Page created by Heather Bates
INTRODUCTION                                         FY18 AT A GLANCE

Welcome to the fourth edition
of MinterEllison’s Directions
                                                     A$33.9B                     2018
                                                     IN EQUITY CAPITAL RAISED    COUNT
in Capital Markets report, part                      (DOWN 34.6% FROM 2017)      JAN 2018-
of our annual Deals Trilogy.                                                     OCT 2018

We are pleased to present our observations
on trends in equity and debt capital markets
                                                     IN IPOs BY MARKET CAP       TOTAL
(ECM and DCM, respectively) in FY18 and our          (UP 80.4% FROM 2017)        DEAL
predictions for FY19.

Our observations are primarily based on our
analysis of market data for the financial year
ended 30 June 2018. In ECM we analysed data          IN SHARE PLACEMENTS

sourced from the Australian Securities Exchange      (DOWN 52.2% FROM 2017)
(ASX). In DCM, we focused on analysing credit
data from the Reserve Bank of Australia,
specifically growth in loans from non-bank
financial institutions as non-bank lending and
non-bank M&A rise. We also looked at global
                                                     IN RIGHTS ISSUES            TOTAL
DCM activity over the past five years to get an      (DOWN 20% FROM 2017)        SECONDARY
overall picture on current trends that will affect                               RAISINGS
local markets.

Our report:
                                                     MEGADEALS (IPOs OVER

∞ identifies six key ECM trends and                  A VALUE OF $1 BILLION)
  two key DCM trends in FY18;

∞ discusses the role played by key Australian
  regulators;                                        110
                                                     MID-MARKET DEALS            TOTAL
∞ makes nine predictions for FY19; and
                                                     (INCLUDING SECONDARY        FLOATS
∞ provides a list of five hot sectors to watch.      RAISINGS) BETWEEN THE
MinterEllison played a central role advising         VALUE OF A$50M AND A$500M
on many of the capital markets transactions
profiled in this report. We trust that our report

provides some interesting perspectives and is a
useful resource for you.

                                                     Source: ASX
AUSTRALIAN ECM CASH ISSUE ($M)                                                                                        FY18 DCM AT A GLANCE

                                                                                                                                                                           GLOBAL DCM - VOLUME (US$B)

                                                                                                                           Global DCM markets had a                4000

                                                                                                                           relatively strong start to the year.    3500
                                                                                                                           First quarter volumes showed
                                                                                                                           their second strongest initial
                                                                                                                           quarter since 2013, and the third       2500
                                                                                                                           largest in total for the past 10
                                                                                                                           years. Despite hefty volume,
    0          Jul-Dec                        Jan-Jun                      Jul-Dec                      Jan-Jun            more recent bond activity has           1500

                2016                            2017                        2017                          2018             been affected by interest rate          1000
                                                                                                                           hikes in the US and instability
              FLOATS                          SECONDARY RAISINGS                                                           in global stock markets. These
                                                                                                    Source: ASX
                                                                                                                           sentiments have also been felt in          0
                                                                                                                           Australia, where DCM activity has

                                                                                                                                                                            2014 H1

                                                                                                                                                                                      2014 H2

                                                                                                                                                                                                2015 H1

                                                                                                                                                                                                          2015 H2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2016 H1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2016 H2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2017 H1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2017 H2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2018 H1
                                                                                                                           slowed down considerably as
          AUSTRALIAN ECM DEAL COUNT                                                                                        credit spreads have widened.


                                                                                                                                                                     GLOBAL DCM - NUMBER OF DEALS
  150                                                                                                                                                             15,000


   50                                                                                                                                                              7,500

          Mar 16

                   Jun 16

                            Sep 16

                                     Dec 16

                                                Mar 17

                                                         Jun 17

                                                                  Sep 17

                                                                             Dec 17

                                                                                      Mar 18

                                                                                               Jun 18

                                                                                                         Sep 18

                                                                                                                  Dec 18


                                                                                                                                                                            2014 H1

                                                                                                                                                                                      2014 H2

                                                                                                                                                                                                2015 H1

                                                                                                                                                                                                          2015 H2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2016 H1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2016 H2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2017 H1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2017 H2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2018 H1
              FLOATS                          SECONDARY RAISINGS

                                                                                           Source: CapitalIQ               Source: dealogic

               1. Deals that                                                                                                                       2. Flavoured REITS continue
    $          keep on giving –
               equity raising
                                                         Case study:
                                                         oOh!media’s capital raising
                                                                                                                                                   to be palatable –
                                                                                                                                                   particularly in food and agri
               to fund M&A                               to fund the acquisition of Adshel
                                                                                                                                                   As predicted in our previous Directions in
               Equity capital and secondary              oOh!media acquired street furniture advertising business Adshel from                      Capital Markets, both real estate investment
               raisings fell for a second                H&TE Limited for $570 million. The acquisition was part funded by                         trusts (REIT) with sectoral exposures and
               consecutive year in a cooling             way of a fully underwritten $330m accelerated non-renounceable                            also the agribusiness and food sectors
               market. While Australian ECM              entitlement offer.                                                                        continue to come forward as
               activity was subdued, there was                                                                                                     quality IPO candidates.
               still some movement with many             Adshel’s business complements oOh!media’s existing portfolio. oOh!media
               ASX-listed acquirers raising funds to     announced that it expected the digitisation opportunity in the Adshel
               pay cash consideration for targets.       business to provide a significant avenue for further growth.
               The bulk of these offerings took the      Key to success of the acquisition was the capital raising, which helped
                                                                                                                                        Case Study:
               form of rights issues and were well       oOh!media to successfully secure this avenue for further growth and receive    Vitalharvest
               supported by existing shareholders        full financial backing by way of full underwriting by Macquarie Capital.
               looking for a level of growth                                                                                            Vitalharvest’s objective is to provide
               beyond the organic. While the cost        The capital raising was successful despite the uncertainty associated
                                                                                                                                        investors with exposure to real agricultural
               of debt funding remains low due to        with the acquisition. The Adshel deal was conditional to receipt of ACCC
                                                                                                                                        property assets whose earnings profile
               historically low interest rates, the      approval. The process was complicated by ACCC’s earlier rejection of a
                                                                                                                                        and underlying value are exposed to the
               success of these equity offerings         proposed merger between oOh!media and competitor APN Outdoor, and
                                                                                                                                        growing global agricultural demand for
               may be reflective of investors            by the announcement of a merger transaction between APN Outdoor and
                                                                                                                                        nutritious, healthy food. The initial assets
               rewarding companies for not               JCDecaux SA one day after the announcement of the Adshel deal. Ultimately,
                                                                                                                                        comprise one of the largest aggregations
               repeating the mistakes of the global      the oOh!media / AdShel transaction received approval and was completed.
                                                                                                                                        of berry and citrus farms in Australia
               financial crisis and maintaining          MinterEllison advised oOh!media on this deal.                                  which are split over approximately 3,700
               gearing at moderate levels.                                                                                              hectares and 130 property titles located
               Notable equity raises to fund                                                                                            across New South Wales, Tasmania and
               M&A activity included:                                                                                                   South Australia. The assets are leased to
                                                                                                                                        Costa Group. Vitalharvest’s properties
                                                                                                                                        were independently valued at $238.4
    Issuer                                         Target                               Acquisition value        Equity raising value   million by CBRE and provide agricultural
                                                                                                                                        diversification by way of crop type,
    oOh!media Limited                              Adshel                               A$570 million            A$329.9 million        climatic region, water source and product
    Bellamy's Australia Limited                    Camperdown Powder                    A$28.5 million           A$60.4 million         end markets.

    Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited         John Guest Holdings                  A$1.22 billion           A$1.10 billion         Vitalharvest achieved a $185 million IPO
                                                                                                                                        of the Vitalharvest Freehold Trust on ASX.
    Link Administration Holdings Limited           Capita Asset Services                A$1.49 billion           A$883 million          This IPO is unique in representing the
                                                                                                                                        first standalone agricultural REIT of major
    Woodside Petroleum Limited                     50% interest in Scarborough Gas      approx. US$1.2 billion   A$2.5 billion
                                                                                                                                        citrus and berries properties across a
    Yancoal Australia Limited                      Coal & Allied                        US$2.69 billion          US$2.5 billion         number of Australian states.


   3. Hot or not? The ups and downs                                                                                        The good                                            The bad and
   of listed investment vehicles                                                                                                                                               the ugly

   As discussed in our Directions in Private              There was also a good number of more             The managers whose IPOs met with                     LITs and LICs flopped where
   Equity report, the 2018 financial year saw the         traditional listed investment vehicle IPOs,      success were those who offered innovative            the offering was not sufficiently
   greatest amount of alternative funding raised          including some of the largest ever by Magellan   structures or products. LICs and LITs                differentiated from other alternatives
   by Australian and foreign managers operating           Global Trust and L1 Long Short Fund. However,    face the perennial issue of how to attract           (including unlisted retail funds). With
   in Australia. This included funding raised in the      FY18 also saw a reasonable number of             investors into a product whose fees are              the liquidity features of unlisted
   listed market, including around $800 million by        proposed listed investment vehicles fail to      higher simply by reason of the listing.              funds steadily being improved (see
   MCP Master Income Trust (managed by Metrics            execute their IPOs.                              Products issuers like Magellan broke new             our Directions in Private Equity
   Credit Partners) and $175 million by Gryphon                                                            ground to not only absorb the initial listing        report), only listed funds with
                                                          What drove the success or failure of these
   Capital Income Trust (managed by Gryphon                                                                costs (ensuring that the net asset value on          truly novel features, or asset class
                                                          listings? It was a case of the good, the bad
   Capital Investments).                                                                                   listing equated to the total IPO raise), but         exposures or transparent pricing
                                                          and the ugly.
                                                                                                           also to offer loyalty units without affecting        found favour with investors and
                                                                                                           the net asset value of the vehicle. Issuers          advisor networks. In addition, some
                                                                                                           like Metrics offered exposure to asset               issuers struggled to overcome the
   Case Study:                                                                                             classes which are normally reserved for              challenge of tapping into the optimal
   MCP Master Income Trust                                                                                 institutional investors, while also enabling a
                                                                                                           longer investment horizon than comparable
                                                                                                                                                                distribution channels for these
   Metric Credit Partners established MCP Master Income Trust, a listed investment trust                   unlisted products. Finally, LITs generally
   holding a diversified portfolio of credit investments. The Trust listed on the ASX in October           found favour over LICs due to favourable tax
   2017 by way of a $520 million IPO. In early 2018, significant investor demand saw MCP                   characteristics.
   Master Income Trust back in the market with a capital raising of up to $381 million which
   was structured as a 1 for 1.7 pro rata non-renounceable entitlement offer and associated                 Issuer                             IPO size             Investment strategy
   top-up placement. This capital raising was novel in that it involved a back-end placement
   to retail investors.                                                                                     Magellan Global Trust              A$1.55 billion        Global equities

   The Trust invests in units in the MCP wholesale investments trust, cash at bank and other                VGI Partners Global                A$550 million         Global equities
   assets in accordance with its stated investment strategy. This is the provision of monthly cash          Investments Limited
   income, low risk of capital loss and portfolio diversification by actively managing diversified          L1 Capital Kong Short Fund         A$1.3 billion         Australian, New Zealand
   loan portfolios and participating in Australia’s bank-dominated corporate loan market.                   Limited                                                  and global equities
   The IPO was the first of its kind on ASX and has generated a large amount of interest from
   investors and other product issuers who have noted the strong success of the MCP Master                  MCP Master Income Trust            A$516 million         Australian corporate loans
   Income Trust.
                                                                                                            WAM Global Limited                 A$465.5 million       Undervalued international
   The Trust’s structure is innovative and it has disrupted the retail credit space by providing                                                                     growth entities
   retail investors with exposure to investments which are normally illiquid and/or reserved
                                                                                                            Gryphon Capital Income Trust       A$175.3 million       Residential mortgage
   for institutional investors. In an environment where investors are struggling to find stable                                                                      backed securities and asset
   and reliable income sources, the MCP Master Income Trust provides long term surety of                                                                             backed securities with
   income for investors.                                                                                                                                             Australian domiciled issuers
   MinterEllison advised Metric Credit Partners and the responsible entity for the MCP Master
   Income Trust in relation to all aspects of the IPO and ASX listing and capital raising.

       4. IPOs –
       from little things…?

       While FY18 saw a healthy overall number of          At the smaller end, however, companies with
       new listings by way of IPO on ASX, they were        strong growth prospects, innovative business
       overwhelmingly at the small cap to lower mid-       models or good industry tailwinds met with           Case Study:
       market end of the spectrum. Of the 113 IPOs         success. In this segment, investor appetite          Johns Lyng Group
       in FY18, only four had market capitalisations of    extended to a range of industries, including
       over $500 million.                                  financial services (Evans Dixon, Netwealth and       The Johns Lyng Group Limited IPO was a pertinent
                                                           Selfwealth), resources (Jupiter Mines, Bounty        example of a successful mid-market business IPO with
       A number of proposed very large IPOs
                                                           Mining), renewables (Windlab and Pyrolyx) and        strong earnings and prevailing industry tailwinds.
       ultimately did not proceed, with the vendors
                                                           tech and fin tech (Credible Labs, P2P Transport
       electing to sell to trade or spin the entity off.                                                        Johns Lyng Group is a leading integrated buildings
                                                           and Trimantium GrowthOps).
       For example, Origin sold Lattice to Beach for                                                            services group delivering building and restoration
       $1.6 billion, Brookfield, Macquarie and their       This success came despite several disclosure-        services across Australia.
       co-owners sold Quadrant Energy to Santos for        related scandals involving small, recently listed
                                                                                                                Johns Lyng Group raised $96 million at IPO, with around
       $2.9 billion, while the Commonwealth Bank of        companies. The allegations of non-transparency
                                                                                                                50% of the total amount raised used to fund a partial exit of
       Australia is spinning off its wealth management     levelled at the likes of Get Swift and BigUn had
                                                                                                                the company’s pre-IPO investor base. As is common with
       and mortgage broking business, Colonial First       the potential to put a chill on the market for new
                                                                                                                private mid-market businesses, the structure of Johns Lyng
       State Global Asset Management.                      issuers at the small end. However, it appears
                                                                                                                Group prior to IPO was unsuitable for a listed environment.
                                                           that greater regulatory scrutiny by ASX (which
                                                                                                                The group comprised of a large number of sub-trusts and
                                                           stepped in quickly with revised continuous
                                                                                                                subsidiary companies, many of which included outside equity
                                                           disclosure guidance) reassured the market.
                                                                                                                interests. Accordingly, and as part of the IPO, a restructure of
                                                                                                                the group occurred, which involved a roll-up of the sub-trusts
                                                                                                                and subsidiary companies in which minority or outside equity
                                                                                                                interests were held.

                                                                                                                MinterEllison advised Johns Lyng Group on all aspects of

       Corporate                                                                                                its IPO and restructure.

       restructures as
       part of an IPO to
       make businesses
       investment ready
       has been an
       emerging theme
       at the smaller end
       of the market.

   5. Sticking to the core                                                                          6. Tax issues with obtaining
   – demergers are apples                                                                           a demerger relief

   After a long hiatus, a spate of                                                                  During 2018, the Australian Taxation Office
   demergers have been announced.                                                                   (ATO) refused demerger relief applications
   For the most part, this reflects
                                        Demergers announced       Demergers                         which were applied for in the context of several
   a desire on the part of large        or completed:             speculated about:                 public transactions.
   companies to focus more on
                                                                                                    While the specific reasons for refusing demerger
   their most profitable and highest
                                                                                                    relief in the context of the transactions are not
   growth operations. In financial      Coles from Wesfarmers     AMP                               public, it is likely that the reasons are similar to
   services, though, the increased                                (banking or funds management)
   regulatory scrutiny (including the   MLC from NAB                                                those expressed by the Commissioner in the
                                                                  Rio (aluminium)                   ATO’s class ruling, CR 2018/31 (related to the
   Royal Commission into Misconduct     Colonial First State                                        demerger of OneMarket Limited from Westfield
   in the Banking, Superannuation       from Commonwealth         BHP (petroleum)                   Corporation Limited prior to acquisition of
   and Financial Services Industry      Bank                                                        Westfield by Unibail-Rodamco).
   - the Financial Services Royal                                 Caltex (infrastructure)
   Commission) has prompted             IFCO plastic containers                                     It appears that the ATO views on the “nothing
   disposals and spin-offs in part,     from Brambles             CSL (Behring or Seqirus)          else” requirement for the roll-over relief to
   to effect the much discussed         Petrol stations from      Wesfarmers divesting              be available for shareholders have evolved.
   objective of ‘separating product     Woolworths                Bunnings or Officeworks           Broadly, transactions contemplating a demerger
   and advice’.                                                                                     of a business in which there is a third party
                                        Telco infrastructure      Premier Investments               wishing to acquire either the demerged business
                                        from Telstra              to separate international         (or the demerger business) from shareholders risk
                                                                  franchises (Peter Alexander,      falling foul of the roll-over relief requirement.
                                                                  Smiggle)                          This says that when shareholders acquire shares
                                                                  Fairfax (Domain spin off,         in the new company (that acquired the demerged
                                                                  subsequently abandoned due to     business), they receive nothing else (such as cash
                                                                  Channel Nine’s bid for Fairfax)   or something of value).

                                                                                                    Given the evolving view of the ATO, for
                                                                                                    transactions which contemplate a demerger
                                                                                                    followed by a subsequent sale it will be difficult to
                                                                                                    obtain demerger roll-over relief for shareholders.
                                                                                                    Accordingly, if such transactions are being
                                                                                                    contemplated, and would otherwise be expected
                                                                                                    to receive roll-over relief for shareholders, early
                                                                                                    engagement with the ATO to assess prospects of
                                                                                                    relief being available is a good idea. The ATO has
                                                                                                    indicated that it will provide guidance on its new
                                                                                                    positions in December 2018 and in early next year.
                                                                                                    The market awaits this guidance with
                                                                                                    great anticipation

    While global DCM markets had a             This has an impact at both the             This disintermediation reflects a trend    $320 billion of the annual residential   brands, their increasing presence in the
    relatively strong start to the year with   institutional and the consumer level.      that has been evident in the offshore      mortgage loan market in Australia.       market as a result of traditional lenders
    first quarter volumes showing their        At the institutional level, there has      markets for many years.                                                             ceasing to focus on from some sectors
                                                                                                                                     The recently announced Australian
    second strongest initial quarter since     been the growth of debt funds – that                                                                                           (as noted earlier), and the opportunity
                                                                                          At the consumer level, the Australian      Business Securitisation Fund – a $2
    2013, DCM activity in Australia has        is, funds established for the purpose                                                                                          for investors to diversify financial
                                                                                          market has for many years had a            billion funding programme to support
    slowed down considerably as credit         of lending to specific market sectors.                                                                                         service offerings more competitively.
                                                                                          strong non-bank sector, usually            securitised lending to small business
    spreads have widened.                      These are often those that the banks                                                                                           In addition to the access to additional
                                                                                          funded through the warehouse or            – will further support this market.
                                               have indicated a reluctance to fund                                                                                            sources of capital, these investments
    Looking more broadly across the debt                                                  term securitisation market. The
                                               in the current market environment.                                                    Growth in Non-Bank M&A                   also give rise to synergies for these
    markets, it is clear that key trends are                                              volume provided by these non-bank
                                               (Residential construction facilities are                                                                                       non-bank financial institutions,
    being driven by the Financial Services                                                lenders has increased substantially in     The last few years have seen a number
                                               an obvious example). Further, there                                                                                            including the expansion of distribution
    Royal Commission. This is having a                                                    the past few years – a trend which is      of non-bank financial institutions
                                               are many examples of superannuation                                                                                            channels and additional growth
    dramatic impact on the debt funding                                                   expected to accelerate as the banks        the subject of acquisition – such as
                                               funds participating directly in lending                                                                                        opportunities in key market segments.
    landscape, with two clear effects –                                                   seek to reduce exposure to specific        the acquisition of La Trobe Financial
                                               syndicates. In each of these situations,
    strong growth in non-bank lending,                                                    sectors. The Australian Securitisation     by Blackstone, the acquisition of        It is likely that these institutions will
                                               the funding would traditionally have
    and extensive non-bank M&A.                                                           Forum (ASF) estimates aggregate            Pepper by KKR, and the acquisition of    continue to primarily source their
                                               been deposited with a bank, which in
                                                                                          funding of residential mortgages           Bluestone by Cerberus.                   funding through the private and
                                               turn would on-lend the funds to the
                                                                                          by non-ADI lenders amounts to                                                       public securitisation markets, leading
                                               ultimate borrower. Here however,                                                      Offshore interest in Australian non-
    Growth in Non-Bank                                                                    approximately $12 -$15 billion per year.                                            to an increased volume of issuance
                                               the funding is being provided                                                         bank financial institutions is driven
    Lending                                                                               This represents around 4.5% of the                                                  into these markets.
                                               directly by the fund to the borrower.                                                 by the strength and reputation of the
    Recent credit data released by the
    Reserve Bank has shown loans and
    advances by non-bank financial
    institutions in Australia rose by 10.3%
    year to year to August. This is the
    strongest annual growth rate in non-                                                    Loans & advances, annual change, (%)                                                                     Other lenders
    bank lending in a decade. What this
    suggests is that non-bank financial
    institutions have stepped into markets                                                  25                                                                                                                    25
    where the banks have otherwise                                                          20                                                                                                                    20
    started to pull back.
                                                                                            15                                                                                                                    15
    Non-bank lenders are not constrained                                                    10                                                                                                                    10
    by prudential regulation, so are able
                                                                                            5                                                                                                                      5
    to remain active in markets that are
    becoming subject to regulatory focus.                                                   0                                                                                                                      0
    They are therefore able to react solely                                                 -5                                                                                                                    -5
    on the basis of market forces.
                                                                                            -10                                                                                                                  -10
                                                                                                       Jan 08                         Jan 11                         Jan 18                      Jan 17


Case Study:                                            Case Study:                                                               Case Study:
Debt Funds                                             Essendon                                                                  Non-bank
on the rise                                            Fields                                                                    M&A in Australia
An offshore pension fund established a new             In October 2018, Essendon Fields – the airport and business               Blackstone, one of the largest private equity
real estate debt fund to invest in middle-market       park in Melbourne – replaced short term bank debt with a $100             funds and the largest property investor in the
real estate loans in Australia and New Zealand.        million 10 year facility provided by IFM Investors, supported by          world, acquired La Trobe Financial in 2017. La
                                                       AustralianSuper and Cbus.                                                 Trobe Financial is a privately owned, leading
A new record for the amount of alternative debt
                                                                                                                                 Australian credit and investment firm that
funds raised in Australia was set during FY18 and      While Australia lacks a substantive corporate debt market per se, this
                                                                                                                                 specialises in funding and management of
we believe this type of activity will continue to      is the second material private debt origination transaction in the past
                                                                                                                                 both residential and commercial mortgage
grow in FY19, as debt funds fill gaps in the market.   couple of years, with both transactions featuring AustralianSuper,
                                                                                                                                 assets. La Trobe Financial also manages one
                                                       IFM Investors providing long term debt and Westpac, who have
An Australian fund manager will source and                                                                                       of Australia’s largest retail investment credit
                                                       arranged these transactions. Much of the attraction of private debt
manage investments on behalf of the fund                                                                                         funds with over $1.7 billion assets under
                                                       investing is the higher yield accessible compared to corporate
under an Investment Management Agreement.                                                                                        management covering approximately 22,000
                                                       bonds, and the diversification benefits it can offer.
                                                                                                                                 retail investors.
MinterEllison acted as a deal counsel to the
                                                       The low level of private debt held by superannuation funds in
pension fund and advised on and documented all                                                                                   This acquisition is a good example of an
                                                       Australia is well below that held by pension funds overseas. In
Fund establishment, debt capital and investment                                                                                  offshore investor recognising the opportunity
                                                       Europe, the proportion of pension plans allocating to private debt
management documents, which include an                                                                                           and potential for growth of non-banks in a
                                                       (akin to the Essendon Fields transaction) increased from 7% to
initial $500 million secured senior loan note                                                                                    rapidly growing market.
                                                       11% over the past year according to Mercer. Similar trends were
subscription facility.
                                                       observed in the US, by others, three years earlier.

                                                       The RBA highlighted in a recent speech that despite growing
                                                       quickly, debt financing by the non-ADI sector is only around 7%
                                                       of total financial assets in Australia. This is not much changed
                                                       over the past few years and significantly lower than the 12% that
                                                       occurred prior to the GFC.

                                                       With 9.5% of employee earnings flowing into superannuation (and
                                                       set to rise to 10% in 2021), the potential for superannuation funds
                                                       to support continued long term debt facilities remains largely
                                                       untapped. Most companies in the ASX200 may benefit from
                                                       accessing private debt markets, along with a wide range of unlisted
                                                       and private companies who are looking for long term debt finance.

    ASIC guidance on                            Enforcement action                                                                    ACCC action alleging cartel
    sell side research                          on bookbuilds                                                                         behaviour in an ECM transaction
ASIC issued Regulatory Guide 264            ASIC has continued the scrutiny on          ASIC is now enforcing these                 The ACCC (via the Commonwealth            For transactions going forward, there
Sell-side research in December 2017,        bookbuilds which commenced during           statements. It accepted an enforceable      Director of Public Prosecutions) has      are a number of options (ranging from
following an industry review in 2016        the industry review for Regulatory          undertaking from Goldman Sachs              brought criminal charges against Citi,    protocols around communications
and a period of consultation in 2017.       Guide 264. In its report on that review,    Australia to improve controls               Deutsche Bank and ANZ (as well as         to attempting to take advantage of
The regulatory guide sets out ASIC’s        ASIC noted that some underwriters:          relating to bookbuild messaging in          a number of individual employees          exceptions to the cartel offence), but

views on the processes and procedures                                                   transactions after an investigation         of those organisations) in respect        some of these have implications under
                                                provided larger allocations to large
issuing companies, investment banks,                                                    into the November 2015 Healthscope          of alleged cartel conduct in relation     other laws and so advice should be
                                                institutional clients of the firm; to
corporate advisers and research firms                                                   transaction. ASIC had concerns              to the ANZ institutional placement        taken to navigate these issues.
                                                investors who commit to engage
should put in place to address:                                                         about certain representations made          in 2015.
                                                in buying in the after-market; to
                                                                                        by GS to potential investors about
    risks around the handling of inside         investors in compensation for                                                       Citi, DB and JP Morgan were the joint
                                                                                        the minimum fixed demand. As
    information; and                            losses on earlier deals; and to
                                                                                        a result of the investigation and
                                                                                                                                    lead managers of the placement. JPM         Initial coin
■   conflicts of interest (whether
                                                senior management or directors of
                                                other companies that the firm was
                                                                                        undertaking, GS implemented
                                                                                                                                    has been granted immunity and is co-
                                                                                                                                    operating with the ACCC (and so
    between an investment bank’s                                                        changes to its processes including
                                                seeking to secure as a client; and                                                  is not the subject of charges).           While initial coin offerings (ICOs) are
    corporate advisory clients and                                                      to require:
    its investing clients or between        ■   scaled back allocations depending
                                                                                        ■   legal or compliance approval of all
                                                                                                                                    The allegation relates to conduct
                                                                                                                                                                              continuing to increase in popularity
                                                                                                                                                                              both globally and within Australia,
    an investment bank’s corporate              on investor status (eg scaling                                                      associated with the disposal of the
                                                                                            bookbuild messages to be provided                                                 they remain an enigma for regulators
    advisory clients and its staff).            back hedge funds) or in favour of                                                   shortfall under the placement. The
                                                                                            to potential investors in equity                                                  who are seeking to regulate ICOs in a
                                                allocations to themselves or their                                                  ACCC alleges that once the JLMs
In particular, the regulatory guide:                                                        capital market transactions; and                                                  continually evolving cryptocurrency
                                                staff.                                                                              received the shortfall shares, they
■   provides guidelines for non-deal
                                            ASIC also noted in that report
                                                                                        ■   compliance attendance at any sales      became competitors with respect
    meetings, including such matters as                                                     calls at the launch of equity capital   to the disposal of those shares.          During the first quarter of 2018, it was
                                            instances where inconsistent and
    not committing to provide research,                                                     market transactions to provide          The discussion and co-ordination          reported that capital raised from ICOs
                                            misleading information was provided
    not discussing views on valuation                                                       oversight of messaging to potential     (including in relation to price)          on a global basis had exceeded the
                                            to potential investors during a
    and analysts needing to be wall-                                                        investors.                              which occurred is alleged to have         total amount raised during the 2017
                                            bookbuild. It said that that firms
    crossed if inside information (eg                                                                                               contravened the cartel laws. The          calendar year, with approximately
                                            should take care not to engage in
    about a transaction) is discussed;                                                                                              charges against ANZ are essentially       $6.3 billion being raised (an increase
                                            misleading and deceptive conduct
■   mandates prescriptive expectations      when advising potential investors that
                                                                                                                                    that they aided and abetted the JLMs.
                                                                                                                                    The cartel laws are ‘per se’ offences –
                                                                                                                                                                              of 118% from 2017). The staggering
                                                                                                                                                                              increase in investor appetite in the
    in relation to the nature and content   a book has been covered.
                                                                                                                                    ie no damage or gain needs to             cryptocurrency space is likely to
    of interactions between analysts
                                                                                                                                    be proved.                                continue to draw the attention of
    and the company and between
                                                                                                                                                                              regulators as they seek to balance the
    analysts and the investment bank’s                                                                                              The outcome of the case won’t be
                                                                                                                                                                              need to protect investor interest with
    corporate advisory team. Different                                                                                              known for some time (likely years).
                                                                                                                                                                              the competing tension of providing
    requirements apply depending                                                                                                    Accordingly, investment banks should
                                                                                                                                                                              flexibility for capital raising in the new
    on the stage of the transaction –                                                                                               proceed with caution and consider
                                                                                                                                                                              digital world.
    pre-solicitation, pitching or post-                                                                                             the nature of any joint undertaking in
    appointment; and                                                                                                                which they are engaged.

■   sets out guidelines for content and
    processes around research reports
1. Equity market valuation levels
A sell-off in global equity markets            is very much now in a mature bull-              paid (compared to an average of 9x                  Global PE                                                                                         Median 17x
over the last two months has pushed            market phase, and that low interest rates       through the years 2010-2015).
valuation levels back to nearer their          still prevail in Australia (and are likely to
                                                                                               The stalled IPO candidates (created
long-run averages. Globally, the trailing      do so for the foreseeable future).
                                                                                               by the postponement of many IPOs in
price / earnings (PE) ratio currently
                                               Equity issuance has already responded           the last two to three months) will be         40                                                                                                                                   40
sits at around 16x, which represents a
                                               to the softer valuations, with a marked         hoping for macro stability on matters         35                                                                                                                                   35
reasonable step down from the almost
                                               step-back in the pace of IPO’s in Australia     like trade and Brexit and for this positive
18x they reached through the middle                                                                                                          30                                                                                                                                   30
                                               through 2018 versus last year. As long          sentiment to seep into equity markets.
of 2018.                                                                                                                                     25                                                                                                                                   25
                                               as market volatility remains high and
The chart below shows PE ratios on a           global growth fears exists, the current                                                       20                                                                                                                                   20
geographic basis. Based on these ratios        subdued state of the IPO market can be                  “Despite recent                       15                                                                                                                                   15
the U.S. remains the most ‘expensive           expected to remain. At the same time,                      volatility, we                     10                                                                                                                                   10
equity market, while emerging markets
are the cheapest. In Australia, trailing
                                               the still positive ‘late-cycle’ sentiments
                                               have remained through certain market
                                                                                                           expect that                       5                                                                                                                                     5

PE ratios are around 15x, which is also        segments. The clearest example of                        these elevated                       0                                                                                                                                    0
within the range of its long run average.      this would be the high valuations that                       valuations                            70        75        80           85        90              95               00           05        10             15
Despite recent volatility, we expect
that these valuations should remain
                                               have been seen on private equity
                                               transactions, with deal multiples of
                                                                                                           will remain
supported through FY19 given the cycle         approximately 12x EV/EBITDA now being                         for FY19.”

2. Impact of Financial Services Royal Commission                                                                                                   Trailing PE                                                                             Long Run Median

                                                                                                                                             25                                                                                                                                   25
The Financial Services Royal Commission          ■   the specific regulatory risks that         We consider that financial
could have a chilling impact on businesses           the business may encounter,                services businesses that                     20                                                                                                                                   20
in the financial services industry                   including risks relating to                are able to distinguish their
looking to go public. Indeed, ASIC, in               treatment of consumers.                    business models from those of
Report 589 ASIC regulation of corporate                                                         the incumbents will have the                 15                                                                                                                                   15
                                                 The impact of this unprecedented
finance: January to June 2018 states that                                                       most success in ensuring that
                                                 level of scrutiny has already been
prospectuses for such businesses should                                                         the Financial Services Royal                 10                                                                                                                                   10
                                                 seen, with the very late withdrawal of
include candid information about how                                                            Commission does not derail the
                                                 the Prospa IPO for reasons relating to
the business may be affected by the issues                                                      prospects of the success of their
                                                 concerns raised by ASIC. In addition,                                                       5                                                                                                                                     5
being raised in the Financial Services Royal                                                    IPOs.
                                                 Latitude Financial (a sizeable credit card
Commission. Depending on the business
                                                 and personal lender and formerly GE
model, this may include:                                                                                                                     0                                                                                                                                    0
                                                 Money Australia) has delayed its IPO
■   relevant historical and current              several times, as it struggles to achieve





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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EM ASIA

    interaction with regulators and              an earnings multiple valuation above
    possible outcomes;                           that of the major banks.

3. Listed investment                   4. Will real-estate                         5. Proposed tax law                                6. The popularity                   7. Investors to
vehicles – will the                    investment trusts (REITs)                   changes to stapled                                 of dual tracks to                   continue to
trend continue?                        continue in popularity?                     structures and REITs                               continue                            fund M&A
The market has been saturated          Recent years have seen growth in the        Notwithstanding the observations earlier,          We expect to see continued          Mergers and acquisitions activity
with listed investment vehicles        number of REITs who have successfully       the proposed reforms to the taxation stapled       popularity with dual track          is booming. In fact the first six
undertaking IPOs in the last 12 – 18   achieved and maintained a listing in ASX.   securities in which REITs are commonly             processes as these processes        months of 2018 saw $2.5 trillion
months (with many offering similar     This growth has partly occurred as a        structured will affect their use going forward.    are more likely to elicit greater   of global M&A deals (which
investment strategies). However        result of corporate restructures as well    Broadly, the availability of the concessional      strategic tension and therefore     represents a record amount for
we consider that while the ability     as a result of the establishment of quasi   managed investment trust (MIT) withholding         more optimal financial outcomes.    the first six months of a year).
of the ‘vanilla’ listed investment     / non-traditional REITs which provide       rate of 15% for distributions to non-resident      They can also act as a real hedge   But valuations in certain sectors
company to pull-off a successful       investors with exposure to storage          investors may not be available for those REITs     against any unforeseen downturn     are now stretched, and although
IPO is likely to decline, the window   facilities (for example, Iron Mountain      in which active business income of a stapled       in capital markets.                 interest rates are still low, they are
for managers whose investment          and National Storage) data centres (for     operating company (which would otherwise                                               heading higher. What this means
                                                                                                                                      We also consider that companies
strategies are novel or whose fee      example, Australia Pacific Data Centres),   be taxed at the corporate tax rate) is                                                 is that this M&A bull market could
                                                                                                                                      undertaking a demerger will give
structures ‘break the mould’ or        healthcare property assets (for example,    converted into passive rental income derived                                           now be entering a final phase,
                                                                                                                                      thought to running a dual track
offer good transparency is likely to   Generation Healthcare) and petrol           by the stapled MIT which owns the land the                                             that is characterised by desires to
                                                                                                                                      process, particularly given the
remain open.                           stations (for example VIVA Energy).         business is carried on.                                                                execute increasingly ambitious
                                                                                                                                      strong demand coming from
                                                                                                                                                                          deals before the cycle ends. With
                                       While investor interest in certain REIT     Under the proposed reforms, a stapled              cashed-up private equity funds.
                                                                                                                                                                          this current M&A cycle having yet
                                       offerings may have peaked, we expect to     structure should only be able to benefit from
                                                                                                                                                                          to reach the levels of exuberance
                                       see continued demand in the specialist      the concessionary MIT withholding tax where
                                                                                                                                                                          seen in early 2000 and late 2007,
                                       REIT sector (for example, health REITs)     the operating entity is undertaking a business
                                                                                                                                                                          history would suggest that deal-
                                       over the next 12 months as investors        that derives rental income from third parties.
                                                                                                                                                                          making sentiments have not
                                       seek to obtain exposure to high quality
                                                                                   There are complex transitional measures                                                peaked yet!
                                       assets which have attractive yields which
                                                                                   applicable to existing stapled structures, which
                                       they are not able to access through
                                                                                   are broadly dependent on whether the stapled
                                       direct investment.
                                                                                   structures holds non-economic infrastructure
                                                                                   assets or economic infrastructure assets (i.e.
                                                                                   certain infrastructure assets that are used for
                                                                                   public purposes).

                                             “While investor                       Given ATO guidance and the proposed                                                    “The first
                                          interest in certain                      changes to the taxation of stapled structures,
                                                                                   it is clear any secondary market transactions
                                                                                                                                                                          six months
                                              REIT offerings                       which seek to retain the stapled security                                              of 2018 saw $2.5
                                          may have peaked,                         structure are likely to be subject to scrutiny,                                        trillion of global
                                           we expect to see                        particularly where the transaction is subject
                                                                                   to the Foreign Investment Review Board
                                                                                                                                                                          M&A deals - a
                                         continued demand                          (FIRB) application process. Accordingly,                                               record amount
                                            in the specialist                      careful consideration and due diligence                                                for the first six
                                        REIT sector over the                       should be undertaken in connection with
                                                                                   the acquisition of a REIT featuring stapled                                            months of
                                           next 12 months.”                        securities in the secondary market.                                                    a year”
8. Global appetite for                      9. Tax –
buy-backs rises – will                      the future
Australia follow suit?                      foretold
The global equity market is shrinking at    Recent tax reforms
                                                                                                  Case Study:
the fastest pace in decades, as a wave of   FY18 has been a year of a significant tax
buy-backs is outpacing the amount of        reform both globally and in Australia. Australia      Resource Capital Fund IV LP
equity being raised (whether by way of      has been a leading adopter of the numerous            v Commissioner of Taxation
IPO or secondary raising). In particular,   measures recommended by the Organisation
US companies have been aggressive           for Economic Cooperation and Development’s            The RCF Case is expected to provide further guidance on how foreign limited partnerships
in this space, largely as a result of the   (OECD) as part of the Base Erosion and Profit         (which are otherwise taxed as companies under Australian tax law) and limited partners
earnings boost delivered by tax cuts and    Shifting (BEPS) project. The impact of these          (particularly those resident in a treaty jurisdiction) are to be taxed going forward. The case
the robust US economy. With investment      amendments on global and domestic capital             has had a long history and it would seem that both investors and the ATO require clarity
banks forecasting that the overall volume   markets are as yet to be fully observed.              on the position at law. Foreign investors structured into Australia should, in the interim
of US buybacks will reach a record-         In addition to these reforms, the United States       continue to consider whether the ATO’s concessional treatment is available, and if so,
breaking $1 trillion in 2018, we consider   of America has lowered their Federal corporate        seek to liaise with the ATO prior to any exit to secure certainty.
that buy-back phenomenon may take           income tax rate dramatically from 35% to 21%
hold in the Australian market over the      which, as expected, will modify the behaviour of
next 12 months. We see the theme also       US corporate investors. Critically, the decrease in
playing a part through certain sectors      the US corporate tax rate has resulted in a greater
of the Australian equity market over the    focus from the ATO on the transfer pricing            Case Study:
coming 12 months.                           arrangements for related party services and debt
                                            between US and Australian entities.
                                                                                                  Placer Dome Inc
                                                                                                  v Commissioner of State Revenue
                                            Domestically, Australia has implemented
                                            the Hybrid Mismatch rules to reform the
                                                                                                  The Placer Dome case involves important principles regarding how Australian land rich entities
                                            treatment of hybrid instruments. The objective
                                                                                                  and the assets of these entities to are to be valued. Although a stamp duty case, the approaches
                                            of the Hybrid Mismatch rules is to prevent
                                                                                                  to valuation have a significant application in determining whether shares in company are taxable
                                            multinational companies from gaining an
                                                                                                  Australian property for capital gains tax (CGT) purposes and therefore any gains made by foreign
                                            unfair competitive advantage by avoiding
                                                                                                  residents on the sale of the shares are subject to Australian income tax.
                                            tax or obtaining double tax benefits through
                                            hybrid mismatch arrangements which result in          On 5 December 2018, the High Court held that the “top down” valuation methodology adopted by
                                            asymmetric taxation outcomes. As a result of          the Commissioner of State Revenue was reasonable in determining whether a company was land
                                            the Hybrid Mismatch rules, it has become more         rich. This valuation methodology could potentially be adopted by the ATO in valuing assets for
                                            problematic to implement hybrid instruments           taxable Australian property purposes. It remains to be seen what the ATO’s views are on the impact
                                            as a means of structuring and financing capital       of a case which was directed to specific (and now repealed) stamp duty legislation, particularly
                                            markets transactions.                                 in relation to goodwill. This has consequences both for vendors and purchasers alike in terms of
                                                                                                  exposure to Australian taxation on exit for non-residents and compliance with non-resident vendor
                                            Important tax cases for foreign investors
                                                                                                  CGT withholding rules for purchasers.
                                            The decisions in the following two cases
                                            which will likely be handed down in the               In carrying out valuations, it is clear from the High Court decision that specific instructions for
                                            coming months are likely to impact the tax            particular legislative circumstances should be provided to the valuers to ensure that the findings of
                                            consequences for foreign investors exiting            any valuation can withstand scrutiny from either the ATO or any other revenue authority.
                                            an Australian investment.

      The following areas are likely to remain sector hotspots into FY19:

                  Healthcare                              Resources                            Agribusiness                               Technology                           Financial Services
                                                                                                                                                                                 (including fintech)

     Given the continuing trend of the       year and we expect this to continue    and financial services will be            businesses or providing a future         example, from United States, Israeli
     Australian economy being bifurcated     for the foreseeable future.            expected to provide a pipeline of         pathway to sell down and/or exit.        (especially in technology) or New
     along broad lines such as health,                                              capital market transactions at IPO                                                 Zealand companies which have also
                                             In respect of the broader health                                                 Similarly, energy and resources
     commercial and financial services                                              and secondary levels whether as part                                               made a steady stream of enquiries to
                                             sector, we see this as continuing                                                cannot be discounted as an
     (in the services economy) and                                                  of a dual track strategy or straight to                                            examine the feasibility of entry into
                                             to evolve and diversify capturing                                                underlying driver of capital markets
     the continuing major pipeline of                                               IPO transactions.                                                                  the Australian capital markets.
                                             transactions from the large physical                                             based on the secondary market
     players in energy and resources and
                                             healthcare players (eg hospital and    The intergenerational ownership           activity during the year.                Off shore entrants will need to be
     agribusiness (in the commodities
                                             diagnostic players), through to the    and wealth transfer that Australia is                                              mindful of the challenges posed
     economy), we expect to see most                                                                                          Finally, we expect to see a continuing
                                             middle market (medical service roll    presently undergoing will continue                                                 by the Financial Services Royal
     or all of these areas being dominant                                                                                     small but steady stream of foreign
                                             ups) as well as the continuation of    to see the number of private and                                                   Commission (refer page 11), however
     in both the IPO and secondary                                                                                            – listed companies seeking to
                                             a relatively steady stream of drug     family owned businesses strongly                                                   those who can demonstrate the
     (entitlement / placement) markets.                                                                                       raise capital in Australian markets,
                                             discovery and medical device IPOs.     considering capital markets                                                        right business model and approach
     This has played out across Australian                                                                                    whether businesses from our Asian
                                                                                    transactions as a means of either                                                  to regulatory issues are likely to find
     equity capital markets during the       The broader category of commercial                                               neighbouring counties or, for
                                                                                    growing and diversifying their                                                     opportunities.


                                                                 Hong Kong
                                                                 In April 2018, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK)
                                                                 amended the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the SEHK
                                                                 (Main Board Listing Rules) with an aim to attract well-established high
                                                                 growth companies from emerging and innovative sectors to list on the
                                                                 Main Board of the SEHK. Such amendments:

                                                                 ■   permit listings of biotech issuers that do not meet any of the
                                                                     financial eligibility tests under the Main Board Listing Rules;

                                                                 ■   permit listings of high growth and innovative companies with
                                                                     a weighted voting right (WVR) structure; and

Singapore                                                        ■   establish a new concessionary route for Greater China and
                                                                     international companies with primary listing on a qualifying
In the first half of 2018, some planned IPOs on the                  exchange to apply for a secondary listing in Hong Kong.
Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) were shelved due to
                                                                 Since the introduction of these amendments to the Main Board Listing
pricing and market volatility. However, listings overall
                                                                 Rules in April 2018, the market reaction to the new listing regime has
continued at a steady pace including the listing of Sasseur
                                                                 been very positive. A company with a WVR structure and several
REIT, the first “outlet mall” REIT to be listed in Asia and
                                                                 biotech companies have already obtained listing in Hong Kong.
Koufu Group Limited, a Singapore-grown operator and
                                                                 A number of biotech companies have submitted or are considering
manager of food and beverage establishments.
                                                                 submitting their listing applications under the new regime. Ascletis
The SGX also rolled out several initiatives in 2018 to boost     Pharma Inc., a Chinese biotechnology company, was the first biotech
its competitiveness, including:                                  company to list in Hong Kong, and raised approximately HK$3.14

                                                                 billion (equivalent to approximately US$400 million) in its IPO. Xiaomi
    Introducing a primary listing framework for the listing of
                                                                 Corporation, Chinese smartphone giant, became the first company
    companies with a dual-class share structure (i.e., a share
                                                                 with a WVR structure to list in Hong Kong, and raised approximately
    structure that gives certain shareholders, including
                                                                 HK$37 billion (equivalent to approximately US$4.7 billion) in its IPO.
    founders, voting rights disproportionate to their
                                                                 Apart from the above highlighted listings which came about under
    shareholding) to attract high growth companies led by
                                                                 the new regime, there were several high profile listings in 2018,
                                                                 including the listing of China Tower Corporation Limited, which
■   Updating the listing rules for mineral oil and gas           was the world’s largest IPO in two years. China Tower, the world’s
    companies so that they remain aligned with industry          largest telecommunications tower infrastructure service provider,
    developments and to facilitate early-stage companies         raised approximately HK$54 billion (equivalent to approximately
    listing on the SGX.                                          US$6.9 billion) in its IPO.
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