Banking Regulation 2022 - Ireland: Law & Practice Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly Walkers - Walkers Global
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Definitive global law guides offering comparative analysis from top-ranked lawyers Banking Regulation 2022 Ireland: Law & Practice Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly Walkers
IRELAND Law and Practice United Kingdom Contributed by: Republic Dublin Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly of Ireland Walkers see p.19 CONTENTS 1. Legislative Framework p.3 1.1 Key Laws and Regulations p.3 2. Authorisation p.4 2.1 Licences and Application Process p.4 3. Control p.5 3.1 Requirements for Acquiring or Increasing Control over a Bank p.5 4. Supervision p.6 4.1 Corporate Governance Requirements p.6 4.2 Registration and Oversight of Senior Management p.7 4.3 Remuneration Requirements p.8 5. AML/KYC p.9 5.1 AML and CFT Requirements p.9 6. Depositor Protection p.10 6.1 Depositor Protection Regime p.10 7. Bank Secrecy p.11 7.1 Bank Secrecy Requirements p.11 8. Prudential Regime p.12 8.1 Capital, Liquidity and Related Risk Control Requirements p.12 9. Insolvency, Recovery and Resolution p.14 9.1 Legal and Regulatory Framework p.14 10. Horizon Scanning p.16 10.1 Regulatory Developments p.16 2
IRELAND Law and Practice Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers 1 . L E G I S L AT I V E tive (2013/36/EU) (as amended by Directive (EU) FRAMEWORK 2019/878 (CRD V)) (CRD), the Capital Require- ments Regulation ((EU) 575/2013) (as amended 1.1 Key Laws and Regulations by Regulation (EU) 2019/876 (CRR II)) (CRR) Banking business in Ireland is regulated under and the Bank Recovery and Resolution Direc- both domestic legislation and the legislation of tive (2014/59/EU) (as amended by Directive (EU) the EU, which either is directly applicable in Ire- 2019/879 (BRRD II)) (BRRD). CRD is transposed land or has been transposed into Irish law by into Irish law by the European Union (Capital domestic provisions. New laws and regulations Requirements) Regulations 2014 (as amended) applicable to Irish banks are primarily driven by (CRD Regulations), while the CRR, as an EU developments at the EU level. regulation, is directly applicable. BRRD is imple- mented in Ireland by the European Union (Bank Domestic Legislation Recovery and Resolution) Regulations 2015 (as The primary domestic legislation establishing the amended) (BRRD Regulations). framework for the regulation of banking activi- ties in Ireland is the Central Bank Acts 1942- Regulation (EU) 1024/2013 (SSM Regulation) 2018 (Central Bank Acts). The Central Bank Act establishes the Single Supervisory Mechanism 1942 originally established the Central Bank of (SSM), which is responsible for banking super- Ireland (CBI) as a central bank and since then its vision in the participating Member States, such competence has expanded. Following the intro- as Ireland. Under the SSM, the European Cen- duction of the Central Bank Reform Act 2010 tral Bank (the ECB) has exclusive competence (2010 Act), the CBI is the primary Irish financial in respect of certain aspects of the prudential regulatory body. regulation of Irish banks, including the grant- ing and withdrawal of banking licences and the The Central Bank Act 1971 (1971 Act) estab- assessment of notifications of the acquisition lishes the requirement for persons carrying on and disposal of qualifying holdings in banks “banking business” to hold a banking licence, (except in the case of a bank resolution). The and sets out certain requirements applicable to ECB also directly supervises “significant” banks banks. (SIs), while the CBI directly supervises “less sig- nificant” banks (LSIs), subject to ECB oversight. The CBI is empowered under the Central Bank The SSM sets out criteria for determining SIs Acts to issue codes of practice and regulations and LSIs. to be observed by banks. The CBI has issued several such codes in areas such as corporate Other Regulatory Bodies governance, related party lending, mortgage Other regulatory bodies that are also relevant to arrears and consumer protection. Irish banks include the following: European Legislation • the Office of the Director of Corporate Irish banks are also subject to extensive regu- Enforcement; latory requirements driven by EU initiatives • the Competition and Consumer Protection regulating the activities of “credit institutions” Commission, which regulates competition (the terms “credit institution” and “bank” are and consumer affairs; used interchangeably in this document). These include the Fourth Capital Requirements Direc- 3
Law and Practice IRELAND Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers • the Data Protection Commission, which banking business unless appropriately author- enforces data protection legislation in Ireland; ised. and • the Financial Services and Pensions The 1971 Act provides that, where a person car- Ombudsman, which handles complaints from ries out business under a name that includes consumers of financial services. the words “bank”, “banker” or “banking”, or any word which is a variant, derivative or translation of or is analogous to those words, or uses any 2 . A U T H O R I S AT I O N advertisement, circular, business card or other document that includes such words, they hold 2.1 Licences and Application Process themselves out or represent themselves as con- Banking Business ducting or being willing to conduct banking busi- Section 7(1) of the 1971 Act prohibits the carrying ness. on of “banking business” or accepting deposits or other repayable funds from the public without Permitted Activities a banking licence. “Banking business” is defined A banking licence permits the holder to engage as any business that consists of or includes in a broad range of business, including deposit receiving money on the person’s own account taking, lending, issuing e-money, payment ser- from members of the public either on deposit or vices and investment services and activities reg- as repayable funds, and the granting of credits ulated by the Markets in Financial Instruments on own account (subject to certain exceptions). Directive (2014/65/EU) (MiFID II). While the 1971 Act does not define “repayable Application Process funds”, section 2(2) of the Central Bank Act 1997 In practice, the application process for a bank defines “deposit” for the purposes of the Cen- licence typically begins with a preliminary tral Bank Acts as “a sum of money accepted on engagement phase, whereby the applicant will terms under which it is repayable with or without often have meetings or calls with the CBI and interest whether on demand or on notice or at a submit a detailed proposal for their application. fixed or determinable future date.” Following this, the applicant will prepare its for- A person may apply for a banking licence to be mal application. The application pack requires granted under Section 9 of the 1971 Act. Since extensive detail regarding all material areas of the introduction of the SSM, the ECB is the com- the applicant’s proposed business, as set out in petent authority for the granting of the licence. the CBI’s “Checklist for completing and submit- ting Bank Licence Applications under Section 9 It is also possible to apply for authorisation under of the Central Bank Act 1971”, which is available Section 9A of the 1971 Act for an Irish branch of on the CBI’s website. a bank that is authorised in a third country (ie, a non-EEA country). The information required includes: Holding oneself out as a banker • details of the applicant company’s parent or Section 7(1) of the 1971 Act also restricts per- group and beneficial ownership; sons from holding themselves out or represent- • objectives and proposed operations; ing themselves as a banker, or from carrying on 4
IRELAND Law and Practice Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers • details of the proposed bank’s “Heart and 3. CONTROL Mind” being in Ireland; • details of internal controls; 3.1 Requirements for Acquiring or • capital and solvency; Increasing Control over a Bank • details of information technology and busi- Requirements Governing Change in Control ness continuity planning; and The requirements in relation to the acquisition • details of recovery and resolution planning. and disposal of interests in banks are set out in Chapter 2 of Part 3 of the CRD Regulations. The Following the receipt of the application, the CBI CRD Regulations provide that the prior approval will assess the application, in conjunction with of the ECB is required in advance of any pro- the ECB. The process is iterative and typically posed acquisition of a qualifying holding in a involves multiple rounds of extensive comments bank. and queries from the regulators. A “qualifying holding” is defined as a direct or Following the completion of the iterative query indirect holding in an undertaking that repre- stage, the ECB will determine whether or not sents 10% or more of the capital or of the vot- to grant a licence. This entire process gener- ing rights, or which makes it possible to exercise ally takes between 12 and 18 months. Where a a significant influence over the management of licence is granted, it may be subject to specific that undertaking. Notification is also required in conditions. respect of direct or indirect holding increases above a prescribed percentage of 20%, 33% or There is no fee for submitting a bank application, 50%. but banks are subject to a number of ongoing levies. There are no restrictions on private ownership nor geographical restrictions on foreign own- CRD also includes requirements for certain ership of Irish banks. However, the CBI has financial holding companies and mixed finan- expressed preferences in the past that banks not cial holding companies to be authorised and, in be owned or controlled by single private indi- certain cases, non-EEA groups may be required viduals or that ownership of banks should not be to establish an intermediate EU parent under- “stacked” under insurance undertakings. Prior taking. ownership experience of banks or other finan- cial institutions will be an advantage in applying Passporting for the approval of an acquisition of a qualifying Under the CRD mutual recognition provisions, holding. Irish banks can both provide services on a free- dom of services basis and establish a branch The CRD Regulations provide that an application on a freedom of establishment basis across the to the Irish High Court may be made to remedy EEA, subject to completing the necessary pass- a situation where a qualifying holding was inad- porting processes. vertently acquired without the prior approval of the ECB. The Nature of the Regulatory Filings Notification of the proposed acquisition of a qualifying holding is made to the CBI via the 5
Law and Practice IRELAND Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers ECB’s IMAS Portal. The CBI will liaise with the The CBI may also seek comfort from a proposed ECB, which is the competent authority under acquirer of a majority stake in an Irish bank that the SSM for the approval of acquisitions of or the proposed acquirer will provide such financial increases in qualifying holdings in respect of Irish support as is necessary for the Irish bank to con- authorised banks. tinue to meet its regulatory obligations. The maximum total period for assessment of an acquiring transaction notification is 90 working 4. SUPERVISION days from the receipt of a complete application. Notifications can be rejected as not complete at 4.1 Corporate Governance the outset of the process, and so in practice this Requirements process can take longer. The CBI advises that The corporate governance requirements appli- pre-application engagement and the submis- cable to Irish banks include those set out in the sion of notification and supporting documenta- CBI Corporate Governance Requirements for tion in draft form can help minimise the risk of a Credit Institutions 2015 (CBI Requirements) and notification being deemed “incomplete”, thereby the CRD provisions in respect of corporate gov- delaying the approval process. ernance. The CBI also requires any proposed acquirers CBI Requirements to take note of the content of the May 2017 The CBI Requirements provide that all Irish Joint Committee of the European Supervi- banks must have robust governance arrange- sory Authorities, which includes the European ments, including a clear organisational structure Banking Authority’s (EBA) “Joint Guidelines on with well-defined, transparent and consistent the prudential assessment of acquisitions and lines of responsibility, effective processes to increases of qualifying holdings in the banking, identify, manage, monitor and report the risks insurance and securities sectors”. to which they are or might be exposed, and ade- quate internal control mechanisms. The govern- The content required to complete a notification ance structure put in place must be sufficiently includes details of: sophisticated to ensure that there is effective oversight of the activities of the institution, taking • the proposed acquisition and impact on the into consideration the nature, scale and com- target; plexity of the business being conducted. • the proposed acquirers and financing of the proposed acquisition (including any issuing of The CBI Requirements are prescriptive, impos- financial instruments); and ing minimum standards in relation to corporate • details of the new proposed group structure. governance, including the composition, role and conduct of the board of directors and the A business plan for the target entity may also establishment of certain board committees, and be required with the notification, detailing the also setting out requirements in relation to risk proposed acquirers’ expected activities/per- management. formance and financial projections over three years. An Irish bank is required to have at least five directors, or seven if it is designated as having a High Impact under the CBI’s Probability Risk and 6
IRELAND Law and Practice Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers Impact System (PRISM). The board is required The Irish Bank Culture Board was also estab- to have a majority of independent non-executive lished in 2019 by the five retail banks operating directors (INED), although where a bank is part in Ireland, with the aim of rebuilding trust in the of a group, the majority of the board may also sector by demonstrating a change in behaviour be composed of group directors, provided that and overall culture. the bank has at least two INEDs (or three INEDs where the bank is designated as High Impact). 4.2 Registration and Oversight of Senior Management CRD Fitness and Probity Regime The CRD Regulations set out a number of high- The CBI’s Fitness and Probity Regime (F&P level rules in relation to the governance of banks. Regime), which was established under the 2010 The EBA has built upon these requirements in Act, applies to persons in certain senior posi- its updated Guidelines on internal governance tions in Irish regulated financial service providers (EBA/GL/2021/05), which replace Guidelines (RFSPs), including banks. (EBA/GL/2017/11) from 31 December 2021 (EBA IG Guidelines). The EBA IG Guidelines specify Controlled Functions the internal governance arrangements, pro- The F&P Regime applies to persons performing cesses and mechanisms that banks and certain certain prescribed “controlled functions” (CFs) investment firms must implement in accordance and “pre-approval controlled functions” (PCFs). with Article 74(1) of CRD to ensure effective and PCFs are a sub-set of CFs and include directors, prudent management of the institution. chairs of the board and committees, the chief executive and heads of certain internal control The EBA IG Guidelines apply in relation to gov- functions, amongst other functions. ernance arrangements such as organisational structure, lines of responsibility, risk identifica- An RFSP must not permit a person to perform tion and management and the internal control a CF or PCF unless it is satisfied on reasonable framework. Guidance is given in relation to the grounds that the person complies with the CBI’s role of the management body and its responsi- Standards of Fitness and Probity (Standards) bilities, as well as the role of board committees and the person has agreed to comply with the and internal control functions. Arrangements in Standards. The Standards require a person to relation to risk management, outsourcing and be: business continuity are also addressed. • competent and capable; Recent Developments • honest and ethical, and to act with integrity; Corporate governance continues to be an area and of focus for the CBI. This has been evident in • financially sound. recent publications and supervisory focuses on areas including behaviour and culture, con- In order to be satisfied the person complies with duct risk, outsourcing and individual account- the Standards, due diligence must be undertak- ability. Proposed legislation to introduce a new en by the RFSP. individual accountability framework (see 10.1 Regulatory Developments) will include con- Irish banks are also subject to the Joint ESMA duct standards for all firms and for individuals and EBA Guidelines on the assessment of the working within them. suitability of members of the management body 7
Law and Practice IRELAND Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers and key function holders (Suitability Guidelines), accountability (see 10.1 Regulatory Develop- as well as CRD requirements. ments). Pre-approval for PCFs 4.3 Remuneration Requirements A person cannot be appointed to a PCF position Irish banks are subject to remuneration rules unless such appointment has been approved under both the CBI Requirements and the CRD by the CBI. For SIs, the approval of the ECB is Regulations, and must comply with certain required for members of the management body. principles in a manner and to the extent that is This is also the case for members of the man- appropriate to their size and internal organisa- agement body of any new bank. tion and to the nature, scope and complexity of their activities. PCF applicants are required to submit an individ- ual questionnaire to the CBI, setting out details of The EBA “Guidelines on sound remuneration their professional qualifications and employment policies under Directive 2013/36/EU” (EBA history, and including various confirmations from Remuneration Guidelines) replace Guidelines both the applicant individual and the RFSP. The (EBA/GL/2015/22) from 31 December 2021 and CBI/ECB may interview candidates for certain apply to banks, covering issues including the PCF roles, and this is increasingly becoming the governance process for remuneration policies norm for bank board members and certain other and the application of remuneration require- senior PCFs. From 31 December 2021, SIs must ments in a group context. The CBI issued a pol- submit PCF applications via the IMAS Portal, icy statement on 31 January 2017 on the CBI’s along with the corresponding declarations. approach to proportionality relating to the pay- out process applicable to variable remuneration, The ECB has published a Guide to Fit and Proper confirming its intention to comply with the EBA Assessments for its fitness and probity assess- Remuneration Guidelines and future European ments, which are conducted in accordance with developments. the Suitability Guidelines. Banks that are classified as SIs are required to Accountability have a remuneration committee that complies CF and PCF holders may be the subject of an with the requirements of the CRD Regulations. investigation or required to comply with an evi- Banks with a High Impact PRISM rating are dentiary notice, or may be the subject of a sus- required to have a remuneration committee that pension notice or a prohibition under the 2010 complies with the CBI Requirements. Act. Applicants for PCF roles are also not guar- anteed to receive approval. The CRD Regulations require banks to have a remuneration policy that is in line with its busi- The CBI operates an administrative sanctions ness strategy, objectives and long-term inter- regime in order to take enforcement actions in ests, incorporates measures to avoid conflicts relation to RFSPs. Persons involved in the man- of interest, is consistent with and promotes agement of an RFSP may be subject to sanc- sound and effective risk management, does not tions in certain circumstances. encourage risk-taking that exceeds the level of tolerated risk of the institution, and is gender The CBI has proposed reforms that would neutral. The board is responsible for overseeing strengthen its toolkit in relation to individual the implementation of the remuneration policy 8
IRELAND Law and Practice Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers and should periodically review its general prin- The CJA 2010 imposes a range of obligations on ciples. Banks should review their remuneration banks, including obligations to: policies at least annually. The CRD Regulations also impose disclosure requirements relating to • conduct a business risk assessment; remuneration policies and practices. • conduct risk-sensitive due diligence on cus- tomers and their beneficial owners both at Banks should also ensure that the remuneration on-boarding and on an ongoing basis; of “control function” employees (note this is dis- • conduct monitoring of customer relationships tinct from CF as defined in 4.2 Registration and and transactions; Oversight of Senior Management) is not linked • report suspicious activity to the relevant to the performance of any business areas they authorities – ie, the Financial Intelligence Unit control, and that the remuneration of senior risk Ireland (the Irish police) and the Irish Revenue and compliance employees is suitably overseen. Commissioners; In respect of certain employees whose profes- • implement internal policies, controls and pro- sional activities have a material impact on the cedures to prevent and detect the commis- risk profile of the institution, including senior sion of money laundering (ML) and terrorist management, risk takers and heads of control financing (TF); functions, banks are subject to extensive rules • provide AML/CTF training to persons involved regarding variable remuneration. These rules in the conduct of the bank’s business; and include a “bonus cap”, which limits variable • keep records in relation to business risk remuneration to 100% of fixed remuneration (or assessments, customer due diligence and 200% with shareholder approval). customer transactions. Breach of the CBI Requirements and/or the CRD The CBI published its AML/CTF Guidelines for Regulations is an offence and may be grounds the Financial Sector (AML Guidelines) in Sep- for an enforcement action by the CBI under tember 2019 to assist firms in understanding its administrative sanctions regime, which can their obligations under the CJA 2010. The AML result in fines being imposed. Guidelines, which were updated in June 2021, set out the expectations of the CBI regard- ing AML/CTF governance and the factors that 5. AML/KYC firms should take into account when identifying, assessing and managing ML and TF risks, and 5.1 AML and CFT Requirements also emphasise the importance of firms hav- Legal Framework ing regard to AML/CTF guidance published by The primary anti-money laundering (AML) and the Financial Action Task Force and European counter-terrorist financing (CTF) legislation supervisory authorities. applicable to Irish banks is the Criminal Jus- tice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financ- In addition to the CJA 2010, Irish banks are also ing) Act 2010 (CJA 2010), as amended, which required to comply with the various international transposed the Fourth EU Anti-Money Launder- financial sanctions that emanate from the EU ing Directive ((EU) 2015/849) (as amended by and the United Nations, and with Regulation (EU) the Fifth EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive 2015/847, which deals with information require- (2018/843/EU)) into Irish law. ments regarding wire transfers. 9
Law and Practice IRELAND Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers Regulatory Supervision and Enforcement The CBI is the designated authority for the pur- Under the CJA 2010, the CBI is the relevant poses of the DGS Directive, and is responsible competent authority in Ireland for the monitor- for the maintenance and ongoing supervision of ing and supervision of banks’ compliance with the DGS and for ensuring that it has sound and AML/CTF obligations. The CBI implements a transparent governance practices in place. The risk-based approach to AML/CTF supervision CBI is required to produce an annual report on such that the extent of supervision of a given the activities of the DGS. firm is commensurate with the CBI’s assessment of ML/TF risk within the firm. The retail banking The DGS provides protection to eligible depos- sector is considered by the CBI to be a high-risk its, which includes deposits belonging to indi- sector, with the non-retail banking sector con- viduals, companies, partnerships, clubs and sidered to be a medium-high or medium-low associations. The eligible deposits that may be risk sector, depending on the specific activities protected by the DGS include current accounts, engaged in. An individual firm’s ML/TF risk rating savings accounts, demand notices, fixed-term will be informed by the CBI’s risk rating of the deposit accounts and share accounts. The sector and its supervisory engagements with the deposit element of structured deposits/tracker firm, such as inspections. bonds may also be eligible if the deposit element is repayable at par. The CBI is empowered to take measures that are reasonably necessary to ensure that firms Certain specified categories are not eligible comply with the provisions of the CJA 2010. deposits. These include deposits of “financial This may include the CBI issuing a risk mitiga- institutions” as defined under the CRR – and tion programme to a firm to address identified including insurance undertakings, collective shortcomings in the firm’s AML/CTF framework. investment schemes, MiFID II investment firms The CBI also has the power to administer sanc- and other banks (subject to certain conditions). tions against banks for breaches of the CJA Deposits of public authorities, debt securities 2010 under its administrative sanctions regime, issued by banks and liabilities arising out of their which can result in fines being imposed. own acceptances and promissory notes are also not eligible deposits; a bank’s “own funds” for the purposes of the CRR are also not covered. 6. DEPOSITOR PROTECTION The coverage level for aggregate eligible depos- its for each depositor is EUR100,000. In certain 6.1 Depositor Protection Regime specified circumstances, a depositor may be Ireland has transposed the Deposit Guarantee covered for aggregate deposits up to a level of Schemes Directive (2014/49/EU) (DGS Directive) EUR1 million as a “temporary high balance”. The into domestic law through the European Union DGS Regulations set out detailed provisions as (Deposit Guarantee Schemes) Regulations 2015 to how a depositor’s aggregate deposits are to (DGS Regulations), which govern the operation be calculated. of a deposit guarantee scheme (DGS) for “eligi- ble deposits” at Irish banks. Irish banks are not allowed to accept deposits without being mem- bers of the DGS. 10
IRELAND Law and Practice Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers Examples of circumstances that give rise to In November 2015, the European Commis- increased “temporary high balance” cover sion proposed a European Deposit Insurance include the following: Scheme, which, if established, would form part of the third pillar of the EU’s Banking Union. • where monies are deposited in preparation However, this proposal is subject to ongoing for the purchase of – or which represent the political debate. proceeds of a sale of – a private residential property; • where the monies deposited represent certain 7. BANK SECRECY insurance or compensation payments; or • where funds are held by a depositor in his or 7.1 Bank Secrecy Requirements her capacity as the personal representative of Irish banks owe a duty of confidentiality to their a deceased person for the purpose of realis- customers. The duty of confidentiality has its ori- ing and administering the deceased’s estate. gins in the common law and is an implied term in all contracts between banks and their custom- Subject to certain exceptions, this higher level of ers. For the purpose of this duty, the term “cus- cover will be available to depositors for a period tomers” includes both natural and legal persons. of six months after the relevant amount has been There has also been limited judicial commentary credited or from the moment when such depos- to the effect that the Irish constitutional right to its become legally transferable. privacy may encompass a right to confidentiality in relation to banking affairs. The DGS Regulations provide that the DGS is funded by participating banks. As the designat- The duty of confidentiality is a broad one and ed authority, the CBI is responsible for ensuring provides that, once a contractual relationship that it has adequate systems in place to deter- exists between a bank and a customer, the bank mine the potential liabilities of this fund. The CBI must not divulge to third parties any information identifies a target level for the fund and requires acquired by the bank during, or by reason of, all banks that hold eligible deposits to pay con- its relationship with the customer, without the tributions to the fund. The fund must hold at express or implied consent of the customer. least 0.8% of the amount of eligible deposits of Banks must also ensure that their employees all banks authorised in the State. and agents do not breach this duty. A bank’s required contribution to the DGS is cal- In practice, the duty of confidentiality applies to culated primarily by reference to the proportion the following: of eligible deposits it holds, and the DGS Regu- lations set out prescriptive provisions regarding • information related to the state of the custom- how these obligations are to be calculated and er’s account or the amount of the balance; levied. • information related to the securities offered to and held by the customer; The Irish DGS protects eligible deposits held at • information related to the extent and frequen- EEA branches of Irish banks. Deposits held with cy of transactions; and other EEA banks should be protected under the • any information obtained by the bank as relevant other EEA bank’s home country deposit a consequence of its relationship with the protection scheme. customer. 11
Law and Practice IRELAND Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers The duty of confidentiality continues to apply Where the customer consents to disclosure, when the account is closed or ceases to be the duty may be dis-applied; this is relatively active. common where a third party seeks a reference or statement from a bank with the customer’s Given the wide and increasing range of services consent. It is best practice to obtain the cus- offered by banks and RFSPs, where any busi- tomer’s prior written authorisation in these cir- ness of a kind normally carried on by a bank is cumstances. carried out, it is prudent to presume the imposi- tion of this duty of confidentiality. Where the duty of confidentiality is breached, the customer is entitled to seek damages, which The duty of confidentiality is not absolute and may include aggravated damages. the Irish courts have confirmed the existence of a number of qualifications and exemptions to the duty of confidentiality, including where: 8. PRUDENTIAL REGIME • disclosure is under compulsion of law; 8.1 Capital, Liquidity and Related Risk • there is a duty to the public to disclose; Control Requirements • the interests of the bank require disclosure; or The prudential requirements applicable to Irish • the disclosure is made by the express or banks, including in relation to capital and liquid- implied consent of the customer. ity, emanate from EU legislation that is itself heavily influenced by international standards. Irish statutes contain a number of express stat- utory exceptions to the duty of confidentiality. The current prudential requirements applicable These exemptions are included in the Compa- to Irish and other EEA banks are set out in CRD nies Act 2014, the CJA 2010, criminal justice leg- and the CRR, as well as secondary EU legis- islation and credit reporting legislation, as well as lation. This framework seeks to address the the law of evidence, including court rules provid- requirements of certain international standards ing for discovery orders. of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervi- sion and the Financial Stability Board (FSB). The A court or judge may authorise a member of EU rules also contain bespoke requirements to the Irish police force to inspect bank records address particular concerns of the EU Member to investigate an indictable offence, where the States. court or judge is satisfied that there are reason- able grounds for believing that such an offence Initial Capital has been committed and the relevant material Under the 1971 Act, Irish banks must hold initial is likely to be of substantial value to the inves- capital of at least EUR5 million before the CBI tigation. will propose to the ECB that a banking licence should be granted. In addition, by virtue of their statutory powers, the CBI and the Revenue Commissioners have Capital Requirements – Pillar I the ability to inspect customer accounts in cer- The CRR sets out the requirement for banks to tain circumstances. maintain a minimum quantity of regulatory capi- tal and rules governing the quality of that capital. 12
IRELAND Law and Practice Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers The quality of regulatory capital is considered by Capital Buffers reference to two categories: The following four buffers are provided for under CRD: • Tier 1 Capital, which is divided into (a) Core Equity Tier 1 (CET1) and (b) Additional Tier 1 • a capital conservation buffer, which requires Capital; and banks to hold CET1 equal to a further 2.5% • Tier 2 Capital. of RWAs, in addition to CET1 amounting to 4.5% of RWAs referenced above. There are CET1 includes ordinary shares and reserves, restrictions on distributions where the buffer and is the highest quality capital. There are eli- is not maintained; gibility criteria and deductions that must be fol- • a countercyclical buffer (CCyB), based on lowed to calculate the instruments that qualify total risk weighted exposures of a bank and for each tier. the CCyB rates applicable to those exposures in the jurisdiction where they are located. This The minimum capital requirement is a percent- also comes with capital maintenance require- age of a bank’s risk weighted assets (RWAs). ments. The CCyB rate for Irish exposures is The calculation of a bank’s RWAs involves allo- set quarterly by the CBI and applies to all EU cating a weighting to the value of an asset rela- banks with exposures to Irish counterparties. tive to the risk of incurring losses. Banks can The CCyB aims to make the banking system use the Standardised Approach (with standard- more resilient and less pro-cyclical, and to ised weightings) or the Internal Ratings Based support the supply of credit during a down- approach (where the bank calculates its own risk turn, at times when the CCyB is released. In weights, subject to approval) in assessing credit light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CBI has risk and calculating risk weights. set the rate at 0% and it expects to maintain this throughout 2021; The CRR requires maintenance of the following • a buffer applicable to global systemically minimum capital ratios: important institutions (G-SIIs) and one appli- cable to other systemically important institu- • regulatory capital of 8% of RWAs; tions (O-SIIs). Six banks regulated by the CBI • CET1 of 4.5% of RWAs; and the ECB are currently subject to an O-SII • Tier 1 Capital of 6% of RWAs; and buffer ranging from 0.5% to 1.5%. However, • a leverage ratio of 3% of Tier 1 Capital to in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CBI total exposure measures, introduced as a has confirmed the buffer is fully usable at the backstop to other, risk-based, capital meas- time of writing; and ures. • a systemic risk buffer – the CBI does not intend to begin any phase-in of this in 2021. An additional leverage ratio buffer for G-SIIs will be introduced in January 2023 under CRR II. Institutions are restricted from using CET1 that is maintained to meet the combined buffer require- ment (ie, the CET1 required to meet the buffers above) to meet Pillar I requirements or Pillar II capital. 13
Law and Practice IRELAND Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers Pillar II Capital The CBI published its “Approach to Minimum The CBI has the power to apply additional capital Requirement for Own Funds and Eligible Liabili- requirements to Irish banks on a case-by-case ties (MREL)” in October 2021, which provides basis. Any additional requirements will be based further information on the regime and CBI dis- on the CBI’s assessment under its supervisory cretions. review and evaluation process, which looks at the specific risks of the firm. Non-binding guid- Other ance may also be issued to a bank in respect of The CRD Regulations and the CRR provide other further capital it is expected to hold. measures to address risks applicable to banks. These include measures in relation to credit Liquidity valuation adjustment, disclosure requirements, The CRD/CRR framework provides for two reporting requirements, governance and remu- liquidity ratios. The liquidity coverage ratio neration requirements, credit risk adjustment requires banks to hold high-quality unencum- and the ability of regulatory authorities to impose bered liquid assets, which must be sufficient to stricter macro-prudential measures. meet net cash outflows under a 30-day stress scenario. The CBI has also issued a Policy on Manage- ment of Country Risk, August 2013, and a regu- A separate net stable funding ratio has been latory document entitled “Impairment Provisions introduced under the CRR to address liquidity for Credit Exposures – 26 October 2005”, with mismatches. This aims to ensure that the level of which banks are required to comply. stable funding available to a bank is aligned with the level of funding it requires over the longer COVID-19 Flexibility Measures term, based on the liquidity risk profiles of assets The CBI and the ECB have made a number of and off-balance sheet exposures. The minimum announcements in relation to the application of level of available stable funding must be at least capital and liquidity requirements in light of the 100% of the required amount of stable funding. COVID-19 pandemic. MREL Under BRRD and the Single Resolution Mecha- 9 . I N S O L V E N C Y, nism (SRM) Regulation (806/2014) (SRM Regu- RECOVERY AND lation), banks must comply with a minimum RESOLUTION requirement for own funds and eligible liabili- ties (MREL). The MREL should assist the bank 9.1 Legal and Regulatory Framework in absorbing losses and restore its capital so The legal and regulatory framework governing that the bail-in resolution tool can be applied the insolvency, recovery and resolution of banks effectively. Under BRRD II and Regulation (EU) in Ireland has undergone significant develop- 2019/877 (SRM Regulation II), a number of ment since the global financial crisis of 2007/8, changes will be introduced to align MREL with when Ireland hastily implemented emergency the FSB’s standard relating to total loss-absorb- legislation to address issues affecting domes- ing capacity (TLAC). In addition, the CRR II will tic institutions. Since then, the EU has adopted amend the CRR to implement the TLAC stand- BRRD and the SRM Regulation, which provide ard and apply it directly to G-SIIs. an EU framework for the recovery and, where necessary, resolution of EU banks. 14
IRELAND Law and Practice Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers Insolvency Under the Resolution Act, only a liquidator One of the ways in which a failing bank can approved by the CBI may be appointed. Objec- be addressed is through a liquidation process. tives for the appointed liquidators are set out The CBI has issued a document entitled “Cen- in the legislation, with the protection of eligible tral Bank of Ireland’s Approach to Resolution depositors under the DGS being a priority. for Banks and Investment Firms (Second Edi- tion) October 2021” (Approach Paper), which Recovery and Resolution addresses credit institutions within the scope BRRD and the SRM Regulation set out an alter- of the BRRD Regulations that are LSIs and are native mechanism to resolve failing banks in a not part of a “cross-border group” as defined in more orderly way, and seek to implement the the SRM Regulation, certain investment firms, original “Key Attributes of Effective Resolution holding companies and others. In the Approach Regimes for Financial Institutions” published by Paper, the CBI comments that, in fact, the most the FSB. BRRD provides authorities with tools to likely method for the majority of failing institu- intervene at an early stage and in a swift manner tions is through a CBI-involved winding-up (liq- in relation to a failing institution, to ensure the uidation) procedure. Under the BRRD Regula- continuity of critical functions and minimise the tions, where resolution conditions are met but impact of the institution’s failure on the economy the resolution authority considers a resolution and financial system. In its Approach Paper, the action would not be in the public interest, it must CBI states that burden-sharing is a driving prin- be wound-up. ciple of the resolution framework in order to miti- gate moral hazard by ensuring that shareholders The Central Bank and Credit Institutions (Reso- and investors bear losses from an institution’s lution) Act 2011 (Resolution Act) provides that failure. the Irish Companies Acts will apply to the wind- ing-up of an Irish bank. However, the CBI has As Ireland is part of the SSM, the SRM is appli- an important role under the Resolution Act. No cable to Irish banks, and the SRM Regulation is person other than the CBI can present a petition directly applicable in Ireland. to the High Court to wind up a bank, unless they have given the CBI notice and the CBI has con- The CBI is designated as the national resolu- firmed that it does not object. In the latter case, tion authority under the SRM and the national the CBI will be a notice party to court applica- competent authority under the SSM. Broadly tions and may make representations in court. speaking, the Single Resolution Board (SRB) has responsibility in relation to the resolution of The Resolution Act sets out a number of spe- SIs or institutions that are subject to direct ECB cific grounds under which the CBI may present oversight, and the CBI will have responsibility a petition for a winding-up order, such as where: for the key resolution processes for LSIs that are subject to SRB oversight. • it would be in the public interest; • the bank is unable to meet obligations to Resolution Tools and Powers creditors; The framework includes the following elements: • the bank has failed to comply with a CBI direction; • in order to prepare for or prevent failure: • the bank’s licence has been revoked; or (a) recovery plans are to be prepared by • it is in the interests of depositors. banks, setting out measures to be taken by 15
Law and Practice IRELAND Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers the institution to restore its financial posi- for example, where the CBI considers resolution tion following a significant deterioration of to be in the public interest. its financial position; (b) resolution plans are to be prepared by Resolution funds have been established in Ire- resolution authorities, setting out the land and at the EU level, in order to provide fund- resolution options for the particular insti- ing for the cost of resolution. tution; and (c) powers are available to remove impedi- Protection for Depositors ments to resolution; The DGS protects eligible depositors in the event • powers for authorities to take steps at an of a bank authorised by the CBI being unable to early stage, including requiring the implemen- repay deposits. Objectives related to the pro- tation of recovery plans or replacing manage- tection of deposits eligible under the DGS are ment; and also built into both the liquidation and resolution • where certain conditions are met, the avail- frameworks. ability of resolution tools to manage the reso- lution of a failing institution, including the sale DGS eligible deposits up to an amount of of business tool, the bridge institution tool, EUR100,000 are exempted from bearing losses the asset separation tool and the bail-in tool. in a bail-in process. Eligible deposits of natu- The resolution tools and associated resolution ral persons and small and medium enterprises powers available are subject to procedural exceeding EUR100,000 receive a preferred sta- requirements. tus over certain other unsecured liabilities in a resolution process. Amendments have also Resolution authorities are also afforded write- been made to the Irish Companies Act 2014 to down and conversion powers in respect of provide for preference to certain depositors in a certain capital instruments. These can be liquidation of a BRRD institution so as to imple- implemented as part of a resolution action or ment the Bank Creditor Hierarchy Directive ((EU) separately, where certain conditions are met. 2017/2399). BRRD II introduced a moratorium power that allows a resolution authority to suspend any payment or delivery obligations pursuant to any 10. HORIZON SCANNING contract to which an institution is a party, where certain conditions are met. 10.1 Regulatory Developments Senior Executive Accountability Regime BRRD provides requirements for institutions to The culture within the Irish financial services include contractual provisions in certain con- industry has been a key issue for the CBI and tracts governed by non-EEA law in respect of RFSPs in the wake of a number of instances of powers under BRRD. banks and firms engaging in practices and activ- ities that did not meet the standards expected of In its Approach Paper, the CBI has commented the sector, including in relation to the treatment that resolution tools are generally used where, of customers with tracker mortgages following for example, a bank’s failure could cause finan- the Global Financial Crisis. In 2018, the CBI pub- cial instability or disrupt critical functions. Reso- lished a report entitled “Behaviour and Culture lution tools would be used by the CBI where cer- of the Irish Retail Banks”, which identified that tain conditions for resolution are met, including, consumer-focused cultures in banks remained 16
IRELAND Law and Practice Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers underdeveloped. The report also recommended The IAF also seeks to implement enforceable the introduction of an enhanced framework for prescribed Standards for Business, which apply individual accountability. to all RFSPS; Common Conduct Standards, which apply to individuals performing CF and In July 2021, the General Scheme of the Cen- PCF roles; and Additional Conduct Standards, tral Bank (Individual Accountability Framework) which apply to individuals performing CF and Bill was published, which sets out detailed pro- PCF roles and other persons who exercise sig- posals for legislation to introduce an Individual nificant influence on the conduct of an RFSP’s Accountability Framework (IAF). The IAF pro- affairs. poses to overhaul the allocation of account- ability in Irish financial services legislation and European Commission AML Legislative empower the CBI to hold those in management Package roles at RFSPs accountable for contraventions On 20 July 2021, the European Commission that occur under their supervision. presented a package of legislative proposals to strengthen the EU’s AML/CFT framework, ele- The General Scheme’s proposals are consistent ments of which will impact banks. A new EU AML with previous CBI statements regarding the IAF, Authority (AMLA) is to be established, which will and comprise: directly supervise certain high-risk cross-border institutions and will act as the central authority • the introduction of a Senior Executive co-ordinating national supervisory authorities. Accountability Regime (SEAR); • the introduction of conduct standards for all The legislative package also included a new reg- individuals within RFSPs, additional conduct ulation that will contain directly applicable rules, standards for senior executives and conduct including in the areas of customer due diligence standards for RFSPs; and beneficial ownership, and a revised regula- • enhancements to the existing Fitness & Pro- tion on transfer of funds, which will make it pos- bity regime; and sible to trace transfers of crypto-assets. • amendments to the CBI’s Administrative Sanctions Procedure. Departures from the Irish Banking Market In 2021, both Ulster Bank Ireland DAC and KBC SEAR will initially apply to a limited range of Bank Ireland plc announced strategic plans to RFSPs, including banks, and will impose obli- wind down Irish operations and exit the Irish gations on both in-scope institutions and their market over the coming years. This will further senior executives. reduce the already small and concentrated retail banking sector in Ireland. Under SEAR, in-scope RFSPs will be required to assign specific responsibilities internally to Amendments to Client Asset Requirements to relevant senior executives, and produce a man- Credit Institutions agement responsibility map documenting key In July 2021, the CBI published feedback to management and governance arrangements. CP133, its Consultation Paper on enhance- RFSPs will also be required to provide a state- ments to the CBI Client Asset Requirements. ment of responsibilities to the CBI for senior In its feedback, the CBI confirmed its intention executives, which clearly sets out their role and to effectively extend the Client Asset Require- areas of responsibility. ments – which it currently applies to investment 17
Law and Practice IRELAND Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers firms – to banks that perform MiFID II investment The Package aims to implement the Basel III business. agreement, including by ensuring that internal models used by banks to calculate their capital COVID-19 Measures requirements do not underestimate risks, and The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact thus ensuring that banks hold sufficient capital. Irish banks. In 2020, the CBI issued Dear CEO The Package also aims to strengthen resilience Letters to banks on the CBI’s expectations re without resulting in significant increases in capi- payment breaks and on its expectations for tal requirements, and to lower compliance costs, lenders in supporting borrowers affected by particularly for smaller banks, without loosening the COVID-19 pandemic. The CBI maintains a prudential standards. COVID-19 FAQ for regulated firms on its web- site, where it periodically updates banks and The Package seeks to increase the focus on sus- other RFSPs on its expectations throughout the tainability in banking supervision, including pro- development of the pandemic, including regard- posals for regular climate stress testing by both ing the handling of payment breaks, capital and supervisors and banks, consideration of ESG the distribution of dividends to shareholders. risks as part of regular supervisory reviews, and This area and the specific measures continue requirements on banks to disclose the degree of to evolve. ESG risk exposure. ESG Another objective of the Package is to strengthen Environmental, social and governance consider- supervision powers, including establishing a set ations are becoming an increasing area of regu- of clear, robust and balanced “fit-and-proper” latory focus. In November 2021, the CBI pub- rules, for supervisors to assess whether senior lished a Dear CEO Letter addressed to RFSPs bank staff have the requisite skills and knowl- setting out the CBI’s expectations in relation to edge. As a response to the WireCard scandal, climate and broader ESG issues. The CBI also the Package proposes to equip supervisors with announced the establishment of its Climate Risk better tools to oversee fintech groups, including and Sustainable Finance Forum, which seeks to bank subsidiaries. bring together stakeholders to share knowledge and understanding of the implications of climate The Package also seeks to harmonise EU rules change for the Irish financial system. Significant on the establishment of EU branches of third- ESG developments continue to impact the finan- country banks, which is at present largely sub- cial services regulatory framework at European ject to national legislation with limited harmoni- level also. sation across the EU. EU Banking Package 2021 The next step in the legislative process is for On 27 October 2021, the European Commission the Package to be considered by the European adopted its Banking Package 2021 (the Pack- Parliament and Council. age), which consists of legislative proposals to amend the CRD and the CRR – including a sepa- rate legislative proposal to amend the CRR in the area of resolution. 18
IRELAND Law and Practice Contributed by: Niall Esler, Bill Laffan, Shane Martin and Conor Daly, Walkers Walkers is a leading international law firm that regulation and data privacy, including recently provides legal, corporate, fiduciary and compli- advising on the establishment of a new Irish ance services to global corporations, financial bank under the EU Single Supervisory Mecha- institutions, capital markets participants and nism. Walkers Ireland’s tax, employment, insol- investment fund managers. It has 123 partners vency, litigation and corporate teams comple- and 1,011 staff, and its clients include Fortune ment practice areas including regulatory, asset 100 and FTSE 100 companies, as well as many finance, funds and capital markets finance. of the most innovative global financial servic- Walkers delivers clear and practical advice on es firms. Walkers Ireland’s dedicated financial the laws of Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, regulatory group consists of one partner, one of the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey and Ire- counsel and two associates. The group advises land from ten global offices. financial institutions on all aspects of financial AUTHORS Niall Esler is based in Walkers’ Bill Laffan is based in Walkers’ Ireland office, where he is Ireland office, where he is an partner and head of the Irish associate in the regulatory regulatory group. He specialises group. He acts for domestic and in Irish and EU financial services international banks, investment regulation, and his clients firms, fintech firms, asset include domestic and international credit managers, funds and fund promoters and institutions, investment firms, international law firms. He advises on Irish and payment/e-money institutions and fintech EU financial services regulation, and has firms. Niall advises in relation to the regulatory advised on the establishment of credit perimeter, licensing and authorisation in institutions, investment firms and Ireland, prudential and conduct of business payment/e-money institutions in Ireland. Bill requirements (including consumer protection has also advised on several financial institution and AML) and asset or business transfers. He M&A transactions, and on Central Bank of is a member of the Incorporated Law Society Ireland inspections and risk mitigation of Ireland, the Association of Compliance programmes. He is a member of the Officers in Ireland and the Walkers fintech Incorporated Law Society of Ireland and the group. Walkers fintech group. 19
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