Page created by Megan Howard

                                    February 23 -26, 2021 • Virtual

                                                           Lead Sponsor

                                                         Executive Sponsors

1                Produced by

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IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                      WELCOME

WELCOME                                                           WHAT TO EXPECT SUMMARY
Welcome to the 7th annual Immuno-oncology
(IO) 360° virtual summit, a comprehensive program                 Day One - February 23rd
that convenes stakeholders spanning the science                   Day One kicks off with Cell and Gene Therapy Day,
and business communities to report on data-driven                 reporting on the latest cell & gene therapy progress
advancements in immuno-oncology to fight a wider range            with a focus on solid tumors. Allogene’s Executive
of cancers.                                                       Chairman and Co-founder, Dr Arie Belldegrun
                                                                  joins life science CEO leader Fred Hassan in a
We are excited to present the program virtually for the first     fireside keynote on science, culture, vision and the
time with a top-rated platform and a global reach, and of         future of treating cancer for patients. Biotech CEO
course providing the same engaging, thought-provoking             leadership joins us to provide their perspectives on
experience you’ve come to expect from us.                         the business and science of cell and gene therapy. Dr
IO360 ̊ is developed with the input and guidance from             Kole Roybal, UCSF delivers a keynote on synthetic
our lead advisors, Dr Axel Hoos, GSK, Dr James Gulley,            biology and synthetic circuits and how they can be
NCI, Dr Andrew Baum, Citi, Dr Priti Hedge, Foundation             implemented to advance the field. FDA’s Dr Peter
Medicine, Dr Daniel Chen, IGM Biosciences, Dr Raluca              Marks joins the program to provide an update on the
Verona, Janssen and Jacqueline Karmel, Roche along with           FDA’s efforts to facilitate the development of cell
additional program advisors to whom we offer our sincere          and gene therapies for cancer. The day will also take
thanks.                                                           a deeper dive into the industry-wide challenges and
                                                                  opportunities, addressing operational and regulatory
The program includes sessions dedicated to:                       complexities for cell therapy, and BioPharma cell and
    •   Discovery / Preclinical Science                           gene therapy strategies.
    •   Translational Science & Biomarkers
    •   Clinical Data Developments                                Concluding the day is a Cell and Gene Therapy
    •   Cell and Gene Therapy                                     Debate on Allogeneic versus Autologous with
    •   Next Generation Bispecifics                               Allogene’s Rafael Amado and BMS’ Kristen Hege.
    •   Neoadjuvant/Adjuvant Data
    •   Cancer Vaccines                                           Day Two - February 24th
    •   Clinical Operations
    •   Imaging Aspects                                           Day two opens with a keynote by MD Anderson’s Dr
    •   Business Developments                                     Padmanee Sharma who addresses: Investigating
    •   Emerging Technologies                                     Mechanisms of Response and Resistance to
                                                                  Immune Checkpoint Therapy.
The event delivers a clear set of objectives to foster
scientific exchange over the course of four days.                 Day one also features plenary sessions focusing on
                                                                  Discovery and Preclinical Science, Advancements in
During the networking breaks, the exhibiting companies            IO Imaging, Clinical Operations and Translational
are available to consult with attendees on a variety of           Science and Emerging Biomarkers Part 1.
problem-solving solutions. Attendees also have the
opportunity to arrange one-on-one partnering meetings
                                                                  The day concludes with a sci-fi type session on Visions
that can be scheduled via Meeting Mojo.
                                                                  of the Future for Cancer Immunotherapy: Year
Please see page 6 for more information on the partnering          2040 with Allogene’s Dr David Chang and IGM
tool. We would like to thank the entire speaking faculty,         Biosciences Dr Daniel Chen followed by a biotech
the sponsors and the supporting partners, for helping             roundtable discussion led by Dr Priti Hedge, Foundation
create a program that enhances scientific exchange and            Medicine on developing combination strategies.
collaboration for the IO community.
                                                                  Day Three - February 25th
                                                                  Day three opens with a keynote by Dr Elizabeth
                                                                  Jaffee, Johns Hopkins University who will be
         Kate Woda                      Valerie Bowling           discussing Priming the Immune System to Provoke
         Conference Director            Executive Director        Checkpoints: The Path to Maintaining the
                                                                  Immunotherapy Momentum.
         Meredith Sands                 Bre Bugbee
         Executive Director,            Marketing Manager         Following Dr Jaffee, we are joined by Dr Naiyer Rizvi,
         Business Development                                     Columbia University, who will be delivering a Zeitgeist
                                                                  talk on Evaluating PD1 Benefit After PD1 Failure.
         Adam Kolanko                   Elizabeth Bard
         Sales & Business               Business Development      Additional keynotes include: Dr Lisa Butterfield,
         Development Manager            Manager
                                                                  Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy
                                                                  who addresses Cancer Vaccination and Lessons
         Meg Gould                      Efrosini Zambas
                                        Conference Meeting        Learned; Expert Analyst, Dr Andrew Baum, Citi, who
         Senior Conference
         Planner                        Planner                   provides an annual keynote on What’s Next on the IO
                                                                  Radar? Top 10 Recommendations.
IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                              WELCOME / HOPIN INFORMATION

                                                              About the Hopin Platform
Day three also features sessions on Neoadjuvant/
Adjuvant data, Cancer Vaccines, Translational                  You will be using the Hopin platform to take part in the
Science and Emerging Biomarkers Part II and
Business Aspects. The day concludes with a
                                                               IO360° virtual conference.
roundtable discussion on Single Cell and Spatial Analysis
led by Merck and 10x Genomics.                                 There are four icons on the left sidebar, each with a
                                                               different function.
Day Four - February 26th

Day four opens with a fireside chat with cancer survivor
Oriana Sousa, who shares her experience with                                Home takes you to the main conference
immunotherapy as an experimental therapy that saved                         page where you will find the program
her life. Following the fireside chat, Dr Axel Hoos, GSK                    agenda
delivers a Zeitgeist talk on CTLA-4: 10 Years Later.

We are joined by Dr Roy Baynes, Merck and Dr                                Plenary is where you will view all the main
Andrew Baum, Citi who will participate in a Cancer                          stage, non-concurrent sessions
Immunotherapy Debate on the topic of TIGIT: Is this
the Next Big IO Checkpoint Target?                                          Breakout sessions is where you will view
                                                                            concurrent sessions on different tracks
Day four also features sessions on Next Generation
Bispecifics and Clinical Developments with
presenting companies including Regeneron, Janssen,                          Visit all of our sponsors to learn more about
IGM Biosciences, Immunocore, Memorial Sloan Kettering                       how their technologies and solutions that
Cancer Center, Amgen, GSK, Icahn School of Medicine                         help stakeholders in the IO field.
at Mt Sinai and Genentech.
                                                                            On the right sidebar you’ll find Q&A,
                                                                            polling, and messaging.
Speaker Slides
Registered attendees will receive a link within a business
                                                                            Q&A for plenary stage, breakout sessions
week after the conference to get access to approved                         and entire event can be accessed here.
speaker slides, which will be hosted on the IO360°
Summit website.                                                             Polling from the conference organizers will
                 Download Instructions                                      be displayed in real time.

                                               Private messaging can be done in the
                                                                            attendee tab.
                                                              Why Visit the Meet the Sponsors Section?
                                                              • Find solutions to meet your needs to work with
            Enter the following password:                       and for patients
            IMMUNOONCOLOGY3602021!                            • Register your interest and let a company know
                                                                you want to hear more
                                                              • Find Resources for surveys and customer service
                                                              • Read the latest IO360° Newsletters
On Demand Access Post-Conference
Registered Attendees may use the password below and
will receive the protected link two weeks after the event.
You will have 3 months to view IO360° upon demand.             We Value your Feedback
                                                               •   Visit the Meet the Sponsors tab and go to the
            Enter the following password:                          Customer Service/FAQ booth
            IMMUNOONCOLOGY3602021!                             •   You will be emailed an evaluation once the
                                                                   conference concludes

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                           PARTNERING

Virtual Partnering Meeting Information & Instructions         • Once you are logged in, click ‘Search’ to
                                                                browse company, company type and delegate
*All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time
The official virtual networking platform for IO360° is        • Click ‘Book Meeting’ and a message will be
Meeting Mojo, a partnering meeting scheduler. This              sent to your meeting target asking them to
virtual experience can be done via your desktop or              respond to your request. Once the meeting
mobile device, making it easy to continue to interact           is confirmed, it will be added to a mutually
in real-time as you stay on top of your meeting                 available meeting time on your calendars.
requests. Meetings begin the afternoon of Tuesday,              Please make sure your calendar is up to date
February 23 and are available through the evening               with your schedule.
of Tuesday, March 3. See below for the exact                  • You can also set your availability for meetings:
partnering times. (specific times can be found under            click ‘Schedule’ at the top of the page, then
“scheduling meetings”).                                         click the toggle icon on any available meeting
                                                                time for which you do not wish to accept
Benefits of Meeting Mojo                                        meeting requests.
                                                              • To respond, click ‘Respond’ in the yellow
• 1:1 Partnering is now virtual!                                meeting advisory bar below each sender’s
• Meetings times occur for 5 days total                         profile. Any messages sent to you in connection
• Search other attendee profiles by company type                with a meeting are listed in the response panel.
• Schedule 30 minute meetings with potential or               • Click ‘Confirm’ or ‘Decline’ to respond, and
  existing partners                                             you can also include a short message with your
• Send private message to other attendees                       response if you wish.
• Create and manage a customized, personal agenda
• Upload photos and documents                                 For more information and complete
                                                              instructions, please visit the website at https://
Logging into Meeting Mojo                           
Log into your profile at https://io360-2021.meeting- with your email address as your
                                                              Partnering times are as follows and all meetings
                                                              are 30 minutes. Remember, you may set your
                                                              schedule for your timezone and preferences:

                                                              Day One February 23rd:
When you registered for the IO360° event, within
                                                              First meeting starts at 4:30pm EST
48 hours, Meeting Mojo automatically generated
                                                              Last meeting ends at 6:30pm EST
a password for you to access your account.
This password was emailed to you as well as a                 Day Two February 24th:
welcome email.                                                First meeting starts at 4:30pm EST
                                                              Last meeting ends at 6:30pm EST
If you do not have your password, you can
request a new one via the password reset link on              Day Three February 25th:
the Meeting Mojo website: https://io360-2021.                 First meeting starts at 4:30pm EST                                             Last meeting ends at 6:30pm EST
                                                              Post Event Partnering Times:
Please check your SPAM folder as it may have
landed there.                                                 Post-Conference: March 2nd:
                                                              First meeting starts at 8:00am EST
Scheduling Meetings                                           Last meeting ends at 4:00pm EST
Meeting times are assigned according to a calendar            Post-Conference: March 3rd:
you set up with your availability, once a meeting is
accepted and confirmed. Please refer to Meeting               First meeting starts at 8:00am EST
Mojo for your confirmed meeting time. Meetings are            Last meeting ends at 4:00pm EST
virtual via video and in the system are referred to as
“Video Chats #1-100”


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                                               ©2021 Parexel International Corporation. All rights reserved.

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                  AGENDA

 DAY ONE - TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd                            Moderated by:

 *All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time              Michael Kalos, PhD
                                                             Independent Consultant, Next Pillar Consulting
 8:30 am                                                     Panelists:
 IO360°/Cell & Gene Therapy Virtual                          Jennifer Brogdon, PhD
 Platform Opens                                              Executive Director, Head of Cell Therapy Research,
 This is an opportunity to explore the platform,             Exploratory Immuno-Oncology, Novartis Institutes
 reach out to fellow attendees and visit the                 for BioMedical Research (NIBR)
 technology and service companies working
                                                             Tamara Laskowski, PhD
 specifically in immuno-oncology R&D.
                                                             Scientific Project Director – CAR NK Program,
                                                             Adoptive Cell Therapy Platform, Dept. of Stem
 9:00 am                                                     Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, MD
 Opening Remarks & Welcome                                   Anderson Cancer Center
 Kate Woda                                                   Hy Levitsky, MD
 Director, IO360°
                                                             President, Research and Development, Century
 9:10 am
                                                             Jakob Dupont, MD
 Analyst Evaluation: Cancer Cell Therapy
 Landscape, Trends and Future Outlook                        EVP, Head of Global Research & Development,
                                                             Atara Biotherapeutics
 Asthika Goonewardene, MBA
 Managing Director, Senior Biotech Analyst, Truist
 Securities                                                      KEYNOTE

 9:35 am                                                     10:50 am
 FDA’s Efforts to Facilitate the                             Visionary Entrepreneur Fireside Chat
 Development of Cell and Gene                                Allogene’s Executive Chairman and Co-founder, Dr
 Therapies for Cancer                                        Arie Belldegrun joins life science CEO leader Fred
                                                             Hassan in a fireside keynote chat on science, culture,
 Peter Marks, MD, PhD                                        vision and the future of treating cancer for patients.
 Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and                       Arie Belldegrun, MD
 Research (CBER), FDA                                                Executive Chairman & Co-founder,
                                                                     Allogene Therapeutics
 10:00 am
 Ten Minute Break
                                                                       Fred Hassan, MBA
 10:10 am                                                              Director, Healthcare and Consumer,
                                                                       Warburg Pincus
 Deep Dive: Addressing Key Issues Of
 Cell/Gene Therapy
 This discussion, led by internationally recognized T
 cell therapy expert Dr Michael Kalos, will provide a
 deep dive into key cell therapy challenges including:
 • How to overcome the scientific challenges with
   allogenic cell therapy?
 • How do we make an impact on solid tumors?
 • Where do we go beyond t-cells?
 • As the field continues to advance how do we think
   about cell therapy combinations?

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                        AGENDA

11:10 am                                                       12:20 pm
Biotech CEO Leadership on the                                  Lunch Break and visit the “Meet the
Business and Science of Cell and Gene                          Sponsors” page
Biotech leaders join us to provide their perspectives             KEYNOTE
and insights on the current cell and gene therapy
space and additional opportunities to advance cell             12:45 pm
and gene therapy R&D.                                          How Synthetic Biology & Synthetic Circuits
Moderated by:                                                  Can be Implemented into Cell Therapy to
                                                               Advance the Field
Fred Hassan, MBA
                                                               In this talk, Dr Kole Roybal will discuss how his lab
Director, Healthcare and Consumer, Warburg
Pincus                                                         is engineering immune cells (e.g. the T cell) to better
                                                               sense diseases such as cancer with high fidelity. He
Panelists:                                                     will also discuss how to utilize synthetic biology to
David Chang, MD, PhD,                                          customize and control immune cells such that they
                                                               perform specific therapeutic functions within the tumor
President, CEO & Co-founder, Allogene
                                                               to enhance efficacy and mitigate the risk of toxicity
Therapeutics                                                   of these living drugs. Overall, the objective is to seek
Ken Drazan, MD                                                 to engineer control over the sense and response
                                                               capabilities of therapeutic cells such that they reliably
Co-founder & CEO, ArsenalBio
                                                               sense and treat complex diseases with more specificity
Maria Fardis, PhD                                              and potency than small molecules or biologics.
President and CEO, IOVANCE Biotherapeutics
Vijay Reddy, MD                                                       Kole Roybal, PhD
                                                                      Assistant Professor, Microbiology &
Chief, Research and Development Officer, Tmunity                      Immunology, University of California, San
Dolores Schendel, PhD                                                 Francisco
CEO & CSO, Medigene AG
Pascal Touchon                                                 1:10 pm
President & CEO, Atara Biotherapeutics                         Five Minute Break

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                              AGENDA

BioPharma Cell/Gene Therapy Strategies
TRACK A                                                  TRACK B
1:15 pm                                                  1:15 pm
GSK Parent-Child Cell Therapy Development                Preparing the BLA for First TCR T-cell Therapy
Strategy: A Novel Clinical and Regulatory                and Planning to Make Cell Therapies Mainstream
Framework to Evaluate a Series of Cell                   Helen Tayton-Martin, PhD
Therapies in Rapid Sequence
                                                         Chief Business Officer, Adaptimmune
In this talk, Dr Aiman Shalabi will summarize GSK’s
parent-child cell therapy development strategy and how
they are executing it.
Aiman Shalabi, PharmD
VP R&D, Cell and Gene Therapies, GSK
1:30 pm                                                  1:30 pm
Engineering Gamma Delta T cells with CARs                Enhanced NK Cell Function to Provide
and T Cell Receptors                                     Resistance to TGFβ
Stewart Abbot, PhD                                       James Trager, PhD
Chief Scientific and Operating Officer, Adicet Bio       Chief Scientific Officer, Nkarta Therapeutics
1:45 pm                                                  1:45 pm
Building the Takeda Cell Therapy Portfolio               Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte Cell Therapy for
Through Collaborations                                   Treatment of Solid Tumors
Gary Shapiro, PhD                                        Maria Fardis, PhD
Director, Immunology Research, Takeda                    President and CEO, IOVANCE Biotherapeutics

2:00 pm                                                  2:00 pm
Neoantigen directed PBL-based Cell Therapy               Next-generation Sequencing clonoSEQ®
can Achieve High Breadth and Purity Against              Assay to Assess Minimal Residual Disease
Tumor Specific Targets                                   (MRD) in Patients with Blood Cancers
This talk will provide updates on GEN-011, a             Thomas Manley, MD
neoantigen and PBL-based cell therapy product and
                                                         VP, Clinical Development and Medical Affairs, Adaptive
focus specifically on:
• Neoantigen-specific expansion and how it generates
  pure and specific autologous NPTs (neoantigen targeted
  peripheral T cells) in the absence of high dose IL-2
• Data showing 96% of the NPTs are neoantigen
  specific, successfully targeting 89% of intended
  neoantigen targets with up to 30 mutations included
• Ongoing pilot study will evaluate safety and tumor
  targeting in patients with solid tumors
Tom Davis, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Genocea

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                   AGENDA

2:15 pm                                                     3:20 pm
Ten Minute Break                                            Operational Execution of Cell/Gene
                                                            Therapy Programs: Challenges and
2:25 pm                                                     Opportunities
Regulatory Opportunities to Accelerate                      This discussion will address the operational
the Development of Cell Therapies                           challenges in the cell and gene therapy space
                                                            pertaining to supply chain operations and site
This panel will discuss and describe how current            activation. Key areas include:
regulatory and policy discussions (FDA guidance,            • Identifying differences between traditional
PDUFA) could be setup to facilitate the science               execution of getting these programs delivered?
and innovation of cell therapies. Key topics include:         How is it different?
• Opportunities to accelerate entry into the clinic for     • What are the new technologies out there helping
  exploratory studies                                         us to try and solve this problem? What digital
• Explore lighter cGMP requirements for early                 platforms are being pushed?
  investigational products/phases                           • What are the issues at the site level that we need
• Identify how to best pivot from that data (if               to be aware of?
  positive) to a full fledged phase I/II IND (Role of       • Each group is trying to implement their own standards,
  parent and cousin INDs)                                     and those standards differ across companies.
Moderated by:                                               • The sites are trying to cater to multiple types of
                                                              standards. There is no harmonization at the site level.
Mark Stewart, PhD
Vice President, Science Policy, Friends of Cancer           Moderator:
Research                                                    Rachel Gaskell
Panelists:                                                  Senior Director, Clinical Development, GSK
Lisa Butterfield, PhD
VP, Research and Development, Parker Institute              Shree Patel, PhD
for Cancer Immunotherapy                                    SVP, Clinical Operations, Achilles Therapeutics
Julie K Jadlowsky, PhD                                      Deborah Phippard, PhD
Director, Translational Science, Center for Cellular        Global Head, Research, Precision for Medicine
Immunotherapies, Perelman School of Medicine,
                                                            Scott Welden
University of Pennsylvania
                                                            Senior Project Manager, Novel and Emerging
Chris Ramsborg, PhD                                         Therapies, Oncology and Hematology Business
Vice President, Cell and Gene Therapy Process               Unit, Syneos Health
Science & Technology, BMS
Aiman Shalabi, PharmD                                            Cell/Gene Therapy Debate
VP R&D, Cell and Gene Therapies, GSK                        4:00 pm
                                                            Autologous vs Allogeneic
3:05 pm                                                     Rafael Amado, MD
Considerations Towards Successful IND                       EVP, Research and Development & CMO, Allogene
Submissions of Cell and Gene Therapy                        Therapeutics
Hardeep Samra, PhD                                          Kristen Hege, MD
Principal Consultant, Regulatory, Halloran                  SVP, Early Clinical Development, Hematology/
Consulting Group                                            Oncology & Cell Therapy, BMS
Niki Gallo                                                  Moderated by:
Associate Principal Consultant, Regulatory Affairs,         Aiman Shalabi, PharmD
Halloran Consulting Group                                   VP R&D, Cell and Gene Therapies, GSK

                                                            4:30 pm
                                                            End of day one. Partnering meetings begin
                                                            on the Meeting Mojo platform.

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                      AGENDA

                                                             Discovery and Preclinical Plenary
*All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time
                                                             10:30 am
9:15 am                                                      Role of CD4 in Response to PD1
IO360° Virtual Platform Opens                                Blockade in Heme Malignancies
This is an opportunity to explore the platform,              Margaret Shipp, MD
reach out to fellow attendees and visit the                  Douglas S. Miller Chair, Chief, Division of
technology and service companies working                     Hematologic Neoplasia, Department of Medical
specifically in immuno-oncology R&D.                         Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

                                                             10:45 am
9:50 am                                                      Targeting TGF Beta in Immuno-
Opening Remarks & Welcome                                    Oncology: Mechanisms, Challenges
                                                             and Opportunities
Kate Woda
Director, IO360°                                             Shannon Turley, PhD
                                                             Executive Director, Cancer Immunotherapy,
     OPENING KEYNOTE                                         Genentech

10:00 am                                                     11:00 am
Opening Keynote: From the Clinic to                          Targeting the ICOS Pathway with
the Lab: Investigating Mechanisms of                         Feladilimab, a Differentiated Agonist
Response and Resistance to Immune                            Antibody for Cancer Immunotherapy
Checkpoint Therapy
                                                             Sapna Yadavilli
In this keynote, MD Anderson’s Dr Padmanee
                                                             Clinical Biomarker Director, Experimental Medicine
Sharma, will discuss her work around investigating
                                                             Unit, Oncology, GSK
and exploring targets to improve the anti-tumor
responses with immune checkpoint therapy
in “cold” tumors such as prostate cancer and                 11:15 am
glioblastoma and other cancers that have not                 Ten Minute Break
responded well to immune checkpoint therapy.
                                                             11:25 am
       Padmanee Sharma, MD, PhD
                                                             Next Generation Immune Checkpoints:
       Professor of Genitourinary Medical
       Oncology and Immunology in the Division of            Deciphering Key Roles in the TME
       Cancer Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer
       Center                                                Catherine Sabatos-Peyton, PhD
                                                             Executive Director, Head of Immune Modulation,
                                                             Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research

                                                             11:40 am
                                                             Preclinical and Translational updates
                                                             on SEA-TGT, an anti-TIGIT Antibody for
                                                             Multiple Tumor Types
                                                             This talk will include robust preclinical mechanisms of
                                                             action for Seagen’s sugar engineers antibody, SEA-TGT,
                                                             an anti-TIGIT antibody, along with early clinical findings,
                                                             phase 1 design and preliminary biomarker data.
                                                             Haley Neff-LaFord, PhD, DABT
                                                             Director, Toxicology and Translational Sciences
                                                             Team Lead, Seagen

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                                AGENDA

 11:55 pm                                                         12:10 pm
 FT536 – An iPSC-derived, Multiplexed                             Quick Fire Presentations on Solutions
 Engineered CAR MICA/B NK Cell                                    that Support Immuno-Oncology R&D
 Product Targeting Solid Tumors
                                                                  Sarah Kolitz, PhD, DABT, VP
 • Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) serve as a
   unique starting cell source for off-the-shelf cancer           Translational MedicineTeam Lead, Immuneering
                                                                  John Pagliuca
 • Through single cell engineering, the derived iPSC
   MCB is renewably manufactured to generate                      Chief Growth Officer, HealthMyne
   homogenous, cost effective and available on-
   demand engineered CAR-T and CAR-NK cells                       Sharla White, PhD
 • CAR-MICA/B is a novel pan-tumor targeting                      Director, Research & Development, ClearLight
   strategy                                                       Biotechnologies, Inc
 • FT536 is an off-the-shelf NK cell uniformly
   consisting of four anti-tumor modalities that
   uniquely synergize with other therapeutic
   approaches such as mAbs and radiation therapy                  12:25 pm
   for an effective elimination of various solid tumors           Lunch Break and visit the “Meet the
 Bahrem (Bob) Valamehr, PhD                                       Sponsors” page
 Chief Development Officer, Fate Therapeutics

 Breakout Choices: Advancement In IO Imaging and Clinical Operations
TRACK A: Advancements in IO Imaging                               TRACK B: Clinical Operations
1:00 pm                                                           1:00 pm
Reponse Criteria for Intratumoral                                 Biomarker Focused IO Clinical Trial Design
Immunotherapy in Solid Tumors: itRECIST                           This talk will address how biomarker considerations can influence trial
                                                                  design. Key topics include:
Gregory Goldmacher, MD, PhD
                                                                  • Thinking critically about the key biomarker questions you hope to
Executive Director, Translational Biomarkers & Head,                answer in the trial (eg: confirmatory or exploratory)
Clinical Imaging, Merck Research Laboratories                     • Identifying some of the common trial designs to consider based on
                                                                    your biomarker strategy (selection vs enrichment vs stratification)
                                                                  • Common pitfalls of including biomarkers into clinical trial design
                                                                  Chris Cabanski, PhD
                                                                  Director, Biostatistics, Parker Institute for Cancer

1:15 pm                                                           1:15 pm
Applying a Novel AI Approach to Concluded                         Applying Predictive Machine-Learning to
Clinical Trial Data to Predict Response to                        Improve Enrollment in Biomarker-Driven Clinical
Cancer Immunotherapy                                              Trials
Anant Madabhushi, PhD                                             Joel Greshock
Donnell Institute Professor, Director, Ctr for Computational
Imaging & Personalized Diagnostics, Departments of Biomedical     Vice President, Oncology Data Sciences, Janssen
Engineering, Urology, Radiology, Pathology, Radiation Oncology,
Electrical Eng & Comp Science and Gen Med Sciences, Case
Western Reserve University

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                                         AGENDA

Breakout Choices: Advancement In IO Imaging and Clinical Operations
TRACK A: Advancements in IO Imaging                                       TRACK B: Clinical Operations
1:30 pm                                                                   1:30 pm Addressing Operational Challenges Impeding
Novel Methods for Imaging the Immune System                               Patient Access to Trials: Next Steps
As new therapies for enhancing the immune response to tumor antigens      Jacob Aptekar, MD, PhD
become available, having the ability to track the changes of the immune
system in a non-invasive manner becomes ever more important. This         Senior Director, Product Management (Integrated Evidence),
short presentation will focus on our current and upcoming radiologic      Acorn AI, a Medidata company
imaging strategies used to evaluate the dynamic changes in the immune
system that can be implemented in clinical trials.
Ron Korn, MD, PhD
Founder & CMO, Imaging Endpoints
1:45 pm                                                                   1:45 pm Operational Continuity: Dealing with
Radiomics and AI for Predicting Tumor Response                            Disruptions of a Pandemic
in Immuno-Oncology
                                                                          This panel focuses on operational pandemic management for clinical
Charles Ferte, MD, PhD                                                    trials and how to deal with the trial disruptions in a situation such as
Senior Director, Global Project Leader (Product Development               we have been experiencing.
Team Leader), Oncology R&D, AstraZeneca                                   Moderated by:
2:00 pm                                                                   Andy Lee
Towards Predictive Analytics of IO Toxicity and                           SVP, Global Head, Clinical Operations, Merck
Efficacy Outcomes From Real-World Clinical Data
Jan Wolber PhD,
Global Product Leader Digital, Pharmaceutical Diagnostics,                Alice Donnelly
GE Healthcare                                                             SVP, Hematology and Oncology Therapeutic Unit Head, PPD
2:15 pm                                                                   Carol Haddad
Interventional Imaging in Immunotherapy: Current
Approaches, Future Directions                                             Executive Director, Oncology Clinical Sciences and Study
• Future of immune imaging in the relation to immune response             Management, Merck
  and where we are going with it
• How we can use imaging to elicit new paradigms for clinical trials      Michele Sample
• Utilizing imaging to understand the kinetics of response; early         Vice President, Late Stage Oncology Clinical Operations,
  progression through imaging and late response, etc.
• Data on imaging for response using radiolabeled pd1 antibodies,         AstraZeneca
  immuno PET
• Imaging in the CNS to evaluate response                                 Simon Trowell
• PET Imaging to detect the release of granzymes by activated             VP, Clinical Development Quality & Risk Management, GSK
  immune cells
• PET Tracers with CD8 cells and how that relates to response             Jim Wise
Moderated by:                                                             Executive Director & Head of Center for Immuno-oncology,
Omid Hamid, MD                                                            Cellular, and Gene Therapy, PRA Health Sciences
Chief, Research and Immunotherapy / Co-Director, Cutaneous
Malignancy Program, The Angeles Clinic and Research
Institute / Cedars-Sinai CANCER
Gregory Goldmacher, MD, PhD
Executive Director, Translational Biomarkers & Head, Clinical
Imaging, Merck Research Laboratories
Ron Korn, MD, PhD
Founder & CMO, Imaging Endpoints
Alexander Menzies, PhD
Medical Oncologist and Associate Professor of Melanoma
Medical Oncology, Imaging Endpoints
Ian Wilson
Chief Executive Officer, ImaginAb, Inc.

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                 AGENDA

2:45 pm                                                       3:35 pm
Break                                                         High-throughput Identification of
                                                              Antigen-specific TCRs for Personalized
Translational Science and                                     Therapeutics
Emerging Biomarkers Plenary                                   Sharon Benzeno, PhD
Session Part 1                                                Chief Business Development Officer, Adaptive
2:50 pm
Behind the Science: Neoadjuvant and                           3:50 pm
Adjuvant Immunotherapy                                        A Spatial Biology Approach for the
                                                              Development and Clinical Validation
Charles Drake, MD, PhD                                        of Predictive Biomarker Signatures in
VP, Immuno-Oncology, Janssen                                  Immuno-Oncology
3:05 pm                                                       Gavin Gordon, PhD
Translating Biomarkers into                                   Vice President, Clinical Market Development, Akoya
Precision Immuno-Oncology Therapy                             Biosciences Inc
In this talk, Dr Angela Qu, will present and offer                IO360° Debate
insights into incorporating the rapidly evolving and
complex biomarkers into precision I/O therapy
development by discussing:                                    4:00 pm
                                                              Visions of the Future for Cancer
• Current and emerging biomarkers in oncology                 Immunotherapy: Year 2040
  that guide I/O treatment and trial decision across
  tumor types                                                 Cancer immunotherapy experts Dr Dan Chen,
• Challenges associated with the complex and                  IGM Biosciences and Dr David Chang, Allogene,
  multifaceted biomarker “conundrum” in I/O clinical          present in a Sci-Fi-style fashion, how they envision
• Strategic considerations and approach to                    cancer immunotherapy working in 10-20 years.
  incorporate biomarkers from molecular testing to            They will have the opportunity to critique each others
  data utility into streamlined I/O trials.                   approach and will open the dialogue to the audience.
Angela Qu, MD, PhD                                            Attendees will gain a better understanding of:
Vice President, Translational Medicine, Parexel               • The challenges that immunotherapy has today
                                                              • How technology and science can improve
                                                                therapeutics over the next 10 – 20 years
3:20 pm                                                       • How different immunotherapies might interact
TCR-engineered T cells Targeting HPV-
16 E7 for Patients with Metastatic HPV-                       David Chang, MD, PhD
Associated Epithelial Cancers                                 President, CEO & Co-founder, Allogene
• We conducted a first-in-human, phase I clinical             Therapeutics
  trial testing TCR-engineered T cells targeting HPV-         Daniel Chen, MD, PhD
  16 E7 in patients with metastatic HPV-associated
  epithelial cancers. Objective clinical responses            Chief Medical Officer, IGM Biosciences
  were seen in 6 of 12 patients including 4 of 8
  patients with anti-PD-1 refractory disease.                 Moderated by:
• Translational research studies indicate that
  clinical activity may be limited by tumor-intrinsic         Charles Graeber
  genetic defects in molecules important for antigen          Award-winning Journalist and Author of The
  presentation and interferon response.                       Breakthrough:Immunotherapy and the Race to
• Strategies being explored to improve clinical               Cure Cancer
  outcomes include the use of membrane-tethered
  cytokines and treatment at earlier stages of disease.
Scott Norberg, DO
Assistant Research Physician, Genitourinary
Malignancies Branch, National Cancer Institute (NCI)

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                AGENDA

                                                           DAY THREE - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25th
4:30 pm                                                    *All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time
Partnering Meetings begin on Meeting                       8:45 am
                                                           IO360° Virtual Platform Opens
                                                           This is an opportunity to explore the platform, reach
4:40 pm                                                    out to fellow attendees and visit the technology and
Zoom Small Group Interactive Discussion                    service companies working specifically in immuno-
                                                           oncology R&D.
The concluding afternoon of day two features a
30 minute small group discussion. This interactive
discussion is first come first serve and has limited
                                                           9:20 am
capacity. Registration is required in advance.             Opening Remarks & Welcome
                                                           Kate Woda
To register for the discussion please email service@
                                                           Director, IO360° with the Subject Line: IO360° Group
Discussion Reservation February 24th.
                                                               OPENING KEYNOTE
                                                           9:30 am
                                                           Priming the Immune System to Provoke
Biotech Roundtable on Developing                           Checkpoints: The Path to Maintaining
Combination Strategies                                     the Immunotherapy Momentum
This roundtable, designed for small and emerging           Dr Elizabeth M Jaffee, Johns Hopkins University, will
biotechs, will answer questions from experts on            present data from studies of vaccine plus immune
how to develop combination strategies.                     checkpoint combination therapy demonstrating the
                                                           ability to activate anticancer immune responses in
• How do you design combination clinical trials            patients with classically immune resistant cancers. Data
• How do you to this when your combining partner           will include single cell transcriptomics and proteomics
  has mono therapy activity                                which are uncovering mechanisms of synergy.
• What would it take for small biotechs to get set up
  for combination strategies                                        Elizabeth Marion Jaffee, PhD
Led by:                                                             Deputy Director, The Sidney Kimmel
                                                                    Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns
Priti Hegde, PhD                                                    Hopkins University
Chief Scientific Officer, Foundation Medicine
                                                              ZEITGEIST TALK
Edith Perez, MD
                                                           9:55 am
Chief Medical Officer, Bolt Biotherapeutics                Evaluating PD1 Benefit After PD1
                                                           • In this talk, Dr Naiyer Rizvi, Columbia University,
                                                             sheds light on the benefit of giving PD1 to PD1
                                                             patients specifically addressing:
                                                           • What do we know about any setting, lung cancer
                                                             and otherwise, where PD1 has been given after PD1
                                                             and a conclusion can be drawn, what effect that
                                                             has? What does PD1 alone do after PD1 failure?
                                                           • What do we know about response rate, PFS and
                                                             survival in terms of clinical outcomes after PD1?
                                                           • What do we know about combinations of PD1 after
                                                                    Naiyer Rizvi, MD
                                                                    Price Family Professor of Medicine;
                                                                    Director, Thoracic Oncology; Co-Director,
                                                                    Cancer Immunotherapy, Columbia
                                                                    University Irving Medical Center

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                            AGENDA

  10:20 am
  Ten Minute Break

Breakout Choices: Neoadjuvant & Adjuvant Data and Cancer Vaccines

TRACK A: Neoadjuvant & Adjuvant Data                      TRACK B: Cancer Vaccines
10:30 am                                                  10:30 am
Updates on Bladder Cancer in the Neoadjuvant              Development of Neoantigen Specific Vaccines
Setting                                                   Karin Jooss, PhD
Andrea Necchi, MD                                         Chief Scientific Officer, Gritstone Oncology
Associate Professor / Director of Genitourinary Medical
Oncology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University / IRCCS
San Raffaele Hospital
10:45 am                                                  10:45 am
Updates on Bladder Cancer in the Adjuvant                 Next Generation Synthetic Vaccines
                                                          Anish Suri, PhD
Andrea Apolo, MD                                          President & Chief Scientific Officer, Cue Biopharma
Head, Bladder Cancer Section, National Cancer
11:00 am                                                  11:00 am
Updates on Lung Cancer in the Adjuvant and                A Multifaceted Approach to ImmunoTherapy
Neoadjuvant Setting                                       Including a Therapeutic Vaccine
Joshua E Reuss, MD                                        Jeffrey Schlom, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Georgetown Lombardi      Chief, Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Biology,
Comprehensive Cancer Center                               Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute
11:15 am                                                  11:15 am
Triple Negative Breast Cancer in the                      Cancer Vaccines and T Cell Therapy
Neoadjuvant Setting                                       Nora Disis, MD
Elizabeth A Mittendorf, MD, PhD                           Helen B Slonaker Endowed Professorship for Cancer
Robert and Karen Hale Distinguished Chair in Surgical     Research; Professor, Department of Medicine, Division
Oncology, Director of the Breast Immuno-Oncology          of Oncology; Director, Tumor Vaccine Medical Oncology,
Program, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Dana-              University of Washington Medicine
Farber Cancer Institute

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                               AGENDA

 TRACK A: Neoadjuvant & Adjuvant Data                       TRACK B: Cancer Vaccines
 11:30 am                                                   11:30 am
 Neoadjuvant/Adjuvant Expert Discussion                     Vaccine Expert Discussion
 Expert speakers from the neoadjuvant/adjuvant              Expert speakers from the Vaccine session come
 session come together to address emerging trends,          together to address emerging trends, future outlooks
 future outlooks and take audience Q&A.                     and take audience Q&A.
 Led By:                                                    Led By:
 Alexandra Snyder, MD                                       Sharon Benzeno, PhD
 Associate Vice President / Head, Translational             Chief Business Development Officer, Adaptive
 Oncology / Executive Director, Oncology Early              Biotechnologies
 Development, Merck Research Labs                           Discussants:
 Discussants:                                               Karin Jooss, PhD
 Andrea Apolo, MD                                           Chief Scientific Officer, Gritstone Oncology
 Head, Bladder Cancer Section, National Cancer              Jeffrey Schlom, PhD
 Institute                                                  Chief, Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Biology,
 Andrea Necchi, MD                                          Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute
 Associate Professor / Director of Genitourinary
                                                            Anish Suri, PhD
 Medical Oncology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele
                                                            President & Chief Scientific Officer, Cue Biopharma
 University / IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital
                                                            Nora Disis, MD
 Elizabeth A Mittendorf, MD, PhD                            Helen B Slonaker Endowed Professorship for Cancer
 Robert and Karen Hale Distinguished Chair in Surgical      Research; Professor, Department of Medicine,
 Oncology, Director of the Breast Immuno-Oncology           Division of Oncology; Director, Tumor Vaccine Medical
 Program, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Dana-               Oncology, University of Washington Medicine
 Farber Cancer Institute
 Joshua E Reuss, MD
 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Georgetown
 Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

12:00 pm
Lunch Break and visit the “Meet the Sponsors” page
12:30 pm
Cancer Vaccination: Lessons Learned
Dr Lisa Butterfield, Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy will present recent studies on key aspects of
cancer vaccine biology that impact in vivo immunity and clinical outcome in patients, as well as future directions
for where cancer vaccines may fit into the immunotherapy armamentarium.

        Lisa Butterfield, PhD
        VP, Research and Development, Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                              AGENDA

Business Aspects Plenary                                    1:45 pm
                                                            New Dynamics of BD and Covid and the
Session                                                     Impact on IO - Lessons Learned
     ANALYST KEYNOTE                                        John Cantello, PhD
12:55 pm                                                    VP, Business Development, Oncology Therapy Area,
Analyst Keynote: What’s Next on the IO
Radar? Top 10 Recommendations from                          2:05 pm
Citi’s Expert Analyst, Dr Andrew Baum                       Dealmaking & Collaborations in the
In this talk, Dr Andrew Baum will provide an                Time of COVID19
evaluation of the IO landscape and advancements             This panel will address the current nature of deals
from 2020 and include his annual top 10 target              and collaborations during a pandemic where
recommendations.                                            business developments have been conducted in a
                                                            remote manner. Key topics:
                                                            • How have deals and collaborations approach
       Andrew Baum, MD                                        changed as a result of COVID19 and how has the
       Managing Director, Equity Research, Citi               industry adapted?
                                                            • BioPharma perspective on remote business
                                                              developments and the impact?
                                                            • As a result, has there been a change in series
1:15 pm                                                       funding/ IPOs?
Panel: Role of China in the BD Process                      Moderated by:
This panel will bring together chinese biotechs
to share how they are partnering with additional            Jeffrey Bockman, PhD
IO companies to advance cancer treatments for               EVP, Oncology Practice Head, Cello Health
patients. This will include partnering strategies and       BioConsulting (Previously Defined Health)
decision making.                                            Panelists:
Moderated by:
                                                            Madee Gooriah, PharmD
Andrew Baum, MD
                                                            Senior Director, Oncology Search & Evaluation,
Managing Director, Equity Research, Citi                    BMS
                                                            Mark Simon, MBA
Meeta Chatterjee, PhD
                                                            Co-founder & Advisor, Torreya Partners
SVP, Global Business Development, Legend
Biotech                                                     Helen Tayton-Martin, PhD
Angus Grant, PhD                                            Chief Business Officer, Adaptimmune
SVP, Chief Business Executive, BeiGene                      Mai-Britt Zocca, PhD
Weimin Tang                                                 CEO and Founder, IO Biotech
EVP, Global Business Head, I-Mab Biopharma
                                                            2:35 pm
                                                            10 Minute Break

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                        AGENDA

  Translational Science and Emerging                             Moderated by:
  Biomarkers Plenary Session Part 2                              Theresa LaVallee, PhD
                                                                 VP, Translational Medicine and Regulatory Affairs,
  2:45 pm                                                        Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy
  Biomarkers in IO: Challenges and                               Jared Lunceford, PhD
  Putative Benefits of Multi-omics                               Distinguished Scientist, Biostatistics and
  Technologies                                                   Research Decision Sciences, Merck Research
  • Evaluating single cell omics to understand the               Laboratories
    heterogeneity in immune and tumor cells                      Angel A Rodriguez, MD
  • Multi-omic biomarkers for patient selection in solid         Oncology Medical Director, Natera
    tumor IO: is there a path to more personalized
    therapy?                                                     Samik Upadhaya, PhD
  • In an era of ‘targeted’ therapies against cell-intrinsic     Research Analyst, Anna-Maria Kellen Clinical
    mechanisms (e.g. PARP, NTRK, BRAF) and surface               Accelerator and Venture Fund, Cancer Research
    molecules (Nectin-4, HER2), is there a path forward          Institute (CRI)
    for pan-tumor biomarkers, or is multi-tumor more
    likely to be the dominant development mechanism?             3:25 pm
                                                                 Five Minute Break

Translational Science and Emerging Biomarkers Track Choices

TRACK A                                                         TRACK B
3:30 pm                                                         3:30 pm
Translational Learnings for Cellular Therapies                  Industry Perspective on Neoadjuvant and
Inform Next-Generation Strategies                               Adjuvant Designs, Challenges and Opportunities
Teresa (Teri) Foy, PhD                                          Nageatte Ibrahim, MD
Senior Vice President, Research and Early Development           Associate Vice President, Global Oncology Clinical
Immuno-Oncology and Cell Therapy, BMS                           Development, Merck

3:45 pm                                                         3:45 pm
AI Coupled with Mass Spectrometry for                           Pathology in the 21st Century: Multiplex
Immunotherapy Diagnostic Test Development                       Analysis of the Immune Microenvironment in
                                                                Tissue Biopsies
Robert Georgantas III, PhD
SVP, Research and Translational Science, Biodesix               Keith Wharton, MD, PhD
                                                                Vice President, Medical Director, Ultivue
4:00 pm                                                         4:00 pm
Accelerating Drug Development in Early Stage                    ctDNA for Potential Application to Clinical Trial
Solid Tumors: Novel Digital and Molecular                       Designs
Endpoints for Neoadjuvant/Adjuvant Disease
                                                                Darren Hodgson
David Shames, PhD                                               Global Project Leader & Executive Translational Medicine
Senior Director, Cancer Immunotherapy Biomarkers & Staff        Strategy, AstraZeneca
Scientist in Oncology Biomarker Development, Genentech

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                     AGENDA

TRACK A                                                      TRACK B
4:15 pm                                                      4:15 pm
Integration of Single Cell Multi-omics and Machine           Single Cell and Spatial Analysis:
Learning to Unlock Immunological Insights for                Mechanisms of Response and Resistance to
Improving Diagnostics and Therapeutics                       Immunotherapy
                                                             • Unravel the complex interplay among the immune, tumor
Ansuman Satpathy, MD, PhD                                      and stromal compartments in the tumor microenvironment
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology / Scientific      with single cell and spatial analysis
Founder, Stanford University School of Medicine /            • Track the anti-tumor immune response through single cell
Immunai                                                        profiling of T and B cell clonal lineages and phenotypes
                                                             • Uncover the epigenetic regulators of immune cell
                                                               phenotypes governing response and resistance to
                                                             • Explore published case studies of how multiomic single
                                                               cell and spatial analysis were applied to advance our
                                                               understanding of mechanisms driving response and
                                                               resistance to immunotherapy.
                                                             Bruce Adams, PhD
                                                             Staff Scientist, 10X Genomics

4:30 pm
10 Minute Break Partnering Meetings begin on Meeting Mojo

Zoom Small Group Interactive Discussion
4:40 pm – 5:10 pm EST
The concluding afternoon of day three features a 30 minute small group discussion. This interactive discussion is
first come first serve and has limited capacity. Registration is required in advance.

To register for the discussion please email with the Subject Line: IO360° Group Discussion
Reservation February 25th.

Single Cell and Spatial Analysis
Spatial transcription ICD tells you where in the TME each cell of interest (eg Cd8 T cell, MDSC, etc is) and what
that cell is expressing at that moment in time. This roundtable will discuss:
• How many and discordant analyses can be combined and what are the limitations there
• How can we best leverage the information to understand the function and history of each cell
• How can we connect that information to an understanding of what in the TME is influencing the cell’s function,
  and what influence that cell has on the TME
Led by:
Bruce Adams, PhD
Staff Scientist, 10X Genomics
Dan Chang, PhD
Principal Scientist, Single cell sequencing lead, Merck Research Laboratories

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                 AGENDA

*All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time               Moderated by:
8:45 am                                                      Axel Hoos, MD, PhD
IO360° Virtual Platform Opens                                SVP, Therapeutic Area Head, Oncology R&D, GSK
This is an opportunity to explore the platform, reach        Panelists:
out to fellow attendees and visit the technology and         Kristen Hege, MD
service companies working specifically in immuno-            SVP, Early Clinical Development, Hematology/
oncology R&D. Partnering Meetings will also be               Oncology & Cell Therapy, BMS
taking place during this time on Meeting Mojo.
                                                             Yvonne Lu
                                                             Executive Search and Leadership Consultant,
9:20 am                                                      Russell Reynolds Associates
Opening Remarks
                                                             Tracy Vanderslice
Kate Woda                                                    Vice President and Head, Global Clinical Sciences &
Director, IO360°                                             Delivery, GSK

     VIP FIRESIDE CHAT                                           ZEITGEIST TALK
                                                             10:30 am
9:30 am                                                      CTLA-4: 10 Years Later
VIP Fireside Chat: Oriana Sousa’s
Immunotherapy Journey                                        In this talk, GSK’s Dr Axel Hoos, takes a deep dive
                                                             into the CTLA-4 data over the course of the past
We are honored to welcome Oriana Sousa,                      10 years, from its approval, and discusses whether
the first hypercalcemic small cell ovarian                   CTLA-4 offers something special beyond melanoma.
cancer patient in the world to ever receive
immunotherapy, who in this fireside chat
provides personal insights on her experience                           Axel Hoos, MD, PhD
with Nivolumab as an experimental therapy.                             SVP, Therapeutic Area Head, Oncology
                                                                       R&D, GSK
        VIP Patient Guest:
        Oriana Sousa                                         .
        Patient Advocate                                     11:00 am
                                                             Ten Minute Break
        Moderated by:
        Theresa LaVallee, PhD
        VP, Translational Medicine and 		                    11:10 am
        Regulatory Affairs, Parker Institute for             Modified NK Cells in Combination with
        Cancer Immunotherapy                                 anti-CD38 for Multiple Myeloma and
                                                             Future Therapeutic Areas
                                                             Dmitri Wiederschain, PhD
10:00 am                                                     Vice President, Global Head, Immuno-Oncology
Diversity and Inclusion and The Impact                       Research Therapeutic Area, Sanofi
on IO
This panel will address diversity and inclusion
issues that influence the IO space and ways to
overcome them.

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                               AGENDA

Bispecifics Plenary Session                                  IO360° DEBATE
                                                          1:10 pm
11:30 am
                                                          Cancer Immunotherapy Debate:
Update on Teclistamab, a B-cell                           TIGIT: Is this the Next Big IO
Maturation Antigen (BCMA) × CD3                           Checkpoint Target?
Bispecific Antibody, in Relapsed and/or
Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM)                        Roy Baynes, MD, PhD
                                                          Global Head, Clinical Development, Merck
Raluca Verona, PhD
                                                          Research Labs
Senior Director, Head of Immune Oncology
                                                          Andrew Baum, MD
Translational Research, Janssen R&D
                                                          Managing Director, Equity Research, Citi
                                                          Moderated by:
11:45 am
                                                          Priti Hegde, PhD
Regeneron’s State of Efforts in
Bispecifics and Emerging CoStim                           Chief Scientific Officer, Foundation Medicine
Clinical Trial Portfolio
Israel Lowy, MD, PhD
                                                          Clinical Developments
SVP, Clinical Sciences, Head, Translational Science
and Oncology, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals                   Plenary Session
                                                          1:40 pm
12:00 pm                                                  What’s Next: Mercks Expanding IO
Stimulation, Function and Next                            Pipeline
Generation Bispecific T cell
Engagement Utilizing an Engineered                        Roy Baynes, MD, PhD
Multimeric IgM Platform                                   Global Head, Clinical Development, Merck
                                                          Research Labs
Daniel Chen, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Officer, IGM Biosciences
                                                          1:55 pm
                                                          Keynote 177 MSI High Randomized
12:15 pm                                                  Data
Tebentafusp: Clinical Validation of a
                                                          Luis Diaz, MD
Soluble TCR Bispecific Platform
                                                          Head of the Division of Solid Tumor Oncology;
David Berman, MD, PhD                                     Grayer Family Chair, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Head, Research and Development, Immunocore                Cancer Center

12:30 pm                                                  2:10 pm
Lunch Break and visit the “Meet the                       Bispecific T cell engagers (BiTEs ®)
Sponsors” page                                            - Clinical Updates in Solid Tumors &
                                                          Hematological Malignancies
                                                          Dirk Nagorsen, MD, PhD
                                                          Vice President, Early Development TA Head
                                                          Oncology, Amgen

IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                                AGENDA

2:25 pm                                                       UPCOMING CONFERENCES
DREAMMing up Advances in MM:                                  PATIENTS AS PARTNERS US
Synergistic Potential of Belantamab                           The only conference putting the patient voice on the same level
Mafodotin as Combination Therapy                              as industry and government in finding solutions to engage and
                                                              empower patients in the clinical trial process. Join clinical trial
Ira Gupta, MD                                                 leaders from Pharma, Patient Advocacy and Government.
                                                              APRIL 7-9, 2021
Vice President, Medicines Development Leader –
Oncology, Genentech
                                                              CLINICAL RESEARCH AS A CARE OPTION
                                                              Bringing together clinical research and healthcare communities
                                                              to address the value, opportunities, and challenges to integrate
2:40 pm                                                       clinical research as a care option for patients.
CART and Bispecifics: Who’s the Right                         APRIL 26 - 27, 2021
                                                              DRUG DELIVERY WEST
In this talk, Dr Deepu Madduri provides a                     This event is for biotech, pharma and drug delivery companies
comparison of Bispecifics and CART, addresses                 to address scientific and business solutions for the best routes
what makes a good candidate and how to choose                 of delivery across different therapeutic areas with an emphasis
                                                              on emerging technologies and to prepare for the future of R&D
the right patient for each.                                   and clinical care.
                                                              MAY 17-18, 2021
Deepu Madduri, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine -Hematology and Medical
Oncology; Associate Director, Cellular Therapy Service        IO COMBINATIONS 360˚
                                                              Implementing novel trial designs and addressing business, clinical
and Director of Clinical Operations, Center of Excellence
                                                              and scientific developments for combination immunotherapies.
for Multiple Myeloma, The Tisch Cancer Institute and
                                                              JUNE, 2021
Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai
                                                              MOBILE IN CLINICAL TRIALS
2:55 pm                                                       Exploring the value & opportunities of mobile/digital and how
                                                              they are challenging clinical trials.
Biomarker Findings from anti-                                 SEPTEMBER 27, 2021
PDL1+anti-VEGF Combination Study in
                                                              DPHARM: DISRUPTIVE INNOVATIONS US
Advanced HCC                                                  DPharm underscores the promise and challenge of innovation
Biomarker findings from a 200+ patient phase                  to advance drug development. It features new models and
                                                              collaborations to get therapeutics to patients faster. DPharm is
1b study on anti-PDL1+anti-VEGF combination                   dedicated to challenging creative solutions and finding a way to
in advanced HCC, including tissue multi-omics                 implement them.
correlates, digital pathology, ctDNA, and single cell         SEPTEMBER 28 - 29, 2021
multi-omics analysis will be discussed.
Yulei Wang, PhD                                               PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES IN DRUG DELIVERY
                                                              PODD is a strategic level program with a thorough overview
Principal Scientist, Oncology Biomarker                       of the latest drug delivery technologies available along with an
Development, Genentech                                        update on deals and opportunities to improve therapies and
                                                              extend the life cycle of a drug.
                                                              OCTOBER 28-29, 2021
3:10 pm
Conference Concludes                                          CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER SUMMIT
                                                              CMOs from biotechs address the unique challenges associated
                                                              with all R&D functions with limited resources, while raising capital
                                                              and strategizing for appropriate exits.
                                                              OCTOBER 14-15, 2021


     See the whole slide.
     See the whole answer.
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     Choosing which assay to run on your sample can be a difficult decision. But, with InSituPlex®
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     So, morphology or multiplexing? How about both.

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IMMUNO - ONCOLOGY 360° 2021                                                                                                  SPEAKER BIOS

         Stewart Abbot, PhD                                                     Andrea Apolo, MD
         Chief Scientific and Operating Officer,                                Head, Bladder Cancer Section
         Adicet Bio                                                             National Cancer Institute
                                                                       Andrea Apolo, MD is a medical oncologist dedicated to improving
Stewart Abbot, PhD, joined Adicet Bio in June 2018 to lead the         the lives of patients with genitourinary tumors. She designs and
research of Adicet’s novel immune therapy products. He has over        implements clinical trials to test novel agents for the treatment of
20 years of experience in research, early product development          urologic cancers. Her research focuses on developing targeted
and translational science initiatives.                                 therapies for bladder cancer and rare genitourinary tumors,
                                                                       including immunotherapies, angiogenesis inhibitors, and agents
Dr Abbot joined Adicet, from Fate Therapeutics where he served         that target MET, and in identifying molecular alterations that will
as Chief Development Officer and oversaw all aspects of late-          serve as targets for individualized treatment strategies.
stage research and development of hematopoietic and induced
pluripotent stem cell-based immunotherapeutics. His previous
roles included Executive Director of Integrative Research at
Celgene Cellular Therapeutics (CCT) where he led Integrative                    Jacob Aptekar, MD, PhD
Research activities that encompassed technology and product                     Senior Director, Product Management
scouting, alliance identification and business development                      (Integrated Evidence)
activities, including initiation of engineered T cell programs,                 Acorn AI, a Medidata company
Senior Director of Research at CCT where his group developed
novel therapeutic candidates based on hematopoietic stem cells         Jacob Aptekar, MD, PhD, is Senior Director of Product
and human placenta-derived cells and initiated clinical trials for     Management at Acorn AI, a Medidata Solutions company and
placental cells, and head of the General Electric Molecular and        part of Dassault Systemes. Dr Aptekar has over 10 years of
Cellular Biology research laboratory at GE’s Global Research           experience as a basic science researcher, business leader
Center in Albany, NY. Dr Abbot holds a BSc. in Biological              and data scientist. He most recently served as an Associate
Sciences (Edinburgh), MSc in Biomedical Engineering (Glasgow)          at McKinsey & Company within their Digital McKinsey practice
and PhD in Pathology (London).                                         — working with public and private sector clients who use
                                                                       technology to deliver healthcare and develop therapies.
                                                                       Previously, he founded and led Qurator Inc, a data science
         Bruce Adams, PhD                                              company focused on the progression of chronic kidney disease
         Staff Scientist                                               and care planning for dialysis. Dr Aptekar received an MD from
         10X Genomics                                                  the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, his PhD from
                                                                       UCLA in Neuroscience under the mentorship of Mark Frye, an
Bruce Adams, PhD joined the R&D group at 10x Genomics                  investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and an AB
in 2018, and was previously a scientist at Quanticel                   in Physics from Harvard College.
Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Celgene) where he helped build
primary tumor model platforms for preclinical drug development,
and was a scientist/director at Xcell Biosciences Inc., a life                   Andrew Baum, MD
science tools company focused on primary cells including solid                   Head of Global Healthcare; Managing Director,
tumor cancers, stem cells and immune cells. He did his doctoral                  Equity Research
training in Biology at the University of Victoria (BC, Canada), and              Citi
his postdoctoral training at UCSF’s Diabetes Center and the
Institute for Regeneration Medicine.                                   Andrew Baum, MD, joined Citi in September 2011, as the Global
                                                                       Head of Healthcare Research. He benefits from a deep strategic
                                                                       insight of the global healthcare value chain, as well as broad
         Rafael Amado, MD                                              network of contacts throughout the industry. In 2004, Dr Baum
                                                                       was one of the earliest commentators to highlight to investors
         EVP, Research and Development & CMO                           the deep structural deficiencies of the historic operating structure
         Allogene Therapeutics                                         and the need to evolve towards a radically different model.

Rafael G Amado, MD, is the Executive Vice President of                 Dr Baum is widely sought after to share his insights with the
Research and Development and Chief Medical Officer of                  most senior levels of management within the healthcare industry.
Allogene. Dr Amado has over 15 years of biotechnology and              He regularly lectures for a number of prestigious organisations
pharmaceutical industry experience leading clinical and research       including The Institute of Comparative Law, The World Vaccine
teams. He most recently served as President of R&D, after              Congress as well as occasional presentations to some of the
serving as Chief Medical Officer, at Adaptimmune. Previously,          leading management consultancies
he held several roles of increasing responsibility at GSK, most
recently as Senior Vice President and Head of Oncology                 Before joining the firm, Dr Baum was at Morgan Stanley 14-years
R&D. Prior to GSK, Dr Amado served as Executive Director of            where he was the top ranked European Pharmaceutical Analyst
Therapeutic Oncology at Amgen, where he was responsible for            in the Extel Poll for six years. Dr Baum and his team consistently
worldwide clinical research strategy and execution and oversaw         ranked in the top three teams in external EU and Global investor
development activities for several investigational agents for          polls (Institutional Investor, Greenwich and Reuters). Before this,
molecularly characterized tumors. Before joining Amgen, he was         Dr Baum was a UK pharmaceutical and biotechnology analyst
on the faculty at the University of California, Los Angeles, most      at Salomon Brothers. From 1994 to 1996, he was a practicing
recently serving as Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of        physician at the Royal National Orthopaedic Radcliffe Hospital
Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology. Dr Amado received           in Oxford (the medical centre of Oxford University) where he
an MD from the University of Seville School of Medicine and            completed his residency. Dr Baum is a member of the American
completed his internship and residency in internal medicine            Heart Association, American Society of Oncology and the DIA. He
at Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, a University             is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. Dr Baum holds an
of Chicago-affiliated hospital. He completed a fellowship in           MA in Physiological Sciences and an MD from Oxford University.
hematology/oncology at the University of California, Los Angeles.

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