IGN Pushdown Expandable - Build Guide - Publisher Formats

Page created by Eugene Lambert
IGN Pushdown Expandable - Build Guide - Publisher Formats
Publisher Formats

IGN Pushdown Expandable

Build Guide

Revised: October, 2010
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential to MediaMind, Inc. and/or any of its
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Copyright © 2010 MediaMind, Inc. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents

Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 4

Usage ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

Creative Guidelines ................................................................................................................................. 4

Setting Up the Format in MediaMind ...................................................................................................... 5

Templates ............................................................................................................................................... 6

Demo ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
This is an updated, modified version of the Pushdown format that is available through the system. This format
expands a panel while “pushing” the page content down to make room for the panel. This new format allows for:
    ‐   Choice of easing type for both pushdown exposure of panel, and pushdown of page
    ‐   Events firing to both banner and panel for pushdown start, pushdown complete, collapse start, and
        collapse complete (ability to listen for these events and cancel movement during pushdown)
    ‐   Auto collapsing of autoexpanded panel via javascript code (no need to hardcode a timed out collapse into a
        panel; ability to use same exact asset for auto‐expanded panel (with auto‐collapse) and for user‐expanded
    ‐   Clipping of panel in all MediaMind supported browsers
    ‐   Smoother pushdown animation than current platform pushdown

This format is to be used with an Expandable Banner.

    Creative Guidelines
As per the templates, ensure that you have functions defined in the banner with the following names (and exposed
to JavaScript via an ExternalInterface.addCallback call):




The panel only needs 2 functions, panelPushdownComplete and panelCollapseStart. The purpose of these
functions is to handle all animation stopping during the pushdown phase and collapse phase. As this format is very
processor intensive, stopping all animation/video during the push allows for a smoother execution. These panels
will receive one variable, which will be a string containing the name (as defined in MediaMind of the panel) who’s
actions have just cause the event to fire.

You may use EB.ExpandPanel to expand the pushdown panel, however when collapsing the panel you must use:


Also, when coding a clickthrough from the panel, you must first call to collapse the banner, then the clickthrough
Example (AS3):

    function mmClickthrough(e:MouseEvent){

    Setting Up the Format in MediaMind
This format relies on a custom script to function. You must attach the following custom script to the ad in the Ad
level, under Setup ‐> Advanced Features ‐> Custom JS, in the field for “Trigger JavaScript on Scripts Pre‐load:”
There are many querystring parameters that can be modified to adjust how the ad behaves.
easingType ‐ 1=linear, 2=ease in, 3=ease out, 4=ease in out [default: 4]
openPushType ‐ 1=site is pushed down with animation, 0=site is pushed down immediately [default: 1]
panelShowType ‐ 1=panel is revealed with animation, 0=panel is revealed immediately [default: 1]
openAnimDuration ‐ time for opening animation in milliseconds [default: 1200]
closePushType ‐ 1=site is pushed up with animation, 0=site is pushed up immediately [default: 1]
panelHideType ‐ 1=panel is hidden with animation, 0=panel is hidden immediately [default: 1]
closeAnimDuration ‐ time for closing animation in milliseconds [default: 1200]
closeOnRollOut ‐ 1=collapse panel on roll‐out. 0=do not collapse panel on roll‐out [default: 0]
autoCloseTime ‐ time for automatic closing of auto‐expanded panel in milliseconds (0 for no autoclose) [default: 7000] (If
you are not having an auto‐expanding panel that requires auto‐collapsing, make sure you set this to 0)
panelName ‐ main panel name as set in platform. [default: default panel name]


This would have the pushdown animation use easing‐out (start out with fast animation, and as the animation
finishes, slow down). It would take 3 seconds for the expansions and 1.5 seconds for the collapse. The script
would NOT handle auto‐collapsing of the panel, and the name of the panel that would be the pushing panel would
be “pushPanel”

Note: The custom script referenced above was built explicitly for IGN.com. As such, there is publisher‐specific
code, and attempting to apply this script for another publisher will most likely result in problems. Amongst other
things, the z‐index in this script is forced to be 50, regardless of what it is set to via tags or via the Mediamind
Platform. If you would like to run this format with other publishers, please ensure you are using the correct script.
If you cannot find the correct script, the format may not yet be certified on that publisher, and enter a request for
certification in the Publisher Formats CRM queue.

You can find the AS2 template here:

You can find the AS3 template here:
You can find a demo of this format at:
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         be accurate and reliable. However no responsibility is assumed by MediaMind for the use of this
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         at any time and without notice.

         Copyright © 2010 MediaMind Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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