Immunisation Registries at regional level in Italy and the roadmap for a future Italian National Registry

Immunisation Registries at regional level in Italy and the roadmap for a future Italian National Registry
Ann Ig 2018; 30: 77-85 doi:10.7416/ai.2018.2199

Immunisation Registries at regional level in Italy and
the roadmap for a future Italian National Registry
F. D’Ancona1,2, V. Gianfredi3, F. Riccardo1, S. Iannazzo2

Key words: Immunization Information System, Immunisation registry, Italy, cross-sectional survey,
Parole chiave: Informatizzazione dei registri vaccinali, Italia, studio cross-sectional, vaccini


    Background. Immunization Information Systems, or Immunisation registries (IRs), are essential to monitor
    and evaluate the accessibility, quality and outcomes of immunisation programmes both at local and national
    Study design. We conducted a cross-sectional survey in order to investigate and map the level of IRs im-
    plementation obtained by the 21 Italian Regional Health Authorities. On this basis we defined a roadmap
    towards implementing an Italian National IR.
    Methods. We designed an online questionnaire. Data were collected from July to September 2016 from all the
    21 Regional Health Authorities in charge of infectious diseases control and immunization management.
    Results. 18/21 Italian Regions have fully implemented an IR, out of them, 11 use the same software for all
    Local Health Units. Two Regions have partially implemented their IRs and one Region is not yet compu-
    Conclusions. The decentralization of the Italian Health System is reflected also on the IRs characteristics
    and functionalities in terms of fragmented implementation of IRs and diversity in the software systems and
    data flows in place. Future efforts should not only aim not only to clarify the functionalities of Regional IRs,
    but should also aim to define how aggregation of data at national level can be optimised.

Introduction                                                 mandatory or actively recommended by the
                                                             Public Health Authorities (2).
   Infectious diseases still are among the                      In order to reduce the burden of
top ten causes of death, both in low and                     vaccine-preventable diseases, monitoring
high income countries (1). Vaccination is an                 of vaccination programmes is essential
essential tool to prevent the diseases and their             and, to achieve this, high quality data are
sequelae. For this reason, in the majority of                needed. The impact of vaccination policy
the European countries, vaccinations are                     should be regularly assessed through

 National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy
 Ministry of Health, Rome, Italy
3 Department of Experimental Medicine, School of Specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, University of Pe-
rugia, Italy
78                                                                                F. D’Ancona et al.

measures of coverage, safety, effectiveness        unavoidably to heterogeneity in vaccine
and equitable access (3). This is the reason       schedules and vaccination management
why, since the early 2000s, Immunisation           across the country. In addition, the IRs, used
Registries (IRs) have been recognized as           for the local management of the vaccination
an essential component of vaccination              programmes, can be dissimilar from one
programmes (4). The US Centers for                 Local Health Unit (LHU) to the other, even
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)               within the same Region.
define IRs as: “confidential, population-              The Italian National Public Health Institute
based, computerized databases that record          (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, ISS) conducted
all immunization doses administered by             two surveys to map the distribution of IRs
participating providers to persons residing        within Italy. In 2008, only nine Regions used
within a given geopolitical area” (4). IRs         IRs and, among those, only five used the same
are an important instrument to assess and          software in all LHUs (11). In the following
monitor accessibility, quality and outcomes        years, IR use became more common in Italy.
of immunisation programmes both locally            A second survey, conducted in 2011 (12),
and nationally. Electronic records can reduce      showed that 15 Regions used an IR covering
public cost and increase quality, timelines        all the territory, however only eight out of
and precision of coverage data. In other           them used the same software in all LHUs.
words, IRs can support both the clinical           Among the remaining 6 Regions, 5 were
management of individuals and public health        partially computerized (with a range of
issues related to immunization. Firstly, IRs       LHUs using an IR from 25% to 92%) and
can be a clinical decision support system          one Region did not use IR at all.
for physicians administering vaccinations.             Policymakers have been encouraging
IRs can highlight possible risk factors,           the implementation and the use of the
reduce missed opportunities (5) and increase       electronic health records, including IRs, at
the timeliness of vaccine administration.          local and regional level. In 2007, the Italian
Secondly, from a public health perspective,        Ministry of Health, within the “MATTONI”
IRs can provide updated data on vaccine            (“Bricks”) Project, promoted and funded
safety, vaccine coverage, and can contribute       an inter-regional workgroup (13), whose
data for the estimation of vaccination failures.   primary aim was to define the minimum
IRs data can also specifically support public      set of variables needed to compare data
health authorities responding to outbreaks of      between Regions and to build up a national
vaccine-preventable diseases and promoting         registry on immunizations; however, these
vaccine accountability (6-9).                      variables have never been used for exchange
   In Italy, several vaccines are actively         or aggregation of data. Recommendation
offered to the population and administered         to implement IRs were also included in
free of charge by public vaccination services.     several national strategic documents,
The Italian Health System is decentralized,        such as the National Plan for Measles and
therefore a National Immunisation Plan             Congenital Rubella Elimination (14, 15),
(NIP) providing a national strategy is             the National Prevention Plan (NPP) 2014-
issued by the Ministry of Health (10) but          2018 (16) and the NIP 2017-2019 (10).
implemented at regional level. On this basis,      The objective is “to complete the transition
21 Regional Immunisation Plans (RIPs) are          from paper to electronic immunisation
then produced, one each, by 21 Regions/            registries, to increase data sharing between
Autonomous Provinces (hereby all called            and within regional and national levels
“Regions”). These Regional plans define            and to guarantee interoperability among
the regional immunisation offers leading           electronic vaccination registries and other
From regional immunization registries to a national registry in Italy                                79

population registries (such as infectious                    We classified a Region as fully
diseases surveillance databases, databases                implementing IR, when IR was used by all
of adverse events following immunizations,                LHUs in the Region. When IR was used in
civil registries, etc.)” (16).                            a part or in no LHUs within a Region, we
   Notwithstanding, a computerized tool                   classified Regions as partially implementing
to monitor vaccination coverage at national               IR or not implementing IR, respectively.
level is still missing. For this reason, the                 We analysed data using Excel. We
Ministry of Health is currently designing a               performed a frequency analysis for all the
national IR that could aggregate data from                categorical variables, reporting proportions.
different regional and local IR systems.                  We then compared the results of this survey
   In order to obtain an updated picture of               with those of the previous one, conducted
IRs implementation in Italy and the degree                in 2011, trying to show the advances in the
of heterogeneity among systems in use,                    implementation, if any.
we conducted the present cross-sectional
   The purpose of this study was to map                   Results
and characterize IR implementation across
the 21 Italian Regions in order to inform the                The survey was launched in July 2016
scientific and the National Health Service                and data were collected until September
communities about the development of a                    2016.
national roadmap towards the implementation                  As shown in Table 1, all the 21 Italian
of an Italian national IR.                                Regions participated in the survey (response
                                                          rate 100%). Eighteen/21 Regions (86%)
                                                          were fully implementing IR. At the
Methods                                                   local level, 100/120 Italian LHUs (83%)
                                                          were reported using IR. Among IR fully
    We performd an observational survey                   implementing Regions, 11 (61%) used the
based on Regional Experts’ professional                   same software in all LHUs. Two Regions
o p i n i o n s . We d e s i g n e d a n o n l i n e      partially implemented IR (in 20% and 86%
questionnaire (Surveymonkey®) to map the                  of the LHUs, respectively) and one Region
IR implementation in the 21 Italian Regions.              did not implement IR at all.
We used a methodology borrowed from                          Considering the use of IR for case-
previous studies (11, 12) so that results could           management, 11 of the 18 fully implementing
be compared with previous findings.                       Regions use IR to automatically list people
    The survey contained 18 questions                     who need to be called for vaccination and
exploring IR implementation at regional                   8 Regions use IR to manage vaccination
level and/or in each LHU. Participants                    appointments. From a public health
were asked whether the same IR was used                   perspective, as reported in Table 1, twelve
in all the LHUs of the Region, the system’s               Regions use an IR able to make an automatic
characteristics including the frequency of                vaccination coverage estimation. Table 2
data transmission and whether automatic                   shows the main characteristics of the IR in
calculation of LHU/regional vaccination                   place in the 11 fully implementing Regions
coverage was possible.                                    using the same software in all LHU.
    The data requested were prepared                         All LHUs are required to send data on
and submitted online by the 21 regional                   immunization to their Regional Health
coordinators for infectious diseases and                  Authorities. In eight Regions, all LHUs and
vaccinations.                                             Regional Health Authorities work on a single
80                                                                                               F. D’Ancona et al.

Table 1 - Computerisation level of RIRs in Italy and data management at regional level, 2016

Level of                 Number       Number          Regions able            Regions that          Frequency of
computerization            of         of LHUs          to calculate          have access to          submission
                         Regions      with IIS      automatically the        mmunization           from LHUs to
                                                  immunization coverage           data                Regions
Full computerized           11          47/47              9/11
                                                                             Individual data
and same software                                                                                   Real time =7
                                                                             in real time = 7
among LHUs
                                                                                                    Biannual = 1
                                                                          Aggregated data* = 4
                                                                                                    Annually = 3
Full computerized            7          53/53                0/7
                                                                             Individual data
but different                                                                                       Real time = 1
                                                                             in real time = 1
                                                                                                    Quarterly = 2
                                                                           Individual data = 3
                                                                                                    Biannual = 1
                                                                          Aggregated data* = 3      Annually = 3
Partially computerized       1           1/5                 1/1
                                                                          Aggregate data* = 1       Annually = 1
and same software
Partially computerized       1           6/7                 0/1
                                                                          Aggregate data* = 1       Annually = 1
but different software
No computerized              1           0/8                 0/1
                                                                          Aggregate data* = 1       Annually = 1
at all
* only doses and the vaccination coverages are submitted

database and have access to immunization                     (Table 1); data were not available in real time
data in real time at every level. Three                      but aggregated and consolidated periodically
Regions reported receiving case-based data                   (quarterly to biannually). The complexity of
from the LHUs. The remaining ten Regions                     the distribution of IRs in Italy is shown in
(including one fully implementing but                        Figure 1.
without the same software in all the LHUs)                      Figure 2a and 2b show the percentage
reported receiving aggregated data (i.e. doses               of Regions in which vaccination coverage
administered and vaccination coverage data)                  data are available for the time period 2012-

Table 2 - Major characteristics of RIR, in the fully computerised Regions with or without the same software among
the LHUs.

Characteristics                                                                Number of Regions (%)
Capacity to list the persons to be invited for vaccination                         11/11 (100)
Managing vaccination appointments                                                  8/11 (72.7)
Printing of invitation letters                                                    10/11 (90.96)
Producing a list of vaccination delays                                             9/11 (81.8)
Recording high-risk factors                                                        9/11 (81.8)
Collecting information on reason for no vaccination                                8/11 (72.7)
Managing vaccine storage                                                           9/11 (81.8)
From regional immunization registries to a national registry in Italy                                   81

Fig. 1 - Existence and characteristics of the Regional RIRs in Italy, by Region, 2017

2014 - for all children and children at risk                 Discussion and conclusion
respectively - by antigen. Data availability
is presented both for vaccine-preventable                        The decentralization of the Italian
diseases targeted in the 2012-2014 NIP                       Health System has deeply affected the
(Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Meningococcal                      development of RIRs, their characteristics
C, Varicella, Pneumococcal) and for those                    and functionalities. Data on immunization
not yet targeted (Rotavirus, Meningococcal                   are sent to Regional Health Authorities in
B, Meningococcal ACWY).                                      different ways and times, thus making it
   Eighteen of the 21 Regions are planning                   more difficult to estimate the vaccination
to modify or implement the Regional                          coverage nationwide.
Immunisation Register (RIR). Out of those,                       Investments need to be targeted not
two are planning to increase interoperability                only to the purchase of the IR software but
among different data sources across the                      also to identify its optimal use, in order to
LHUs, five are involved in the implementation                achieve the objectives of the vaccination
of additional IR software functionalities,                   strategies (17), including the monitoring of
nine are planning to implement a RIR and                     the impact.
two to change software.                                          At the present, only eight Regions have
82                                                                                              F. D’Ancona et al.

Fig. 2a - Percentage of Regions with coverage data available for paediatric vaccination included and not included in
the Vaccination Plan 2012-2014, for children at risk

an optimal IR due to full implementation                       Comparing these results with those
with access to individual data. In these                    obtained in the previous survey, it is
Regions, regional authorities can therefore                 evident that important improvements took
access immunization data from all LHUs in                   place (12): the fully computerised Regions
real time and LHUs can also have access to                  increased from 15 to 18 and the Regions that
data of residents in other LHUs of the same                 have access to computerised individual data
Region.                                                     from 6 to 11.
    The use of IR to improve the vaccination                   Unfortunately, due to the surviving high
process management and to reduce workload                   heterogeneity, it is not possible to set up
(7) is still limited in Italy. Similarly, the use           a national immunisation registry in Italy
of IRs to automatically monitor vaccination                 simply using the same software. For this
coverage is not widespread.                                 reason, all the future efforts have to improve

Fig. 2b - Percentage of Regions with coverage data available for paediatric vaccination included and not included in
the Vaccination Plan 2012-2014, for children at risk
From regional immunization registries to a national registry in Italy                                            83

data management at regional level and data                with the main objective to define in detail the
transmission to the national level in order               characteristics of the national IR, including
to guarantee timeliness and quality in the                the data format to be used to collect records
transfer of data.                                         from the Regions.
    The patchy picture of the IRs at regional                 Individual high quality data on vaccination
level, with different software, status of                 status is vital to assess vaccination strategies
implementation and functionalities, has                   and to measure vaccination compliance
persuaded the Ministry of Health to define                from the population. Vaccination coverage
a national strategy starting from existing                is one of the pillars of this monitoring
systems.                                                  system. Electronic systems can support
    Based on the experience of another data               the collection and analysis of these data.
flow established on individual data (i.e.                 This analysis highlights which Regions
oncologic screenings), the Italian Ministry               are more successful in the adoption and
of Health decided to use a model based on                 implementation of RIR. As long as RIRs are
data transmission, from the 21 Regions,                   not fully implemented in all Italian Regions,
of individual anonymised records for each                 it is not yet possible to have a “near real-
vaccination. Every record should include                  time” national overview of the performance
information on the person, on the vaccine,                of vaccination programmes.
on the administration and the number of the                   Future efforts should be centered on
doses and on the outcome of vaccination.                  mapping progress towards implementation
    The Italian legislation does not allow                of RIRs and on how to optimise vaccination
to include information able to identify                   record aggregation at national level (avoiding
individuals if this does not contribute to                duplication and compensating for missing
the final purpose of the database. For this               records).
reason, this type of information will be                      Finally, it is also important to research
ciphered. However the same code will be                   how the RIRs can exchange vaccination
consistently assigned to the same individual              records to guarantee to every citizen the
for all vaccines and doses received in any                access to an updated vaccination certificate
Italian LHU. This coding system, based on                 also when people move from one Region to
non-identifying unique keys, could be used                another within Italy.
in the future to link this national IR (NIR)
with the national adverse events database. For            Acknowledgments: We would like to thank all the
this reason the implementation of regional                regional coordinators for infectious diseases and vac-
IRs (RIRs), covering in real time the entire              cinations, who voluntarily and generously contributed
territory, is strongly promoted. This objective           to the study.
is already present in the NIP 2017-2019 (10)
and in the NPP 2014-2018 (16).
    The implementation of a NIR will enable               Riassunto
authorities to estimate vaccination coverage              Le anagrafi vaccinali regionali ed il percorso verso
and to monitor the vaccination programmes                 un sistema unico nazionale
in real time at regional level and - periodically
- at national level. Conversely, the national                Introduzione. A partire dagli anni 2000, le anagrafi
IR will not include functions for managing                vaccinali informatizzate (AVI o registri vaccinali infor-
                                                          matizzati), sono considerate essenziali nei programmi
vaccination offer and vaccine administration,             di vaccinazione. Esse rappresentano uno strumento im-
that are needed only at local level.                      portante di valutazione e monitoraggio dell’accessibilità,
    The Ministry of Health will start in 2017 a           della qualità e dei risultati ottenuti dai programmi di
pilot project, already funded for the first year,         immunizzazione, sia a livello locale che nazionale.
84                                                                                                F. D’Ancona et al.

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Corresponding Author: Stefania Iannazzo, Ministry of Health, Viale Giorgio Ribotta 5, 00144 Rome, Italy
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