Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue

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Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue

Increase in TIN uptake                                                     Airlink
                                                                           steps up
offers hope for more                                                       fight against
domestic revenue                                                           dollar illegal
                                                                           wildlife trade
                                                                           AIRLINK, the privately owned
                                                                           Southern African regional airline,
                                                                           will implement of a company-wide
                                                                           programme          involving training,
                                                                           new processes and supply chain
                                                                           interventions to identify and combat
                                                                           illicit wildlife trade.

                                                                              The illegal wildlife trade is valued
                                                                           between USD $50-150 billion per year
                                                                           and is one of the five most lucrative
                                                                           global crimes. Illegal killing and
                                                                           trading of wild animals is a global
                                                                           crisis, with species being hunted to
                                                                           extinction for their horns, skins and
                                                                              The programme, run by the

                                                                 PAGE 02                               PAGE 08

Cargo volumes       Take advantage of
continue to         the Volta Fair- Volta
drive African       Devt Forum tells
airlines’           domestic airlines
recovery in         THE Volta Development Forum (VDF),
                    a leading advocate for development in

September           the Volta region, is urging local airlines
                    to take advantage of the upcoming Volta

          PAGE 02                                  PAGE 04
Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue
Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue
By Dominick Andoh                     digitalisation drive and its impact   ratio is 14.3 percent compared to     The Ghana story”, indicated that                on domestic revenue mobilization,     27 percent in South Africa and        the decision to replace the Ghana

                                      Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu          34percent in advanced countries.      Revenue Authority (GRA) issued
             O V E R N M E N T ’S
                                      Bawumia, said the setting up          So most adults in Ghana are           TIN with GhanaCard numbers
             ability   to     now
                                      of the platform to          outside the tax net and compliance    for tax purposes has increased the
             identify adults for
                                      facilitate public services and        is low.                               number of adult population with
             tax-paying purposes,
using the GhanaCard as unique         direct payments into government           At the beginning of 2017, only    tax numbers from 4percent to 86
Tax Identification Numbers, is        accounts, and the GhanaCard           4percent of the adult population      percent.
expected to drastically increase      have been real game changers.         had Tax Identification Numbers           With a large informal sector,
the contribution of domestic tax         “With the platform,      (TIN). Broadening the tax net         the difficulty with mobilizing
to the country’s revenue envelope.    all payments to government on         is imperative. In this regard, a      domestic revenue has been a
   The increase in the percentage     the platform will go directly into    number of digital initiatives have    puzzle for many governments.
of people with Tax Identification     government accounts. It also          been implemented to broadening        This is further compounded by the
Numbers (TIN) from 4percent           provides a feedback feature to        the tax base and to create a          limited number of professionals
to 86percent within the last four     enable users report problems with     vehicle for domestic revenue          who pay personal income tax.
years, gives government hope          public services to the relevant       mobilization,” Dr. Bawumia said.         In 2020, Personal Income tax
of increasing the country’s tax to    authorities.                              Dr. Bawumia, who was              accounted for only 1.2percent
GDP ratio from the current 14.3          Ghana has a major challenge        speaking at Ashesi University         (GH¢413.5million) of domestic
percent to 20% by 2023.               in the area of domestic revenue       on the theme “Transforming An         revenue collection.
   Explaining        government’s     mobilization. The tax to GDP          Economy Through Digitalisation:

Cargo volumes continue to drive African
airlines’ recovery in September
Continued from page 1
AFRICAN           airlines’     saw
international cargo volumes
increase by 34.6% in September,
the largest increase of all regions
for the ninth consecutive month.
   The latest International Air
Transport Association (IATA) data
show that seasonally adjusted
volumes are now 20% above pre-
crisis 2019 levels but have been
trending sideways for the past six
   International capacity was 6.9%
higher than pre-crisis levels, the
only region in positive territory,    should provide a boost for            compared to the same month            2019, an improvement compared
albeit on small volumes.              capacity.                             in 2019. This was on a par with       to the previous month (14.7%).
   Asia-Pacific airlines saw their       In North American, carriers        August’s performance (5.6%).          International capacity was down
international air cargo volumes       posted a 19.3% increase in            Demand was strongest on the           4% compared to September 2019.
increase 4.5% in September 2021       international cargo volumes in        large North Atlantic trade lane          Latin    American     carriers
compared to the same month            September 2021 compared to            (up 6.9% vs September 2019).          reported a decline of 17.1% in
in 2019.This was a slowdown           September 2019. New export            Performance on other routes was       international cargo volumes in
in demand compared to the             orders and demand for faster          weaker. Manufacturing activity,       September compared to the 2019
previous month’s 5.1% expansion.      shipping times are underpinning       orders and long supplier delivery     period, which was the weakest
Demand is being affected by           the North American performance.       times remain favorable to air cargo   performance of all regions. This
slowing manufacturing activity        International capacity was down       demand. International capacity        was also slightly worse than the
in China. International capacity      4.0% compared to September            was down 13.5% on September           previous month (a 14.5% fall).
is significantly constrained in the   2019, a slight improvement from       2019.                                 Capacity in September was down
region, down 18.2% vs. September      the previous month.                      Middle     Eastern      carriers   20.9% on pre-crisis levels, an
2019. Looking forward, the               European carriers saw a 5.3%       experienced a 17.6% rise in           improvement from August, which
decision by some countries in the     increase in international cargo       international cargo volumes in        was down 24.2% on the same
region to lift travel restrictions    volumes in September 2021             September 2021 versus September       month in 2019.
Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue   

  connecting Africa from East to West

                ONE PARTNERSHIP
              OVER 100 DESTINATIONS
Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue

Take advantage of the Volta Fair-Volta
Devt Forum tells domestic airlines
Continued from page 1                  the region is ready to accommodate     enhance the success of the Volta      Planning      Officer,Rev.     Steven
                                       both participants and travellers,      Trade and Investment Fair” he         Adzah Tetteh, said that all signs
Trade and Investment Fair in Ho
                                       citing operations such as the recent   added.                                pointed to the fair being a massive
to enhance business and make the
                                       test flights to Ho Airport.               “It is rather worrying that many   success and that the flights would
fair more accessible to visitors.
                                          “In just over a week, the Volta     months after these test flights and   be an added advantage.
   The Fair, which will be the fifth
                                       Region will host its Fifth Trade       all the promises that followed, the      “It is likely some airlines
in two decades, and it is expected
                                       and Investment Fair, which will be     25- million-dollar Ho Airport has     will take advantage to begin
to bring roughly 300 exhibitors
                                       open to the corporate world. This      since not been operationalised” he    operations in the Region. I believe
and over 10,000 people to the Ho
                                       trade event will bring together        lamented.                             it will be excellent. A lot of people
Sports Stadium from November
                                       hundreds of exhibitors, as well           “As for the Volta Development      are coming and if we can have the
15, 2021.
                                       as key business and investment         Forum, he added, it will be in        airport open and flights come in,
   Domestic airline operators
                                       figures, to highlight the Volta        our best interest to know from        people all over Ghana, I believe,
should use the fair as an
                                       Region’s commercial potential          the government and the Ministry       will be here,” he said. (Source:
opportunity to create flight lines
                                       once again,” he stated                 of Transport, why the Airport         GNA)
to the regional capital.
                                          “It is, therefore, appropriate      has since not been opened for
   The VDF’s Executive Director,
                                       to say that the airport, when          commercial flights.”
Mr Agboka Dzegede, stated that
                                       fully operationalised, is going to            The Regional Economic
Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue
Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue
Climate Emergency is a bigger threat
than Covid- UNWTO Secretary General

           HE head of the             on sustainability”, Pololikashvili    the Glasgow Declaration on                 “We need to invest in making
           United Nations World       said.                                 Climate Action in Tourism at the        sure destinations are great places
           Tourism Organization          He told delegates that the         United Nations Climate Change           to live and not just great places to
           has warned that the        recent Rome Leaders Declaration       Conference COP26 on Thursday            visit.”
“climate emergency is a bigger        issued by the G20 specifically        (4 November).                              Nigel Huddleston MP, UK
threat than Covid”.                   emphasized the need to restore           The WTTC is also planning to         Tourism Minister, agreed, saying:
   Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-   travel and tourism, which in turn     launch the Net Zero Roadmap for         “The partnership between private
General of UNWTO, said the            can help developing economies.        Travel & Tourism, to support the        and public sectors is spurred by
pandemic has hit tourism harder          He said public investment will     industry in combatting climate          the consumer.”
than any other sector. Tourism        “encourage and leverage” private      change, as part of the sector’s drive      He said his government can
needs support from governments,       investment all over the world,        towards net zero by 2050.               offer tax incentives to encourage
through stronger public-private       adding: “Tourism can benefit if          The initiative is being run          sustainable developments, such
partnerships and through more         governments deliver the right         in collaboration with the UN            as deductions for solar power and
and better-targeted financing         support.                              Environment Programme (UNEP)            electric vehicle charging points.
investments, to rebuild in a             “Going back to the old normal      and professional services and              Rita Marques, Secretary of State
sustainable and inclusive way.        is not an option.”                    consulting experts Accenture.           for Tourism of Portugal, outlined
   He made his comments during           He also said tourism represents       Julia Simpson, WTTC President        how her country is investing in
the UNWTO, WTTC & WTM                 a risk-free investment opportunity    and CEO, told the summit: “We           green services and new ways
Ministers’ Summit, held on the        and highlighted the need to invest    have no alternative; we have to go      to develop tourism across the
second day of WTM London, with        in education and youth on the way     green.”                                 seasons.
tourism ministers from across         to net zero.                             She said sustainable growth is a        Massimo Garavaglia,the Italian
the world discussing investing in        The UNWTO, World Travel            key priority for the WTTC, adding:      Minister for Tourism, talked about
tourism’s sustainable future.         & Tourism Council (WTTC)              “Investors and the public demand        how Italy is tackling overtourism
   “This summit gives us the          and other tourism and travel          that we invest to protect the planet    in places such as Venice and
chance to strengthen our advocacy     stakeholders will officially launch   and people.                             Florence, to encourage visitors to
                                                                                                                    explore other parts of Italy and its
                                                                                                                    varied attractions.
                                                                                                                       Dr Khaled El-Enany, Minister
                                                                                                                    of Tourism and Antiquities of
                                                                                                                    Egypt – which will host the Cop27
                                                                                                                    climate conference next year –
                                                                                                                    highlighted Egyptian sustainable
                                                                                                                    initiatives, such as a project to
                                                                                                                    protect the reefs of the Red Sea.
                                                                                                                       Memunatu Pratt, Minister of
                                                                                                                    Tourism and Culture of Sierra
                                                                                                                    Leone, talked about how tourism
                                                                                                                    in the west African country is
                                                                                                                    recovering from civil war and the
                                                                                                                    outbreaks of ebola and Covid-19.
                                                                                                                       She said investments in
                                                                                                                    infrastructure, transport, health
                                                                                                                    care and education were being
                                                                                                                    integrated with the need to
                                                                                                                    develop sustainable tourism.
                                                                                                                       Federico      González,    Chief
                                                                                                                    Executive at Radisson Hotel
                                                                                                                    Group, highlighted the need
                                                                                                                    to ensure smaller hotel owners
                                                                                                                    understand how they make their
                                                                                                                    properties more sustainable, and
                                                                                                                    David Lavorel, Chief Executive
                                                                                                                    of airport technology firm SITA,
                                                                                                                    outlined how technology can
                                                                                                                    help the aviation sector optimise
                                                                                                                    its current assets to be more
                                                                                                                    environmentally friendly.
                                                                                                                       UNWTO will also partner with
                                                                                                                    Arabian Travel Market – the sister
                                                                                                                    event of WTM London – which
                                                                                                                    will take place on 8-11 May in
                                                                                                                    Dubai. (Voyagesafriq)
Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue

Getafe CF, RCD Mallorca, Real Betis and LaLiga
collaborate to support Children’s Home in Ghana
By Chris Koney                        and through it learn values such        the Deputy Spanish Ambassador        children had fun and enjoyed
                                      as sportsmanship, team spirit,          to Ghana for coming to inspire and   themselves, and we hope to have

                                      sacrifice, and solidarity. Values we    engage our children in soccer as     such Good moments with you in
             ETAFE CF, RCD            Spaniards and Ghanaians share’.         part of CSR community outreach       the future’.
             Mallorca, Real Betis           Silke Roesner, Director of        programs in Ghana. I also thank           Real Betis, RCD Mallorca,
             and LaLiga joined        Kinder Paradise, expressed her          the Clubs,Real Betis, Getafe and     Getafe CF, LaLiga donated football
             forces to support        gratitude to LaLiga and the Clubs       Mallorca for blessing the children   equipment, while GB Foods served
a Children’s Home, Kinder             for the donation. ‘I am very grateful   with sports paraphernalia, and       lunch and as well, donated food
Paradise at the “One 4 One            to the Laliga CSR project team and      GB Food for the food ítems. Our      packs to the Children’s home.
Community” event held at the
Children’s home in Prampram,
a coastal town outside Ghana’s
capital, Accra.
   Kinder Paradise was set up to
support orphaned, vulnerable,
and street children by providing
a conducive home, care, and
education for self-reliance and
social integration.
   Desmond Chiji, LaLiga Delegate
for Ghana and Nigeria, reiterated
LaLiga’s plan of supporting
community-based projects: “This
project is one of our ways of
contributing to the community,
we have carried out projects like
this in other parts of Africa, and
we will continue to do so. From
LaLiga we are very grateful for the
materials that Getafe, Mallorca,
and Real Betis have donated to
Kinder Paradise”.
   Deputy Ambassador of Spain
to Ghana, Rafael Rodriguez,
who was present at the event
encouraged the children to enjoy
and have fun with football. ‘I
implore you at enjoy football,
Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue
Airlink steps up fight against multi-
billion-dollar illegal wildlife trade
  Continued from page 01              across its entire supply chain to   commitment to combatting illegal        under IATA/UFW Illegal Wildlife
                                      introduce measures designed         wildlife trade under the 2016           Trade programme,” said Airlink
International     Air     Transport   to thwart the scourge, which        Buckingham Palace Declaration           CEO and Managing Director,
Association (IATA) and United         is especially acute in Southern     and as a member of the United for       Rodger Foster.
for Wildlife (UFW), will involve      Africa, where it continues to       Wildlife Transport Taskforce.              Training, which will commence
training for all Airlink front-line   destroy biological diversity and        “Airlink took a stand against the   this month, will be delivered
staff, including cabin crew, check-   decimate species of animals in      illegal wildlife trade by signing       through a series of e-modules,
in, ground handling and cargo         astonishing numbers. Allied to      the landmark 2016 Buckingham            each about an hour long, covering
personnel across the airline’s        this, Airlink will also launch a    Palace Declaration and becoming         an introduction to the trade, what
entire network of South African       customer awareness campaign         a member of the United for              to look for, how to report it and
domestic and Southern African         for travellers and shippers of      Wildlife Transport Taskforce.           how to handle wildlife products.
regional destinations.                airfreight consignments.            Now we taking this commitment           Refresher courses will be provided
   In addition, Airlink is revising      The      programme      marks    even further by implementing the        annually.
its policies and intervening          the expansion of Airlink’s          global best practices developed           Continue on page 11
Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue

Africa Must Lead
                                                                                                                      there is no reason Africans should
                                                                                                                      not avail themselves of strategies
                                                                                                                      that are widespread in the global
                                                                                                                      financial system.
                                                                                                                         This lack of concern by African

on Capital Flight
                                                                                                                      states over illicit finance is
                                                                                                                      bolstered by the perception that in
                                                                                                                      most countries, most of the time,
                                                                                                                      tax evasion is not a matter that
                                                                                                                      registers with public opinion. At
By CARLOS LOPES & RICARDO             were shown to be major offshore          Nations Conference on Trade            best, leaders assume that any effect
SOARES DE OLIVEIRA                    financial players, illustrating the      and Development and the OECD,          the issue has on public trust can be

                                      hypocrisy underlying discussions         which launched its program on tax      managed. They are certainly wrong,
           HE Pandora Papers          of reform for the past decade.           transparency in Africa in 2014. On     especially regarding younger
           revealed a wealth of       And the Pandora Papers include           the continent itself, independent      voters, but this view shapes their
           information       about    further evidence that Asian              media are taking a larger role:        non-committal approach.
           the inner workings of      financial centers also have become       the Pandora Papers involved 53            The role of external organizations
offshore finance, leading to calls    significant     offshore     players,    African journalists working in 18      and African civil-society actors in
for international action to combat    underscoring the global nature of        countries, often under extremely       combating offshore tax evasion and
tax avoidance and evasion. This       the problem.                             difficult conditions. Civil-society    avoidance is welcome. But African
has been a longstanding problem           Some      African      initiatives   organizations such as Tax Justice      governments’ lack of initiative on
in Africa, yet organizations on       demonstrated early leadership in         Network Africa also are active         the issue is regrettable. Worryingly,
the continent are not leading the     assessing the issue and developing       in this domain. But African            the absence of a robust, collective
push for reform.                      potential solutions. The African         governments and Africa-based           African response invites outsiders
   he Pandora Papers, the largest     Tax Administration Forum, which          international organizations have       to shape the reform process in
investigative effort yet to shed      was created in 2008 and includes         refrained from major initiatives.      ways that will most likely continue
light on the world of offshore        38 African states, has been a               As a result, there is no            to favor leading industrial powers.
finance, show just how serious        noteworthy actor on tax reform           multilateral African body leading      This trend already is visible in
the challenge of illicit financial    issues. The High-Level Panel on          the way on the problem, and the        the way the naming and shaming
flows is for Africa. The papers       Illicit Financial Flows from Africa,     African organizations that were        of tax havens invariably targets
reveal that many prominent            a joint effort of the African Union      working on it actively five years      microstates and ignores important
Africans hold assets in major         and the United Nations Economic          ago have assumed what can only         enablers of illicit financial flows
financial centers abroad with the     Commission for Africa, first             be described as a low profile. It      such as the US and the UK.
help of professional enablers who     convened in 2012 and produced            is hard to avoid the sense that           While some African states will
provide them with secrecy, ensure     a much-discussed report on the           many of the continent’s rich and       never be at the forefront of reform
asset protection, and secure tax      subject in 2015. At that time, it        powerful have little incentive to      efforts in this area, those that have
exemptions.                           seemed offshore finance would            compromise arrangements that           been victimized by such flows
   The      investigation      also   be a regular part of African Union       have enabled them to move, hide,       must raise their voices and work
demonstrated that such offshore       discussions. Unfortunately, it is        and protect their assets. Moreover,    together to push for global action.
services are not limited to           disappearing from the agenda.            their lawyers and financial advisers   Current efforts include the African
the best-known tax havens.                In the past few years,               point out that many such practices     Parliamentary Network on Illicit
International      standard-setters   leadership in the fight against          are not only legal, but common         Financial Flows and Taxation,
like the United States and the        tax evasion and avoidance seems          among multinationals active in         which has representatives from 11
United Kingdom (directly and          to have migrated to international        Africa, especially in the extractive
through its overseas territories)     organizations such as the United         industries. According to this logic,     Continue on page 11
Increase in TIN uptake offers hope for more domestic revenue

UK firms to show how they
will hit net-zero, COP26
                 OST       of   the      between the quantity of carbon it
                 UK’s big firms          emits and the carbon it removes
                 and       financial     from the atmosphere, it is known
                 institutions will       as net-zero.
be expected to show how they                According to the treasury, Firms
intend to hit climate change             and their shareholders will be left
targets, under proposed Treasury         to decide how their businesses
rules.                                   adapt to this transition, including
   By 2023, they will have to set        how they intend to decarbonise.
out detailed public plans for how           And although the plans
they will move to a low-carbon           will need to be published, the
future - in line with the UK’s 2050      government said “the aim is
net-zero target.                         to increase transparency and
   To guarantee that the proposals       accountability” and the UK was
                                                                                 world in becoming the “first-ever    reporting standards.”BBC
are not just spin, an expert panel       not “making firm-level net-zero
                                                                                 net-zero aligned global financial       In total, 450 firms controlling
will determine the requirements          commitments mandatory”. The
                                                                                 centre”. He said the changes would   40% of global financial assets
that they must meet. Any                 market will decide whether firms’
                                                                                 mean: “Better and more consistent    - equivalent to $130tn (£95tn) -
commitments will be optional.            plans are credible, the Treasury
                                                                                 climate data; sovereign green        have agreed to commit to limiting
Green groups argue that this is          said.
                                                                                 bonds; mandatory sustainability      global warming to 1.5C above pre-
insufficient.                               Speaking at the COP26 climate
                                                                                 disclosures; proper climate risk     industrial levels.
   When a company or a country           summit, Chancellor Rishi Sunak
                                                                                 surveillance; and proper global
achieves a net zero balance              claimed the UK was leading the

The world’s largest banks and regulators say                                                                     Banks’ exposure to
they’ll help curb emissions at COP26, but oil                                                                    climate to be tested
funding continues.              signed up will be tallied toward
                                a net-zero emission campaign,
                                                                                                                 AUSTRALIA’S             central
                                                                                                                 and banking regulator are taking

THE UK government has                  45 countries is being hailed as                                           the temperature of the financial
                                                                             according to the finance promise,
announced       that   hundreds        one of the top achievements of                                            vulnerability to climate change of the
                                                                             known as the Glasgow Financial
of the world’s biggest banks           the United Kingdom, which                                                 country’s biggest lenders.
                                                                             Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ).
and their investors, with              is hosting the United Nations’                                               The Reserve Bank of Australia and
                                                                                The pledge, according to the
assets topping $130 trillion,          COP26 summit in Glasgow,                                                  the Australian Prudential Regulation
                                                                             group, will produce enough
have committed to limiting             an ambitious summit aimed at                                              Authority are conducting climate
                                                                             scale to generate $100 trillion
greenhouse gas emissions. But          bringing firmer commitments                                               vulnerability assessments with the five
                                                                             by 2050 to support investments
this pledge does not exclude           from governments and the                                                  largest banks.
                                                                             in new technology, as well as
the continued funding of fossil        private sector to limit global                                               They will look at how banks may
                                                                             enforce avenues for corporations
fuels for the foreseeable future,      warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius,                                           adjust their business models in line
                                                                             and financial institutions to
environmental groups were              a target set in place at the Paris                                        with risks posed by climate change and
                                                                             restructure for a greener future.
quick to point out.                    COP six years ago.                                                        the resulting transition as well as the
                                                                             Bloomberg New Energy Finance
   The pledge by more than                By 2050, all of the assets under                                       economic consequences.
450 financial institutions from        managed by the institutions that        Continue on page 11                  “The physical impact of climate
                                                                                                                 change, and the global transition
                                                                                                                 to a lower emissions economy, will
                                                                                                                 affect economic output, prices and
                                                                                                                 employment,” APRA and the RBA said
                                                                                                                 in a statement on Thursday.
                                                                                                                    “Climate change will be a driver of
                                                                                                                 change in the value of certain assets
                                                                                                                 and income streams, and therefore
                                                                                                                 poses a risk to financial institutions
                                                                                                                 and financial stability.”
                                                                                                                    APRA plans to finalise this
                                                                                                                 year guidance to financial entities
                                                                                                                 it supervises about identifying,
                                                                                                                 monitoring and managing risks related
                                                                                                                 to climate.
                                                                                                                    The results of its vulnerability
                                                                                                                 assessments with major banks are
                                                                                                                 expected to be published in 2022.
                                                                                                                 (Source: PerthNow)
Airlink steps up fight against multi-billion-dollar illegal wildlife trade
  Continued from page 08

   “Our      expanding       route
network        facilitates    trade
and creates new economic
opportunities           throughout
Southern Africa, but with this
growth comes a responsibility
to protect and preserve the
incredible biodiversity and
wildlife that makes Southern
Africa so unique. Airlink is
proud to be at the forefront
of this fight to stop the illegal
wildlife trade,” added Mr
   Certification         of     the
programme’s implementation
and completion of the Illegal
Wildlife Trade training modules
is subject to an independent
audit and will entitle Airlink to
display a special roundel as a
public hallmark signifying its
commitment to stopping illicit
wildlife trafficking.

     Africa Must Lead on Capital Flight
        Continued from page 09         and avoid a race-to-the-bottom          Carlos Lopes, a professor         Governance at the University of
     countries. Other organizations competition to attract foreign          at    the    Nelson     Mandela      Cape Town, is African Union High
     that played an important direct investment.                            School of Public Governance          Representative for Partnerships
     role earlier, like the African       Illicit financial flows rob       at the University of Cape            with Europe and a former vice-
     Union and the UN Economic governments of the resources                 Town, is African Union High          chair of the High-Level Panel
     Commission for Africa, also they need to provide the public            Representative for Partnerships      on Illicit Financial Flows from
     could      reinvigorate     their goods – education, health care,      with Europe and a former vice-       Africa. Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
     commitment.         Multilateral and trade and communications          chair of the High-Level Panel        is Professor of the International
     endeavors such as the African infrastructure – that are vital          on Illicit Financial Flows from      Politics of Africa at the University
     Continental Free Trade Area, for long-term economic growth             Africa.                              of Oxford. Copyright: www.
     which currently is being shaped and prosperity. Africa’s interest                                 
     with strong inter-governmental in curbing the problem is as            About the writers:
     support, could be used as obvious as the need for African                Carlos Lopes, a professor at the
     vehicles to standardize tax rules leadership to get it done.           Nelson Mandela School of Public

The world’s largest banks...
  Continued from page 10              Guidelines Organization have          coal, oil CL00, -2.76 per cent, and     on private-sector decision-making
                                      agreed to strengthen the system’s     gas NG00, +1.52 per cent, according     in the absence of government
estimates average investment
                                      governance      through    reviews    to environmental groups. The            mandates may stymie efforts to
requirements to hit net zero to
                                      and disclosure standards. Unlike      financial sector’s pledge may           reduce emissions. According to the
be between $3.1 trillion and $5.8
                                      corporations that emit pollution      better align banks behind low-          Energy Information Agency, fossil
trillion per year until 2050.
                                      or use a supply chain that does,      carbon financing starting now, but      fuels accounted for over 74% of all
    Financial regulators such as
                                      banks’ contributions to climate       banks are still free to finance coal,   U.S. human-caused greenhouse
the Federal Reserve of the United
                                      change are usually traced back to     oil CL00, -2.76 per cent, and gas       gas emissions in 2019. (BBC)
States, the Bank of England, and
                                      the industries they support.          NG00, +1.52 per cent. They’re also
the     International Accounting
                                          Banks are still free to finance   concerned that relying too heavily
Africa Economy
                                                                                                           IMF says Nigerian
                                                                                                           banks closed 234
                                                                                                           branches, 649 ATMs
                                                                                                           amid COVID-19
                                                                                                           THE International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Nigerian banks to stop
                                                                                                           has said Nigerian banks closed 234 branches
                                                                                                           and 649 automated teller machines (ATMs)
                                                                                                           in 2020 amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
                                                                                                              The Bretton Woods institution which

accepting old £20, £50                                                                                     said this in its 2021 Financial Access Survey
                                                                                                           (FAS) released on Monday, noted that the
                                                                                                           number of ATM points in Nigeria fell by 649
                                                                                                           to 18,810 in 2020 from 19,459 in 2019.

notes Dec 31                                                             Bank, alongside other Deposit
                                                                         Money Banks in Nigeria, has
                                                                         issued a deadline of December
                                                                                                              According to the report, the number
                                                                                                           of commercial bank branches in Nigeria

                                                                                                           reduced by 234 to 5,158 in 2020 from 5,392
                                                                         31, 2021 for acceptance of        in 2019.
          TARTING         from      Bank Plc, disclosed this in          the stated denominations             The survey showed that the number
          December 31, 2021,        an email to its customers on         from the public to enable the     of borrowers from commercial banks
          some         Deposit      Wednesday titled ‘Withdrawal         proper conclusion of cash         decreased to 29.61 per 1,000 adults in 2020
          Money Banks in            of old 20 and 50 GBP notes           evacuation.                       from 25.42 per 1,000 adults in 2019.
Nigeria say they will no            from circulation’.                      “Thus, we advise you to           According it, outstanding deposits
longer be accepting old                It said, “The Bank of             use or deposit your paper         with commercial banks per percentage
dollars and pounds notes to         England has announced the            GBP notes into your Fidelity      of gross domestic product (GDP) rose to
enable a proper conclusion of       withdrawal of paper £20 and          Bank domiciliary account by       20.50 in 2020 against 16.31 in 2019, while
cash evacuation.                    £50 notes after September 30,        December 31, 2021 to avoid        outstanding loans from the deposit money
   Specifically, they said old      2022. A year’s notice has been       a loss in the value of your       banks increased to 12.93 percentage of GDP
£20 and £50 notes will be           provided to customers and the        money.”                           in 2020 from 11.80 in 2019.
phased out.                         global banking community.
                                                                                                              The IMF further noted that the 2021 round
   One of the banks, Fidelity          “In view of this, Fidelity
                                                                                                           of the Financial Access Survey (FAS) takes
                                                                                                           place in the second year of the COVID-19
                                                                                                           pandemic, collecting data on access to and
Nigeria: Five Nigerian Banks Paid N1.46                                                                    use of financial services amid the crisis.
                                                                                                              It said the 2021 FAS round offers a glimpse
billion Fine For Forex Infractions, Others                                                                 of what has happened during the pandemic
                                                                                                           on the financial access front.
THE Central Bank of Nigeria            Specifically,     the     CBN        The lender was fined              On financial access during the pandemic,
(CBN) and the Securities            fined GTCO N692million for           N230 million for an alleged       the IMF said aggregated FAS data from the
and Exchange Commission             violating its rules on certain       contravention of extant forex     2021 round do not show major disruptions
(SEC) have sanctioned five          forex transactions carried out       regulations from January 2013     in the access to and use of financial services
major banks for violating           by some betting and gaming           to July 2020.                     at commercial banks even though country-
foreign exchange guidelines         companies.                              It was also fined N1 million   level data reveal some varying outcomes.
and anti-money laundering              The tier-1 lender was also        for administrative infractions       For low- and lower-middle-income
regulations, among others.          fined N2million for non-             in the Retirement Savings         economies, the number of commercial bank
   The affected banks include       refund of interest on debit of       Account (RSA) transfer during     branches per 100,000 adults and ATMs per
Guaranty Trust Holding              non-interest-related charges         the fourth quarter of 2020.       100,000 adults — two FAS indicators for the
Company Plc (GTCo), United          imposed        on    non-funded         Stanbic IBTC, in its           UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Bank for Africa Plc (UBA),          accounts.                            audited     half-year   ended     Target 8.101 — have remained stable at 12
Access Bank Plc, Stanbic IBTC          UBA was fined the sum             June 30, 2021 results, said,      and 23 respectively over the past few years,
Holdings Plc and Fidelity           of N273 million for only             “Penalty imposed by the CBN       with a slight increase in 2020.
Bank Plc.                           two       market       infractions   following an alleged unfair          According to the report, the average
   According to the half-year       – N260million for forex              termination of employment of      number of deposit and loan accounts
2021 financial results filed        documentation lapses in              former employee.”                 continued to grow in 2020 across all country
with the SEC, the five banks        respect of some customers’              Access     Bank    reported    income groups.
paid a total fine of N1.46billion   accounts and N13 million             N189.65 million fine in the          Also, the number of deposit accounts per
for the infractions.                for non-verification of a            period under review.              1,000 adults grew at a higher rate than in
   In line with regulatory          customer’s identity and delay           The CBN imposed N100           the previous year in upper-middle-income
rules, banks are required           in filing the related transaction    million fine on the bank in       economies.
to include sanctions and            report.                              respect of failure to comply         In terms of financial services usage, the
fine imposed on them by                The CBN and SEC imposed           with its guidelines on            report added that outstanding amounts
regulatory agencies in their        the sum of N233 million on           Diaspora remittances. Source:     of both deposits and loans grew faster on
audited financial reports.          Stanbic IBTC Holdings in             Biz Watch Nigeria)                average in 2020, relative to the previous
   Among the five lenders,          the period under the review,                                           year in all country income groups. (Business
GTCO paid the highest fine.         according to the filing.                                               Hallmark)

Toward European
                                                                                                                     that no one is left behind will
                                                                                                                     almost certainly derail the climate
                                                                                                                        But to make this case to the public,
                                                                                                                     we must emphasize a longer-term

Green Cohesion
                                                                                                                     perspective, reminding people
                                                                                                                     that the costs associated with
                                                                                                                     the green transition will be but a
                                                                                                                     fraction of the catastrophic costs
                                                                                                                     we will face if we fail to address
                                       investment in sustainability in         accelerated investment, including
By LILYANA PAVLOVA                                                                                                   climate change. The power of this
                                       economically weaker regions.            by crowding in private capital.
                                                                                                                     economic logic is why we at the EIB

                                       That is why the European                Now, these instruments will
                                                                                                                     are confident that we can increase
              S a new strategy         Investment Bank is rethinking its       complement the EU’s Recovery
                                                                                                                     our lending to cohesion regions
              outlined    by     the   own “cohesion orientation,” as          and Resilience Facility and Just
                                                                                                                     and expand the green share of our
              European Investment      outlined in a new paper examining       Transition Mechanism.
                                                                                                                     loan portfolio to 50% by 2025. The
              Bank     notes,    the   our investments in less-developed          Although the EU’s less-
                                                                                                                     key is to target support carefully,
European       Union’s     regional    parts of the EU. Our ambition is        developed regions are mostly
                                                                                                                     identifying projects that serve both
funding policies must evolve to        to raise the amount we lend in          in Central and Eastern Europe,
                                                                                                                     objectives. There is no shortage
address multiple goals at once,        these regions to 45% of our total       parts of Portugal, Greece, and the
                                                                                                                     of investment opportunities in
starting with the transition to a      investments, and to expand our          southern regions of Italy and Spain
                                                                                                                     clean mobility, energy efficiency,
net-zero economy. Cohesion and         support to include all regions          have long histories of low growth
                                                                                                                     renewable energy, water and
climate action are now two sides       where GDP per capita is below the       and are also still catching up.
                                                                                                                     wastewater management, and
of the same coin.                      EU average.                             Moreover, many formerly wealthy
                                                                                                                     the industries at the center of any
   Many of the European Union’s           Using public finance to draw         industrial regions are struggling
                                                                                                                     circular economy, not least food
poorer members are in a double         the EU closer together is one of the    to cope with globalization and
                                                                                                                     and agriculture.
bind. Though these countries are       EIB’s founding missions. Over the       technological change. In the EIB’s
                                                                                                                        In Europe, at least, the potential
among those most exposed to            course of the EU’s last seven-year      new approach, cohesion regions
                                                                                                                     disruption to jobs and industries
the destructive effects of climate     budget period (2014-20), projects       (with GDP per capita below 75%
                                                                                                                     from the digital transition is
change, they also face greater risks   in cohesion regions accounted           of the EU average) will receive up
                                                                                                                     often overshadowed by the
from the shift to a green, zero-       for 30% of EIB lending – a total        to 23% of our total EU lending by
                                                                                                                     decarbonization debate. But the
emission, digital economy.             of €120.8 billion ($139.6 billion),     2025.
                                                                                                                     structural gaps in digital activity
   To achieve a smooth and just        and those investments paid off             But the European Commission
                                                                                                                     and innovation between cohesion
transition, these countries will       handsomely. Our internal models         has also identified “transition
                                                                                                                     regions and the rest of Europe are
need investments geared toward         show that our lending in cohesion       regions” with incomes around 75-
                                                                                                                     significant. According to the EIB’s
their specific needs. Historically,    regions over this period will boost     100% of the EU average as a new
                                                                                                                     2020 Investment Survey, 63% of
much of the public investment in       growth by at least half a percentage    vulnerable group. These regions
                                                                                                                     firms in Europe’s less-developed
the EU’s poorer countries has been     point and employment by at least        – which can be found in countries
                                                                                                                     regions were not engaged in any
in trade-related infrastructure        two-tenths of a percentage point        ranging from France and Spain to
                                                                                                                     “innovation activities.” And even
such as highways and railways.         each year for the next 30 years.        Finland and the Netherlands – will
                                                                                                                     among large firms, the proportion
But     these    growth-enhancing         I have seen the positive             need targeted support to deal with
                                                                                                                     of those pursuing innovation was
investment strategies now need to      effects of EU cohesion policies         challenges such as dependence
                                                                                                                     significantly lower than elsewhere
evolve to help everyone manage         firsthand through my previous           on     low-tech      manufacturing,
                                                                                                                     in Europe (39% compared to 52%).
the costs of the green transition,     experience as Bulgaria’s minister       rising unit labor costs, relatively
                                                                                                                     New policies are needed to help
which will require new forms           of regional development and             low educational attainment, and
                                                                                                                     these regions spur innovation,
of infrastructure and measures         head of the managing authority          declining industrial employment.
                                                                                                                     raise income levels, and adjust to
to support workers in carbon-          for     regional      development.         Fortunately, there need not
                                                                                                                     the digital age.
intensive industries.                  Financial      instruments       like   be any contradiction between
                                                                                                                        As part of our new approach
   For Europe to carry out its         EIB loans, guarantees, equity           cohesion and ambitious climate
                                                                                                                     to cohesion, we plan to tackle
ambitious climate agenda, it must      investments, advisory services,         goals. In fact, the two go hand in
                                                                                                                     this     problem      by      helping
address the relative paucity of        and partnerships have materially        hand, because a failure to ensure
                                                                                                                     mid-cap companies in less-
                                                                                                                     developed regions adopt proven
                                                                                                                     technologies, conduct research
                                                                                                                     and development, and access
                                                                                                                     financing (including by lending
                                                                                                                     to them directly or through
                                                                                                                     intermediated programs). Mid-
                                                                                                                     cap companies are particularly
                                                                                                                     important, because research shows
                                                                                                                     that they have strong positive
                                                                                                                     effects in their communities.
                                                                                                                        Ultimately, the purpose is not
                                                                                                                     just to help cohesion regions. It is
                                                                                                                     to bring Europeans closer together
                                                                                                                     and strengthen the unity that
                                                                                                                     underpins the EU.

                                                                                                                       Lilyana Pavlova           is Vice
                                                                                                                     President of the            European
                                                                                                                     Investment Bank.
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