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7 Wie im richtigen Leben Thomas Heyden 123 Ich habe da noch eine rote Kehrmaschine! Regina Pemsl im Gespräch mit Susanne Carl und Bruno Weiß 133 English Translations 146 Biografien
Just like real life Thomas Heyden … are the scenes in which artist Susanne Carl and photo- grapher Bruno Weiß allow us to participate really. Although the figures are wearing masks they seem strangely familiar to us and we sometimes even recog- nize ourselves in them. That stiff way that we pose when we know that we are being photographed. The way that we play boss or secretary and – far too infrequently – dream about escaping from all our obligations. Yes, the stock situations on which Susanne Carl and Bruno Weiß draw are human, all too human. In fact, being a “persona” amounts to the same thing as wearing a mask – persona is the Latin for a mask, a role. And what is so appealing about masks is the fact that they can be donned consciously. Unlike the situation with us as a person, we can choose to put a mask on or to take it off. A consciously assumed role that we are allowed to play is thus much easier than the roles in society that we have to play because other people accord them to us. Roles that have been prac-ticed and memorized for so long that they almost become an integral part of us. We and this persona 132 133
have long since become one and the same thing. This her art its unmistakable feel, as well as saving it from kind of masquerade allows for the kind of freedom not the mannered quality displayed by cryptic pictorial possible outside the theatre, even for the spectators. arrangements. This is why even the happiest mask has something sad about it. In terms of physiognomy, the masks that Susanne Carl herself creates are absolutely full of character. A Susanne Carl takes the promise of this kind of freedom variety of hairstyles and clothes transform the people to levels where the distribution of roles is normally she portrays into individuals. By contrast, their rigid quite clear. It is she herself who breaks in on seemingly masks and their eyes, hidden behind holes, make for familiar situations in order to question the rules of a kind of stereotyped distance similar to Brecht’s the game that is society. The results of such collisions alienation effect and are a prerequisite for reflection. are often comical and can sometimes be moving. At the same time, the mask necessitates a shift in We witness escapes on a small scale and breakdowns the characters’ expressions from their faces to their on a large scale. From the banality of our domestic bodies. This is the true secret of masked theatre. To routines and from an omnipresent melancholy. It no small extent it was through her collaborations should be mentioned at this juncture that humour and with English fooling artist Franki Anderson and a sentimentality are not ends in themselves but prepare Berlin-based masked theatre troupe, Familie Flöz, that the path for our astonishment about just how much Susanne Carl gained experience and perfected her our perception is guided by stereotypes. Susanne art. Because she does not work with neutral masks Carl is particularly fond of reflecting on stereotypical (as do people such as the great French pantomime roles and adept at caricaturing them. Bruno Weiß artist Jacques Lecoq), the mood and the emotions captures these parodies in precisely composed shots conveyed are predefined and the same applies to the which never lose sight of the quotidian aspect, even repertoire of gestures. The figures involved often when the scenes and poses in question can be disturb- seem decidedly naïve, unsure of themselves, in need ing. The photos neatly sum up Susanne Carl’s art, of protection, in fact. This means that we do not re- transforming it into the kind of thing at which she was main indifferent to them but that they appeal to our aiming from the outset. The finished product is the sense of empathy. kind of images that could also be described as staged photography. Parallels with Cindy Sherman or Gillian Ich bin nicht auf dieser Welt (I am not in this world): Wearing spring to mind, but such parallels fail to take The title of the book under consideration does not only account of the fact that Susanne Carl never loses sound so biblical (cf. John 8, 23 “I am not of this sight of her roots in theatre and clownery. This lends world”) because it is an abbreviated quotation. In full 134 135
the quotation reads “I am not in this world to live up I have a red street to your expectations.” It originally comes from the sweeper somewhere! famous Gestalt Prayer (1969) by Fritz Perls, the On pictorial composition found-er of Gestalt therapy. And because masked using masks theatre is not only suitable for educational purposes Regina Pemsl interviews Susanne Carl and Bruno Weiß but also, and especially, for therapeutic ones, the origin of the quotation is doubtless more than a coincidence. The full text of the Gestalt Prayer is: I do my thing, and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your Regina Pemsl (R): Bruno, I first made your acquaint- expectations And you are not in this world to ance more than 20 years ago when you produced very live up to mine. You are you and I am I, sensitive photographs of one of my installations – just And if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful. the way I saw it myself. Later, I ran into you again as If not, it can’t be helped. an artist – for instance, at LeoPARTs, with your work Mein Gesicht ist dein Gesicht (2009). How do you see Critics have accused Perls’ text of promoting selfish- your role in the project Ich bin nicht auf dieser Welt? ness, but surely it could also be read as a plea for respecting other people? For accepting people the Bruno Weiß (B): I logically see myself as a photogra- way they are and not the way we think they should pher, somebody who turns situations into images. My be. “To be valued for the person you are” – as Franki approach is quite a classic one. In contrast to current Anderson puts it on her website – this is the central practices, I try to set up my original pictures in such message in the art of Susanne Carl and Bruno Weiß. a way that they don’t require subsequent manipula- Is further proof of its topicality really necessary? tion. From this angle my pictures really do reflect my view of the world. Susanne provides the ideas for me to create a pictorial world that then has a great deal to do with me myself. R: Our world has unnumerable facets – do you filter something out of it or do you add something to it? 136 137
Susanne Carl geboren 1962 in München, seit 2001 Ausstelllungen, Performances und 2007 lebt als freischaffende Leitung von Seminaren zum Thema Kunstprojekte im öffentlichen Raum Pferdestärken, Installation und Per- Künstlerin in Nürnberg Clown, Narr, Maske, und Körper- (Auswahl) formance, Blaue Nacht, Nürnberg born 1962 in München, lives as theater Exhibitions and art projects in 2009 a freelance artist in Nuremberg public space (Selection) 2003 Rosi, Ross und Reiter – ein 1988 –1993 Entwicklung der Kunstfigur Rosi, die 1991 Denkmal in St. Leonhard, LeoPART, Studium an der Akademie der Bil- seitdem regelmäßig Teil von Perfor- Kunststudenten stellen aus, Bonner Nürnberg (mit Bruno Weiß) denden Künste in Nürnberg bei mances wurde Kunstverein 2010 Prof. Günter Dollhopf und Prof. 2007 1992 Frieda geht einkaufen, LeoPART, Hans Peter Reuter Gründungsmitglied von LeoPART, Triga, INTERIM – Zwischenräume für Nürnberg (mit Bruno Weiß) 1993 – 2000 Nürnberg, Schwerpunkt Kunst, Nürnberg Eine Reise ins Glück – Masken unter- Kunsterzieherin, parallel partizipative Kunstprojekte wegs, partizipatives Kunstprojekt in 1993 Fortbildun-gen im In- und Ausland Kooperation mit dem Staatstheater seit 2009 KunstRaumFranken, Kunsthalle zu Perfor-mance, Körpertheater, Nürnberg, Blaue Nacht, Nürnberg Zusammenarbeit mit Bruno Weiß Nürnberg Komik und Improvisation 2011 Preise und Stipendien 1994 1995 – 2010 Ein Denkmal für Neu-Ulm, Aktion im Prizes and Awards November, Stadtmuseum Amberg Lehrauftrag zu Maskenbau und Mas- Rahmen des Stadtjubiläums, Neu-Ulm kenspiel, Institut für Kunsterziehung, 1991 2001 2012 Universität Regensburg Kunstförderpreis der Stadt Lauf KunstRaumFranken, Kunsthalle Und der Gewinner ist…, Kunstvilla im Nürnberg 2000 2007 KunstKulturQuartier, Nürnberg Gründung des Rote Nase Nürnberg-Stipendium 2003 Meisterwerke, Kunstprojekt in Koope- Clownthea-ters, Nürnberg Rosis Luft-Raum, ortsspezifische ration mit dem Staatstheater Nürn- 2015 (mit Barbara Richter) Performance, Blaue Nacht, Nürnberg berg, Blaue Nacht, Nürnberg Paula-Maurer-Preis Raumspiele – Spielräume, im Rahmen 2001 2005 von SPACES, Haidplatz, Regensburg Teilnahme am Studienkurs Fool and Rosis Luftsprünge, ortsspezifische Performance, The Empty Space – Performance, Blaue Nacht, Nürnberg www.susanne-carl.de Theatre Research Studio, Bristol, 2006 Großbritannien, bei Franki Anderson Ross und Rosi, ortsspezifische Per- formance, Blaue Nacht, Nürnberg 146 147
Bruno Weiß geboren 1951 in Amberg, lebt als Ausstelllungen (Auswahl) 2006 freiberuflicher Fotograf in Exhibtions (Selection) Zeitlupe – Câmera Lenta, Centro Nürnberg born 1951 in Amberg, Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura 1986 lives as a freelance photographer Nürnberg / Fortaleza, Brasilien Plakat – Wand – Kunst, öffentlicher in Nurem-berg Raum Nürnberg 2008 1973 – 1977 Begegnungen, 6. Weißenburger Tage WASSER, Ponte Cultura e.V., Auf AEG, Studium der Anglistik und der Jungen Literatur, Gotisches Rat- Nürnberg Romanistik an der Ludwig- haus, Weißenburg 2013 Maximilians-Universität München 1995 Xianjiang, Rhine. 2013 Germany seit 1982 Große Kunstausstellung München, (Nuremberg) Painting & Photography als Fotograf Zusammenarbeit mit Haus der Kunst, München Show, Zhuzhou, China zahlreichen bildenden Künstlern, 1999 www.fotografie-brunoweiss.de Galerien, Museen, Firmen und Thea- Ich trage Schmuck – Schmuck und tergruppen in In- und Ausland Fotografie, Forum für Angewandte Lehraufträge für Fotografie an ver- Kunst, Germanisches National- schiedenen Einrichtungen künstleri- museum, Nürnberg scher Erwachsenenbildung 2003 seit 1998 Uma Ponte sobre o Tempo – Eine Mitglied im Bundesverband Brücke über die Zeit, Stadthalle, São Bildender Künstler Carlos, Brasilien seit 2004 2004 Lehrauftrag an der Bienal de Arte e Cultura, Jaboticabal, Jugendkunstschu-le, Erlangen Brasilien regelmäßig Lehraufträge für Schulpro- jekte an verschiedenen Einrichtungen 2005 Bruno Weiß – Offenbarung des All- seit 2009 tags, Portraitfotografie, Gemeinde- Mitglied von LeoPART, zentrum St. Jobst, Nürnberg Nürnberg, Schwerpunkt partizipative Kunst-projekte Zusammenarbeit mit Susanne Carl 148 149
Impressum Imprint Diese Publikation erscheint anlässlich Druck und Herstellung Print and binding: der Ausstellung This book is published DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH in conjunction with the exhibition: Auflage Edition: Susanne Carl / Bruno Weiß 1.000 Exemplare copies ICH BIN NICHT AUF DIESER WELT Institut für moderne Kunst © 2016 die Künstler, Autoren, im studio des zumikon, Institut für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg 22. 4. bis 29. 5. 2016 Alle Rechte vorbehalten All rights reserved Herausgeber Editor: Institut für moderne Kunst Nürnberg Erschienen im Published by: VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst Grafische Gestaltung Graphic Design: GmbH www.vfmk.org Timo Reger ISBN 978-3-903131-13-2 Texte Texts: Thomas Heyden, Regina Pemsl Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: Die Deutsche National- Übersetzung Translation: bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in Jeremy Gaines der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillier-te bibliografische Daten sind im Lektorat Proof Reading: Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar. Joshua Groß, Esther Bibliographic information published by the Kiener, Anke Schlecht Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in Fotografie Photography: the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed Bruno Weiß, außer bibliographic data are available on the Seite 149: Susanne Carl Inter-net at http://dnb.dnb.de. Schrift Typeface: Vertrieb Distribution D, A und Europa and Europe: LKG, URW Grotesk www.lkg-va.de Papier Paper: CH: AVA, www.ava.ch UK: Cornerhouse Publications, BVS matt 150g/m2 www.cornerhousepublications.org USA: D. A. P., www.artbook.com 152
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