IGNITE Junior Courses 2020 - Kuranui College

Page created by Amber Garrett
        Junior Courses

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 5
ALL ABOUT ME .............................................................................................................................. 6
KC KAWA ....................................................................................................................................... 8
CHOOSE YOUR IGNITE COURSES .............................................................................................. 9
ARTS ............................................................................................................................................ 11
   Beats N Pieces .......................................................................................................................... 11
   Design & Solution ...................................................................................................................... 11
   Devised Theatre ........................................................................................................................ 12
   Discovering Dance .................................................................................................................... 12
   French Language & Culture....................................................................................................... 12
   Fundamentals Of Dramatic Theatre........................................................................................... 13
   Illusions ..................................................................................................................................... 13
   Maestro ..................................................................................................................................... 14
   Māori Performing Arts................................................................................................................ 15
   Our Voice, Our Instrument ......................................................................................................... 15
   Paint A Picture........................................................................................................................... 15
   Print A Copy .............................................................................................................................. 16
   Rock N Roll ............................................................................................................................... 16
   Te Ao Māori ............................................................................................................................... 17
   Te Reo Māori - Communication ................................................................................................. 17
   Te Reo Māori - Information ........................................................................................................ 17
   Thematic Dance ........................................................................................................................ 18
ENGLISH ...................................................................................................................................... 19
   Book Club.................................................................................................................................. 19
   Conspiracy Theory .................................................................................................................... 19
   Gaming For Life......................................................................................................................... 20
   How To Win An Argument ......................................................................................................... 21
   Lyrical Genius ........................................................................................................................... 21
   Seen It On Film ......................................................................................................................... 22
   The Sports’ Page....................................................................................................................... 22
   True Crime And Supervillains .................................................................................................... 23
HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION ............................................................................................ 24
   Balls To That ............................................................................................................................. 24
   Health ........................................................................................................................................ 24
   Just Do It ................................................................................................................................... 24

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                                                                      Page 2
Let’s Get Physical...................................................................................................................... 25
   Me Vs Wild ................................................................................................................................ 25
   My Team And I .......................................................................................................................... 25
   Train Like A Pro......................................................................................................................... 26
LEARNING SUPPORT ................................................................................................................. 27
   Find It Out ................................................................................................................................. 27
   Jetstream .................................................................................................................................. 27
   Wrap It Up ................................................................................................................................. 27
MATHEMATICS ............................................................................................................................ 28
   2B Squared Or Not Two B? ....................................................................................................... 28
   A Game Of Chance ................................................................................................................... 28
   Algebrainiacs ............................................................................................................................. 28
   Build It Now ............................................................................................................................... 29
   How Stuff Works........................................................................................................................ 29
   Maths For Life ........................................................................................................................... 29
   Olympian Math .......................................................................................................................... 30
   The Art Of Maths ....................................................................................................................... 30
SCIENCE ...................................................................................................................................... 31
   Being A Martian -Semester 2..................................................................................................... 31
   Chemistry Of Renewal And Destruction .................................................................................... 31
   Forces Of Life -Semester 1........................................................................................................ 31
   Forensic Science ....................................................................................................................... 32
   Growing Great ........................................................................................................................... 32
   Human Bio - Tissues And Issues ............................................................................................... 32
   Hunting And Fishing A ............................................................................................................... 33
   Hunting And Fishing B ............................................................................................................... 33
   Microbes - The World Within ..................................................................................................... 33
   Water Of Life ............................................................................................................................. 34
SOCIAL SCIENCE ........................................................................................................................ 35
   Period Project ............................................................................................................................ 35
   Dilemmas .................................................................................................................................. 35
   “Eat Drink Celebrate!” ................................................................................................................ 35
   Film Busters .............................................................................................................................. 36
   House ........................................................................................................................................ 36
   Law And Justice ........................................................................................................................ 36
   Money Matters........................................................................................................................... 37

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                                                                     Page 3
“Our Neighbours”....................................................................................................................... 37
   Wairarapatanga ......................................................................................................................... 37
TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 38
   Back To The future .................................................................................................................... 38
   Baking Essentials ...................................................................................................................... 38
   Build and Design ....................................................................................................................... 38
   Cad Cam ................................................................................................................................... 39
   Code Breakers .......................................................................................................................... 39
   Designer Food ........................................................................................................................... 39
   Digital Designer ......................................................................................................................... 40
   Energy....................................................................................................................................... 40
   Garden To Plate ........................................................................................................................ 40
   Grand Designs (Semester Two) ................................................................................................ 41
   Let’s Design (Semester One) .................................................................................................... 41

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                                                                    Page 4
Kuranui College offers a dynamic and engaging curriculum at Years 9 and 10. The purpose of our
curriculum is to IGNITE students’ passion for learning by allowing them to follow their interests and
talents. Our goal is to allow students to engage in what they are good at and work with them to
become great at it. Each IGNITE course is underpinned by key skills and knowledge to prepare
students for NCEA and life.

Students will study ten courses during each year. The year is divided into two semesters which are
approximately 18 weeks in length. Students study five courses each semester totalling ten each
year or a total of 20 over two years.

All subject areas are available. In each major subject area there are a variety of courses focused
on different elements, ideas and contexts.
The major subject areas are:
     Arts
     English
     Health
     Languages
     Mathematics
     PE
     Science
     Social Science
     Technology

We also offer a variety of Learning Support courses for students who need extra scaffolding to
engage in learning and reach their dreams.

It is important that students have a choice of what, how and when they study each curriculum area.
It is also important that students gain core subject knowledge by engaging in each curriculum area
in their first two years at college.

For 2020 we recommend that students study a broad range of courses from a variety of
learning areas as listed above. It is important to gain the necessary skills and knowledge
from across our curriculum to best prepare for NCEA. Taking courses from each learning
area is one way to gain this preparation. This includes Health and Te Reo Maori.

There are a range of people who will check your course selections to ensure they are the best
for you.

Mentor teachers will work closely with students and their families to help ensure each student follows
their passions to become great in their areas of choice, whilst gaining the knowledge and skills for
NCEA, employability and learning for life.
Students; please use the next page to unpack your interests, passions and talents to help you decide
on the courses that are best for you.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                         Page 5
    My skills and interests              My achievements so far in    Things I need to work on are:
       outside school:                           school:

       What is important in my future?                     What does my family expect of me?

    Things I want to know                Things that might interest   Things my family think might
       more about are:                            me are:                   interest me are:

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                         Page 6
There is a large number of courses to select from. Current Ignite students recommend using a traffic
light system as you read the course handbook. If you see a course which you know is something
you absolutely would love to do, then this gets a green light. Conversely, courses which you know
are not for you at all get a red light. Other courses are given an orange light. Once this is done,
focus on the green light courses and rank these, remembering you need to select ten for 2020,
keeping in mind the recommendation to study from a broad range of courses. You will be asked for
this information at the upcoming Course Selection Evening. The planning sheet below may be

                GREEN                           ORANGE                                 RED

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                        Page 7
The values that our IGNITE curriculum develops are our KC KAWA values:

The skills learnt in our IGNITE curriculum will ensure that students are successful in their
future study and working lives. Skills developed in IGNITE are:

1. Positive attitude, Waiaro pai
a.    I am positive and have a “can do” attitude.
b.    I am optimistic, honest and show respect.
c.    I am happy, friendly and enthusiastic.
d.    I am motivated to work hard towards goals.

2.      Communication, Whitiwhiti kōrero
a.      I understand, and reflect on, the way I communicate and how it affects others.
b.      I ask questions when unsure or unclear.
c.      I speak, listen and share ideas appropriately.

3.      Team work, Mahi ngātahi
a.      I work well with others to complete tasks and meet goals.
b.      I contribute to developing new ideas or approaches.
c.      I work well with others of different genders, cultures or beliefs.

4.      Self-management, Whakahaere-whaiaro
a.      I arrive at class on time, with appropriate clothing and equipment to complete a work day.
b.      I understand, and reflect on, my own words, actions and behaviour, and how these affect
c.      I show commitment and responsibility.
d.      I am dependable, follow instructions and complete assigned tasks.
e.      I am responsible for my own health and wellbeing.

5.      Willingness to learn, He hiahia ki te ako.
a.      I am willing to learn new tasks, skills and information.
b.      I am curious and enthusiastic about learning.
c.      I look for opportunities to work more effectively.
d.      I accept advice and learn from feedback.

6.      Thinking skills (problem solving and decision making) Ngā pūkenga whakaaro (rapa rongoā
         me te tuku whakatau)
a.      I identify and assess options before making a decision.
b.      I recognise problems and use initiative to find solutions.
c.      I think about consequences before I act.
d.      I recognise when I need to seek advice.

7.      Resilience, Pakaritanga
a.      I adapt and am flexible in new and changing situations.
b.      I handle challenges and setbacks and do not give up.
c.      I am able to seek support and help when needed.
d.      I recognise and accept mistakes made and learn from them.
2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                        Page 8
               (please bring to the Course Selection Evening)
Name:                     ……………………………………………………………………………..
                                   First Name                     Last Name

Please use the following table to help “brainstorm” your IGNITE courses for next year.

Add the code for all the IGNITE courses from each curriculum area you may be interested in
studying. (The Code is in capital letters under each course name).

You need to ensure you study a broad range of courses from the variety of learning areas as it is
important to gain the necessary skills and knowledge from across our curriculum to best prepare
yourself for NCEA.

                                                IGNITE COURSE CODE
 Social Science

Now from the table above, choose your TOP 10 IGNITE courses for 2020:

 IGNITE COURSE CODE                                 SUBJECT AREA (eg ENGLISH)

Do you have a good range of courses from each subject area?
2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                     Page 9
Timetable Constraints

The timetable is constructed around the “best fit” for the subject selections of the majority.
This may mean that there are clashes in your timetable and you may have to reselect some

You also may have to reselect a course if that course has very few students that choose it.
For example, if a course only has 5 students choose it, we may not be able to provide a teacher for
so few students.

Please select, in order of priority, four other courses you would like to take in case of clashes or a
course not running.


2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                           Page 10

                                          Beats N Pieces

 Learning Area(s) Music

 Course             Learn how beats and basslines are constructed, how hip-hop and pop music
 Description        producers use samplers and loops to create original music, and use computer
                    recording applications, keyboards and Launchpads to create and record original
                    compositions that sound great. Collaborate with other students to write song lyrics
                    and raps and use the studio to record singers, rappers and instruments. Students
                    in this course will discover how musical conventions and techniques that have
                    been used by composers for hundreds of years can still be applied to modern
                    music, and begin to learn to read and write the language of music. The course
                    includes a mix of practical instrumental skills on guitars, keyboards and
                    percussion instruments, and technology-based music making and recording.

 Pathway            This course will suit students who have an interest in modern popular music
                    styles, electronic music and hip-hop, and would like to try their hand at composing.
                    The emphasis is on creating original music and using technology to realise it. This
                    course leads to NCEA Level 1 Music, and is designed to strengthen skills in
                    composition, songwriting and performance, as well as technical skills with music

                                         Design & Solution

 Learning Area(s) Visual Arts

 Course             Learn how to communicate visually using images and text: “pictures paint more
 Description        than a thousand words”. Learn to use Photoshop and Illustrator to get your
                    message across by combining text and images. Design and make 2D and 3D
                    design products such as posters, logos, models, sculptures, signs and
                    illustrations. View and respond to examples of contemporary design and the work
                    of designers and sculptors.

 Pathway            NCEA Level 1 Photo Art
                    NCEA Level 1 Textiles & Design
                    NCEA Level 1 Visual Art
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Design
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Photography
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Printmaking
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Sculpture

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                           Page 11
Devised Theatre

 Learning Area(s) Drama

 Course             What is theatre and what does it take to create original theatre projects? A study
 Description        of the basic elements and conventions of theatre as a whole. Deeper dive into
                    improvisation, script writing and devising original theatre. A focus on using
                    structures to create original projects and bring them to life on the stage.

 Pathway            This course will suit people with a creative bent wanting to bring their own stories
                    to life. Particularly useful to those wanting to continue in the performing arts in the
                    senior school. Best completed after the introduction to theatre course.

                                         Discovering Dance

 Learning Area(s) Dance

 Course              “Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” (Martha Graham). In this course you
 Description        will explore movement to understand and create dance. You will learn the
                    fundamentals of dance - the elements of dance and choreographic devices,
                    extend your personal movement skills and dance vocabulary and explore the
                    vocabulary of others. You will learn to participate and collaborate in groups to
                    create sequences based on ideas from a variety of stimuli and increase your
                    performance confidence.

 Pathway            Useful for those wanting to continue study in Dance or other Performing Arts in
                    the senior school.

                                    French Language & Culture

 Learning Area(s) Languages

 Course             French is a fun and interactive introduction to French language and culture. In this
 Description        course you will learn the basics of conversational French and French culture. We
                    will explore the language, the people, the places and food. Students will learn to
                    read, write, listen and speak in French. Learning a language also promotes
                    flexible thinking, communication skills, acceptance of other cultures and problem

 Pathway            Anyone who has learnt or is keen on learning French. This course is designed to
                    be an introduction to French language and culture and will be excellent for any
                    student who is interested in being part of an exchange programme to France or
                    for travelling in the future. If there is interest, there may be the possibility of French
                    at NCEA Level.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                                 Page 12
Fundamentals of Dramatic Theatre

 Learning Area(s) Drama

 Course             What is theatre and what does it take to create a good stage performance? A
 Description        study of the basic elements and conventions of theatre as a whole. Deeper dive
                    into working with a script, studying performing arts technologies, theatre forms
                    and the skills involved in bringing them to life on the stage.

 Pathway            This course will suit people with a creative bent wanting to learn how to bring a
                    script from the page to the stage. Particularly useful to those wanting to continue
                    in the performing arts in the senior school.


 Learning Area(s) Visual Arts

 Course             You will learn how to take photos using the elements and principles of
 Description        photography and develop an understanding of how a digital camera works and
                    how to control light. We will use darkroom chemistry to develop and print photos,
                    make and use pinhole cameras as well as making photograms. We will learn how
                    to make, develop and edit images using Photoshop and other editing
                    programmes. We will use IMovie to create moving images as well as learning
                    about the history of photography and the place of photography as an art form and
                    means of communication in New Zealand.

 Pathway            NCEA Level 1 Photo Art
                    NCEA Level 1 Textiles & Design
                    NCEA Level 1 Visual Art
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Design
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Photography
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Printmaking
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Sculpture

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                           Page 13

 Learning Area(s) Music

 Course             Have you ever wondered what all those dots and squiggles mean on a page of
 Description        music? What are all the instruments in an orchestra called? How do drummers
                    stay in time? What is that thing trumpet players sometimes stick in the end of their
                    trumpet? Why do some notes sound good together and others don’t? How to write
                    a song? How to play a melody?

                    This course will teach you all that and more. You will learn music theory, including
                    reading and writing music, chords, scales, rhythms and aural (listening) skills to
                    help you play with others, know when you are in tune and in time, and learn songs
                    by ear. You will also learn the basic techniques for playing a number of
                    instruments, and get to specialise in the one, including preparing a piece of music
                    for a performance. If you already play an instrument and know a bit about music
                    this course is for you. If you think you might like to study music at NCEA level this
                    course is definitely for you.

 Pathway            This course will suit people who have already started learning an instrument, or
                    really want to start and are willing to put in the practice to improve. It will lead on
                    to NCEA Level 1 Music, where an ability to play an instrument to a competent
                    level is a prerequisite. Instrumental lessons on a number of instruments are
                    available through the college Itinerant Music Programme, free of charge, to help
                    students develop their skills on their chosen instrument. However, places are
                    limited for these lessons.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                              Page 14
Māori Performing Arts

 Learning Area(s) Te Reo Maori/Dance/Music

 Course             We will learn a Kapa Haka set of performance items which we can use to enhance
 Description        our school hui, and to share with others. These items will include traditional and
                    modern mōteatea, haka, mau rākau, poi and waiata-ā-ringa. We will also learn
                    some Karakia, common traditional waiata Māori, as well as more modern waiata
                    which can be performed as appropriate waiata kinaki at any given hui situation
                    including pōwhiri, tangi, and school celebration assemblies. You must be
                    prepared to support performances with your own enthusiastic participation.

 Pathway            Regional Kapa Haka group Wairarapa Ki Uta Ki Tai or Wairarapa Adult group in
                    Matatini competition.
                    Te Reo Māori, Te Ao Māori, Dance

                                     Our Voice, Our Instrument

 Learning Area(s) Music

 Course             Do you enjoy singing and performing? We will explore various styles of music,
 Description        and the presentation of that music, whether it is by live performance, lip synching,
                    or even barbershop and rap. We can compose songs, whether they are totally
                    original, or innovations on an existing song. We can learn about harmonies, and
                    the effects of rhythms and chord progressions. We will improve our stage
                    performance. How do we use our bodies, facial expression, and tone of voice, to
                    impact on the audience?

 Pathway            NCEA Music and anyone interested in using their voice in the Performing Arts.

                                            Paint a Picture

 Learning Area(s) Visual Arts

 Course             Using paint as our primary but not only medium, we will use drawing and some
 Description        photography to create pictures. We will use inks, dyes, watercolours, acrylics and
                    oil paints to draw and learn the specific techniques of using them well. You will be
                    able to extend your ideas into another medium and may develop them into 3D.
                    We will view and respond to art and artworks from a range of NZ and international
                    artists, visiting galleries and looking at site-specific artworks in the local and
                    regional community.

 Pathway            NCEA Level 1 Photo Art
                    NCEA Level 1 Textiles & Design
                    NCEA Level 1 Visual Art
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Design
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Photography
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Printmaking
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Sculpture

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                           Page 15
Print a Copy

 Learning Area(s) Visual Arts

 Course             Printing involves making copies of pictures and putting them onto paper, or fabric
 Description        or any other flat surface. We will print mostly fabric (T shirts) or paper, using a
                    variety of printing processes - photo screen-printing, wood and lino, gelli, and
                    cyanotype. We will use drawing and photography to create our images and digital
                    technology (Photoshop or Illustrator) to edit them. Printmaking involves cutting
                    and carving, stencilling and transferring pictures using chemicals. We will look at
                    how printed images are made and examine how printing has developed as an art
                    form, as well as visiting local businesses that use printing processes.

 Pathway            NCEA Level 1 Photo Art
                    NCEA Level 1 Textiles & Design
                    NCEA Level 1 Visual Art
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Design
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Photography
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Printmaking
                    NCEA Level 2-3 Sculpture

                                             Rock N Roll

 Learning Area(s) Music

 Course             Join the band! In this course you will focus on developing the basic skills needed
 Description        to play in a band. This will include learning to play some guitar, keyboards, drums,
                    bass, and singing. If you already play an instrument, you will be challenged to
                    improve your skills and put them to use playing with others. Through critical
                    listening, you will learn to identify the musical elements that make different genres
                    of music unique. You will learn to read chord charts and simple rhythms and
                    melodies. In this class you will play, rehearse and perform a variety of musical
                    styles from different time periods with a band, and develop your interpersonal
                    skills to make sure you can be a part of a fun and functioning music group. Then
                    put it all together in a performance that you will present to an audience!

 Pathway            This course will suit people who have already started learning an instrument, or
                    really want to start and are willing to put in the practice to improve. It will lead on
                    to NCEA Level 1 Music, where an ability to play an instrument to a competent
                    level is a prerequisite. Instrumental lessons on a number of instruments are
                    available through the college Itinerant Music Programme free of charge to help
                    students develop their skills on their chosen instrument. However places are
                    limited for these lessons.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                              Page 16
Te Ao Māori

 Learning Area(s) Te Reo Maori/Social Sciences

 Course             At the heart of Te Ao Māori are Tikanga and Kawa - the ways and the whys of
 Description        what Māori did traditionally, and what Māori do now. We look at the principles of
                    Tikanga and how they are practised by others and how we can be a part of that.
                    Whakapapa, Whenua, Whānau, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Mana, Mihimihi,
                    Manaakitanga, Tino Rangatiratanga, Marae, and Wairuatanga.

 Pathway            History, Social Sciences, Te Reo

                                Te Reo Māori – Communication

 Learning Area(s) Te Reo Maori

 Course             If you have only a little knowledge about Te Reo Māori, then this is the course for
 Description        you. Learning opportunities include barrier games in pairs, chants, hand games,
                    Kahoots, Quizlet, a workbook, waiata, karakia, card games and more. Vocabulary
                    is the one area that will need some extra work so that the words can be recalled
                    easily. You will learn to communicate about numbers, location, greetings, likes
                    and dislikes, time, weather, describing and personal information.

 Pathway            Te Reo Information, NCEA Te Reo

                                    Te Reo Māori – Information

 Learning Area(s) Te Reo Maori

 Course             If you have been in another reo Māori course, a bilingual class, kura kaupapa, or
 Description        a mainstream immersion class, or you have a family who speak te reo Māori at
                    home, then this reo Māori class is for you. Learning opportunities include barrier
                    games in pairs, chants, hand games, Kahoots, Quizlet, a workbook, waiata,
                    karakia, card games and more. Vocabulary is the one area that will need some
                    extra work so that you can recall words easily. You will learn to communicate
                    about personalities, ownership, directions, comparing and contrasting, negatives,
                    and travel routines.

 Pathway            NCEA Te Reo

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                           Page 17
Thematic Dance

 Learning Area(s) Dance

 Course             In this course you will explore different genres and styles of dance and extend
 Description        your practical and choreographic skills. You will learn about dance from different
                    genres and develop your own movement vocabulary and explore choreographic
                    processes to develop ideas in dance and create sequences based on a theme.

 Pathway            For the creative types and those wanting to continue study in Dance or other
                    Performing Arts in the senior school. It is recommended that you complete the
                    Discovering Dance course first.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                          Page 18

                                             Book Club

 Learning Area(s): English

 Course             Keen readers will enjoy the opportunity to have class time allocated to
 Description        independent reading, sharing ideas, individual and group analysis, engaging in
                    research and trying to get their own writing published.

                    Students will learn to analyse, decipher, infer as well as promote different texts,
                    thinking about responding to the needs of a specific audience and their
                    interests. We will discuss and explore genres of texts, create independent writing
                    and collaborate on class projects to support the development of key skills and

 Pathway            Level 1 - Book Club or Bookworm are the natural progressions from this course.

                    Book Club for Junior College Ignite focuses on the ability to communicate well
                    with others, specifically through reading, research, writing and presenting which
                    naturally supports academic progress in a range of areas as well as building skills
                    that will support leisure and hauora in later life. Focusing on the ability to
                    communicate means that this course will also support anyone following vocational
                    pathways: Services Industries, Creative Industries, Social and Community
                    Services, Manufacturing and Technology, Construction and Infrastructure.

                                         Conspiracy Theory
 Learning Area(s): English/Social Sciences

 Course             The Illuminati, 9/11, Flat Earth, Aliens and Reptilian Rule. Examine famous
 Description        conspiracies, decipher the value of the theory and then write or present your own
                    ideas about the truth.

                    Students will read and analyse a variety of non-fiction texts and engage in informal
                    classroom debate. They will find comparisons between their texts, collaborate on
                    shared understandings of theories and evaluate the credibility of these theories.
                    Students will also use an inquiry model to develop their own learning and grow
                    their research, inferencing and critical thinking skills.

 Pathway            Level 1 - Keeping it Real: Conspiracy Theories or any other Level 1 English course
                    are the natural progressions from this course.

                    Conspiracy Theories for Junior College Ignite focuses on the ability to
                    communicate well with others, specifically through collaboration, critical thinking,
                    writing, speaking and inquiry which naturally supports academic progress in a
                    range of areas, as well as building skills that will support leisure and hauora in
                    later life. Focusing on the ability to communicate means that this course will also
                    support anyone following vocational pathways: Services Industries, Creative
                    Industries, Social and Community Services, Manufacturing and Technology,
                    Construction and Infrastructure.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                           Page 19
Gaming For Life

 Learning Area(s): English/Digital Technologies

 Course             If you are a self-proclaimed gamer then this is the course for you. We will play,
 Description        analyse and create games, levelling up our own key skills along the way. We will
                    talk, read and write about games across all genres. Come prepared to write,
                    create and have fun.

                    Students will learn how to analyse aspects of video game narrative and game
                    mechanics. They will respond both critically and personally to games played.
                    This will involve considering the social implications of morality and ethics in
                    gaming and gaming culture.

                    Students will work collaboratively to develop a game, whether digital, analogue or
                    physical, and incorporate aspects of game mechanics learnt throughout the
                    course. In order to support this learning, students will continuously reflect and
                    evaluate throughout the different iterations of game design.

 Pathway            Level 1 - Decoding Digital Media and other Level 1 Media Studies or Digital
                    Technology courses are the natural progressions from this course.

                    Gaming for Life in Junior College Ignite focuses on the ability to communicate well
                    with others, specifically through collaboration, evaluation, writing, speaking and
                    presenting which naturally supports academic progress in a range of areas, as
                    well as building skills that will support leisure and hauora in later life. Focusing
                    on the ability to communicate means that this course will also support anyone
                    following vocational pathways: Services Industries, Creative Industries, Social
                    and Community Services, Manufacturing and Technology, Construction and

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                           Page 20
How To Win An Argument

 Learning Area(s): English/Social Sciences

 Course             This course will look at the language of persuasion, media and debating. We will
 Description        examine speech making and debating in politics and the media. Students will craft
                    their own arguments that tackle the challenges of our times. By the end they will
                    understand what it takes to manipulate an audience and never lose an argument
                    Students will learn to analyse, decipher and infer from different speeches. They
                    will create independent writing and oral presentations as well as collaborate on
                    oral presentations through debating.

 Pathway            Level 1 - That’s Debatable or any other Level 1 English course are the natural
                    progressions from this course.

                    How to Win an Argument for Junior College Ignite focuses on the ability to
                    communicate well with others, specifically through collaboration, critical thinking,
                    writing, speaking and presenting which naturally supports academic progress in a
                    range of areas, as well as building skills that will support leisure and hauora in
                    later life. Focusing on the ability to communicate means that this course will also
                    support anyone following vocational pathways: Services Industries, Creative
                    Industries, Social and Community Services, Manufacturing and Technology,
                    Construction and Infrastructure.

                                            Lyrical Genius

 Learning Area(s): English/Music/Drama

 Course             This course will look at poetry, slam poetry, battle rap and song lyrics. Students
 Description        will learn to read, analyse, write and perform lyrics. They will be exposed to a
                    range of different writers, artists and styles, including visits from artists.
                    Students will learn to analyse, decipher, infer and recognise language features
                    used by an author. They will explore different genres of poetry and lyrics and
                    examine the growth and change of certain genres across time, learning how to
                    view song lyrics through a social lens. In addition to this, they will consolidate
                    their learning by creating independent writing, using the skills they have observed
                    through analysis, collaborate on writing and share their work. There will be an
                    opportunity to collaborate on performance and song recordings.

 Pathway            Level 1 - Lyrical or any other Level 1 English course are the natural progressions
                    from this course.

                    Lyrical Genius for Junior College Ignite focuses on the ability to communicate well
                    with others, specifically through collaboration, analysis, writing, speaking and
                    presenting which naturally supports academic progress in a range of areas, as
                    well as building skills that will support leisure and hauora in later life. Focusing on
                    the ability to communicate means that this course will also support anyone
                    following vocational pathways: Services Industries, Creative Industries, Social
                    and Community Services, Manufacturing and Technology, Construction and

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                              Page 21
Seen It On Film

 Learning Area(s): English/Media Studies

 Course             Explore the world of film and decode some of the magic of the movies. In this
 Description        course we will look at how a film is constructed and presented to an
                    audience. Learn how directors manipulate their audiences to see things their way,
                    and draw connections between the screen and the world around us.
                    Students will learn to analyse different genres of film, understanding aspects of
                    plot, character, theme, setting, style, audience and visual language. They will be
                    able to respond to the ideas of the texts, as well as use visual and verbal language
                    and independently close view texts, recognising the purpose of the director.

 Pathway            Level 1 - Seen it on Film or any other Level 1 Media Studies course are the natural
                    progressions from this course.

                    Seen it on Film for Junior College Ignite focuses on the ability to communicate
                    well with others, specifically through discussion, critical and analytical thinking,
                    writing, speaking and viewing which naturally supports academic progress in a
                    range of areas, as well as building skills that will support leisure and hauora in
                    later life. Focusing on the ability to communicate means that this course will also
                    support anyone following vocational pathways: Services Industries, Creative
                    Industries, Social and Community Services, Manufacturing and Technology,
                    Construction and Infrastructure.

                                         The Sports’ Page

 Learning Area(s): English/Physical Education

 Course             We will explore sport-based texts such as autobiographies, novels, films and
 Description        articles. Students will analyse sports columns, develop their own, and write their
                    own post-game editorials on school or international matches.

                    Students will learn how to write newspaper reports, take sports photographs, and
                    develop interviewing skills. They will analyse texts and write personal responses.
                    We will consider the ‘bigger picture’ and lasting consequences of events as well
                    as the impact of sport on communities. Students will work collaboratively to
                    consider the social implications linked to sport, and research a current issue.

 Pathway            Level 1 - Keeping it Real or any English course at Level 1 are the natural
                    progressions from this course.

                    The Sports’ Page for Junior College Ignite focuses on the ability to communicate
                    well with others, specifically through discussion, critical and analytical thinking,
                    writing, speaking and interviewing which naturally supports academic progress in
                    a range of areas, as well as building skills that will support leisure and hauora in
                    later life. Focusing on the ability to communicate means that this course will also
                    support anyone following vocational pathways: Services Industries, Creative
                    Industries, Social and Community Services, Manufacturing and Technology,
                    Construction and Infrastructure.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                            Page 22
True Crime And Supervillains

 Learning Area(s): English/Psychology

 Course             Evil exists but what it looks like is debatable. Whether you are interested in fact
 Description        or fiction, explore the psychology of a villain in this course.

                    Students will read and analyse a variety of texts including fiction and non-
                    fiction. They will find comparisons between their texts, collaborate on shared
                    understandings of villains and get a basic insight into psychology. Students will
                    also use an inquiry model to develop their own learning and grow their research,
                    inferencing and critical thinking skills.

 Pathway            Level 1 - Psychology of Character next year, Level 1 Psychology, Level 1
                    Conspiracy Theory, or any other Level 1 English course are the natural
                    progressions from this course.

                    True Crime and Supervillains for Junior College Ignite focuses on the ability to
                    communicate well with others, specifically through inquiry, critical thinking, writing,
                    speaking and drawing conclusions which naturally supports academic progress in
                    a range of areas, as well as building skills that will support leisure and hauora in
                    later life. Focusing on the ability to communicate means that this course will also
                    support anyone following vocational pathways: Services Industries, Creative
                    Industries, Social and Community Services, Manufacturing and Technology,
                    Construction and Infrastructure.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                              Page 23

                                            Balls To That

 Learning Area(s): Physical Education , Health

 Course             This course will teach students about skills involved when playing ball games. Not
 Description        just passing and catching, but strategies for getting the ball, moving into space,
                    dodging, what to do when you have the ball, what to do when you don’t have the
                    ball, defending, draw and pass, defending and positions, to name but a few. This
                    course is perfect for students who love ball sports or for students who already play
                    a ball sport and want to learn some extra skills to use when they play that sport
                    themselves. Great course if you want to join a team for the first time and want to

 Pathway            For students interested in Physical Education, Sports


 Learning Area(s): Health

 Course             This course looks at health topics that contribute to our total wellbeing. Topics
 Description        may include Hauora (total well-being), Sexuality, Drugs and Alcohol, Keeping
                    Ourselves Safe, Food and Nutrition.

 Pathway            For students interested in the body, health aspects, (e.g. food and nutrition,
                    sexuality, alcohol and drugs), and overall positive wellbeing. Leads to the senior
                    health courses.

                                              Just Do It

 Learning Area(s): Physical Education , Health

 Course             This course is based on what a ‘normal’ PE lesson would run like and will teach
 Description        you about motor skill learning (MSL) - improving skills in a variety of sports,
                    different types of practice, how to transfer skills to other sports and using
                    interpersonal skills to develop good teamwork and a positive playing environment.
                    This course would suit students who like a little structure and want to learn skills
                    or improve skills in sport. This course will also enable students who wish to
                    progress into the senior PE programme to have the basic skills and knowledge to
                    do so.

 Pathway            For students interested in physical education, sport and performance

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                           Page 24
Let’s Get Physical

 Learning Area(s): Physical Education , Health

 Course             This course involves more personal, individualised and leisurely activities like
 Description        table tennis, bowls, yoga, walking,etc. This is a perfect course for those who want
                    to maintain some sense of wellbeing by doing exercise but not necessarily the full
                    on competitive sport done in other PE courses. It will provide the fundamental
                    knowledge about wellbeing and what and how we can do to maintain and enhance
                    it in ourselves and others.

 Pathway            For students interested in recreation and leisure activities.

                                              Me Vs Wild

 Learning Area(s): Physical Education , Health, Outdoor Education

 Course             This course looks at risks and hazards in the outdoors and how we can manage
 Description        those risks so we can participate in a variety of outdoor activities. Students in this
                    course will learn about the collective responsibility of what it takes to look after our
                    environment. What is the environmental care code? What impact does this have
                    on us and the world around us? How can we create a safe environment but still
                    get outside our comfort zones? How can I survive in the NZ bush? What skills can
                    be transferred into other areas of my life? All this and more while doing some
                    activities in the outdoors.

 Pathway            For students interested in outdoor education, fitness, the environment, tramping
                    and camping, etc.

                                            My Team And I

 Learning Area(s): Physical Education , Health

 Course             This course looks at the roles and responsibilities of a sports team. How it
 Description        functions, the roles of the players, coach, referee, water boy, manager, etc. It will
                    look closely at Interpersonal skills and how they are used in order to improve the
                    functioning of the team. Students selecting this course will be wanting to learn
                    about teamwork and leadership skills and how to apply them. Individuals will need
                    to demonstrate social responsibility and aim for the highest level.

 Pathway            For students interested in coaching, managing and playing sport.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                               Page 25
Train Like A Pro

 Learning Area(s): Physical Education , Health

 Course             This course looks at movement of the body and what helps us do that. You will
 Description        learn aspects of anatomy (terms of reference, bones, muscles, actions), fitness
                    (what makes up fitness, principles of training, methods of training, doing the
                    training) and exercise physiology (what makes us tick, heart, lungs, what happens
                    when we exercise). This course would be great for someone thinking about
                    training for an event or sport, for someone who likes working out or individuals
                    who love learning about the body.

 Pathway            For students interested in physical education, fitness, recreation centres, gyms,
                    being a trainer.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                          Page 26

                                              Find It Out

 Learning Area(s) Learning Support

 Course             Students will read, write, listen and have conversations about topics of their
 Description        interest, local interest or national and international events. They will gain reading
                    and writing mileage, both handwriting and word processing.

 Pathway            Gaining skills towards independent living. Gaining confidence and skills to be in
                    mainstream courses for Literacy.


 Learning Area(s) Learning Support

 Course             The course will be designed around student who have learning support needs. It
 Description        will be designed specifically for the area of need. These could be self-
                    management, self-esteem, relationship and friendship building, self-management
                    and regulation.

 Pathway            Gaining skills towards independence at secondary school.

                    Gaining skills towards self-regulation and self-management.

                                              Wrap It Up

 Learning Area(s) Learning Support

 Course             The focus is on skills for living with an emphasis on gaining, practising and
 Description        mastering numeracy skills, in particular, skills of addition, subtraction and
                    measurement. Cooking and shopping will be key areas where skills will be
                    practised, where students will learn about customer service, how to manage
                    money, how to shop well and find the best deals.

 Pathway            Gaining skills towards independent living. Gaining confidence and skills to be in
                    mainstream courses for Numeracy.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                            Page 27

                                    2B Squared Or Not Two B?

 Learning Area(s): Mathematics

 Course             We live in a world of numbers. You see them every day: on clocks, in the stock
 Description        market, in sports, and all over the news. Algebra is all about figuring out the
                    numbers you don't see. For example, you might know how fast you can throw a
                    ball, but can you use this number to determine how far you can throw it? You may
                    already know how to tell time, but can you calculate at what times a clock's hour
                    and minute hands are exactly aligned? With algebra, you can answer all of these
                    questions, using the numbers you already know to solve for the unknown. The
                    concept of solving for unknowns is used in higher maths courses and some
                    Statistics & Probability courses. Therefore, the skills learnt in this course are vital
                    for any higher-level maths and statistics courses.

 Pathway            NCEA Mathematics.

                                         A Game Of Chance

 Learning Area(s): Mathematics

 Course             Thought about winning Lotto perhaps? Perhaps you have tried to guess the
 Description        number of lollies in a jar? What about all those pretty graphs and tables in the
                    books, paper, on T.V. and online – what does this information mean exactly?
                    Completing this course will give you a good insight into how we can use probability
                    to better our chances and analyse those statistics better so we see the truth
                    behind some of the data we are confronted with.

 Pathway            For students interested in a future in statistics, data analysis, or knowing how to
                    win the game of paper/rock/scissors.


 Learning Area(s): Mathematics

 Course             So, you are good at replacing numbers with letters and solving more complex
 Description        maths problems! Having developed some useful algebra knowledge you will be
                    ready for the next algebra challenge. This course takes your algebra to the next
                    level. It requires you to use your skills to solve problems and you really will be
                    using your higher- level thinking skills.

 Pathway            For students who plan to take Algebra skills into higher levels.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                              Page 28
Build It Now

 Learning Area(s): Mathematics, Technology

 Course             Perhaps you are interested in the Trades after school? Do you want to learn more
 Description        about drawing, plans and scales, triangles, measuring things perhaps? How about
                    designing something for the future? Are you interested in constructing models?
                    This course will provide you with an entry into some useful future skills for both
                    higher-level maths and the workforce. This course is a useful base for all Level 1
                    Mathematics courses.

 Pathway            For students interested in future Mathematics, DVC, Build or the construction

                                         How Stuff Works

 Learning Area(s): Mathematics

 Course             Mathematics is often called the universal language because no matter where
 Description        you're from, a better understanding of maths means a better understanding of the
                    world around you. Have you ever wondered how mathematics relates to the world
                    of science and discovery? Have you ever wondered how long it would take you to
                    travel to the moon? This course will look at the world around us and applying the
                    fundamental concepts of mathematics. In this course you will look at a range of
                    skills and topics including measurement, basic algebra, statistical data, geometry
                    and design.

 Pathway            NCEA Mathematics.

                                           Maths For Life

 Learning Area(s): Mathematics

 Course             This course introduces the numbers you will encounter in real life. We will
 Description        investigate how you earn an income, how you read a pay slip, how you pay income
                    tax. We look at spending money and how we can budget our income and
                    spending. This is a mathematics course that looks at the math needed and used
                    on a daily basis. We also investigate the measurement skills needed and used in
                    real life. The focus of this course is to make sure that you have the necessary
                    number and measurement skills to manage life.

 Pathway            This course provides the fundamental skills you will need for your future - like a
                    maths survival pack.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                           Page 29
Olympian Math

 Learning Area(s) Mathematics

 Course              Olympics 2020? Call yourself a sports fanatic? Interested in exploring the
 Description         expansive amount of maths behind the world of sport? Can you run as fast as
                     Usain Bolt? How would your ability involving distance and speed compare to a
                     gold medallist?

                     You will learn some essential skills around number (cost to travel to
                     Olympics/play sport); measurement (comparing Olympic records and gold
                     medallists; telling the time, reading maps); geometry (angles of flight
                     paths/dimensions of sports fields/equipment); statistics and probability (medal
                     tables, chances of winning, statistics on players).

                     This course will be perfect for anyone who is interested in sports, getting the
                     best from their game, perfecting their shot, analysing statistics. It will also
                     provide the fundamentals needed to pursue Mathematics at senior levels.

 Pathway            Level 1 Mathematics courses.

                                         The Art Of Maths

 Learning Area(s): Mathematics

 Course             Thinking of graphic design; perhaps you like patterns too? Geometry is the
 Description        mathematics of shape and space. It is about the properties of objects and their
                    positions in mathematical spaces or real life spaces. Geometry is about real
                    things: how big they are, whether they fit, how to find them, what they look like in
                    a mirror. The first part of this course involves the ideas of lines and angles,
                    geometry of triangles, quadrilaterals and other polygons. The second part
                    involves transformations - reflection, rotation, translation, enlargement and
                    tessellations of shapes.

 Pathway            Level 1 NCEA Mathematics.

2020 Ignite Curriculum – Year 9 and 10                                                            Page 30
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