In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club

Page created by Stacy Griffith
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
In this Issue:

From the Editor ..................................................................... 1
The best of Hilton and Cedara & MTB News ............ 2
Putting Hills into Perspective .......................................... 3
MTB Mentor: Where to Save & Where to Spend .... 4
Ride Roundup ........................................................................ 5

                                                                                                          Lockdown restrictions favour the MTB
                                                                                                      riders among us at the moment, allowing (slightly
                                                                     The Downfall of the Bures…       bigger) groups to ride in open spaces and pretty
                                                                                                      places, as evidenced in this week’s BT articles from
                                                                                                      our MTB group. Those who prefer their road bikes
                                                                                                      continue to be plagued by the need to keep to
                                                                                                      groups of 4, avoid being mugged, and dodge the
                                                                                                      ever-increasing number and size of potholes on our
                                                                                                      roads, while trying to breathe through a mask/buff.
                                                                                                      Add to that the roadworks taking place along some
                                                                                                      of our favourite routes, and the 6am to 6pm time
                                                                                                      constraint, and the motivation needed to get up and
                                                                                                      get out on your road bike is substantial!
                                                                                                          This week’s articles are all about HILLS. It would
                                                                                                      seem there are still some BWs who enjoy a
                                                                                                      challenge and have been steadily doing road rides
                                                                                                      of increasing distance and speed, not to mention
                                                                                                      steepness. Thanks to Sya and Gavin for sharing their
                                                                                                      perspective of our road routes and hills. Hill training
                                                                                                      takes on a whole new meaning though, when you
                                                                                                      look at the Strava stats of a morning ride by Chris
                                                                                                      Froome; Distance: 164.2km, Elev Gain: 4400m. DSTV
                                                                                                      is also showing highlights from past Tour de France
                                                                                                             races if anyone needs more inspiration, and
                                                                                                             you can always opt to Zwift...
                                                                                                                  Having big group road rides is still a long
                                                                                                             way off, and we are investigating ways to
                                                                                                             support the SPCA, other than with our annual
                                                                                                             club ride and breakfast – more information to
                                                                                                             follow on this.
                                                                                                                  As an added incentive, and to give our
                                                                                                             Club sponsors, Compendium some exposure,
                                                                                                                                                                 Powered By…

                                                                                                             we will be launching a Facebook Competition
                                                                                                             where one member stands to win a cycling
                                                                                                             hamper consisting of a Compendium cycle
                                                                                                             kit,      shirt,    cap,      water       bottle,
                                                                                                             Compendium/Grumpy Monkey active socks
                                                                                                             and cycle magazine. Follow us on Facebook
                                                                                                             for more details.
                                                                                                                                         Stay safe and sane.

                                                                                                  BURG TALK | 27-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
Rebecca van der Linde
     Having spent some hours clearing trails the previous
weekend, Gavin organised a ride on Saturday morning,
to enjoy the fruits of the club’s labour efforts. We
started from a relatively unknown venue called ‘The Well
Cafe’ in Knoll Road just outside Hilton (heading towards
Sweetwaters side), where the (small) group enjoyed a
coffee before heading out on the trails. The Well Café is
a relatively new wellness café and health shop with a
focus on a wholesome, organic menu, frozen meals and
some enticing treats. They are trying to attract trail
runners and mountain bikers and have opened up a trail
link directly from their entrance, which allows access to
the Hilton trails.
     The zigzag trail heading out is aptly named ‘snakes
& ladders’ (going down) and ‘coffee grinder’ (coming
back up) and from there you just need to sniff out the                                                  Richard Krusekopf
favourites. Gavin did a good job of taking in just about             The Cedara trails are a hot topic at the moment so
all the best ones – and especially the ones the club had        those who spent time clearing can really feel
cleared. We then made our way across to the Grace               appreciated. There have been numerous messages of
College side and did variations of those (now well-             appreciation from BW’s and friends alike. I must add my
trampled) trails, before returning to the Knoll. The final      appreciation to the list. I was in a group that rode some
little ‘coffee grinder’ hill was a reminder that fitness        of them this past Saturday and they are fantastic.
levels are somewhat lacking (for some!). The venue was               In addition, there is also an amazing network of trails
hosting a ‘drive-through’ art exhibition so was quite           in the Grace College area providing excellent riding. We
busy and unfair to judge them in this busy state, but we        are so spoilt to have all this right here, free of charge
did wait a long while for our iced coconut coffees and          and without any admin hassles. Long may it last.
only got home close to lunchtime.                                    The current limit on group sizes and resultant load
                                                                on leaders for rides has prompted the suggestion that a
                                                                route should be marked out in the Grace College area.
                                                                Current thinking is to mark out around 20km of track so
                                                                   that we can all find our way through without any
                                                                     difficulty. Keep an eye out for this.
                                                                         Our regular chat groups have been somewhat
                                                                    silent regarding organised rides and this may give the
                                                                   impression that very little is going on. This is not the
                                                                   case and there are rides taking place almost on a non-
                                                                  stop basis. With the current restrictions in place,
                                                                 members are finding it convenient to ride at varying
                                                                 times during the day, and the big group rides have been
                                                                replaced by numerous small group rides – how the
                                                                dynamics have changed.
                                                                     If anyone is looking for a ride/riding partner, please
                                                                free to send out a message on the chat group. You are
                                                                sure to find someone to ride with. The Committee are
                                                                also looking at ways to share our rides and routes so
                                                                that others can benefit – if you have some great trails,
                                                                let’s share them with the club. Enjoy your riding.

                                                  BURG TALK | 27-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
The 2 extra, short steep climbs add a little spice, but
                                                                  watch your heart rate.
                     Sya Beaton and Gavin Brown                       NOTE: Average gradient = Vertical metres/ length
  The Montrose Hills or The 6 Ugly Sisters, a                     of climb x 100
Witch & their Two Naughty Cousins
    We have always enjoyed
                                                Climb        Start Point         Route      End Point  Distance Ascent    Grade
the challenge of these 7                                                                                   m      m     Ave Max
climbs, but Lockdown forced          1       Town Bush        Corner of        Via Town     Waltdorf     2500     93     4%    8%
us to become better                             Road       McCarthy Drive     Bush Road     Complex
acquainted with them. So,                                  and Town Bush
we thought we would share                                       Road
the pain but also the                2        Oak Park     Corner of Town Via Kenneth      High Level    1700    103     6% 17%
                                                           Bush Road and          Road         Place
exhilaration with BW’s.
                                                            Ireland Road
    The table shows an               3      Warwick Road Corner of Town Via Warwick           Top of     1100     51     5% 12%
analysis of each hill detailing                            Bush Road and          Road      Warwick
length, metres climbed and                                 Warwick Road                        Road
average and maximum                  4      Montgomery        Corner of       Via Athlone   Corner of    3300    196     6% 10%
gradient. Because the climbs                    Road        Montgomery         Circle and  Old Howick
are close together, they all                               Road and Town      Coffee Box     and Link
start and finish in Town Bush                                 Bush Road                        Road
Road, which means that if            5         Frances     Corner of Town Via Frances          Peter     2000    132     7% 12%
your 1 (or 2 or 3) mates can’t             Staniland Drive Bush  Road and      Staniland      Brown
                                                            Neden Road         Drive and       Drive     3300    150     5% 12%
keep up with you, you can all
                                                             (near Greg      Peter Brown     QE Park
regroup back in Town Bush.                                 Minaar Cycles)         Drive     Entrance
We have our pet dislikes but         6         Craigie     Corner of Town     Via Craigie    Victoria    3200     85     3% 14%
have tried being unbiased                       Drive      Bush Road and       Drive and     Country
and to rate the climbs                                      Craigie Drive       Frances    Club Estate
                                                                               Staniland   Office Park
according to perceived
                                                                               Drive and
effort.     From     easy     to                                             Peter Brown
horrendous here they are:                                                         Drive
  1 TOWN BUSH ROAD Witch                    Chase Valley      Corner of        Via Chase      Top of     2860    189     7% 16%
    (Cascades to Waltdorf)                      Road       McCarthy Drive Valley Road Troon Place
    Nice gentle slope, good                                and Town Bush
    warm up
                                     A         English        Corner of        via Chase      Top of     1500     62     4% 20%
  2 OAK PARK (Ireland to                        Road        Chase Valley      Valley Road     English
    High Level Place) Bit                                     Road and        and English      Road
    more        taxing      but                            McCarthy Drive         Road
    manageable. Near the             B       Normandy         Corner of      Via Caldecot     Top of      310     17     5% 17%
                                                Place       Craigie Drive      Place and   Normandy
    top there is a short 17 %
                                                            and Caldecot      Normandy         Place
    kick, which can always be                                   Place             Place
    left for another day!
  3 WARWICK Steepish, but short, and there is always                      We hope you will share our hills and find them
    the possibility of a coffee stop at the Weedons.                 challenging and enjoyable. The rewards are the view
  4 MONTGOMERY Long but not too bad. Coffee Box at                   from the top, new QOM’s / KOM’s, an immense sense of
    Athlone Circle could provide a breather.                         achievement and maybe coffee along the way.
  5 FRANCES STANILAND (aka Eddie’s Favourite) the                         Three climbs in one hour is good going, 4 or 5 earns
    longest climb but has a few flattish sections.                   you a croissant with your coffee and accomplish all 7 in
  6 CRAIGIE To some of us, the most demanding and                    one go and you win the Polka Dot Jersey.
    there is a nasty unfilled ditch across the road halfway               Only prerequisites are ……bright, visible clothing,
    up …. BEWARE!                                                    flashing front and backlights
  7 CHASE VALLEY ROAD Definitely the Witch. It is long                    ENJOY!
    and unrelenting. Might need to stop off at Seattle
    Coffee before and after!

                                                  BURG TALK | 27-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
Brett Fourie
   Where to Save and Where to Spend (2)
    Never buy used! It’s impossible to see what type of
abuse a handlebar has been subjected to. Buy new and
save on dental bills. Resist the urge to overspend on
stems/handlebars if shopping on a budget. The
difference in palpable performance between aluminium
and carbon is almost impossible to feel for the average
weekend warrior like myself and only negligible in
weight. However, opt for a well-known brand to gain
that extra peace of mind about durability and
construction quality. Be sure to choose a bar with rise,
sweep and length to suite your riding needs and style.
    A dropper post is absolutely a "must do" upgrade to              N.B. Numerous "after market" 12 speed cassettes
any mountain bike! Riding off road is all about weight            and drivetrain components are flooding the market at
distribution. A dropper allows you to adjust your centre          hugely lower prices than the offerings from both Sram
of gravity on the fly. This is the one upgrade to a               and Shimano. Be wise and avoid these "great deals".
mountain bike that will completely revolutionize your             They cost less for a very good reason - poor
riding. Each and every KOM or top ten I've achieved on            performance and woeful durability.
Strava on a technical section is as a direct result of riding                              Hope this helps - till next time
with a DP. You don’t have to break the bank; decent                                                                   Brett
droppers are available from around R3000.
    To meet certain price points, bicycle manufacturers
will more often than not, spec their bikes with higher
end brakes and suspension mixed with a more                            Three of us headed out on Sunday afternoon to put
affordable drivetrain. Reason being there is little to no         in a little extra training. Of course, three “female” minds
performance difference between mid to high end                    working synergistically together creates great ideas, and
drivetrains other than a small weight penalty.                    so we decided hill training would be the plan. Leaving
    Twelve speed drivetrains are here to stay and very            from CoffeeBox, we headed off down Montgomery
much the in thing. Both the big players in this market,           before a cruise past the Mall. No time to shop sadly!
Sram and Shimano, have excellent offerings in their               Morcom Road beckoned once we safely negotiated the
range to suite most pockets. Sram offer 12 speed SX               traffic in Victoria Rd and Mayors Walk, this was the first
Eagle with an 11-50 tooth cassette as their entry level.          hill. At the top, after giving directions to a friendly fire
Similarly, the entry point from the Shimano stable runs           engine driver, we headed back down the hill and up to
a 11-51 tooth range in Deore guise.                               the Hospice turn. The next hill challenge was Roberts
    Always bear in mind you pay substantially more as             Road up to Clarendon school, before we turned into
you move up the groupset hierarchy and in this case,              Villiers Drive enjoying the scenic views over Pmb as we
you can feel the difference in both shifting speed as well        climbed. Dashing down Kitchener Rd, we enjoyed a few
as an added crispness.                                            seconds of freewheeling before we faced the biggie -
    Nevertheless these differences are not huge and the           Taunton Rd. The first part of the climb quickly wiped all
weight penalty negligible. The weight weenies amongst             the smiles away, and we ground our way in silence up
us however will happily pay a twenty percent premium              to the Tanner Rd turn near the top. This was our first
for a 130-gram weight saving from one groupset to the             attempt at Tanner Rd (other than by car!) which grows
next. (Insider tip - fit a XT shifter to your Deore 12 speed      in steepness as it progresses – on and on. Turning into
drivetrain and I'd challenge anyone to notice the                 Dale Rd gave little respite as the hill continued, and so
difference between the full XT drivetrain and the one             it was with weary, shaky legs that we made it back to
running the XT only shifter).                                     Coffeebox. Are we going back?? For sure – there is a
                                                                  Strava segment that needs to be broken…

                                                    BURG TALK | 27-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
Upcoming Events

    2020 Virtual Aquelle Tour Durban
  Although we can't be together to take part in the
 aQuelle Tour Durban this year, we can still all do
something together on 25 & 26 July as part of the
          Virtual aQuelle Tour Durban.
 Go to to join the programme
              and #Ride For Good.

                Date: 18 July 2020
         Start Time: Anytime From 07h30                                             For Sale
         Distance: 67km (MTB and Road)                                        2016 Merida Scultura 400
             Entries Close: 17 July 2020
                   Entry Fee: R67
         Enter at:
          Ride 67km and fight poverty on
           International Mandela Day!

                                                                       11 speed Shimano 105 components. Size 54
                                                                                    As new condition
                                                                                      Price: R9500
                                                                                Viewing can be arranged
                                                                            Contact Gert Rood +27726244070

                                                                                       MTB small frame
                                                                                 Preferably Dual Suspension
                                                                            Contact Nicola Portello on 082 330 2718

  Chairman                       Vice-Chairman                  Secretary                       BurgTalk
  Bobby Nefdt                    Dale Southern                  Janice Brisbane                 Sally Upfold
  082 082 1992                   083 659 3000                   083 660 9996                   082 5700 851 

                          @ BurgWheelersCyclingClub                   @burgwheelers

                                            BURG TALK | 27-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
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