Public Administration 2020 - Public Administration Development Strategy 2015-2020 -
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Public Administration 2020 Public Administration Development Strategy 2015–2020
Public Administration 2020 Public Administration Development Strategy 2015–2020
Title: Public administration 2020, Public administration development strategy 2015–2020 Published by: Ministry of Public Administration for the Government Number: 01000-9/2014/11 Date: 29 April 2015 of the Republic of Slovenia, financed by European Social Funds Prepared by: Operative working group of Ministry of Public Administration Edited by: dr. Karmen Kern Pipan, Mateja Arko Košec, Marko Aškerc Translation and language editing: The Secretariat-General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia Design: Intakodalje, Maruša Račič Printed by: Grafex d.o.o. Number of copies printed: 500 Ljubljana, November 2015 1st edition, 1st print CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 35(497.4)«2015/2020« PUBLIC administration 2020 : public administration development strategy 2015-2020 / [edited by Karmen Kern Pipan, Mateja Arko Košec, Marko Aškerc ; translation PSD - Translation Services]. - 1st ed., 1st print. - Ljubljana : Ministry of Public Administration for the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, 2015 ISBN 978-961-6651-18-9 1. Kern Pipan, Karmen 281530368 Public Administration 2020 Public Administration Development Strategy 2015–2020
Table of contents Summary of the Public administration development strategy 2015–2020................................... 12 Introductory thought............................................................................................................................................ 17 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 21 2. Vision, mission and the basic purpose. ..................................................................................................... 24 3. Basic strategic framework and guidelines. ........................................................................................... 29 3.1 Guidelines and bases at the international and national level...................................................................... 30 4. Review and analysis of the situation......................................................................................................... 34 4.1 Situation evaluation........................................................................................................................................... 34 4.2 SWOT analysis..................................................................................................................................................... 36 5. Concept of the Strategy and key strategic objectives....................................................................... 45 6. Operationalisation of key strategic objectives.................................................................................... 49 6.1 Efficient organisation......................................................................................................................................... 49 6.1.1 Rational public administration organisation....................................................................................... 49 6.1.2 Programming budget.............................................................................................................................. 59 6.1.3 Project management in public administration. .................................................................................. 64 6.2 Efficient use of resources................................................................................................................................... 67 6.2.1 Human resource management.............................................................................................................. 67 Enhancing the competence of civil servants......................................................................... 77 6.2.2 Public procurement. ............................................................................................................................... 81 6.2.3 Physical asset management................................................................................................................... 86
6.3 Improving legislative environment................................................................................................................... 90 List of tables 6.3.1 Improving legislation, reducing legislative burdens and including key stakeholders. .................. 90 6.3.2 Modernisation of administrative procedural law............................................................................... 98 Table 1: Review of the territorial organisation of public administration bodies (excluding self-governing local communities)......51 6.4 Open and transparent operation with zero tolerance to integrity violation in the public sector........ 103 Table 2: Measures for achieving the target state of the rational public administration organisation.................................... 57 6.4.1 Responsible, open and transparent functioning of the public administration............................. 103 Table 3: Measures for achieving the target state in the area of programming budget. ....................................................... 63 6.4.2 Point of single contact for public administration service users...................................................... 108 Table 4: Measures for achieving the target state in the field of project management in public administration..................... 66 6.4.3 Zero tolerance to integrity violation in the public sector................................................................. 112 Table 5: Measures for achieving the target state in the field of human resource management............................................ 76 6.5 Quality management systems in public administration.............................................................................. 117 Table 6: Measures for achieving the target state for enhancing the competence of civil servants........................................ 80 6.6 Modernisation of the inspection procedure................................................................................................ 125 Table 7: Measures for achieving the target state in the area of public procurement. .......................................................... 85 6.7 Effective informatics, increased use of e-services and interoperability of information solutions...... 133 Table 8: Measures for achieving the target state for the physical asset management......................................................... 89 Table 9: Measures for achieving the target state for improving legislation, 7. Strategy realisation plan.............................................................................................................................. 143 reducing legislative burdens and including key stakeholders . ........................................................................................... 96 7.1 Promotion and communication with stakeholders, implementation of the strategy............................ 143 Table 10: Measures for achieving the target state for the modernisation of administrative procedural law....................... 102 and holders of activities. ........................................................................................................................................ 143 Table 11: Actions for achieving the target state for responsible, open and 7.2 Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Strategy. ............................................................ 150 transparent functioning of the public administration...................................................................................................... 107 Table 12: Actions for achieving the target state for the point of single contact for public administration service users........ 111 8. Risk factors for realisation of the Strategy. ...................................................................................... 155 Table 13: Actions for achieving the target state for zero tolerance to integrity violation in the public sector....................... 116 Table 14: Actions for achieving the target state in the field of quality management systems in public administration......... 124 9. Sources and bibliography............................................................................................................................. 158 Table 15: Actions for achieving the target state for modernisation of the inspection procedure......................................... 132 Table 16: Actions for achieving the target state for the effective informatics, Appendix 1: Glossary.............................................................................................................................................. 160 increased use of e-services and interoperability of information solutions......................................................................... 139 Table 17: Activities during the preparation of the Strategy, September 2013-November 2014............................................ 144 Appendix 2: List of abbreviations..................................................................................................................... 164 Table 18: Promotion and presentation of the Strategy, its objectives, measures and activities between December 2014 and April 2015..................................................................................... 147 Modern public administration progress and quality policy............................................................ 166 The process of preparing the Public administration development strategy 2015-2020 and an indication of the participating. ........................................................................................................ 168
Summary of the Public administration development strategy 2015–2020
P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 Summary of the Public administration tor which includes all bodies and institutions, directly enhance the business environment for the develo- and transparent implementation of public procure- development strategy 2015–2020 or indirectly financed from the state budget or bud- pment of the economy and boost competitiveness, ment, and through the centralisation of Government gets of local communities. which will in turn improve Slovenia’s ranking in such IT management and development. The Public Administration Development Strate- international charts. 2015–2020 2015–2020 gy 2015–2020 (hereinafter referred also as ‘PADS’) is The basic objectives of the Strategy will be focu- Regarding human resource management, the ope- a uniform umbrella strategic document of the Gover- sed on the quality and efficiency, transparency and Significant attention will also be paid to efficient ration will be aimed at efficient personnel planning, nment of the Republic of Slovenia which includes de- responsibility of public administration. Additional use of resources (personnel, funds, real estate, etc.). transparent personnel procedures, the recognition administration development strategy administration development strategy velopment guidelines for the next six years. Following measures and activities will help us achieve a higher The current public administration system in the Repu- and development of civil servants’ competences, and the adoption of the strategic document, the first two- level of professionalism, innovation and responsibility blic of Slovenia is organised distinctively by sectors or the monitoring of their development, greater mobility -year action plan will be drafted, which will include of civil servants. Decisions and activities will be based areas, which makes horizontal inter-sectoral connecti- of employees, motivation of employees with a clear concrete activities and projects for the attainment of on the expected benefits for users together with their ons and cooperation difficult. Due to the dispersal connection between the results of their work and re- the strategic horizontal objectives. needs. Internal supervisory mechanism will be additi- of, and the lack of connection between public admi- muneration, and at comprehensive monitoring of the onally strengthened to limit the risk of corruption and nistration bodies at all levels, the costs of the State’s attainment of the key objectives and indicators. The The document especially refers to the field of pu- intentionally stimulate the transparency of operation. operation are higher and interruptions occur in their emphasis will also be put on efficient supervision over blic administration whose tasks include tasks related The leading principle of the operation of public admi- coordination. The result is a poor quality of human the implementation of the civil servant system and the P ublic P ublic to the drafting of policies and regulations, and ad- nistration will be aimed at the strengthening of basic and other resources (for example the lease of business wage system. To attain the objectives of the Strategy, a ministrative tasks and tasks of the executive branch values with special emphasis on the rule of law, fair- premises). To achieve better quality of services, and competency model will be established, the training of of the of the at the state and territorial level. Administrative tas- ness, cooperation and consensus orientation. efficiency of public administration and thus of the en- civil servants will be modernised, and the information S ummary S ummary ks are carried out by the Government, ministries, tire public sector, we will strive to connect and merge system for human resource management in the state bodies within ministries (e.g. units of the Financial Slovenia’s international competitiveness ranking functions of related bodies at the state and territorial administration bodies will be upgraded. The objective Authority, and the Surveying and Mapping Authority) which is deteriorating each year points to the urgen- level. At the level of regional administration operati- of the renovation and modernisation of public admini- and administrative units. The aforementioned prima- cy of the development and modernisation of public on, a uniform regional administration structure will stration is to enhance the efficiency and professiona- ry area of administrative tasks also includes munici- administration. In 2014, the World Bank chart (Doing be established (administrative districts/administrati- lism of civil servants and ensure that tasks are carried pal administrations and bearers of public authority. Business) ranked Slovenia 51st among 189 countries, ve centres). Mechanisms for rational management of out professionally and in accordance with the values Certain matters (e.g. the salary system in the public which was five places lower than the previous year. the entire system will be established by introducing a and principles of good management. Within the scope sector, the number of employees, administrative pro- The aforementioned chart refers to the assessment central management system of real estate owned or of this objective, the systemic upgrading of the wage cedures, integrity, public procurement, etc.) provide of ease of doing business in individual countries leased by the State. More efficient use of resources system will be carried out to achieve a clear connection a common basis and indicate the direction of the (establishing companies, acquiring permits, etc.). will be provided through a programming budget, the between the results of employees’ work and remunera- operation and development of the entire public sec- The attainment of the objectives of this Strategy will establishment of suitable mechanisms for efficient 12 13
P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 tion for which clear indicators will be prepared. The re- Higher level of transparency in the legislative procedu- gement. Administrative statistics will be reformed to mation provision for citizens and business entities. The sults of work and not of a workplace will be evaluated. re (legislative footprint) and in the use of public funds monitor the efficiency of public administration. modernisation of the digitalisation of business proces- will be provided, and reuse of the public sector’s data ses will significantly improve flexibility, connectivity Since we are well aware of the excessive regula- will be additionally promoted. To improve the reputa- In the field of quality management, certified mo- and transparency in public administration, and the in- 2015–2020 2015–2020 tion of the business environment which hinders eco- tion of public administration, communication with the dels adjusted to the public sector will be introduced, creased use of electronic channels will lower the costs nomic development, a great deal of the operation will public will be carried out in a planned and intensive which will include constant improvements at all levels, for end-users and service providers. For citizens and strive to improve the business environment and satis- manner, and regular two-way communication will be regular monitoring of process indicators, and periodic the business sector to be satisfied, the consolidation administration development strategy administration development strategy faction of citizens. Projects will be focused on preven- promoted in addition to the open and transparent external assessment of public administration bodies and modernisation of contact points for citizens and tive mechanisms which facilitate the adoption of high- operation. To attain the objectives, the editorial policy effectiveness. the business sector will be carried out in order to provi- -quality regulations while consistently observing the will be reformed and the state administration single de reliable online information and simple e-procedures standards adopted from the Resolution on Legislative contact centre will be established. By reforming and modernising inspection, effecti- in one place by observing the needs of users (according Regulation (involvement of the public, transparency veness will be enhanced, preventive operation of to the life event principle) and introducing systematic of the procedure, regulatory impact assessment, etc.) The risk of corruption will be limited by numero- inspectors will be strengthened, inspections will be measurement of user satisfaction. and on corrective mechanisms – measures to simpli- us additional activities. Special attention will be paid to rationalised by merging and implementing joint in- fy the adopted legislation and reduce legislative bur- training and the implementation of international guide- spections, and a new tool to ease the burden of in- When modernising Slovenian public administra- P ublic P ublic dens, and eliminate administrative barriers (follow-up lines. A uniform national risk register for the entire pu- spectors when carrying out their expert work will tion in the period of 2015 - 2020, the objectives, gu- on already planned activities). Additional attention blic sector will be set up. Systematic and thorough risk be introduced. As a priority, inspectors’ work will be idelines and commitments at the international level, of the of the will be paid to the introduction of the systematic eva- management will be reinforced by reformed classificati- aimed at administrative actions, and significantly less and good practices of EU Member States will also be S ummary S ummary luation of the adopted legislation and the additional on of high-risk jobs, systematic supervision mechanisms at tasks regarding minor offences and the issue of fi- observed. The awareness that effective and efficient measures will be introduced to reduce the volume of and sanctions in cases of potential violations. nes. The principle of openness and transparency of public administration is the basis for the development regulations by 10 per cent by 2020, providing greater inspectors’ operation (single online entry point), and of the economy and prosperity is very important. transparency and simplicity of the requirements impo- Modernisation of administrative procedural law thus legal predictability of business entities and citi- sed by legislation on the economy and citizens. will develop in the direction which allows administra- zens will be emphasised. Inspectors will operate on To realise the key projects regarding quality and tive relations to develop and the state to have a more the basis of a risk assessment and will publish the cri- effectiveness, human resource management, better Mechanisms for transparent operation of public administrative role, which will contribute to better teria for determining priority tasks. legislation and administrative procedures, transparen- administration and the wider public sector in all areas reputation among citizens and competitiveness of the cy and integrity, and the development of IT solutions, will be strengthened. Transparency brings greater trust country. The reformed procedural legislation will be The emphasis in the field of IT support, enhancing funds from the new EU financial perspective are antici- and limits the risk of corruption, as well as stimulates simple, shorter and more transparent, and will faci- the use of e-services, digitalisation and interoperability pated. The Strategy is also the condition to access the higher level of responsibility of the wider public sector. litate more efficient administrative procedure mana- will be put on easier communication and better infor- aforementioned sources via EU structural funds on the 14 15
P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 basis of the signed Partnership Agreement between Introductory thought Slovenia and the European Commission for the period 2014–2020. Efficient public administration is the basis for The reputation of civil servants depends on effici- the success of the entire country. Therefore, this ent, professional and fair work, and on active commu- 2015–2020 The chapters of the Strategy summarise the as- strategic document provides clear development gu- nication of public administration with service users and sessment of the situation, objectives in individual fiel- idelines. Within the aforementioned resources avai- the wider public. Measures have been taken to monitor ds, key measures to attain the objectives, and develo- lable, measures which will bring more responsibility the attainment of the objectives, for fair remuneration, administration development strategy pment leaders who will implement individual activities and focused sense of work for the common good into a more prudent education and training system, and for and projects. The PADS 2020 is accompanied by the the operation of public administration will be firmly greater transparency and openness, and regular two- statement of the Prime Minister and all Government promoted. Public administration must also assume -way communication with citizens and the public. thought members entitled “Progress and quality policy in mo- the key responsibility to gradually reduce bureaucra- dern public administration” with which they additi- cy, which will be based on simpler procedures, clear As the leading principle of our everyday actions, I ntroductory onally undertake to observe the policy adopted and definition of objectives, and especially on the reco- the basic values should be: the rule of law, responsibi- strive to attain the objectives in their work. A special gnition of direct personal responsibility of employees lity, transparency, cooperation, fairness and integrati- chapter of the Strategy is dedicated to monitoring and for decisions and operations. on, consensus-orientation, innovation and efficiency. P ublic evaluating the implementation of measures to attain the objectives. The attainment of the objectives throu- of the gh planned projects will be supervised by the Strategic S ummary Council which was formed to prepare this Strategy and is composed of representatives of state administrati- Boris Koprivnikar, on, the expert public and non-governmental organisa- Minister of Public Administration tions, and will address the report on the implementa- tion of measures and report to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia twice annually. 16 17
1. Introduction
P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 1. Introduction citizens and resident under the same conditions and in a manner accessible to all. Excellence in the implemen- The adoption of the Public Administration Deve- tation of the functions of the State and public admini- lopment Strategy 2015–2020 is important for seve- stration is a commitment that affects the development ral justified reasons. Several institutions have esta- of democratic processes in society, economic growth blished that there was no strategic document laying and the social cohesion of all its inhabitants. For the out the long-term development of Slovenian public State to successfully carry out this task, the State must administration. In 2012, the OECD issued a review be able to prepare, adopt and implement suitable of the operation of Slovenian public administration, policies, and ensure their realisation through syste- which establishes inter alia that Slovenia’s strategy to matic regulation of rules, and its competences must overcome the crisis does not include strategies and include suitable institutions and mechanisms for co- I ntroduction measures which would help public administration ordination and implementation of adopted decisions.1 become more efficient and stable in the long term. It also states that a well-functioning public admini- Monitoring the implementation of the Slovenia’s stration is crucial for providing support and assistan- Development Strategy 2005–2013 shows that in the ce to the Government when determining a feasible previous period Slovenia was not sufficiently success- strategy to rebuild the economy and the State, for ful and ambitious in attaining the key strategic objecti- urgent long-term growth, and for the recognition ves regarding economic, social and environmental and implementation of suitable measures. In 2013, development. Failure to attain the objective was also the European Commission issued the Position of the affected by the economic crisis. Commission Services on the development of the Par- tnership Agreement and programmes in Slovenia for The process of drafting the Public Administration the period 2014–2020 whose prerequisites to attain Development Strategy 2015–2020 included cooperati- thematic objective 11 include a strategy to improve on and acquisition of the opinions of key stakeholders administrative efficiency of Member States, including in public administration in Slovenia, and expert and reform of public administration. wider public. The State should guarantee the exercise of autho- 1 Summarised from: Drafting a concept paper on the Organizational rity and provide public services or public goods to all its Structure of the Executive Public Administration, SIGMA, 2008. 21
2. Vison, mission and the basic purpose
P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 2. Vision, mission and the basic purpose ve and through its service role, it will facilitate prompt it will achieve above-average results among EU Mem- issue of administrative permits. A fundamental change ber States regarding high-quality service provision. Efficient and stable public administration is a very in thinking based on awareness that the administrati- important social subsystem, and, in addition to econo- on carries out administrative tasks for its users will be The basic values which are the leading principle mic development and social cohesion, affects the de- required. Therefore, the administration must do eve- of our everyday actions in the implementation of the velopment of the country and its prosperity. Therefore, rything necessary within its legal options to make users Strategy for the needs of stakeholders and admini- the Government of the Republic of Slovenia decided to satisfied with its services. High-quality administrative strative service users are: responsibility, transparen- modernise public administration by acting in a profe- service must be given priority over the quantity of ca- cy, the rule of law, cooperation, fairness and integrati- mission and the basic purpose mission and the basic purpose ssional, expert and stable manner, and in accordance ses addressed, whereby the basic principle is lawfulness on, consensus-orientation, innovation, effectiveness with the principles of good management..In numerous and satisfaction of participants. The key to high-quality and efficiency. areas, public interest must be given meaning again as administrative service are motivated and well-managed the need to regulate social relationships, which brings employees in public administration. the urgency of entering administrative and legal rela- tions in each person’s everyday life. When interventi- The vision of the Government of the Republic of on from the State is not required, regulation must be Slovenia is to organise modern public administration V ision , V ision , recognised as an administrative barrier, deregulated which will observe the following principles and values or suitably amended. When regulation is mandatory of: and necessary for the functioning of the social system, • law and the rule of law; mechanisms must be established which will facilitate • professionalism; the acquisition of administrative permits or the imple- • participation; mentation of other activities in a reasonable period • transparency, integrity and corruption prevention; of time. Along with the amendment of regulation, va- • responsiveness and user-orientation; rious means for issuing permits will be studied, which • consensus-orientation and integration; will efficiently protect the public and private interest. • fairness and integration; Wherever possible, decisions of authorities will be re- • innovation, success and efficient use of resources; placed by the possibility of partnership cooperation • responsibility; of the administrative authority and other participants as the basis for measures and indicators of effecti- which will harm neither public nor private interest. By veness, observation of public interest, satisfaction of advising and guiding, the administration will be proacti- citizens, companies and other stakeholders with which 24 25
3. Basic strategic framework and guidelines
P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 3. Basic strategic framework and lop. The Strategy is the umbrella document which in- guidelines cludes public administration and basic guidelines for other line ministries which will prepare on this basis As the fundamental strategic document in Slo- programmes for individual areas and implementing venian public administration, the Strategy is being line ministry documents at the national, regional and prepared in relation to the contents included in the local levels (e.g. education, science, the economy, Partnership Agreement between Slovenian and the employment, social affairs, the environment, health European Commission for the 2014–2020 period, and care, culture and others). With this document, the Go- strategic framework and guidelines the Operational Programme for the Implementation vernment of the Republic of Slovenia binds all state of the EU Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020, administration bodies and other state authorities, ta- the Slovenian Industrial Policy, the Europe 2020 king into account the principles of autonomy of local Strategy and other strategic bases at the national self-government, municipal administrations and hol- and international level (materials from the OECD2 ders of public authority to carry out activities that fall in the European Commission3). under their areas in the manner and within time limits defined in this document. The Strategy includes the area of public admini- B asic stration in the Republic of Slovenia.4 Since certain con- In line with the adopted Strategy, action plans tents (e.g. salary system, the number of employees, for the realisation of measures by individual strategic administrative procedures) reach into the wider pu- objectives will be drafted on the basis of the analysis blic sector, the Strategy for the aforementioned areas of the existing situation and the recognition of discre- provides a common basis and indicates the direction pancies between the desired and actual situation in in which the public sector should operate and deve- individual thematic fields. Performance indicators and target values in 2020 are defined for each strategic 2 Summarised from: OECD’s review of public administration in the Repub- objective. Individual indicators and the attainment of lic of Slovenia; Slovenia: Towards a Strategic and Efficient State, 2012, the strategic objectives will be regularly monitored on co-financed by ESF funds. 3 Summarised from: Position of the Commission Services on the develop- the basis of the results of the implementation of two- ment of the Partnership Agreement and programmes in Slovenia for the -year action plan. To attain the objectives, evaluations, period 2014–2020. adjustments and revisions of the planned measures 4 Public administration comprises state administration, municipal admin- istrations and holders of public authority. are expected to be carried every two years. If the de- 29
P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 sired target values are not attained, suitable measures stakeholders, and expert and wider public within the ried out as the basis for strategic guidelines for indivi- edier transfer of good practice into Slovenian public will have to be taken. scope of public discussion, suitably amended and ado- dual fields of public administration. A uniform strategic administration. Active cooperation in the international pted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. document was drafted as the basis for two-year action environment within expert meetings, study visits, con- The Strategy is a document of the Government plans of measures by individual strategic objectives ferences and other activities will provide suitable pro- of the Republic of Slovenia. Therefore, the Strate- 3.1 Guidelines and bases at the international and and thematic fields of public administration. The Pu- motion of the Slovenia’s interests and the strengthe- gic Council of the working group for the drafting of national level blic Administration Development Strategy 2015–2020 ning of the promotion of achievements in the field the Public Administration Development Strategy is a prerequisite for accessing structural funds within of public administration, facilitate better institutional 2014–2020 was supplemented during its preparation The basic purpose of the drafting of the document Priority Axis 11 “the rule of law, enhanced institutio- capacity of public bodies, and contribute to efficient, strategic framework and guidelines strategic framework and guidelines with representatives of suitable ministries and bodi- is to present the bases for realistic improvement of nal capacity, efficient public administration, support innovative and transparent public administration. es (e.g. the Ministry of Finance, the Institute of the the operation of Slovenian public administration by for the development of NGO, and the strengthening Republic of Slovenia of Macroeconomic Analysis and modernising and renewing it, which includes the esta- of the capacity of social partners” in the Operational Regarding European matters and international co- Development, the Ministry of Economic Development blishment of a comprehensive management system Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohe- operation in the period by 2020, harmonised and stra- and Technology, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Soci- through systematic strategic planning, the introdu- sion Policy in the period 2014-2020. Priority Axis 11 tegically oriented participation of representatives in the al Affairs and Equal Opportunities). Also supplemen- ction of quality management systems to simplify and refers to thematic objective 11 “enhanced institutional field of public administration operation at the EU level ted was the operational group of the working group modernise administrative procedures, and to monitor capacity of public bodies and interested parties, and and in other international organisations, such as the for the drafting of the Public Administration Develo- and evaluate work results and objectives at all levels. contribution to efficient public administration” in the OECD, the United Nations Organisation, and the Council B asic B asic pment Strategy 2014–2020, which was established Partnership Agreement between Slovenian and the of Europe, must be ensured, and cooperation with prio- by the minister responsible for public administration5 The Strategy is a uniform umbrella strategic do- European Commission for the 2014–2020 period. rity regions and countries must be strengthened. who is also its leader. The proposed bases and the la- cument in the field of public administration, which bour plan, the Strategy disposition, the first draft and also signifies support and commitment to realise the International activities in the field of public admi- High technological, economic and social changes inter-ministerial coordinated Strategy proposal were development strategy for the entire country. The basic nistration show Slovenia’s integration in the European in the last two decades have brought the need for approved by the Government of the Republic of Slove- purpose is to renew and modernise public administra- Union (EU) and wider international environment, whe- numerous new public services. Therefore, the Strate- nia in order to acquire as wide a consensus as possible. tion which will operate more efficiently, professionally re, due to the economic crisis, uneven development gy will strive for regular monitoring of the needs and The draft of the proposed Strategy was presented to and in accordance with the principles of good mana- in the world, rapid technological progress, and other the development of new public services along with the gement with an excellence of a professional public consequences of globalisation, changes occurred optimisation of existing services. civil service, and will contribute as much as possible which require more active and efficient participation 5 Pursuant to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia Act (Official Ga- zette of the Republic of Slovenia, nos. 24/05 – official consolidated text, to the competitiveness of the business environment, of Slovenian representatives at all levels of decision 109/08, 38/10 – ZUKN, 8/12, 21/2013, 47/13 – ZDU-1G and 65/14), the the development of the country and to prosperity. The making in the EU and other international forums, en- Ministry of Public Administration took over the tasks regarding public administration from the Ministry of the Interior in October 2014. analysis of the situation and labour processes was car- hanced bilateral and multilateral operation, and spe- 30 31
4. Review and analysis of the situation
P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 4. Review and analysis of the situation and systemic solutions to facilitate the lawful and ef- Therefore, it placed public administration reform in formance, government efficiency, business efficiency ficient implementation of labour and other personnel EU Member States among five most important tasks and infrastructure. In 2014, Slovenia slipped to 55th 4.1 Situation evaluation procedures must be ensured. The latter is essential in to support economic development. From this aspect, place among 60 countries, in 2013, Slovenia ranked organisational, public finance and substantive changes the European Commission proposed improvements 52nd, while in 2008, it was 20 places higher, i.e. it ran- Research of the OECD – SIGMA establish that the in pubic administration, i.e. it rewards work perfor- in the operation of national public administrations ked 32nd (IMD 2014, IMD 2013, IMD 2008). A similar diversity of organisational forms in public administra- mance, while motivation to attain the objectives will in EU Member States (the so-called Position of the situation is shown by the global competitiveness in- tion, taking into account the size of the public sector be the guiding principle for managing civil servants.6 Commission Services on the development of the Par- dex which arises from the annual report of the World as determined by the State, is a serious threat to the The development of public administration largely de- tnership Agreement and programmes for the period Economic Forum (WEF), as Slovenia lost eight places and analysis of the situation ability of the State to ensure and implement tasks in termines, facilitates and requires excellence in the im- 2014–2020). in comparison with 2013, and it lost six places in 2013. and analysis of the situation the public interest. Management of such a risk may plementation of the functions of the State. Excellence Slovenia ranks 70th among 144 countries. The most be alleviated by systemic regulation which determines in the implementation is shown in determining and In 2012, above-average results were achieved by emphasised factors that affect entrepreneurship are: the competences of individual organisational forms implementing public policies that directly affect social Slovenia in payments to companies where delays amo- availability of financing, inefficient government burea- and supervision over them. Too many organisatio- development and prosperity. unted to 15 days, while the European average amou- ucracy, restrictive labour legislation, corruption, tax ra- nal forms or too many organisational units, and with nted to 28.3 days. Slovenia particularly excelled in the tes and tax regulations. In 2014, Slovenia ranked 51st this a diversified organisational structure also increa- Comparative figures on the placement of countries field of establishing new companies which can be done among 189 countries on the World Bank chart, which R eview R eview se the risk for these organisations not to pursue the in various international charts show different pictures in six days (without any costs), while the European av- was five places lower than the previous year. The Do- common objective, which may affect the efficiency for Slovenia regarding individual performance indica- erage is 13.7 days (and 5 per cent of average income of ing Business chart states the best countries to start a of the provision of public goods, and the responsibi- tors. The findings of the study “Excellence in Public Ad- residents of individual states). Regarding the indicator business and it is also a competitiveness indicator of lity which is dispersed and difficult to establish. The ministration for competitiveness in EU Member States”7 which defines the time for tax return calculation, Slo- countries. The objectives of the Strategy are focused personnel aspect must also be considered in relation show that there is room for improvement in certain venia is slightly below the European average (260 hours on improving the business environment for economic with organisational measures. The strategic issue of areas in Slovenia. The European Commission establi- annually, while the European average is 208 hours). The development, and enhancing competitiveness and this human resource management in public administration shes that companies need efficient, cost-efficient and same applies to the field of the modernisation of the Slovenia’s position on the aforementioned charts. is posed as a priority task in programming and stra- high-quality public services in order to be successful. public sector (e-government, remuneration of efficient tegic documents that define further development of work of employees, service quality assessment, etc.). In certain cases, the general and concrete opera- the country as a whole. In addition, the institutional 6 Summarised from: Drafting a concept paper on the Organizational tion of the administration (drafting, adopting and im- Structure of the Executive Public Administration, SIGMA, 2008. framework is inconsistent, something which poses In addition, the International Institute for Mana- plementing regulations) pursues outlived bureaucratic 7 Summarised from: European Commission (2012), Excellence in Public a risk to efficient public administration, which is in Administration for competitiveness in EU Member States gement Development (IMD) from Switzerland annual- patterns due to which the administration is alienated turn reflected on its users (citizens, companies, etc.). ly publishes the World Competitiveness Yearbook. The from natural and legal persons as users of its services. monitoring-member-states/improving-public-administration/files/ To realise this priority task, suitable regulatory bases pa_report_en.pdf calculations are based on four criteria: economic per- In such cases, administration as a service for citizens 34 35
P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 when doing business with the State does not pursue 4.2 SWOT analysis • better awareness of corruption in society, a high Weaknesses: its mission and acts as an untouchable bureaucratic level of transparency of information of a public cha- • inconsistency in introducing the responsibility of system, generating the general notion that it exists as The SWOT analysis was prepared by a narrow project racter, especially on public consumption, and better employees in cases of failure to carry out the agre- an end in itself. This is reflected in every media gene- group by taking into account international recommenda- transparency regarding state-owned companies; ed tasks or attain the objectives; ralisation of the situation in individual (frequently uni- tions which show the key areas recognised by the group • a comparable European civil servant system for re- • inactivity and inconsistency in recognising and remu- lateral) cases and in creating the impression of ineffici- as the basis for the drafting of the document. gulating labour and status relationships, and the nerating employees who exceed the expected reali- ency, irrationality and shortcomings regarding contact rights and duties of employees in state authorities sation of the agreed tasks and of the objectives; with real life in which users need administrative per- Strenghts: and the administrations of local communities; • the lack of motivation mechanisms to promote pro- and analysis of the situation mits in a reasonable period of time, with reasonable • the established rules of the general administrative the use of professional competence standards in- fessionalism and innovation of employees; and analysis of the situation • material and procedural requirements, which pursue procedure ensure internationally and constitutio- cluding selection criteria and verification methods • the lack of the management ability including the si- clearly expressed public interest and suitable protecti- nally established standards of democratic and fair of the competence of officials in state administra- gnificance of social responsibility to employees and on of other stakeholders. procedures; tion; stakeholders; • there are cases of good practices of individual ad- • introduced annual interviews as a tool to verify the • weak connection between work results and remu- Recently published data of the internatio- ministrative bodies (e.g. administrative units) in the attainment of the objectives and results of individu- neration of employees; nal corruption perceptions index in the public use of quality management tools; al civil servants; • limited possibilities for flexible employee manage- R eview R eview sector published by Transparency International8 • rich experience of institutions and individuals in • introduced personnel information system – CKEDU; ment; showed that Slovenia slipped six places in 2013, developing e-government in public administration, • the operation of the Inspection Board is regulated • the role of the human resources department in the i.e. from 37th to 43rd place among 177 countri- established high-quality electronic services in indi- by law, which facilitates taking strategic measures administration is limited to operational tasks and is es. The aforementioned index addressed factors vidual areas; to enhance the efficiency of inspections; less focused on the development of the strategic such as the implementation of anti-corruption le- • the existing Strategy on IT and electronic services de- • the strategic plan of measures of the Inspection Bo- role of the human resources function; gislation, availability of information, conflict of in- velopment and connection of official records SREP; ard was adopted on 11 July 2013 by the Government • resistance of authorities when introducing chan- terest and efficiency of anti-corruption measures.9 • the established government ICT infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia; ges in the field of human resource management is The aforementioned leads us to assume that changes (HKOM network, data centre, SIGOV-CA) and the • the bases for the implementation of the program- expected, which is also a consequence of austerity in terms of modernisation, greater transparency, en- established national open data portal; ming budget were already included in the current measures, a shortage of staff and the needs of cur- hancement of effectiveness and efficiency of Sloveni- • the established common methodology for measu- manner of drafting the budget of the Republic of rent operations in changing conditions; an public administration are urgent and necessary. ring costs imposed on entities by legislation; Slovenia; • not everywhere are annual interviews recognised • programme for reducing legislative burdens adop- • a wide consensus regarding the project of establi- as a significant element of the development and 8 Summarised from: ted at the EU level and at the level of all Member shing national cloud computing. planning of employees’ careers; 9 Summarised from: States whose objective is to eliminate 25 per cent of cle/11-partner-transparency-international/311-politike-in-funkcionar- je-pozivamo-k-sistematicnemu-ukrepanju-proti-korupciji administrative burdens; 36 37
P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 P ublic A dministration 2020 – P ublic A dministration D evelopment S trategy 2015–2020 • a suitable number of qualified assessors in each autho- lated, and they address the available potential of ad- Opportunities: • implement digital government strategies, the Euro- rity must be ensured to recognise and establish key vanced digital concepts differently and insufficiently; • enhance the responsiveness and efficiency of public pean Digital Agenda, the European eGovernment competences, or another suitable manner of verifica- • poor actual use of e-services, poor coverage of bro- administration, enhance the efficiency of manage- Action Plan; tion must be determined, e.g. outsourcing of service adband communication connections to end users (ci- ment, provide suitable knowledge, skills and com- • rapid development of digital and mobile lifestyle in providers, which, however, is related to high costs; tizens, households), insufficient digital competences; petences of employees, improve transparency and society, accelerated introduction of the digital go- • there is no supervision over the use of public funds • legislative procedure anticipates the assessment of responsibility, and introduce external performance vernment concept; and work results (achievements, delays, compla- the consequences of impacts on individual areas, assessment and quality supervision procedures; • common systems, approaches and standards at the ints, commendations), remuneration and the allo- which, however, are rarely carried out in practice; • transfer good practice in EU Member States to the EU level; and analysis of the situation cation of funds for human resources; due to political instability and frequent changing of use of resources in public administration; greater awareness of the significance of the simpli- and analysis of the situation • • • unsuitable placement of certain areas, e.g. quality governments, too many acts were adopted under • efficient human resource management is recogni- fication and elimination of administrative barriers, and administrative procedures on the one hand, urgent procedures without preliminary analyses, sed as a strategic objective of the development of and of quality as a value; and project management and processes as a work with insufficient inter-ministerial coordination and public administration; • improve quality by systematically monitoring user method on the other, which cannot systematically cooperation with stakeholders; • the existing system of officials’ professional compe- satisfaction with state authority services centrally develop with insufficient resources; • no evaluation procedure of individual policies has tence standards in public administration is available carried out by line ministries or authorised outsou- • the lack of motivation for changes and poor been systematically introduced; as the basis for the competency model for top ma- rcers (e.g. monitoring the quality of the functioning R eview R eview knowledge of the change management tool; • a high level of legislative burdens and consequen- nagement; of common infrastructure); • there is no strategy for the operation of public tly, discouraging business environment, especially • suitable remuneration of employees whose effecti- • establish a point of single contact by providing full administration in terms of efficient use of resou- for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME); veness and efficiency is above average; and comprehensive information, and electronic rces; there are no systematic approach and mea- • too many regulated activities and occupations, and • modernise the systemic regulation of the civil ser- support for the reporting of business entities; sures; employees, top management and middle overregulation of EU requirements (gold-plating); vant system in terms of employee management to • reduce the number of regulated occupations and management do not have sufficient management • constant institutional changes (e.g. merger of mi- ensure their better flexibility/mobility and in terms activities, reduce the number of conditions and op- knowledge, i.e. the acquisition and development of nistries); of the responsibility of civil servants for the results timise procedures; knowledge in this field is not carried out in a com- • the preparation of the budget, especially the pro- of their work; • better inter-institutional connection of processes prehensive and systematic manner; cedures for amending and revising the budget, do • global changes stimulate employees to enhance and electronic exchange of high-quality data from • the use of administrative procedural law or indivi- not stimulate the most optimal decisions regarding their professionalism and innovation at workplace, official records – complete realisation of Article 139 dual process institutions as administrative barriers the implementation of the budget, since there is and personal development; of the General Administrative Procedure Act (here- or redundant costs; no supervision over the quality of use, and no con- • open opportunities within the new financial per- inafter referred to as ‘ZUP’); • inefficient organisation and coordination of ICT in nection between resources and priority tasks from spective for smart allocation of EU funds; • the ZUP should become (remain) the fundamental public administration, strategic documents are unre- substantive programmes. (primary) legal source for the regulation of admini- 38 39
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