
eyewear is available in three
(S1 – S3) or four (S0 – S3)
protection levels.
                                              S0     S1      S2       S3
Like all uvex eyewear,
the lenses provide 100 %
protection against UVA,
UVB and UVC rays.                         Automatic, stepless lens adjustment
                                                  from light to dark

 18                                                                                                                                                                               19
eyewear // technology // lens                                                                                      eyewear // technology // lens

[easy to clean]                                                                                                    [polavision®]
Simple to clean                                                                                                    Better perception
Thanks to the special                                                                                              Reliable protection against
surface coating, moisture                                                                                          reflections and glare:
or fingerprints are easy                                                                                           lenses in the polavision®
to remove from the lens.                                                                                           range absorb diffuse
                                                                                                                   light to reliably protect
This coating also has an                                                                                           the eyes from strain.
anti-static effect, which
helps stop dust or dirt                                                                                            They eliminate distracting
from being attracted to                                                                                            reflections and transform
it. The result is clearer                                                                                          glare into pleasant light.
vision, even under
extreme conditions.                       no coating      “easy to clean” coating

                                                       [robust and scratch-proof]
       no coating               with uvex coating      Visibly more protection
                                                       Made from durable poly-      standard EN ISO 12312-1,
                                                       carbonate, these lenses      making them scratch            [supravision®]
                                                       can withstand tempera-
                                                       tures as low as – 40 °C
                                                                                    resistant, without impairing
                                                                                    their optical clarity.         Anti-fog coating:
                                                       without any reduction in
                                                       their mechanical strength.   The outer lens is pro­
                                                                                                                   fog-free vision at all times
                                                       A special coating protects   tected from unwanted
                                                       the lenses from damage,      scratches and marks
                                                       in accordance with           (excludes mirror lenses).

[decentered lens technology]
Distortions and curving in the field of view
can be distracting. For this reason, uvex                                                                                                  no coating   uvex supravision® coating
uses Class 1 injected, decentered lenses,
which ensure clear, distortion-free vision.

                                                                                                                                                                 A special surface treatment
They are also great for action sports,
                                                                                                                                                                 ensures fog-free vision,
which leave no room for error.                         with decentering:            without decentering:                                                         without altering the optical
                                                       distortion-free view         distorted view
                                                                                                                                                                 quality of the lens.

 20                                                                                                                                                                                             21
eyewear // technology // lens                                                                                                                             eyewear // technology // comfort

[lens types]                                                                                                                                              [soft nose pads // soft earpieces]
The perfect lens for every situation                                                                                                                      For perfect grip
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Eyewear fits perfectly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       when you forget you’re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       wearing it. Soft nose
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       pads and soft ear pieces
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ensure pressure-free
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       wearing comfort.
      Light condition            low light    medium bright //                         bright           glare*
                                                  bright                                                                                                                                                                               Many models feature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       cold-formable, soft legs.
        Protection level            S0            S1 – S2                                S3               S4
                                                                                                                                                          Follow your nose:                           Form follows function:           So it’s easy to ensure
          Transmission          80 – 100 %        18 – 80 %                            8 – 18 %         3 – 8%
                                                                                                                                                          optimal fit and highest comfort.            flexible legs for perfect fit.   the perfect fit.

                                                            variotronic® (S1 – S3)

                                               smoke (S0 – S3)

                                                                 red (S1 – S3)
                                                                smoke (S1 – S3)                                                                           [direct lens ventilation]

                                                               ltm blue (S1 – S3)
                                                                                                                                                          Draft­free ventilation
variomatic® litemirror                                         ltm silver (S1 – S3)                                                                       for clear vision
                                                                                                                                                          uvex climate technology provides
                                                                                 pola brown (S3)
                                                                                 pola smoke (S3)                                                          permanent, draft­free ventilation.
           polavision®                                                        pola mirror red (S3)                                                        So, the field of view is always fog­free.
                                                                             pola mirror green (S3)
                                                                              pola mirror blue (S3)

                                                 orange (S1)                          silver (S3)       red (S4)
                                                                                       blue (S3)      brown (S4)
                                                                                      green (S3)      green (S4)
   mirror // litemirror                                                               yellow (S3)      silver (S4)
                                                                                      orange (S3)
                                                                                                                     * Not suitable for use in the car.

                                                                                       red (S3)
                                                                                       gold (S3)

                                                                                                                                                          [interchangeable lens construction]
                                 clear (S0)                                           smoke (S3)
                                                                                      brown (S3)
                                                                                                      smoke (S4)
                                                                                                                                                          Eyewear for every occasion
                                                                                                                                                          Always have the right
                                                                                                                                                          eyewear with the right lens.                                                                      Fast change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in just one click
                                                                                                                                                          uvex interchangeable lens
                                                                                                                                                          technology guarantees
                                                                                                                                                          ease of use and perfect
                                                                                                                                                          vision in every weather.                                                                          Wide choice of lenses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for perfect vision in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            every situation

 22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 23
     Photographer: © Mario Stiehl                                        Photographer: © BrakeThrough Media

                                                                                                         800 lightweight
                                                                                                         700 solid
                                                                                                         300 protect
                                                                                                         100 crossover
                                                                                                         200 active
                                                                                                         500 junior // kids
                                    Photographer: © BrakeThrough Media

24                                                                                                                            25
variotronic®                                                                         variotronic®


      The perfect tint                                                                                                  01
                                                                                                                       Liquid crystal film
                                                                                                                                                             Light sensor

      for every light situation                                                                                        Liquid crystals are electro-
                                                                                                                       chromatically activated
                                                                                                                       and darkens the lens.
                                                                                                                                                             The built-in sensor auto­
                                                                                                                                                             matically reacts to the
                                                                                                                                                             intensity of the light.

      automatic or manual
                                                                                                                                                             0.1 mm
                                                                                                                            lense                            polycarbonate film

                                                                                                                                                             0.1 µm liquid
                                                                                                                                                             crystal material

                                          02                                                                            03                                    04
      Revolutionary uvex                                                                                               Press the button                      USB rechargeable battery
      variotronic® technology                                                                                          Select from three modes:              Lithium ion battery recharges
      makes the difference –
                                               01                                                                      on, off or automatic.                 via mini USB and lasts up to
                                                                                                                                                             50 hours.
      in just 0.1 second.

      Even during rapidly                03
      changing light conditions
      the eyewear provides the
      optimal tint, for comfort-
      able vision, always.
                                    04                                                                                 Transmission
                                                                                                                       Light transmittance of the lens varies according to the color tint,
                                                                                                                       either 55 % (S1) or 11 % (S3).
      uvex variotronic comes in

      two versions: sports shield
                                                                                                                       No tint                        55 %   Dark tint                      11 %
      or full-frame, optimized
      for mountain biking.

      This revolutionary lens
      technology is part of our
      exclusive partnership
      with the US experts at
                                                                                                                            lightening                            darkening
      AlphaMicron® and e-Tint®.

      powered by
                                               0.1 sec
                                               reaction time
                                               Liquid crystal film changes
                                               light transmittance in less
                                               than 0.1 second.

                                                                                                       Learn more:

 26                                                   uvex variotronic® s, page 28                                                                                                          27
variotronic®                                                                       ITEM NO.: S53.1.948. ...   variotronic®                                                                       ITEM NO.: S53.0.949. ...

     uvex variotronic® s                                                                                           uvex variotronic® ff
     PROTECTION               LENS              COMFORT                         VIEWS                              PROTECTION               LENS              COMFORT                         VIEWS

     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· variotronic®   ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                        ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· variotronic®   ·· adaptable soft nose pads
      UVC protection          ·· supravision®   ·· adjustable, cold formable                                       UVC protection          ·· supravision®   ·· adjustable, cold formable
                                                 soft earpieces                                                                                                soft earpieces
                                                ·· eyewear strap                                                                                              ·· eyewear strap
                                                ·· optional optical insert
                                                                                ITEM NO.: S53.9.948.0001
     powered by                                                                                                    powered by

                                                                                ITEM NO.: S53.9.120.0001                                                                                      ITEM NO.: S53.9.120.0001

                                                black mat                                                          black mat carbon
                                                2299                                                               2599
                                                variotronic® (S1 – S3)                                             variotronic® (S1 – S3)

     black mat carbon                           white orange                                                       black mat
     2599                                       8399                                                               2299
     variotronic® (S1 – S3)                     variotronic® (S1 – S3)                                             variotronic® (S1 – S3)

28    28                                                                                                                                                                                                                  29
800 lightweight                                                                  ITEM NO.: S53.0.931. ...   800 lightweight                                                                         ITEM NO.: S53.0.933. ...

  uvex sportstyle 810 v                                                                                       uvex sportstyle 810
  PROTECTION           LENS               COMFORT                                                             PROTECTION                  LENS                        COMFORT
  ·· 100 % UVA, UVB   ·· variomatic®     ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                         ·· 100 % UVA, UVB          ·· supravision®             ·· adaptable soft nose pads
   UVC protection      ·· supravision®    ·· adjustable, cold formable                                        UVC protection             ·· litemirror               ·· adjustable, cold formable
                       ·· easy to clean    soft earpieces                                                                                 ·· easy to clean             soft earpieces
                       ·· curve 10        ·· direct lens ventilation                                                                      ·· curve 10                 ·· direct lens ventilation

                                                                          red black                           black mat carbon
                                                                          3201                                2516
                                                                          variomatic® smoke (S0 – S3)         mirror red (S3)

                                          black mat                       white                               black mat                   white                       black blue
                                          2201                            8801                                2216                        8816                        2416
                                          variomatic® smoke (S0 – S3)     variomatic® smoke (S0 – S3)         litemirror silver (S3)      litemirror silver (S3)      mirror blue (S3)

  800 lightweight                                                                  ITEM NO.: S53.0.932. ...   800 lightweight                                                                         ITEM NO.: S53.0.971. ...

  uvex sportstyle 810 vm                                                                                      uvex sportstyle 803 race vm
  PROTECTION           LENS               COMFORT                                                             PROTECTION                  LENS                        COMFORT
  ·· 100 % UVA, UVB   ·· variomatic®     ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                         ·· 100 % UVA, UVB          ·· variomatic®              ·· adaptable soft nose pads
   UVC protection      ·· supravision®    ·· adjustable, cold formable                                        UVC protection             ·· supravision®             ·· adjustable, cold formable
                       ·· litemirror       soft earpieces                                                                                 ·· litemirror                soft earpieces
                       ·· easy to clean   ·· direct lens ventilation                                                                      ·· easy to clean            ·· direct lens ventilation
                       ·· curve 10

                                                                          black white                         black
                                                                          2805                                2203
                                                                          variomatic®                         variomatic®
                                                                          litemirror silver (S1 – S3)         litemirror blue (S1 – S3)

                                          orange white                    white black                         white                       black red mat                                                        powered by
                                          3805                            8205                                8803                        2303
                                          variomatic®                     variomatic®                         variomatic®                 variomatic®
                                          litemirror silver (S1 – S3)     litemirror silver (S1 – S3)         litemirror blue (S1 – S3)   litemirror blue (S1 – S3)

30 30                                                                                                                                                                                                                    31
800 lightweight                                                                ITEM NO.: S53.0.522. ...   800 lightweight                                                                                   ITEM NO.: S53.0.872. ...

     uvex sportstyle 202 v                                                                                     uvex sportstyle 802 v
     PROTECTION            LENS               COMFORT                                                          PROTECTION                    LENS                          COMFORT                       VIEWS
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· variomatic®     ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                      ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,           ·· variomatic®                ·· adaptable soft nose pads
      UVC protection       ·· supravision®    ·· soft earpiece                                                  UVC protection               ·· supravision®               ·· soft earpiece
                           ·· easy to clean   ·· flex earpiece                                                                               ·· easy to clean              ·· flex earpiece
                                                                                                                                                                           ·· eyewear strap
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ITEM NO.: S53.9.120.0001


                                                                            variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)        black
                                                                                                               variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)

     powered by                               gun black mat                 black mat                          white                         blue white                    red white                                      powered by
                                              4201                          2204                               8801                          4801                          3804
                                              variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)   variomatic® red (S1 – S3)          variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)   variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)   variomatic® red (S1 – S3)

     800 lightweight                                                                ITEM NO.: S53.0.602. ...   800 lightweight                                                                                   ITEM NO.: S53.0.894. ...

     uvex sportstyle 202 small v                                                                               uvex sportstyle 802 small v
     PROTECTION            LENS               COMFORT                                                          PROTECTION                    LENS                          COMFORT                       VIEWS
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· variomatic®     ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                      ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,           ·· variomatic®                ·· adaptable soft nose pads
      UVC protection       ·· supravision®    ·· soft earpiece                                                  UVC protection               ·· supravision®               ·· soft earpiece
                           ·· easy to clean   ·· flex earpiece                                                                               ·· easy to clean              ·· flex earpiece
                                                                                                                                                                           ·· eyewear strap
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ITEM NO.: S53.9.120.0001

                                                                            black mat                          white pink
                                                                            2201                               8304
                                                                            variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)        variomatic® red (S1 – S3)

     powered by                               grey mat                      white red                          black mat                     white                         red white                                      powered by
                                              4701                          8301                               2201                          8801                          3804
                                              variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)   variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)        variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)   variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)   variomatic® red (S1 – S3)

32    32                                                                                                                                                                                                                             33
700 solid                                                                        ITEM NO.: S53.0.934. ...   700 solid                                                                ITEM NO.: S53.0.936. ...

     uvex sportstyle 710 v                                                                                       uvex sportstyle 710
     PROTECTION            LENS               COMFORT                                                            PROTECTION            LENS               COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· variomatic®     ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                        ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· supravision®    ·· adaptable soft nose pads
      UVC protection       ·· supravision®    ·· adjustable, cold formable                                       UVC protection       ·· easy to clean   ·· adjustable, cold formable
                           ·· easy to clean    soft earpieces                                                                          ·· curve 10         soft earpieces
                           ·· curve 10        ·· direct lens ventilation                                                                                  ·· direct lens ventilation

                                                                              red black
                                                                              variomatic® smoke (S0 – S3)

                                              white                           black mat
                                              8801                            2201
                                              variomatic® smoke (S0 – S3)     variomatic® smoke (S0 – S3)

     700 solid                                                                        ITEM NO.: S53.0.935. ...

     uvex sportstyle 710 vm
     PROTECTION            LENS               COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· variomatic®     ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                        black mat yellow
      UVC protection       ·· supravision®    ·· adjustable, cold formable                                      2616
                           ·· litemirror       soft earpieces                                                    mirror yellow (S3)
                           ·· easy to clean   ·· direct lens ventilation
                           ·· curve 10

                                                                              black mat carbon
                                                                              litemirror silver (S1 – S3)

                                              white black                     black mat white                    black mat                                red black
                                              8405                            2805                               2216                                     3216
                                              variomatic®                     variomatic®                        mirror silver (S3)                       mirror red (S3)
                                              litemirror silver (S1 – S3)     litemirror silver (S1 – S3)

34    34                                                                                                                                                                                                      35
700 solid                                                                                  ITEM NO.: S53.1.972. ...   700 solid                                                                                   ITEM NO.: S53.0.867. ...

     uvex sportstyle 705 v                                                                                                 uvex sportstyle 700 v
     PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT                         VIEWS                               PROTECTION                    LENS                          COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· variomatic®           ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                         ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,           ·· variomatic®                ·· adaptable soft nose pads
      UVC protection          ·· supravision®          ·· adjustable, cold formable                                        UVC protection               ·· supravision®               ·· adjustable, cold formable
                              ·· easy to clean          soft earpieces                                                                                   ·· easy to clean               soft earpieces
                                                       ·· optional optical insert                                                                                                      ·· direct lens ventilation

                                                                                       ITEM NO.: S53.9.972.0001

                                                                                       black mat                           black mat
                                                                                       2201                                2204
                                                                                       variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)         variomatic® red (S1 – S3)

     powered by                                                                        white                               black mat                     white                                                                  powered by
                                                                                       8801                                2201                          8801
                                                                                       variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)         variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)   variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)

     700 solid                                                                                  ITEM NO.: S53.1.973. ...   700 solid                                                                                   ITEM NO.: S53.0.868. ...

     uvex sportstyle 705                                                                                                   uvex sportstyle 700
     PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT                         VIEWS                               PROTECTION                    LENS                          COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· supravision®          ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                         ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,           ·· litemirror                 ·· adaptable soft nose pads
      UVC protection          ·· litemirror            ·· adjustable, cold formable                                        UVC protection                                             ·· adjustable, cold formable
                                                        soft earpieces                                                                                                                  soft earpieces
                                                       ·· changeable lens                                                                                                              ·· direct lens ventilation
                                                       ·· optional optical insert
                                                                                       ITEM NO.: S53.9.972.0001

                                                                                       black mat orange                    orange
                                                                                       2316                                3316
                                                                                       mirror orange (S3)                  mirror orange (S3)
                                                                                       litemirror orange (S1)
                                                                                       clear (S0)

     black white              black mat                white red                       white                               black mat                     white                         black mat
     2816                     2216                     8316                            8816                                2216                          8816                          2116
     mirror blue (S3)         litemirror silver (S3)   mirror red (S3)                 litemirror silver (S3)              mirror green (S3)             litemirror silver (S3)        litemirror orange (S1)
     litemirror orange (S1)   litemirror orange (S1)   litemirror orange (S1)          litemirror orange (S1)
     clear (S0)               clear (S0)               clear (S0)                      clear (S0)

36    36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   37
300 protect                                                                      ITEM NO.: S53.0.974. ...   300 protect                                                                             ITEM NO.: S53.0.888. ...

     uvex sportstyle 309                                                                                         uvex sportstyle 306
     PROTECTION            LENS                 COMFORT                       VIEWS                              PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT                       VIEWS
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· litemirror        ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                      ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· litemirror            ·· adaptable soft nose pads
      UVC protection                            ·· soft earpieces                                                 UVC protection                                   ·· soft earpieces
                                                ·· removable foam pad                                                                                              ·· optional nose protector
                                                ·· optional nose protector

                                                                              ITEM NO.: S53.9.130.0001                                                                                           ITEM NO.: S53.9.130.0001

                                                                              black mat orange                   blue white
                                                                              2316                               8416
                                                                              mirror orange (S3)                 mirror blue (S4)

                           black mat            white                         black                              black mat                black mat

                           2216                 8816                          2116                               2216                     2116

                           mirror silver (S3)   mirror silver (S4)            mirror silver (S4)                 mirror silver (S4)       litemirror silver (S3)

     300 protect                                                                      ITEM NO.: S53.0.975. ...   300 protect                                                                             ITEM NO.: S53.0.889. ...

     uvex sportstyle 308                                                                                         uvex sportstyle 307
     PROTECTION            LENS                 COMFORT                       VIEWS                              PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT                       VIEWS
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· litemirror        ·· soft nosepads                                                 ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· litemirror            ·· soft nose pads
      UVC protection                            ·· soft earpieces                                                 UVC protection                                   ·· soft earpieces
                                                ·· removable foam pad                                                                                              ·· optional nose protector
                                                ·· optional nose protector

                                                                              ITEM NO.: S53.9.130.0001                                                                                           ITEM NO.: S53.9.130.0001

                                                                              white                              black mat
                                                                              8816                               2116
                                                                              mirror silver (S4)                 litemirror silver (S3)

                           black mat            black mat orange              black                              white red                black green              black
                           2216                 2316                          2116                               8316                     2716                     2216
                           mirror silver (S4)   mirror orange (S4)            litemirror silver (S3)             mirror red (S4)          mirror green (S4)        mirror silver (S4)

38    38                                                                                                                                                                                                                     39
100 crossover                                                                          ITEM NO.: S53.1.600. ...   100 crossover                                                                          ITEM NO.: S53.1.976. ...

  uvex sportstyle 104 v                                                                                             uvex sportstyle 116 v
  PROTECTION                 LENS               COMFORT                         VIEWS                               PROTECTION                    LENS                     COMFORT
  ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,        ·· variomatic®     ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                         ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,           ·· variomatic®           ·· adaptable soft nose pads
   UVC protection            ·· supravision®    ·· adjustable, cold formable                                        UVC protection               ·· supravision®          ·· adjustable, cold formable
                             ·· easy to clean    soft earpieces                                                                                   ·· easy to clean          soft earpieces
                                                ·· direct lens ventilation
                                                ·· removable sweat blocker      ITEM NO.: S53.9.666.0001
                                                ·· optional optical insert

                                                                                                                    black mat
                                                                                white                               variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)
                                                                                variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)

  powered by                                                                    black mat                           white                                                                                           powered by
                                                                                2201                                8801
                                                                                variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)         variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)

  100 crossover                                                                          ITEM NO.: S53.1.601. ...   100 crossover                                                                          ITEM NO.: S53.1.977. ...

  uvex sportstyle 104                                                                                               uvex sportstyle 116

  PROTECTION                 LENS               COMFORT                                                             PROTECTION                    LENS                     COMFORT
  ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,        ·· supravision®    ·· adaptable soft nose pads     ·· direct lens ventilation          ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,           ·· supravision®          ·· adaptable soft nose pads
   UVC protection            ·· litemirror      ·· adjustable, cold formable   ·· removable sweat blocker           UVC protection               ·· litemirror            ·· adjustable, cold formable
                             ·· easy to clean    soft earpieces                 ·· optional optical insert                                                                  soft earpieces
                                                ·· interchangeable lens                                                                                                   ·· changeable lens
                                                 construction                                                                                                              ·· direct lens ventilation

                                                                                red black                           red black mat
                                                                                3816                                3216
                                                                                litemirror silver (S3)              mirror red (S3)
                                                                                litemirror orange (S1)              litemirror orange (S1)
                                                                                clear (S0)                          clear (S0)

                                                black mat                       white                               white                         black mat
                                                2216                            8816                                8816                          2216
                                                litemirror silver (S3)          litemirror silver (S3)              litemirror silver (S3)        litemirror silver (S3)
                                                litemirror orange (S1)          litemirror orange (S1)              litemirror orange (S1)        litemirror orange (S1)
  ITEM NO.: S53.9.666.0001                      clear (S0)                      clear (S0)                          clear (S0)                    clear (S0)

40 40                                                                                                                                                                                                                         41
100 crossover                                                                          ITEM NO.: S53.0.938. ...   100 crossover                                                                           ITEM NO.: S53.0.978. ...

     uvex sportstyle 113 v                                                                                             uvex sportstyle 115
     PROTECTION            LENS                     COMFORT                                                            PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· variomatic®           ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                        ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· litemirror            ·· adaptable soft nose pads
      UVC protection       ·· supravision®          ·· adjustable, cold formable                                       UVC protection                                   ·· soft earpieces
                           ·· easy to clean          soft earpieces                                                                                                      ·· changeable lens
                                                                                                                                                                         ·· direct lens ventilation

                                                                                                                       silicium black mat
                                                                                    black mat                          litemirror silver (S3)
                                                                                    2201                               litemirror orange (S1)
                                                                                    variomatic® smoke (S1 – S3)        clear (S0)

                                                                                                                       white                    black mat red            black                         black mat yellow
     powered by                                                                     white red                          8816                     2316                     2216                          2616
                                                                                    8304                               litemirror silver (S3)   mirror red (S3)          litemirror silver (S3)        mirror yellow (S3)
                                                                                    variomatic® red (S1 – S3)          litemirror orange (S1)   litemirror orange (S1)   litemirror orange (S1)        litemirror orange (S1)
                                                                                                                       clear (S0)               clear (S0)               clear (S0)                    clear (S0)

     100 crossover                                                                          ITEM NO.: S53.0.890. ...   100 crossover                                                                           ITEM NO.: S53.0.939. ...

     uvex sportstyle 113                                                                                               uvex sportstyle 114

     PROTECTION            LENS                     COMFORT                                                            PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· litemirror            ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                        ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· litemirror            ·· adaptable soft nose pads
      UVC protection                                ·· adjustable, cold formable                                       UVC protection                                   ·· soft earpieces
                                                     soft earpieces                                                                                                      ·· interchangeable lens
                                                    ·· interchangeable lens                                                                                              construction
                                                     construction                                                                                                        ·· flex earpieces

                                                                                    white blue                         red white
                                                                                    8416                               3816
                                                                                    mirror red (S3)                    litemirror silver (S3)
                                                                                    litemirror orange (S1)             litemirror orange (S1)
                                                                                    clear (S0)                         clear (S0)

                           white                    black                           red                                black                    white                    black mat
                           8816                     2216                            3316                               2116                     8816                     2216
                           litemirror silver (S3)   litemirror silver (S3)          mirror green (S3)                  mirror green (S3)        litemirror silver (S3)   litemirror silver (S3)
                           litemirror orange (S1)   litemirror orange (S1)          litemirror orange (S1)             litemirror orange (S1)   litemirror orange (S1)   litemirror orange (S1)
                           clear (S0)               clear (S0)                      clear (S0)                         clear (S0)               clear (S0)               clear (S0)

42    42                                                                                                                                                                                                                           43
100 crossover                                                                         ITEM NO.: S53.1.979. ...   200 active                                                                                                 ITEM NO.: S53.0.980. ...

     uvex sportstyle 117                                                                                              uvex sportstyle 222 pola
     PROTECTION            LENS                     COMFORT                                                           PROTECTION                           LENS                          COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· litemirror            ·· adaptable soft nose pads                                       ·· 100 % UVA, UVB                   ·· polavision®                ·· adaptable soft nose pads
      UVC protection                                ·· soft earpieces                                                  UVC protection                      ·· litemirror                 ·· soft earpieces
                                                    ·· interchangeable                                                                                                                  ·· floatable head band
                                                     lens construction

                                                                                  yellow                              black mat
                                                                                  7716                                2250
                                                                                  litemirror silver (S3)              polavision® litemirror silver (S3)
                                                                                  litemirror orange (S1)
                                                                                  clear (S0)

                           white                    black mat                     black mat white                     white                                black mat red                 black green
                           8816                     2216                          2816                                8860                                 2330                          2770
                           mirror blue (S3)         litemirror silver (S3)        mirror silver (S3)                  polavision® mirror yellow (S3)       polavision® mirror red (S3)   polavision® mirror green (S3)
                           litemirror orange (S1)   litemirror orange (S1)        litemirror orange (S1)
                           clear (S0)               clear (S0)                    clear (S0)

     100 crossover                                                                         ITEM NO.: S53.0.604. ...   200 active                                                                                                  ITEM NO.: S53.0.981. ...

     uvex blaze III                                                                                                   uvex sportstyle 221
     PROTECTION            LENS                     COMFORT                                                           PROTECTION                           LENS                          COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· litemirror            ·· soft nose pads                                                 ·· 100 % UVA, UVB                   ·· litemirror                 ·· adaptable soft nose pads
      UVC protection                                ·· soft earpieces                                                  UVC protection                      ·· curve 10                   ·· soft earpieces
                                                    ·· interchangeable lens

                                                                                  black blue                          black mat yellow
                                                                                  2416                                2616
                                                                                  mirror blue (S3)                    mirror yellow (S3)
                                                                                  litemirror orange (S1)
                                                                                  clear (S0)

                           black mat                black red                     white black                         red black mat                        black green                   white                           black mat
                           2210                     2316                          8216                                3216                                 2716                          8816                            2216
                           smoke (S3)               mirror red (S3)               litemirror silver (S3)              mirror red (S3)                      mirror green (S3)             litemirror silver (S3)          litemirror silver (S3)
                           litemirror orange (S1)   litemirror orange (S1)        litemirror orange (S1)
                           clear (S0)               clear (S0)                    clear (S0)

44    44                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             45
200 active                                                                          ITEM NO.: S53.0.618. ...   200 active                                                                        ITEM NO.: S53.0.605. ...

     uvex sportstyle 211 pola                                                                                       uvex sportstyle 210
     PROTECTION            LENS                    COMFORT                                                          PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· polavision®          ·· soft nose pads                                                ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· litemirror            ·· soft nose pads
      UVC protection       ·· litemirror           ·· soft earpieces                                                 UVC protection                                   ·· adjustable, cold formable
                                                   ·· floatable eyewear strap                                                                                          soft earpieces
                                                                                                                                                                      ·· direct lens ventilation

                                                                                black mat red                       black
                                                                                2230                                2216
                                                                                polavision® mirror red (S3)         litemirror silver (S3)

                                                   black                        white                               white black              black mat red
                                                   2250                         8850                                8816                     2316
                                                   polavision® smoke (S3)       polavision® smoke (S3)              litemirror silver (S3)   mirror red (S3)

     200 active                                                                          ITEM NO.: S53.0.613. ...   200 active                                                                        ITEM NO.: S53.0.886. ...

     uvex sportstyle 211                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 219
     PROTECTION            LENS                    COMFORT                                                          PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· litemirror           ·· soft nose pads                                                ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· litemirror            ·· soft nose pads
      UVC protection                               ·· soft earpieces                                                 UVC protection                                   ·· soft earpieces

                                                                                white pink                          green white
                                                                                8316                                7816
                                                                                mirror pink (S3)                    mirror green (S3)

                           white black             black red                    black                               black mat green          orange                   black mat
                           8216                    2213                         2216                                2716                     3316                     2216
                           litemirror silver (S3   mirror red (S3)              litemirror silver (S3)              mirror green (S3)        litemirror silver (S3)   litemirror silver (S3)

46    46                                                                                                                                                                                                                  47
200 active                                                                ITEM NO.: S53.0.606. ...    200 active                                                                         ITEM NO.: S53.0.617. ...

     uvex sunsation                                                                                        uvex sportstyle 215
     PROTECTION            LENS                     COMFORT                                                PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· litemirror            ·· soft nose pads                                      ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· litemirror            ·· soft nose pads
      UVC protection                                ·· soft earpieces                                       UVC protection                                   ·· soft earpieces

                                                                        white blue                         black mat green
                                                                        8416                               2716
                                                                        mirror blue (S3)                   mirror green (S3)

                           black mat orange         black mat           white black                        black                    white black              white mat red            black mat white
                           2212                     2210                8816                               2216                     8216                     8316                     2819
                           litemirror orange (S1)   smoke (S3)          litemirror silver (S3)             litemirror silver (S3)   litemirror silver (S3)   mirror red (S3)          clear (S0)

     200 active                                                                 ITEM NO.: S53.0.884. ...   200 active                                                                        ITEM NO.: S53.0.982. ...

     uvex sportstyle 217 set                                                                               uvex sportstyle 223
     PROTECTION            LENS                     COMFORT             CONTENTS                           PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· litemirror            ·· soft nose pads   ·· 20 eyewear pcs including       ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· litemirror            ·· soft nose pads
      UVC protection                                ·· soft earpieces    12 pcs Counter Display             UVC protection                                   ·· soft earpieces

                                                                        set                                white
                                                                        9990                               8816
                                                                                                           litemirror silver (S3)

                                                                                                           black grey               black orange             black
                                                                                                           2218                     2212                     2216
                                                                                                           clear (S0)               litemirror orange (S1)   litemirror silver (S3)

48    48                                                                                                                                                                                                         49
200 active                                                            ITEM NO.: S53.0.525. ...       500 junior // kids                                                        ITEM NO.: S53.3.865. ...

uvex sportstyle 204                                                                                  uvex sportstyle 506
PROTECTION            LENS               COMFORT                                                     PROTECTION            LENS                     COMFORT             VIEWS
·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· litemirror      ·· soft earpieces                                           ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· litemirror            ·· soft earpieces
 UVC protection                                                                                       UVC protection                                ·· flex frame
                                                                                                                                                    ·· eyewear strap

                                                                                                                                                                        ITEM NO.: S53.9.120.0001

                                         white blue          black green                             pink green
                                         8416                7716                                    3716
                                         mirror blue (S3)    mirror green (S3)                       mirror green (S3)

clear                 blue               smoke               orange                                  yellow                blue                     black mat red       white green
9118                  4416               2110                3112                                    7716                  4416                     2316                8716
clear (S0)            mirror blue (S3)   smoke (S3)          orange (S1)                             mirror blue (S3)      litemirror silver (S3)   mirror red (S3)     mirror green (S3)

                                                                                                     500 junior // kids                                                         ITEM NO.: S53.3.866. ...

                                                                                                     uvex sportstyle 507
                                                                                                     PROTECTION            LENS                     COMFORT             VIEWS
                                                                                                     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,   ·· litemirror            ·· soft earpieces
                                                                                                      UVC protection                                ·· flex frame
                                                                                                                                                    ·· eyewear strap

                                                                                                                                                                        ITEM NO.: S53.9.120.0001

                                                                                                     blue orange
                                                                                                     mirror orange (S3)

                                                                                                     lilac green           black mat green          black mat red       white green
                                                                                                     4716                  2716                     2316                8716
                                                                                                     green (S3)            mirror green (S3)        mirror red (S3)     mirror green (S3)

 50                                                             Photographer: © BrakeThrough Media                                                                                                  51
500 junior // kids                                                                  ITEM NO.: S53.3.895. ...   lifestyle                                                                                                     ITEM NO.: S53.0.983. ...

     uvex sportstyle 508                                                                                            uvex lgl 30 pola
     PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT                  VIEWS                               PROTECTION                          LENS
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· litemirror            ·· eyewear strap                                             ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,                 ·· polavision®
      UVC protection                                                                                                 UVC protection

                                                                                ITEM NO.: S53.9.120.0001

                                                                                black mat                           gun blue
                                                                                2216                                4250
                                                                                litemirror silver (S3)              polavision® mirror blue (S3)

     clear pink               clear blue               clear yellow             clear green                         black red                           black                                black green
     9316                     9416                     9616                     9716                                2330                                2250                                 2770
     mirror red (S3)          mirror blue (S3)         mirror yellow (S3)       mirror green (S3)                   polavision® mirror red (S3)         polavision® litemirror silver (S3)   polavision® mirror green (S3)

     500 junior // kids                                                                  ITEM NO.: S53.3.940. ...   lifestyle                                                                                                     ITEM NO.: S53.0.984. ...

     uvex sportstyle 509                                                                                            uvex lgl 31 pola
     PROTECTION               LENS                     COMFORT                  VIEWS                               PROTECTION                          LENS
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,      ·· litemirror            ·· soft earpieces                                            ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,                 ·· polavision®
      UVC protection                                   ·· flex earpieces                                             UVC protection
                                                       ·· eyewear strap

                                                                                ITEM NO.: S53.9.120.0001

                                                                                yellow                              khaki
                                                                                6616                                7760
                                                                                litemirror silver (S3)              polavision® mirror gold (S3)

     black                    white                    blue                     pink                                havanna                             black mat                            brown blue
     2216                     8816                     4416                     3316                                6660                                2240                                 6460
     litemirror silver (S3)   litemirror silver (S3)   litemirror silver (S3)   litemirror silver (S3)              polavision® litemirror brown (S3)   polavision® mirror blue (S3)         polavision® litemirror silver (S3)

52    52                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              53
lifestyle                                                                 ITEM NO.: S53.0.985. ...   lifestyle                                                                                                 ITEM NO.: S53.0.944. ...

     uvex lgl 32                                                                                          uvex lgl 26
     PROTECTION                                                                                           PROTECTION
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,                                                                                  ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,
      UVC protection                                                                                       UVC protection

                                                                       white                              black blue
                                                                       8816                               2416
                                                                       mirror green (S3)                  litemirror brown dégradé (S2)

                           black                    gold               gun                                black red                       blue red
                           2216                     6616               4716                               2316                            4316
                           litemirror silver (S3)   mirror gold (S3)   mirror blue (S3)                   litemirror smoke dégradé (S3)   litemirror smoke dégradé (S3)

     lifestyle                                                                 ITEM NO.: S53.0.876. ...   lifestyle                                                                                                 ITEM NO.: S53.0.986. ...

     uvex lgl 21                                                                                          uvex lgl 33 pola
     PROTECTION                                                                                           PROTECTION                      LENS
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,                                                                                  ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,             ·· polavision®
      UVC protection                                                                                       UVC protection

                                                                       black mat green                    black purple
                                                                       2215                               2330
                                                                       mirror green (S3)                  polavision® mirror pink (S3)

                           white                    black mat blue     black mat red                      black blue                      white mat                            black mat
                           8814                     2214               2213                               2440                            8850                                 2250
                           mirror blue (S3)         mirror blue (S3)   mirror red (S3)                    polavision® mirror blue (S3)    polavision® litemirror silver (S3)   polavision® litemirror silver (S3)

54    54                                                                                                                                                                                                                                55
lifestyle                                                            ITEM NO.: S53.0.945. ...   lifestyle                                                       ITEM NO.: S53.0.946. ...

     uvex lgl 27                                                                                     uvex lgl 28
     PROTECTION                                                                                      PROTECTION
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,                                                                             ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,
      UVC protection                                                                                  UVC protection

                                                                  lilac                              blue
                                                                  4416                               4416
                                                                  smoke (S3)                         litemirror silver (S3)

                                             havanna              black                              havanna                  black
                                             6616                 2216                               6616                     2216
                                             brown dégradé (S3)   litemirror smoke dégradé (S2)      brown (S3)               smoke dégradé (S3)

     lifestyle                                                            ITEM NO.: S53.0.987. ...   lifestyle                                                       ITEM NO.: S53.0.947. ...

     uvex lgl 34                                                                                     uvex lgl 29
     PROTECTION                                                                                      PROTECTION
     ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,                                                                             ·· 100 % UVA, UVB,
      UVC protection                                                                                  UVC protection

                                                                  blue pink                          black mat
                                                                  4416                               2212
                                                                  mirror pink (S3)                   mirror yellow (S3)

                           white mat red     brown turquoise      black mat                          black mat                black mat            black mat
                           8316              6716                 2216                               2215                     2216                 2213
                           mirror red (S3)   mirror yellow (S3)   mirror blue (S3)                   mirror green (S3)        mirror silver (S3)   mirror red (S3)

56    56                                                                                                                                                                                 57
accessories                   ITEM NO.: S53.9.084. ...   accessories                    ITEM NO.: S53.9.148. ...

     uvex soft case                                           uvex hard case
                                                                                                                                                   product overview

                           black                                                     black

                                                                                                                                                    sorted by price
                           2201                                                      0001
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex lgl 29
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex lgl 28
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex lgl 34
     accessories                   ITEM NO.: S53.9.136. ...   accessories                    ITEM NO.: S53.9.154. ...
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex lgl 27

     uvex eyewear case                                        uvex rectangle case
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex lgl 33 pola
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex lgl 26
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex lgl 21

     rectangle                                                                                                                                                              uvex lgl 32
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex lgl 31 pola
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex lgl 30 pola
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 509
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 508
                           black                                                     black grey
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 507
                           2200                                                      0001                                                                                   uvex sportstyle 506
                                                                                                                        500 junior//kids
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 204
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 223
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 215
     accessories                   ITEM NO.: S53.9.097. ...   accessories                    ITEM NO.: S53.9.130. ...                                                       uvex sunsation

     uvex eyewear bag                                         uvex nose protector
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 211
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 217 set
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 219
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 210
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 211 pola
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 221
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 222 pola
                                                                                                                             200 active
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex blaze lll
                           grey                                                      black                                                                                  uvex sportstyle 117
                           2202                                                      0001                                                                                   uvex sportstyle 114
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 115
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 113
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 116
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 104
     accessories                   ITEM NO.: S53.9.948. ...   accessories                    ITEM NO.: S53.9.666. ...                                                       uvex sportstyle 113 v

     uvex optical insert                                      uvex optical insert
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 116 v
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 104 v
                                                                                                                          100 crossover
     uvex variotronic® s                                      uvex sportstyle 104 v / 104 / 107 v / 107                                                                     uvex sportstyle 307
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 306
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 308
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 309
                                                                                                                            300 protect
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 700
                           0001                                                      0001                                                                                   uvex sportstyle 710
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 705
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 700 v
                                                                                                                                                                            uves sportstyle 710 vm
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 705 v
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 710 v
                                                                                                                              700 solid
     accessories                   ITEM NO.: S53.9.972. ...   accessories                    ITEM NO.: S53.9.120. ...                                                       uvex sportstyle 802 small v
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 802 v

     uvex optical insert                                      uvex eyewear strap                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 810
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 202 small v

     uvex sportstyle 705 v / 705
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 202 v
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 803 race vm
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 810 vm
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex sportstyle 810 v
                                                                                                                        800 lightweight
                                                                                                                                                                            uvex variotronic® ff

                           black                                                     black                                                                                  uvex variotronic® s
                           0001                                                      0001                                                   high    sorted by price


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