Improvement Plan for Vision statement - 2019 to 2021 - Airdale ...

Page created by John Patton
Improvement Plan for Vision statement - 2019 to 2021 - Airdale ...
Improvement Plan for
2019 to 2021

Vision statement

Parents/Caregivers, staff, students and the community work together in a friendly environment where visitors are
welcome and we all feel safe, valued and have a sense of belonging.                                                Click to upload logo
Students display the Qualities of Respect, Responsibility, Persistence and Confidence both in the school,
academically and socially, and the broader community.

We develop a community of powerful learners who foster and practise a growth mindset in all areas of their life.

Staff are committed to providing quality learning by providing opportunities for personal, social and cultural

Parents/Caregivers are encouraged to be actively involved in the school’s learning programmes and are regularly
informed of student progress and the school’s activities.

We aim for academic, social and emotional growth to create powerful learners who believe they are capable, with
effort, of learning and achieving.
Plan summary
               Goals                                                 Targets                                                   Challenge of practice                       Success criteria
                                       Increase number of Years 4 to 7 students achieving SEA or
To improve R/2 students'               above in
                                                                                                                       We will develop and apply a               When reading and testing Phonics,
Phonological Awareness skills          PAT-R to Yr. 4 - 11/22; Yr. 5 - 13/26; Yr. 6 - 12/21 Yr. 7 - 6/7                consistent data/evidence based R/2        students will be able to decode
                                                                                                                       approach to teaching Phonological         words.
                                       Increase the percentage of Year 3 - 7 students achieving SEA and above to 81%
                                       Increase the number of Year 5 students enrolled in 2019 achieving increased     Awareness (Heggerty) and Phonics.
                                       growth to higher bands to 5 (2 in 2018)
                                       Increase the number of Year 7 students enrolled in 2019 achieving increased
                                       growth to higher bands in NAPLAN Reading to 6 (2 in 2018)

                                       PASM achievement - Reception - 50% , Year 1 -
                                       55%, Year 2 - 55%.
                                       Phonics achievement - Year 1 - 55%, Year 2 - 50%

                                       Increase number of Years 4 to 7 students achieving SEA or
3 - 7 Literacy                         above in
                                                                                                                       We will implement a consistent Years      Students will have progressively
To improve students' reading           PAT-R to Yr. 4 - 11/22; Yr. 5 - 13/26; Yr. 6 - 12/21 Yr. 7 - 6/7                3-7 approach to reading                   improved their ability to comprehend
comprehension skills.                                                                                                  comprehension, using Big Six              literal and inferred information,
                                       Increase the percentage of Year 3 - 7 students achieving SEA and above to 81%
                                       Increase the number of Year 5 students enrolled in 2019 achieving increased     strategies in a variety of text genres.   across curriculum areas.
                                       growth to higher bands to 5 (2 in 2018)
                                       Increase the number of Year 7 students enrolled in 2019 achieving increased
                                       growth to higher bands in NAPLAN Reading to 6 (2 in 2018)
                                                                                                                       Our initial focus will be on literal
                                                                                                                       understanding, moving towards
                                       Increase the number of students achieving                                       making inferences.
                                       S.E.A. or above - Year 3 - 57%, Year 4 - 62%,
                                       Year 5 - 36%, Year 6 - 56%, Year 7 - 60%

To improve students' writing skills.   Increase the percentage of students                                             We will implement and consolidate a       When observing, conferencing and
                                       achieving C or greater                                                          consistent whole school approach,         moderating students' Narrative
                                                                                                                       using the Brightpath programme, to        writing, we will notice progressive
                                       Increase the percentage of students achieving B and above in Writing
                                       Increase the percentage of Year 5 students achieving SEA and above to 53%       the teaching and moderation of            improvements in authorial choices
                                       (48% in 2018)
                                       Increase the percentage of Year 7 students achieving SEA or above to 52% (35%
                                       in 2018)
                                                                                                                       students' writing.                        (manipulating language to achieve a
                                                                                                                                                                 purpose) and language conventions
                                       Increase the percentage of students demonstrating 0-95
                                       points improvement to 85%
                                                                                                                                                                 (controlled use and accuracy).
                                       Increase the percentage of students demonstrating 100 +
                                       points improvement to 15%

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Improvement plan for
2019 to 2021

•   Complete every step. The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this. In addition, your education director will
    provide support.
•   Text will reduce in size the more you type. Exceeding the optimal limits will result in illegible text size electronically and in-print.
•   Complete steps 1 to 3 during term 4 and have it approved by the principal, governing council chairperson, and education director.
•   Email this plan (steps 1 to 3) to your education director.
•   Publish your school improvement plan (steps 1-3) on your school website.
•   Work through step 4 (Improve practice and monitor impact) regularly throughout the school year. This step does not need to be published
    on your website.
•   Complete step 5 (Review and evaluate) in term 4 of each year. This step does not need to be published on your website, though it should
    inform the Improvement Planning - Review and evaluate section of your annual report to the school community.
•   Your school improvement plan will be current for 2019 to 2021 and should be updated in term 4 each year.
•   Note that each text box has a specific optimal character limit. Character limit includes words, punctuation, bullet points and spaces.
•   Be careful when copying from other documents, and remove any paragraph spaces from lists and bullet points as that will reduce text size.
•   Steps 1-3 will auto-populate as you type in text, meaning text will carry over across multiple pages and sections.

For further information and advice, contact:
Review, Improvement and Accountability
Phone: 8226 1284

                                                                                                                                                Page 3 of 12
Step 1                                                                                                                                                                     1
Analyse evidence of student learning and answer the question ‘What are our goals for improvement?’ Specify up to 3 goals and annual                                        and prioritise
targets for student learning improvement in the table below.

 Goal                                   Targets

 Goal 1 To improve R/2 students'                  Increase number of Years 4 to 7 students achieving SEA or above in
        Phonological Awareness skills    2019
                                                  PAT-R to Yr. 4 - 11/22; Yr. 5 - 13/26; Yr. 6 - 12/21 Yr. 7 - 6/7

                                                  Increase the percentage of Year 3 - 7 students achieving SEA and above to 81%
                                         2020     Increase the number of Year 5 students enrolled in 2019 achieving increased growth to higher bands to 5 (2 in 2018)
                                                  Increase the number of Year 7 students enrolled in 2019 achieving increased growth to higher bands in NAPLAN Reading to 6 (2 in 2018)

                                                  PASM achievement - Reception - 50% , Year 1 - 55%, Year 2 - 55%.
                                                  Phonics achievement - Year 1 - 55%, Year 2 - 50%

 Goal 2 3 - 7 Literacy                            Increase number of Years 4 to 7 students achieving SEA or above in
        To improve students' reading              PAT-R to Yr. 4 - 11/22; Yr. 5 - 13/26; Yr. 6 - 12/21 Yr. 7 - 6/7
        comprehension skills.
                                                  Increase the percentage of Year 3 - 7 students achieving SEA and above to 81%
                                         2020     Increase the number of Year 5 students enrolled in 2019 achieving increased growth to higher bands to 5 (2 in 2018)
                                                  Increase the number of Year 7 students enrolled in 2019 achieving increased growth to higher bands in NAPLAN Reading to 6 (2 in 2018)

                                                  Increase the number of students achieving S.E.A. or above - Year 3 - 57%, Year 4 - 62%, Year 5 - 36%, Year
                                                  6 - 56%, Year 7 - 60%

 Goal 3 To improve students' writing              Increase the percentage of students achieving C or greater

                                                  Increase the percentage of students achieving B and above in Writing
                                         2020     Increase the percentage of Year 5 students achieving SEA and above to 53% (48% in 2018)
                                                  Increase the percentage of Year 7 students achieving SEA or above to 52% (35% in 2018)

                                                  Increase the percentage of students demonstrating 0-95 points improvement to 85%
                                                  Increase the percentage of students demonstrating 100 + points improvement to 15%

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Step 2                                                                                                                                                 2
Consider how improvements in teaching practice will help to achieve your improvement goals and answer the question ‘What areas of              challenge of
practice should we focus on improving to reach our goals?’ Specify your challenge of practice for each goal in the table below.                     practice

         Challenge of practice                             Success criteria

 Goal 1 We will develop and apply a consistent         When reading and testing Phonics, students will be able to decode words.
        data/evidence based R/2 approach to teaching
        Phonological Awareness (Heggerty) and Phonics.

 Goal 2 We will implement a consistent Years 3-7          Students will have progressively improved their ability to comprehend literal and inferred
        approach to reading comprehension, using Big      information, across curriculum areas.
        Six strategies in a variety of text genres. Our
        initial focus will be on literal understanding,
        moving towards making inferences.

 Goal 3 We will implement and consolidate a consistent When observing, conferencing and moderating students' Narrative writing, we will notice
        whole school approach, using the Brightpath    progressive improvements in authorial choices (manipulating language to achieve a purpose)
        programme, to the teaching and moderation of and language conventions (controlled use and accuracy).
        students' writing.

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Step 3                                                                                                                                                 3
Consider evidence of best practice to answer the question ‘What actions should we take to improve our practice and reach our goals?’                   actions for
Specify your actions for improvement, timeline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.                      improvement

  Goal 1: To improve R/2 students' Phonological Awareness skills
                                        We will develop and apply a consistent data/evidence based R/2 approach to teaching Phonological Awareness
  Challenge of practice:                (Heggerty) and Phonics.

  Actions                                                          Timeline        Roles and responsibilities                Resources

At the beginning of the year, year 1 and 2 teachers            Term 1            - All year 1 and 2 teachers will need to   - A copy of Phonics Check words from
will find baseline data of students' Phonics levels                                know how to conduct test                   previous year
using "Phonics Check" words from previous years                                  - Year 1 and 2 teachers share and          - Record sheet/answer sheet
tests                                                                              discuss results                          - Literacy Guidebooks
                                                                                                                            - Literacy Scope and Sequence

R-2 Teachers to implement Heggerty Phonics daily               Ongoing           - Consistent hand actions decided by JP    - Heggerty book at appropriate level
                                                                                   Teachers                                 - Heggerty test
                                                                                 - Access to Heggerty book and              - Literacy Guidebooks
                                                                                   resources                                - Literacy Scope and Sequence
                                                                                 - Look into Heggerty test

Tracking student growth                                        Beginning Term 1 & - Phonics Check Year 1 and 2              - Phonics check from previous year
                                                               mandated time in                                             - Record sheets
                                                               Term 3 (Year 1's)                                            - PASM Tests and resources
                                                                                                                            - Literacy Guidebooks
                                                               Beginning Term 2 &
                                                               4                  - PASM Test                               - Literacy Scope and Sequence

                                                                                                                                                           Page 6 of 12
Step 3 cont.                                                                                                                                            3
Consider evidence of best practice to answer the question ‘What actions should we take to improve our practice and reach our goals?’                    actions for
Specify your actions for improvement, timeline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.                       improvement

  Goal 1 continued:
  Actions                                                  Timeline          Roles and responsibilities                       Resources

Analyse student results to identify students at risk to   Beginning Term    - SSOs and AET trained in Heggerty for           - Heggerty Phonics books
form intervention groups                                  1                   small group work for intervention

R-2 Teachers to use synthetic phonics and phonics         Ongoing           - New staff trained in Jolly programs and        - Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar
                                                                              Grapho-phonemic language
based programs (Jolly Phonics, Jolly Grammar 1 & 2)                                                                            books/resources
                                                                            - Consistent weekly implementation of programs
                                                                            - Use of appropriate linguistic language         - Training
                                                                              (Phonemes, graphemes, blends, digraphs,

  Total financial resources allocated

                                                          When reading and testing Phonics, students will be able to decode words.

  Success criteria

                                                                                                                                                            Page 7 of 12
Step 3 cont.                                                                                                                                                               3
Consider evidence of best practice to answer the question ‘What actions should we take to improve our practice and reach our goals?’                                      actions for
Specify your actions for improvement, timeline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.                                         improvement

              3 - 7 Literacy
  Goal 2:     To improve students' reading comprehension skills.

                         We will implement a consistent Years 3-7 approach to reading comprehension, using Big Six strategies in a variety of
  Challenge of practice: text genres. Our initial focus will be on literal understanding, moving towards making inferences.

  Actions                                                          Timeline     Roles and responsibilities                                      Resources

Implement Literacy Blocks focusing on Heggerty                                - Principal to ensure all teachers are familiar with             - Big6 resources from 2020 trainings
                                                                                the Big Six program
Phonics and Big Six reading comprehension skills.                             - Literacy Coordinator to provide resources for
                                                                                                                                               - Literacy Guidebooks
                                                                                teachers as required                                           - Heggerty Phonics workbooks
                                                                              - Teachers to plan consistent and cohesive reading
                                                                                comprehension units of work across curriculum

                                                                              - Year 3 - 7 students to complete STAR test
Accelerated Reader program - STAR test                                        - Teachers to review strategies recommended for each student     - STAR Reading test
                                                                                and ensure term planning supports student development          - IT devices
                                                                              - Communicate student results to students and parents/carers
                                                                              - Students borrow books accordingly
                                                                              - Complete testing every term to monitor and review

                                                                              - Literacy Coordinator leads group norms
Teacher sharing time at a Staff Meeting                                       - Principal to encourage and provide time for
                                                                                                                                               - Group Norms
Learning Teams to discuss literal understanding                                 Learning Teams to meet to share lessons based on literal       - Students' work or evidence of
activities, progressing to inferred information.                              - All teachers willingly participate in Learning Team Meetings     teaching practice
                                                                              - Literacy Coordinator to introduce TAG                          - TAG Peer Assessment
                                                                              - Teachers share peer assessment while others in the
                                                                                team ask clarifying and thought provoking questions

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Step 3 cont.                                                                                                                                                    3
Consider evidence of best practice to answer the question ‘What actions should we take to improve our practice and reach our goals?’                           actions for
Specify your actions for improvement, timeline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.                              improvement

  Goal 2 continued:
  Actions                                                Timeline            Roles and responsibilities                              Resources

Literacy Coordinator to audit staff knowledge and                          - Leadership to distribute, collect and                  - Big Six resources
understanding of Big Six strategies, analyse data and                        collate results from audit.                            - Sheena Cameron resources
plan and implement professional development for                            - Leadership to plan professional                        - CD/USB resources
improvement where needed.                                                    development based on results of                        - Literacy Guidebooks
                                                                             audit.                                                 - Self Assessment of Literacy Teaching
                                                                           - Running Records training for all supporting staff.
Teachers to conduct Learning Sprints (twice per term)                                                                               - Running Records data (twice per
                                                                           - Teachers to test all students and submit results to
based on Running Records.                                                     Literacy Coordinator                                    term)
                                                                           - Literacy Coordinator to collect and collate data and   - Running Records training and
                                                                              display on data wall
                                                                           - Intervention Team to monitor and act on levels of        materials

  Total financial resources allocated                   $10,000

                                                        Students will have progressively improved their ability to comprehend literal and inferred
                                                        information, across curriculum areas.
  Success criteria

                                                                                                                                                                    Page 9 of 12
Step 3 cont.                                                                                                                                              3
Consider evidence of best practice to answer the question ‘What actions should we take to improve our practice and reach our goals?’                      actions for
Specify your actions for improvement, timeline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.                         improvement

  Goal 3:     To improve students' writing skills.

                                          We will implement and consolidate a consistent whole school approach, using the Brightpath programme, to the
  Challenge of practice:                  teaching and moderation of students' writing.

  Actions                                                      Timeline          Roles and responsibilities                   Resources

Pre-test all students                                        Week 1 or 2        - Discuss anonymity in testing with staff     - Templates
                                                             Term 1             - Literacy Coordinator to provide guidelines - Instructions for testing
                                                                                  and templates to all teachers
                                                                                                                              - Brightpath Folder
                                                                                - Literacy Coordinator to ensure all teachers
                                                                                  have access to Brightpath folder
                                                                                - Teachers to pre-test all students by Week 8

Literacy Coordinator facilitates whole staff                 Term 1 Weeks 7, - All teachers meet with a teacher outside     - Brightpath folder
moderation                                                   8                 their learning team to moderate and          - Students' tests
                                                                                  score pre-tests
                                                                                - Teachers to review student results and
                                                                                  decide how to implement teaching points

Pre-tests uploaded to Brightpath Dashboard                   Term 1 Week 9      - Office Manager to upload student          - Students' tests
                                                                                  work to Brightpath Dashboard
                                                                                - Teachers enter scores when
                                                                                  Dashboard is made available

                                                                                                                                                              Page 10 of 12
Step 3 cont.                                                                                                                                                                        3
Consider evidence of best practice to answer the question ‘What actions should we take to improve our practice and reach our goals?’                                                actions for
Specify your actions for improvement, timeline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.                                                   improvement

  Goal 3 continued:
  Actions                                                Timeline            Roles and responsibilities                                                  Resources

Teachers to implement teaching points in the            Ongoing            - Literacy Coordinator to regularly   - Brightpath Website
programming.                                            (Term 1, 2)        check-in and support teachers as      - Brightpath resources from Knowedge
                                                                           required to implement teaching points Base.

Post-test for all students                              Week 4, Term 2     - Literacy Coordinator to ensure all                                         - Brightpath folders
                                                                           teachers have access to Brightpath                                           - Student tests
                                                                           - Teachers to post-test all students by
                                                                           Week 4, Term 2
                                                                           - All teachers meet with a teacher outside their learning team to
Moderate student results                                End of Term 2      moderate and score pre-tests                                                 - Student pre and post-test results
                                                                           - Literacy Coordinator to collate and distribute data ready for staff to
                                                                           - Results displayed on data wall.
                                                                           - Teachers to enter results on Brightpath Dashboard when it is available
                                                                           in Term 3.
                                                                           - Literacy Coordinator and Deputy Principal to organise student results to
                                                                           be passed to 2022 teachers.

  Total financial resources allocated                   $10,000

                                                        When observing, conferencing and moderating students' Narrative writing, we will notice
                                                        progressive improvements in authorial choices (manipulating language to achieve a purpose) and
  Success criteria                                      language conventions (controlled use and accuracy).

                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 11 of 12

Approved by principal

Geoff Saunders


Approved by governing council chairperson

Bre Dietman


Approved by education director

Rob Knight


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