Page created by Paula Floyd

“I didn’t give up living in
    paradise for my kids to
    have a second-rate life.”
    Pacific community elder

Tēnā koutou katoa, Bula Vinaka, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Fakatalofa atu, Kia orana, Mālō e lelei, Mālō nī, Talofa lava, As-Salaam-Alaikum,
Namaste, Da jia hao and Warm Greetings.

It is my great pleasure to present our Impact for Otago Youth research report. Otago Community Trust has long identified youth
development as a priority funding area for our region. Over time, our focus on youth has developed, refined and evolved, and in
2017 we positioned Youth Health, Wellbeing and Employment as a key Funding for Change strategic priority.

Our new strategic focus was underpinned by our aspiration to become a more strategic grant-maker. In our journey to achieve
this, we identified we need to work together with the youth sector to develop more in-depth knowledge about the challenges
they face.

In early 2019, we commissioned Mātāwai Consultancy and Gemma Griffin Consultancy to undertake research into the sector. On
behalf of Otago Community Trust, I would like to thank everyone across the sector who shared their viewpoints, experiences and
hopes for Otago youth. I would also like to acknowledge the wonderful work our consultants did in a short timeframe to produce a
high quality and informative report.

We hope our Impact for Otago Youth report provides you with valuable insights into how we may fund change and improve the
wellbeing of our youth in the future.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi
Engari taku toa, i te toa takitini
It is not through the strength of one
but of many that we will succeed

Ross McRobie
Chair, Otago Community Trust
June 2019

         3          Foreword                                              13-31      Evidence review
         4          Executive summary                                     32-39 Sector perspectives
         5-7        Youth peer reviews                                    40-51      Services mapping
         7          Acknowledgements                                      52-55 Signposts
         8          Introduction / Authorship statement                   56         References
         9-12       Otago Community Trust background                      57-58 Appendices

    Main chapters are colour-coded as above

    Executive summary
    OCT background
    One of the key strategic priorities for Otago Community Trust        give a sense of security, connection and belonging. Investing
    funding is youth health, wellbeing and employment. OCT has           in community building and the supports that wrap around a
    been moving towards ways to create impact for young people           young person’s life plays a powerful and protective role for young
    through funding mechanisms. The trustees told us they wanted         people, but current funding models do not resource or support
    a clearer understanding of who and what OCT has been funding,        this work well. Sector representatives gave us as many ideas of
    and what real outcomes have been generated for the region’s          what to fund as they did of what would make funding models
    young people and their families as a result of this funding. They    better.
    want OCT to be bolder and more strategic to meet the areas of
    most need.
                                                                         Services map
                                                                         Health and wellbeing services for young people range from acute,
    Evidence review                                                      specialist care to development and peer support programmes.
    In 2013 there were 42,830 young people aged 10–24 in the main        Young people face many stressors and risks — a complex web
    territorial local authorities (TLAs) that the OCT covers (Waitaki,   of services and support is available, but access can be harder for
    Dunedin city, Central Otago, Clutha). Wānaka and Cromwell are        some groups and in some areas.
    seeing extraordinary population growth. The Pacific population       Employment services and training programmes cover training,
    in Ōamaru is also growing significantly. There is a growing former   mentoring, job skills development, apprenticeships and work
    refugee population in Dunedin.                                       placements/connections. The system is complex and likely
    The evidence review collates the key research and models for         difficult for young people and their families to navigate. Most
    youth development, and maps the national frameworks and              services are in Dunedin. Even region-wide services tend to have
    strategic directions that will impact on us locally. Three key       their main office base in the city.
    issues that impact on young people and their families/whānau
    are alcohol and drug use, youth suicide and digital access/
                                                                         The Signposts chapter draws together the evidence, sector
    bullying. Two key youth development concepts are positive youth
                                                                         perspectives and services mapping to formulate discussion
    development and Te Whare Tapa Whā (a model of wellbeing).
                                                                         and make recommendations. Our focus is to signpost areas
    Sector perspectives                                                  for further inquiry, recommend transformation of funding in
    Community leaders in the youth sector told us that relationships     the youth sector, suggest areas where investment could have
    make the biggest difference in young people’s lives, and that        significant impact, and indicate pathways for developing funding
    supportive and consistent relationships with both adults and peers   strategy.

Youth peer reviews
Review 1
First, I would like to thank you for the work you have put in this      them access to these resources is not enough.
report. There are many points that I would like to bring up again       One of the risk factors identified by the Treasury for young
due to their importance in my opinion. I hope the youth sector in       people in New Zealand was the inability to achieve NCEA level
Dunedin and New Zealand will address them sooner rather                 2 and its consequences. It’s worth noting that some former
than later.                                                             refugees won’t reach that goal due to their inability to reach a
The first is targeted funding for Māori and Pacific communities         level of English that allows them to achieve level 2 in time. Others
— and, if I may add, former refugees. It is very important to           might, but only because they enrolled in school at a young age (i.e.
recognise the effects colonisation had on this land and the             former refugees who arrived in the country at the age of 10 or
negative outcomes it still has on the Māori community. Issues           younger), and not because of the system’s ability to support
that are part of the systematic fabric cannot be resolved simply        them sufficiently.
by applying laws or issuing policies that would ensure equality         NEET (see p.20) is also very relevant to the former refugee
today or even if they were applied years ago. Affirmative action        community as many young people at the age of 18–20 are not
is needed to ensure that these communities/societies that were          comfortable in school environments and choose to pursue
affected immensely by the inequalities of the past are able to          language courses at the Polytechnic or elsewhere. Some then
revive themselves in ways that guarantee that they will be able to      tend to find a job that requires minimal English, or decide to stay
maintain their cultural heritage, that which was once ignored and       at home. If students who do not achieve NCEA level 2 have an
neglected, and allow them to reach a level at which they can fairly     unemployment rate 45% higher than those who attain it, former
compete and thrive alongside the rest of society (Pākehā).              refugee youth will be struggling to find jobs in the future. Former
Affirmative action should not stop there — former refugee               refugee youth arrive with a big disadvantage of not knowing the
communities, who were invited to come to New Zealand with the           language, culture and educational system, and are provided with
promise of better and safer standards of life, need that type of        minimal support.
support too. As mentioned in the report, there is big support           Many may be living with PTSD, anxiety or other undiagnosed
for former refugee communities from places like the marae,              mental health issues and be unable to accept treatment due to
due to the unfortunate similar circumstances. We cannot simply          cultural differences and the stigma around such topics. The data
accept refugees if we cannot ensure they will be provided with          and findings mainly focus on Māori, Pacific and Pākehā young
the proper resources and support to allow them to integrate and         people in New Zealand. Former refugees, however, are individuals
strive for an environment that is fair and safe. Former refugee         and families who survived bullets, shelling, aircraft targeting,
youth are required to enter school if they are under the age of 16      corruption, loss of family, and harsh living conditions in camps/
and are expected to compete with young people who have been             host countries before settlement. They have prevailed once and, if
part of this educational system for years.                              given proper resources, will prevail again — and always will.
The difference here is that most of these former refugees, here in      If research and data are to be collected on these communities, it
New Zealand and elsewhere, would probably have been deprived            will need to be undertaken differently to give accurate results and
of education for a number of years, and some are also illiterate        predictions. Cultural, historical and various other aspects must be
in their mother tongue. The support they are provided with in           considered when accounting for their experience. Nonetheless,
schools is nowhere near enough to ensure they can communicate           there is a lot of work to be done and areas to be significantly
in English even at a 50% level by the end of a school year, let alone   improved to guarantee an equal and fair standard of life for
compete in subjects like biology, chemistry, physics or English         former refugee youth in New Zealand.
literature. So although educational standards are probably a lot        Sakhr Munassar
better than where former refugees came from, simply allowing            Youth advisor

Review 2
    Evidence review
    With regard to the distribution of young people, it may also be        media/tech are enmeshed in our lives; ‘just walk away’ type
    worth noting that the high concentration of 15–19 year olds can        approaches are particularly ineffective, because social media is
    be explained by community size and prevalence of high schools          a key communication site and leaving it due to bullying would
    in Dunedin city compared to other TLAs; while the large number         have significant impacts on the ability of the young person to
    of tertiary students is a contributing factor in the discrepancy       socialise healthily.
    between Dunedin and other TLAs, 15–19 year olds are still worth        Digital access is also a critical issue, but also one with more to
    mentioning as this is a cohort many services will be focused on.       it than it seems. The issue of access is important, and raising
    There was a 2012 report on the prevalence of trans youth in            internet access in rural areas will likely help youth (especially
    schools that could also be used in this evidence review. Concern       LGBTQI youth who have no local community). Furthermore,
    about isolation of rural LGBTQI youth was raised with Rainbow          internet access allows the use of auxiliary tools like e-therapies
    Youth by Dunedin Pride Inc. at their consultation meeting              or online counselling, which can help increase access to services
    late last year, so this is a persistent issue partly caused by the     in areas where physical services are limited. However, there is a
    fragmented and decentralised nature of LGBTQI support                  flip side to the digital divide, which is that upper-middle-class
    services in Otago. Isolation is particularly problematic for LGBTQI    Pākehā people also tend to limit use of digital devices, e.g. being
    youth because, unlike other marginalised groups, community             able to supervise their children while doing offline activities;
    membership is not hereditary; as such, a rainbow young person          this is obviously related to socioeconomic elements, but it has
    can end up living in a community with no other rainbow people,         significant implications for mental health. I’m not aware of New
    and therefore have extremely limited access to support and             Zealand research on this phenomenon, but there was a New
    rainbow culture.                                                       York Times article that laid out the argument very well. The
    One element that jumped out at me as missing was                       proposed solutions to this element of the digital divide are to
    measurements and analysis related to family violence. It was           provide better community spaces and support for families so
    briefly mentioned in the Treasury risk factors framework and in        that they can actually spend time together, etc.
    the section on youth suicide, but nowhere else. Many aspects           Sector perspectives
    of family violence fall into the Adverse Childhood Experiences         Emphasis on long-term work is good. The current mental health
    framework (i.e. experiences that are significant risk factors for      crisis means that there is pressure to get people out the door
    mental illness later in life), and given the high rates of family      as quickly as possible, but this can often lead to issues failing to
    violence in New Zealand I think this is an important factor            be properly resolved and lingering. Increasing awareness that
    to explore.                                                            young people can return to a service is crucial to this, as it can
    Types of services available are also an important aspect of the        often seem like we ‘should’ be better and shouldn’t be taking up
    local mental health landscape. A major criticism of some services      resources that other people need — i.e. that the mental health
    is that the focus has moved to brief interventions; as such,           system is so overloaded that we shouldn’t go back unless we’re
    many students (and other young people not at the university)           in crisis.
    with chronic mental health conditions have expressed that it is        Social media/email penpals could be a useful tool in the
    difficult to get access to long-term supports. I found                 development of cross-regional peer mentoring.
    this to be true for myself.                                            Respite care such as supported days off is a valuable tool, but
    On alcohol and drug use, something mentioned at Chloe                  we should be aware that it can be used as a band-aid to avoid
    Swarbrick’s student mental health forum at Otago University last       dealing with structural issues and therefore be cautious with
    year was that an over-emphasis on alcohol and drug use, and an         its implementation.
    assumption that they’re the root problem, is a barrier to service      Youth-led projects are a good method of youth development,
    use to some people. Young people reported how being screened           but can run into similar issues as faced by adult volunteer
    for alcohol and drug abuse made them feel as though their              workers. Navigating funding and organisation is challenging, and
    counsellor had decided that these things were the problem, even        more so for young people unfamiliar with the existing systems.
    if the issue they’d come to the service for was totally different.     Care should be taken that these projects are structured so that
    Cyberbullying is a complex issue. While this review handles it well,   young people have support and are protected from burnout.
    I would also note that many approaches to cyberbullying fall flat      Mental health support in schools may benefit from training
    because they fail to acknowledge the extent to which social            around complex cases, particularly those involving long-term

issues outside of depression and anxiety. For example, students    become outdated. It is heartening to see service providers
with ADHD and/or autism can be passed over by school               emphasising unplugged face-to-face time, however, as this is an
counselling services — because the staff weren’t trained to        element of young people’s relationship with technology and the
consider these possible issues, and the forms of support offered   digital divide that is often overlooked.
were not suitable (since anxiety and depression can often be       Signposts
caused by underlying issues with ADHD rather than the more         Using social media to disperse information seems like a good
common social causes, and therefore resolving social causes        idea, but would likely be difficult to keep up with. The best-
does not solve the actual problem).                                structured platforms for this (Facebook, Twitter) are also
Agreed on funding issues; I would also note that the current       the ones least likely to be used by young people; as such, an
focus on projects and needs-based funding is one cause of a        investment in social media could lead to a much smaller reach
lack of support for young people with long-term mental health      than anticipated.
issues.                                                            Regarding driver’s licences, it should be noted that the costs
I am of the opinion that the effects of social media on young      involved are not necessarily one-off. Testing for a full licence is
people are highly complex, and are best understood by people       seen as stringent, and many young people report failing over
who are enmeshed in it and have taken the time to study it.        trivial things. As such, the costs of (sometimes multiple) re-sits
While service providers have legitimate perspectives, it is very   must be taken into account if OCT decides to explore this angle.
difficult to keep up with the shifting landscape of social media
                                                                   Sage Anastasi
and as such conclusions which used to be accurate can quickly
                                                                   Youth advisor

It takes courage for an organisation to look closely at its core   We are also immensely grateful for the time, passion and
business. We would like to acknowledge the Otago Community         dedication of the sector representatives we interviewed. We
Trust’s willingness to ask hard questions, their desire to learn   were received with warmth and care around the rohe. The
from the evidence and those working in the heart of the sector,    insights shared with us are a taonga we have tried to treat with
and their interest in understanding one of their key strategic     care – we hope we have let your words shine.
priorities in more depth. We hope this report will be a useful     And without our families, none of this would be possible. For our
foundation for future thinking and work.                           children and the generations before us – this change is for you.

Introduction                                                        Authorship
    In late 2018, the Otago Community Trust started a project           This report was written by Anna Parker, Gemma Griffin-
    to gather information on the current situation for youth in         Dzikiewicz and Mary McLaughlin. Gemma was the lead author
    Otago, to inform its decision-making and help achieve its           for the evidence review, Anna interviewed all our sector
    strategic priority of improving youth health, wellbeing and         representatives and Mary took the lead on the services map.
    employment.                                                         We had invaluable support from Ian Telfer, who interviewed
    This report was commissioned in December 2018 as the first          trustees and analysed funding data; Fiona West, who collated
    stage of the project. Its scope is to bring together relevant       some of the services data; and Shelley Darren, our designer.
    data and local sector expertise to provide an overview of who       OCT staff supported the process with advice and funding
    young people are, what work is already happening that can be        data. Two youth advisors read and commented on the report:
    built on, where opportunities exist and where funding is best       Sakhr Munassar and Sage Anastasi.
    targeted. Another aim is to identify areas for future research
    and analysis. Stage one has a narrow scope as it needed to be       Anna Parker, Gemma Griffin-Dzikiewicz and
    produced for the Board’s strategic meeting in March 2019.           Mary McLaughlin
    Stage one is expected to inform, and be used for, future work       8 March 2019, Ōtepoti Dunedin
    by OCT in this strategic area. It will be designed so the work
    delivered can be built on in future phases, including to inform
    potential co-design processes with young people in Otago.
    We have answered the trust’s challenge by gathering material
    from the following sources:
    • historical OCT funding data and interviews with trustees and
    the OCT chief executive
    • a review of the evidence — both demographic data and the
    latest research
    • in-person interviews with 24 key informers from the youth
    sector across Otago
    • databases of health, wellbeing and employment services in
    The broad structure of this report sets out the findings from
    these sources. Our conclusions and recommendations are
    presented in a conclusion chapter called Signposts.
    The project was delivered by Mātāwai Consultancy, in
    collaboration with Gemma Griffin Consulting. Together, we
    have context knowledge of the Otago youth sector and
    specialist skills in research, interviewing, analysis and report
    writing. Our combined networks across Otago are extensive,          Cover image
    spanning multiple sectors and geographic areas. We also             Rewa Pene Photography – young people of Te Aho Paihere
    brought in people with particular expertise in interviewing,        kapa haka group performing at the opening of the Waitangi
    quantitative research, analysis and design. The report has          Day community concert in the Octagon, 2019.
    been peer-reviewed by two youth advisors ― one with
    expertise in migrant and former refugee experiences and
    the other a mental health youth consumer advisor who
    identifies as transgender and has a particular interest in issues
    impacting on LGBTQI youth.
    The task now is to respond to the challenge, establish new
    principles for funding in this area, invest in further research
    and engagement, and support organisations and projects for
    long-term impact, youth wellbeing and community strength.


   Funding history
   Our understanding is that in 2013 OCT decided to commit a                         for the Board recommending that the youth health and wellbeing
   percentage of its annual donation budget to pro-actively support                  priority become focused on employment, education and training
   initiatives that make a significant difference to the wellbeing of the            (Otago Community Trust, 2014). The recommendation was
   Otago community. This funding commitment is called the Funding                    adopted and is still the case, but the actual grants made by OCT
   for Change Priorities, and youth health and wellbeing was set as                  over the past four years only partially reflect this decision. The
   one of the new strategic priorities. In 2014, staff produced a report             main areas of youth funding are as follows:

   OCT youth funding programmes, 2015–2018

       SECTOR                                    FUND                                                GRANTS          TOTAL           PROPORTION

                                                 Education Fund
                                                 Hardship Schools                                      $327,308
                                                 Learning Impact Fund                                  $389,686
                                                 $ for $ Education Fund                                $482,789
                                                 Other schools & ECE funding                          $1,262,827
       Total education		                                                                                              $2,462,611    58.7%

       Wellbeing and Development
                                                 Youth workshops, events, development                  $764,755
                                                 Child & youth wellbeing services                      $710,575
                                                 Youth other: Chairperson’s Fund                        $35,550
       Total wellbeing and development			                                                                             $1,510,880    36.0%

                                                 Community employment programme                        $139,325
                                                 4Trades youth apprenticeship                           $82,000
       Total employment			                                                                                             $221,325     5.3%

       TOTAL YOUTH FUNDING 2015 - 2018                                                                              $4,194,816      100.0%

                           5.3%                                                      Education sector
                                                                                     Wellbeing and development

              36%                           58%                                     Analysis:
                                                                                    Our analysis of the OCT’s grants made in the youth area from
                                                                                    2015 to 2018 shows that a total of $4.2 million was granted
                                                                                    and the funding is split unevenly between education (58.7%),
                                                                                    wellbeing (36%) and employment (5%).


     The following graph shows a rapid rise in education spending
     (which was mainly spending on school programmes), a modest
     increase in wellbeing spending, and a steady and low spend on
     employment programmes.

     OCT youth funding by sector
                                                                                                               Education sector
                                                                                                               Wellbeing and development





               2015                            2016                       2017                       2018

     Spending varies significantly across the region, mainly in            a population-based level, and South Otago’s is well below.
     line with where Otago’s young people live. The graph below            Note that the figures are based on population estimates
     shows that spending in Dunedin is slightly above a population-        for all young people aged 0–24. Note also that the youth
     based allocation, and Central Otago’s is well above. In               population in Central Otago has risen by around 20% in the
     contrast, spending on young people in North Otago is below            past four years.

     OCT youth funding: actual vs population-based 2015-18
                                                                                                            Actual funding
     $2,000,000                                                                                             Population-based funding




                      Central Otago   Greater Dunedin   South Otago   North Otago   other/regional


   OCT’s five year strategic plan adopted in 2017 created a             audacious goal” of making sure every Otago young person
   new funding framework for the whole organisation, with a             is able to reach their potential.1 However, the trustees feel
   sliding scale of grants in five categories: community response       that how this will be achieved in practice has not been defined
   donations under $10k > community response donations over             strongly enough. Without a clear kaupapa, OCT tends to
   $10k > capital project donations > partnership donations >           assign funded projects into the youth category after the fact,
   strategic donations.                                                 rather than driving towards and prioritising such projects for its
   To further strategic grant-making in the youth area, two new         backing.
   education funds were launched in 2017. These have greatly            In various ways, all trustees said they need this report to help
   increased the funding for schools right across the Otago region      them understand the major challenges for the region’s young
   ($1.8 million given to date).                                        people, what could be done to support them and where the
   The Learning Impact Fund is to support projects that will lift       service network has gaps.
   student achievement but cannot be funded through traditional         Clear consensus areas
   channels. The Dollar for Dollar Fund matches a dollar of             Some clear areas of consensus emerged from our interviews.
   funding for each dollar that a school makes available (up to         As a whole trustees told us:
   the allocated amount) to address the learning needs of their         • They want to do more with OCT’s youth priority area —
   students.                                                            expand the funding, invest more energy and focus, and get a
   We note the distribution of Dollar for Dollar Education Fund         much greater benefit for Otago’s young people.
   grants across deciles aligns closely with the actual distribution    • To do this, they want to find an area or a few areas of specific
   of schools — that is, schools across the deciles receive a roughly   need and potential where OCT can make a major impact. One
   equal share of the money. An approach aimed at addressing            person said “you could drive a bus through the youth priority
   inequity would likely show the greater distribution of funds         area”, referencing the priority’s broadness and OCT’s reluctance
   going to schools in the lower decile bands.                          to use the priority to drive its funding decisions.

   Trustee perspectives                                                 • OCT has traditionally funded up to 25% of any organisation’s
                                                                        project budget. This has been based on the principle of being
   To anchor our report process with an understanding of OCT’s
                                                                        a part-funder both to reach as many organisations as possible
   context and specific needs, we interviewed all ten current
                                                                        and to reduce reliance on philanthropy. But trustees feel this
   trustees and the trust’s chief executive. Interviews were
                                                                        might have to change to enable youth projects to make a major
   conducted in-person or by phone. Some trustees also sent
                                                                        impact. There is interest in providing multi-year and 75–100%
   written comments, as did a recent ex-trustee, Lauren Semple.
                                                                        project funding for the right projects and organisations.
   What follows is a synthesis of your views as trustees.
                                                                        • Trustees feel their pictures of the youth sector and OCT
   Background                                                           funding is too muddy, not tangible enough. They want to make
   Around the middle of last year, five new trustees (out of 11) were
                                                                        more conscious, informed decisions.
   appointed. The trustees believe OCT is generally in good shape,
                                                                        • Trustees want a more robust framework for making grant
   yet feel they have a responsibility to lead change where needed,
                                                                        decisions and evaluating projects’ impact. Some feel the board
   rather than just continuing to do things the same way as in the
                                                                        relies too much on the few knowledgeable trustees, and they
                                                                        have too little evidence that the funding given in the past is
   This is particularly true for the youth health, wellbeing
                                                                        changing anything. Some want hard measures developed to
   and employment priority. The new trustees want a clearer
                                                                        assess progress, such as indicators of youth poverty in Otago
   understanding of who and what OCT has been funding, and
                                                                        such as the number of children who can’t afford a school
   what real outcomes have been generated for the region’s young
   people and their families as a result of this funding.
                                                                        • School-based programmes have been one of the main areas
   The longer-standing trustees largely share these concerns and
                                                                        funded under the youth priority in the past few years. Trustees
   feel it is time for a renewed focus on Otago’s young people as
                                                                        are looking to encourage greater evaluation to assess the
   a priority funding area. They want OCT to be bolder and more
                                                                        impact of this funding.
   strategic to meet the areas of most need.
                                                                        • Trustees want projects that transform young people’s lives,
   The trustees bring a wide range of experience in the youth
                                                                        with a focus on building strength and resilience rather than
   area. Three or four trustees have deep experience in the youth
                                                                        ‘band-aids’ or ‘ambulance work’.
   sector, but most do not feel they yet have the knowledge or
                                                                        • There is a strong consensus on investing in family/ whānau
   evaluation tools to direct funding to the right places. They
                                                                        work, or wider whānau programmes including families, plus
   would like help to make more informed and conscious decisions.
                                                                        early childhood, plus schools — holistic programmes that work
   A few years ago, OCT set what some have called the “big, hairy,
                                                                        with young people and their families together — if the evidence


     shows such programmes are effective. Most or all trustees             Interesting ideas to consider
     believe the most important grounding for healthy young people         • Mental health could be set as a specific but time-limited
     is the stability, continuity, identity and love provided by strong,   priority in response to the government inquiry. The idea is that
     positive family, whether the shape of that is parental or wider       it will take the government three to five years to overhaul the
     whānau support.                                                       sector, and OCT can fund a lot of important work in the area
     • There is quite a lot of consensus that youth wellbeing could        in the interim. (However, this is seen by some trustees as core
     become a new core focus. There is strong interest in funding          government health business, not something OCT should get
     mental health support and resilience building with young people.      into.)
     • Trustees are deeply concerned about the level of youth              • To get better, more useful and honest reporting, OCT could
     suicide in Otago and want to help, but are wary of getting            fund external people/consultants to evaluate projects during
     involved in an area seen as primarily a government health             and at the end of them. Evaluators would collect the stories,
     responsibility.                                                       interviewing staff, volunteers and young people. They would
     • Trustees see OCT’s role as an ‘enabler’ — something                 then write up and report back the outcomes and things learnt.
     more than a traditional funder, but not itself a creator of           • OCT could employ a youth advisor (potentially a fixed-
     programmes. A backer for communities to strengthen                    term position at OCT to develop the priority areas, work
     themselves and organisations making a difference.                     with agencies, and carry out or co-ordinate the evaluation
     • Nearly all trustees emphasised the need to build collaboration      process).
     between sector players to overcome duplication and
     competition.                                                          1. We’re not sure exactly when this goal was set, but it seems to be an
     • Trustees emphasised the need to fund projects right across          aspirational goal rather than directing individual funding decisions.
     the Otago region (except Queenstown which has its own trust)
     rather than meeting the needs of Dunedin youth only.
     Areas of emerging consensus
     Most, though not all, trustees, made the following points:
     • The age range targeted by the youth priority should be
     clarified, and should include children, probably covering a range
     of 0–24 years. Trustees pointed to growing evidence that the
     earlier the intervention/support for young people and their
     families begins, the more effective it is. Some suggested the
     focus should be 4–13 years. Some think 18 years old should be
     the upper limit, but others said it should align with the health
     (and youth suicide) definition to take account of post-school
     • Some trustees strongly believe inequality or poverty should be
     explicit areas of focus; for others, dedicated support for Māori
     and Pacific youth is key. For some, the focus should be disability
     and other systemic disadvantages. Some trustees are wary of
     focusing on any particular communities or groups, or of straying
     into core government work in health or social welfare.
     • Many feel OCT is good at ‘bricks and mortar’ projects but
     needs to get better at social projects.
     • Some trustees emphasised education as the key for
     young people, others identity, connectedness and access to


                                                                         who are attending school. Other indicators include people
                                                                         slightly outside the age range. The age range that each
   This evidence review is intended to provide an overview of            indicator covers is clearly indicated throughout the report.
   what is currently known about youth living in Otago. It brings        While key policy documents in New Zealand define youth as
   together demographic data, sector information and key                 12–24, national census data does not easily align to this age
   statistics relating to youth wellbeing, health and employment.        range. Most published census data uses three age groups:
   Where possible, data is interpreted for an Otago context.             10–14; 15–19; 20–24, so the census-based indicators used in this
   Key research and documents about youth development are                report include 10 and 11 year olds.
   also summarised. Areas needing deeper investigation are
                                                                         Number, location and ethnicity of
   highlighted for future consideration.
                                                                         young people
   Youth in Otago: what do                                               The most recent available data on the total youth population is
   we know?                                                              from the 2013 census. It found that in 2013 there were 42,830
   In this report, ‘youth’ is defined as those aged 12–24 — this is      young people aged 10–24 in the main territorial local authorities
   the definition most commonly used in the youth development            (TLAs) that the Otago Community Trust covers (Waitaki,
   literature. For some key indicators, however, data is only            Dunedin city, Central Otago, Clutha) (Statistics New Zealand,
   available for a smaller subgroup of youth, for example those          2013). See Appendix 2.

   Total youth population by TLA and age 2013 (Statistics New Zealand, 2013)

                   920                                                 670

                       1,230                                             890                                   Age in years


                       Waitaki                                            Central                                   15-19


              12,220                                                                     1,290

                                13,340                                    1,900

                       Dunedin                                              Clutha

   In all of the TLAs except Dunedin city, the largest                to study at the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic.
   proportion of the youth population is 10–14 year olds.             Across all the TLAs, there were 4,980 Māori youth and
   Dunedin has a very different age distribution. There,              1,450 Pacific youth. However, the TLAs do vary considerably
   10–14 year olds are the smallest group and a much larger           in size and in their ethnic diversity, as shown in the tables on
   proportion of youth is aged 15–19 and 20–24. This is mostly        the next page.
   due to the number of young people who move to Dunedin


     Waitaki youth, 10–24 years old, by ethnicity (Statistics New Zealand, 2013)

                         1500                                           European or other






                                     10-14        15-19        20-24

     Central youth, 10–24 years old, by ethnicity (Statistics New Zealand, 2013)

                                                                        European or other






                                      10-14        15-19       20-24


   Dunedin city youth, 10–24 years old, by ethnicity
   (Statistics New Zealand, 2013)

                                                                  European or other






                                    10-14        15-19    20-24

   Clutha youth, 10–24 years old, by ethnicity
   (Statistics New Zealand, 2013)

                          1200                                    European or other


                          1000                                    Asian





                                     10-14        15-19   20-24


     Population projections by Statistics New Zealand (2013) indicate                       of these families have moved from Auckland for the lower cost
     that the total youth population in Otago will grow by 270 to 43,130                    of living in Ōamaru, and to work in the meatworks or in the
     by 2038. However, projected growth is not even across all TLAs:                        horticultural industry.
     • Waitaki is projected to grow from 3,510 to 4,010                                     The population projections for Waitaki from the 2013 census
     • Central Otago will grow from 2,720 to 3,260                                          suggested that by 2018 there would be 205 Pacific young
     • Dunedin city will remain static (33,340 to 33,330)                                   people (Statistics New Zealand, 2013). However, school roll
     • Clutha will decline (3,260 to 2,500)                                                 information from 2018 shows that there were 284 Pacific
     The Dunedin City Council have recently reviewed and updated the                        young people enrolled in schools (Education Counts, 2018). No
     population projections that they use in their long term planning.                      information could be found on the current Pacific population
     They are projecting growth overall, but not for the youth population.                  who have left school but are still under 24, but it is clear that
     In Dunedin in 2028 they project there will be 33,860 young people                      the actual Pacific youth population is much larger than that
     aged 10-24, declining to 32,468 by 2048.                                               suggested by the census projections.

     Household composition                                                                  Significant growth in some parts of Central Otago
     At the 2013 census for Otago:                                                          The 2013 census projected growth in the 10–19 age group in
     Household composition, 10–19 (Statistics New Zealand, 2013a)                           Central Otago (from 2,420 to 2,990 in 2038) (Statistics New
                         LIVING IN TWO PARENT HOUSEHOLDS    ONE PARENT HOUSEHOLDS           Zealand, 2013). However, large increases in school rolls indicate
     , 10–14 year olds   8,130                              2,380                           that growth has probably been much higher than projected.
       15–19 year olds   15,670                             2,080                           Multiple schools in Central Otago have reported recently that
                                                                                            they are now at or over capacity.
     2013 census data limitations
                                                                                            Cromwell College has 505 students enrolled as of February
     All figures above are from the 2013 census. A census was
                                                                                            2019 – an increase of 48 in the last year. 100 of these students
     undertaken in 2018, but the results of this are not currently available
                                                                                            are in year 7, and a media article in February 2019 reported
     and their release has been delayed. Not being able to access more
                                                                                            that this is Cromwell College’s largest year 7 intake since the
     recent census data is a limitation of this report. It is clear that there
                                                                                            1980s (Conyngham, 2019).
     have been some significant population changes in the district in the
                                                                                            Dunstan College (Alexandra) has reported strong roll growth,
     last six years, which have been reported in media and
                                                                                            with a roll of 585 in 2019, an increase on 559 students in 2018.
     other sources. It is possible there have been other demographic
                                                                                            Notably, the principal has stated this year that “around 35
     changes that have not been identified at this time. It is
                                                                                            new students arrived from out of our district. That was quite
     suggested that the OCT review the relevant data from the 2018
                                                                                            unexpected.” (Burns, 2019).
     census data when it is released.
                                                                                            Mount Aspiring College has grown by over 50% since 2012 and
     Significant population changes                                                         is now over capacity. A $13 million redevelopment has recently
     Pacific Island migration to Waitaki TLA                                                started on the campus, which will expand school capacity to
     The number of Pacific people living in Ōamaru has increased                            1600 students (Nugent, 2018).
     significantly. This has been noted locally and nationally. Assoc                       Wānaka Primary School is near capacity with 680 students
     Prof Damon Salesa from the University of Auckland has                                  this year, up from 353 in 2009. Holy Faith Primary School is
     suggested that Ōamaru now has the largest proportion of                                also near capacity. Recognising the roll growth, the Ministry
     Pacific people of any town/city in New Zealand, surpassing                             of Education is developing a new primary school to open in
     Auckland (Radio NZ, 2018). He has estimated that one in four                           Wānaka in 2020 (Price, 2018).
     people in Ōamaru are Pacific people, and suggests that many

     Pacific Island young people, by Island group, TLA and gender from school rolls
     (Education Counts, 2018)
                                                            Male          Female

                          Samoan          Cook Island Maori          Tongan             Niuean             Fijian        Tokelauan   Other PI
      Waitaki              11    13           1        2            103      78        1      -       4         13        2     3    28     25     284

      Central Otago        11    10           1        3              6          4     1      3        4            9     -     -     6    2        29

      Dunedin city       147     126        69             66        79          69    13        9    35            31   6      17   42    50      759

      Clutha              19     17          3         5             -       -         -      -        8            8     -     -     1    1        62

      Total              188     166        74         76           188          151   15        12   51        61       8     20    77    78     1,165


   Young people attending school                                    School attendance, truancy and transience
   Across the four TLAs, 10,944 students were enrolled in           It has been reported that the Otago region (including
   secondary schools 2018. A further 1,185 young people were        Queenstown Lakes) has the highest percentage (67.5%) of
   enrolled in composite schools (schools that include both         students who attend school regularly, compared to all other
   secondary and primary school aged children). Nearly one-         regions in New Zealand (Education Counts, 2018c).
   third of secondary students live outside Dunedin.                School attendance has been similar across all TLAs for the last
   Alternative education                                            three years. Attendance in term 2, 2018, ranged from 62.6%
   Ministry of Education data suggests that on 1 July 2018 there    (Waitaki) to 70% (Central Otago).
   were 52 students in Otago in alternative education. Clutha had
   fewer students in alternative education than other TLAs.

   Secondary students by TLA (Education Counts, 2018)

                                                  Central 9%

                               Waitaki 13%

                         Clutha 9%

                                                                                             Dunedin 69%

   Alternative education as of Term 2, 2018 by TLA and gender
   (Education Counts, 2018)

                           TLA                          ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION STUDENTS

                                                        Male                Female
                           Waitaki                      7                   5
                           Central Otago                6                   2
                           Dunedin                      22                  8
                           Clutha                       1                   1


     Students attending school regularly by TLA, term 2, 2011–2018
     (Education Counts, 2018d)

                                2011        2012        2013          2014                2015     2016         2017       2018

       Waitaki district         66.5        73.9        55.9          62.8                67.6     69		         64         62.5

       Central Otago            65.6        66.4        71.9          71.1                69.9     72.6         72         70

       Dunedin city             70.5        69.9        67.1          67                  67.9     72.6         68         69.2

       Clutha district          72.6        71.2        69.6          65.7                75.8     71.5         67.6       67.6

     Exclusions, expulsions, suspensions and stand downs                     and are similar across TLAs, with the exception of suspensions,
     The data available on exclusions, expulsions, suspensions and           where Clutha (15.6) was much higher than all other TLAs (6.6,
     stand downs includes primary, intermediate and high school              1.7, 5.4).
     students. The rates are age-standardised per 1,000 students,

     Exclusions, expulsions, suspensions, stand downs
     – age standardised per 1,000 students, by TLA
     (Education Counts 2017a, 2017b, 2017c, 2017d)

                                  STAND DOWNS                  EXCLUSIONS                   SUSPENSIONS         EXPULSIONS
          Waitaki                 25.8                         1.8                          6.6                 0.0
          Central Otago           22.9                         0.8                          1.7                 0.0
          Dunedin city            28.4                         2.3                          5.4                 1.8
          Clutha                  27.5                         3.8                          15.6                2.5

     NCEA achievement                                                             achievement by gender were less than the national gender gap
     Education is considered an important determinant of social and               in all of the TLAs except Central Otago, which reported a larger
     economic wellbeing. In New Zealand, the official secondary school            difference of 9.8% between male (78.3%) and female (88.1%).
     qualification is NCEA (the National Certificate of Educational               Waitaki was the only TLA where the percentage of males leaving
     Achievement). Research has shown that students who do not                    with NCEA level 2 or above was higher than females (84.5%
     achieve NCEA level 2 have an unemployment rate 45% higher than               compared to 83.7%).
     students who attain level 2 or higher (Education Counts, 2018e).             Differences were reported in NCEA achievement between ethnic
     In 2017, the national average for achieving NCEA level 2 or above            groups around New Zealand, and these were also seen in Otago,
     was 80.7%. NCEA achievement varied across Otago from 79.4%                   as outlined in the table below. Due to the small numbers of
     in Clutha to 87% in Dunedin. Waitaki reported 84.1% and Central              students of some ethnicities in the smaller TLAs, care is needed
     Otago 83.6%. (Education Counts, 2017e)                                       when interpreting these figures. Of particular note is that the
     Across New Zealand, there was a 4.9% difference in the                       TLA with the largest student population, Dunedin city, reported a
     percentage of male school leavers achieving level 2 (78.3%)                  significant range in achievement for different ethnic groups, from
     compared to female (83.2%). In Otago differences in                          62.5% (Pacific) to 95.1% (Asian).    See table on next page. . .


   NCEA level 2 achievement by TLA (Education Counts, 2017e)

     TLA                     MALE                    FEMALE            GAP
     Waitaki                 84.5                    83.7              0.8 (male higher)
     Central                 78.3                    88.1              9.8
     Dunedin                 85.9                    88.1              2.2
     Clutha                  78.0                    80.7              2.7

   Percentage of school leavers with NCEA level 2 or above,
   by TLA and ethnicity, cf New Zealand total (Education Counts, 2017e)

    AUTHORITY                ETHNIC GROUP
                              Māori              Pacific            Asian                MELAA                Other              European/ Pākehā
    Waitaki district          73.5               73.7               92.3                 x                    x                  85.7
    Central Otago district    58.6               x                  100.0                x                    x                  85.9
    Dunedin city              74.5               62.5               95.1                 83.3                 100.0              88.0
    Clutha district           80.6               100.0              88.9                 x                    x                  77.8
    New Zealand total         67.9               75.9               91.7                 82.2                 80.7               83.8

   Tertiary students
   Otago has a large number of tertiary students, the majority of          the national average (60.3%) (Education Counts, 2016). It also
   whom are aged 18–24 and attend the University of Otago or               influences the age distribution of young people in Dunedin, which
   Otago Polytechnic.                                                      is different from the rest of the Otago population, with a larger
   The presence of these institutions may also partly explain why          proportion of young people aged 20–24 than
   the percentage of Otago school leavers enrolled in tertiary study       aged 15–19.
   within one year of leaving school (64.7%) is higher than

   Number of youth attending the University of Otago or Otago Polytechnic in 2017,
   by age group (Education Counts, 2017f)

                                     UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO                          OTAGO POLYTECHNIC
     Under 18                        30					                                       175

     19-20                           3,950				                                    805

     20-24                           9,470				                                    1,780


     Youth employment
     As at December 2018, 2,196 Otago young people aged                   The graph below shows youth unemployment over the last
     18–24 were receiving jobseeker, solo parent or supported             5 years — the spikes in the December quarter are mostly
     living benefits (Ministry of Social Development, 2019). Most         due to seasonal work and school leavers moving on to
     were in Dunedin (1,849), with 143 in each of Clutha and              benefits.
     Waitaki, and 61 in Central.

     Youth unemployment, 18-24, Sep 13 – Dec 2018 (Ministry of Social Development, 2019).

                                                                                                                        Dunedin city

                                                                                                                        Waitaki district
                                                                                                                        Clutha district

     10,000                                                                                                             Central Otago





              SEP 13               SEP 14             SEP 15                   SEP 16                SEP 17              SEP 18

      Median income, 15–19, 20-24                                             NEET report is more up-to-date than the 2013 census figures.
      According to 2016 data, annual median income is $8,900 for              It is recommended that trustees review the 2015 Otago NEET
      15–19 year olds in Otago, and $24,700 for 20–24 year olds.              report for full information on this group ― considered a priority
      Income for both age groups is slightly under the national               population due to their higher risk of adverse outcomes.
      median for that age group. (Ministry of Business, Innovation and        Key findings included:
      Employment, 2016)                                                       • Otago had the lowest proportion of NEET youth (8.4%, 2,800
      Young people not in employment,                                         young people) in New Zealand, much lower than the national
      education or training (the ‘NEET’                                       average (13.5%). This is likely partly influenced by the large
      population)                                                             tertiary student population.
      Young people who are not engaged in employment, education               • NEET youth were more likely to use mental health services
      or training are often referred to as the ‘NEET’ population. A           (54% compared to 29% of those in employment and 24% of
      comprehensive report has already been developed by Statistics           those in education).
      New Zealand and the Dunedin Methodist Mission, describing               • Most NEET youth have previously been in paid employment
      the Otago NEET population (Statistics New Zealand, 2017).               (55% of 15–19 year olds, 78% of 20–24 year olds).
      This report was developed using 2015 data from the Integrated           • Most NEET youth live in Dunedin. Within Dunedin, the
      Data Infrastructure (IDI). The IDI is available to Statistics New       highest NEET rates were in Caversham, Brockville, Fernhill and
      Zealand and combines current information from multiple                  Mornington.
      government agencies, so much of the information in the Otago


    Young mothers                                                         Young people at risk
    Young mothers are often recorded in the NEET population,              The report on NEET youth in Otago identified a group of young
    although the Otago NEET report does acknowledge that “the             people “of greater concern due to multiple poor outcomes”.
    unpaid work of raising children is a socially and economically        They defined this group as young people who:
    valuable activity”. (Statistics New Zealand, 2017)                    • were NEET for six months or more in 2015
    In 2015, there were 80 teenage mothers (aged 15–19) in Otago.         • had no NCEA level 2 qualifications
    Most (59%) were NEET, 31% were engaged in education and               • had at least one behavioural intervention at school and/or had
    10% in employment. For the 800 mothers in the 20–24 group,            ever used mental health services or treatments.
    the proportion of NEET was very similar (56%) but more                1,090 young people in Otago were identified as meeting these
    were engaged in employment (32%) and 12% were engaged in              criteria — 3.3% of the 15–24 year old population in Otago.
    education. Both age groups were more likely than non-mothers          Most lived in Dunedin and were aged 20–24.
    to be NEET ― only 4% of non-mothers aged 15–19 were NEET,
    and 6% of non-mothers aged 20–24.

   Main activity for 15–24 year old females by motherhood status and age. Otago
   region and NZ, %, (2015) (Statistics New Zealand, 2017)


                 80                                                    NEET




                       Without children       Mothers        Without children      Mothers

                                      15-19                              20-24


     Number of young people “of concern” (Statistics New Zealand, 2017)

                                                                                         Rest of Otago






                       MALE           FEMALE          MALE            FEMALE
                              15-19                           20-24

     Treasury risk factors
     The New Zealand Treasury has used the Integrated Data                 Dunedin was designated a refugee resettlement location in
     Infrastructure to analyse administrative data from multiple           2015, and began receiving former refugees in 2016. Since then
     agencies. Their analysis suggests some characteristics of             over 500 former refugees have settled in Dunedin, the majority
     children place them at greater risk for poor outcomes as adults       being Syrian, with smaller numbers from Palestine and Jordan.
     (McLeod et al., 2015). They suggest that this information can be      Over half of the former refugees are children. It is expected
     used to target services more effectively.                             that Dunedin will continue to welcome approximately 180
     The risk factor framework focuses on four risks:                      former refugees each year.
     • having a Child Youth & Family finding of abuse or neglect           By the time they arrive in Dunedin, former refugees have faced
     • being mostly supported by benefits since birth                      multiple significant stressors and most will have experienced
     • having a parent with a prison or community sentence                 trauma. Resettlement is a social and cultural upheaval and can
     • having a mother with no formal qualifications.                      affect all family members. Parents often experience language
     It also suggests that there is a group of children, those with        barriers, isolation and difficulties finding work, which can
     multiple risk factors, who are at highest risk. In 2015, 2,380        increase family stress. The Children’s Commissioner has noted
     young people in Otago were considered to be in the highest            that former refugee children are at higher risk for physical and
     risk category.                                                        mental health problems, and may experience social, educational
     Specific focus communities                                            and psychological/adjustment difficulties for a long period
     Former refugees                                                       after their arrival (Office of the Children’s Commissioner, 2012).
     “Refugee children are part of Aotearoa New Zealand’s future.          Adolescents in particular are often faced with navigating the
     They have the right to the best possible start to life in their new   different social norms and expectations of their home country
     country” —The Office of the Children’s Commissioner (2012)            and of New Zealand society.


   The Commissioner also suggests that children born in New
                                                                          Youth voice: what do young

   Zealand to former refugee parents can experience many of the
   same difficulties.                                                     people say about what is
                                                                          important to them
                                                                          “When young people discover they can be agents of
          “We need better support for refugees and
                                                                          change, wonderful things happen. They start to serve in the
          New Zealand citizens living in poverty to be
                                                                          neighbourhoods, learn about public issues, create innovative
          provided the tools and education to better
                                                                          solutions to tough public challenges and eventually become
          their situation without bureaucratic hoops
                                                                          the voters, community project builders and leaders in our
          and financial band-aids.”
                                                                          communities and nation.” — Alma Powell
          Dani, 23, female, Dunedin (Action Station, 2018)
                                                                          Due to the constraints of this project, it has not been possible to
                                                                          engage extensively with young people to identify their views and
                                                                          priorities. lt is suggested that any future work consider including

   LGBTQI young people                                                    engagement with youth and using co-design methodology.

   The importance of supporting LGBTQI young people has been              However, we have reviewed key documents that have previously

   expressed in the Dunedin Diversity Strategy, and is also a growing     documented what young people say is important to them.

   focus area for the Ministry of Social Development.                     Dunedin Youth Charter (2018)
   Research suggests that young people who identify as LGBTQI             In 2018, young people co-designed a Youth Charter for Dunedin
   are at higher risk of bullying, social exclusion, discrimination and   city with representatives from other stakeholders. Their shared
   poor mental health (Ministry of Social Development, 2015). A           vision for Dunedin was:
   2008 report commissioned by the Otago University Students              In Ōtepoti (Dunedin) young people are valued, accepted and
   Association on the safety and inclusiveness of Otago secondary         empowered to lead fulfilled lives, and wellbeing is nurtured.
   schools surveyed students across the region. It confirmed that         Key goals to achieve this vision were described as below.
   all of these issues were impacting on local youth, particularly        • Communities and organisations are welcoming of all young
   bullying. Staff members also shared these concerns, especially         people
   for students in rural schools:                                         • Young people feel safe, are being nurtured, accepted and
   Staff at rural Otago schools… felt that queer students suffer          empowered
   from greater prejudice and harassment than students in larger          • The unique capabilities and contributions of youth are being
   towns and cities, as well as a sense of isolation from their           valued and celebrated
   classmates and from the queer community, which is largely              • Participation and leadership by youth is being encouraged and
   situated in more urban areas. (Otago University Students               fostered
   Association, 2008)                                                     • Pathways, spaces, services and activities are promoted and
                                                                          accessible for all youth so they can achieve their potential
   Unfortunately there is limited recent information available about
                                                                          Ministry of Youth Development Youth

   the views of LGBTQI youth in Otago. It is recommended that
   further engagement occur with LGBTQI young people to inform            Survey (2010)
   any future work.                                                       A national survey of young people was completed by the Ministry
                                                                          of Youth Development in 2010. Key findings are listed below.
                                                                          • 45% of young people stated that their family was the most
           “... queer people are most vulnerable in                       important thing in their life. A similar amount (42%) said that
           their youth, when they are coming to                           education/studying was the most important thing for them, and
           terms with their identity. This means that                     29% named their friends.1
           the support to our Dunedin communities                         • Succeeding in study/passing exams was the most common
           needs to have a strong focus on our                            stressor mentioned by young people — 18% stated that it caused
           youth.”                                                        them to worry/be anxious. Other common stressors included
           Introduction to the Dunedin Diversity                          lack of money (13%), family getting hurt (8%), personal issues
           Strategy, 2014–2019                                            (7%), crime (6%) and getting a job (6%).
                                                                          • Teenage drinking was of concern to young people, with
                                                                          28% suggesting it is the biggest problem facing New Zealand
                                                                          teenagers. This was followed by drug use (14%), unemployment
                                                                          (14%), education/passing exams (11%), social life (10%), peer
                                                                          pressure/fitting in (9%).

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