Impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER - TALK OF THE TOWN February 2019 - Town of Parker

Page created by Salvador Grant
Impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER - TALK OF THE TOWN February 2019 - Town of Parker
  February 2019

Helping to Grow Our Local Economy
                                                                                     WHAT'S INSIDE
impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER                                                        2 | Call-n-Ride is Now FlexRide
                                                                                    3 | Cherry Creek Trail Detour
You probably know that downtown
Parker originated as a stagecoach                                                   3 | Reminder: Keep Dogs on Leash
stop-a destination for locals and             We absolutely consult the             3 | Love 'em or Leave 'em 5K/10K
travelers to get a meal, buy supplies         PACE CENTER calendar of               4 | Parker Arts Update
and spend time with friends and               events when we schedule our           5 | Parks and Recreation Update
neighbors. One hundred fifty years            staff, because nearly every           6 | Police Department Update
later, downtown Parker is still a
                                              event brings in more business.        7 | Land Development Ordinance
destination, but it has now become                                                      Modernization Project
a regional hub for fine dining,                            — TeresA Engel           7 | State of the Town Business Lunch
unique shopping and high-quality                       Owner, Vines Wine Bar
entertainment. This is due in no small
part to the hundreds of concerts,
plays, classes and events offered at the
PACE Center, The Schoolhouse and           Using a national economic impact
                                                                                    DID YOU KNOW?
Discovery Park.                            study conducted by Americans for
                                           the Arts, a research organization, we
Intuitively, we know that these arts       are able to estimate the economic
and culture activities make our            contributions of the arts to our local
downtown more desirable. They              economy.
connect us as a community, inspire us
and beautify our public spaces. But        In 2017, the local economic activity
arts and culture also drive economic       generated by arts organizations and
development.                               their audiences in Parker was over       The Town of Parker Sales Tax
                                           $10 million. This impressive level of    Division will begin its 2019 slate of
Downtown Parker’s arts and cultural        economic activity supported over 300     Sales Taxpayer Seminars for business
events attract residents and visitors      jobs and drove additional local tax      owners this month. Please join
who spend money at local restaurants,      revenue that might otherwise have        Town staff for an informal one-hour
retail stores and hotels. The arts         gone to neighboring cities.              session on Feb. 8 at 10 a.m. at Town
organizations that present shows                                                    Hall to help provide answers to
and events are local businesses that       Now you know that by buying tickets      many of your sales tax questions. For
provide employment and purchase            to a concert at the PACE Center for      more details or to register, contact
goods and services from other local        your next date night, you are not only   Brandy Zink at 303.805.3137 or
businesses.                                improving your love life, you are also
                                           helping grow our local economy!
Impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER - TALK OF THE TOWN February 2019 - Town of Parker
From the Mayor and Town Council
                                     PARKER CALL-N-RIDE program
                                     renamed Parker FlexRide
As of Jan. 13, RTD’s Call-n-Ride             • FlexRide will
local bus service has been renamed             operate the same
"FlexRide." This new name better               as the Call-n-Ride
reflects the flexible nature of a service      that has served
designed with each community’s specific        the RTD area,
needs in mind. New features include            including Parker,
online trip booking and quick access           for years.
to booking from your mobile device,          • In some FlexRide
reducing the advance reservation time          service areas,
from 60 minutes to about 10 minutes.           regularly scheduled times
                                               have been established through flex     Riders of all ages can travel to and from
RTD FlexRide Program Details                   routes to places such as schools,      destinations within the Parker FlexRide
 • RTD introduced a new white                  major activity centers, light rail     service area, Monday through Friday
   FlexRide bus in January in                  stations and Park-n-Rides where        from 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
   addition to the current green               no reservation is required.
   buses, which will also be renamed                                                  This inexpensive service provides one-
   FlexRide. The new buses feature a         • FlexRide is only a local fare.
                                                                                      way rides for just $0.90 for kids, $1.50
   stylized, modern mountain symbol                                                   for seniors and $3 for other adults.
   reminiscent of those currently on        About Parker FlexRide                     Active members of the U.S. Military ride
   other RTD buses and trains.              The Parker FlexRide, a partnership        for FREE!
 • Since the remaining green buses          between RTD and the Town of Parker,
   will be replaced over time, both         provides “curb-to-curb” transportation    For more information about Parker
   white and green buses will be in         services within many areas of our         FlexRide, including a service area map,
   service during the next few years.       community.                                visit

  Parker residents and motorists will       install conduit needed for the planned   projects, please contact the
  see changes to the median area of         future median landscaping.               Engineering and Public Works
  Lincoln Avenue between Jordan Road                                                 Department at 303.840.9546 or visit
  and Keystone Boulevard beginning in       The Town opened bids for the Lincoln
  February.                                 Avenue Median Improvement
                                            Concrete Project on Nov. 14. Eleven
  The Lincoln Avenue Median                 contractors bid on the project, with
  Improvement Concrete Project              Villalobos Concrete, Inc., being the
  will include concrete flatwork            lowest bidder. The project is expected
  improvements needed for the future        to wrap up this spring.
  landscaping of this median. These
  improvements will also address            For more information on other
  planned circulation improvements and      Town of Parker capital improvement

Impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER - TALK OF THE TOWN February 2019 - Town of Parker
CHERRY CREEK TRAIL SPRING DETOUR                                                          KEEP DOGS ON LEASH
The Cherry Creek Trail will undergo
                                                                                          Did you know that Parker requires
a small detour this winter due to area
                                                                                          dogs to be kept on a leash, 30
                                                                                          feet or shorter, whenever they are
                                                                                          outside of your home or fenced
The Stonegate Metropolitan District
                                                                                          yard? Off-leash dogs are not
will be working on improvements to
                                                                                          allowed on public property under
its existing sanitary sewer lift station
                                                                                          any circumstances, even if they are
located adjacent to the trail near the
Parker Recreation Center and the                                                          under voice control. This ordinance
Challenger Park ballfields starting early                                                 includes all parks and trails in
February. This construction includes                                                      Parker and is in place to protect
the below-ground installation of two                                                      your pets and others.
large effluent tanks, along with ancillary   be installed to ensure the safety of trail
equipment.                                   users. Please use caution when walking       If you need more information
                                             or riding along this portion of the          or would like to read the full
In order to keep this portion of the         Cherry Creek Trail.                          ordinance, please visit
Cherry Creek Trail open, a temporary                                            
asphalt trail detour will be available       If you have any questions about the          MunicipalCode or contact
until construction concludes in June.        project, please contact Dennis Trapp at      the Town Clerk’s Office at
Appropriate trail detour signage will                     303.841.0353.

KICK OFF OUR 2019 RUN SERIES                                                              HOMEOWNER
Do your 2019 resolutions include             Register online at                           BUILDING CLASSES
fitness goals? Join Parker Parks and                           Looking to take on the challenge
Recreation for the annual Love ‘em           VDay5K10K or contact                         of making home improvements
or Leave ‘em Valentine’s Day 5K/10K          Charlie Rhode at                             yourself ? Make sure you
with RNK Running & Walking on                           understand the process by taking
Feb. 9 at 10 a.m. at Bar CCC Park.           for more information.                        a Town of Parker Homeowner
                                                                                          Building Class! Four opportunities
This professionally timed event features     Parker Parks and Recreation would like       will be held in 2019 at Town Hall.
an exciting 10K option, along with the       to thank our Love ‘em or Leave ‘em
popular 5K run/walk and free Kids’           Valentine’s Day 5K/10K Title Sponsor,        These classes give people a chance
Dash for children under 8 following          RNK Running & Walking, and Finish            to ask all kinds of building-related
the run! Pre-registration, which closes      Line Sponsors, Ent Credit Union, Kuni        questions. All types of projects can
at noon on Feb. 6, is $35 for the 5K         Honda on Arapahoe, Parker Academy            be discussed. Typically interior
and $45 for the 10K; a group discount        of Martial Arts and Parker Natural           projects are popular for the fall and
is available at check-out. Race-day          Grocers. Contact Jaime Vollertsen at         winter classes and outdoor projects
registration (space permitting) is an or              for the spring and summer classes.
additional $5; check the website for         303.805.3267 for sponsorship
availability. All registered participants    information.                                 2019 Class Dates (6 p.m.)
receive post-race pancakes, a long-                                                        • Thursday, Feb. 7
sleeve performance shirt, souvenir           For details on the other three 2019           • Thursday, May 9
bib number, access to local sponsors         Parker Parks and Recreation                   • Thursday, Aug. 8
at the event, professional timing, free      Run Series events, visit                      • Thursday, Nov. 14
downloadable event photos and a    
chance to win prizes. Strollers and          RunSeries.                                   Contact the Building Division
leashed dogs are welcome.                                                                 at or
                                                                                          303.841.1970 for more details.
Impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER - TALK OF THE TOWN February 2019 - Town of Parker
                                    ENTERTAINMENT THIS WINTER
                 For information
                      information about
                                  about these
                                         these programs
                                               programs or
                                                        or for
                                                            for registration/tickets,
                                                                                                               or call
                                                                                                                  call 303.805.6800.

All lectures take place at the             Parker Symphony Orchestra:                   Underneath a Magical Moon
PACE Center and are FREE                   Passion                                      by Mike Kenny
and open to the public. Although           PACE Center • Feb. 15                        PACE Center • March 7
an RSVP is not required, it is
appreciated. Please RSVP via               Wonderbound: Cupid's                         The Odd Couple, by Neil Simon
phone at 303.805.6800 or email at          Playground with the                          The Schoolhouse • March 8 to 17                  Colorado Symphony
                                           (pictured above left)                        The Uncharted Series:
Front Range Landscaping                    PACE Center • Feb. 23 and 24                 Bonnie and The Clydes
March 6 • 6:30 p.m.                                                                     PACE Center • March 9
                                           Natalie MacMaster & Donnell
Learn about the challenges of
                                           Leahy: Visions from Cape                     Howard Jones
maintaining a lawn and landscape
                                           Breton and Beyond                            PACE Center • March 23
along the Front Range of Colorado.
                                           PACE Center • March 1 and 2
                                                                                        Friday Night Jazz:
Climate and Colorado Agriculture
                                           Colorado Jazz Repertory                      A Latin Happening
April 3 • 6:30 p.m.
                                           Orchestra: The Music of Ray                  The Schoolhouse • March 29
The threat of climate change to our
                                           Charles ft. Robert Johnson
agricultural communities continues
                                           PACE Center • March 3
to threaten the industry. Discover
new technologies developed to
mitigate risks.
                                           PARKER ARTS SPRING BREAK CAMPS
                                           Spring break isn’t far away. Register your   understanding of what it takes to leave
Congratulations                            little one for a Parker Arts camp today!     Earth.

Commissioners!                              With SpaceTime’s Rockin Rockets             Perhaps you have a child who wants
Congratulations to the newest               Camp, kids will get to do just about        to try a bit of everything. Check out
members of the Parker Cultural and          everything there is to do with rockets…     our Parker Arts Variety Camp for
Scientific Commission: Todd                 short of riding one into space! Your        a best-of experience where kids will
Hendreks, Lisa Hinz and Janine               young rocket scientist will explore the    explore a different topic each day.
Jackson! The Commission serves as             fascinating science of rocketry and       Monday – Science! Tuesday – Cooking!
an advisory and support group for the           space exploration by learning about     Wednesday – Arts! Thursday – Theater!
Town of Parker's Cultural Department.             the many challenges of getting        Friday – Western Day! With this camp,
Its mission is to foster, implement and             into space, and go hands-on to      kids will have a diverse and exciting
participate in providing opportunities for              build and launch safe, child-   week of learning over spring break.
the cultural and scientific experiences for                 friendly rockets creating
the community of Parker. Learn more                               a well-rounded        Visit to
about the Commission at                                                                 see camp details and register today!!
Impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER - TALK OF THE TOWN February 2019 - Town of Parker
For information about these programs or to register, visit or call 303.841.4500.

                                                                                          Parker Parks
                                                                                          and Recreation
                                                                                          Job Fair
                                                                                          Learn about various part-time job
                                                                                          opportunities and apply on site at
Winter Fitness Classes                       Join the Cheer Central Suns                  the Parker Parks and Recreation
Yoga for Golf will improve your balance,     Your cheerleader age 5 to 14 will            Job Fair, Sunday, Feb. 10 from 4 to
strength and flexibility while focusing      love this high-energy cheer team             6 p.m. at the Parker Fieldhouse.
on your core strength and posture! Join      that consists of learning dances, arm
in on a fun blast of cardio, endurance       motions, jumps, cheer chants and             A representative from each
and balance with Stand Up Paddleboard        stunts. Squad will perform at the end        division will be in attendance to
(SUP) Fitness. Bring your yoga practice      of the session. Five-week sessions are       answer questions and give more
                                                                                          details about positions, pay and
to the pool for this "slow your flow" yoga   held on Fridays from 7:30 to 8:25 p.m.
                                                                                          schedule. Options will be available
experience with Stand Up Paddleboard         beginning Feb. 22 and on Saturdays
                                                                                          to apply on site; strong candidates
(SUP) Yoga. For more information about       from 10 to 10:55 a.m. beginning
                                                                                          will be able to schedule an
these and other fitness and wellness         Feb. 23. For more information, visit         interview with the hiring manager.
classes, visit               This is also a great opportunity
                                                                                          to explore summer employment

                                                                                          Part-time positions will be
                                                                                          available, including: Lifeguards,
                                                                                          Concession Clerks, Day Camp
                                                                                          Counselors, Guest Service
                                                                                          Representatives, Sports Officials,
                                                                                          Facility Attendants and more.
Adult and Youth Inline Hockey                Youth Soccer Clinics                         This is an exciting opportunity
Registration is open for the Spring          Performance Soccer, LLC, will host two,      for those looking for flexibility,
season of Adult and Youth Inline             four-week Learn to Play Soccer Clinics       competitive pay and convenience.
Hockey Leagues! Adult leagues are            on Sundays beginning Feb. 17 at the          Positions also include a FREE
offered on Mondays, Tuesdays and             Parker Fieldhouse for youth ages 8 to        Parker Recreation membership!
Fridays. Youth ages 6 to 17 have one         14. The Basic Skills Clinic is designed to
weeknight practice and one Saturday          offer top-level training to both beginner    Visit
game each week. Kinder Floor Hockey          and returning recreational players. The      Employment to view job
                                                                                          descriptions or contact Brenda
has combined practice and games on           Goalie Clinic provides an introduction
                                                                                          Mooney for information about
Saturday mornings. Spring leagues run        to goalkeeping for players new to the
                                                                                          the Job Fair at 303.805.6309 or
from March to May. Register online at        position and technical training for
                                                                                                  returning recreational players.

Impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER - TALK OF THE TOWN February 2019 - Town of Parker
                                                    Keeping Our Community Safe

Congratulations to Parker Police                                                        Management and Organizational
Department Commander Ken La Velle                                                       Behavior from Benedictine University.
on his graduation from the FBI National                                                 He has worked in law enforcement for
Academy in December. Commander                                                          32 years overall, including 25 years with
La Velle successfully completed the                                                     the Town of Parker as a sworn officer.
three-month course devised for U.S. and                                                 In addition to serving the residents of
international law enforcement leaders.                                                  Parker, Commander La Velle has also
The academy is the premier educational                                                  served his country. From 1986 to 2004,
program for upper-level command staff         and contemporary challenges through       he served in the U.S. Navy Reserves as
in law enforcement organizations.             innovative techniques, facilitating       an Intelligence Specialist and with the
                                              excellence in education and research,     Amphibious Construction Battalion as a
The course was designed to improve            and forging partnerships throughout the   signalman.
the administration of justice in police       world.”
departments and agencies at home                                                        The Parker Police Department is excited
and abroad by raising law enforcement         In addition to graduating from the        another member of its team has gained
standards, knowledge and cooperation          Academy, Commander La Velle has           this valuable knowledge. Four other
worldwide. The stated mission of the          also attended and graduated from          members of Parker's force have also
academy is “to support, promote and           Northwestern University Police Staff      graduated from the Academy: Chief of
enhance the personal and professional         and Command College, The Senior           Police David King, Deputy Chief Jim
development of law enforcement leaders        Management Institute for Police           Tsurapas, Commander Ron Combs and
by preparing them for complex, dynamic        and obtained a Master of Science in       Commander James Prior.

  New Officers and Cadets
  Congratulations Officer Chase Kelsay                                                  at the Highlands Ranch Law
  and Officer Connor Holmes                                                             Enforcement Training Academy:
  (top photo, L to R)! After successfully                                               (bottom photo, L to R): Gavin
  completing the 20-week Police                                                         Knighton, Josh Cummins, Wade
  Academy, they have entered our Police                                                 Schonher, Adam Jakubik, Landon
  Training Officer (PTO) Program. Over                                                  Guzzo and Macey Milord began their
  the next five months, they will be paired                                             20-week journey Jan 14. Each week,
  with four different training officers                                                 one of these cadets will give Parker
  so they can learn different styles of                                                 residents a recap of what they did at the
  policing and develop styles of their own.                                             Academy on the Police Department's
  Once they have completed the PTO                                                      Facebook page, along with photos of
  Program, they will begin serving our                                                  their weekly events. We are excited to
  residents in a solo capacity.                                                         share their story before they begin to
                                                                                        serve and protect our great Town.
  We also want to wish good
  luck to our six cadets that started

Impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER - TALK OF THE TOWN February 2019 - Town of Parker
            Planning and Building a Healthy and Sustainable Parker!                      Reserve your
      Land Development Ordinance – Modernization Project                                 spot at the
                           Community Meeting
  Wednesday, Feb. 20 ∙ 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. ∙ The Schoolhouse (19650 Mainstreet)
                                                                                         state of the
                                                                                         town lunch!
                                                                                         The Rotary Club of Parker is
                                                                                         honored to host the 2019 Parker
                                                                                         State of the Town Business Lunch
                                                                                         on Feb. 27 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                                                         at the Vehicle Vault.

                                                                                         This event is a great opportunity to
                                                                                         make contacts with local business
                                                                                         people, support your community
                                                                                         and visit with Mayor Mike Waid
                                                                                         and Town Councilmembers and
You are invited to help the Town                                                         officials. A special feature will be
of Parker kick off the update and                                                        the presentation of the Parker
modernization of its current Land                                                        Impact Award, which recognizes
Development Ordinance (LDO)!                                                             a person who has made a valuable
Please join us for a brief presentation at                                               contribution to the Parker
5:30 p.m. to learn more about this very                                                  community. The Vehicle Vault's
significant Town initiative followed by                                                  museum of vintage and classic cars
a question-and-answer period with an                                                     will be open during the event.
opportunity to provide initial feedback.
                                             vision, goals and policies of the Parker    This year's keynote speaker will
The LDO was originally adopted at            2035 Master Plan and other adopted          be Kathy Sabine, 9News Chief
the time of the Town's incorporation         planning documents. Other benefits          Meteorologist, followed by Town
in 1981 from County zoning. Portions         of this project include adoption of best    Administrator Michelle Kivela,
of the LDO have stayed unchanged             practices in zoning and a more efficient,   who will introduce Mayor Waid to
for over 30 years, while others have         easier-to-use regulation.                   present a recap of the year and the
been revised in response to policy                                                       annual State of the Town video.
changes over time. These incremental         Modernizing the LDO is a complex
updates and revisions have created gaps,     process and requires a thoughtful           The Rotary Club of Parker is a
inconsistencies and ambiguity within         approach. Because of this, the project      volunteer service organization
the regulations – resulting in challenges    will take approximately 36 months           whose members donate their time,
for the public, the development              and is scheduled for completion by the      talent and treasure to help others
community and Town staff as the LDO          end on 2021. Watch for our project          in the community and the world.
is interpreted and implemented. The          webpage coming soon to Let’s Talk           Proceeds from this event will be
Town, along with consultant team             Parker ( to          used for local and international
Clarion Associates, will modernize the       get even more involved in this              service projects.
LDO into a user-friendly document.           important project!
                                                                                         To purchase tickets or become a
The updated LDO will facilitate a            For more information, contact the           sponsor, visit
more transparent, modern and efficient       Town of Parker's Community                   or contact Bill Shriver
approach to how the Town manages             Development Department                      (;
future growth and development by             at 303.841.2332.                            303.913.1135) or Peggy Carter
better aligning the LDO with the                                                         (;
Impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER - TALK OF THE TOWN February 2019 - Town of Parker
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  20120 E. Mainstreet, Parker, CO 80138 | 303.841.0353 | |
                                Follow Us!           @TownofParkerCO

Town Council
Mike Waid, Mayor
John Diak        Debbie Lewis
Cheryl Poage     Joshua Rivero
Jeff Toborg      Renee Williams

Town Administrator
Michelle Kivela, Town Administrator                                       To: Parker Resident
                                                                              Local Patron
Produced by the
Communications Department
Elise Penington, Director
Andy Anderson, Coordinator

Photo Credits
Front Page Header: John Ott
Back Page Header: Kim Cuzzo

    Parker Town Council Meetings                Lessons & Lemonade -                       Parents’ Night Out
    • Feb. 4 and 19; 7 p.m.                     Free Art Lessons                           • Feb. 16; 6 to 10:30 p.m.
    Parker Town Hall                            • Feb. 9; 9:30-11 a.m.; 11:15-12:45 p.m.   Parker Fieldhouse
    Go to or call          Hobby Lobby (Parker & Mainstreet)          Go to or call
    303.841.0353 for more information.          Go to          303.805.6309 for more information.
    Watch live on Facebook (@TownofParkerCO).   Youth-Workshops to register.
                                                                                           Ice Trail at Discovery Park
    Homeowner Building Class                    Saturday Skate Night                       Season Closing Date
    • Feb. 7; 6 p.m.                            • Feb. 9; 5:30 to 9 p.m.                   • Feb. 24 barring any unseasonably
    Parker Town Hall                            Parker Fieldhouse                            warm weather
    Go to or      Go to or      Go to or
    call 303.841.0353 for more information.     call 303.805.6309 for more information.    call 303.805.0760 for more information.

    Parker Planning                             Overcoming Chronic Anxiety                 State of the Town Business Lunch
    Commission Meetings                         • Feb. 10; 1 to 2:30 p.m.                  • Feb. 27; 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
    • Feb. 7 and 28; 7 p.m.                     Parker Recreation Center                   Vehicle Vault
    Parker Town Hall                            Go to or call    Go to or call
    Go to or call          303.805.3278 for more information.         303.913.1135 for more information.
    303.841.0353 for more information.
    Watch live on Facebook (@TownofParkerCO).   U.S. Air Force Academy Band
                                                Stellar Brass in Concert                   Town Holiday Closures
    Sales Tax Seminar (Businesses)              • Feb. 14; 7 p.m.                          Feb. 18
    • Feb. 8; 10 a.m.                           PACE Center                                • Presidents' Day
    Parker Town Hall                            Go to       Town Hall closed.
    Go to or      Force-Academy-Band for more information.
    call 303.841.0353 for more information.
Impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER - TALK OF THE TOWN February 2019 - Town of Parker Impact of THE ARTS IN PARKER - TALK OF THE TOWN February 2019 - Town of Parker
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