Il Dott. Andrea Musu dichiara di NON aver ricevuto negli ultimi due anni compensi o finanziamenti da Aziende Farmaceutiche e/o Diagnostiche
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Il Dott. Andrea Musu dichiara di NON aver ricevuto negli ultimi due anni compensi o finanziamenti da Aziende Farmaceutiche e/o Diagnostiche Dichiara altresì il proprio impegno ad astenersi, nell’ambito dell’evento, dal nominare, in qualsivoglia modo o forma, aziende farmaceutiche e/o denominazione commerciale e di non fare pubblicità di qualsiasi tipo relativamente a specifici prodotti di interesse sanitario (farmaci, strumenti, dispositivi medico-chirurgici, ecc.).
“As older patients move through time, often from physician to physician, they are at increasing risk of accumulating layer upon layer of drug therapy, as a reef accumulates layer upon layer of coral.” Jerry Avorn, MD
CRONICITÀ ~80% of older adults have at least 1 chronic disease, and 77% have at least 2. Four chronic diseases—heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes—cause almost two-thirds of all deaths each year. CDC - National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2020)
ANDAMENTO DELLA PRESCRIZIONE 5000 DDD uomini DDD donne 1000 Spesa lorda per utilizzatore Spesa uomini Spesa donne DDD/1000 utilizzatori die 4000 800 3000 600 2000 400 1000 200 0 0 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 ≥85 fascia d'età Rapporto Nazionale OsMed AIFA (2019)
«GIANTS OF GERIATRICS» Immobility Intellectual Impairment Instability Incontinence Iatrogenesis B. Isaacs (1970)
CRITICITÀ NELL’USO DEI FARMACI Alterazioni Farmacocinetiche Variazione del volume di distribuzione delle molecole lipo/idrosolubili Rallentamento del transito intestinale Riduzione del flusso enteroepatico e degli enzimi epatici Riduzione del patrimonio di nefroni e del flusso sanguigno renale, ridotta filtrazione glomerulare ed escrezione renale di farmaci idrosolubili Alterazioni Farmacodinamiche Modificazioni dell’interazione farmaco recettore Modificazioni post recettoriali Klotz U. Pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism in the elderly. Drug Metab Rev. (2009) Helldén A. et al. Adverse drug reactions and impaired renal function in elderly patients […] Drugs Aging. (2009)
POLIFARMACOTERAPIA, «polypharmacy» WHO “The administration of many drugs at the same time or the administration of an excessive number of drugs” EuGMS “Polypharmacy is defined as the use of multiple medications by a patient, with 5 medications usually accepted as the cutoff .”
NUMERO MEDIO DI SOSTANZE Rapporto Nazionale OsMed AIFA (2019)
DISTRIBUZIONE DEGLI UTILIZZATORI «Between 30-40% of men and women aged 65-85 years uses five or more prescription medications» Rapporto Nazionale OsMed AIFA (2019)
POLYPHARMACY IN T2D « » Noale, Polypharmacy in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes receiving oral antidiabetic treatment (2015)
POLYPHARMACY IN T2D Dobrica, Polypharmacy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Insights from an Internal Medicine Department (2019)
POLIFARMACOTERAPIA, «polypharmacy» “Polypharmacy is associated with adverse outcomes including mortality, falls, adverse drug reactions, increased length of stay in hospital and readmission to hospital soon after discharge” Milton JC, Hill-Smith I, Jackson SHD. Prescribing for older people. BMJ. (2008)
ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS “A response to a drug that is noxious and unintended and occurs at doses normally used in man for the prophylaxis, diagnosis or therapy of disease, or for modification of physiological function.” “React ions occurring as a result of error, misuse or abuse, and to suspected react ions to medicines t hat are unlicensed or being used off -label in addit ion to t he aut horised use of a medicinal product in normal doses.” World Health Organization. International drug monitoring: the role of national centres. WHO (1972)
RISCHI DELLA IATROGENESI Christel L Burgess, C D’Arcy J Holman and Anthony G Satti Med J Aust (2005)
RISCHI DELLA IATROGENESI Daniel S. Budnitz, Emergency Hospitalizations for Adverse Drug Events in Older Americans, N Engl J Med (2011)
DEPRESCRIPTION Deprescribing is the planned and supervised process of dose reduct ion or stopping of medicat ion that might be causing harm, or no longer be of benefit. Deprescribing is part of good prescribing – backing off when doses are too high, or stopping medications that are no longer needed.
DEPRESCRIPTION • Assess all medicat ions the patient is taking and Step 1 indication for use • Consider overall risk of medication related adverse Step 2 effect s and benefit s of t reat ment • Determine eligibility for medication to be Step 3 discont inued • Priorit ize medications for discontinuation Step 4 • Implement and monitor medicat ion discont inuat ion Step 5 plan
CRITERI DI BEERS Comprendono i singoli farmaci o i gruppi di farmaci da prescriversi, in generale, con la massima cautela perché potenzialmente inappropriati e i farmaci la cui prescrizione è potenzialmente inappropriata in specifiche situazioni cliniche. A. Farmaci di uso potenzialmente inappropriato nell'anziano indipendentemente dalla diagnosi. B. Farmaci di uso potenzialmente inappropriato nell'anziano considerando la diagnosi. American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria® Update Expert Panel* (2019)
CRITERI DI BEERS Quality of Therapeut ic Category, Drug(s) Rat ionale Recomm. St renght Evidence Insulin, sliding scale (insulin regimens Higher risk of hypoglycemia without Avoid Moderate Strong containing only short- or rapid-acting improvement in hyperglycemia insulin dosed according to current blood management regardless of care setting. glucose levels without concurrent use Avoid insulin regimens that include only of basal or long-acting insulin) short- or rapid- acting insulin dosed according to current blood glucose levels without concurrent use of basal or long- acting insulin. Sulfonylureas, long acting Avoid High Strong Chlorpropamide Chlorpropamide: prolonged half-life in older adults; can cause prolonged hypoglycemia; causes SIADH Glimepiride Glimepiride and glyburide: higher risk of severe prolonged hypoglycemia in older adults Glyburide (aka glibenclamide) American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria® Update Expert Panel* (2019)
START&STOPP START Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment STOPP Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions Denis O'Mahony et. al STOPP/START criteria for potentially inappropriate prescribing in older people (2015)
CONTENTS OF STOPP Physiological System Num. of criteria Cardiovascular system 17 Cent ral nervous system 13 Gast ro ‐intest inal system 5 Musculoskelet al system 8 Respiratory system 3 Urogenit al system 6 Endocrine system 4 Drugs t hat adversely affect fallers 5 Analgesics 3 Duplicate drug classes 1 Denis O'Mahony et. al STOPP/START criteria for potentially inappropriate prescribing in older people (2015)
ANTIHYPERGLYCAEMICS IN ELDERLY PATIENTS Does your elderly (>65 y) patient with T2D meet one or more of the following criteria: • At risk of hypoglycemia (e.g. due to advancing age, tight glycemic control, multiple comorbidities, drug interactions, hypoglycemia history or unawareness, impaired renal function, or on sulfonylurea or insulin) • Experiencing, or at risk of, adverse effects from antihyperglycemic • Uncertainty of clinical benefit (frailty, dementia or limited life-expectancy) YES NO Cont inue Antihyperglycemic(s) (2019)
YES Address potential contributors to hypoglycemia (e.g. not eating, drug interactions such as trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and sulfonylurea, recent cessation Set individualized A1C and blood of drugs causing hyperglycemia) glucose targets (otherwise healthy with 10+ years life expectancy, A1C
REDUCE DOSE(S) OR STOP AGENT(S) most likely to contribute to hypoglycemia (e.g. sulfonylurea, insulin; strong recommendation from systematic review and GRADE approach) or other adverse effects (good practice recommendation) SWITCH TO AN AGENT with lower risk of hypoglycemia (e.g. switch from glibenclamide to gliclazide or non-sulfonylurea; change NPH or mixed insulin to detemir or glargine insulin to reduce nocturnal hypoglycemia; strong recommendation from systematic review and GRADE approach) REDUCE DOSES of renally eliminated antihyperglycemics (e.g. metformin, sitagliptin; good practice recommendation) – See guideline for recommended dosing (2019)
ADA STANDARDS OF MEDICAL CARE IN DIABETES (2019) American Diabetes Association - Diabetes Care (2019)
SENATOR PROJECT European funded SENATOR consortium, coordinated by the Cork University (2018)
SENATOR PROJECT European funded SENATOR consortium, coordinated by the Cork University (2018)
Quando il decorso clinico di un paziente anziano improvvisamente peggiora il medico deve prima di tutto chiedersi: «Che cosa ho fatto al paziente?», invece di «Che cosa gli sta facendo la malattia?». Umberto Senin Paziente Anziano, Paziente Geriatrico, Medicina della Complessità
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