IMPACT REPORT 2019-20 - Arts Etobicoke

Page created by Tyrone Garrett
IMPACT REPORT 2019-20 - Arts Etobicoke
I M PA C T R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 - 2 0
IMPACT REPORT 2019-20 - Arts Etobicoke
swiftly responded by acquiring additional grants and

Who We Are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Community members donated funds, time, and
                                                                                                                                                                     relief funding and directed those funds and resulting      supplies and helped us reach out to their neighbours
                                                Letter from the                                                                                                      opportunities to the communities who needed them
                                                                                                                                                                     the most. During this critical time, we were able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                who could benefit from these packages.

Arts Etobicoke is a not-for-profit
charitable organization that focuses
                                                Board Chair and                                                                                                      hire 14 part-time and full-time staff to support our
                                                                                                                                                                     programs and community, with a focus on hiring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This year has proven our ability to quickly respond to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the needs of the community. Certainly, COVID-19 has
on improving people’s lives through the
arts. We have developed an inclusive
                                                Executive Director                                         Dominique Sanguinetti
                                                                                                                   BOARD CHAIR
                                                                                                                                            Wendy Rading
                                                                                                                                            EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
                                                                                                                                                                     multilingual candidates, BIPOC representation, local
                                                                                                                                                                     residents, and people who have shared similar life
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                not been easy on anyone but we are confident that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                together we will continue to provide excellent and
and creative community hub that is                                                                                                                                   experiences as some of our community members.              innovative community arts programs. We are inspired
open to all people in West Toronto. We          This has been a year of exceptional growth at Arts         our new circumstances. Within two weeks of closing                                                                   by the strength and enthusiasm of our community
believe in providing equitable access           Etobicoke. We hosted our third annual Park Party in        our office, Arts Etobicoke shifted classes and adapted    We are incredibly proud of the hard work, resilience and   members and we look forward
                                                Bell Manor Park, launched the first phase of our massive   existing programs to online platforms. Other newly        strength of our volunteers, staff, board, and community.   to continuing this
to the arts regardless of economic or
                                                North Etobicoke Mural Project, hosted numerous             developed programs quickly followed, including live       We charged ahead in the typical Arts Etobicoke way, by     journey together.
social status. Arts Etobicoke is a place
                                                professional and emerging artists in our gallery, sold     weekly artists’ studio tours, artist demonstrations,      creating fulsome, impactful, and positive community
where everyone can freely express their         more artwork than ever before, and offered our first       seniors’ Crafting in Quarantine videos, and online live   arts programs to communities most in need.
art and culture through our programs,           Holiday Gift Shop show and Holiday Market.                 music events. During this Spring and Summer, Arts
exhibitions, workshops, events, classes,                                                                   Etobicoke paid 40% more artists than the previous         Arts Etobicoke partnered with local residents to
and professional development.                   And yet, we can’t talk about this year, without            year and we continued to deliver programs to meet         collect and distribute over 100 art packages to
                                                talking about COVID-19, the impact it has had on our       the gap experienced by our community. Arts Etobicoke      families in need who were stuck in their apartments,
Photo Credits, bottom to top:
Catherine Cachia, Arts Etobicoke, Jeremy Sale   community and our swift and creative adjustments to        learned that our neighbours were in crisis and we         some with multiple generations living together.
Pg 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pg 3
IMPACT REPORT 2019-20 - Arts Etobicoke
Family                                                                             Seniors                Artists
                                                                                            WE PROGRAM FOR THE       Montgomery’s Inn Film Nights,                                                      Seniors’ Arts &        Augmented Representations: The North Etobicoke
                                                                                            PEOPLE OF ETOBICOKE!     Park Party in Bell Manor Park,                                                     Crafts at Cloverdale   Mural Project, Storefront Gallery Exhibitions,

Our Programs                                                                                                         Juried Art Show, Holiday
                                                                                                                     Market, Storefront Gallery
                                                                                                                     Receptions, Art Packages,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mall, Tafelmusik
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Concert, Crafting
                                                                                                                                                                                                        in Quarantine,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cloverdale Community Exhibitions, Spotlight
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Etobicoke, Gift Shop Show, Holiday Market,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Artist Studio Tours, Woodbine Mural, Tafelmusik
                                                                                                                     Tafelmusik Concert,                                                                Storefront             Concert, professional development workshops, and
Arts Etobicokes builds     Our best programs are ones that are deeply-rooted in
community through          the community and are sustained over a long period       Children                         community events and                                                               Gallery                teaching/facilitating opportunities.
                                                                                                                     celebrations.                                                                      Exhibitions &
the arts, creating a       of time. Our communities are stronger and more           & Youth                                                                                   Photo: Jeremy Sale        Receptions.
stronger and healthier     connected because of the programming we offer.
                                                                                    After School
                           Etobicoke artists have a place to call home, display
Etobicoke. By developing                                                            Arts Classes,
                           their work, and grow as professional artists.
workshops, classes, and                                                             Saturday Arts
                                                                                                                                                 Teens                                Adults
events in consultation     Our programs are diverse in discipline and                                                                            Edge Youth Art Show,                 Saturday Arts Classes,
with people throughout     accessibly located throughout Etobicoke. We provide                                                                   Saturday Arts Classes,               Storefront Gallery Exhibitions &
the community, we build    opportunities for everyone to engage with the arts in                                                                 Augmented Representations:           Receptions, Tafelmusik Concert,
programs based on          whichever way they feel comfortable. We firmly believe                                                                The North Etobicoke Mural            Augmented Representations:
expressed needs and        that our programs are made better by our partnerships                                                                    Project, Storefront               The North Etobicoke
                           and we work with local community partners to                                                                               Gallery Exhibitions             Mural Project,
                                                                                                                                                       & Receptions,                  community events
                           strengthen our classes, workshops, and events.
                                                                                                                                                       Juried Art Show.               and celebrations.
Pg 4                                                                                                               Photo: Jeremy Sale                                                                                                                                 Pg 5
IMPACT REPORT 2019-20 - Arts Etobicoke
Our Programming                                  Number of artists paid:

Impact At a Glance!                                  148                                                                                              5                                 55
                                                                                                               23             1829                                      Seniors in our weekly Arts & Crafts Class
                                                                                 Artists who won

                                                                             Juror/Audience awards          Vendors in the     Visitors to the
Number of                                                                                                   Holiday Market    Holiday Market

                                                            Community attendance at

               9   56                               North Etobicoke Mural Project celebrations:

                                                                                                     Murals created                              Outdoor movie nights

                   Litres of apple cider given
                    away at holiday events
                                                                    616                              in 2019-2020:

                                                                                                                                                                                 Arists in the Gift Shop Show
Pg 6                                                                                                                                                                                                            Pg 7
IMPACT REPORT 2019-20 - Arts Etobicoke
Photos: Catherine Cachia.                                                                                                                     This model addresses the issue of space as well      arts activities, family activities, and free food.
                                                                                                                                              as existing barriers constructed in a community      Our partner Stonegate Community Health
                                                                                                                                              around culture and language. The Park Party Model    Centre has been working with us for three
                                                                                                                                              finds ways to connect with the community through     years in an increasing leadership role and will
                                                                                                                                              meaningful outreach and brings multiple community    be running the 4th annual Park Party event on
                                                                                                                                              groups together to create art. Each year involves    their own while Arts Etobicoke moves to a new
                                                                                                                                              a series of summer programs and a piece of public    Neighbourhood Improvement Area community
                                                                                                                                              art. All the activities culminate in a giant free    and launches our Park Parties & Summer
                                                                                                                                              community celebration featuring live performances,   Series in Wincott Park.

Developing                  Our programs and events are designed to bring
                            communities together through the arts. We believe
                                                                                       and community involvement. We use many models
                                                                                       of community engagement such as workshops,

                            that everyone should have the opportunity to               consultations, classes, and celebratory events.
                            regularly experience arts and culture right in their own

                            community. Participants with all levels of experience      We are most excited about replicating our Park Party
                            and knowledge are encouraged to contribute. We             model in a new neighbourhood. The Park Party was a
                            have witnessed the arts build bridges between people       three year outreach and programming initiative with

the Arts                    of different cultures, languages, and socio-economic
                            statuses. The arts can increase social inclusion
                                                                                       partner Stonegate Community Health Centre to turn
                                                                                       Bell Manor Park into an outdoor community hub.
Pg 8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pg 9
IMPACT REPORT 2019-20 - Arts Etobicoke
We launched the murals with a large-scale community
                                                                     celebration featuring local musicians, dancers, artist
             Our vision is to expand the cultural impact of          talks, and mural tours. We believe in the importance
             Etobicoke’s diverse communities. One of the             of celebrating the accomplishments of the
             most impactful ways we do this is through Public        community and contributing to neighbourhood pride.
             Art. In August 2019, we launched Augmented              This community celebration allowed community
             Representations: The North Etobicoke Mural Project      members to share their work with their family, peers,
             which spanned across 576 feet of wall on Finch          and neighbours.
             Avenue with amazing mural creations inspired by

Developing   the community. This mural project was created in
             consultation with hundreds of community members,
                                                                     In 2020, we received funding to continue this
                                                                     exceptional project and animate an additional 600

             volunteers, and over 30 female-identifying and non      plus feet of wall with murals. During social isolation
             binary artists. It features 30 murals by professional   as a result of COVID-19, we offered online mural
                                                                                                                              The 2019 mural project was created with partners Mural Routes, the STEPS Initiative,

             artists and 3 community murals, including an            workshops and community consultations led by four        and artist Bareket Kezwer (Womxn Paint); it was a Signature Project of the Cultural
             intergenerational women’s mural with an augmented       lead artists. The workshop participants received         Hotspot produced in partnership with the City of Toronto, StreetARToronto (StART)
                                                                                                                              and supported by Toronto Pearson International Airport.
             reality component. This spread of murals has inspired   individual art packages so they could create and

the Arts
                                                                                                                              The 2020 Mural project is produced in partnership with Bareket Kezwer and Womxn
             civic engagement and become a visual legacy for the     contribute to this project. We look forward to           Paint, in partnership with StreetARToronto (StART) and Tweed Collective and
             community members.                                      unveiling the new set of murals in the spring of 2021.   supported by community partners Mural Routes and the STEPS Initiative.

Pg 10                                                                                                                         Photo Credits, pg 10: May Shi; pg 11: Sharon Mendonca.                                 Pg 11
IMPACT REPORT 2019-20 - Arts Etobicoke
For the Year of Public Art (2021), Arts Etobicoke is     community consultations, offer historical                      Philip Cote (Moose Deer Point First Nation) is a                                          Hector Centeno is a digital media creator,
             working on a large-scale community development           Indigenous artist talks, and collect community                  multidisciplinary artist, a Sundancer, Pipe Carrier,                                   developer, and instructor with over two decades of
                                                                                                                                    and Sweat Ceremony leader recognized by Elder Vern                                       experience as an independent artist, programmer,
             project in the Village of Islington. We are working      stories. We have been hosting workshops
                                                                                                                                    Harper and Floyd Looks for Buffalo Hand. Cote works                                      designer, and digital media technician. Bringing his
             with lead artists Susan Blight, Philip Cote, Luke        online via Zoom and have created other online
                                                                                                                                      to bring accuracy to the colonial archives through                                   experiences as a New Canadian from Mexico, Centeno’s
             Garwood, and Hector Centeno to create four               opportunities to contribute including surveys                                                                                                          practice focuses on the production of high quality
                                                                                                                                     new research via archival and lived cultural practice
             Augmented Reality installations to complement            and submission forms.                                                                                                                                 immersive sound, visual, and interactive experiences
                                                                                                                                     and deep understanding of cultural symbolism. The
             the Village of Islington BIA murals. The Village of                                                                                                                                                              that seek to engage diverse communities into a
                                                                                                                                     purpose of Cote’s research is to unearth and reveal
             Islington historic murals are beautifully rendered                                                                        his cultural experience and knowledge of signs of                                          reflection of existence, place, and reality.
             and a fantastic tourist resource, however we are                                                                         Indigenous symbols, language, and interpretation.
             looking to reflect the very diverse and ever-evolving

             demographics of our community. We are taking this
             opportunity to add to the narrative, telling a broader
             story of our community, and focusing on immigration

Community    and Indigenous voices.                                                                                                                                                 Luke Garwood is an interdisciplinary artist
                                                                                    Susan Blight (Anishinaabe, Couchiching                                                         combining performance art with new technologies

                                                                                     First Nation) is an interdisciplinary artist                                                  such as motion capture, VR, AR, and 3D modelling.
             Through the spring of 2020, we have been working
                                                                                        working with public art, site-specific                                                     As a response to increasingly digital surroundings,
             with the lead artists to host workshops, run                           intervention, photography, film, and social                                                   Garwood develops hybrid media pieces that facilitate

the Arts
                                                                                     practice. Her solo and collaborative work                                                    a participatory audience experience and address the
             This project is supported through
             Toronto Arts Council Strategic Funding and                             engages questions of personal and cultural         Headshots provided by the artists.
                                                                                                                                                                                  body in space to re-contextualize technology in order
             by technical provider Albedo Informatics.                                 identity and its relationship to space.         VR Photos: Jeremy Sale.                           to understand its potential differently.
Pg 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pg 13
IMPACT REPORT 2019-20 - Arts Etobicoke
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Artists in our

                                                                                                                    11         People hired during
                                                                                                                               a pandemic
                                                                                                                                                                                               May 2020 Live Streamed
                                                                                                                                                                                              Concert Spotlight Etobicoke:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Viewers of our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Crafting in Quarantine

Community                                  In March of 2020, we were hit by the COVID-19
                                           global pandemic and Ontario entered into a state
                                                                                                    strongly that it is our responsibility to continue to
                                                                                                    create arts-based learning opportunities and high-
                                                                                                                                                                        Artists did22                     15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Instructional Videos

Arts Goes
                                                                                                                                                                        Studio Tours for

                                                                                                                                                             1932                                                                         5
                                           of emergency. Arts Etobicoke adapted as quickly as       quality arts and cultural experiences during this time
                                           possible during this ever-changing situation to make     of uncertainty and isolation. So our Arts in Isolation                                                                                     4-week

                                           sure that those most vulnerable in our community         programming continued throughout the summer                                                                                                Online Classes
                                           were still receiving services through our Arts in        and beyond and we are committed to continuing             Viewers
                                           Isolation programming. We offered community              to adapt and evolve in tandem with the current

                                                                                                                                                                                              53                 1                                                     100
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Community          3D Interactive
March - June 2020                          members ways to feel connected with each other
                                           during isolation. We created participatory arts
                                                                                                    realities of COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   submissions to     Digital Gallery

                                           experiences through social media and other online        Arts Etobicoke continued these programs in the
We are passionate about continuing to                                                               summer and fall of 2020 and will continue to offer
                                           services (Instagram, Zoom, Facebook and YouTube)
employ artists during this pandemic and                                                             accessible programs during isolation for community

                                           and developed a library of arts videos and tutorials                                                                                                                                                                     FREE Art Packages
know that our Arts In Isolation programs   that can be accessed at any time. In addition to         members as long as the pandemic continues.                                                                                          for        Participants      delivered to local
                                                                                                                                                             Artists paid during quarantine                                                                       families in high-density
are an important way to keep our valued    connectivity, we offered our community members                                                                         (March – June 2020)                                                                                   apartments
artists employed.                          ways to create and explore. At Arts Etobicoke, we feel
Pg 14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pg 15
IMPACT REPORT 2019-20 - Arts Etobicoke
In Fall 2019, we had the opportunity to exhibit Sacred Narratives,

The Storefront                                                                                                                                 a solo exhibition by Zimbabwe native and New Canadian artist
                                                                                                                                               David Chinyama. David is an internationally renowned artist and a

Gallery at
                                                                                                                                               newcomer to Canada. Through his beautiful and colourful mixed
                                                                                                                                               media artworks, he talks about his life, journey, and cultural shifts
                                                                                                                                               since he moved from Zimbabwe to Canada a few years back.

Arts Etobicoke                                                                                                                                 We had a vibrant and electric exhibition — Colours in Shape — that
                                                                                                                                               connected local artists Jieun June Kim, Shabnam Afrand, and
The Storefront Gallery at Arts Etobicoke is a home for local                                                                                   Mr. Hydde. The 2018 Jury Award Winner, Grace Qian, had a
professional artists to exhibit, learn, and grow. We work with                                                                                 solo show Becoming More. Grace was born and raised
a blend of emerging and established artists and the crossover                                                                                  in China, moved to Canada in 2014, and studied at
of the two makes for an exciting and impactful exhibition                                                                                      Etobicoke School of the Arts. In the winter, we
season. We are also committed to hosting one community-led                                                                                     had a dynamic community exhibition featuring
                                                                                                                                               local seniors women and their stories captured in
exhibition per year. In the 2019/2020 Storefront Gallery season,   In July 2019, Arts Etobicoke presented a solo exhibition by award-winning   portraits by the Etobicoke Camera Club, Grace,
we featured over 45 artists in six exhibitions. The Storefront     Canadian artist Darlene Kulig. Darlene is a highly accomplished painter     Gratitude, Attitude: Celebrate Etobicoke Senior
Gallery at Arts Etobicoke is your local source for purchasing      whose works have been exhibited across Canada as well as Europe.            Women, led by local artist Theresa Bryson.
art, discovering new incredible artists, finding unique and        In December 2019, Darlene was selected to be the featured artist in the
memorable gifts, and re-thinking the way we see the world.         Art Gallery of Ontario’s Holiday Gift Guide.                                Photo Credits: Woman in Blue Dress is by Theresa Bryson,
                                                                                                                                               headshots provided by the artists.
Pg 16                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pg 17
IMPACT REPORT 2019-20 - Arts Etobicoke
We were met with a new challenge in March of          Additionally, we launched an incredible feature        and curatorship.This exhibition had an incredible
                                                         2020. As we were about to open the doors for our      called “Be The Curator” which gave our audience        response from the community and we continued
                                                         Annual Juried Art Show, everything shut down due      a chance to curate their own exhibition based on       it through the summer to complement our Arts In
In December of 2019, we opened our doors to              to COVID-19. Our jury had made their selections       all 200+ submissions we received for the Juried Art    Isolation programs.
dozens of artists for our pop-art, neon-inspired, Gift   and the artwork was hung, so we didn’t want to miss   Show. We used this as an opportunity to educate our
Shop Show! We showcased craft and design from the        the opportunity to showcase these amazing artists.    audiences on the curation process and why Juried
multi-talented artists, members, and artisans that       We were able to launch the exhibition online with     Art Shows are important for emerging local artists.
live, work, and play in our community. The show saw      an interactive 3D gallery exhibition featuring the    The feature was even adopted by teachers in local
hundreds of visitors in our gallery space and sold       selected thirteen artists, complete with videos in    schools and incorporated into their curriculum as an
thousands of dollars of local artists’ work.             which the artists talked about their work!            exercise for art students to learn about exhibitions
Pg 18                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pg 19
Cultural Hub
Arts Etobicoke has been working with partner
QuadReal Property Group to develop an arts hub
inside the Cloverdale Common in Cloverdale Mall,
as part of a future development project on-site.
Arts and culture is planned to take a central role
in this future community. This year, in addition
to weekly seniors’ arts programming and After
School Arts classes for youth, we created a Holiday
Market showcasing local artisans that spanned two
weekends, hosted two exhibitions, and organized a
concert! We are thrilled to continue this partnership
with QuadReal and look forward to many more years
of inclusive community arts programming.
Pg 20                                                   Photo: Jeremy Sale   Pg 21
Our volunteer program offers a variety of ways to connect with
                                                 VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT                                                                                                      our community and develop skills. From assisting professional
                                                    Collette Murray is an award-winning dance        Murray has been a tremendous support in helping
                                                                                                                                                                          artists with classes/workshops to special event support and
                                                       educator, cultural arts programmer and        to guide the organization in working within
                                                                                                                                                                          administrative tasks, our volunteers do it all. We could not operate
                                                        dance instructor, and contributing writer    equity frameworks and through her commitment
                                                        in dance media. With a performance           to ensuring that the communities we serve are
                                                                                                                                                                          without their generosity of time and spirit. Volunteerism is an
                                                        background over 20 years, Collette has a     properly supported. Arts Etobicoke is extremely                      effective way to build relationships, learn new skills, and contribute
                                                        mobile, dance education business             grateful for all of the amazing work that Collette                   to the vibrancy of your community. Thank you to our hard working
                                                      ( and is                has done to support equitable and accessible arts                    and dedicated volunteers.
                                                   Artistic Director of Coco Collective, an          programming in Etobicoke.
                                                intergenerational team offering culturally                                                                                Volunteers

How We
                                             responsive arts projects that represent African and        “Communities are spaces where we can                              Alex Song                   Jasmin Pannu        Lamis Haggag            Moira Ness
                                             Caribbean arts. Collette incorporates equity studies      safely engage in common interests, learn                           Claudia Arana               Jenny Chen          Lone Smith              Nancy Newton

Get It Done!
                                             to her arts education, mentorship, arts advocacy, and       about ourselves and cultivate creative                           Collette Murray             Juan Licea          Loretta Faveri          Nati Romero
                                             socially-engaged community arts projects.                    relationships with others. I support                            Dominique Sanguinetti       Judith H.Winston    Lorraine DeGasperis     Rozeta Aleksov
                                                                                                                                                                          Elizabeth Malak             Julia Rim Shepard   Marilyn Cade            Sajeda Manzoor
                                                                                                       organizations willing to curate equitable
                                                                                                                                                                          Emily Anderson              Karl Sprogis        Mark Zadorozny          Sonya Young
                                             A committed volunteer of Arts Etobicoke, Collette           spaces that vitalize art communities.”                           Eneas Kolacz                Kathryn Asaro       Megan Cugliari          Tasnim Patel
Everything we do is in collaboration with    joined the Board of Directors in 2019 and has been                      COLLETTE MURRAY                                      Hana Pour                   Khalilah Brooks     Megan Ellen MacDonald   Theresa Bryson
our incredible volunteers, staff, members,   an invaluable member of the Arts Etobicoke team.                                                                             Immanuel Locke              Krista Parker       Michelle Gauci          Veronica Bila
partners, funders, and our donors.                                                                                                                                        Ina Anthony                 Kristen Francis     Michelle Marchetti

Pg 22                                                                                                                             Headshot provided by Collette Murray.   Photo credit: Jeremy Sale                                                                Pg 23
Staff                                                                                                                                                                                    Individual Members                                                                                                Organizations
Akshata Naik, Programs and Gallery Manager                                                                                                                                               Agnes Mo               Deborah Mills              Joyce Carter            Miyoun Jun         Sonya Young          Etobicoke Centennial Choir
Alina Kuzma (August 2020), Project Coordinator                                                                                                                                           Ailene Candelario      Dominique Sanguinetti      Julia Rim Shepard       Moira Ness         Sue Belitski         Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra
Dani De Angelis (August 2020), Project Coordinator                                                                                                                                       Aisha Malik            Dominique-Charles Lecocq   Karl Sprogis            Monica Jurkovic    Suzan Hall           Franklin Carmichael Art Group
Heather Ervin, Development & Communications Manager                                                                                                                                      Albana Canga           Don Moffat                 Katherine Brown         Monique D’Sa       Tanya Zemlyanska     Humber College Faculty of Media & Creative Arts
Ian Dodds, Development & Communications Coordinator                                                                                                                                      Alex Dunsmuir          Donald Wilson              Kathryn Bosnitch        Nancy Moniz        Tatjana Sukovic      Ontario Pops Orchestra
                                                                                                                                                                                         Alexandra Iorgu        Eileen Roehr               Khalilah Brooks         Nancy Newton       Teresa Chan          The Harmony Singers
John Del Rosario, Special Projects Manager                                      Wendy                   Kshama                          John               Heather                       Aliya Mahmood          Elaine Odetoyinbo          Kurt Rostek             Neena Avery        Touffa Taha          The Kingsway Conservatory of Music
Kshama Patel, Operations Manager                                                                                                                                                         Ann Hollingworth       Elizabeth Malak            Laura French            Pat Rice           Tracy Francis        The Music Studio
Laura-Anne Graul (September 2019), Project Coordinator                                                                                                                                   Anne Noble             Elizabeth Stanton          Liana DiMarco           Patty Jarvis       Valentine Bezdicka   Theatre Direct Canada
Magdiel Espinal, Community Research Coordinator                                                                                                                                          Aruna Jamadagni        Enzo Mazzulla              Lisa Murzin             Paula Solano       Vera Sevelka
Margie Macdonald (March 2020), Art Rental Coordinator                                                                                                                                    Ashley Kurtz           Gaetano Giordano           Lone Smith              Ross Breen         Veronica Bila
Sair Raut, Outreach Coordinator                                                                                                                                                          Bev Morgan             George Novotny             Loretta Faveri          Ross Williams      Zenia Wadhwani
Wendy Rading, Executive Director                                                                                                                                                         Brulinda Karavoqiri    Gerardina Duenas           Maria Stanchev          Roxanne Tull
                                                                                                                                                                                         Cam Tyers              Gita Zamcija               Marianne Gibson         Rozeta Aleksov
                                                                                                                                                                                         Carolyn Colagiovanni   Ian Grant                  Marilyn Cade            Samuele Bariani
                                                                                Magdiel                Akshata                          Ian                   Sair                       Charles Weiss          Ina Anthony                Mark Zadorozny          Sandra Scott
Board of Directors                                                                                                                             Photo credits (except Ian): Lisa Murzin   Christine Audet        Jacqueline Crawley         Megan Cugliari          Sarah Leonard
Collette Murray                  Karl Sprogis (June 2020), Co-Chair   Marilyn Cade, Treasurer      Nancy Newton                                                                          Christine Charles      Jane Orr Novotny           Michael Deborah Skoff   Saumya Verma
Dominique Sanguinetti, Chair     Kathryn Asaro                        Mark Zadorozny               Rozeta Aleksov                                                                        Cinna Faveri           Jeanan Khairallah          Michelle Carillo        Se ok Choi
                                                                                                                                                                                         Collette Murray        Jenneen Shortreed          Michelle Gauci          Shailja Jindal
Elizabeth Malak                  Khalilah Brooks                      Michelle Gauci, Vice-Chair   Veronica Bila, Assistant Treasurer
                                                                                                                                                                                         Daniela Grantcheva     John Long                  Michelle Kast           Sharon Kawabata
Ina Anthony                      Krista Parker                        Michelle Marchetti                                                                                                 David Wistow           Josephine Olinski          Michelle Marchetti      Sladana Zivkovic
Julia Rim Shepard                Lone Smith                           Moira Ness
Pg 24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Pg 25
Individuals                                                     Corporate                                                     Foundations & Service Clubs
                                                                                            Adam Hanley            Gail Faveri         Megan Cugliari                                LOLA MACANOWICZ
                DONOR SPOTLIGHT WITH LORETTA AND PHIL                                       Adam Rawn              Gita Zamcija        Miyoun Jun
                   Loretta Faveri and Phil Ridge are both longtime donors and               Alicia Zavitz          Haijin Lee          Monique D’Sa
                    supporters of Arts Etobicoke. This year, Phil’s company Ridge Energy    Angus Campbell         Heather Ervin       Nan Levitt                                                                                                                             KINGSWAY HUMBER
                                                                                            Aniko Kaszas           Ina Anthony         Nancy Newton
                     Consultants sponsored New Canadian artist David Chinyama’s
                                                                                            Assa Timera            Jeanan Khairallah   Pam Palmer
                     first Canadian solo show, Sacred Narratives. Loretta served on Arts    Barbara Sheffield      Jennifer Ritchie    Pranvera Thana
                                                                                                                                                                                     HELEN THOMPSON & GOLI TOURSERKANI
                     Etobicoke’s Board of Directors for three years and now donates her     Beth Pollock           Jihye Byun          Radenko Kamberovic
                    time and talents as an active member of the gallery committee and       Blair Jurecka          Joan Ervin          Sameer Jain
                  as a volunteer in our After School Arts classes. Both Loretta and Phil    Blake Eligh            Julia Rim Shepard   Shelley Martino
                                                                                            Carol Jones            Karl Sprogis        Suzan Hall                                                                         Government Support
               have purchased art through the Storefront Gallery at Arts Etobicoke,
                                                                                            Carolyn Colagiovanni   Laura Byl           Tara Dunphy
            supporting both the organization and the artists we represent. They have                                                                                                                          NATIONAL
                                                                                            Cindy L. Titus         Linda M Ervin       Taylor Kutner
            also supported Arts Etobicoke through their attendance at gallery openings,     Cinna Faveri           Linda Sumner        Teodora Milkin

Arts        fundraisers, and special events. We are very grateful for donors like Loretta   David Kutner           Lone Smith          Theresa Bryson
            and Phil who, through their generosity, make all of our work possible.          Debra Perkins          Loretta Faveri      Toula Ernikos        In-Kind
                                                                                            Don Moffat             Lori Kado           Veronica Bila

                                                                                                                                                            Baker Street             Katherin Ludwig Dolgy
                                                                                            Donald Wilson          Louise Garfield     Vesna Petrovik       Craft Brand Co           Panago Pizza
             “We are so happy to support Arts Etobicoke! It is very important to            Eileen Roehr           Lynn Berry          Wendy Rading         Crayola                  Star Metro Land -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    An agency of the Government of Ontario.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Relève du gouvernement de l’Ontario.

                us that local art, in all its forms, thrives in our community.”

                                                                                            Elisaveta Andonova     Marilyn Cade        Yu Seog Jung         Dean Tudor                The Etobicoke
                                   PHIL RIDGE & LORETTA FAVERI                              Elizabeth Jay          Mary Ashley         Zaray Marulanda-     Delmanor Prince Edward   Guardian
                                                                                            Evgeniy Seminenko      Marzena Dawid        Ocampo              Diane Soward             Terry Paine
                                                                                            Fumitada Sakamoto      Maureen McLean                           Jane Theodore
Pg 26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Pg 27
                                  The presentation of the Fiscal 2019 – 2020 Condensed Statement of Financial Position and Condensed Statement of                                                                                                             2020      2019

                                  Financial Operations are derived from the Audited Statements of Arts Etobicoke, dated June 30, 2020, as audited by J & J,   Statement of Operations and Changes in                    EXPENSES                                 $          $
                                  Chartered Professional Accountants. The full audit and accompanying notes may be obtained by contacting 416-622-8731.       Net Assets as of June 30, 2020                             Wages and benefits                 369,462    323,426
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Artist fees                        177,268    171,702
Statement of Financial Position                                                                                                                                                                        2020     2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Member communiciations              94,347     66,071
as of June 30, 2020                                                                                                                2020                2019
                                                                                                                                                              REVENUES                                   $         $     Exhibitions and programs            83,479     76,829
                                                                                                                                                               Government grants                  713,395     630,203    Marketing and promotion             65,451     62,751
                                       2020               2019          LIABILITIES                                                   $                   $
                                                                                                                                                               Donations                          132,340     145,680    Rent                                51,138     51,138
ASSETS                                    $                  $          Current
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Education                           44,182     43,623
                                                                                                                                                               Workshop and program fees           60,851      64,053
Current                                                                  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                 18,788             11,513                                                              Miscellaneous                       14,653     16,426
                                                                                                                                                               Interest and investments            19,470      20,080
 Cash and cash equivalents          396,342              46,333          Government remittances payable                                -              5,745                                                              Depreciation                        10,413     10,981
                                                                                                                                                               Art and rental sales                11,556      18,438    Premises expenses                   10,242     14,624
 Investments                        488,996             286,215          Taxes payable                                                 -                  3
                                                                                                                                                               Wage subsidies                       7,155           -    Telephone and internet               6,509      6,975
 Accounts receivable                 15,847              33,867                                                                   18,788             17,261
                                                                                                                                                               Membership                           5,057      10,117    Office and general                   5,203     10,649
 HST recoverable                      2,276                   -                                                                                                                                                          Legal and audit fees                 5,895      6,122
                                                                        Deferred revenue                                        568,420              49,000    Fundraising events                      535     12,275
 Prepaid expenses and deposits        7,158               6,079                                                                                                                                                          Bank charges and interest            2,603      3,035
                                                                        TOTAL LIABILITIES                                       587,208              66,261   TOTAL REVENUES                      950,359     900,846
                                    910,619             372,494                                                                                                                                                          Fundraising events                       -     16,330

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TOTAL EXPENSES                      940,845   880,683
Capital                               9,964              17,628         NET ASSETS                                                                                                                                       Excess of revenues over expenses     9,514     20,163
Art collection                            1                  1          Net assets - unrestricted                               333,376             323,862                                                              Fund balance, beginning of year    323,862    303,699
TOTAL ASSETS                        920,584             390,123         TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS                          920,584             390,123
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR           333,376   323,862
Pg 28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pg 29
Village of Islington BIA               Humber College             Sladana Zivkovic                                            Sketch Working Arts                                         Moises Frank
                                                                                                           Jumblies Theatre                                                    Music Program

                                                                               The STEPS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Montgomery’s Inn                               Art Starts


                                                                                                                                           Art Gallery

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Albion Library

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Seneca College
                                           Folk Camp                                                                   Stonegate                            Cirillo’s Culinary Academy


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Seneca 360,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Albion                                                                               Mural Routes                                    Luke Garwood

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Islington Junior
                                                                                7th Generation
                Arts Network                                                                                                                                                                                                               Etobicoke Historical Society

                                                                                Image Makers
                                                                                                                                                           Alex Song          Richview

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Middle School
                                                         Melanie Jones                                              Health Centre                                               Library   Akin                        Boys and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Girls Club

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jason Doell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Clapperton                                                                                                                  Marjan
                 Department of
                                                         Josh Vokey                                                                                                                                                                                           Islington United Church                      Shakespeare                                                 Verstappen       Womxn Paint

                 Public Memory                                                                                                    Kingsway Humber Kiwanis                       Let’s Get Together                                         Monro Law
                                                                                                  Etobicoke Camera Club                                                                                               Dixon Rd TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in Action
                                                          Humber Summit                                                                                  Sanguinetti & Associates                                                          North Etobicoke Community House

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Maureen Da Silva

                                                                                                                                   A Community of Partners                                                                                                                                                 Liz Johnston
                                                    Residents’ Association                                Rexdale Community

                     Albedo                                                                                    Health Centre                                                                                                                                           Kingsway
                                    Hector                     Young Associates                    Vibe Arts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of Music
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Elspeth Heyworth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   StART         Panago

                                                                                                                                  QuadReal               Humber College Arts Administration            Leave Out                                                                              Centre for Women                                                Janet Sayers

                                                                               East End Arts                                                                                                                                                                    Albion Islington
          Toronto Outdoor          Jacintha Krish     Native Women                                       AGO                      Properties               & Cultural Management Program               Violence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Square BIA
             Picture Show                                 in the Arts                                                                 Group                                                                                                                                                                                      North York Arts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Etobicoke School of the Arts

                                                                                                                                                              Rexdale Community Hub

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                METRAC Action
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   on Violence
                                                                                                               Rotary Toronto West                                                                     Neilson Park CC
           Stage Ten                                     Concentra Bank                                                                   Rexdale                                                                                                                                                                                         Tanya Neumeyer

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Urban Arts

                                                                                                                                          Women’s                                Somali Women &                                                     Etobicoke Centennial Choir
                                                                                                               22 Division Community

                                                                                                                                                                                Chidren’s Support      Kingsview Village -
                                                        Parul Pandya                                 Police Liaison Committee (CPLC)       Centre                                         Network      The Westway NAP                                                                                                                     Philip Cote                          City of Toronto, Dept. of Culture
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Delta Family                Scarborough Arts
                                                            Susan Blight                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        & Economic Development
                                                                                                 Artscape Youngplace                 Natalie Very B                           Lakeshore Arts           Albion Mall                                  Resource Centre             Tupman & Bloom LLP
Pg 30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Pg 31
How Can
        You Help
        There are many ways for you to help your community      If you want more information about
        and get involved with Arts Etobicoke. We are a          what we do, how to register for
        people-focused organization and we create ways          programs, volunteer, become a
        for you to give back to your community through          member, join the board, or become a
        volunteerism, sponsorship, patronage, and donorship.    donor, please contact us!

        Your contribution will not only increase exceptional    Contact info
        arts experiences within our Etobicoke neighbourhoods,
        you will also provide opportunities for Etobians to     4893A Dundas Street West
        grow, push the boundaries of what they think is         647.807.8731                          Photo Credits, middle and right
                                                                                                      inset circles: Jeremy Sale; far right:
        possible, and have the freedom to create.                     Catherine Cachia.

Pg 32                                                                                                                                          Pg 33
In July 2019, Arts Etobicoke started our five-year          We have been attending festivals, events, and
                   story gathering and artist-led data collection project      programs asking our community questions in
                   through a grant awarded to Arts Etobicoke by the            unique ways like button graphs, asking questions on
                   Canada Council of the Arts, as part of their Digital        takeaway cups, dropping beads in jars marked with
                   Strategies Fund. The project, entitled Visualizing          questions, hosting interactive dinner parties, and of

Exploring          Deep Data, focuses on artist-led data collection
                   and interpretation to better map and evaluate arts
                                                                               course, the always faithful participant surveys!

                   needs and delivery in Etobicoke. We will be using all the   We have hired a full time Community Research
                   information collected to help us discover methods to        Coordinator, Magdiel Espinal, and seven Community
                   better understand the community, develop stronger,

Arts and Culture
                                                                               Story Coordinators - Amnna Attia, Abir Abouel
                   more inclusive programming, visualize our findings, and     Saadat, Angela Walcott, Harleen Sekhon, Pearl Bawa,
                   share our information with the community at large.          Reyash Ghabayen, and Yusra Mukhtar. It is important

in Etobicoke:      We have an incredible team that helps us explore
                                                                               that these hires represent the communities that they
                                                                               are working within; and among Magdiel and the Story

                   new and artistic ways of finding data and evaluating        Coordinators, eight languages are spoken including
                   and sharing it. The team includes digital experts,          Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Portuguese, Punjabi,
                   Surface Impression, and community experts from the

Deep Data
                                                                               Spanish, and Urdu.
                   Department of Public Memory, Maggie Hutcheson
                   and Elinor Whidden.
Pg 34                                                                                                                                  Pg 35
                                                          Photo Credits, Inset circle and below:
We have been using the data we collected from the         Jeremy Sale.                                                         Submitted
                                                                                                                                         by                         Reyash Gha
community to improve our programs and offer the                                                                               Ian Dodds
community more of what they want. We specifically
heard that our audiences wanted more opportunities

                                                                                                   Help Us
to experience music in their own community. So we
                                                                                                                                                                                       Submitted by
partnered with Tafelmusik to bring one of their shows
                                                                                                                                                                                       Akshata Naik

                                                                                                   Get To
featuring baroque chamber music into Cloverdale
Mall! The event was a huge success and we had
over a hundred people show up for an intimate mall
concert. During COVID-19 we built on this success
and offered two online live-streamed concerts                                                      Know Our
that drew thousands of views and featured over
twenty local performers. Additionally, we have been                                                                                                                                                   Submitted
                                                                                                                                                                                                      John Del R

applying the feedback to our classes and workshops,                                                                                                                                                              osario
offering improv and film acting for teens and more
professional development for emerging visual artists.

We always want to hear from you! If you are                                                        We asked our team members                         Submitted
interested in sharing your stories, or getting involved                                            to submit examples to get the      Submitted
                                                                                                                                                by   Pearl Bawa
                                                                                                   project started.                             ia
with this project, email                                                                                   Amnna Att
Pg 36                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pg 37
Submitted by
                                                                                                                  Abir AbouelS

We’d like to learn more about you!
Community members sharing with
                                        Share a photo of an object that
us ensures that we create programs      you love which has cultural or
that best suit your interests and the   artistic significance to you.                                                                                                              An
                                                                                                                                                                                        g el
                                                                                                                                                                                               a Walc
                                                                                                                                                                                                          t   ar                     n

                                                                                                                                                                               a                                   le e
interests of everyone in Etobicoke.                                                                                                                               A m n a Atti                                            n S ekho



Please answer the prompt by texting     For example:                                                                                         ir A b o u el S a                                                                                rl B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     a wa

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Re y a
us a picture to 647.807.8731, make      •   A painting
                                        •   A cultural object of significance
sure to include your postal code. You


                                        •   A tool that you use to create your craft                                                                                                Share your thoughts on Etobicoke with                                                 a b a ye n
can also post on instagram and share
                                        •   An object that came from another country or home
a story about the object using the                                                                                                                                                  one of our Community Story Coordinators!

                                        •   An article of clothing
hashtag #EtobicokeCreates and we                                                                                                                                                    Email to arrange
                                        •   A tool for cooking or baking
will share it on our channel.                                                                                                                                                       an interview. You can be interviewed in Arabic,

                                        •   A photograph
                                        •   Your favourite food
                                                                                                                                       Coordinators                                 English, French, Hindi, Portuguese, Punjabi,

                                                                                                                                                                                    Spanish, or Urdu.                                                                                       ukh
                                        •   Something that makes music                      Submitted by                                                                                                                                                                                          ta r
Pg 38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pg 39
Why Should You Support Arts Etobicoke?
Etobicoke is geographically large and is      Over 45% of Etobians are   By supporting Arts Etobicoke you
home to an incredibly diverse community.      New Canadians and with     are offering local, emerging artists
With your help, we can reach more             your help we can offer     from a variety of disciplines an
communities that could benefit from free      them a space to freely     opportunity to grow, develop and
programming and access to arts and culture!   express their culture.     get paid for their artwork.

You can also read