In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry - Dialog Applications Briefing

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In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry - Dialog Applications Briefing
Dialog Applications Briefing

In Your Face: Dialog Applications for
       the Cosmetics Industry
In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry - Dialog Applications Briefing
Briefing written by:

                            Jerry O’Connor, Dialog Boston
                            Beverley Crane, Dialog Boston

                                The Dialog Corporation

                                The Dialog Corporation
   The Dialog Corporation customers are hereby granted permission to reproduce a
   reasonable number (not to exceed 25) copies for their own use or for use within
  customer’s organization. All reproduced copies contain The Dialog Corporation’s
copyright notice (including partial copies). Other reproduction shall require the express
                          consent of The Dialog Corporation.

             DIALOG and The Dialog Corporation logo are trademarks of
                 The Dialog Corporation plc and its subsidiaries.
In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry - Dialog Applications Briefing
Dialog Applications Briefing                                                       Cosmetics Industry

In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry


Today’s cosmetics have gone far beyond mere lipstick and rouge. Age-defying skin care has
become a scientific experiment. Lab-coated Clinique® aestheticians peddle collagen boosters
and emollients, hypoallergenic enzymes and alpha hydroxic acids. Products that claim to renew
cells, minimize pores, and restore hydration have created an $83 billion worldwide market.
Dialog holds the best and most concise collection of databases pertaining to the industry of
cosmetics. In order to compete in this industry, it is vital that companies keep aware of a wide
range of factors on a global level. Utilizing any or all of the specific databases enables the
searcher to locate information on trends, market forecasts, major players, advertising,
packaging, or demographics. You will also find the most recent news on cosmetics R&D and
business information, such as mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and technology
licensing that may affect the industry. In all cases, the Dialog®, DataStarTM, or Profound®
information services can best answer these requests.


Dialog provides the searcher with a powerful tool to find timely, pertinent information vital to a
competitive cosmetics corporation such as:

         ·   Major Players and Brands: “Global Top Cosmetic Companies Ranked By Total Beauty
             Sales, Subsidiaries and Main Brands” Women’s Wear
         ·   International Industry Reports and Market Trends: “European Cosmetics &
             Personal Care: Industry Update” Merrill Lynch
         ·   Advertising: “Posner Cosmetics is Targeting 18 to 34 Year-old African American Women
             With Its Newly Launched Advertising Campaign” Marketing to Emerging Majorities
         ·   Packaging: “Cosmetics & Toiletries Packaging Demand is Forecast to Grow 2.5% Yr to
             16,125 Mil Units by 2003” Modern Plastics
         ·   Research & Development: “Billion$ Global Toiletries and Cosmetics Industry
             Demanding More Innovative Ingredients, Including Cosmeceuticals and Natural Ingredients”
             Chemical Week
         ·   Chemical Compositions: “Determination of Sunscreen Agents in Cosmetic Products by
             Supercritical Fluid Extraction” Journal of Chromatography

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In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry - Dialog Applications Briefing
Cosmetics Industry                                                       Dialog Applications Briefing


The success of any search depends greatly on the sources investigated. Dialog has over 600
databases available, and many are specific to the personal care and cosmetics industry. These
key databases contain citations from virtually every industry publication available. The type of
information you find relies on the databases you search. Personal care and cosmetics
information can be found in a wide range of categories:

       ·   Newsletters, Newswires and Newspapers: Women’s Wear Daily…New York
           Times…Cosmetics Week…Cosmetics and Perfumery…Cosmetics International…Wall Street
           Journal…FDA publications
       ·   Industry, Marketing, and Broker Reports: U.S. Cosmeceutical Markets…Cosmetics
           and Toiletries in Latin America…Value Sales of Cosmetics by Retail Format 1995-1999…UK
           Prestige Toiletry and Cosmetic Market Size…Estee Lauder Goes Global With Own Brand of
           Rocket Science
       ·   Intellectual Property: Patent information from more than 60 countries, European and
           U.S. Federal and State Trademarks, and U.S. copyright
       ·   Trade Journals: American Cosmetics and Perfumery…Cosmetic Insider’s
           Report…Cosmetic Weekly…Cosmetics World News…Cosmetica…European Cosmetic
           Markets…Food, Drug and Cosmetic Law Journal…Food and Cosmetics Toxicology…Inside
           Cosmetics…International Journal of Cosmetic Science…Journal of the Society of Cosmetic
           Chemists…Soap and Cosmetics
       ·   Directories: Company snapshots, product listings, and financial data on public and private
           companies around the world from Dun & Bradstreet, Standard & Poor’s, American Business
           Directory, CorpTech, Kompass, Extel and many other suppliers

The following Dialog, DataStar, and Profound databases are suggested for Cosmetic Industry


           Information Categories                           Database Name and Number
Newsletters, Newswires, and Newspapers             Gale Group Newsletter DatabaseÔ (636)
                                                   World Reporter (20)
                                                   UPI News (261)
                                                   US Newswire (605)
                                                   Business Wire (610)
                                                   Asia Intelligence Wire (619)
                                                   Business Dateline (635)
                                                   Gale Group Trade & IndustryÔ (148)
Industry, Marketing, and Broker Reports            Business & Industry (9)
                                                   TableBase (93)
                                                   Gale Group New Product Announcements (621)
                                                   Gale Group Newsletter Database (636)
                                                   Datamonitor Market Research (761)
                                                   Euromonitor Market Research (762)
                                                   Freedonia Market Research (763)
Trade Journals                                     ABI/Inform® (15)
                                                   Gale Group F&S IndexÔ (18)
                                                   Pascal (144)
                                                   Wilson Business Abstracts (553)
                                                   Gale Group MARS (583)
                                                   International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (74)
                                                   Gale Group Trade & IndustryÔ (148)

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In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry - Dialog Applications Briefing
Dialog Applications Briefing                                                      Cosmetics Industry

              Information Categories                       Database Name and Number
Intellectual Property                             US Patents Fulltext (654)
                                                  WIPO/PCT Patents Fulltext (349)
                                                  European Patents Fulltext (348)
                                                  Derwent World Patents Index (351)
                                                  CLAIMSâ/US Patents Abstracts (340)
                                                  JAPIO (347)
                                                  INPADOC/Family and Legal Status (345)
Directories                                       Standard & Poor’s Corporate Descriptions plus News
                                                  Gale Group Company Intelligence® (479)
                                                  Cancorp Canadian Financials (491)
                                                  Directory of Corporate Affiliations (513)
                                                  D&B—Dun’s Electronic Business Directory® (515)
                                                  D&B—Dun’s Market Identifiers® (516)
                                                  D&B—International Dun’s Market Identifiers® (518)
                                                  D&B—Canadian Dun’s Market Identifiers® (520)
                                                  D&B—European Financial Records (523)
                                                  American Business Directory (531)
                                                  CorpTech® Directory of Technology Companies (559)
                                                  TFSD Ownership Database (540)
                                                  MG Financial/Stock Statistics (546)
                                                  Moody’s® Corporate Profiles (555)

                        Table 1: Dialog Databases with Cosmetics Information

International company directory information can be found by accessing
DIALINDEX/OneSearch categories. Check the following categories for companies in
specific regions:

    ASIACO (Asia/Pacific Company Directories)
    CANADACO (Canadian Company Directories)
    EUROPECO (European Company Directories)
    INTLCO (International Company Directories)
    JAPANCO (Japanese Company Directories)
    LATINCO (Latin American Company Directories)
    MIDEASTCO (Middle Eastern/African Company Directories)
    UKCO (United Kingdom Company Directories)
    USCO (United States Company Directories)
    PUBCO (United States Public Company Directories)


While there is much overlap between Dialog and DataStar databases, DataStar has unique files
when it comes to European information. There is a tremendous amount of European company
directory and company financial information found on the service that is not available on any
other online services. There is also KOSMET: Cosmetic Science (KOSM), a databases which
covers information on cosmetic and perfume science and technology. It specifically deals with
raw materials, manufacture, analysis, control, and use. If you need to do an exhaustive search
on the cosmetics industry, DataStar will provide you with unique opportunities.


The breadth and depth of marketing information on Profound far surpasses any other provider.

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In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry - Dialog Applications Briefing
Cosmetics Industry                                                     Dialog Applications Briefing

                                  Sample Applications

    Several examples appear in the following pages that illustrate how Dialog can be used to
    satisfy common information needs related to the cosmetics industry. The printed screen
    shots show the search terms and results using the DialogWebTM interface. The text
    commentary in the left-hand margin explains how the search results were obtained.

    Please note that Dialog offers several different user interfaces for searching and retrieving
    information. DialogWeb is featured in this briefing. Other Web-based interface options are
    described briefly in Appendix A. You may also create your own customized Web interface
    to Dialog using the Dialog Intranet Toolkit. For more information about DialogWeb, Dialog
    Intranet Toolkit, or any of the other available interfaces, contact your local account
    representative, or call 1-800-334-2564.

    Application 1: Identifying Major Players, Brands, and Products ……………………………5

    Application 2: Finding Market Research and Broker Reports…..……………………………9

    Application 3: Using Coding to Find Cosmetics Information in the Trade Journals………16

    Application 4: Locating R&D on Cosmetics in the Chemical Literature………………….. .22

    Application 5: Searching the Patent Files for Cosmetic Information………………………..24

                     Practice Exercises ……………………………………………………………..26

                     Appendices ……………………………………………………………………..27

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In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry - Dialog Applications Briefing
Dialog Applications Briefing                                                  Cosmetics Industry

             Application 1 – Finding Major Players, Brands, and

Topic: The cosmetics industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. New brands of cosmetics to
appeal to various population sectors are constantly being developed. Cosmetics to eliminate
wrinkles appear to the baby-boomers. Who are the top 25 global cosmetic manufacturers and
what are their main brands?

 Command Summary

 B 93
 S (global or
 international)/ti and
 (top or best or
 biggest)/ti and
 T s1/medium/1-15
 T s1/full/6,7,8

 BEGIN in File 93—
 TableBase. This
 database provides
 statistical data on a
 variety of industries.

 A simple subject
 search will provide the
 information we need.

 SELECT keywords
 limited to the titles of
 the records.

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In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry - Dialog Applications Briefing
Cosmetics Industry             Dialog Applications Briefing

    TYPE out a few
    records using
    MEDIUM format to see
    extended titles. Titles
    in this database
    appear as mini-

    This first article looks
    like one we are looking
    for. TYPE the
    complete article using
    a FULL format.

6                                                 9/2001
In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry - Dialog Applications Briefing
Dialog Applications Briefing                                              Cosmetics Industry

 This article supplies
 the top 20 cosmetics
 manufacturers and
 their brands—exactly
 what we were
 interested in.

Topic: Designers Donna Karen and Liz Claiborne offer their own cosmetic lines. Does Calvin
 Command Summary

 S calvin()klein(5n)
 cosmetic? and
 T s1/medium,k/1-5

 BEGIN in File 9,
 Business & Industry, a
 database containing
 international industry
 information on many

 SELECT keywords
 using proximity
 connectors and limit to
 the last few years.

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In Your Face: Dialog Applications for the Cosmetics Industry - Dialog Applications Briefing
Cosmetics Industry                                                   Dialog Applications Briefing

    TYPE out a few
    records in MEDIUM
    format to see the
    extended title and use
    KWIC to see excerpts
    from the text as well.

    Note the excerpts from
    the text of the article
    where it mentions that
    Calvin Klein has its
    own cosmetics line.

We can then TYPE out the records of interest using FULL format to obtain the complete text of
the article.

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Dialog Applications Briefing                                                 Cosmetics Industry

          Application 2 – Finding Market Research and Broker
Topic: A new and important part of the cosmetics industry is cosmeceuticals, cosmetic
products with therapeutic benefits. Dialog offers a complete collection of full-text market
research reports which contain trends, forecasts, and much more on a number of industries.
What are the forecasts for the future of this market of the cosmetics industry?

 Command Summary

 B 767
 S cosmeceutical?
 Report s1/titles
 [follow menu prompts]

 BEGIN in File 767,
 Frost & Sullivan
 Market Engineering, a
 database that contains
 full-text market
 research reports.

 SELECT the market
 using keywords.

 Use the REPORT
 TITLES command to
 retrieve market
 research reports and
 tables of contents.

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Cosmetics Industry                                                       Dialog Applications Briefing

REPORT TITLES sorts the total pages of the reports on the topic into the individual reports. It
then allows you to see Tables of Contents for each report so you can choose the “pages” that fit
your needs.

 There are two reports
 identified. Choose the
 report of interest, in
 this case report 1.

 Note the number of
 records indicating the
 number of “pages” in
 the report. These
 reports can be quite

You have the option to see the entire table of contents of a report or look at the section
headings first. Since these reports are often so long, it is a good idea to look at section
headings first.

 Choose the section
 heading you want to

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Dialog Applications Briefing                                          Cosmetics Industry

 Note that there are
 four pages in the
 Executive Summary
 section. We will
 choose pages 1,2 to
 see forecast

                               [Record continued on the next page.]

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Cosmetics Industry                                                     Dialog Applications Briefing

 Revenue growth is
 listed for the three
 product types in the
 Cosmeceutical market.

Topic: Investment brokers or analysts can also provide valuable insight about a company.
They relate how a company is faring in the market; they also make forecasts about a company
or an industry. Investext® (File 545) provides reports on companies and industries. Use
Investext to find out what brokers are predicting for the cosmetics company Estee Lauder.

 Command Summary

 B 545 current
 S estee()lauder/co and
 T s1/free/1-5
 Report s1/titles
 [follow menu prompts]

 BEGIN in File 545—
 Investext. This
 database provides
 analyst and broker
 reports for companies
 and industries. Use
 command to retrieve
 data from the current
 year, plus one back

 SELECT the name of
 the company limited to
 the company name
 field to retrieve reports
 where the company is
 the focus of the report.

The Investext database is divided into four subfiles: company, industry, country, and special
topics. You can use the SF= prefix to limit to a specific subfile (e.g., s sf=company).

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Dialog Applications Briefing   Cosmetics Industry

 to generate a list of
 reports so that you can
 view the tables of

 Note that there are 322
 pages of reports.

 From the list of reports
 generated with the
 command, choose the
 report you want to see.

 Note the listing
 provides the number of
 pages, the date
 created, and the
 brokerage firm that
 compiled the report.

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Cosmetics Industry     Dialog Applications Briefing

 From the Table of
 Content, choose the
 page(s) that are of

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Dialog Applications Briefing          Cosmetics Industry

 This report provides
 comments on sales
 growth for Estee
 Lauder’s different
 product lines.


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Cosmetics Industry                                                   Dialog Applications Briefing

     Application 3 – Using Coding to Locate Information in the
                          Trade Literature

Topic: Trade journals supply important literature about products in an industry. The baby
boomers comprise a large segment of the U.S. population. As they age, anti-aging products will
become even more important to this market segment. What information can you find on the
demand for anti-aging cosmetics by the baby boomer generation?

 Command Summary

 E ct=baby
 S e number(s)
 S s1 and (cosmetic? or
 toiletr?) and (aging or
 T s2/medium/1-5

 BEGIN in File 9—
 Business & Industry.
 This database contains
 articles from the trade
 press. It also has an
 extensive indexing
 system we can use to
 pinpoint data on “baby

 Use the EXPAND
 command with the CT=
 prefix to identify the
 term for baby
 boomers. Using
 indexing, such as
 concept terms, allow
 you to search for
 different topics without
 an extensive list of

 SELECT appropriate E
 number(s), in this case
 E4. Note the different
 types of concept terms
 to help you search in
 this database.

16                                                                                        9/2001
Dialog Applications Briefing   Cosmetics Industry

 Combine the “baby
 boomer” set with other
 keywords related to
 cosmetics and anti-

 View a few records in
 FREE format to see if
 the search retrieved
 relevant records before
 typing out complete

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Cosmetics Industry                                                    Dialog Applications Briefing


 Note records five and
 10 appear to focus
 specifically on baby
 boomer cosmetics.
 This market seems to
 be still gaining


We can choose to type out records using the FULL format to see the entire article(s).

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Dialog Applications Briefing                                                   Cosmetics Industry

 We can see from this
 article that this market
 has great potential
 now and for years to


Topic: Databases often use classification coding systems to identify different types of
industries. Find out if cosmetics companies are creating products for particular ethnic groups.

 Command Summary

 B 15,635
 S cc=8642?
 S s1 and (hispanic? or
 african()american? or
 T s2/free,k/1-5 from

 BEGIN in Files 15 and
 635. Both
 Business Dateline
 have classification
 coding to focus the
 search on the
 cosmetics industry.
 When searching more
 than one database,
 separate the database
 numbers with a
 comma (e.g., b

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Cosmetics Industry                                                       Dialog Applications Briefing

Sometimes when searching it is difficult to determine all of the appropriate terms to include in a
search strategy. A coding system can help to classify concepts. For example, articles about
the cosmetics industry can be found in the class 8642. To search, enter the prefix CC= and the
classification number. Note: You can also EXPAND using the CC= prefix to see a listing of
class codes with the class headings listed.

 We then add keywords
 to our class code to
 find the different ethnic
 groups. Note: When
 using AND and OR
 connectors in the
 same search
 statement, put the
 ORed terms in

 TYPE out a few
 records using the
 formats to view titles
 and the keywords in
 the context of the
 articles. This will help
 you decide which
 complete records to

 Since you are
 searching two
 databases, add the
 command to the end of
 the TYPE command to
 see the first few
 records from each
 database. (e.g., t
 s2/kwic/1-5 from

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Dialog Applications Briefing                                               Cosmetics Industry


To retrieve the complete article above, use the FULL format: T s2/full/1

9/2001                                                                                    21
Cosmetics Industry                                                   Dialog Applications Briefing

             Application 4 – Locating R&D on Cosmetics in the
                            Chemical Literature

Topic: To find out what new types of products cosmetics companies are working on, it is
important to check the chemical literatures files. Dialog has a OneSearch category—
CHEMLIT—which can be used for this purpose. One of the databases in this category is CA
Search®, File 399, which we can use to review the literature on chemicals used in cosmetics to
combat the aging process.

 Command Summary

 B 399
 S anti()(aging or
 ageing) and cosmetic?
 T s1/medium/1-5

 BEGIN in File 399—
 CA Search. This
 database contains
 journal articles, as well
 as patent references.

 SELECT keywords.
 Remember to use
 parentheses around

 TYPE out a few
 records using
 MEDIUM format.
 Using this format will
 indicate the type of
 record (e.g., journal
 article, patent).

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Dialog Applications Briefing                                                   Cosmetics Industry

 Note that the first and
 fifth records are

 Looks like this is a hot
 topic in Europe based
 on the countries that
 are issuing patents.

 Record 2 is a journal
 article in a Japanese
 journal. It appears
 from the title that there
 may be some problem
 evaluating anti-aging

 This article is in
 Japanese. If you only
 want to retrieve articles
 written in English, you
 can limit your search
 using LA=English.


We can look at the journal articles or patents by typing out the records using a FULL format.

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Cosmetics Industry                                                    Dialog Applications Briefing

        Application 5 – Searching the Patent Files for Cosmetic

Topic: Patents are an important part of the intelligence you can compile about your
competitors. Dialog has a number of patent databases on the system, which contain patents
worldwide. Find out what companies are patenting in the area of cosmetics to combat the aging

 Command Summary

 B 654
 S anti()(aging or
 ageing)/ti and
 T s1/medium/1-5

 BEGIN in File 654, the
 most current of the
 U.S. full-text patent
 databases. Patents
 appear online in this
 database the day they
 are published in the
 Official Gazette of the
 U.S. Patent and
 Trademark Office.

 SELECT keywords.
 Limiting keywords to
 the titles of articles will
 provide patent records
 that are more focused
 on the terms of

The RANK command provides the ability to perform trend or statistical analysis on an existing
search set. The Dialog system extracts terms from the specified field in a set of records and
lists them in ranked order, with the most highly posted term appearing first. To use this
command, just enter RANK and the desired field(s) (e.g., RANK PA).

24                                                                                         9/2001
Dialog Applications Briefing   Cosmetics Industry

 RANK the patent
 assignee to see what
 companies are
 patenting in this area
 of cosmetics.

 We can see that
 L’Oreal has two
 patents in this area.

 Note that these
 companies are
 obtaining patents in
 the U.S.

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Cosmetics Industry                                                   Dialog Applications Briefing

                                  Practice Exercises


1. Hair care products make up part of the cosmetics and toiletries market. This market
   consists of shampoos; conditioners, hair sprays, mousses, styling gels, and colorants. What
   are the estimated sales of this part of the cosmetics market (Use Tablebase, File 93).

2. As a consumer I am interested in shampoo and conditioner with natural or herbal
   ingredients. What products should I buy?

3. What are some of the adverse reactions to AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) used in some skin
   care products? (Hint: Use the trade literature or news files)

4. Some cosmetics companies are using acquisition and/or joint ventures to expand their
   product lines. Find out who the company BASF is working with to enlarge its product line.

5. What are some of the cosmetics products sold by Cosmair in the United States? Find out
   trends and forecasts for its products.

26                                                                                        9/2001
Dialog Applications Briefing                                                            Cosmetics Industry

                                              Appendix A
The Dialog Corporation offers customers flexibility in choosing a search interface to best meet their

DialogÒ (“Dialog Classic”)
The search solution preferred by information professionals for more than 25 years. “Classic Dialog” offers
a text-only interface. Use Dialog’s refined command language and indexing to develop simple or highly
sophisticated search strategies to retrieve exactly the information you need from our full content
collection. You can connect to Dialog via modem or telnet network connection using DialogLink, our free,
Windows custom communications software.

DialogClassicä Web
Designed for information professionals who need high-speed Internet access to the content and
functionality of classic Dialog. For more information, or to start searching, visit

Designed for information professionals and information users who have some Dialog search expertise.
DialogWeb combines the power of Classic Dialog with the ease of the Web. You can use the Command
Search mode to create sophisticated strategies using command language or the Guided Search mode for
advanced, forms-driven searching. DialogWeb accesses our full content collection. For more information,
or to start searching, visit

Designed for information users who need targeted information but do not need or want to develop
advanced search skills. With DialogSelect, you don’t need to know commands or the best sources to
consult. Simply use the point-and-click search forms to home in on the information you need.
DialogSelect offers the most popular databases in our content collection categorized into major vertical
markets. For more information, or to start searching, visit (subscribers) or (for credit card users).

This award-winning research tool makes it simple to find highly relevant answers to the most common
research topics. Subject-oriented modules cover Intellectual Property, Pharmaceuticals, Engineering,
and others.

Dialog Intranet Toolkit
Equips information professionals to custom build search and information interfaces that meet the specific
needs of knowledge workers throughout an organization. Information professionals can leverage their
knowledge of Dialog commands and content to give their colleagues point-and-click access to critical
information within your organization’s existing.

Other services from The Dialog Corporation:

DataStar, Europe’s leading online database service, offers access to a rich and vast collection of content,
highlighted by exceptionally strong European business analysis, news, medical and pharmaceutical, and
technical information. For more information, visit

Profound offers the world’s most valuable business information, including more than 94,000 market
research reports produced by more than 80 of the world’s top publishers. Many of the market research
reports are available online exclusively through Profound. For more information, visit

9/2001                                                                                                  27
Cosmetics Industry                                                     Dialog Applications Briefing

                                         Appendix B


     1. Hair care products make up part of the cosmetics and toiletries market. This market
        consists of shampoos; conditioners, hair sprays, mousses, styling gels, and colorants.
        What are the estimated sales of this part of the cosmetics market (Use Tablebase, File
               B 93
               S hair(2n)care and statistics/de
               T s1/medium,k/1-5

     2. As a consumer I am interested in shampoo and conditioner with natural or herbal
        ingredients. What products should I buy?
               B 9,16 current
               S (natural or herbal) and hair()care
               T s1/free,k/1-2 from each

     3. What are some of the adverse reactions to AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) used in some
        skin care products?
               B 399
               S aha or alpha()hydroxy()acid
               S s1 and (adverse or negative)()reaction?
               T s2/free/1-5

     4. Some cosmetics companies are using acquisition and/ or joint ventures to expand their
        product lines. Find out who BASF is working with to enlarge its product line.
               B 9,16
               e co=basf [You might also use the full company name]
               s e number(s)
               S (merger? or joint(n)venture? or acqui?)
               S s1 and s2
               T s3/medium,k/1-5

     5. What are some of the cosmetics products sold by Cosmair in the United States? Find
        out trends and forecasts for its products.
                B 763
                E co=cosmair
                S e number(s)
                Report s1/titles
                [follow report titles menu]

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You can also read