Immaculate Heart of Mary Church - Inmaculado Corazón De Maria

Page created by Tracy Hudson
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church - Inmaculado Corazón De Maria
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
              Inmaculado Corazón De Maria
             1100 S Center St. • Santa Ana, CA 92704 • (714) 751-5335
                   Fifth Sunday in Ordinary time - February 7, 2021

                        Weekdays - Entre Semana: 7:00 PM en Español
                         5:00 pm Vietnamese, 7:00 PM en Español
          English– 10:00 AM, En Español- 7:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM
                     CONFESSIONS: Monday- Friday from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM.
                     CONFESIONES: Lunes a Viernes de 5:00 PM a 6:00 pm.
             Email:            Website:
              Facebook: Inmaculado Corazon de Maria - Immaculate Heart of Mary
Pastoral Office: 3–7 pm Monday - Friday Oficina Pastoral: Lunes a Viernes de 3-7 PM (714)751-5335
     Faith Formation — Formacion de la Fe: Martes a Viernes de 3 PM – 7 PM • (714) 546-5186
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church - Inmaculado Corazón De Maria
Page 2                                    Immaculate Heart of Mary                          February 7, 2021
                                                                Celebrate National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) and
                                                                     World Marriage Sunday (Feb. 14, 2021)
                        Feb 20, 2021                             Observances of National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-
 III          Anna Danh Ha & Alfredo Patrick Chin Chan             14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, Feb. 14 –
                                                              Valentine’s Day this year!) are opportunities to build a
                         Feb. 27, 2021                           culture of life and love that begins with supporting
         II        Estrella Sanchez & Manuel Cruz               and promoting marriage and the family. Especially
                                                               during this pandemic, marriage and family life have
                                                                  been stretched and challenged. We encourage
                                                               married couples to strengthen their relationships and
Date:                      Feb. 2, 2020      Jan. 31, 2021          highlight the blessing they are to the Church.
                                                                Please visit the diocese of Orange website for some
Collection -                $20,752.77         $13,149.00
                                                              ideas on how to celebrate your marriage this week as
Second Collection:           $4,288.02          $1,336.06        well as information about retreats and programs.
Total:                      $25,485.06         $14,485.06                              -resources/

              PARISH STAFF                  Saturday, February 6:
                                            7:00 PM       Por La Salud de Maria Belmontes,
                                                          † Ramon Galaviz, †Esperanza Ramirez
 Rev. Greg Márquez, Pastor                  Sunday, February 7:
 Rev. Joseph Dung Nguyen,                   7:00 AM      † Rosa Dominguez, Spec. Int. -Abel Carrera Sanchez,
                                                         62 Aniv. De Boda: Martin Diaz & Herlinda Olivares
        Parochial Vicar
                                            10:00 AM     † Giuse, † Maria, † Gioan Baotixita
     Rev. Mauro Trujillo,                   12:00 PM     † Raul Alfonso Rios, † Soledad Maldonado,
        Parochial Vicar                                  † Amalia Casasanta
    Rev. Armando Virrey,                    2:00 PM      † Simon Huitron Sosa, Por La Salud de Maria Belmontes,
        Parochial Vicar                                  Spec. Int. - Por los presos
Rev. Ignatius Lau, In Residence             5:00 PM      † Eugenio Estevan Sanlazar, † Jose Estevem Diaz,
                                                         † Julia Rosales
                                            7:00 PM      Por La Salud de: Gabriela Garcia, Christian Chacon,
        DEACONS                                          y Sandra Leticia Carrillo
  Deacon Adolfo Ramirez
                                            Monday, February 8:
Deacon Rigoberto Maldonado                  8:00 AM      † Martin, † Maria, All Souls
  Deacon Biviano Cordero                    7:00 PM      Por La Salud de Maria Belmontes, †Arnulfo Ramirez
                                            Tuesday, February 9:
            STAFF                           8:00 AM       † 3 Giuse, † Phaolo, Spec. Int.- Thanksgiving
      Mrs. Yaret Macedo                     7:00 PM       Por Salud de Maria Belmontes, † Juana Lopez Talavera,
  Director of Administration                              † Maximina Francisca Antunez Mora
     & Pastoral Ministries                  Wednesday, February 10:
                                            8:00 AM      † Maria Hoa, All Souls
    Mrs. Lourdes Casarin –                  7:00 PM      † Miguel Verduzco, †Jose Luis Verduzco, †Herlindo Ayala
   Pastoral Service Appeal /
                                            Thursday, February 11:
      Servicios Pastorales                  8:30 AM       † Anna Ty, † Teresa, All Souls
                                            7:00 PM       † Beatriz Martinez Navarro, † Jesus Gonzalez Miranda,
 Director of Faith Formation-                             † Dominga Bahena Martinez
      Fr. Mauro Trujillo                    Friday, February 12:
                                            8:00 AM        † Phero, † Anna, All Souls
                                            7:00 PM        † Hilaria Hernandez Silva
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church - Inmaculado Corazón De Maria
Page 3                              Immaculate Heart of Mary                            February 7, 2021

                               A Same and Different Ash Wednesday in 2021

We have had a year filled with different ways of living and praying. There are fewer people in our "outdoor
church." Less singing. Communion only in the hand. No coffee and doughnuts on the way home.
Yet we still pray.
Having consulted with the Diocese, we have decided that for Ash Wednesday we will proceed as follows:
To avoid crowds on a day when many people traditionally come to our parish to receive ash, the only Masses
to be held on February 17th, Ash Wednesday, will be at 5:30 pm in Vietnamese, and at 8 pm in Spanish.
What we will do throughout the day will be simple ash imposition ceremonies.
This way people will simply come, leave their offering, and receive ash on their foreheads.
This will happen behind the parish hall, leaving the area around the stage free for the celebration of Masses.
The imposition of ashes in the parish hall area will be stopped at 7:30 p.m., in preparation for the 8 p.m. Mass.
To avoid physical contact during the imposition of ashes, instead of using the finger, or repeated use of a cork
stamp, to apply ash to the forehead, rather disposable swabs, commonly known as Cotton Swabs or Q-tips,
will be used only once and then discarded.
We can still enter into Lent with a repentant heart and believe in the Gospel. We will still bear ashes home to
begin our lenten practices. Come to Ash Wednesday, on Feb. 17.

                            Un Miércoles de ceniza similar y diferente en 2021

Hemos tenido un año lleno de diferentes formas de vivir y orar: hay menos personas en nuestra "iglesia al aire
libre", menos cantos, la Comunión es solo en la mano y no hay café, ni donas antes de ir a casa. Sin
embargo, todavía oramos.

Después de haber consultado con la Diócesis, hemos decidido que para Miércoles de Ceniza vamos a
proceder de la siguiente manera:
Para evitar aglomeraciones en un día en el que tradicionalmente acude mucha gente a nuestra parroquia
para recibir ceniza, las únicas Misas que se celebrarán el 17 de febrero, Miércoles de Ceniza, serán a las 5:30
pm en vietnamita, y a las 8 pm en español.
Lo que haremos a lo largo del día serán ceremonias sencillas de imposición de ceniza.
De esta manera la gente simplemente llegará, dejarán su ofrenda, y recibirán ceniza en la frente.
Esto ocurrirá atrás del salón parroquial, dejando libre el área alrededor de la tarima para la
celebración de las Misas.
Se detendrá la imposición de la ceniza en el área del salón parroquial a las 7:30 pm, en preparación para la
Misa de las 8 pm.
Para evitar el contacto físico durante la imposición de la ceniza, en vez de usar el dedo, o el uso repetido de
una estampa de corcho, para aplicar la ceniza en la frente, más bien se van a usar hisopos desechables,
comúnmente conocidos como Cotonetes o Q-tips, una sola vez y luego desechados.
De esta manera es como portaremos las cenizas a casa e iniciaremos la cuaresma. Vengan al Miércoles de
Ceniza, este 17 de Febrero .
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church - Inmaculado Corazón De Maria
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Immaculate Heart of Mary Church - Inmaculado Corazón De Maria
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Immaculate Heart of Mary Church - Inmaculado Corazón De Maria Immaculate Heart of Mary Church - Inmaculado Corazón De Maria Immaculate Heart of Mary Church - Inmaculado Corazón De Maria Immaculate Heart of Mary Church - Inmaculado Corazón De Maria
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