Impact of COVID-19 Business Health Survey - Survey Results | July 8, 2020 - Tamworth ...

Page created by Isaac Bradley
Impact of COVID-19 Business Health Survey - Survey Results | July 8, 2020 - Tamworth ...
Impact of COVID-19
Business Health Survey
Survey Results | July 8, 2020
Impact of COVID-19 Business Health Survey - Survey Results | July 8, 2020 - Tamworth ...
Survey Profile
                                                                                   • TEDC conducted a two-and-a-half-week survey of the town’s
                                                                                     business community (June 19th through July 6th 2020)
                                                                                   • Respondents solicited through:
                                                                                       1. emails to companies in the Tamworth business listing (plus
                                                                                          reminder messages to non-respondents)
    Survey Objectives:
                                                                                       2. Posting on the TEDC & TVC Websites
     • Understand the impact COVID-19                                                  3. Posting on the Tamworth Exchange
       has had on the health of Tamworth’s                                             4. Personal sharing of the survey web link by both commission
       business community                                                                 members and interested respondents

     • Determine what topics/programs the
       Town and/or the TEDC might pursue
       to support local businesses
                                                                                                           Web link

Note: For the purposes of this study, a “business” is defined as including:                                                          ~37%
Corporations, LLC’s, the self-employed, Non-profits, Charities, 501(c)(3)’s etc.                                                  Response rate
Impact of COVID-19 Business Health Survey - Survey Results | July 8, 2020 - Tamworth ...
Has COVID-19 impacted your business?

     Sixty-five percent of business respondents report being
     negatively impacted while ~12% have been helped

                                       Other Observations:
                                         • Three times as many businesses have been
                                           substantially negatively impacted as those
                                           who have been helped
                                         • Less than a quarter of businesses have
                                           experienced no impact either way
How long do you estimate it will take you to recover and get back to “Normal”?

     Nearly Sixty percent of businesses expect it will take them more
     than 6 months to recover – 45% of these expect a 2yr recovery

                                                                                 Other Observations:
                                                                                   • 7 – 8% believe they will not be able to recover
                                                                                   • About 40% of business are either fine, right
                                                                                     now, or expect to be fully recovered by the
                                                                                     end of the year (< 6 month recovery)
Have you thought about closing your business because of the COVID-19 pandemic?

     The vast majority of town businesses (>70%) have no plans to close
     operations; However, more than a quarter have thought about closing

                                                                                 Other Observations:
                                                                                   • The 20% of businesses which have given
                                                                                     serious thought to closing is 2-3 times the
                                                                                     number of those (7 – 8%) who believe they
                                                                                     will not be able to recover …
                                                                                   • … thus, inferring several businesses that are
                                                                                     anticipating a longer road to recovery are
                                                                                     contemplating closing
                                                                                   • What is the impact to the Town if a substantial
                                                                                     number of businesses (~10-20%) actually do
Have you made a successful application for any Federal and/or State grant money due to COVID-19?

     Approximately half (43%) of all businesses in town have filed
     applications for Federal and/or State assistance

                                                                                    Other Observations:
                                                                                       • The 57% of companies that have not filed for
                                                                                         any assistance is greater than those (35% of
                                                                                         companies) who report not being impacted or
                                                                                         who have seen an increase in business …
                                                                                       • … thus, inferring a number of businesses who
                                                                                         have been negatively impacted (perhaps as
                                                                                         many as 22% or so) have not attempted to
                                                                                         obtain support
What is the single biggest issue facing your business because of COVID-19?

     Respondent’s single biggest, unprompted, issue fell into six
     broad areas of concern – many of these issues are inter-related
     1   Customers                                                                                                                                4   Business Practices Impact
         •   There is less new business available                                                                                                     • Using Precautions
         •   Homeowners not wanting people around/in their homes right now                                                                            • Indoor dining
         •   Customer Confidence in buying/booking                                                                                                    • Time drain of staying informed about Covid rules, and learning Zoom, and cleaning before + after client meetings.
         •   Customer cancelations                                                                                                                    • Having to move the farmers' market location
         •   Lack of listings                                                                                                                         • Inability to safely provide public programming
         •   No Clients                                                                                                                               • The building where I saw my clients is closed to the public. Some clients don't like telehealth and have not been seen
         •   Maybe marketing via internet?                                                                                                              since the building closed. Some clients not a good fit for telehealth
         •   I cannot see my customers/patients                                                                                                       • Changing over my preschool environment. I need to move and store many games, supplies, etc., and give the children
         •   Fewer client meetings                                                                                                                      individual baskets with supplies, as well as sanitize constantly. Overwhelming!
         •   Some people are not ready yet for retail shopping due to the emphasis on negative info in the news                                       • I have my passengers wear masks and I sanitize vehicle after each trip
         •   We are likely to have a 75% or more decrease in income because we’re dependent on customers coming to our gallery
         •   We have reopened and are open now, but there are only a few customers. Safety, of course, is big issue                               5   Financial
                                                                                                                                                      • Cost of setting up outside seating.
                                                                                                                                                      • Allowed capacity
     2   Uncertainty                                                                                                                                  • Grant and stimulus programs not designed for self-employed
         •   Lack of clear guidance or solution                                                                                                       • Lack of cash flow
         •   Uncertainty                                                                                                                              • loss of revenue
         •   Lost revenue and sales momentum                                                                                                          • We are a volunteer organization, but we also raise funds to support our charities. Our main fundraiser was cancelled so
         •   Worry. Unclear future. Lack of leadership, mixed messages about masks                                                                      we have no income this year
         •   Managing the unknown as protocols are in a state of flux                                                                                 • We are a 501(c)(3) organization, and have cancelled the fundraising activities that are the income that we rely on to
         •   Media confusion, consumer confidence and comfort level, political shaming                                                                  continue our activities
         •   We can’t get dates to process animals                                                                                                    • As a non-profit member-supported organization, with members in the municipal public sector, we expect some will be
         •   Uncertainty in the Stock Market which the affects building and real estate markets upon which our business is closely tied                 unable to keep up their memberships because of strained municipal budgets
         •   I believe the biggest issue is for people to feel safe again so that they can venture out and do the activities they used to do
         •   Some people are nervous to come out. I haven’t seen many of my regulars yet and I’ve been open for 7 weeks now.                      6   Health
         •   We don't know if there will be a second wave requiring us to close our doors                                                             •   Safety making sure that everyone stays healthy and safe
         •   I am an in-their-home childcare provider. My boss and I have not worked since March 12th. My concern is that I won’t be able to          •   No coordinated plan for looking after everyone’s health. Many people forced out of work without economic support
             return to this job                                                                                                                       •   I work with clients in their homes and many clients do not practice either social distancing or wear masks (though I do)
                                                                                                                                                      •   My concern is that I might carry Covid-19 from one client to the next
     3   Restrictions
         • Live music / Airbnb                                                                                                                        Other
         • Cannot safely open store or cafe                                                                                                           • Scarcity of supplies
         • Being a campground, we are limited to the 50% occupancy and the restrictions on out-of-state guests.                                       • Lack of adequate broadband
         • Disruption in supply chain and increased regulations.
         • Brick and mortar stores are being compromised. I feel for them. The government has no right to close hard-working Americans
         • Requirements for out of state guests to quarantine or sign affidavit of quarantine. Losing business over this and only allowing 50 %
           of tent sites. Hurting revenue
         • We are a theatre. The audience can't be seated socially distant, and the actors can't remain socially distant while rehearsing or              Note: Comments grouped by likely intent; offensive, politically charged
           performing. The crew can't build and paint scenery while socially distancing. We can't do anything!                                                  and long comments were modified to retain the respondent’s point
         • I do walk in services which are not currently allowed, I’ve changed to appointment only. It has impacted my business by about 25%
What are your top three business concerns that you have because of COVID-19?

     The top three business concerns center around financial impacts
     and business practice modifications
            % of time concern was ranked as one of respondent’s top three

                                                                               Other Observations:
                                                                                 • About 1/3 of respondents listed: personal,
                                                                                   family and employee concerns as one of their
                                                                                   top three issues
                                                                                 • The combination of significant financial and
                                                                                   human stress issues is plaguing many of
                                                                                   Tamworth’s business operators
Are there any specific topics that you would like to learn about that could help make operating your business in Tamworth easier regardless of which town
department would host or provide the information?

     Approx. 25% of Respondents had unprompted suggestions for
     topics that they believed would help support local businesses
Coordination / Best Practices Sharing                                                      Financial
  • Local business networking                                                                • How to stay out of debt and still be able to pay the bills
  • Forum on state programs available for the self-employed. I know others have had          • Getting a bank loan with a reasonable percentage rate and extended terms
    serious issues interpreting the PPP and EIDL programs, unemployment etc. Other           • Fund raising is always a challenge and we partner with other organizations
    financial services available. Perhaps a networking night for local businesses to
    brainstorm how we can support each other and grow during this difficult time. They     Town Operations
    don't make it easy!!!                                                                    •   Better communication from the Select Board
  • Coordinating marketing efforts of Tamworth/Chocorua businesses. Coordinating             •   Lowering town taxes
    support between businesses in the Tamworth/Chocorua area (having each other's            •   How to get the school budget under control to reflect a lower tax rate
    marketing materials and referring customers to other local businesses, for example).     •   No live music in town. No coffee nearer than route 16. Playgrounds and
  • Being sure to include Chocorua businesses. Having a gathering where we can meet              tennis courts not open
    owners of other Tamworth/Chocorua businesses
Employment Posting                                                                           • Fast, reliable internet
  • Ability to post open jobs and match possible hires                                       • Policing practices for businesses in town
                                                                                             • Sponsoring learning programs with the Brett School
  • Connecting with consumers online and promoting my business online. Google Business.            Note: Comments grouped by likely intent; offensive, politically charged
  • eCommerce instruction                                                                                and long comments were modified to retain the respondent’s point
In the next six months, are there any specific forums that the TEDC should host that could help you or your business?

     Favorite ideas for topics the TEDC should consider in the near-
     term centered around Jobs and employment
        % of time topic was ranked as one of respondent’s favorite

                                                                                       Other Comments specified by respondents:
                                                                                           • What volunteer opportunities are available?
                                                                                           • How to get on with life without living in fear. How to
                                                                                             work/play safe.
                                                                                           • Increasing local business
                                                                                           • How to be resourceful
                                                                                           • Local talent looking for work or partnership
                                                                                             opportunity. So people know what is available and
                                                                                             can source and shop locally for talent. Someone
                                                                                             might moonlight occasionally, and if their talent is
                                                                                             known, or recommended, it could be more of a
                                                                                             profession than just a moonlighting experience.
                                                                                             Looking for ways to support the rising tide.
Longer-term, what topics should the TEDC consider housting forums on that could help your business?

     Similar to Question 7, Respondents had a number of suggestions for
     topics; however, local internet service was mentioned more often

   Coordination                                                                     Town Operations
      • Town/Community promos to bring customers to our area                          • How to overcome the negative feelings of customers and/or real estate
      • Coordinating marketing efforts of Tamworth/Chocorua businesses                  agents have about Tamworth's taxes. Tamworth is a wonderful town, and
      • Coordinating support between businesses in the Tamworth/Chocorua area           many would love to live here but back off because of the taxes.
        (having each other's marketing materials, for example). Being sure to         • Alternative business sites
        include Chocorua businesses                                                   • Government has no clue how a business should run. They should keep
      • Connect nonprofits                                                              away
      • Cross promotion of Tamworth businesses
   Marketing / Business Strategy / Revenue Generation                                 • Grant sources
      • Getting tourists to town and into the theatre                                 • Quick Books Navigation
      • Using social media to both reach clients and share my work.
      • How to diversify your business in a changing Economic climate. How to       Other
        recognize a trend and be ahead of it                                          • Supporting local music in the village
      • Recreating the tourist economy post-COVID                                     • Accurate information about the pandemic
                                                                                      • TEDC could investigate how rules and regulations in our town affect
   Internet                                                                             people's ability to move and stay here due to lack of access to jobs,
      •   We need super-fast internet                                                   housing, land, and higher education.
      •   High speed Internet access                                                  • Tort reform
      •   High speed internet
      •   How we can take advantage of the new Broadband incentive in the state        Note: Comments grouped by likely intent; offensive, politically charged
          and get better internet for businesses and young people                            and long comments were modified to retain the respondent’s point
Q 10
Do you have any other comments?

   Aside from several comments thanking the TEDC for reaching out and
   conducting the survey, there were only five general comments
Once we reopen in 2021, we would be
  grateful for any assistance that the
 TEDC can   provide
       • Once        in marketing,
                we reopen            and
                           in 2021, we would be grateful for any assistance that the TEDC can provide in
          marketing, and advertising

 Do the• town's  officials really support
           Do the town's officials really support and care about the town's small businesses?
  and care about the town's small
          • It is my belief that the more people disconnect themselves from the media, the more vibrant our
            economic future will become
 It is my belief that the more people
    disconnect themselves from the
        • I had to close my business due to the pandemic. I will reopen in September
media, the more vibrant our economic
           future will become
          • Alcohol is a disaster for employers, employees, and businesses in general. Would be good if kids
            learned that in high school before graduating
I had to close my business due to the
pandemic. I will reopen in September

 Alcohol is a disaster for employers,
employees, and businesses in general.
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