Hyve Group plc Interim Results - Six months to 31 March 2021

Page created by Brittany Reese
Hyve Group plc Interim Results - Six months to 31 March 2021
Hyve Group plc
   Interim Results
Six months to 31 March 2021
         18 May 2021
Hyve Group plc Interim Results - Six months to 31 March 2021
Mark Shashoua CEO

              Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 2
Hyve Group plc Interim Results - Six months to 31 March 2021

  › HY21 Headlines                        Mark Shashoua

  › Interim Results                            John Gulliver

  › Conclusion                            Mark Shashoua

  › Q&A               Mark Shashoua & John Gulliver

                                 Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 3
Hyve Group plc Interim Results - Six months to 31 March 2021
HY21 Headlines
› Well-positioned to emerge successfully from the pandemic

› Liquidity has strengthened enabling us to trade through market uncertainty

› Retail Meetup acquisition provides key product for evolution to omnichannel

› Successful Groceryshop Meetup run in March generating revenue ahead of

› Completed exit of Central Asia with disposal of Kazakhstan portfolio

› 12 in-person events ran in Russia, Ukraine, China, Turkey and India

› Reporting revenue of c.£10.4m and headline profit of £27.6m supported
  by insurance proceeds and good cost control

                                                                                Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 4
Hyve Group plc Interim Results - Six months to 31 March 2021
Currently trading in between East/West and Recovery scenarios

                                                 No. of events                                      Key events


   Held1 in H1 FY21                                         12

 Cancelled in H1 FY21                                       29


Postponed to H2 FY21                                          5

     1 In-person events
     2 Shanghai  International Auto Air-conditioning & Transport Refrigeration Exhibition               Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 5
     3 Shanghai International Hosiery Purchasing Expo
Hyve Group plc Interim Results - Six months to 31 March 2021
Positioning the business for success post

Three key requirements:

 ›   Strong balance sheet to trade through until markets reopen

 ›   Portfolio of market-leading events capable of delivering maximum
     return on investment

 ›   Clear vision for the future – evolution to omnichannel

                                                                        Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 6
Hyve Group plc Interim Results - Six months to 31 March 2021
Strong balance sheet to trade through
until markets reopen
› Robust liquidity as result of actions taken to control costs and manage cash

› On track to achieve annualised savings in FY21 of £44m

› Covenant waivers until March 2022

› Confirmation of £85m of successful insurance claims

› Liquidity position has strengthened as a result of insurance proceeds,
  cost control and rollovers of postponed events

                                                                                 Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 7
Hyve Group plc Interim Results - Six months to 31 March 2021
Portfolio of market-leading events delivering maximum ROI
                     Manage the portfolio

                                                                                                                                           May 2017                FY19 Pro forma

                                                                                                          No. of in-person events                269                         71                  74%
                   104                                                                                    Revenue                              £134m2                    £201m3                  50%

                                                                                                          Revenue per event                     £0.5m                       £2.8m               460%

 269                                                                                                                  FY17 Revenue                                       FY19 Pro forma Revenue3
events                                                                                                                                    Global
                                                 86                                                                                                                                             Global
                                    111                                                                                                                                                         Communities
                                             Product-led                                                                          12%
                                             acquisitions                                                                                                          Russia
                                                                              4                                                                                                 27%
                                                                                                          Russia                         16%       Asia
                                                 17                                                                 47%
                                                               71                            75                                                                                          (incl. 15% US)
                                                                                           events                                        14%                                  8%
                                                             events                                                                                                ESE
                                                                                                                                               Central                              7%
                                                                                                                                11%            Asia
           1                                                                                                                                                                 Asia
May 2017           Closed         Divested    Acquired      May 2021     Retail Meetup     May 2021
                                                            in-person                     in-person &
                                                              events                     virtual events

               1 Launch of TAG, May 2017
               2 FY16 reported revenue                                                                                                                   Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021      / 8
               3 FY19 pro forma revenue based on the current portfolio of events, the Shoptalk and Groceryshop acquisition and Central

                 Asia disposals
Hyve Group plc Interim Results - Six months to 31 March 2021
Portfolio of market-leading events delivering maximum ROI

MosBuild benefits from market-
leading position
› One of the largest shows to run outside China
› 720 exhibitors with 66,500 unique visitors
› 7 content zones, approximately 200 speakers and
  launch of new flagship project, Space 2.0, devoted
  to the living space of the future
› Customer feedback:
     o   “We are very happy we are taking part in MosBuild 2021
         because the show is a great success.”
     o   “MosBuild 2021 is a key event for marketing, increasing
         customer loyalty and showcasing new products. We are
         happy there are lots of people and it is hard to find a spare
         seat at our stand.”
     o   “Every year we take part in MosBuild to showcase our new
         products. There are lots of visitors this year, the exhibition
         is a great success.”

                                                                          Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 9
Hyve Group plc Interim Results - Six months to 31 March 2021
Clear vision of the future – developing an omnichannel business,
in-person and online

                        Fundamental       Trade                                     Network                              Learn
                       customer needs
Omnichannel strategy

                                                                                                             Continue providing access to
                                        Introduce facilitated meetings to enable trade on site
                         In-person                                                                           market-leading content and
                                             Customer ROI and ROT materially improved                             thought leadership

                                                            Retail Meetup
                                                                                                           Deliver market-leading content
                                          Facilitate year-round online meetings for entire                  online through webinars and
                          Online                        industry ecosystems                                      virtual conferences

                                                      Monetisation and engagement                                        Engagement

                                                                                                 Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 10
Clear vision of the future - developing an omnichannel business, in person and online

Evolving in-person events – facilitated
› Shoptalk has developed an industry-leading facilitated meetings
  offering, underpinned by highly automated technology

› Sophisticated algorithm-led matching creates high barriers to entry

› Enables us to increase return on investment and grow customer
  market share

› Preparing to use technology across Bett, Spring Fair, Autumn Fair
  and Mining Indaba in FY22

                                                                                        Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 11
Clear vision of the future - developing an omnichannel business, in-person and online

Evolving online events – Retail Meetup
                            ›   Retail Meetup’s digital meeting programmes enable large-scale online networking and collaboration for the
 What is it?                    retail ecosystem
                            ›   Shoptalk Meetup October 2020: 2,000 participants in 18,000 meetings; revenue £1.8m and EBITDA £1.4m

 Format and                     Up to 24 x 15-minute meetings and up to 3 x 55-minute Tabletalks (peer group conversations on specific
 timings                        topics with 5-8 people) per participant held over 3 half-days

                                Retailers & Brands, Solution Providers, Tech Companies, Investors, Media and Sell-side Analysts, Real Estate
 Who joins?
                                Developers, Agencies, Consulting and Analyst Firms, Employees-in-Transition

 Why do                         Primarily to trade and network, grow their business, make announcements, seek investment / investment
 they join?                     opportunities, touch base with existing clients, discuss key issues in peer groups, access to industry experts

                                                                                                          Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 12
Clear vision of the future - developing an omnichannel business, in person and online

Evolving online events – digital Meetups in 2021


                           Jan           Feb            Mar            Apr              May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep        Oct          Nov           Dec


                                                (Cancelled for 2021)

  ›    Launched and performing well: Groceryshop Spring Meetup (March), Shoptalk Meetup for Women (May) and Shoptalk
       Fall Meetup (October) have already been launched and are demonstrating strong sales performance
  ›    Complementary timing: All Meetups are timed so that they fit with the in-person events (when these return) – giving
       Shoptalk and Groceryshop the opportunity to meet customer needs at multiple points through the year

                                                                                                                 Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 13
Clear vision of the future - developing an omnichannel business, in person and online

Evolving online events – Groceryshop Spring Meetup
                                                                                         “Format worked well - I'd say virtual was actually better than in person for 15
                                                                          738            minute meetings.”
                                                                      bookings for
                       participants                                                      “Loved the speed date like format as I really think it made best use of
                                                                     139 Tabletalks
                                                                                         everyone's time. We also loved all the Groceryshop info leading up to the
                                                                                         event. You were spot on and kept us on point. Also really enjoyed the
                                                                                         Tabletalks and the way the groups were formulated. We would absolutely
                                                                                         participate again!”
                        meetups                                        1,462 email       “The meetings were highly productive. I got 5 new CPG leads for our sites,
                                                                                         one job candidate, and had a great round table discussion on the future of
                        held over                                     introductions
                         6 hours
                                                                                         “A very good selection of people to speak with - good clients for me to get in
                                                                                         front of.”

                                                                         89%             “Really smooth execution from a technology perspective. Refreshing to have
                         6%                                                              short 1:1 conversations after a year of full digital events.”
                                                                     of meetups
                    no-show rate                                     satisfied the       “This6%
                                                                                               was probably the best virtual conference I have attended in the last few
                                                                      customers          months. Very
                                                                                        no-show   ratewell done. Small group table talks were extremely productive
                                                                                         and informative. I cannot wait to attend this in-person in 2022.”

                                                                                                                           Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 15
Clear vision of the future - developing an omnichannel business, in person and online

Evolving online events – Shoptalk Meetup for Women
                                                                                        "I just wanted to say thank you for including me in such a fantastic event.
                                                                                        These meetups have left me feeling energized, I learned a lot and met a lot
                           962                                                          of great contacts."
                                                                      bookings for
                                                                     118 Tabletalks
                                                                                        “Congratulations on staging such a magnificent and impactful platform
                                                                                        against the backdrop of such global disruption."

                                                                                        “I had an absolute blast. It’s so refreshing to have short and concise
                        meetups                                        1,076 email
                                                                                        sessions with #femaleleaders from all around the globe. Just focussed on
                        held over                                     introductions     how businesses could collaborate and creating win-wins.”
                         6 hours

                                                                                        “This is an incredible event you and such a great opportunity to network
                                                                                        during this challenging time.”
                                                                   people meeting
                    no-show rate
                                                                     in one slot
                                                                                        Thank you! Super impressed with your program!"

                                                                                                                         Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 16
Clear vision of the future - developing an omnichannel business, in person and online

Evolving online events
› Delivered over 80 webinars in H1 attracting more
  than 22,000 attendees
› Wide range of formats including presentations,
  round tables, product showcases and multi-day
›    Important means of keeping customers engaged
     and connected with their communities
› Strong customer feedback:
     o   “The virtual event was the next best thing to actually
         being in Cape Town.” (Mining Indaba)
     o   “It was inspirational and has given me so much food
         for thought plus I could experience the whole show
         when I usually only have one day in real time.” (Spring
         Fair @ Home)
     o   “Really enjoying the insightful line-up at Bettfest
         though we couldn’t help feeling nostalgic - we can’t
         wait for a return to face to face reunions.” (Bettfest)

                                                                                        Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 17
Key priorities for 2021

  customer market
    share on our                 Trialling
   market-leading         facilitated meetings         Launching 4
       events              for roll-out in FY22        Meetups to
                                                      monetise online

                                                  Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 18
Interim results
 John Gulliver CFOO

                      Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 19
Interim results

HY21 financial headlines
                                                      HY211                       HY201
                                                                                                          Reflects COVID-19 restrictions in place in H1. Events have run in Russia,
 Revenue                                            £10.4m                      £90.6m                    Ukraine, China, Turkey and India, but none in Western markets.
                                                                                                          Profit reported despite continued disruption due to cost savings and
 Headline PBT                                       £27.6m                      £19.4m                    timing of insurance proceeds.

 Operating cost2                                    £31.1m                      £77.9m                    Material cost savings achieved since the start of the pandemic.

                                                                                                          Total cancellation insurance proceeds to date now total £85m, out of a
 Insurance proceeds                                 £49.0m                             -                  maximum of £112m that we continue to pursue.
                                                                                                          FY20 adjusted net debt: £67.7m. Cost savings and insurance proceeds
                                                                                                          enabled the Retail Meetup acquisition in December 2020. Net debt of
 Adjusted net debt                                  £92.4m                    £157.2m                     £92.4m is before the receipt of £15.9m of insurance proceeds received
                                                                                                          in April 2021 and £13.9m confirmed in May 2021.

 Headline diluted EPS                                  8.5p                      10.9p3                   Restated following FY20 share issues and share consolidation.

 Dividend                                                  -                           -                  Temporary suspension of dividends.

             1 Results from continuing operations, i.e. excludes the results of the disposed Central Asia business reported as discontinued operations
             2 Before translational FX gains/losses and exceptional items in respect of impairments, intangible asset amortisation, M&A, TAG and other
                                                                                                                                                         Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 20
               restructuring costs
             3 Restated for June 2020 rights issue
Interim results

FY21 event schedule significantly impacted by COVID-19
                                           H1 Revenue 1               No Top 10 events held in H1 due to COVID-19
                                                                      Event              Division                   Previous schedule
                   HY20           £101m         £91m
                   HY21                                       £10m                  Global Communities                    Mar 21

                                           No. of events1
                                                                                    Global Communities                    Feb 21
                   HY20              43
                   HY21                                         132                 Global Communities                    Jan 21

                                          Top 10 events 3
                                                                                    Global Communities                    Feb 21
                    HY21              5            4            0
                                                                                          Russia                          Nov 20

             1 Excludes Central Asia
             2 Includesthe virtual event, Groceryshop Spring Meetup                    Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 21
             3 Top 10 events as shown on p43
Interim results

Modelled scenarios still appropriate as we enter H2

       Recovery scenario1                                                                                                          East/West scenario1
                  H1       H2     Total                                                                                                   H1      H2       Total
  Total                                                                                                                        Total
                  17       34      51                                                                                                     15       24       39
  events                                                                                                                       events
  Top 10                                                                                                                       Top 10
                   -       5        5                                                                                                      -       2        2
  events                                                                                                                       events

              Recovery                                                                                                                   East/West
              scenario                                                                                                                    scenario
      Events run all year in                                                                                                       Events run all year in
      China, Russia, Ukraine                                                                                                       China, Russia, Ukraine
                                                                           Current event schedule
           and Turkey                                                                                                                   and Turkey
                                                                                  H1       H2   Total
           Events in the west                                                                                                       No events run in the
            to run from H2                                               Total         2                                             west for the entire
                                                                                  13       34    47
                                                                         events                                                             year
                                                                         Top 10
                                                                                   -       4     4

              1   Excludes 14 events now disposed of in Central Asia
              2 Includes                                                                                Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021     / 22
                          the virtual event, Groceryshop Spring Meetup
Interim results

Revenue bridge
                  COVID-19 impact

                                    RUB      (0.5)
                                    Other    (0.1)


                                    Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 23
Interim results

    Headline PBT bridge                   £m



                          Translational   1.4



                                  Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 24
Interim results

Confirmed claims under insurance proceeds now £85m
                                                £6m                                                                             £4m
                                                 receipts                                                                      Received in
                                                                                                                                H1 FY21

                                       Received in
                                       April 2021
                                                                          £22m                                                               £11m
                                                                             Received                                                          Received in
                                                                              in FY20                       £21m                               April 2021

                                             £29m                                                                               £14m
                                                                                                                        Potential receipts
                                               in H1 FY21                                                                       Confirmed in
                                                                                                                                 May 2021

                                       FY20 policy: £62m1                                                     FY21 policy: £50m

             1   Consists of two policies for £25m (fully paid out) and £37m (partially paid out to date)                    Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 25
Interim results

Adjusted net debt bridge

                                     Insurance proceeds largely offset
                                        the operational cash flows


             1   Before receipt of the £15.9m of insurance proceeds confirmed in March but not received until April   Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 26
Interim results

Improved liquidity versus modelled scenarios
       Cash and undrawn debt facility                                                                                                     Cash Cost2
                                                                                                                   Recovery scenario        £11m
                                                                                                                   East/West scenario       £10m
                                                                                                                   Revised scenario          £9m                      Modelled FY21
                                                                                                                                                                        net debt
                                                                                                                    Liquidity covenant1

                             Retail Meetup
                            acquisition and
        £100m              early payment of
                            Nov 21 £17.5m
                               term loan
                                                                                                                   Original £17.5m
                              repayment                                                c.£80m - £100m
                                                                                                                       term loan
                                                                                                                                                                      Modelled FY21
                                                                                                                                                                        net debt
                      Sep 2020                Mar 2021   Today                            Sep 2021           Mar 2022                                                   c.£120m
                      £35m debt repayment                                                     £0m debt repayment
                         (was £17.5m)                                                           (was £17.5m)

            1   Liquidity covenant £30m-£40m until Mar 2022
            2                                                                                                                               Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 27
                The monthly average cash cost of all cost of sales, overheads and capital expenditure
Interim results

Tracking between Recovery and East/West scenarios

           costs, robust
         balance sheet and     Successful
            comfortable      monetisation of        Cautiously
              liquidity      digital offerings    optimistic about
                                                   events in the
                                                    second half

                                                 Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 28
› Positioning the business for success once markets fully reopen

›   Continue to see strong demand for in-person events

›   Market-leading events will have a competitive advantage when markets

›   Strategy and transformation programme position us well for a post
    COVID-19 environment

› Now actively developing our vision for a next-generation
  omnichannel events business

                                                                           Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 29
Mark Shashoua
& John Gulliver

                  Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 30
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                                                                                                                                        Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021    / 31

             Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 32

Leading the way on health and safety
for in-person events
› COVID-19 safety standards are part of licence to operate

› New COVID-19 safety standards adhere to government, venue
  and industry specific requirements

› Our Safe & Secure measures cover four areas:
  o Regular and enhanced cleaning and hygiene
  o Frequent communication with customers and colleagues
  o Social distancing measures – crowd density tailored to venue
     and location
  o Strong protection – onsite temperature testing, provision of
     protective equipment, etc.

›   Looking at possibility of rapid testing

                                                                   Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 33

 Life cycle of a Hyve event during COVID-19
                                                      Boris Johnson announces
                                                      further restrictions for 6 months
                  COVID-19 hits     Team start
                global economy      selling on 2021     Bett 21 cancelled

                     Jan 2020                     Oct 2020      Jan 2021                                              Jan 2022

    Bett runs in Jan 2020;        Costs reduced              Sales for the 2022               2022 safe and secure
team rebook for Bett 2021         by 10%                     edition commence                 event expected to run

                                                        Team works with customers to
                                                        roll over their deposits to 2022;
                                                        further cost reductions of 25%

                                                                                            Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 34

Consolidated income statement
 Headline Results                                                               HY21                                            HY20
                                                                                  £m                                                  £m
 Revenue                                                                         10.4                                                90.6
 Gross Profit                                                                    (3.2)                                               31.3
 Gross Profit Margin                                                                 -                                               35%
 Admin Expenses/Operating Income                                                (16.7)                                              (18.6)
 Insurance Proceeds                                                              49.0                                                    -
 FX                                                                               0.1                                                 4.2
 Profit from Associates                                                           2.1                                                 6.5
 Operating (Loss)/Profit                                                         31.3                                                23.4
 Operating Profit Margin                                                        301%                                                 25%
 Net Finance Costs                                                               (3.7)                                               (4.0)
 PBT                                                                             27.6                                                19.4
 EPS                                                                             8.5p                                           10.9p

 Statutory Reconciliation                                                       HY21                                            HY20
                                                                                 £m                                                  £m
 Headline PBT                                                                    27.6                                                19.4
 Adjusting Items                                                                 (8.9)                                         (188.1)
 Statutory PBT                                                                   18.7                                          (168.7)

             1   Results from continuing operations
             2                                                                    Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021      / 35
                 Restated following FY20 share issues and share consolidation

Divisional analysis
                                       HY21                      HY20
                                Revenue         HPBT        Revenue     HPBT
                                    £m            £m            £m        £m
 Global Communities                   2.1        (9.0)         55.6      14.2   › Only Groceryshop Spring Meetup and virtual events held in H1
 Asia                                 2.1             0.2      12.0       8.8   › Impact of event cancellations in India and COVID-19 on China events including Sinostar JV
 E/S Europe                           0.8        (1.7)          2.9     (1.2)   › Turkey event cancellations and COVID-19 impact on Ukraine events in October and November
 Russia                               5.4        (2.4)         20.1       4.6   › COVID-19 impacted events and cancellations
 Other Income                                         0.7                 0.1   › Management fee income from associates
 Central Costs                                   (5.6)                  (7.3)   › HQ cost savings achieved since the start of the pandemic
 Insurance Proceeds                               49.0                      -   › Insurance proceeds in respect of event postponements and cancellations
 FX gain/(loss)                                       0.1                 4.2   › Balance sheet retranslation of monetary assets and liabilities
 Net Finance Costs                               (3.7)                  (4.0)   › Lower gross debt after £35m repayments
 Total                               10.4        27.6          90.6     19.4

             1   Results from continuing operations                                                                                 Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 36

Performance analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                        Headline Profit
                                                                                                                                         Metres                      Revenue
                                                                                                                                                                                           Before Tax
                                                                                                                                           000s                            £m                       £m
                   Results from events                                                                                                       308                          96.3                     19.8
                   Discontinued operations                                                                                                  (19)                         (5.7)                    (0.4)
                   Continuing operations                                                                                                     289                          90.6                     19.4
                   Biennial                                                                                                                 (29)                         (5.8)                    (2.2)
                   Timing                                                                                                                       -                          0.2                    (0.5)
                   COVID-19 postponements and cancellations1                                                                               (191)                        (67.7)                   (25.6)
                   Non-recurring                                                                                                              (2)                        (0.4)                      0.5
                   Recurring events                                                                                                           67                          16.9                    (8.4)
                   Acquisitions                                                                                                                 -                          1.3                      0.6
                   Launches                                                                                                                     -                          0.7                      0.6
                   FX translation                                                                                                               -                        (0.6)                    (2.7)
                   LFL change                                                                                                               (41)                        (11.1)                    (6.8)
                   Recurring events                                                                                                           26                           7.2                   (16.7)
                   COVID-19 postponements and cancellations2                                                                                  13                           3.2                    (0.1)
                   COVID-19 cancellation costs3                                                                                                 -                            -                    (5.4)
                   Timing                                                                                                                       -                            -                      0.8
                   Insurance proceeds                                                                                                           -                            -                     49.0
                   Results from events                                                                                                        39                          10.4                     27.6

             1 Represents the prior period performance of events that were postponed or cancelled in the current period as a result of COVID-19
             2 Represents the current period performance of events that were postponed or cancelled in the prior period as a result of COVID-19     Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 37
             3 Represents costs incurred in the current period in respect of the cancellation of events as result of COVID-19

Adjusting items
                                                                                                                                 HY21               HY20

                                                                                                                                    £m                    £m
                      Amortisation of acquired intangible assets                                      Non-cash                   (13.8)                 (14.0)
                      Impairment of assets                                                            Non-cash                         -           (166.9)
                      Gain/(loss) on disposal                                                         Non-cash                         -                 (5.6)
   Operating items    Transaction costs                                                                  Cash                      (0.6)                 (2.6)
                      Integration costs and costs of realising synergies                                 Cash                          -                 (0.7)
                      Restructuring costs                                                                Cash                          -                 (0.9)
                      Tax on income from associates and joint ventures                                Non-cash                     (0.5)                 (1.5)
                      Revaluation of assets and liabilities on completed acquisitions and disposals   Non-cash                      6.0                   5.4
    Financing items
                      Write-off of previously capitalised debt issue costs on refinancing             Non-cash                         -                 (1.4)
             Total                                                                                                                (8.9)            (188.2)

                                                                                                      Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021      / 38

Consolidated balance sheet
                                                                                         HY21                             HY20
                                                                                           £m                               £m
                        Goodwill and intangible assets                                   306.0                            428.6
   Non-current assets   Other non-current assets                                          62.0                             67.4
                                                                                         368.0                           496.0
                        Trade debtors                                                     14.4                             36.4
                        Prepayments                                                       11.4                             13.4
     Current assets
                        Other current assets                                              26.4                             13.3
                                                                               (93.6)     52.2                             63.1          (113.5)
                        Net debt                                                         (92.4)                         (157.2)
                        Deferred revenue                                                 (57.6)                         (103.4)
                        Trade and other payables                                         (61.8)                          (59.9)
         Creditors      Deferred consideration and equity option liabilities              (4.8)                            (9.4)
                        Net deferred tax liabilities                                     (17.0)                          (28.8)
                        Provisions                                                        (1.5)                            (1.8)
                                                                                        (235.1)                        (360.5)
        Net assets                                                                       185.1                           198.6

                                                                                           Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 39

Cash generated from operations
                                                                            HY21                          HY20
                                                                              £m                           £m
 Statutory operating (loss)/profit                                           15.7                       (168.4)
 Adjustments                                                                  15.6                        185.3
 Operating cash flows before movements in working capital                    31.3                             16.9
 Working capital movements                                                 (31.7)                              8.2
 Cash generated from operations                                              (0.4)                            25.1

                                                                            HY21                          HY20
                                                                               £m                           £m
 Cash generated from operations                                              (0.4)                         25.1
 Interest received                                                             0.1                             0.4
 Interest paid                                                               (3.5)                            (4.0)
 Tax paid                                                                    (0.7)                            (2.2)
 Free cash flow from the business                                            (4.5)                            19.3

                                                            Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021     / 40

Current debt profile
 Facility      Original     Current                                                                                       Financial Covenants           Financial Covenants
                                       Drawn   Repayments                                   Interest
 £m          Commitment   Commitment                                                                                      until March 2022              from June 2022
                                               £17.5 November 2020
                                               £17.5 December 2020
                                               £3.0 March 2022                                                                                          ›   Leverage Ratio of net
                                               £5.0 June 2022                                                                                               debt to adjusted EBITDA
 Term Loan      100           65        65     £6.0 September 2022                                                                                          ≤3x
                                                                                                                          Minimum Liquidity of £30m
                                               £6.0 November 2022                           LIBOR + Margin (1.90-3.40%)                                 ›   Interest Cover Ratio of
                                                                                                                          until October 2021 and of
                                               £22.5 November 2023                          determined by the Leverage                                      EBITDA to net finance
                                                                                                                          £40m from November 2021
                                               £22.5 December 2023 / Termination            Ratio                                                           charges ≥4x
                                                                                                                          until March 2022
                                               date                                                                                                     ›   Tested every quarter from
                                                                                                                                                            30 June 2022
 Revolving                                     Amounts can be repaid, redrawn or
 Credit         150          150        92     rolled for periods of 1, 3, or 6 months up
 Facility                                      to maturity

 Total          250          215       157     Maturity : December 2023

                                                                                                                              Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021     / 41

Shareholder structure as at 30 April 2021
                                                                                                 Country of Shareholder                      % of Total Shares           No. of Shares (millions)
Helikon1                                                                                                                                           15.1                               40.0
RWC Partners                                                                                                   UK                                  12.2                               32.3
Jupiter Asset Management                                                                                       UK                                  7.5                                19.9
Amiral Gestion                                                                                               France                                5.4                                14.4
Bestinver Asset Management                                                                                    Spain                                4.4                                11.7
BlackRock                                                                                                      UK                                  4.2                                11.1
JO Hambro Capital Management                                                                                   UK                                  4.1                                10.9
Aberforth Partners                                                                                             UK                                  4.0                                10.5
Fidelity Management & Research                                                                                USA                                  3.5                                 9.2
Hargreaves Lansdown, stockbrokers (EO)                                                                         UK                                  3.1                                 8.1
Wellington Management                                                                                           US                                 3.1                                 8.1
Janus Henderson Investors                                                                                      UK                                  3.0                                 8.0
Directors                                                                                                                                          0.4                                 0.9
Other institutions and individuals                                                                                                                 30.0                               80.0
Total Shares in Issue                                                                                                                              100                               265.1

             1   As at 21 April 2021, Helikon Investments Limited had an interest in 15.1% of the ISC by way of cash settled equity swaps.
                                                                                                                                                   Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 42
                 Trading and collateral accounts have been excluded for illustrative purposes.

Top 10 events

         Oct   Nov   Dec   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun         Jul            Aug            Sep

                                                           Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 43

  Monthly average cash cost substantially reduced
                                                                                                                                                                Original modelled scenarios

                             FY19                                                                         Revised                                 FY21                                 FY21
                          pro forma1                                  FY20                                scenario                              Recovery                             East/West
Operational                                                                                                 £9m
cash cost2                                                           £12m
                               £16m                                                                         H1: £8m                                 £11m                                 £10m
                                                                                                            H2: £10m

cash cost3
                                £18m                                  £13m                                   H1: £17m                                £13m                                 £12m
                                                                                                             H2: £15m
                                                                                                                                   Includes £1.5m impact of early term
                                                                                                                                    loan repayment and £2m impact of
                                                                                                                                  Retail Meetup acquisition not included
                                                                                                                                       in original modelled scenarios

Net                                                                                                           £7m
cash burn4                                                                                                  H1: £10m                                   £4m                                 £5m
                                                                                                            H2: £2m

               1 After adjusting for acquisitions and disposals, principally the Shoptalk acquisition and the Central Asia disposals
               2 The monthly average cash cost of all cost of sales, overheads and capital expenditure
               3 The monthly average operational cash cost after including tax, interest, term loan amortisation/repayments and acquisition costs     Interim results: six months ended 31 March 2021   / 44
               4 The monthly average total cash cost net of customer receipts, refunds and insurance proceeds
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